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Fight You
  • Текст добавлен: 20 сентября 2016, 16:56

Текст книги "Fight You"

Автор книги: Cynthia Dane

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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 14 страниц)





Chapter 13




First thing I do is unchain her legs so she can stretch them out again. Then I unhook her hands, watching her flex her fingers and bring both fists down to her chest. Then I remove her collar, tossing it onto the nightstand and using that movement as an excuse to curl up next to her and leave a kiss on her throat.

She doesn’t say anything. I don’t blame her. She went through a full scene with me, and she did it beautifully – minus that one hiccup. But if I were going to pick any roadblock in a scene with someone like Katie, it would be watching her completely lose her mind to pleasure in that capacity.

I came close to it as well.

Fuck, I’m spent. All I want to do is drag her into my arms and go to sleep with my nose in her sweet smelling hair, but she needs aftercare after a scene like that. As soon as I have the strength, I kiss her, lightly, reaching into the nightstand to find the lotion that’s perfect for the marks I left on her ass and thighs.

“Call me your darling,” she mumbles into my chest, my fingers working the lotion into her skin. “Call me anything.”

I chuckle. My senses are returning to me, not that I want them to. However, now I can give her the due attention she deserves, and then some.


I don’t know why I picked that word. Yet I whisper it into her ear, letting my teeth and tongue tease her earlobe as I fantasize about what we’ll do in the future. This is only the beginning, Katie. You did well.

I tell her as much.

There aren’t many words to exchange now. Katie is drifting off to sleep again, and I would love to join her. As soon as I am able, I turn off the light and draw her deeper into my embrace, my mouth planting easy kisses on her skin as she begins to lightly doze against my arm.

She looks like an angel. A princess. A goddess. Her blond hair circles her head like a halo. If it weren’t for the pink and red all over her midsection, I would think she’s some virginal creature here to taunt me.

Oh, she’s taunting me. She’s making my life hell.


She’s enriching it.

I don’t want to let her go. I’ll keep her here forever. The outside world won’t miss her. I’d miss her presence more.

The words are on my lips, but I can’t bring myself to say them. It’s not the right time.

Yet when I hear her lightly snoring against my pillow, I take my chance and unleash a phrase I’ve almost never said in my life.

“I love you, Katie.”

She doesn’t respond. She’s asleep.

Soon, I am too, and I wonder if my feelings are only a dream.





Chapter 14




If I hadn’t seen Ken’s cock numerous times at The Dark Hour, I would think he was overcompensating for something with this beyond stupid car of his.

Look, I’m used to rich guys having ridiculous cars. My car wasn’t exactly cheap either, although in my family we tend to stick to nondescript sedans that are more flawless function than style. However, I’m not immune to a convertible here and there.

One of these days I fully intend on sticking Katie in my car and watching us be the envy of every man and woman looking upon us in traffic.

Anyway, Ken Andrews has pulled up to The Grand in his souped-up convertible, this giant Penis-Eating machine that makes even Dominic Mathers sigh in disbelief. To be fair, Lana doesn’t look too proud that her husband owns something lime green and isn’t afraid to drive it around downtown in front of protestors and the occasional reporter.

“I’m so glad he was able to make this a farce,” my father mutters as we get ready to welcome Ken and go inside to sign the papers finalizing the sale.

Okay, so the sale isn’t finalized yet. That should go through by next week, after which we will be given the keys and can start the real work on the hotel.

I’m not going to get much rest once that happens.

Ken’s barely to us when we hear the first vocal protestor on the other side of the street, where the police have designated a protected protest zone. We managed to get them off the private property, but apparently the guy who runs the business across the street is a sympathizer for… something.

“I hope you sleep well at night on your bed of money, you capitalistic pig!”

Cheers erupt from the other dozen or so protestors who turned out today. What do they think they’re going to accomplish? We’re still buying the hotel. We’re still remodeling. We’re still opening it as a bustling business in the community. Is it because we’re corporate? Is it because everyone thinks we rich bastards only want to destroy everything? Well, I don’t know about the Andrews, but I don’t think my father really cares about that. He gets his kicks from chasing women, not kicking the little guy while he’s down.

Some things are the same between us, I guess.

Ken ignores the protestor and waltzes into the building without us. Oh boy. Here we go.

I’ll be glad to be done with these people in the business sense. All the preening and mind games and bullshit has me so on edge that I keep waiting for another shoe to drop while we’re in our meeting. Our lawyers are present, displaying the paperwork we’ve all agreed to. The down payment has already gone through. All that’s left is to sign a few documents and then wait for them to be processed.

