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Smart-digital Bulgaria (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 11 февраля 2021, 10:30

Текст книги "Smart-digital Bulgaria (СИ)"

Автор книги: Cyber Kiber




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For 4 years foreign investments in IT have increased five times, and the revolution of sector has made 3,2 billion dollars in 2018. The edition emphasizes also the contribution to this wave opening in April, 2019 of the own technological centre in Sofia with 110 employees.

Tourism in Bulgaria makes an essential share of gross national product of the country. The majority of tourists visit(attend) a resort either years(summer), or winter according to a season. The prospect of development of tourism in Bulgaria iridescent, the country has both cultural and natural sights. In 2015 newspaper Daily Mail has named resorts of Bulgaria the most inexpensive in Europe. The grocery basket on key Bulgarian resorts on the order is cheaper, than similar on resorts of Italy, Spain and Turkey [57]. Besides in Bulgaria only two not tourist month – October and November. The Black Sea March is already sure spring with blossoming trees, in June вовсю bathe in the Black sea – till September. The mountain-skiing season begins in December and lasts till February.

The Black Sea coast of Bulgaria – a popular direction of beach tourism. Bulgaria was one of the major resorts for the socialist countries of the East Europe. In 1990 th years the branch has gone through recession, however rise now is observed. The great bulk of tourists arrives from the countries Western and the East Europe, Scandinavia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and the Great Britain.

The most popular Black Sea resorts. Албена, Gold sand, Riviera, Over Konstantin and Elena, the Review, the Solar coast, Созопол, Елените, Sacred Влас.

Бальнео (SPA) resorts. Велинград, Сандански, Хисар, Paul Banja, Нареченски the Bath, Выршец.

Mounting skiing resorts. Банско, Боровец, Пампорово, Витоша. On mounting skiing resorts, as well as on Black Sea, conducts active updating hotel base and a mountain infrastructure. New lines are under construction, modern lifts (for example, Doppel mayer) are established. Resorts have small general(common) extent of lines, descents( releases) of average and low complexity prevail, than Bulgaria concedes to popular Alpine directions.

July, 5, 2009 a victory the right-centrist opposition party has gained the ARMS headed харизматичным by the mayor of Sofia Is brisk Борисовым. His(its) party(set) has put shattering defeat to socialists, having received 117 places from 240 in parliament of the country [25 [ 26 ]. The coalition for Bulgaria (БСП) has received 40 mandates, ДПС – 38, Attack – 21, the dark Blue coalition – 15, the Order, legality and validity – 10. The government generated July, 27, 2009, Borisov has headed Briskly. The party(set) "ARMS" – its(her) ideology – radical liberalism, she(it) supports the European choice for Bulgaria and its(her) further participation in the euro-Atlantic cooperation.

It is possible to understand the Bulgarian elites, afraid to lift a voice in protection of national interests, – you see their country is so insignificant and weak in comparison with great powers of the West. Only a number(line) is absolutely other examples. Some states East Europe instead of taking a pity position  we small, poor and weak, we do not have opportunities to resist to orders of Americans and EU, quite successfully manoeuvre, regarding as of paramount importance own interests. Also that it is typical, results of a similar policy(politics) at them in times it is better, than at really living in misery Bulgaria, all given out for the sake of the light European future.

There is a Poland which in any way cannot be reproached with sympathy to Russia, but will not argue, that Warsaw conducts an independent policy(politics), at all not being afraid of irritation of EU. There is a Hungary doing(making) that considers it necessary, and any discontent from the outside to it(her) not the decree. Eventually, there is a small rather poor Serbia which, despite of all pressure on the part of the West, refuses to renounce deep communication (connection) with Russia – and it already how many years do not attract any fatal consequences for Belgrade.

Now the situation around of the Bulgarian part of  the Turkish stream  starts to cause directly clinical interest. whether authorities of the country rarely will risk to defend national interests or will finish the grovelling before  higher structures up to the logic end, having lost and this pipe.

