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Smart-digital Bulgaria (СИ)
  • Текст добавлен: 11 февраля 2021, 10:30

Текст книги "Smart-digital Bulgaria (СИ)"

Автор книги: Cyber Kiber




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Rate of lectures on cyber-marxism.
Smart-digital Bulgaria.

For searching for on key wordses.

cyber-marxism, Manifesto cyber-marxism , Cyber-Marks strolls on Europe ,  Smart-digital Bulgaria , «cyber-марксизм», «МанифестКибер-марксизма» , «Кибер-МарксбродитпоЕвропе» ,  «Смарт-цифроваяБолгария» .

Will Yes help You Google.


АГ    (AS) –   the automated state

LDC   (LDK)-  library digital contentа

ГОВД  (CD) –   a city department of internal affairs

ГТЦ,   (SCC)  - the state test centre of the country

ЕИПСС(UIPC) – Uniform inf-payment system of the country

ИООПНС(IOSM)– The inf-open society of direct national self-management

ИЛ     (SILT) –  the identifier of the person (a ring with the chip, hend the passport)

ИИ,    (AIS) –   an artificial intellect, system

MINIMUM WAGE (MSP)  – the minimal size of a payment

WMD – the weapon of mass defeat

OS –   operational system of the device

РРГС(RRC) – reputation  the register of citizens of the country

РРИ  (RRF)–  reputation the register of foreigners

РГС  (RCC)-  the register of citizens of the country

РРБ (RB)  –  the register business

РИ   (RVC)-   the register of voters (city)

СКТС(MSV) –  the monitoring System of vehicles

СЦБ (SDB) –  Smart-digital Bulgaria

ICO –  System of national donations on development of new devices or a software

NFC–  The module for payment with smart-phone  а or other device

The note. 

IOSM (ИОО ПНС)– the inf-open society of direct national self-management) is an ideal example of functioning of the smart-automated state. It not utopia, and fast real life of people in the advanced  dem-countries, in 21-st century.


The citation.

57 % interrogated have declared, that authorities serve interests of few, and only 30 % trusts, that it not so. Thus, the myth that the state is such piece which operates in interests of everything, instead of in interests of ruling class, on the sly развеивается, and is accident.

From the Forum in Davos, 2020.


Lecture 1.
1.  About Smart-digital  
About what and what for all this.

« Of us do(make) fools,

And you resist ».

Майя Плисецкая, The ballerina.

In the given work attempt of judge ment -why the modern world of such advanced, humane and explanatory (sensible) people is undertaken, so copes policies (politics), Oligarch, security officials and swindlers. And, even in the advanced democratic countries of the Eurounion where the roll in the imperous – power and total – digital control too was designated, deprivation privacy all and everyone. Absence constraining civil counterweights has unreasonably strengthened influence of special services and security officials, not only on a policy (politics), but also on all sphere of life of people and Business, as at old class feudalism.

Therefore, imperous – financial clans, having terrified from « copper pipes » fake, hype and euphorias of impudent permissiveness and the national control, can cast billions people into new World (global) accident. Urgently it is necessary to stop slipping of Democracy in « the export goods globalism », in the tool on management of the world in interests of the large international capital and geopolitics of force. democratic countries should serve interests of all society, and not just exclusive layers.

The history has shown, that any angel – populist having come to authority with a command (team), without counter weighton the part of dem-institutes, without the rigid national control, in 5-10 years of board,degenerates democracy in totalitarian – power authoritarianism. Having received authority a new clan elit any does not want to leave (abandon) administrative Olympus voluntary. In « a wild antiquity » when feudal lords drove people on robberies of neigh bours, «the bloody bail » was generated such. But today «tax voivods » nobody win, and only protect the imperous functions, from civil oppositions and heterodoxy therefore the imperous official today can not use old « feudal privileges » sincebe came the routine hired budgetary manager!

Be those owe the basic polit-law of management of life in society 21-st centuries. Otherwise, in economy there are favourites – monopolists, which spread rot fine and average businessmen, using security officials, gangsters and MASS-MEDIA. Both stagnation began, and there was «a veiled constitutional revolution ».

Butin 21-st century there are new mechanisms of the civil control and compulsion of permanent masters and monopolists toob servance of the Constitution and principles of Democracy. These are smart-votings and open Reputation the register of managers.

