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Fight You
  • Текст добавлен: 20 сентября 2016, 16:56

Текст книги "Fight You"

Автор книги: Cynthia Dane

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Chapter 5




I’m already drunk on this woman, and I’ve barely pulled her into my elevator and started kissing her.

Doesn’t matter that I don’t get to dominate her tonight. That can come later. At present, I only see her as this stunning creature that makes me lose my whole fucking mind.

I’ve been with women I can’t keep my hands off of. I’ve been with women who make me come undone in such mesmerizing ways. What I haven’t been with are women who make me completely forget who I am because I’m so consumed by who they are.

Their crevices. Their beauty. Their intriguing thoughts and what drives them to do what they do. I’ve been on the precipice of those cliffs with other women, but this is my first time thinking her name over and over in my head as I explore everything that makes her her.

She’s pinned against the elevator, mouth all over mine as her legs begin to wrap around me. Her breasts are pushed up in her dress, taunting me. I want her. I want her like I’ve wanted so many other women, and yet I’m discovering that every inch of her is something I want to get to know better.

The moment my lips leave a spot, I want to kiss it again. My mouth is so confused because like an asshole I’m making it try to do a thousand things at once.

This wasn’t part of my plan for her. I need to calm myself down.

No, what I need is to taste her.

By the time the elevator doors open to my floor, I’ve composed myself, and Katie’s smoothed out her hair and dress. I wrap my arm around her waist and direct her toward my door. We’re greeted by Saoirse, who hasn’t been fed in hours – and that’s a crime to any cat.

“Poor baby.” Kathryn bends down to pet my dying feline as I take care of the food matters. Not exactly how I want to be spending the first few seconds in my condo. “Poor baby. Daddy didn’t feed you.”

“I did too.” The moment the food hits the bowl in the kitchen, Saoirse comes running. Kathryn stands out in the living room. A million pussy jokes run through my head since I’m such a mature adult.

God, I should be nose deep in Kathryn’s cunt.

“Come here,” I say, taking her arm and leading her toward the bedroom. The lights are left on here in the living room, and I don’t give a shit. There are more pressing things I must do.

Like her.

I know I’m not supposed to be domineering tonight, but I can’t fucking help it! A woman like her is going to turn that on inside of me. I’ll need to take her. I’ll need to constrict her movements, to tell her what she’s doing to me and punish her for it. I need – need – to hear her come five-million times. Preferably on my tongue and cock.

Press her down.

Feel her writhe beneath my body.

Feel her constrict around my cock, siphoning every last drop of my seed out of me. Bare.

Right. My plans.

Katie acts as if we’re going to bed. She’s wrong. As she eyes me suspiciously, I direct her to the en suite bathroom, which I’ve equipped with candles ready to be lit.

Vanilla. Lavender. Women like those soft and sensual scents. Fuck that. I’ve got cinnamon and jasmine up in here. I like spicy. Katie is a spicy woman who can appreciate the same tastes.

Sure enough, she laughs when I start lighting the candles and turn off the overhead light. “What is this? You’re foregoing fucking me for romance?

I draw her into my arms, inhaling the scent of her equally spicy perfume over the burning candles creating the perfect ambiance. “You have no idea what I’m foregoing.”

“Tell me.”

Her ass is firm in my hands as I drive my nose into her throat. “Fucking you senseless.”

“Hard already after that hummer?”

“For you? I’m always fucking hard.”

I tear away from her long enough to turn on the faucets in my tub. I’m not an insecure man. Bubble bath is plenty, the soap mingling beneath the running water as I take off my jacket and toss it toward the covered toilet. Katie kicks off her flats behind me.

“Don’t get undressed.” When she frowns, I explain, “Leave me something to do, my darling.”

I’ve got a million names for her. Katie. Babe. Darling. Who knew a month ago that I would feel this way about her? The more time I spend with Kathryn, the more I want to come up with naughty names and hear her scream mine in ecstasy.

As the water and bubbles fill my huge tub, I pull her back into my arms and kiss her, hard. Her fingers play at my buttons and zipper. I let her. Fuck, do I let her.

“Did I tell you that there are plans?”

“You might have said that,” she says on my lips.

