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Don't kill
  • Текст добавлен: 12 октября 2016, 04:12

Текст книги "Don't kill"

Автор книги: Boris Gorowoi

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 18 страниц)

– Cool! – Colonel gave a broad smile. – Now I have to present you a bottle of red wine, my dear shadow.

Tall and slender, like a wild cat with black flowing taut hair with the tint, she seemed to handle all kinds of seduction, such as: manicure, pedicure and peeling. She is always well-groomed and washed, a mysterious oriental beauty from the book "Thousand and One Nights", she lived in some far crystal world. A charming girl was hiding behind the mask of inaccessibility from the real cruel world in which the maniacs were chasing round-the-clock.

She was groping the boy, asked to run to the information desk, suddenly wanted cappuccino, said that she didn’t like waiting and has been making make-up for half an hour.

– A crazy girl – decided Dux – this is a Schumacher!

The check-in was lasting. A huge Boeing was filled by holidaymakers to Phuket and Pattaya like sardines. Colonel was hiding from the cameras as he could, because they were everywhere, and tried hide in the crowd. There were few minutes left till the passport control. He said goodbye to his freedom, just in case, probably with life, being well aware of the cruelty of his obstinate homeland. Ivanova with a child passed easily and Colonel stayed quite alone, in front of naked truth, trying to think about something good. About five minutes the frontier was looking at him, typing on the computer. Intuition didn’t deceive her and she studied different flourishes, but did not find something to cavil at and at last, made a cheerful salutary click of freedom with indifference.

In Dux’s enjoy, he bought Anna a mascara and most expensive perfume in the free shop, and boy a car-transformer.

– Let's paint the town red– thought Colonel– although they can arrest me in the plane.


He remembered how major Megera, who wanted to escape to Mozambique, then across freemasonry in South Africa and then to the United States, was arrested. The major used Dux, a twenty years old greenhorn corporal, as an interpreter, because Megera spoke only Russian, that’s why, no one could escape without him. His plan, as it turned out, was as follow.

Looking like revolutionaries from Mozambique to fly together with Russian transport worker AN-12, Ann, from the warehouse in city Bie, to be lost and surrendered to local separatists of the US intelligence services. Megera with a soldier was already on a board and the plane was taxing to the runway. And he, with joy, drank a glass of a straight whiskey, which he always carried in his jodhpurs. Then, he offered the corporal to drink, but, fortunately, he didn’t refused but he didn’t have time to agree, because Megera was arrested. Of course, the boy was arrested too, there were arrested six people. The investigation showed that the major Megera, a few days before the escape, had got deadly drunk and started inclining a senior lieutenant Yakovlev, a blond vigilant morally stable platoon leader, to drink with him and to betray his country. Yakovlev betrayed the major. He was tortured terribly at the warehouse near Luanda, and a couple of months later, he was shot as they said, somewhere near Izhevsk. His patron, a silent Colonel Kuznetsov, also left the contingent, Colonel Aristov and even someone else were sent with their families in the twenty-four hours to their native land. The corporal was also arrested and he has been also tortured in Luanda for two weeks. He was saved because he had met with Megher, and the last took him as an interpreter right before the flight, but there was another guy who had to fly, he was a little bit elder, a stuck demobilized man from the philological faculty of the Leningrad State University.

Dux was knocked out four teeth, was broken two ribs, was bet kidneys, was tortured by lack of sleep, hunger, thirst, tying up with ropes in a pit with flies and shooting simulation. They made him the most terrible torture called "a drip". A potential traitor was firmly tied to a chair in a way he couldn’t move, and they were dripping water from above on his Skull every two seconds for Dux to die in painful torment. Fortunately, he had to spend under the drip not so long, about four hours. It was wonder, that the corporal endured stoically all the tortures. Even the deputy chief of Zaitsev commandant's office, who was previously demoted from captain to the senior lieutenant for the sadistic leaning, said: "he is patient." That person was told about that he, beside himself with rage, cut off two phalanxes of the soldier’s fingers, having quickly closed the tank hatch and after that, he was sent as a staff executioner.


– Yes, – thought Colonel– I can’t relax yet but there is no time for being sad.