The advanced Mankind has entered epoch of the « over intellectual power ». Due to new-technologies, mass роботизации manufactures, remote selling of the goods and the services, the new global markets, instant info – communication of all and everyone. Using Big Data, automatic devices of the analysis in real time of the data, the control and management, a digital-platform of sales of services and the goods. Powerful Internet – systems remote trainings, the crowd-help and advice (councils) for all people have appeared. Boom« amplifications (streng thenings) of brains and personal communication (connection) of all », accumulation and digital processing  « and all » – necessarily shoul dgive alland new kinds of a social order. (From Manifest Cyber-Marks).

Paradox of the modernity (present) – new Technologies of supervision and tracking distances huge advantages "supervisors", and systems of protection of rights of the person and the  -legislation have very much lagged behind and are specially braked by authority. Began «the uncontrolled state of officials » that is fraught with slipping of the countries in «supervising digital prison », in defeat of rights and freedom of people in civil societies and deprivation too much. The socialism on – soviet  where all was under the control of school desks – authorities and special services are already widely realized terrible " Huxley Orwellian" the imaginations similar on was (former) .

Now tracking citizens and their punishment becomes almost automatic. Has left on meeting or has stayed near protest a meeting, video-systems identified you (or similar to you), have compared to the Register of citizens and you a SMS call in police. Further, fast inquiry with threats, tortures and jugglings, court at 24-48 and stamped a verdict of guilt » in extremism.

But with today's young smart-people in the dem-countries so to actal ready unconstitutionally, illegally and even it is silly! Present generation sociologists define (determine), how the informational-incorporated advanced humane society of " higher bible values », than it was ever early in a history of mankind.

And now, with «the digital help », has appeared real, instead of the ostentatious opportunity to make fellow citizens supervising for authorities and massively voting-electing  this imperous managing elite and local officials – executors. audio of fixing, auto-state control/

To problem show to stop and turn for the benefit of citizens these tendencies of universal shadowing, video – audio of fixing, auto-state control private (individual) life of people, impudent violation of rights приватности and sale of the personal data and this work, from the unit of new technological cyber-marxism, in the smart-automated electronic states is devoted.

The responsible(crucial) and «-advanced Citizens already up to were bothered with "savage" attitudes (relations) between people, « butting of power (force) heroes » between the countries and pitch-black  supervision of special services inside the country and from abroad.  pitch-black. Though all these Elite on tax salaries from people. And, all inhabitants are tax bearers, as taxes and directly (income НДФЛ) and through purchase of goods / services (НДС=15-25 %) pay. Including children, pensioners and students.Means, all officials should be under the digital control of people, as collective employer. Means, officials and siloviki can be dismissed from work, agrees dem-constitutions. Have lead(carried out) a territorial network gathering – referendum, have voted with smart-phone and have discharged / have left any official from city ​​administration, as the inefficient manager. Remotely, it is simple, clear and without massacre!

There came other Technological times, new smart-people, worthy more democratic polit-formations, more humane laws and managers, attitudes (relations) between people and the countries have grown.

Mechanisms (digitally platforms) of new technologies already allow this huge smart-crowd «obvious Reputation in figure » and multistage votings with smart-phone (not rising from a sofa)to force national both international political and financial elites to execute national requirements and to work for the blessing of all people of the country! It is necessary to study more humanely, cleverly and technologically to solve ripened civilizational  problems!

Instead of « to wave fists as savages on meetings or to bomb the sovereign countries drones, arranging the next bloody color revolutions and майданы. Where there is only a change of one ruling «neo-feudal lords» on others, and the working people again remains in fools, in poverty and damage of freedom.

Management of the new, so complicated and interconnected global world of people, MASS-MEDIA and Business, with so powerful weapons of mass destruction (ОМП), is impossible to trust the uncontrollable ruling elites not always understanding an objective reality new to " digital life » people more. The history has shown, that «noble estates » have not justified hopes of reasonable mankind, having untied two world wars and balancing today on a side unleashing the Third.

It Is not allowable such new-savages to uncontrolled authority!