The representative of association «Active consumers » has declared, that the message of Agency on protection of food stuffs about infected сальмонеллой курятине from Poland was late. In his(its) opinion, the most part of infected chicken meat is already eaten with the Bulgarian consumers.

The adviser of Embassy Bulgaria in Ukraine has declared, that commodity circulation between the countries has fallen in 3 times about 3 billion dollars per one year up to 1 billion.

In the third quarter of gross national product of Bulgaria has grown on 3.7 %.

In the third quarter 2019 of gross national product of Bulgaria has made 31 764 million левов under the current prices. In 2020 all pensions will be increased Bulgaria by 6.7 %, (at инф 2.3 %, in the Russian Federation promise 6.6 % at инфл 5.5 %) the minimal salary becomes 610 левов (25 тыс.руб.)

In interrogation Expat Insider, Bulgaria has won first place on the Balkan and 11 in the world among the best directions for Expat – convenience of residing, cost of life and the finance, quality of life, employment.

Hotel business – platform.

Whether world(global) giants in sphere of online – booking of rooms and apartments for short-term rent, such as Airbnb, Booking, Expedia, social network Facebook etc. will refuse the business in Bulgaria? They have just created in the country a network from the owners offering places for accommodation, and clients as authorities have decided to settle their business and to enter rules, which to taste not all. It was offered by two Bulgarian deputies. Their idea – to legalize activity of owners about 10 000 apartments in the country which offer them for short-term accommodation by means of the mentioned online – platforms that generates a revolution at a rate of about 1.7 million euro per one year. Third of offers is concentrated in Sofia where average employment makes 56 %, and the average income of an apartment per one month reaches(achieves) 465 euros.

Buking, with the curve interface, for the not the most qualitative services to partners they cut of 15 % (вип-программа=18 %), plus of the VAT.

For this reason frequently offer clients the direct bargain at a discount 8 %. Those who is not afraid (adequate) save essential money.

The Bulgarian authorities pursue the gipsy, compulsorily moving them from habitation, badly concern to LGBT and to other minority. Switzerland has allocated more than 9.5 million левов to the aid of a gipsy community in Bulgaria. Target use of means means financing projects on training children and adults, culture.


Lecture 3.
As the new form of statehood.
Self-management, Smart-votings,
Identification and the new Law and order.

« Voice People – Voice Divine ».

The Bible.

Part 3-1.   

SDB – as the new form of statehood.

Idea (IOSM– THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС– SDB) is simple, comfortable and clear for human reason since it is conformable with conscience, spirituality and a pragmatism of the majority of people, wishing to live creatively, is stable, prosperous, free and is cheerful. In compact and fertile Bulgaria it is possible to construct really working national «morally – justified economy and more free social order of 21-st century ».

Where freedom and the law are uniform for all citizens,and the private property and business are really inviolable, as well as habitation. Where signature of the physical person to not change (biometrics etc.), documents to not forge (block chain), video-fixing to not edit (lawyer) and to not lose, where many other digital services of qualitative life of people operate also.

In IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) «Smart-digital Bulgaria » citizens in cities and settlements should learn by agreement to solve – as him(it) safely to live among themselves what to pay taxes to build business, to create public services what to use cultural and ecological traditions. Under what laws to exist, in what first of all to put investments as where to erect, where and than to trade how to supervise imperous executors, quality of the goods, services and many other things.

Not the ground and authority for officials and oligarchyа,and the ground and authority for people living on it(her), on the knowledge, experience and traditions of humanism. Discussing and agreeing in a mode an on line of conferences, creating groups of interests, choosing leaders for preparation of precise decisions and voting with smart-phone (multistage). Obviously, on bio-numbered or pseudo-anonymous but that it was visible as you and others have voted on a site of municipial electoral committee that have not tightened up to you.

3/4 or 2/3 voices have typed (collected), at 90 % voting, (from those who is registered in this territory)and let imperous officials execute these decisions of weights. Everywhere realizing a constitutional law – «people also is the Supreme authority»! Reforming old systems state administration sresidual neo-feudalismа, created «for administrative – power operation of the population » watered-financial elites.

