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Электронная библиотека книг » Dale Brown » книга "Dreamland"
Dreamland - Dale Brown
  • Книга добавлена: 15 октября 2016, 01:20
обложка книги Dreamland - Dale Brown

Название книги: Dreamland

Автор книги:

7-8Часов на чтение
102 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
Город: New York
Год издания: 2001
ISBN: 0007109660 (isbn13: 9780007109661)
Размер: 224 Кб
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Описание книги

The beast is alive and prowling the high seas. As extremist Islamic pirates, armed and supported by a powerful Saudi terrorist, prey on civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden, America aggressively answers with serious muscle -- a next-generation littoral warship with a full range of automated weapons systems that the enemy has dubbed "Satan's Tail." However, unforeseen technological problems combined with the suicidal tendencies of a fanatical foe mean support is needed from above -- and a pair of Dreamland's awesome Megafortresses and their Flighthawk escorts are dispatched to the war zone.But bitter professional rivalries threaten to damage, perhaps even destroy, the mission, as a vengeful opponent takes advantage of the disruption -- to strengthen his outlaw navy and set its sights horrifically high -- raising the stakes in a battle the U.S. and the world simply cannot afford to lose.

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