The conclusion obvious -to operate such mankind, old neo-feudal lords ways it becomes more and more dangerous, illegal and is non-technological. Urgently it is necessary to create other, more modern polit-economic formation swhich are taking into account opinion and participation of broad masses of hard-working and knowing modern people, in management and in acceptance of decisions, in the territory of residing.

With the right rigid digital Reputation  the control and a response of all imperous officials and the deputies employed by people for qualitative management of territory.

About such new digital-way – «Technological cyber-marxism » it is in more detail stated in work – «Cyber-marx wanders on Europe! Lectures on the smart-automated state – « (IOSM – THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) and ТСИ», that on Youtube and as texts in network libraries.

Today, the compact advanced country, the first proclaimed and begun(started) to create texnocratic digital «the Informational-open Society of Direct National Self-management (IOSM– THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)) » will be and most конкурентно capable for the human capital, investments and technologies. Intensively developing systems of qualitative and free life of people, remotely and offline, involving the best state functions, fintech from all world under interesting projects of full smart-automation  Business.

Such country quickly will provide technological break and will be, as snow whom to acquire supporters and crowd-investments from all world. The nature of people is those, including among rich – just, responsible(crucial) and hard-working always the majority! Therefore finance and that – support (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) will be provided with all world of the most explanatory (sensible) experts, ecologists and human rights defenders.

In this work it is considered(examined), it is ideal and thesis as with help of new digital technologies such country as Bulgaria, creating (IOSM -THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) – SDB, can bypass on quality of life Slovakia, for five years, and for tenbe razed to the ground with Switzerland or Germany. Resource, naturally -climatic and geopolitic conditions in Bulgaria it is not worse, so people of such country worthy more the best prosperity and freedom. More high quality lifes, than in other countries of the Eurounion and the world.

As the future of Europe is decentralized Europe regions, that, certainly, should not resist to the national states but supplement them. It is Europe democracies, human rights, Europe social rights, Europe citizens opening the doors by that who suffers behind its (her) limits.

For this purpose it is necessary to turn modern info – connectivity of people, digital supervision, global markets, the finance, MASS-MEDIA, manufactures and technologies for the benefit of sharp increase of well-being of all citizens of Bulgaria. Instead of units from ruling elites, polit-oligarchical clans and swindlers that we have now. As millions experts – workers creating and accompanying this digital environment world(global) noosphere, for a long time already became not citizens sovereigns and is far any more «the creature shivering » the last century.

The present Youth has technologically far bypassed "old men – officials" in skill to study, use the Internet (WWW), smart-phone-appendices, messengers and social networks. Quickly gathers force young generation creative digital « decentralized managers » from responsible (crucial) people, with « horizontal submission », fast change of leaders and non-standard decisions.

The new smart-technological model ((IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС)) obvious self-management of territories quickly will wake activity of weights. And when citizens will feel real equal in rights owners of places of life, Reputation-supervise for executors - party economic elite  then rough growth passionarity and the responsibility of the majority of simple people will begin.

In the new country the paradigm really will start to correct– all citizens of the country are equal in rights proprietors of the state, his(its) structures, communications, the grounds and natural resources, and not just political oligarchy and them « clan approached ».

Now it is necessa ryto not climb in authority and to study technologically and strictly her(it) to supervise. I.e.direct authority to people, not in sense of direct execution (performance), and through rigid and skilful national Reputation the control of all chain of executive, legislative both other authorities. And possession of officials – governors!

To reach (achieve) it  is possible if to create in the country–

– The automatic system of simple pseudo-anonymous multistage  Smart-votings protected from cheating.

Social network a party markups et of the national control of authorities and deputies (НКВД) where membership and oligarch is forbidden to dominating officials.

– To choose from members of party(set) НКВД -independent the public Prosecutor and Supreme judge, with the structures on places.

– To learn to protect territories of residing and work with the help of the armed national combatants of protection and the control (DOCK), under the control of not numerous officers of police.

– To create the automated informational-financial system, the countries. On the basis of uniform informational-payment system of country (UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС)), five removed digital national banks, full bank transfer payments and open systems of national investments -InIn (ИнИн) of the Ministry of Finance.

– To create Library free-of-charge Digital Contentа( LDC), interactive training rates on all age and subjects, to create the city centres of testing of knowledge.