Anna lit up with incredible play from unexpected pleasant gifts and desires and he suddenly felt fireworks of young sparks and crazy languor. For a moment, she looked at him with a long gentle look and he felt a moment of delusion. However, as soon as Colonel tried to approach the beautiful girl, she abruptly looked at him coldly. While the crowd was passing the holding room, tunnel-like room and sitting in a standard Jumbo Jet, Boeing 747, Dux established good relations with Kolya for the last not cry, and, just in case, returned to his usual black and white life.

The plane roared as a dragon and took off into the high morning blue with white downy clouds. Moscow was squinting with the early morning, full of the sun and memory of hundreds corners of this magnificent city, where they love and kill.


The first couple of hours everything was, as usually, there were served the first breakfast. Kolya slept soundly. Colonel took out off his bag a small laptop.

– Show the photos – she said.

– Sit down, – he said, indefinitely inviting her with his hand.

She carefully carried a sleeping baby and sat next to him. Anna almost didn’t watch the photos, she looked them through. He went hot and cold all over and he began plunging into some awkward stupor. When he tried to approach the forbidden border, she made the Titanic with icebergs, killing any his wish. However, as soon Dux confusing trying to leave a new sudden captivity, deliberately and indifferently looking at white passing clouds and dark foggy contours of the land, at that moment she turned into a soft, weak and beloved girl with an attractive favourable look. And he again was next to her exiting eternity that was at the same time the inaccessibility and proximity, going mad from accidental touches of suffocating madness. In the end, he was saved by Kolya who woke up and cried. The second mini lunch was served and Colonel returned to reality.


They were met by an ultramodern Airport Suvarnabhumi, with unimaginable shops everywhere, dragons with waves of hot air full of Thailand special spices smell that, probably, weren’t anywhere else. The crowd passed in the opposite direction: visa, passport office, invisible customs, luggage, money exchange and transfer. He could gave her a lot of gifts: a sprig of white orchids, a blouse, white shoes with ultra platform, which she immediately put on and became completely inaccessible with her divine beauty.

"Why me," – thought Colonel, – "I have to escape. I’ll take to the hotel and disappear. Otherwise, I either will be killed by Shadow or by someone else. Actually, I did not ask if she was married, and whose baby it is. And actually, it's not my business! "

Out of the corner of one's eye, a big city was moving across the high trestle, avoiding with forks random giant skyscrapers, driving down into the average life standard, where ruled scooters called "tuk-tuk" and countless colorful mopeds. From the height, one could see a lower life standard similar to the penultimate Dante’s circle.

There was connected by patches the unconnected. Somewhere were gleaming dark dull channels, tricycles of the street traids men and the Thai boat-longtetsly were everywhere.


Finally, a minibus to Bangkok-Pattaya, with cheerful anarchist posters, drove on the route. With curiosity the travelers were observing passing funny houses with bright Buddhist incense, and suddenly she said:

– You won’t go anyway!

He looked at her a little bit dumbfounded.

– Won’t go anyway!

He spontaneously approached her being taken up.

– Why are you looking at?

– Where should I look, – Colonel stupidly muttered, – it’s not provided? And where will I live?

– I like sleeping alone.

– Why? – he said indifferently.

– I hate when somebody hindering me.

– Ah – indefinitely waved Dux. He suddenly realized that she was stronger than he.

"To snatch a couple of days before the conference. Let the world rest a little bit from me "– Colonel joked dispiritedly -" all the more it’s necessary to prepare for the event I’m going to visit".

Sheraton, one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the center of Pattaya, met them with a large territory, luxurious rooms, numerous swimming pools, a private cozy beach and a nice garden of incredible beauty, a real art of landscape. She was dumb-founded, having seen it. While Kolya was running around the room of the top luxury and drinking baby milk, she went to the bathroom for a long time. Forty minutes later, she finally went out, wrapped up in a short towel. He hardly fell from the chair having seen her luxurious look. Anna demanded a white bathrobe and slippers. They examined the room and it turned out that they didn’t have it in the room. And somewhere, probably, at the Marriott hotel there were packed white slippers and a fluffy sterile bathrobe. Colonel believed it and began calling the reception, demanding a bathrobe for a woman and the voice on the other side was a little bit confused, but didn’t refuse the request. But the bathrobe wasn’t there. Nick began playing with toys, and she still started making pedicure, advanced her beautiful legs and to, tell the truth, Colonel melted with it. And he risked, having rushed over a bedside table and between the beds as on the redoubt . During the short fierce battle it was not clear who defended, but at the end she inflexibly sent it to his territory. He hardly recovered his breath and tried to finish the last page of Marion, but then, suddenly, he realized that there would be not an ordinary intrigue. They brought a white short fluffy sterile bathrobe and crying Kolya. She was happy and allowed him to hug her for a moment and to pat her wonderful manicured fingers, and even kiss her cheek, when she was mascara her long eyelashes.

