Текст книги "Whisper to Me"
Автор книги: Christina Lee
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Chapter Fourteen Kai
Dakota, Rachel, and I were spread out in the living room, watching a movie on the big screen. This was the first time we’d been home together in the last couple of nights, given our different work schedules and activities.
I saw Dakota in passing at the casino, of course. She worked in the third-floor finance office with my mom, and her hours were different. I was mostly on second shift, which was cool by me, because I got to check out the consistently lame bands. There had been only one group that had a decent set of chops. They were mainly instrumental and played an eclectic set of music that sounded like a mix between jazz and psychedelic, and sometimes added old school punk.
As they were knocking back a few while on break the other night, I told them their sound was similar to a couple of bands I’d worked with in the recording studio in Amsterdam. Turned out their drummer, Cameron, knew Johan from a tour he’d done with another crew in the Netherlands.
Johan had helped them mix a CD that they’d passed out at their shows. Over a couple of beers after their set, I told Cameron what had happened to get me kicked out of Johan’s studio. He said that Johan’s girlfriend had quite the reputation for screwing around on the side. Then we exchanged numbers in case they needed an extra bass player to jam with, and I came away feeling as if maybe I’d made a new friend.
When I’d gotten home from work one night that week, I’d wondered if Rachel was awake and wanted some company. Not that I’d ever barge into her room. But I had hoped she’d maybe heard me come in and would want to talk or hang out.
She and Dakota had been to the local bar earlier that night, and I hadn’t been able to help worrying about whether Rachel had met or hooked up with anybody. I had been pretty sure that wouldn’t happen while she was with Dakota, let alone while she was home, unless she’d been very discreet. And the only person I wanted her to be discreet with was me.
I certainly had no desire to be with any other girl after our night together. Not in forever, actually. Not that Rachel knew that or would ever figure it out. But I couldn’t help hoping for another opportunity for her to seek me out, if only to comfort her. I’d welcome Rachel’s rice-flower scent wrapping around me. Along with her legs.
I adjusted myself in the chair and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl Dakota had placed on the coffee table.
Tonight we were watching The Princess Bride, and Rachel and Dakota were in their pajamas, which for chicks consists of cotton shorts and tank tops. Thankfully Rachel still had her bra on, because I think I’d lose my mind if she ever decided to forego it around me. I’d heard chicks talking about how constricting bras could be, and I’m sure if I hadn’t been living there she would have had those puppies hanging loose.
Sometime in my senior year everything had shifted with Rachel. I had noticed for the first time that she was hot—and all of my friends had made the same determination. I became totally protective of her around my boys, who’d just assumed I was being an overbearing big brother. And of course I had been, but now that I thought back on it, I hadn’t wanted anyone having dirty thoughts about her, period.
During a commercial break, Dakota turned to Rachel. “So how strange was it for you to hang with Miles last night at the bar?”
I sucked in a sharp breath. That was new information. She hadn’t told me she’d even spoken to her ex again.
I’d never thought Miles was good enough for Rachel. He was a big-name jock at the school, walked around like he owned the place, and Rachel had totally fallen for that bullshit. It wasn’t that I hated jocks. Shane had played sports as well. But he hadn’t been a total douche with a God complex like Miles had been. Like he still was, damn it.
When I’d heard Miles had taken her out on Shane’s motorcycle without a fucking helmet, I’d almost killed the guy. He’d come away with some cuts and bruises, while Rachel had suffered a near-fatal head injury.
The next time I laid eyes on him, I punched him square in the face, with little warning. His weight and build might have been an advantage, but I had rage and raw instinct on my side. Had Shane not pulled me off of him, I would have broken all the bones in his goddamn body, too.
“It was . . . different,” Rachel mumbled, and fiddled with the afghan that she’d wrapped around her knees. “Uneventful, really.”
I pocketed my phone and picked up my beer, trying not to act like I had a ticking time bomb ready to detonate inside my chest. “So you took my advice to get some closure?”