– Still more many other auto systems (digital platforms) гос and not гос the service sallowing people is simple and comfortable to live in the country, far off receiving all necessary for work, health, formation (education) and Business.

Certainly,transition to (IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) in Bulgaria and creation of the state of national well-being and freedom, with high offshore » appeal to investments from all world,

It is long informational-technological and spiritual revolution. Allowing people to feel and realize force of the mass influence on ruling elites and officials, oligarchy and MASS-MEDIA. Due to formation of smart-votings,social media parties (sets) НКВД,Registers of reputations of imperous officials and other public citizens, Business, establishments of public health services, formation (education), culture and MASS-MEDIA.

That it is possible only at a full openness (the passport content) and бесплатности anyone content, mass network discussions and opportunities genuinely to influence reputations of public people, without prosecutions and a criminal act.

The openness and binding « information and acts » to the person and concrete business will allow people to provide better, stable and free life. To become more responsible (crucial) for a history of life in the house, settlement, city and the country. Thus to lift spiritual prestige and quality of life of each Person.

 It is expedient to not spray resources of Discussions – enough political social net works -НКВД for reputations of imperous officials and free-of-charge library LDC (БЦК) – for reputations contentа (authors, texts, video etc.). And local branches -НКВД  « should settle down on sites of city and regional administrations, and also on a site of the central administration of the country.


Lecture 2.
The Initial statistical data.
That we have and where to grow.

« Than more poorly the country,

The more rigidly authorities plunder the population and Businessы.

More successful countries take out the чел-capital.

And from poor – local and international oligarchy-

Take out the finance, jewelry and technologies ».

( From the Internet)

Country  Bulgaria.

The population -6 999 908 чел. (2018), territory – 110 993 kms ².

In the east it is washed by the Black sea. Borders on Greece and Turkey in the south, with Serbia and Northern Macedonia – in the west and with Romania – in the north.

General length of borders – 2245 kms, from them of 1181 kms – overland, 686 kms – river (from which 470 kms pass over Danube) and 378 kms – on the Black sea. The biggest distance between extreme geographical points – 520 kms from the west to the east and 330 kms from the north on the south.

Bulgaria – the Industrial country with the advanced agriculture. One of the basic branches of economy also are tourism and sphere of services. The country tests demographic crisis and borrows(occupies) 73 place on life expectancy.

According to IMF, the volume of gross national product on ППС for 2018 has made 159,681 billion (22 $ 700 on the person).

Monetary unit – the Bulgarian lion 1 BGN = 0,56 USD at the rate on 11.11.2019 either 0.51 euros or 36 .

Bulgaria – среднеразвитое the индустриально-agrarian state

Member of the United Nations since 1955, OSCE since 1975, ОЧЭС since 1992, the Council of Europe since 1992, ВТО since 1996, the NATO since 2004 and EU since 2007.

681 – the First Bulgarian empire

Area inБГ (28 100-1000 thousand чел, it is usual some cities and tens villages. Cope elective administration, on a territorial communal basis. The majority of communities is 2-100 thousand жит. (1-2 mountains and 10 villages.) Operates – kmet and a little deputy

 on other members of communal self-management also elective, but have the income from other activity

Politsistema  Bulgaria.

Parliamentary republic with presidential board, for the period of five years.

The supreme body of legislature – unicameral National assembly (240 deputies), elected for the period of four years.

Agency – the Council of Ministers consisting of the prime minister and ministers.

Body of the constitutional supervision is the Constitutional court of Bulgaria.

The maximum(supreme) court of the general jurisdiction is the Supreme court of review, courts of appeal instances – appeal courts, courts of the first instance – district courts, the lowest part of judicial system – regional courts. The Supreme administrative court is said on подзаконным to certificates(acts) of all levels of the state and local administration.

The maximum(supreme) judicial advice(council) defines(determines) personal structure of bodies of court, Office of Public Prosecutor and consequence(investigation) in Bulgaria.

The largest  – Confederation of independent trade unions of Bulgaria.

The government of Bulgaria (Министерски съвет) – supervises and carries out internal and foreign policy of the country. The Council of Ministers supervises over performance of the state budget, organizes a leaving(care) of the state blessings, concludes, asserts(approves) and денонсирует the international arrangements, in the cases determined by laws. The Council of Ministers and the Chairman of Council of Ministers is appointed Parliament (National assembly) Republics. The government is coalition. Into him(it) enter – from a party(set) « Citizens for the European development of Bulgaria » (ARMS) – 12 person, from a coalition « the Reformatory block » (РБ) – seven person and from a party(set) « Alternative of the Bulgarian revival »  – one person.

