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Don't kill
  • Текст добавлен: 12 октября 2016, 04:12

Текст книги "Don't kill"

Автор книги: Boris Gorowoi

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 18 страниц)


The truth swayed like a glass of pure sparkling wandering wine on the ship. It was impossible to catch her, but it was somewhere nearby. Majority of the people couldn’t fully drink the cup of poison and grief called "temptation". Passed route traveled of the spirit reflected madness, digging, suffering, crime like on the board. And forever young wiser Germany will sing a song Lorelei again and again.

– You will be the first of the uninitiated – said Herr Roseberg. – The human ordinary psyche can not suffer everyday flight. The devices of the third generation are the symbiosis of time and psyche ... -

He hardly began choosing the word they could understand.

Someone said:

– Torsion.

– So let it be. An invisible warm blanket of space, the living and the deceased states.

After a long pause, he thought. Young people's eyes glittered like embers. One could also hear as Thomas shiffed from excitement.

– Incredible – said Colonel looking at the sky.

– During the flight, you will fall asleep in the desynchronized state of the intermediate REM– and D-sleep, do not try to turn in the brains. It is clear!

Both dutifully bleated agreed for everything.

– Where to take you?

– To America – both gloomily said.

– Okay. Today you will be there. We won’t take you to our factory. Witold will be with me.

– It is clear – cried Colonel and Thomas.

– The final and terrible battle will be tomorrow,– said softly, Herr Rosenberg.

– Find him.

– And what about connection?

He laughed thundering, like Faust. "Children" – he thought.

– I'll be nearby.

– I got it! – Colonel internally prepared.

– Drink a coffee and get ready.

Deafened and stunned by the heard, they not adequately went along the palace.


Everything was ready. Brothers Rosenberg, serious and ready, entered the living room, but there was no one. Gustav sent Witold to the kitchen. But there was only German sterility, odorless, like in hospital. Herr Rosenberg smiled. Obviously, the boys reached the library.

Thomas, showing special deftness, eagerly read book with cries of happiness, not trusting himself. He was like a Luntik who got into someone else's garden, trying to eat more and different products.

Colonel was serious. He crawled on all fours, activated the fifth speed devouring information using the old diagonal forced way trying to spend no more than fifty seconds on a book. Taking out another spiritual treasure, he used a special “long reacher” thing for books. However, the monumental reacher was imperfect. The evidence of it was like a fresh bruise probably put with a heavy ancient book, which fell down on Colonel’s head.

In a dark doorway Herr Rosenberg looked at that orgy and his profile of uneven shadows seemed to be incredibly similar to the face of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel during recent years in Kreuzberg.

However, when those rodents moved to the corner, Gustav suddenly got mad, having grabbed an extension cord, hit the both on the backs, pushing them out of the office.

Those books were completely different. They looked differently and seemed to be not susceptible to corruption.

– What is it? – Thomas and Colonel breathed out, as if they were diverted from the stream.

Stone and clay tablets, papyruses, codes of parchment, Cai Lun’s papers from rags, hemp and mulberry, covered with museums dust, were unconvincing for any thinking person. Intuitively, some mysterious power seemed to destroy almost completely the source of true books and true knowledge long ago. But somewhere they should stay?

Herr Rosenberg pushed crazy readers out of the house.

– It's high time!


Having passed through the facade, gentlemen came up to the grey featureless building with a single dark-brown massive door.

– Word is silver, silence is gold – Gustav, just in case quoted the common German saying.

– I think you understand.

– We understand – three man breathed out unanimously.

The door opened noiselessly, and, like a freight elevator, sucked into the whole quartet. Gustav pressed the lower button of two ones, on which was written "Erde". Thirty seconds later the express elevator with slight overload brought the men to the underworld. The door slowly opened and all the three opened their mouths and their eyes widened.

– What is it?

A large room, like a huge hall or the magnificent grotto was full of workers walking hither and thither and remembered a modern prosperous transcontinental company. The freshest alpine air stirred the wonderful decorative Schmetterlings.

– Where does the fresh air and soft day light come from? – thought Colonel. The picture would not be complete, because the three were struck very much by the look of the classical modern impenetrable Aryan soldier who stood at attention in a perfect uniform with new weapons Heckler & Koch, which are only on the posters about war.