Creating from below upwards systems of better services removed (remote) public services, work, formation (education) and trade. Doing (making) easier, simple and safe life of the majority of citizens in the new global – technological digital world.

In it there is a main difference of new digital national self-management (digital hyper democracy) from any other. Even, if the majority was mistaken with the decision or opponents have proved more effective, is short and re-vote. Smart-phone always beside, think, analyze and vote. Gradually people will get used to solve urgent questions more responsibly (crucially), become « obvious citizens », able to find compromises.

At will of destiny him(it) only amplified(strengthened) majority in 3/4 or 2/3 voices, instead of usual ½ from 30 % voted was necessary to live in one country, in one city or the settlement, therefore, will not give to usurp authority stronger selfish to leaders that prospers till now in Bulgaria.

 Self-management, from below upwards.

The purpose of the state–

Protection of freedom of citizens.

Philosopher Baruh Spinoza.

Ideas decentralized crowd-managements as was earlier in « patrimonial and breeding caves », again leave on the foreground in searches of the best decisions, but already in other scale and at other technological level. It does not contradict parliamentary democracy, and only will force deputies both other power structures and agencies «to fulfil the bread » more effectively, according to the Constitution, pre-election pledges and the authorized plans.

Cities, kmet-local administrations it is necessary to do (make) management of territories completely open, transparent and accountable for the citizens registered there. I.e. on a site of administration, except for plans (detailed, under clauses(articles) of expenses) for one year and executions (performances) (by the month, with responsible(crucial)), should be a platform of discussions (on line), the control and Reputation estimations of each official – executor of works,each Citizen, are more senior than 14 years. Participation simple and convenient for citizens in self-management also consists in it.

And the system of votings / discussions should be uniform on all country – for the centre, for area and for kmet. To be accompanied and administered by the private(individual) business which has gained competition. And to belong to independent  Electoral committee of the country, with opportunities national (parties (sets) НКВД) and prosecutorial the control.

Initiative groups of inhabitants of a community shouldhave the right to bring and change local acts and decisions for discussions and votings. To develop them, together with administration, finding sources financing and leading up formulations that the automatic control of execution(performance) was possible (probable).

Discussions db deanonymous, on bio numbers or full name, text or in a mode of video  conferences, with a regulation of quantity(amount) likes, performances (statements) and remarks (комментов), for day, week, month. Local, living in territory kmet, it is more preferences, than nonresident and from other areas. It is not enough, to the registered foreign EU – tourists. An opportunity of full access to discussions to citizens of EU it should be defined(determined) on network сходе inhabitants kmet.

Under the similar circuit elections and discharge of any responsible (crucial) officials should be carried out(spent), switching chapters of city, kmet, areas and the countries. By results of, not waiting the end of term of board. There should be Elections to legislative and judicial authority, chapters of police branches, public prosecutors, judges and other imperous persons.

To the inhabitants who have typed (collected) many (a lot of,much) minuses at discussions – (bаn)-discharge for one week or is more, that there were no squabbles, trolling and hype. Foreigners outside of the admission.Digital National democracy, it not street anarchy, and the weighed, quiet network discussion of ripened problems of territory and development (manufacture) of conciliatory proposals by responsible (crucial) inhabitants of this territory.

                             Part 3-2

                Smart-votings and referenda.

Today's working Systems of Electronic voting and referend, including an opportunity of the removed voting with smartp-hone, any more do not satisfy to inquiries of citizens. In the Eurounion it is necessary to create uniform system the EXPERT of electronic multistage voting. Where the juggling of voices admins-moderators, roundabouts, hacker breaking, losses from DOS attacks and another not legitimacy would be impossible turn. Even the most advanced open system of " on paper-electronic" votings (X-Road) in Estonia where the set of times is possible to vote, but is taken into account the last, is not deprived lacks. Though to start it is necessary from it (her), improving under specificity of Bulgaria.

But of it most of all many also are afraid present pro-government  neo-feudal lords and their numerous lackeys an environment – legal, power (force) and information. Are afraid wide national net work community netocracy, that legitimacy «belief in governors » will allow to transfer (translate) in logic and the control on the facts of execution (performance) of promises and change of quality of life of people in territory responsible (crucial) to this official. And their life national Reputation prosecution.