My plan is simple. As I ease her toward the tub and sit her down on the edge, my only thought is making her come before the bath fills with water.

She braces herself on the edge. I open her legs and kneel between them. As she tosses her head back, the tips of her blond hair getting wet in the water, I pull aside her silk panties and plunge my tongue into her wet, warm slit.

I don’t hold back. I want her to feel as wild as I did in the concert hall, where she sucked my cock so well that I almost shouted loud enough to drown out the music. I’m glad I finished inside her throat this time. As satisfying as it was to come on her face weeks ago, to mark her and put her in her place, this is about intimacy… and there’s nothing more intimate than feeling a throat on your cock, that lovely woman pouring all her attention into making you come as hard as possible.

It’s only right that I give back.

“Oh my God.” Kathryn opens her legs wider, almost losing her balance and falling into the water. “Fuck me…”

I do. With my tongue, my hands gripping her thighs and hips as she bucks against my face.

The water is rapidly filling the tub. If we’re not careful – or quick – we’ll end up soaked from the water overflowing. I’m a determined man, however, and I’ve set out with the challenge of making this woman come before it’s time to get in the bath.

She grabs my hair, my scalp, the edge of the tub. Kathryn fucks my face, her swollen clit pushing against my tongue every time it lashes out to taste her.

Wetness – and not from the faucet – overcomes my lips as we press on. She’s a maniac, grinding against my face, humping my mouth, and losing herself on my skin. Every time I inhale, I smell her scent. It’s getting stronger. Stronger. Stronger. The sweet menagerie of her voice and the running water is getting me hard, but I forego touching myself so I can touch nothing but her.

“Ian…” I love the way she says my name. “Eee-yan.” The sound is so desperate and drawn out. “Ian!”

Gushing. The heat smacks me in the face, and I greedily eat her, letting my tongue lap up everything tumbling onto it. She’s coming into my mouth, and fuck me sideways, it’s the hottest thing that’s happened tonight.

Her writhing gradually slows, and she eases me off her and shuts off the faucet. The water is at the perfect height. Kathryn looks at me, glowing, her dress falling off and begging me to undress her.

So I do.

Our movements are slow in the candlelight. She mutters sweet nothings into my ear as I untie her halter and help her shimmy out of the red dress. My lips suck the necklace dipping into her cleavage until she unclasps it and lets it fall onto the dress. Her panties fall with grace from her legs, and soon my darling Kathryn is naked and radiant in the candlelight.

“My hair,” she laments, holding it in her hand as I undress in front of her. “I don’t want it getting all wet. I washed it this morning.”

I open one of the counter drawers and pull out an errant hair clasp a long-ago lover left behind. Kathryn snatches it from me while I pull her hair on top of her head. It’s the messiest bun in the universe, and I love it.

I love it even more when she dips into the water, shuddering at how warm and delightful it is. As soon as I finish undressing, I join her, displacing enough water to reach the rim of the tub. My arm wraps around Katie’s shoulders and brings her close to me as I relax against the back of the tub.

Her arm circles in front of me, her cheek against my shoulder. I should have brought us drinks, but the candlelight and bubbles will have to be romantic enough.

“I never thought in a million years that you would put something like this together.”

Rarely do I see the ceiling of my bathroom. Can’t say I look up at it very often. Then again, rarely do I soak in the tub. Not alone. If I’m getting in the bath, I want to be with a woman. That’s real luxury.

“You underestimate me,” I whisper into Katie’s ear. “I’m quite the romantic man.”

“Uh huh.” Her lips touch my chest, and I can’t help but wonder what I did to deserve this moment. I thought she would have ran away from me by now.

Especially since she’s acting so submissive.

She probably doesn’t realize it, but the way she defers to my plan, the way she sinks into the tub, and the way she curls around me screams sub. Luckily for her, I can’t really think about it because the feeling of her hand rubbing my skin is lulling me into a light slumber.

I can’t sleep. There are things we need to discuss, and I wait until a few more minutes have passed before broaching the sensitive subject.

“We need to talk, Katie. About the other things.”

Her body tenses in my hold. “Screw you,” she mutters. “Can’t let us have one nice night without bringing that shit up.”