Herr Rosenberg took the men to the reception with a standard set: a small desk, a conference table for eight people, a cooler, a machine with tea and coffee.

– Now you will be examined by a doctor. This is a standard procedure.

Examining passed extremely quickly. Men entered the vertical tube-like an airport scanner-cabin with hidden non-contact sensors, and thirty seconds later left from the other side. At the table there was sitting a balding young doctor with a red bitch-assistant, peered into a huge screen with icons, numbers, letters, pictures and mini videos. Everybody entered instead of Uncle Witold Rosenberg. A red-headed took him to another room, undressed and felt him with the traditional therapy. Bloom’s grandfather livened up and playfully tried to pat her. Looking at his naked thin flabby wrinkled ass, she imagined for a moment that she decided to make love with that vile old man. Having laughed, she cheerfully slapped his ass and cried optimistically:

– Healthy!


The Globetrotters were ready for an amazing journey. Herr Rosenberg gave each a few greenish pills, similar to candies. Colonel was about to refuse having candy, but Gustav frowned. For Germany it was unheard, it was like refuse from the rules of the right carrying a bicycle helmet during the ride.

They passed through a narrow telescopic ladder and got an equipment cabine.

– Incredible – having gleamed from excitement with eyes, Thomas said. – This is a modern sports car Zimmerman, 12x6 meters, tahionator 36.

– What are you saying? – Dux felt badly.

Having passed through the slit of the semi-dark hall ladder, where one could see the bright unpolished metal, they got into the hatch and entered the machine. Unexpected feelings, the freshest air, white endless space full of the alive light and four fantastic comfortable chairs. Invisible man's voice, having coughed, read swallowing phrases the instructions in German:

– Ladies and Gentlemen. The journey will start in few minutes. Fasten your seatbelts. The time of departure, – all the four looked at the clock, which showed four o'clock fifty-seven minutes – the time of arrival to Nevada by the local time at five twenty-five minutes, the arrival coordinates are 37 ° 14; 06; p. w. 115 ° 48, 40; h. g., sunny, temperature is 25 degrees Celsius or 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Here is a yellow tablet, you have to use it now. If it is necessary, you can also use green candies. Enjoy your flight.

– In twenty minutes? That can not be, because it can never be, – Thomas said melancholy a Chekhovian phrase.

– Cool! – Colonel cried joyfully. Both second cousins have already eaten one big yellow tablet, and they looked like blissful addicts with wandering smile of happiness on their faces. Thomas also thoroughly chewed that yellow pilule and began falling into trance.

Dux sniffed and carefully licked it intuitively feeling filth and professionally hid it in the sleeve, having made the face like at flight attendant– police spy, from the invisible bunker.

Colonel closed his eyes and began to think about pleasant things. He understood the purpose of the pills. He felt bad and his stomach seemed to pop out. But some force did not allow him to fall apart piece by piece. He was scared.

In a moment Dux wanted to give up, eat a yellow pill with green pills. But seeing how the rest make multi-colored bubbles with idiotic blissful smiles, he kept to the end. It was offensively for him to surrender. He tried to invent something reasonable explanation to the unidentified objects. Colonel felt like a died out dark Neanderthal.


– We are trifling beings interspersed with the universe, stretched on the subtlest layer of the Earth's surface, we see a clear difference between the dead and the living organisms, fuzzy moments of time and deceptive glimmer of space filled with incomprehensible, invisible endless string vibration, armed with funny instruments and speculative ideas. We are introduced into the inscrutability of deity breath. We hide in the tangles of passions, deny hierarchical higher power for a simplified explanation of the outside world and are afraid to obey them, because we want to be masters of life.

He could see the outlines incomprehensible for people: the unexpected disaster, first signs of illness, death. And nearby the harbingers of new generations conceptions, prosperous life, the game of gods with a man.

Here in front of you is a clearly manifested active higher intelligent force. Now you feel badly, because she showed her evidence, and improbability of the power. But the attentive amateur detective sees the daily manifestation of many thin invisible forces: fresh morning with the smell of the purest hopes washing, new channels of the rapidly changing world, new philosophy, trying to clear itself from dirt, in which daily defame divine purity.

– Who is cleaner? – Thought Dux.