The system of multistage smart-votings isa basis of national digital democracy and without stably working system IOO PNS of her(it) to not construct. To create such protected system uneasy, but then votings become ordinary and cheap routine. That it is necessary to have, in an ideal-

Personal Smart-phone + wrist the Electronic passport (the Identifier of the Person of "SILTS"), at each citizen, is more senior than 14 years.

The staticized Register of citizens of country (РГС) (kmetа, areas, the countries), with registration of residing, civil rights, with personal biometric  and the adhered devices.

Uniform national providercellular communication and UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY -ЕИПСС (Intranet).

The uniform Automatic distributed(allocated) system of multistage votings of the country, with branches (the EXPERT "Voting")

Systemof dispatch of codes for voting, for discussions, fixing of candidates and their plans. Display of a course of votings to a site, the control of results etc is necessary.

Public video and the broad gully – control of access to means and software of system, admins and controllers. Overcast, distribution and cipher security the HARDWARE, a software and communication lines of system.

The constitutional decision on legitimacy of System of multistage Smart-votings and Smart-referenda in the country. And still many other things

Only such automatic system will give real effect of democracy. Will enable simple and clear votings for 99 % of citizens, starting (beginning) from a concrete house, quarter, settlement, kmetа, areas and the countries as a whole. Will put an end to the contemptious attitude (relation) to modern citizens of the country, as to « inadequate crowd – ohlosu », not capable to accept critical decisions. That is amplified (strengthened) is preached by authorities through laws, selling political scientists and MASS-MEDIA.

Here is how the interface of system of smart-votings can look. To everyone who has the right to vote on the current question.

Come auto-SMS some days prior to voting, with your current casually chosen pseudo-code (a guarantee of anonymity) and the list about what to vote.

В the Appendix reminds day of voting, that «you should vote ». You put "daw" against the choice / candidate and you press – "To vote", then – "To confirm or cancel" and once again to think.

In one minute on a site of municipial electoral committee, on the pseudo-code you check, how your voice was fixed by system. And as other townspeople (number) and have voted change of the sums.

It is possible to start the smart-phone appendix which is counting up the sums on candidates, under the table, we admit(allow).

               Elections of the Chapter of City. 

The number, having a vote, by the beginning of one year XXXXXX

By the beginning of one month – XXXXXX, for date of voting XXXXXX

Candidates. A1, A2, A3  With, …

Results of voting.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..

ХХХ1234 – time xx = has voted for the candidate X1

АВС0987 – time yy   – has refrained                    A2

ХВС0890 – time zz = …. for candidate                 A3

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..

Result, on current time,

for A1 = 934 voices  4 %

For A2 = 6789 … …. 25 %

For A3 = 3333 … …. 13 %

All others –  have refrained … xx%

When in the Register of Voters (РИ) of city, area and the country, except for FULL NAME, identification number of the person(SILT) and addresses of registration from РГС, are personal telephone number of a voting sim card (map) adhered SILT smart-phone it is easy cut off all others, not voting numbers and to locate territories (house) to the address of registration of people.

The city cellular operator (automatic device) should supervise, « voting СМСки » to recheck a urgency of numbers of a Sim -card, and the system of voting should analyze their conformity FULL NAME, to appropriated(given) pseudo-numbers, codes of numbers of SILTS, a geoposition, IP, the POPPY and HAVE – NUMBERS of the smart-phone /эл-passport and to supervise reception of messages by citizens. Voting from abroad only under the forward ordering. Swappable and unregistered numbers are ignored.

Hereit is better to touch with the control and checks, than then « to scratch turnip » at cyber scams and proofs of legitimacy in courts. Also it is necessary to connect withsystem  ГАС-elections  city ​​registers (горреестры) the population of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, registry offices, honey – funeral services and arrival / departure from the country. To make registration of residing and voting personal smart-phone remote, to nationalize cellular communication still more many that.