There’s nothing pleasant in her tone. It kills me. “It has to be discussed.”

“Why? You said tonight was about vanilla shit. I don’t want to think about Topping and bottoming, Ian. My thoughts are already muddled with everything else I’m thinking about.”

“Why are you thinking at all? Just relax.”

“What a typical guy thing to say.” Her fingers clench my shoulder. “I don’t know how you men can shut your thoughts off.”

Now it’s my turn to clench her, right on the upper arm. “It’s not a man thing, my dear. It’s also a sub thing.”

“Don’t bring that word up tonight.”


“Don’t.” The water splashes as she lifts her head and meets my gaze. Her blues are icy flames, and they’re pulling me in, threatening to burn me alive if I say the wrong thing again. “After what happened last time, I want to be myself with you, Ian.”

“What about that wasn’t you?”

She clamps her lips together, blond brows scowling in thought. “Don’t start that shit up. Don’t get you get it, Ian? This is what I want tonight.” Her wet hand gestures to the tub, to our nakedness. “I’m comfortable with you. Don’t compromise it.”

“I’m not going to do anything.” Even if she begged me in bed to get rough and Dom her, I wouldn’t do it tonight, no matter how much my body cried for it. I don’t want to take the risk of driving her away again. Every time Kathryn grows closer to me, something happens to scare her off again. I’m sick of that. I’ve learned my lesson. Please believe me, Katie.

She sighs anyway. Shit, the distance is growing between us again. Good job, Ian. How many times have you freaked her out? This is a good example of why we’re not compatible.

I need to remember that. This isn’t a blossoming romance. This is two stupid idiots trying to make something out of nothing – a negative nothing. Our physical attraction to one another will only take us so far.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters into the side of the tub. “I know you don’t expect anything of me tonight.”

Leaning forward, I wrap both arms around her torso, some of the water of the bath splashing over the side and falling down a center drain. My lips kiss her damp back, licking away the water droplets overtaking her. I’m careful to not touch her breasts or thighs as I embrace her again. I don’t want her thinking I’m trying to dominate her.

Although I would really, really love to.

I got a taste of her innermost self two weeks ago, and now I can only think of having more. She asked me to train her. She asked me, and yet I know deep down that she can barely handle it.

There’s so much pressure. Pressure from her to be kind, gentle, and the exact kind of Dom she needs to fulfill those fantasies lurking in the back of her mind.

And pressure from myself, telling me to forget all that and plunge myself into her again and again.

“We need to talk, Katie.”

Her arms fold on the edge of the bath, her cheek resting on top of her elbow. I draw a line up her spine, but she does not respond. I nuzzle my nose into her messy bun and inhale the sweet scent of the shampoo she used this morning. Even though my tub is big enough for two people, we’re still cramped in here, and turning on my side to indulge in her body means rubbing my soft cock against her.

Keep this up, and it won’t be soft for much longer.

“What the fuck do we have to talk about?” She’s pouting. I bet she’s adorable, gorgeous. If only I could see her.

I’ll have to make do with touching her seductive body.

“We need to talk about us.”


“Because you’ve asked a lot of me, and I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“Do we have to talk about it tonight?”

“Better tonight than when we’re trying to have a scene and you feel pressured into things you don’t really want to do.” Before she can protest, I say, “You wouldn’t think of it that way at the time. You would try to push yourself like you did the other night. That’s where things get scary for you, and I want to avoid that.”

She doesn’t answer. She knows what I mean.

“Katie,” I say softly, pressing myself against her. “Before we can do any of that, I need you to feel absolutely comfortable with me and trust me unconditionally, because I will push you. There will be times you seriously wonder if you should keep going, out of discomfort and fear. Please believe me when I say I only want our most mutual pleasure.”

I kiss her neck, but not hard. I want to give her an opportunity to speak.

“I don’t know what I was thinking when I asked that of you. It’s pretty clear we don’t operate together that way.”

“You are harboring those fantasies that you want to act upon. They will keep building up inside you until they start interfering with your usual life. I’ve seen it many times. With you… it’s very different, because you’re not like most women. You know what it’s like to seek out and feel powerful. Giving up power is hard, I know.”

Katie presses her forehead against the tub. “Why are you doing this? Why are you taking me out on dates?”