Had I seriously told her that? Maybe I needed to kick my own ass.
“Not exactly,” she said. “He sent me a text and asked to meet.”
My stomach tightened. “And?”
“And . . . he met me at the bar. Dakota walked away to play darts with Julia.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. “I expected more, I guess. More drama or something. But all I felt was numb. He’d said he wanted to explain some things, but he never did. So we just played catch up, then he walked me out, and that was it.”
Did she let him touch her? I clenched my fists and looked away.
“To be honest, you didn’t seem all that . . . interested. In him or anything he had to say,” Dakota said.
Rachel shrugged.
“If you finally wrap things up with Miles, maybe you can start dating again.”
Rachel scrunched up her face. “I’m not sure I care about dating, Dakota.”
“Seriously? C’mon, Rachel.” Dakota huffed out a breath. “You’re young and gorgeous and there’s a really cool guy at the casino I want to hook you up with.”
“What guy?” I said, trying to keep the alarm out of my voice.
“Knock off your protective-big-brother act. You probably haven’t run into him yet,” she said. “He works in the accounts payable office.”
My jaw ticked. Of course, someone who actually had his shit together. Unlike me.
“No thanks,” Rachel said, and I released the breath I’d been holding. “Besides, I’m only here for the summer.”
Her words were like a knee to the stomach. And a reality check for me as well.
“Then just be casual. I bet you haven’t had that kind of fun in a while,” Dakota said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Rachel kept her eyes straight ahead, trying like hell to avoid making eye contact with me.
“It’s been three years. It’s time.”
Rachel shot me a warning look. She was so determined to keep that part of herself that Nate had told me about hidden from her best friend. We’d been home less than a month, and already Rachel’s secrets were piling up. But this was one I was willing to keep, if only to be spared any details. Hell, I’d keep this secret for life if she’d asked me.
“Does that mean you’re finally giving in to your lustful feelings for a certain someone?” Rachel said in a playful voice.
Dakota’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head.
“Who are we talking about here?” I said. It had better not be Shane. I couldn’t help my defensive instinct from kicking in, despite my sister rolling her eyes. I waited for her You’ve-been-gone-for-three-years-and-I’ve-done-just-fine speech, but it never came.
“No one. Rachel’s just trying to cause trouble,” Dakota said in a strained voice. “Aren’t you?”
“Of course. I’m just messing with you, asshead,” Rachel said. “But maybe you should be the one dating your co-worker.”
“Not my type,” Dakota said, and then settled back just as the movie resumed playing. Dakota hadn’t done much dating of her own lately, at least not that I’d seen. She’d always had a boyfriend in high school and even in her first year of college. She was usually with nerdy and smart dudes, so the fact that she wouldn’t be with this accountant surprised me.
Rachel grabbed the remote and paused the movie. “What makes you think he’s my type?”
“You’ve always liked those bulky sports guys,” Dakota said, and I felt my stomach flip over. “Like Miles. And he doesn’t seem to be doing anything for you anymore. Not that I blame you.”
Rachel’s cheeks turned pink and she mumbled, “I honestly don’t know what I like anymore.”
“So maybe it’s time for a change,” Dakota said. “Andrew is smart and good-looking. You might like him, if you gave him half a chance.”
“No thanks,” Rachel said again, grabbing a handful of popcorn. “I’ve kept mostly to myself the last couple of years. It’s been working okay for me.”
“Yeah?” Dakota raised her eyebrows. “Whenever I checked in, you were always going to a frat party or some kind of game. So I figured you were at least scouting out future prospects.”
“Which reminds me,” I said, in an effort to change the subject from Rachel’s conquests. I wasn’t sure how she was going to talk her way out of that one. Besides, I needed to say something before it was way too late. “I talked to Nate the other day.”
“Nate . . . as in our cousin Nate?” Dakota said as confusion stretched across her brow.
“Yeah. We’ve been talking quite a bit, actually,” I said. No way did I want Dakota to be surprised at the next family gathering if we seemed overly chummy. “He goes to TSU with Rachel.”