In our digitally-century, it is necessary to count all other votings illegitimate, favourable only to authorities and them прислужникам. And as congenital property of any state limits freedom of citizens, minions. read in works of Nobel winner Miltona Fridmana.

                      Identification of persons,

                     establishments and business.

The world (global) anonymous Internet on the primary technological nature appeared is very much vulnerable owing to the simple openness for billions various users and devices. Heavy losses and damages suffer(bear) as people, and Business and state structu reswhen "fall" their server, are destroyed or « the private data etc flow away on the market ».

On use numerous vulnerabilitie a world net, operational systems and numerous appendices bookmarks, viruses, trojans and other modern superlong-rangecyber-weapon of mass defeat of opponent (ОМП) also are created.

That is whyit is necessary to separate internal network (UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС)), from external anonymous everything to separate serious resources from  hyip razlekalova. Though it is expensive and uneasy. This paradox of development, the mankind repeats earlier history when every one knew everyone in the cave sort, then in a tribe or in a small village. But now it occurs at higher techno-level and "village" became all world. The refores truggle « for privat» is next « technological fake» short-sighted conservatives.

Also it is not necessary to build illusions and about peaceful co-existence « great and not so », powers in the future space of the Internet. The Cyber-weapon and fake-propagation less, are less vulnerable and more , are fast and massed, therefore their superiority (championship) in the future wars – is provided. And the damage from new ОМП to the opponent is already comparable with application of the expensive material weapon.

The conclusion 1 – urgently should be built protected for an input (entrance) from the out side internal state– fibre-optical UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС) for serious has put – gos-fin-obr-med and other services, where an input(entrance) « on numbers with registered devices . With gradation of access for physical and legal persons, for exchanges and processing Meta and the Pers-data.

Conclusion 2. It is necessary to study to do(make) the devices – smart-phone, laptops, a server, strictly certificating Chinese and other another's components. To develop nats-Bios, OS, appendices and anti viruses to create protected "EU – software" and "iron", superseding strangers.

In the digital world all important material and information can be already rigidly adhered to the person to the owner – his(its) life «bionumber – to the Identifier of the person (SILT) ». A basis of identification -the person, as the physical person determined multivariate biometrics, an info – history, bionumber personal smart-phone and  the electronic passport. It should define (determine) on 100 % that you and there are you actually in UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС), as real, registered in this state,biologically unique Person. To serve as your certifying electronic signature. Instead of that menagerie from login, passwords, solving captchas and other crypto-tokens. They can be left for the big Internet WWW.

Verification of such e-signatures should be in UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС) multistage, depending on the sum of payments and importance of documents. Consistently – an identificationr ing, for payments up to 10 $,Smart-phone with NFC + (pers-sim card) for more expensive(dear) purchases, or wrist the electronic passport (biometrics, NFC, RFid a label), for even more important. Further, questions from your info – history and other multi factorial info – biometrics, including video ack nowled gement (video confirmation) of your authorized representatives in real time, for over the important documents and very expensive (dear) purchases.

It is necessary-

That, the Register of Citizens of Country (РГС) all changes biometrix (including surgical operations), the important info – histories and new"number" binding were fixed, in case of replacement of devices.

All systems of communication (connection), гос-automation and fin-bank sphere in (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) should be uniform and state, but their service should is made by the private (individual), certificated companies and the persons who have gained competition.

In the country precisely working public – open Tax register Business countries (РБС), state institutions (РГУС) and other "offices" adhered to also is necessary for the not and owners – heads. With coordinate geo binding all of " offshore daughters » etc.

Precise identification is still necessary to resist dynamic avatars – to digital doubles of the real person. The opportunity has already appeared, having trained neural network on your performances (statements) in MASS-MEDIA to make video – deepfake where you make a crime, declare war or is indistinguishable « kill Троцкого ».

On video you, your person and a mimicry, a voice, clothes. Also try prove, that it virtually – added a pseudo-reality mounted II from your real image, once the photos laid out in a network, video and voices. Especially such it is terrible for known public persons and easily vulnerable teenagers. And how to judge and be protected to people from such new misfortunes? Only an openness and precise auto-fixing of infringements.


