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About Last Night...
  • Текст добавлен: 15 октября 2016, 02:50

Текст книги "About Last Night..."

Автор книги: Belle Aurora

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

Chapter Four


I was being a shitty friend.

Harry was talking to me and I was being a putz, checking my phone every minute to see if Maya had responded. Then she did respond. As I read her short email, my cock jerked. I was sitting at a café with my best friend, and my dick was hard. Harder than a fucking rock.

A virgin. Untouched. Pure.

No shit.

I fought the urge to scrub my hands down my face and groan, and grunted a response to Harry.

Harry muttered, “You know, if you’re going to pretend to listen to me, you could at least accompany your grunt with a slight nod every now and again.”

I looked across the table to find him smiling at me. He nodded to my phone. “Who’s the lucky lady?”

Sighing, I shut off my phone and placed it back in my pocket. “Sorry, man. Just a client.”

Harry’s brows rose. “A client? I’ve never seen you turn into a goofball over a client before.”

I shook my head. “I haven’t met her yet, but she’s shy and funny. Really funny. And sweet. I asked to meet with her and she shut down on me. Normally, I wouldn’t give a shit; I’d leave it be. It’s her choice, after all. But this one…I didn’t want to let her go. We’ve been emailing back and forth all morning, and I gotta be honest here. She’s cool. If we hadn’t met through the agency, I think we’d be friends.”

But Harry’s smile dropped. “Dude…”

I rolled my eyes and waved it off. “I know, Har. I know. Believe me. As soon as I feel it’s getting too personal, I’ll cut her off.”

This did not placate Harry. “Trust me, Quinn. It’s not that easy. You’re taking this girl’s feelings, reciprocating them, making a friendship, and then when you realize it’s too much, you’re going to cut her off when you’re at fault? Shit. She’s probably got no self-esteem as it is, and you putting her to the side is going to make her feel like she’s done something wrong or being punished for something she didn’t do. You said she was shy. Girls like that are fragile.” He stared me down. “Shut it down now before you become attached.”

I sometimes forgot that Harry had been where I was. I never understood why he quit the escort business. The money was amazing, the women horny, and the lifestyle heaven. I guessed his heart just wasn’t in it anymore.

Just then, a thought dawned on me. “It happened to you.” He knew what I meant, but held my gaze without faltering. I went on, “You got in too deep with a client. It went too far. That’s why you quit.”

Harry looked me in the eye and uttered the words slowly, carefully. “I fell in love.”

I looked at him in a whole new light. It made sense. From the moment I started working at DFT, Harry had spent every spare moment lecturing me on the importance of keeping a distance from clients. He told me that some women would mistake sex for love, and he was right. I’d released a few clients for that fact alone. They thought they loved me. They hadn’t even known me. They’d only known Quinn the sex machine, not Matt the person. I understood the need for distance, but now, I understood it more. “Who was she?”

Harry picked at the food on his plate and spoke quietly. “She was just a girl. She fell in love with a guy in high school and they married at eighteen. Six months later, he was dead. An aggressive tumor in his brain killed him. She was my age, early twenties and still mourning. A couple of her friends booked her in as a surprise, and when she turned up and realized who and what I was, she burst into tears. I spent that entire hour holding her. Just holding her. And she felt perfect in my arms. I never wanted to let her go.” His jaw ticked. “That should’ve been the last appointment. I never should’ve seen her again. But when she booked another appointment a fortnight later, I accepted immediately.”

I could see he really didn’t want to talk about this, but I couldn’t help myself. “Then what happened?”

“The next appointment, we just talked…about everything. She said it was so good to have someone to talk to, someone who would listen. She told me I was better than a shrink. I spent the night making her laugh, because when she laughed, her eyes did too. Pretty as a picture. And when it came time to leave, I kissed her. Just once. And she let me.”

Harry picked up his beer and sipped. “The next few appointment were just spent hanging out, kissing, cuddling. I couldn’t get enough of her. She was spending an ass-ton of money just to be with me. It felt nice, you know? She was smart, funny, and cute as hell. I wanted to keep her. Then, finally, we slept together, only it didn’t feel like sex; it felt like making love. She booked another appointment to tell me she couldn’t see me anymore, that she was falling in love with me, and she needed to let go. Everything she was saying, I was thinking, but I wasn’t strong enough to end it. I never saw her again.” He huffed out a humorless laugh. “And what was fucked up was that every appointment after that, I felt like I was cheating on her. I felt sick to my stomach. I never even spent the money she paid me. It’s still there. And so…I quit.”

I couldn’t help but feel sadness for my friend. If anyone deserved love, it was Harry. “I’m sorry, man. That blows.” He shrugged and I asked, “You ever try to find her?”

He sighed. “Just once. Months later, I called the friend who originally booked, asking for her phone number. It took quite a bit of convincing, and she only relented when I told her I was in love with her. The friend told me my girl felt the same and was suffering without me. You couldn’t imagine how happy I was to finally be able to speak with her. I had a plan. I would start by telling her I was in love with her and that I wanted to be with her, that I’d quit and would never be escorting again, and then I’d move to be closer to her.”

He ran his fingers down the condensation built up on the beer bottle. “But when I called, a guy answered. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said nothing. He kept saying ‘hello, anyone there?’ but I kept quiet. Then I heard her. And it was her. I’d committed that voice to memory. She said, ‘oh, for God’s sake, Sean! Just hang up the phone, honey.’ So I hung up and never called again.” He threw me a strained smile. “Seems she didn’t miss me as much as I was missing her.”