“How did I not know this information?” she said as her eyes snapped to Rachel. “Do you know him?”
“Yep. From around campus,” Rachel said, and then subtly narrowed her eyes at me. “He’s a cool guy. I only recently figured out that he was your cousin.”
“Anyway,” I said. “He’s thinking about driving down to the Manic Tour at the Artisan Music Center. It’s five acts including the Black Tresses, which you know is my favorite band of all time.”
A moment of panic passed through Rachel eyes. Little did she realize what was coming. I was only working up to it.
“When’s the show?” Dakota asked.
“Weekend after next, and I already told Stu not to schedule me,” I said. “The thing is, I already have two pavilion tickets, because I was hoping to talk Shane into going with me.”
“And?” Rachel said, looking confused.
“And”—I took a deep breath—“Nate asked if he could bring some friends from school. Said they’d drive up together and get lawn seats.”
The Artisan Music Center provided outdoor seating on the lawn for concerts. It was a distance away from the stage, but you could spread out blankets and party with your friends under the stars while listening to the music. The pavilion seats were close to the stage and required special-access passes. So I figured I could party with Nate and his friends on the lawn, and then move to the pavilion when my favorite band got to the stage.
“Which friends?” Rachel asked, her voice a bit quivery. She knew what was imminent.
“Your friends,” I said, almost too quietly, like if I’d spoken any louder, she might have throttled me. “Some dude named Bennett, his girlfriend, and other friends you know.”
“So Avery and Ella and Quinn, too, I bet,” she said, in the space of her own thoughts.
“Those names sound familiar, yeah,” I said. “It’ll be cool.” I was essentially trying to let her know that her secret was safe with me.
We had a silent conversation with our eyes, her telling me that she wasn’t nearly as confident as I had been.
“You mean I’ll finally get to meet your friends?” Dakota said, clapping her hands. “They weren’t around the weekend I visited.”
Rachel’s gaze flew to mine again. I hadn’t realized she had ditched her friends when my sister had come around. Honestly, I thought she was making this a bigger deal than she needed to. Unless there was something I was missing.
She had fooled around with dudes to get her needs met, and even though the thought of it turned my stomach, it was pretty clear that she shouldn’t be crucified for it.
So why was she being so hard on herself?
“I’ll order our lawn tickets online tomorrow,” Dakota said.
Rachel hit play and turned up the volume on the movie, as if to drown out her thoughts.
Chapter Fifteen Rachel
I lay in bed staring at a dark ceiling, knowing that sleep would not be coming anytime soon. My two worlds were about to collide. Fuck me.
But what’s the worst that could happen? Avery and Ella would find out that I’d been hiding things about my past. That they knew virtually nothing about me, especially not that I had suffered a near-fatal brain injury.
Or that my boyfriend had dumped me immediately after.
I had stretched the truth with Avery and Ella when it came to what had happened between Miles and me. Stretched it far and wide. Once the story had left my lips, I’d kept up the act and played the part. I’d regretted lying then, and I despised it even more now. Loathed how far I had strayed away from my true self. And now it was about to come back to bite me in the ass.
And I deserved it. Plain and simple.
I had carelessly told them over a few beers that Miles and I had gotten engaged, when all it had been was a stupid juvenile promise ring. A cheap silver band that had been lost forever after the accident. I told them that I broke it off and decided to attend TSU instead, while he remained on a basketball scholarship at CSU. At least that part had been true.
But I also alluded to the idea that I hadn’t been with anybody else in so long that I was making up for lost time. When really I was just hoping to do whatever the hell I wanted without getting close to anyone. And that would have been well and good. Hell, they probably would have even accepted as much. It was through half-truths that I had resurrected around me a house of cards. One strong wind and it would implode.
Damn, what a fucking mess. What in the hell had gotten into me? I didn’t like the person I’d become. I wasn’t sure how anyone else had, either.
And the one thought that was really keeping me awake tonight was—what the hell would Dakota think?