One of major principles Reputation rights, are ancient bible – « …On affairs of them judge them! », based on experience of a multit housand-year history of mankind. And if the person « …a measure of all things », so it (he) and « … progenitor all "sins". Hence,all his(its) acts and possession should (number) be adhered and open to it(him) for all. To bear the responsibility before a society for these "sins"here and now,on this guilty Earth. And to begin this openness it is necessary from public people, « managers and servants of people », instead of from simple people as goes in the authoritative countries.

Ancient, and« paper civilizations », in many respects were informational-open, is especial for the local residents. People was a little, the largest cities totaled some tens thousand person. Rare newspapers did not replace wide dialogue of people with each other and an exchange of news.The role of Internet was carried out by dealers, and competent religious masters owned and corrected «archive of ancestors and heavens », as now admin and programmers – programmers on servers, not admitting others «illiterate of the Gentiles ».

In those old villages / settlements,almost everyone knew everyone by sight, knew, who where and with whom lives, than owns also what has status – reputation. Many were relatives, had and esteemed the general (common) ancestors and gods, at war side  against the general (common) enemies. Each adult, especially notable,tried to earn positive « a national reputation – rumour ».

Today, on the basis of full payments, with use UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС),with identification, uniform browser and it(him) Reputation counters, also it is possible to construct authentic enough system of reputations of all and everything, but already automatically. And more powerful, than in « ancient centuries », having outstripped even great Chinese social rating.

All imperous – public people, large businessmen and condemned in (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)"SDB" should have Reputation an index in open for allthe Register of reputations of citizens of country (РРГС). There should be also a simple mechanism of an estimation -« Reputation Business». That each, bought goods or service could easily and simply minus or plus reputation of the seller, the manufacturer and owners. Any condemned crime / swindle also should reduce these reputations automatically sharply.

The reputation of any citizen (РРГС) can pay off on the basis of his (its)local Reputation indexes, agrees estimations (leather) of each user of any info – national resource. On anyone published contentу, to the statement and other, fixed public actions of this person. Using counters of a browser.

Thus,the true national estimation – rumour (reputation) of each public person / business is really formed. Which to not wind, to not turn off it is impossible. The code of appendices should be open for the control, and updating of software РРГС and prog-counters in browser, no more time per one year.

As it is possible to form Reputation Registers of MASS-MEDIA and sites, national and overseas. Not bad to have in the country Reputatsion  Registers of doctors, teachers / teachers and other professionals.

So, in « the new digital world »,through « Reputation dictatorship » the big weights of people « in the turnip – figure » can indirectly, but rigidly influence authority and « authors of creations ». Not supposing « low rating » to honey of activity, on average and maximum (supreme) posts of officials.

Presence Reputation  Registers considerably can facilitate work of judges, law enforcement officers and tax bodies. In their documents now can appear not only penalties and years discussions, but also powerful decrease (reduction) Reputation indexes of people and Business. When, for as etc.

 Therefore everyone,wishing steer " steer " territory, except for educational certificates – admissions, tried to increase the Reputation a rating in РРГС « kind affairs » and an openness for citizens of the country. And any oversight or anti nationality (antinational character) sharply reduced points of his (its) rating.Only such democracy now can be named truly national.More in detail about identification and reputations in work – «Cyber-Маркс wanders on Europe! Lectures on the smart-automated state – « (IOSM -THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС and ТСИ) »,

Часть 3-3 .   The new Law and order.

                                      « The Right is a will

                                            Ruling class,

                                       Erected in the law ».

                                                                       Lenin V.I.

It is necessary to be surprised, how policies (politics) and sociologists belittle modern people, his(its) knowledge and skill. Everyone counts itself(himself) just and reasonable and if all to gather and enable people to analyze and develop more conciliatory proposals people for some reason suddenly «at once all « grow stupid, will run wild and will interrupt each other ». But the history of present local modern wars and other legal wildness (absurdity), speaks about the opposite.

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