Meanwhile, chaotic overload leveled. An unknown for him the finest system of the perfect management with billions of feedbacks had entered his body. She became a temporary external simulator of the eternal triad spirit-soul-body of a living person. With a sinking heart, he felt something new. It was a powerful sense of the incomprehensible flight.


Despite of his dusty work, Colonel was indifferent to the material world, which seemed to be a ridiculous caricature. He was looking for an ideal world. For this, he traveled almost the whole world. But there he saw only a few fragmented images. Peace on that planet was basically united and was enslaved by material desires. After long years of physical and material survival, search of love, fermentation of taste of power, changing the ranges of poverty and wealth, he did not find the truth in it. Only ancestors’ blood called to its secret, knowledge which existed inside of him.

Dux looked at the window simulator with a kaleidoscope of changing images with the advertising, at stoned Germans and the eternal sky radiance and realized that it was his four-minute flight over the sky. Every second got thousand moments, and each of them was recognized as a bright colored thought. He saw with his own eyes that that iron tub with living people can comfortably fly at incredible speed, as something unified and meaningful.

Colonel built a logical chain, realizing that it was nonsense. Any material object should correspond to a thin microcosm which creates and utilizes endless variety of entities and is inseparable reflection of the material world, but it is more than full and infinitely varied. A Subtle World has weight. It manages the embodiment and disembodiment of the hierarchical power, of big and small.

Above this implemented world there is an incomprehensible, irrational, non manifested absolute Spirit. This is God. In us, in person, there is a part of God. And like the God, we also think our ideas and solutions, armed with will, dream and love. We are eaten up with conflicting passions, greed, baseness, animal instincts. But this person is great and can go through the asceticism, full of self-restraint, the supreme spirit, gave himself to the neighbor.

The world of desires, will, thoughts and ideas is ephemeral. Scraps of the thoughts leapfrog, desires, passions, manifestation of good and evil, hunger, fear, a dreamless sleep are recorded in the great computer of the Eternal. It allows giving subtle worlds. There live three hundred and thirty million gods, an infinite number of spirits, and live the life of the elements of the universe.

There is a certain probability that a real subtle life world of can become a reality in the real universe. And then it will be a harbinger of its birth, meaningful existence, and, in the end, the collapse and dematerialization.

There objectified ideas and embodied people. There will be implemented and disappear atoms nano world covered with thin compound connections.

The wisest of people may know the names of subtle forms.


Dux tore himself away from his feverish thoughts. Life in the plate calmed down. One could hear a snoring of both Rosenbergs and quiet Thomas’s sniff, but pleasant waves of fresh air was filled with very soft sounds imitating spring in the forest. Colonel stretched himself and having pushed Thomas tried to free himself from the belt bonds. But far from it: the watchful cameras chained him to the place with levers.

– A phantom – he thought offensively – the end of Angela Davis freedom!

But, he seemed to wake Thomas up. He blinked his sleepy eyes, looked with amazement at that flapjack with windows imitation, loud snoring Rosenbergs heroes, and said:

– Where am I? Where's the toilet?

– Do not try. It is closed. Swallow another pill and sleep.

– Scheisse.

– What do you think about it?

– I'm sick.

– Well, eat mine.

Dux gave Thomas a bag with green pills. However, instead of the usual parabola the bag made an incredible intricate curve. If it hadn’t been a remarkable Thomas reflex the bag would have run into the Rosenberg’s nose.

– You have reaction, like a man who catches flies.

Thomas swallowed the whole bag and having leaned back said satisfied:

– Laberland!

Colonel understood that there began descent. He again felt bad. He also ate the green pill, but only one, just of curiosity. Some time later, strong surge of energy filled the whole body, calming down the emetology, and Dux began bravely fight with sleep, afraid to miss the descent and landing.

There wasn’t a special difference with take off, but Colonel noticed by his feelings as if a saucer had stuck for a long time in the crater of the invisible time typhoon.

His miserable body seemed to get into the chaotic development of turbulence gravity.

"Just a little, and I will be a robbed head," – he thought. Invisible fingers quickly inherently online put into stray pieces of his body, and it sent shivers and crunch down his spine ". I had never had such extreme massage”.

Flaking out, an unformed thought came to him. The living tissues of the body seemed to successfully intertwine with an unknown unfathomable leader saving the body from the overload. The weak point of the chaotic gravity was excess of lifeless.