–So, we are going for shopping – she said peremptorily – I need a dress, golden earrings and a bag, I do not want to look like in Russia. Sneakers for Kolya. And a shirt. I won’t sleep naked.

For a long time, Dux has been thinking and wanted to ask her why she said it but he did not want to risk and agreed, just in case. As soon as they left the room, Colonel immediately estimated her two-hour preparation. The hotel started. Masun, a cleaner, stopped, returned and dropped the bucket and brush. Passers-by not just looked at her, they turned twice or thrice with some painful feeling. Receptionists, who were always busy, looked at long-legged beautiful girl with pleasure and a maitre d' at the entrance tried to present a young woman a small souvenir, though it was prohibited by the rules. Dux cheered up. Those feelings were new for him. She was looked like at a miracle and some passers-by specially sneaked up on the crossroads to stare at her. In the end, she hardly crashed into a telegraph pole.

Then, there was a crazy shopping and in the evening pacified she was teaching Colonel belly dance, dying laughing. When Kolya was peacefully sleeping, he crossed the trench. She has been struggling with carnal desires for a long, but in the end, the tight double curtain was drawn and till the morning they were giving themselves to love. Having got lost in endless nirvana, he whispered:

"Stop the moment, you're beautiful!"


– Why are you sleeping so long – Anna began nervously waking him up.

Bright light of the hot south day was already struggling through the gap between the dense curtains. Firstly, Kolya tried to wake him up, jumping on Dux and even periodically crying. They realized that the tale has ended. She was upset.

– Good morning! – He smiled.

– He promised to call in the morning but he didn’t.

– No problem, we'll solve it.

– Can you do it quickly?

– Ok!

However, Colonel slowly brushed his teeth, took a cold shower and only after that dialed the number using the double code with such text:

"Brother, why are you torturing the girl? She is about to about to cry! ".

By that time, she has cheered up and went to the bathroom and Dux played with Kolya. And the buzzer squeaked. It was squeaking insistently, louder and stronger. It was heard the alert. Vasily Ivanovich could send him such signs. However, under obvious reasons, it wasn’t him. Another person could be Shadow.

– We got – thought Colonel. Through the gap between the curtains he saw as two typical black jeeps arriving to the hall.

– Listen carefully, girl! Bad men will arrive now. Play dumb, do not say anything. I will leave, don’t be sad.

He waited a little bit. Then he said:

– You know, I will definitely come back to you!

– I will deal with these freaks by myself, – she said.

It's time to say goodbye. She said quietly:

– Close your eyes!

She kissed him on his lips sweetly and tenderly, without turning back she disappeared in the doorway.

Colonel ran to an emergency exit and watched as a couple of jerks in dark perfect costumes came to the room. Eight minutes later, he saw the smaller one, darted out as if scalded. Then he again saw her. She was like Erin. Firstly, the higher one she said everything she thought about him and then hit him between the legs. As a result, they slightly limping quickly withdrew.

– Our man – smiled Dux.


... Three hours on a stone of the bay Tai. There on the island Hong Kong were coming to end. Colonel filled his hand with the fine reddish sand, squeezed it and it crunched. He scattered the sand and quickly went upstairs to the mountain. He was again ready to fight ...


– We made noise for everybody! – Mari shone with her incredible sparkling humor and energy – tell have you preparing the bomb for a long time?

Thomas was sitting a bit confused. He began realizing what glory is. The break was coming to an end and, in a spacious café there were dozens of people during this time. Some of them were curiously gingerly looking around, some were frankly examining this couple, and others were specially coming to talk and get to know. By the end of the break-time some journalist with a cameraman attached them.