It should be routine, and it is, until the meeting is over and we’re shaking hands.

“Ian,” Lana says sweetly, bringing me in close. Great. Here we go again. More flirting. “We’re looking forward to the final meeting next week. However…” Woo! Here we go! “We’re looking even more forward to the festivities we have planned afterward.”

“Is that so…”

“Why, yes. Don’t tell your father, but after we have the celebratory drinks that afternoon, Ken and I would like to treat you and Kathryn to a trip up in the mountains.”

“Kathryn, huh?”

“Naturally. We were awfully hard on her these past few weeks. Not her fault, really, but we would like to make it up to her. Besides…” Lana puts her hand on my shoulder. Her classic move, not that her flirting works on me. “The party we have in mind is more her tastes than your father’s, if you get what I mean.”

I snort. “Up in the mountains, huh? I can only guess what you’re planning.”

“You’ve been to Le Château, right?”

“Once or twice.” Any rich Dom has been there. It’s a notorious place for the elite kinksters, where for one night you can hire a pretty woman to be your sub or Domme. Everyone knows that the on-call services of one of those girls are reserved for the Andrews.

Now they want to take Kathryn and me with them to this house of debauchery. Well.



“Then you know what a great place it is to relax and take a load off… if you know what I mean.” Lana pats my chest and winks at me. She’s too much.

“What are Kathryn and I supposed to do there?”

Lana laughs. Cackles, really. “After we’re done being entertained, you’ll find something to do.” Her sly smile makes me uneasy. “For example, maybe you could finally get that pesky sexual tension out of the way. Ken and I have been gagging on it these past few weeks.”

My lip is twitching, but it’s more important that I keep my decorum with a business associate than correct her. “Who said it was tension?” Oops. Too late.

The smile goes from sly to you sly dog you. “That so? Interesting. Well, you guys make a cute couple.”

I don’t respond to that. “I don’t care one way or the other about going to the Château after you hand over the keys. Take it up with Kathryn, though.”

“Why don’t you, since you two are such good pals now?”

Before I can answer, my father signals me to join him on the other side of the gutted hotel lobby. I take my leave of Lana and go to my father, who has arranged for his driver to pop around the corner so we can avoid the protestors on our way to lunch.

Apparently, there’s something he wants to talk to me about.

He made that much clear this morning when we arrived at The Grand. Made it sound important, too. I don’t know what the hell it could possibly be, but I’m hoping it’s nothing serious – like disease, a new wife, or one of our businesses going under. There’s been some trouble with a property in Texas that we don’t keep a close enough eye out on.

“Son,” he begins, while we’re still in the back of his car. His driver politely raises the divider. That man has been working for my dad for decades. Don’t know what we could possibly be hiding from him. “This business with Alison’s daughter needs to be resolved.”

I turn my head. “What are you talking about?”

“Are you dating that girl or not?”

“I don’t know why it’s anybody’s business.” I clear my throat. “Besides, she’s a woman and would probably prefer being referred to as such.”

“Don’t you start that with me. You’re a boy and she’s a girl. That’s how it is when you get to my age.”

“Regardless, my relationship with Kathryn is rather complicated. Why? Mom hasn’t gotten to you, has she? She keeps bugging me about marriage and babies…”

“Forget your nosy mother. This is a bigger matter. Namely that you two have been seen together outside of work a few times now. At our office building, at the symphony, at restaurants… for the sake of all that’s good for our business, Ian, people are talking. I’ve had more than one tart come up and ask me when the wedding is.”

I roll my eyes.

“Well?” Dad continues. “When is the wedding?”

“What the hell? It’s not like that between us. It’s casual. That’s what I told Mom, and that’s what I’m telling you.”

“Son, sow all those wild oats if you want. I don’t even care if it’s with Spencer’s grown daughter, although keep in mind I would like to maintain a nice relationship with Alison. Rather hard to do if he finds out my son upset his daughter in such a way.”

“Are you finished?”

“Not at all.” Blast my luck, we’re stuck at a light, and there are too many cars around for me to get out and walk to my condo. “What I’m trying to tell you is that you need to be careful with a girl like that. It’s one thing to date a woman from the civilian world. It’s another to court a girl as well-bred as we are.”

I feel like we’re living in some tipsy world. Usually you hear the opposite of this crap in the media, but no, my father is worried about me dating a girl of good standing like Kathryn.