He began slowly falling into the whirlpool of time and space, losing any realization. Having clutched with a death grip at the arms, he stood still like a stone idol, when the passion began to subside.

Not believing his luck, he saw as the screens turned on and there appeared bright pictures of the world, with picturesque mountains and flying blue birds. In the loudspeakers turned on optimistic music of the German band Einstürzende Neubauten.

– Our flight is finished. The time in Nevada is eight o’clock twenty-seven minutes PM. The temperature outside is twenty-five degrees Celsius, and seventy-eight Fahrenheit, is it clear? We hope you enjoy the flight. Do not forget your things. Dear transit passengers don’t unfasten your seatbelts. In three minutes, our flight will continue. We will be glad if you use our model, Zimmerman 36 again. Goodbye.

Crazy Thomas and Dux left their chairs, pulled out from under the bottoms their small bags and mumbled hesitantly:

– Danke, wiedersehen!

Witold Rosenberg stayed in a sleep "D". Gustav’s Rosenberg eyes were burning like the universe torches. And they had pain, hope, wisdom and faith. They both gratefully nodded brothers and went down through the easy ladder to the ground. According the instruction, they moved thirty steps away from the machine and waved goodbye.


Colonel saw a flying blue bird Nevada, and a missile Pershing-2, flying straight to them.

– Lay down! – Dux yelled wildly, having grabbed Thomas by the collar incredibly quickly getting covered with red dust. "This is the end!".

He realize with fear that it was a hypersonic cruise missile X-51A the USA, the air– ground, flying at a Mach seven speed (seven and a half thousand kilometers per hour), which was created to strike aims on the earth surface, water and deepened objects under the fast global strike.

"Without options!" – He realized.

Instinctively, Colonel hopelessly covered that good man with his body wearing glasses and farewell smiled the sun, setting to the deserted stony desert. "I always wanted to die in spring," – without blinking he was ready for his highest jump into eternity.

But the thing which has impressed him was absolutely incredible. Where there had just been that UFO and a rocket ready to dismantle in fire everything to atoms, had disappeared. Only a strong lukewarm wave, lifeless in the thick, poured Thomas and Dux with unpleasant smell. At an incredible sprinters speed they ran away.

Next to the purple setting sun, they saw two bright shining points. The UFO was jumping in incredible zigzags, and the rocket was chasing it. It is striking that at the end the UFO made an incredible pirouette, made some intelligent monogram and off he went.

The rocket knocked about searching for goals and started self-destruction. Explosion of the rocket X-51A was so breathtaking that for a moment covered the sun, which had just touched the horizon. Few spectators saw a great minute show, as three hundred million US dollars were turning into the second light.

– What was painted there? – Colonel asked excitedly.

– Probably, I know!

Dux with interest looked at the scientist, but couldn’t say something sensible in response. After the recent incident, they scared looked at the sky, waiting with fear the recurrence. And when some point towards them flashed, they petrified in the rocks crevices.

Colonel took out of his bag the binoculars and saw the goal. That was a drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle, a modern working model of the AQ-9 Predator B USA. The frock of eleven meters long in a big way of twenty meters could carry two tons of different smart deadly weapon.

– To the sand! – Forced Colonel. Everyone had in their hands a Sapper shovel from their bags. Forty seconds later, Colonel was completely covered with dust, sand and crumbs in the cracks of Nevada huge moon stones, becoming an extension of the desert.

But Thomas’ glasses were sparkling. A predator made a small circle, like a beast of prey, made a warning large-caliber machine gun salvo and hovered above.


When you are shot from a large-caliber machine gun, with a diameter of 12.7 mm (it’s half of 50 inches), you have to have a minimum of iron nerves, which Thomas did not have. He got out of the dust and began randomly jumping like Arizona white-tailed jackrabbit.

"Shit" – cried Colonel.

The operator of the drone, a red-haired sergeant technician Jeremy Hill directed all six monitors, increasing the picture of the running silhouette in the falling twilight. Rapping his fingers knuckles on the directed laser missile AGM-114R "Romeo" Hellfire, called by the "fire and forget" system, he turned to his immediate superior, the chief sergeant Roy Thorndike, with the first signs of patches who was nervously quietly and convincingly speaking through the cell-phone. In fact, the use of the phone during the battle duty was punished by clear reasons. He was always an exemplary diligent sergeant. To do some serious breach, he should have a forcible reason. And he had it.