– Later, later! – at a high speed the Elshtein’s went crossed the hall.

There was left the last performance of a sixty-four, a very intelligent doctor Falco from the University of Dortmund. His theory of aging was quite old. Some of the scientists were going to hiss him in advance because he was based on the SET, the synthetic evolution theory. Dr. Falco was not only professionally aware of the latest research and theories, but was always the first with the criticism and refutations. A fan of the universe origin theory following the Big Bang about four billion years ago and a classic evolutionist, he has never betrayed the canonical representations, and like Haldane, Jr., he wasn’t just a Darwinist, but even a Marxist in some way.

According to Falco, like most natural scientists affirmed, the origin of life was about three billion years ago, and during the Proterozoic ie, during the first billion years, there was a great event, namely, the transition from the primitive prokaryotes to the evolved eukaryotes. The feature of his theory was that the moment of transition from the prokaryotes to the eukaryotes was not full and perfect. Billion years later there appeared multi-cellular organisms, cells began to differentiate and the moment of the imperfection was clearer. After the differentiation some human body’s cells are capable of eternal rejuvenation. In particular, fresh young blood daily creates in a body, without any problems. Two hundred million red blood cells of the human body with the life duration in one hundred and twenty days could be the forerunner of the immortal organism like Turritopsis Nutricula, a jellyfish of four millimeters, which can rejuvenate itself. The upper layers of the skin are more interesting, they are an evident proof of the infinitely long life of this exoderm part. Falco thought that, in general, the cells and the organism were the superimposition of different substances, and the mission of this scientist was in a thorough inventory and detail of the body to assist intelligently human evolution in the right direction. According to Falco, aging may be prolonged up to 120-150 years because certain cells, which are not able to regenerate, are responsible for the deterioration of that biological taxon. Nerve cells, muscle, connective tissue will be part of the main object of the intent research of the whole powerful modern medical arsenal and a forerunner of the proper body care. So, in many developed countries, suggest that a man is just a link of evolution, which consistently leads to the new qualitative man’s state.

There was boredom in the hall. As a matter of form a couple of hawks pecked those old as the world, the theories: the neo-Darwinism of the nineties of the nineteenth Weismann’s century, the synthetic theory of evolution with Fischer’s works, Huxley, Haldane and Wright, later by Dobzhansky.

– With all respect to your fine highest authoritative works, although we were lucky to hear your deep and interesting thoughts, we would like to inquire. We heard that you had tried to find connection between a simple model Lisi. And you use the principles of extropianism. Is n’t it an incompatible seasoning?

– This is a very interesting question. Evertizm is still the most consistent description of the universe. Lisi theory impresses by the fact that it is built on the reversibility. It gives the principal opportunity of both ascending and entropy lines of the world existing. Moreover, it seems to me that it gives the highest internal symmetry. It allows the evolution development, in all senses, such as the rapid rise of the computer age and the Internet. We see an incredibly rapid rise of the genetic engineering. As soon as the first genes were completely decrypted, the world has changed. We are about to see how the kids will play at home with the new toys called new species. A natural distance between species will be broken, and it will be just the question of the ethics. The man’s condition will be online determined by the sets of drugs. It will give the potential immortality because a man will postpone it to his own reasonable bounds. Imagine for a moment that you are again young. You are again young and full of energy. Do you think you refuse voluntarily your life?


A well-known critic of transhumanism, Professor Fukuyama darted out of the audience.

– Many times, in different classrooms I repeated and will do it once more, your thoughts, you make public with relish, these are the most dangerous ideas in the world. I am an active participant of creation of the multi-level filter world against dangerous heresies. It consists of a practical part of transhumanism, ethical criterion Extropianism, a part of cloning, eugenics restrictions and other. This future powerful filter would give full consensus to the whole community, including the representatives of main world religions. Otherwise, it will be too late. Pandora's box will be opened, a prelude of the world’s end, the World War II, will be repeated in the new turn of the twenty-first century, which will lead to disappearance of the modern civilization.

A lot of listeners immediately began protesting because it touched them a raw nerve.