Dakota had always been a stable dater and had a collection of respectable ex-boyfriends. Would she accept that her best friend had existed suspended above a crevice built entirely upon falsehoods, just to escape reality for a while? Would she reach out and offer a hand, or allow me to crumble in the flimsily-constructed fabrication of my own making?
I thought I’d been shedding my old skin, when in reality, I’d only been hardening the one I’d worn my entire life.
Even though Dakota was my oldest girlfriend, I still wanted to please her. To appeal to the high standards she’d set for herself and everyone around her.
That realization struck me hard, and I rolled onto my side and curled up into a tight ball, attempting to make myself as small as I felt.
I had even put on a brave face for Dakota while in the hospital, to make it seem as if I was doing better than I actually had been. She had been so damn determined that I get better—and fast. It had been so much pressure, though she had been coming from a compassionate place. When she had been with me, I had been tense, frustrated, and stiff.
Then Kai would walk into the room, and all the suffocating and stale expectations would fade into the background. He’d lift the corners of his cheeks into a lopsided grin, and the atmosphere would shift and transform. I’d draw his fresh and abundant energy into my lungs, needing my fix.
“My turn, Turtle.”
Dakota would stand and kiss my cheek. “See you tomorrow.” As soon as the back of her perfectly-tamed tresses had vanished into the hallway, I would allow myself to fully breath. To suck in more of Kai’s verve. His essence. Allow it to permeate my lungs.
My muscles would loosen. My heart would expand. My true self would show her less-than-perfect head. Would know she was safe. Kai had been in his own world of trouble many times before, and somehow I’d known he would accept me no matter what.
Dakota was my best friend, but in the space of two heartbeats, I realized her brother knew me better. That thought made me spring out of bed, my consciousness fraying along the edges. I hadn’t been able to speak to Kai in private since the night we’d crossed the line.
There was no reason for it; I just wanted to see him. To be in his space. And being around him this summer had only made me realize how much I’d missed him these past three years. If I was being honest with myself, I had thought about him a lot during that time.
In addition to mourning my failed relationship with Miles—along with my former self—had I also been grieving for Kai?
Crazy how I’d seen Miles for a mere hour last night, and instead I was now craving Kai. Miles was bland in comparison. He hadn’t even gotten any words out. I’d felt like I was compensating for him and I’d regretted even telling him we’d be up at the bar. He’d had nothing to say. Only repeated what he’d uttered at Shane’s party. Just like he’d had nothing to offer the past three years. And maybe I’d just needed evidence of that.
I stepped into the hallway as quietly as possible and then stilled in front Dakota’s door to be sure she was asleep. Earlier, I’d heard the loud volume of her television, but it was silent now, and I could almost hear her sleepy breaths.
I padded to the kitchen and reached for a glass, unsure if Kai was even awake. As I turned the faucet on low, I heard it—the soft hum of his bass. My heart leapt in my chest. I didn’t know what the hell I was so anxious about. But the anticipation of seeing him, just talking to him alone, had revved my pulse to a feverish tempo.
But maybe he didn’t want any company tonight.
I wandered over to his door, unsure of what I’d say or even if I’d knock. Instead, I stood motionless, listening to him play. It was a low and drowsy strum, and I swayed against the wall, my senses dulled. During a longer pause, my knuckles tapped once and then twice against the wood.
I heard the sounds of what could have been his returning his heavy bass to its stand and papers rustling, and then the door slowly creaked open. Kai stood in front of me with his hair hanging loose at his shoulders. He had on those obscenely tight gray skinny jeans from earlier and nothing else.
My gaze followed the line of his neck, across his shoulder, to the muscular biceps propping the door open. I spotted the set of free weights resting beneath the stand of his bass. He’d definitely been working out in the three years since I’d last seen him. He wasn’t overly muscular like some athletes I’d been with, just lean and fit.
My gaze tripped over to his sculpted pecs and landed on his nipples. His pierced nipples—that seemed to harden at my perusal.