Structure of the government – four vice-premiers and 17 ministries. The chairman of Council of Ministers (prime minister) Briskly Borisov

1 Vice-premier

Vice-premier on questions of economy and a demography

Vice-premier on questions of a social order and safety,

Minister of Defence

Vice-premier on questions of judicial reform,

Minister of Finance

Minister of Internal Affairs

Minister of Justice

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister of power

Minister of tourism

Minister of regional development and accomplishment

Minister of Health

Minister of work and social policy(politics)

The Minister of Education and sciences

Minister of Agriculture and the foodstuffs

Minister of transport, information technologies and communications(connections)

Minister of an environment and water resources

Minister of youth and sports

Minister of culture

The ministry of the Bulgarian presidency in Advice(council) of the European union in 2018

According to administrative division, the country shares on 28 areas which are subdivided into 264 communities.

Communities are supervised  kmet.

The central government in areas is carried out by  regional managers who are appointed by Council of Ministers.

           1.       Благоевградская area

           2.       Бургасская area

           3.       Добричская area

           4.       Габровская area

           5.       Хасковская area

           6.       Кырджалийская area

           7.       Кюстендилская area

           8.       Ловечская area

           9.       Монтанская area

           10.     Пазарджикская area

           11.     Перникская area

           12.     Плевенская area

           13.     Пловдивская area

           14.     Разградская area

           15.     Русенская area

           16.     Шуменская area

           17.     Силистренская area

           18.     Сливенская area

           19.     Смолянская area

           20.     Sofia

           21.     the Sofia area

           22.     Старозагорская area

           23.     Тырговиштская area

           24.     Варненская area

           25.     Великотырновская area

           26.     Видинская area

           27.     Врацкая area

           28.     Ямболская area

10 largest cities, чел

             1.       Sofia – 1 196 389

           2.       Plovdiv – 340 638

           3.       Varna – 314 539

           4.       Burgas – 210 316

           5.       Ruse – 162 128

           6.       Stara Zagora – 143 989

           7.       Pleven – 122 149

           8.       Добрич – 100 379

           9.       Sliven – 100 695

           10.     Shumen – 89 054

Resort complexes

к. Албена – sea

к. Боровец – mountain

к. Gold sand (болг.. Златни пясъци) – sea

к. Пампорово – mountain

к. Sacred Konstantin and Elena (having been. "Friendship", болг.. Св.св. Konstantin and Elena) – sea

к. A solar coast (болг. Слънчев бряг) – sea

By results of переписи 2011 – 51,3 % of the woman and 48,7 % of the man. In cities, 72,5 % live in villages – 27,5 %.

Nationalities the basic – болгары-84,8 %, турки-9, цыгане-5 %

According to the constitution, Bulgaria is the secular state.

 From the Bulgarian MASS-MEDIA.                    

In BG – 1  at one o'clock, in the advanced countries of EU more than 10 ö at one o'clock, also have left (abandoned) Bulgaria in searches of the best incomes more than 1.5 million чел, for 15 years in the eurounion. Pension 160 euros, (12 тр). The low level of incomes lowers(omits) people on a low standard of living, dependence from подачек authorities  Fire wood it is heated – therefore  gas 2 times more dearly (expensively) than to Europe (6 times than in Russia)

2019 Bulgaria. A working patch on  887.53 лв = 453 euros. For  the enterprises statistics displays, that wages 400-650 euros. And ето the enterprise as in RF.

City of Gotse Делчев to be on border from Greece. Is not present good commun. The salary very small – the minimal wages in Bulgaria – 560 лв (285 euros). In Sofia people receive 4500 euros. Workers in Sofia with the salary is more than 5000 euros. Basically гос служашие and програмисты. Sofia city – Шефер bus transport in Sofia receives 1.5 million 1760 Lv (900 euros). From Germany – yes we live in comparison not so well. It is new comparison with Ukraine – we in chocolate.