His darling and beloved woman made such noise that even in a phone one could hear her raised voiced. The rest of his curly head seemed to stand on end.

– I want to leave. To take the one-way ticket. And you won’t see me again, – she cried hysterically. – I live like a mermaid. I don’t have home. In the end, I want a good car. Have I driving – she said with a gasp – by Opel? – And cried. – And Iluy already has a good house and a car.

Roy, having hung his head, sadly suffered.

– Well, should I press? – Asked Jeremy.

– I can not speak now, I wil call you, my dear.

Roy forced turned off the cell-phone and finally concentrated on the battle duty, looking at that inadequate running idiot.

But then he saw as the predator was shot from everywhere, it seemed to be straight from sand.

– Stand up the ceiling is four thousand pounds – he yelled Jeremy

Jeremy sat on a beige state-offish chair. Activated the afterburner, the predator moved faster and began driving away at a speed of hundred miles per hour with a candle up.

– Wait, did you start the missile?

– You have not asked yet.

– Down – quietly said the chief master sergeant, pressing the button "fire".

But the bud didn’t treacherously work, showing "alarm" and "fault".

– Don’t do it – cried all his essence from the unexpected trick and from the shocked resentment. Continuing feverishly beating at the miserable tumbler, he nervously thought over the emergency.

"Oh, I was caught! To give my best years, "– he howled. "I have no misconduct. We all have. But I don’t "– Roy tore his hair. – "The only time in my life I turned on the ill-fated cell-phone. I got my fill of the real case! And flopped! "


A man is a superposition of many conflicting internal and external superposition. Like a insect in the endless forest, he sticks to the smooth surface and is chaotically runs around his burrows for the rest of his life, overcoming with unexpected success and fear.

He is afraid of that his kingdom does not subject to him, easy movement of the typhoon can suddenly destroy like a house of cards, and he will have to make circles till the end of his life, mad from grief and foolishness.

Sometimes it happens in another way. A man will be lucky for the whole life. He will perform many feats. He will work like an ant. The anthill will rise above from far away. His home will be a protruded burrow at the stream. His peace will be guard by the best termite-bodyguards.

He will be a king creating his own kingdom. Sometimes, he will fight with a neighbor anthill for life and death, sending the best spies, using poison and spells. Under the canopy of trees he will be blinded by laurels between his kinsmen. His fame will reach the very distant small colonies.

But alas, the villains anteaters-pangolins leave the black forest for the night hunting.

Even the name of this new powerful ruler, will be soon forgotten in the vanity of vanities sea .


Roy hardly cried with disgrace and affront. This was not like he imagined. He imagined as he would stand in front of the line and the senior management would repeat in tired annoying voices the most important well-known commandment of the battle duty. His career, which was previously unstained, would be turned upside down fly upside down.

– Wait a minute. Move away for twenty thousand pounds, sit and not to show yourself.

He thought that he heard unintelligibly the chief muttering:

– We will sort it out with you.

His was poured with unreasonably cold sweat. Well, what if he will be unexpectedly charged?

However, a minute later, he again heard his boss’ excited voice.

– New instructions. This chick is a big boss. Somewhere must be another one. The last is dangerous. Take both. Dead or alive!

Crazy Roy with a maximum dive fell like a kite from the height of thirty thousand feet and jumped into the thick of the battle. Knocking villain small bats of the enemy and covering everything with the living fire, he incredibly exerted himself, using all kinds of weapons, how the pianist-virtuoso can play the piano. Roy used more high-precision controlled cluster micro bombs with three designator sensors, by the campaign ATK, which weighed only two and a half kilos, and which were just two hundred pieces in a comfortable launch canister. The machine gun rattled basically for warning.

To Roy’s incredible joy, the rocket suddenly renewed itself and gave permission for start. It was most welcome and Roy sent missile AGM-114R Hellfire to the cars and infantry gathering moving toward the warehouse.

Roy’s heart exulted at the exceeding of adrenaline excess. Rattling shooting of the enemy was insignificant against the incredible power of the latest MQ-9 Reaper with a mass of 1700 kilogram, however, Roy and his partner had to be extremely attentive.