This isn’t a question about domination and submission. She’s asking why we’re even here in this tub, and I admit it’s something I haven’t fully thought through.

“Because I like you, Kathryn. I’m not going to deny it any longer.”

My hands touch her, finally, feeling her supple breasts in my hands and the heat between her legs. I’m gentle, but she knows my intentions. Katie relaxes a little. Not enough for me to make love to her here in this tub, though.

That’s all right. That can come later.

I can barely think about what I said. Of course I like Kathryn. Why would I be doing this if I didn’t like her? I’ve had casual sex with many women who didn’t do it for me, but she’s different. I want to be in the bath with her. I want to take her out to dinner and listen to her talk about her family and work. I want to curl up with her like this, feel her warm skin move with her breaths, and listen to her heart beat in her chest as we fall asleep together.

I won’t say it’s love. I’m a practical man, and being with Kathryn would be the most impractical relationship possible.

“I like you too,” she says softly. “But I also kinda hate you.”

I don’t ask for details. Who would want them in this moment?

A part of me understands. I represent a lot of things to her. Fear, foreboding, embarrassment. In a way, it’s the same for me. Well, don’t know if I would use the word hate…

“You know what I want?” Kathryn picks up one of my arms and tucks it beneath hers, so my hand can curl up and cup her face. I roll against her back, feeling the hot water soothe my muscles while Katie’s body soothes my soul. Nope. Not love.

Definitely not love, whatever the fuck that is.

“What do you want?”

It takes a few seconds for her to confess her innermost desires to me. For her to trust me enough with these words and not make fun of them. At this point I may still give her a hard time about things, but I respect her enough to know that this is not the right time. Instead, I stroke her skin, hoping I can take her to bed soon.

So many plans.

“I want to combat these voices in my head that say I’m somehow weak because you make me feel a certain way. No man has made me want to submit before, Ian. I don’t know what that says about you. I try not to think about it, but I can’t deny that when you grab me, when you growl into my ear, and when you get a little rough with me that I don’t feel so fucking alive. I thought I was ready last time. To explore that side of myself, that is. I realize now that wasn’t the case. Doing that with you requires letting go of everything I thought I knew about myself. As a woman, it’s terrifying.”

“You know that I would never let that leave the bedroom, right?” I am both for and against the idea of a lifestyle relationship for myself. I’ve dabbled in it, and it was fun, but I don’t know if I could handle a sub who needs me to dominate them 24/7. Not just sexually, but telling them how to live their lives and giving them permission to do every little thing. That sounds exhausting.

Not to mention, I like a woman with her own life and independence. They’re much more interesting. So what if two or three nights a week I want to make her kneel down and devour me?

So what?

“I’m not going to think any of less of you, Katie. Not for following your desires and sharing them with me. You’re allowed to be vulnerable around me. You’re not weak. You’re doing what you need to do to be happy. You work so hard to please people and to prove yourself. That’s admirable.”

I hope I don’t come across as condescending. I’ve been accused of that a time or two, and I know that Katie often thinks that about me.


I’m the only person who calls her that. The only man.

“It doesn’t matter how much I know that,” she says. “Things are still different. They’re different to me.”

“All right.”

She lifts her head, some of her hair falling from the clasp and landing in the water. She doesn’t care. “I want to still do it, I think. As long as I also get stuff like this.”

I kiss her skin yet again. “You can have it as much as you want.”

It’s not love.





Chapter 6




The water disappears down the drain. Ian gets out, grabbing a towel and drying himself off as I remain in receding water. His physique is especially handsome in the candlelight. His chest toned, his arms strong, and the lines of his abs curving toward his pelvis. He’s not hard. Well, not there. There’s something vulnerable about a man walking around naked in front of you completely flaccid. Intimate. He’s saying he trusts you to not make fun of him – because let me tell you, Ian Mathers is a grower, not so much a shower.

Better than the other way around?

“Let’s get you dried off,” he says, extending his hand down to me. I take it and am lifted up with hardly any effort on my part. Before I know it, Ian’s wrapped a fresh towel around me and is slowly, tortuously patting my skin dry.

I know what he’s doing. I let him, letting out a moan as I succumb to his backward embrace.