Fuck, that was hot. Since when did I think silver hoops dangling from a guy’s nipples were sexy? But on Kai, they worked. Like fruit waiting to be plucked, they hung above the trunk of his sculpted abdomen, while a smattering of fine hairs branched from beneath the button of his pants. Hot damn.
“What’s up, Rachel?” He swallowed thickly. “Did I wake you?”
“I . . .” I finally met his eyes. “I couldn’t sleep and I heard you were up.”
“Yeah, me neither.” He moved aside to allow me to pass into the room. “I was trying to be quiet.”
“Actually, most of the time your music lulls me to sleep.”
“Yeah?” he said in a low and gruff voice. “Is that why you’re here—so I can put you to sleep?”
“No, you ass.” I grinned. “Well, maybe.” When his eyes turned dark, I mumbled, “Just kidding.”
We stood awkwardly in front of each other, until he finally had the wherewithal to lie down in his bed. He propped his arms behind his head as I sank down on the very edge.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, Rachel?” he asked. “Is this about seeing Miles?”
“No, not really.” Not at all, actually. Although he did figure in somehow, I supposed.
“I’m just . . . pissed that my friends are coming up here. I didn’t want . . .” I shook my head, the words dying on my lips.
“It’s not like I invited them,” he said. “They’ll see where you grew up—is it really that big of a deal?”
“If anything slips—even as a joke . . . ” I squeezed my eyes shut.
“Now I’ve got questions.” He looked pointedly at me. “Makes me wonder just exactly went on the last three years.”
“I’ve just been . . . doing what I wanted. Living my own life,” I said defensively. Though I didn’t know why I was suddenly feeling that way in front of him. “The same thing you were doing in Amsterdam, right?”
“Sure,” he said. “But if my friends from Amsterdam were to suddenly visit me, I wouldn’t be trying to keep them away from you guys. So what gives, Rachel?”
“Okay.” I held up my hands. “Stop playing the overbearing-big-brother role for a minute and just talk to me as a friend.”
“I’m pretty sure the idea of me being any kind of brother went out the window after the other night.” He held my gaze, and it was as if a sparkler had been ignited inside my belly.
“True,” I whispered, as prickly heat shot up my neck and across my cheeks.
“So what’s the harm in friends knowing things about you? Or telling my sister more about your college life?” he said. “What do you think is going to happen?”
Now the heat became unbearable as the same anxiety that plagued me knocked against the base of my skull. “So many people have already left me.”
“For the record, you left, too, Rachel,” he said, softly. “And the thing about true friends? We’re loyal. My sister is loyal. I’m loyal. We’d accept you no matter what.”
My hands began shaking as the cold dread of my lies rose to a crescendo inside of my chest.
He gripped my hand and then drew it toward him. “Come here.”
My body pitched forward, and I descended onto his sheets. “Wha . . . what are you doing?’
“I’m doing what I do well,” he said, tugging me nearer. “Taking care of my Turtle.”
My heart rose up in my throat and threatened to send my tears tumbling out. Why did his words hold such meaning?
He maneuvered me around and pulled my back flush against his bare chest. I could feel the outline of his nipple rings against my shoulder blades. “I don’t remember you taking care of me like this.”
“Sure I did,” he whispered. “You just couldn’t hug me back at the time.”
I gasped as memories crashed over me in waves. The moments he’d given me lingering embraces in the hospital. The time he lay down in my bed to watch a movie and fell asleep with his head propped on my shoulder. I woke first, felt the heat of his warm body coiled next to mine, and watched him sleep for a while.
Hot stinging tears welled up in my eyes as I realized just how much strength he’d provided me during those times.
All of a sudden his breath was on my neck. “Your secret’s safe with me, Rachel. But sooner or later it’s going to come up and there’ll be nothing you can do to stop it. So maybe it’s time to fess up.”
“I’ll think about it,” I whispered, and he tightened his arms around me.
My ass was against his crotch and a pyrotechnics display was shooting off low in my belly. All of a sudden, I wanted him to touch me the way he had the other night. I couldn’t help the hum that burst from my throat. It felt too damn good being curled up next to him.