The drone sat next to Thomas. A loud voice from loudspeaker called his name clearly and deafeningly.

– Thomas Elshtein and your partner! Please go to the specified green flashing light.

Thomas did not argue with fate, and quickly got into the UAV. Having stuck out his hand, he vigorously shouted:

– Come on, quickly.

– Just cats bear quickly, – muttered Colonel. He shot back in a convenient trench.

– Quickly!

– Nope.

– Why?

Colonel was silent.

Thomas surprised wiped his glasses.

For a moment, two universes met on the border of life and death. The UAV’s bright spotlight for a moment showed the stone face of Colonel. In his eyes one could see pain, desperate adrenaline of madness, and something else that Thomas could not understand.

– Nope – Colonel nodded and waved goodbye

It was hot, at the horizon in a line were going armed men and the rocket could any moment arrive from everywhere.

The UAV moved like a candle into the dark night of the Mojave Desert.


The night of May 30, 2015 forever entered the history of mankind, as the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. It was two PM. The President had hardly slept after another awful day, the administration had also fell asleep. Some of them went to bed, and others slept on chairs.

Of course, it was not the Oval Office. In the fifties of the twentieth century there were built huge multilevel buildings on the mountain. Nine entrances were hid at an angle of sixty degrees, so it was difficult to find them. They were closed by huge iron gates.

The area 51 was a secret subject of the USA.

Hundred miles away there had never been any building. A dead moon landscape, a smooth big channel of a dried up a huge pond which was surrounded by powerful mountains was a perfect place for secret research. For more than a half of century paths to the Zone-51 were protected by special military units. A road over the civil aircraft area has been changed long ago at the pretext of testing nuclear explosions.

Once, in the seventies, during the training one of the officers of the tactical squadron accidentally flew to the territory. He was immediately ordered to return to the airfield, he was taken to a stone bunker and has been providing violent interrogation for several days. He stayed alive only because he didn’t see anything serious.

The patrol went about by white jeeps with the government numbers trying not to speak with civilians. Excessive curiosity on the secret territory could lead to a fine of six hundred dollars.

It was very difficult to get into the Zone-51 passing the patrol and sensors. In sand there were hiding hundreds of small cameras and detectors for heat radiation, which reported a signal of the approach. At night around that area there flew black helicopters with spotlights without any wing marking. The patrols, barbed wire fences, signs with warnings confirmed that there was something serious in the Area 51.

In this warehouse, covered with the military mystery and inaccessible for any intrusion, the Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, has been managing the theatre for two days. Since the first day of the television center in Atlanta capture passed the whole week. The president was showed on TV every day. But those speeches were very short.

A rich week exhausted him completely. Constant movements over the sky, on the ground and underground, twenty-four-hour calls, meetings, an endless stream of waiting in the waiting room. Semblance of moderation disappeared. Most of the administration couldn’t even calmly eat eggs and bacon, so there were double hamburgers with tea on every leather armchair.

That night the President wanted only one thing. To sleep, to stretch, to go to a clean fresh bed with two velvet cushions and hide under the blanket for four hours. He remembered reading notes of the Ministry of Justice in the Senate, which stated that "sleep deprivation can not be considered as a torture, because it does not cause severe pain, weakening of bodily functions and death." The president suspected that it wasn’t true and intuitively promoted the prohibition of the torture in the Senate, because insomnia has always been for him the Achilles heel.


This morning he has to tell Americans the main words in a calm and confident voice.

"For the first time in the history of the United States there is an incomprehensible cruel inhuman enemy looking like...". The whole week he has been carefully preparing strong and biting phrases. America instinctively expected a great performance of the President, similar to the speech "a divided house " of Abraham Lincoln during the war on the South and the North in 1861 or address of Winston Churchill's “blood, sweat and tears" in England in 1940.

The most offensive for the President was that for the whole awful week special services prohibited to assembly free audiences voters being afraid of that his "Maher’s people " would penetrate into his surroundings. That’s why, in few TV address there were only thoroughly tested family members of the administration, security services and generals.

The spirit of America began to die like a flower in a broken jar from which water began to trickle.

– Just a little, and we begin to turn into a suspicious totalitarian state, having got into the hostel of doubtful pariah – he thought.

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