In truth, I don’t know what our relationship is. When she left Thursday morning, I had come down from my high that told me I was in love with her. It was like any other day seeing her. I found her handsome, I wanted to talk to her and maybe make her breakfast and coffee, but I wasn’t heartbroken when she left. Don’t worry, I’m confused on my end as well. Hence why I’m telling people it’s casual and complicated.

God knows it is.

“I’ve invited Spencer and your mother to the house next weekend. Lunch. I think it’s time we all sat down and talked about this.”

The car lurches forward. My stomach lurches up in my throat.

“You’re kidding, right? I don’t even think her father knows.”

“He will soon enough. Your mother is the biggest blabbermouth this side of the Mississippi. Trust me, son, this is in the best interest of everyone. You’re lucky we already know each other and get along. Think of it as a celebration. Not every day our kids get together.”

“Dad, I will tell you one more time. It’s complicated. I don’t know if things will get more serious with Kathryn.”

The car pulls up to where we’re having lunch. While we wait for the driver to get out and open my father’s door, he says, “Doesn’t matter. It’s been done. Next week we’re all having lunch at the house.”

You’ve gotta be kidding me. First I’m taking Katie to that BDSM Château, and now I’m taking her to my family home to officially meet the folks as my, what, girlfriend?

Is Katie my girlfriend?

Ha! As if. That would not be likely.

No matter how you look at it, however, these next few weeks are going to be beyond interesting. I can only imagine how Kathryn is taking it all.





Chapter 15




Eva dithers between ordering a salad or the soup of the day at our favorite café. I’ve told her the news regarding this upcoming lunch my father informed me of, and now I’m pretty sure Eva’s brain is broken from all the hilarious implications.

“Soup, please,” she tells the server. I go with my usual of chicken salad. This place has the best recipe. We pay for it, too. “And you need an exorcist at this point. Pretty soon everyone will be in your casual sex business.”

I shush her, for all the good it does. While the exclusive café isn’t the busiest I’ve seen it today, there are still enough people milling about who could overhear what we’re discussing. I’m not in the mood for Ian and I to show up on Page 6 under the juicy sex scandal and gossip section. I’m tired of my sex life supposedly being other people’s business. Eva is right about that.

“I don’t know how this got out… aside from Ian hinting to his father, and his father telling his mother…”

“Ah, there you go.”

“This is so stupid.” I look around to make sure no servers are going to surprise me with their presence. “He and I are fully grown adults. We have our own places in the city. We have had multiple love lives independent of each other. Why are they making such a big deal out of this?”

Eva shakes her head at me. Is she mocking my naiveté I didn’t know I still had? Probably. “The simple answer is that they’re parents and want to at least pretend to care about their kids’ romances. Hey, you’re a step above my parents.” She shrugs. “Peaced out to Montana years ago and barely call me to say hello. I think they only talk to my brother because he runs everything now. I don’t dare think about the gay thing.”


“No worries. The complicated answer is that you’re, well, you. The Mathers care a lot about that because you’re the type of woman they would love to see their only golden boy get hitched with. Again, consider yourself lucky. My brother’s been dealing with Dad’s disdain ever since Monica became a public thing. Nobody wants Jackson Lyle’s ex who basically runs a legal brothel in the family…”

As usual, every topic diverts to the Warrens. Sometimes it’s charming how self-involved they can be. Other times, like now, I want to reach across the table and smack my friend upside the head.

“What do you mean I’m someone worth getting hitched with? It’s not like that anyway.”

“Yeah, yeah, so you keep repeating. What I mean is that no matter what one of these rich pairs of parents says around here, they all want their kids to marry laterally. Sure, some may posture that they don’t care if Ms. Jane or Mr. John come from a blue collar family in Factory Town, but they totally do. Marrying rich means more money in the family pockets, a new family member who knows how to behave and what’s what, and that good, delicious breeding nobody’s allowed to talk about these days without sounding like a classist, racist asshole.”

She’s got a point.

I don’t want to think about marrying Ian.

I’m sure he would make a great husband for a lucky woman out there. He’s those things my father would want in a son-in-law and more. Handsome, courteous, a real go-getter in the family business… I’m sure he would never want to hear about the BDSM thing, but I’m not sure he knows that about me either. Don’t want to know!

Ian is far from husband material for me, however. Besides the Dom thing – which I know I don’t want to experiment with more than a few times – we are both way too independent to deal with the other person full time.

When I imagine a longer-term relationship with Ian, I see it like this: we’ll meet up maybe once a week at most, but more like a couple times a month when we’re done working together. Depending on my mood we might have vanilla sex or we could play around with the Dom/sub thing. I’ll stay the night – or he’ll stay the night, since we could use my place too – maybe we’ll have breakfast and watch TV, and then we part ways until next time.