– You don’t perform just as a reactionary, but in this case, I'm sorry, as an obscurantist. We saw how, in different countries, they progressively, throughout the ages, tried to tie the science hand and foot and it has always led to a negative result. In the best, it led to the stagnant fenomena or to the shortage of the modern developing technologies. In many countries, such as India they are trying to slow down artificially the development of civilization. You will see spoiling environmental conditions and littered ecosystem. It doesn’t look great. Dear Professor Fukuyama, how can you create some global bans chambers? Would not it lead to the new forms of inquisition or numerous violations of basic human rights? Our credo is Western liberal values of free people, freedom of thought, conscience and religion!


A short old man with a white beard, who wasn’t previously seen, came to the tribune. He energetically raised his hand and said in a steady voice the speech of a preacher, so, everybody was quiet for a while.

– Dear, ladies and gentlemen! Look attentively at this motley crowd. You can see the contradictions built on these people’s antagonistic interests or on other bases, but not the pure science, without the proper moral imperative, it is also based on false interests, ambitions, power, fame, on the corporate wrong thinking, greed, money and their combinations.

A strangled laugh rolled around the auditorium.

– Unfortunately, we do not see the representatives of the completely different class once existed and called the priesthood and was the bearer of the ancient knowledge passed on generation to generation.

If you say that the modern priesthood does not exist, you are deeply mistaken. Yes, your modern civilization has reached weak attempts to make a unified field of the interaction and it confuses in decoding the genomes. But your modern science is not close to such things as the forms theory or mind comprehension with seven thin essences. Understanding the newly-born reason as an object. Unmanifested divine spirit with six signs, namely, omniscience, satisfaction, unlimited of understanding, independence, eternal insomnia and omnipotence. Someday you'll be able to quantize new essences for you. And you will be able to approach the transcendental comprehension. But we are just savages and barbarians, sand in the ocean, who think that they are the ocean.


Almost all the participants whistled and began to make noise disapprovingly and loudly. Pushing with elbows those who wanted to pursue the dispute, a temporary presiding forced to the tribune to calm down the speakers.

– Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you not to deviate from the theme.

The old man was dragged deep into the hall. Instead of him, there appeared a stately famous theologian, in a perfect suit, who cried out angrily:

– Please, ladies and gentlemen! This is just a scientific conference. Why are you trying to pull out my microphone.

The theologian really felt like someone's greasy fingers on the quiet, aggressively and persistently tried to tear the microphone off his dry long aristocratic fingers. A chairman raised his voice:

– Please, it should be discussed in a different auditorium and with a different agenda!


Mari and Thomas enjoyed that unexpected respite. A famous couple, namely, a journalist and a cameraman were approaching them in small zigzags.

– Jorge they are real archanthropines, goner people. They are interesting people.

It is not known how long that bedlam has been lasting but, having seen as a journalist with a microphone and a cameraman with a big camera were preparing for work, militant speakers were depleted. There was a silence. In soft insinuating short steps, media was steadily approaching the place where the Elshteins were sitting. The stage lights lit up and shooting began.

It wasn’t known why, but the audience did not dispersed, but they silently waited for the final preparations, and many of them pulled out winding mobile phones or cameras.


– The newspaper "Apple Daily". We all know a lot of famous symposiums, conferences and exhibitions formed on the important issue of humanity, the extension people’s life. What's new about your first conference “Eternal Health 2015”?

– First of all, we want to thank the organizers for that they managed to create a quite respectable number on longevity, expand the topic not only geographically, but also having brought the novelty, a range of absolutely fresh topics which could outline new contours of the future.

– Do you think a sharp increase in human life duration in the nearest future is possible?

– I think it is not possible today, but in the twenty-first century there will be first real results.

– How do you feel about the immortality issue?

– From the point of the science I think that it is impossible. But the duration of the full life in 120-150 years will be possible.

– Could you outline briefly for our readers, in simple words, the meaning of your works.