“You’re so soft,” he mutters, the white cloth brushing against my nipples and making them harden. The cloth is soon replaced by his fingers. His lips are on my neck.

“Ian…” I want a name for him, and not “wow, suddenly your cock is hard!”

“Yes?” His hands grip me harder, spreading my legs slightly apart so he can tease my slit.

“Make love to me.”

His groping slows. “Do you want me inside you?”

The towel pats my stomach. “Yes.” My voice is so meek. Whose is it?

It’s the sub’s. She’s coming out to play now that she knows it’s safe.

I let her, but only because it is safe.

Towel wrapped around my body, Ian bends down and sweeps my feet out from beneath me. My hair falls from the clasp, letting it clatter to the bathroom floor as Ian fucking Mathers once again carries me to his room.

I’m not afraid. I’m warm and relaxed, and he’s smiling as if he’s won some great prize.


Don’t get me wrong. Ian isn’t some super bodybuilder who can pick up fully-grown and average-weighted women like it’s nothing. Oh, he can pick me up, but I can tell any farther than his room and he would have some problems.

It’s okay. We only need to go as far as his room, where he gently lays me on his bed and climbs on top of me.

It’s dark in here. Not black as night, but the candles from the bathroom aren’t bright enough to illuminate this room. It’s enough for me to see his outline, the golden glow of his skin, and the countenance of pleasure he sports.

He’s so fucking handsome, and to think that he’s all mine tonight…

No amount of Mr. Handsomes at the club would be enough to give me the feeling I have.

I don’t know what this feeling is.

Maybe it’s love?

No time to think about it. I’m suddenly awash in heat and desire as Ian smothers me with his body, his mouth on mine and his tongue making an unreal descent down my throat. His big hands hold me down – gently – push into my hair, and cover me all over. I swear he must have five hands. They’re everywhere, rubbing my flesh, squeezing my extra fat, and making me feel like the most beautiful, most desirable woman in the world.

I moan so soon. With my legs spread around him, I can feel my arousal ease from my slit.

I want to be lost in these motions. I want to fade into obscurity, where all I have to think about is his voice as he climaxes, his body shuddering, his words dissipating into my ear. I want to only know what it feels like to be made love to – to make love to someone back. I want it all, because I’m a greedy woman who isn’t happy if I’m not having everything at once.

Except Ian ruins it for a single second. He bites my nipple, making me moan so loudly that it feels verboten. Then he licks my earlobe, his voice grating.

“I’m taking you, Katie. I’m going to fuck you with my bare cock again.”

These shudders I feel aren’t of pleasure. I’m flashing back to the last time we had sex, when that voice inside of me betrayed my trust. It said I wanted it. It said I wouldn’t have a problem letting him claim me.

It lied.

“Okay…” I want to feel his skin inside me – that, at least, was exhilarating. But… “Will you pull out?”

He’s kissing my throat, hard, leaving a mark that I’ll have to cover for days. “Do you want me to pull out? Do you want me to come on your thigh instead?”

His voice is droll, but in the dim candlelight I can see that classic Ian Mathers smirk on his face. What a time to reference that day. “I don’t want to be scared.”

“You have nothing to be afraid of. This isn’t BDSM, darling. This is me wanting to share the most intimate thing with you. Just like this whole night. I’m not your Dom. I’m the man you’re making love to.”

“I don’t know…”

“Babe.” That tone is almost admonishing, and yet I gravitate toward it. Ian, you’re destroying me. “We can’t move forward with anything else until we get past this.”

I know he’s right. When we have a scene soon enough, he’ll want to do one of the most basic things a Dom does. Namely, he’ll want to come inside me, and I’ll have to be able to handle it.

It seems so simple. It’s not simple for me.

“Do you want my cock, Katie?”

I close my eyes, feeling him all around me. His scent. His body. His warm voice pushing me to my limits. “I want you inside me, yes…” I’m empty between the legs. Ian’s hovering dangerously close, hard, unprotected, and ready to fuck my stupid brains out.

When I think of it that way…

“Katie…” His kisses return to my skin, overwhelming me with a burning need to be conjoined. Everything inside me aches to know him. To feel him. To take what he has and transform myself into someone I barely know. “Katie!”