40 % болгар have declared, that are pleased with a level of democracy in Bulgaria, and 55 % are not pleased, 5 % interrogated do not have opinion.

Minister of Finance of Bulgaria, among the main problems has noted demographic crisis, low incomes of the most part of the population, and also serious power dependence. But as he said, in 10 years all a problem will be solved.

Almost 16 % of citizens of Bulgaria or about 960 000 person are more senior than 16 years – have problems with health and it prevents them to live high-grade life.

Thus, more than 210 000 from them have really serious problems with health.

 Bulgarian домохозяйств аspend 19,1 % for a meal and soft drinks, on the average on the European union of 12,1 %. 1 place in BG charges on the house – heating, illumination and an other overhead charge which make 19,9 %., transport of 17 % – on the third place. In three countries of EU where on a meal it is even more, In Romania – 27,8 %, in Lithuania – 20,9 %, and in Estonia – 19,6 %.

The majority of citizens of Bulgaria in the winter period is heated with the dwellings with the help of an electricity. About 30 % interrogated rely on the conditioner for heating the houses. Various with an electric heater warm houses about 11 % болгар. Traditional steam – heat dwellings of 27 % of our compatriots. Fire wood and coal use at heating 14 % of respondents.

85 % of inhabitants of Bulgaria counts corruption by the widespread phenomenon in the country, show the data of the Euro barometer. In EU – 63 % of citizens.

The future thermal power station at a corner not радужно, especially when the Euro commission accepts the plan about „ Green Europe “. So to "Benbane" and "Козлодуй" become two important platforms not only for deversification, and and for our power balance of the following of 10 years.

Managing the Bulgarian national bank (БНБ) – growth of gross national product in 20 г-3.5 %

In October 19 г in Bulgaria function 1 960 hotels capacity more than 10 person with 68.4 thousand numbers on 142.7 thousand places. In comparison with October, 2018 the quantity(amount) of functioning hotels has decreased on 2.5 %, and quantity(amount) of places in them – on 6.4 %, show the data of National institute of statistics. And incomes have increased by 4 %.

For first nine months 2019 direct foreign investments in economy of Bulgaria have made 714.5 million euro or 1.2 % of gross national product. In the third quarter of this year of gross national product of Bulgaria has made 31 764 million Левов under the current prices or 16 241 million Euro, or 2 323 euros per capita. In comparison with the third quarter 2018 of gross national product of the country has grown on 3.7 %,

The European commission – at the lowest incomes and salaries in EU Bulgaria on the first place in the Union on a share of private(individual) charges on public health services – approximately 47 % from all charges on public health services in the country. Charges on public health services in Bulgaria still low in comparison with other countries of EU, but last 15 years are constantly increased, basically due to consumers. Though the size of charges on public health services in Bulgaria since 2005 was doubled, charges on public health services per capita (1 300 euros) remain on the fourth place among the lowest in EU. On the average charges on public health services in EU make 9.8 % of gross national product, and in Bulgaria – 8.1 %. Private (individual) charges of consumers remain the highest in EU where on the average these charges make 15.8 %, and in Bulgaria – 46.6 %.

Approximately 14 % of the population of the country does not participate in system of obligatory medical insurance, and regional disproportions concerning the medical staff are so high, that do(make) public health services inaccessible to some social groups, show the data of the report.

In the report also it is specified, that average life expectancy болгар is increased, but still remains to the lowest among the countries of the Euro union.

Average з/п= 3000 Lv (120 тр) and is higher than the programmer, than on the average on the country. According to their calculations, work in Bulgaria in sector of the software has more a high level of life, than the programmer in the Great Britain and about the same level, as at programmers in Germany. According to the analysis in 2018, workplaces for programmers in Bulgaria has increased almost on 2 400 or 9 %. 
 Forecasts for 2019 are, that growth will make almost on 10 %, and the total of employees on places will be exceeded by 33 000 person. Last years the sector prospers, the Bulgarian industry of the software is attractive to foreign investors as incomes of export of intellectual products reach(achieve) 2,5 billion dollars in 2018, agrees given to association. Forecasts БАСКОМ for the five years' period assume, that incomes 10,3 billion левов per one year or 7,6 % of gross national product achieves, and the quantity(amount) of workers in this sector will be exceeded by 60 000 person.

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