– We are talking about two directions of our group. The first is already well established. These are various ways of the visualizing by the famous method of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) that gives good results in early diagnosis of changes in the body. The second direction is at its early stage and is headed by me and our employee – he picturesquely asked Mari stand up, emphasizing the word "our". It was unexpectedly for her, she made a curtsy with a fascinating charm and bowed, – we called this method "Rejuvenation of organs by the Elshteins way." Despite of this pretentious title, everything, we dispose of, is a number of different experiments and a theoretical justification, which could be discussed by the scientific community.

– The name of your method tastes as a sensational discovery, continue please.

– Really, we managed to find a new way based on the basis of daily time fountains, self-rejuvenating cells of the outer exoderm, by the penetration of thin fibrils into the worn or damaged organs.

– Exoderm is a human skin?

– Yes, it's a thin layer of about fifty micrometers of a young outer skin.

– And what is the "daily short-term fountains of time”?

– A small digression. Any cell, partially or completely, can regenerate. After the work in 1999 of Gould, Gross, Gage, and Eriksson it was finally confirmed that even the nerve cells in the hippocampus and deep temporal lobes had the capacity of self-rejuvenation throughout the whole person's life, regardless of age. There is a stock, in the body, of differentiated cells and also undifferentiated ones in stem cells. However, mitosis apart, it is known well, that there is a constant cells self-rejuvenation.

– Without mitosis?

– Yes, without mitosis, for example without complete division of eukaryotic cells. The most known ones are highly differentiated cells such as neurons and muscles’ fibers exist throughout the whole life without dividing. Despite of the fact that the cell study has been continuing for about two hundred years, there is still a lot of unsolved in this issue. For example, the time of the management of cells metabolism (metabolism) or getting a dozen different types of energy in cells, the most famous of which is ATP adenosinetriphosphatase. We think that all these types of energy is not enough for the cells rejuvenation and according to our estimates, this is not enough very much. So, if you attentively sum up all known types of traditional cells energy, such as the Krebs cycle, electron transport, degradation of lipids and so on, you will see that these energies are hardly enough for the rest cells. In other words, the entropy organism can live no more than a day, according to the concept of the thermal death by Clausius. In this sense, "daily short-term fountains of time” are a fundamental change in view of the cell life. According to our data, confirmed by numerous experiments, there daily occurs the phenomenon of the daily time fountain in any cell. We are trying to explain how we represent it. Every molecule and every atom returned to the initial condition for the next day, like the matrix in the computer. However, the next time fountain, anticipates the next assembly. At this moment, there is a huge release of energy. But this energy is quite different: it is a smart energy of living of up to ninety-seven percent. Once, Schroedinger called this energy anti-entropy, Quinean ectropy and Brillouin Brillouin invented the term "negentropy". This living system constantly imports negentropy for its existence. Otherwise, all living constantly exports entropy to maintain its own entropy at a low level.

– Where does the negentropy come from?

– This is the most interesting question. The body consumes the energy about 2500 calories or 10,000 kilojoules per day. Isolation of human energy compared with incandescence of the lamp in hundred watts! As once Blumenfeld said, a living organism is no different from a piece of rock of the same weight. If freeze living organism immediately, it can be compared to the ordering of the dead body or a piece of rock. But if you have been measuring two substances of a living organism and stone for a long time, and calculating the amount of information and energy needed for it, you will see an incredibly huge energy between a living and nonliving. Just try to calculate the energy to make the workplace, and see how low efficiency is it? There are various estimates of the biosphere’s energy of the whole period of its existence. So, the energy equivalent of maintaining space-time ordering of the biosphere living matter, shown by the power output about eight orders higher the sun energy and twenty orders higher the energy received by the Earth's biosphere (about hundred terawatts, or both hundred lightning). So, energy deficit is about thirty millions suns like ours!

– This is incredible!?

– That's why we accidentally found a completely different source of energy of open-ordered information systems in form “daily short-term fountains of time” with great energy.

– What about the cell is not it destroyed under these sizzling energies?

– You see, if the nuclear explosion or the explosion of a hydrogen bomb destroys all life, the incredible energy of live creation close to one of the useful efficiency, gives thoughts about the living smart cosmos. Our numerous experiments showed that the daily time fountains are the work of the complex living system ordering. Imagine that the cells consist of tens millions trillions of atoms, programmed for one day and space. The simplest estimate of the control information can be used basing uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Where does this huge energy equivalent?

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