I shriek, in desire and surprise, as Ian drives himself into me.

We’re gone.

It’s so instant. It’s so animalistic. Not just him, but me as well. I want him. I want this unadulterated feeling of fullness that overtakes me, my opening parting to take his whole length in one stroke. It hurts. It invigorates me.

I’ve been wanting this all night. I’ve been wanting this all week.

I’ve been wanting this ever since I first met him.

The man knows how to fuck. From the moment he’s inside, he’s working me, his hips relentless against my thighs as the head of his cock reaches for my G-spot. I’m wetter every time he even slightly pulls out. My hands are above my head as he holds them there and pummels me below. The sweet heat of his skin is undoing me. God! What is it about this man that makes me do things I never thought I would?

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He loves telling me that. I can’t say I want him to stop.

My hands brace themselves against his shoulders. Ian goes between staring into my eyes and closing his own, losing himself to the movements we create together. Because it’s not just him. It’s me, fucking him as much as he’s fucking me. The easier he slips into me, the more I want him. Shit! It sounds so good. The melody of his skin plunging into my folds, my cunt so fucking wet that it only serves as an intense reminder of what we’re doing.

I want to be wetter. I want to feel his wetness inside of me.

“Katie.” Don’t ever let him stop calling me that. I don’t care about the other pet names he peppers into our private conversations. I want to hear my name like that. I want to hear him come undone inside of me. I can feel it starting to happen. Not only my orgasm, my muscles clamping down on his cock as I force him deeper, deeper inside. No, I feel that sweet pulsing of his cock as he rhythmically thrusts into me.

The mattress sinks beneath me with every thrust. The headboard hits the wall, my squeals of impending orgasm as he sits up, holds me by the hips, and drives so hard into me that I…


I’m coming.

My eyes roll into the back of my head. All I know is that I feel so full and taken care of that I’m feasting on him, his energy, his ability to turn me into this kind of person. His grunts turn into long, hard groans.

“I’m coming, babe.”

It’s the only warning I get. At first I wish he hadn’t told me. But I grab his arms, holding myself firm as my orgasm hits a new peak and I swear to God he can do whatever he wants.

Like unleash himself inside of me.

My eyes snap open. Ian’s looking at me, drinking in everything he sees as he climaxes, his cock creating sensations that I was so afraid of last time.

I’m full.

I’m warm.

I’m warmer.

Every pulse of him is a revelation. I don’t feel afraid. If anything, I feel at peace. In paradise. As if this is how it’s supposed to be.

His seed coats me inside. Not once, but multiple times. Like he coated my throat in the concert hall.

This is so different. This feels beyond. It’s making my brain melt and body scream in joy.

I’ve never felt so connected to another human being before. He’s with me. I’m with him.

We’re one.

Oh.” I don’t know which one of us says it as he collapses on top of me. My arms wrap around him, holding him inside of me as my legs tremble, sore. I’m not used to spreading them so wide for a man. Yet he makes me want to.

I want to do so many strange things with him.

Before I want him to even think about it, Ian pulls out. This is it. The moment my brain might jump ship on me.

It doesn’t. I feel so at peace before, and I do after. Probably because Ian’s smiling at me with a kindness no man gives me in bed.

“You’re amazing.” His limbs entwine with mine, spreading my legs open just as I close them. “Can you feel it?”

Ian takes my hand and guides it to my wet slit. Shit, I’m so wet. I didn’t realize it, even with the sounds and sensations he gave me only a few seconds ago. Yet I feel it now. My own wetness and arousal coating my fingers.

And then…

Something pours from me, and it’s not me.

I feel it on my fingers. Ian’s seed, spilling from me as I convulse in the aftermath of an intense orgasm.

It’s everywhere. On me. In me. I feel a brief shock of panic that is quickly quelled with a tender kiss to the shoulder. One last shudder brings the largest gush of cum yet. It’s me. It’s him. It’s us.

Something happens. My body starts to slip into a post-sex coma that is mediated with a hug and a whisper in the ear.

“We’ll start your training soon, Katie.”

I think I’m nodding. I’m not sure. The darkness of sleep is claiming me.

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