“Trying to tell me something?” he said low in my ear.
“You’re pretty good at this stuff,” I said, reining in my out-of-control breathing.
“What stuff?” His voice held a hint of amusement.
“Making-girls-feel-good stuff.”
He blew out a breath like he was going to have some sort of retort but then stopped himself.
“Is that why you’re here . . .?” His voice was soft, tentative at first, but then became brusque. “So I can make you feel good again?’
“I . . . I don’t know, honestly,” I said, wondering why he sounded both frustrated and earnest. “I’m here because you’re my friend and I feel like I can talk to you. Like, you get me.”
“I do get you,” he said. “I think we get each other.”
His fingertips were swirling a pattern up and down my forearm, making my skin tingle.
“Is that why you let me in, because you saw I could use a friend?”
It felt like we were skating on thin ice, neither wanting to say what we really meant. That we both wanted this closeness. But it was an impossible situation, one too hard to admit out loud. Because we were meant to be friends, family even. Besides, our time together was limited by secrecy as well as the summer break.
“I’m doing it because you’re my Turtle and you needed a good hug.” He tickled my side and I yelped. He placed his hand over my mouth to silence me as I squirmed beneath him.
When I finally settled down and released the giggles still bubbling inside my chest, I blew out a couple of breaths and said, “Kai?”
I felt his heavy breath against my hair. “Hmm?”
I squeezed his forearm, which was now lower, around my stomach, instead of beneath my chest, which helped alleviate my growing desire just a bit. “What happened in Amsterdam?’
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. Why did you . . . get kicked out?” I wanted to ask if he’d been smoking too much pot, especially since I spied a bud sitting on the edge of his dresser, but I didn’t want to be too accusatory. I hadn’t smelt it on him lately and I noticed only a hint of it on his skin right now, along with the subtle scent of the products I’d brought him from Pure.
He released a long sigh and flipped onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. I immediately lamented the loss of his body heat. “Johan, the guy I was working under at the studio, had this girlfriend that he was crazy about. She’d come around all the time while we were working and when he wasn’t looking, I’d catch her staring at me. I’d smile or ignore her until the one day she tried to corner me.”
“And let me guess, he walked in on you?”
“Yep,” Kai said, clenching his teeth. “And of course, he accused me of coming on to her.”
“God, that sucks. I’m sorry,” I said, now turned on my side, my head resting against my arm. “Of course, her coming on to you doesn’t surprise me.”
“It doesn’t?” He gave me a quick sidelong glance.
“C’mon, Kai. You know you’ve got your looks going for you.” I tried meeting his eyes, but they were glued to the ceiling. “Girls have a hard time resisting you.”
He became still beside me, and I got the impression that I’d just said something he didn’t like. “What’s wrong?”
“Now you sound like Dakota.” He sounded sad. Disappointed, even. “Is that the only thing girls see in me?”
“No way,” I said emphatically. Did he really not know how amazing he was? “There’s so much more.”
He blew out a breath of relief. “Like what?”
“Seriously? Outside of all the physical stuff girls like—your piercings, your looks, your rock-hard body”—I waited for his eyes to find mine before I continued—“you’re mad talented. And you’ve got a heart of gold.”
“You think?” He suddenly seemed shy, almost unsure of himself. This was the opposite of how he’d always acted around me. Lying next to me right now was the most vulnerable I’d ever heard him.
“Look how you took time out of your day just to hang with me at the hospital,” I said. “I looked forward to those hours with you.”
His eyes widened. “Yeah?”
“Of course I did,” I said, wondering where this timid guy had come from. “I mean, you’d hum me to sleep and play cards and just . . . listen to me.”
He was quiet next to me, so I continued. “Shit, I was such a wreck. I didn’t know what was going to happen in my life. But somehow having you there gave me hope.”
“What kind of hope?”
I grabbed for his hand, winding my fingers through his. “Hope that I’d be okay.”