Maybe we’ll see each other at The Dark Hour, let alone with other people. That’s fine. Maybe I’ll feel a little jealous. I don’t doubt that he would too, but it’s for the best. I need to get my Domme kicks, and Ian Mathers is not going to give me that, no matter how many times I get on my knees and call him Master.

He shouldn’t have to, if he doesn’t want to. It wouldn’t be fun unless he was 100% wanting it anyway.

Can I say I’m disappointed by that? Because I am. I admit it. I still wish I could dominate Ian for a change. Although now that we’ve gone deeper in our sex life, I think about tying him up less. I don’t know if it’s because I can’t see him that way anymore…

Or if because I don’t want it anymore.

I look at Eva, who is so self-assured in her identity. Today she’s wearing a loose silk tank top and white cotton pants that accentuate her long legs. White stilettos. A blue teardrop necklace. Diamond earrings. That stylish hair that screams classy soccer mom or raging lesbian.

Honestly, she makes me insecure.

She has to know what she wants, so she does. She always looks so polished and sophisticated, even when she’s at the club spanking a girl or in my apartment wearing a T-shirt and jeans and stuffing her face with popcorn. I don’t have a crush on her. Not like that. But I admire her ability to blend in seamlessly anywhere, even if she sticks out like a sore thumb bruised seventy times over.

I wish I could be so confident.

You may think it’s silly that me, a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth and all the trappings that come with it, would be so insecure. I even realize how lucky I am to feel okay about my body and appearance. I’m not in love with how I look, but I don’t shudder when I look in the mirror…

Yet it’s not easy, no matter how much money you have. People judge you. They want you to fit into a specific mold, and across the class board, that mold means knowing my place as a woman. I’m fortunate to have enough money to tell that attitude to fuck off. I’ve met many women in my various campaigns who never had that kind of luxury. They can only make the best of a less fortunate situation.

Ian is the first person in this society who made me blissfully not care about who I am. When I’m with him, I not only feel good looking, but valuable and intelligent…

Even when he’s doing those things to me…


I look up in time for the server to bring me my lunch. Eva removes her snapping fingers from my face with a twist to her mouth. As soon as the server leaves and we have our food, she says, “Stop daydreaming about that guy for two seconds, huh? If I knew I would be having lunch with you and Ian in spirit…”


“Don’t play that with me. You’re thinking of Mathers like I’m thinking about the bacon in this salad.”

We eat and attempt to change the subject to our usual fare. My mother’s most recent letter from Germany, Poland, Austria… I’m not sure where she is. Eva’s mother and her terrible jewelry that she makes and keeps sending her daughter. Eva’s brother and what a mess the wedding planning is. Grad school, both her classes right now and my memories from a few years ago.

I’m thinking we can get back to normal when the owner of the restaurant walks through the door, escorting a young woman carrying a basket full of…


Eva snorts into the back of her hand, and I know right away that it’s Jasmine Bliss, the eager girlfriend of billionaire Ethan Cole. While I’ve never met the woman on a one-on-one basis, she has an infamous reputation in our circles for being…

Well, let’s say she means well, but lacks a lot of the manners so many of us are bred with. It’s the main issue with people who marry up into these families instead of laterally… aw, fuck, this is what Eva meant, isn’t it?

The Mathers are interested in pushing me to be Ian’s girlfriend and maybe wife down the road because they don’t want him marrying a Jasmine Bliss. Who, presently, is talking way too loudly with the owner and cooing over the juvenile cats in her big woven basket.

Lots of people bring their pets to a place like this. While most of them are those little lap dogs that are more or less well-behaved, there is one guy and one other woman who bring their cats on leashes.

A basket full of kittens is another story, and it’s taking every bit of decency Eva and I have to not completely lose our shit.

Jasmine looks in our direction and drops the smile. I turn away, blushing.

“I mean… I see what that guy sees in her…” Eva mumbles over her salad. “I go over to Cole’s office enough to see her there. Even met her when she was his, ahem, assistant.” Billionaire fucking his hot assistant. Tale as old as time… and how Caroline Grant became a Grant-Mathers. “She’s pretty, acts cute, and grew up poor like him.”

“What’s that last one have to do with anything?” I’m whispering, even though Jasmine is far on the other side of the restaurant.

“Honey, haven’t you been listening to what I’m saying all day? A guy like Ethan Cole, who grew up in the fucking ghetto on the other side of town, isn’t going to want to spend his life with women like us. We’re too high maintenance. Our standards are on Venus, not the moon. Can’t be helped.”

She’s got a point, which makes me think of Stephanie May, a girl who grew up middle-class but still “poor” compared to us. Would Ian want to marry a girl like that? Or just fuck her?

Would he rather marry someone with my background?

I’ve long known that if I’m going to get married, it would have to be with a guy as rich as or even richer than me. Men don’t like it when their girlfriends have more money, more social power. It invalidates their masculinity, which is already the most fragile thing on this planet.

And likely means a lifetime of loneliness for me, because even an obedient, submissive man would still get so much shit for dating a billionaire woman.

The mewling kittens reach our ears toward the end of our lunch. Looking over my shoulder, I see Jasmine still talking to the owner while her gaggle of cats fall over each other, nap, and sniff at her food. They’re short-hairs with black and white markings. Cute.

She catches me looking again.

“You need to knock that off,” Eva hisses at me. “Last thing you want is her thinking we’re some sort of mean girls.”

“People think that about us already.”

“Yes, but ‘people’ aren’t fucking and pumping money out of the likes of Ethan Cole. Who, I may remind you, is a good friend for any family around here to have.”

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. Besides, last thing I really want is some poor lady like Jasmine thinking I’m making fun of her. Even though I kinda am. That’s only because she’s such a rarity around here. Most rich bastards with their poor-to-rich-girls keep them hidden away to minimize the social gaffes. Not Ethan Cole. The man doesn’t give a shit, and I admire that.

So after she catches me looking a third time, I know I need to get off my ass and go over.

“Oh boy,” Eva mumbles, staying in her seat for her own good.

“Jasmine!” I say sweetly, standing next to her table. The owner excuses herself to go oversee something, leaving me with Ethan Cole’s sweetheart. She’s done up in a stylish blue and white sundress that flows around her legs and accentuates her black, strappy heels. Her long, wavy black hair has a sparkly blue hairclip in it, and her makeup is minimal but striking. Yes, I can see why a man would go nuts for her – even with the stripper name.

“Oh, you are…”

“Kathryn Alison.” I extend my hand, which she shakes with trepidation. “We’ve met a couple of times before. My father does some business with Mr. Cole.”


That was easy.

“I only wanted to tell you that I was… entranced by your gorgeous style.” I can practically see Eva banging her head against the table behind me. Excuse me, woman, but not all of us are experts in flirting with other females. Not that I’m flirting!

I chat her up, making sure that we’re on the same page when it comes to me not meaning to be a bitch. Like I said, I have nothing against this woman, and the last thing I need – as Eva mentioned – is Ethan Cole thinking I slighted his girlfriend.

Yet if I didn’t know this woman’s background before, it becomes painfully obvious now when she loses the words for things that are so simple in our world. She struggles to be articulate, and yet she isn’t a terrible conversationalist.

Besides, there are other more pressing things to talk about. Like this basket full of cats.

“Aren’t they adorable?” Jasmine plucks one out, a mischievous tabby with sparkling blue eyes. It clutches her shoulder and holds itself there. “These are the cats we found on our property up in the Hills. They’re cute, but such a handful… I’ve been trying to find homes for them, but it’s not like the old days when I could sit on the side of the street with a box full of kittens… I guess people around here aren’t really into cats.”

“Unfortunately not. People here prefer their lapdogs.” I look into the basket. How many are there? Six kittens? Five? Seven? It’s hard to tell where some end and others begin.

This basket seems to be pulling double-duty as Jasmine’s purse. Sectioned off to the side is an open compartment full of the usual things a woman carries. A wallet. Change purse. Small makeup case. A spare tampon.

A collar.

I glance away before she notices me looking at it. Shit, I’d almost forgotten that Ethan Cole was also a kinkster, let alone that I’ve seen this couple at The Dark Hour a time or two. Jasmine does not come off as submissive, if you ask me. So if she’s carrying around her collar, it’s because she has to be ready to go at her boyfriend’s whim.

Flashes of Ian presenting me with my own training collar enters my mind. He said it would help me know when we were doing a scene or “being ourselves,” wherever that line is blurred now.

Maybe it’s the same for this girl. Maybe her boyfriend – and Dom – set up the same situation to keep her placated and him pleased. Now I’m looking in this woman’s face and wondering how many times she’s worn this collar.

Before she can question me, I look into the basket again, where at least four kittens are piling on top of each other. Ian has a cat. A really pretty cat. Last time I spent the night with him I woke up to find that cat curled up next to me and purring like a happy motor box.

I’ve always liked animals.

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