I winced. “Ouch.”

Harry shrugged once more. “Not that I could blame her for moving on. I was an escort. I was hired to keep her company. I just wished she’d given me a chance, that she’d ask me to give it up, because I would’ve. For her, I would’ve.”

The mood of the afternoon changed after that. We ate in near silence, both lost in our own thoughts, and when I took Harry home, he exited the car then hesitated. He turned to me and said solemnly, “So this client…uh…just…be careful, Matt. Be careful.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, I responded, “I will. Thanks for the company. Basketball this week?”

It was then his smile returned. “You know it.”

I drove home wondering how someone like Harry could fall for a client. Thinking about Maya’s quirky and sassy attitude, the answer came quickly.


Chapter Five


I spent the afternoon silently fretting and covering that fact by cleaning every corner of my apartment till it was sparkling. Maybe I had been wrong. Maybe Matt Quinn wasn’t man enough for the job I had propositioned.

My brain rolled its eyes at me. Okay, so he was man enough. Matt Quinn was man enough to wrestle an alligator. With one hand tied behind his back. Wearing a damn blindfold. While singing the musical score from Chicago.

It was likely that he didn’t want this job, but didn’t know how to break it to me. So I had to let him off without guilt.

I opened a new email and started typing.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: So…


So…it’s been a few hours since I sent you my last email.

Listen, I realize that taking someone’s virginity is normally a big deal, but for me, it isn’t that big of a deal.

Groaning, I immediately deleted what I wrote. Of course losing your virginity is a big deal! Who was I kidding?

I tried again.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: (none)

Hi Quinn,

I stared at the open email for a long while, not knowing where to go from the greeting. I stared for over a minute, over five minutes, over ten minutes before I started to write again.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: (none)

Hi Quinn,

I’m guessing your lack of response means you aren’t interested, and that’s totally fine. I know how it is.

I’m sure I can find someone else at the agency that would be acceptable.

Anyone you’d like to recommend?


I read the email over and over until I convinced myself it was fine. I clicked send, closed the lid on my laptop, and walked out of my apartment, grabbing my phone on the way.

I wouldn’t think about Matt Quinn. Not today.

I needed to get out.

I needed to run.

Chapter Six


As I walked into my apartment, my eyes skimmed the email for the sixth time. I read the line that was bugging me the most for the seventh, eighth, ninth time.

“I’m sure I can find someone else at the agency that would be acceptable.”

My brow bunched as an emotion I couldn’t quite recognize squeezed a knot inside my chest. I’d been written off in a matter of hours.

I was Matt fucking Quinn. I didn’t get written off. I got fought over, for Christ’s sake. There was no way in hell I’d be recommending any of the other guys. If she wanted an escort, she’d get me, or she’d get no one.

I squelched my irrational anger and typed slowly.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Whoa, Nelly! Hold your horses.

Maya, my dumpling,

Please forgive my tardy response. I was at lunch with a friend and didn’t want to be that guy. You know, that guy who’s more interested in his phone than his friend?

Although I’d been thoroughly tempted to be that guy when I read your email.

Also, yes, that is most definitely something I can help with. I would consider it a privilege to be the man you chose for the job.

Still available,

Quinn loves chocolate…any chocolate…all the chocolate x

After sending the email, I called DFT. Candace, the receptionist, owed me a favor, and I was calling it in.

“DFT. This is Candace speaking. How may I help you?”

I smirked. Candace was a sixty-something-year-old woman who acted like a twenty-year-old. She had her children young and was a great-grandmother two times over. Also, she loved the shit out of me. “Candy, sweetheart, how are you this fine day?”

She grunted a laugh at my over-cheerfulness. “I’m fine, thank you, Matthew. What can I do for you, hon?”

I hated to do it, but felt I needed to. No one would be better at serving Maya than me. “Remember when I caught you napping at your desk and I woke you before anyone saw. You said you owed me. I’m calling in my marker.”

She made a noise in her throat then asked suspiciously, “And what would that favor be?”

I didn’t waste time beating around the bush. “I need you to check the reception email. There’s a new client who will likely try to book with another guy. I need you to tell her there is no one else. No one else but me.”

Candace sighed. “Matty, sweetie, I don’t know. I could get into a lot of trouble.”

“Are you going to tell anyone? Because I’m not. It’ll be strictly between you and me. Besides, the client might never even book. This is all just a would-be scenario.”

I could all but hear her roll her eyes. “All right. Give me her email address.” I gave her Maya’s email and waited. “Well, she hasn’t booked yet, Matty. If she tries to, I’ll text you.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, I thanked her. “You’re the best, Candy. Love ya.”

The day’s heat was getting to me, so I removed my shirt and threw myself on my bed. It had been a few hours since I heard from Maya. I was beginning to think I was being punished for my delayed response earlier. I didn’t know how long I’d slept, but I woke to my phone vibrating on the nightstand. Blinking sleepily, I wiped at my eyes, picked it up, and smiled at seeing the sender.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: So…this isn’t awkward…


I’m so glad you’re not that guy. I hate that guy. And there’s nothing to apologize for. Keeping your friend company without checking your phone just earned you major brownie points in my book.

I’m sorry for assuming you wouldn’t have the balls to let me know if you didn’t want to assist me.

Truth is, I wouldn’t have booked with anyone else. Not even if you had recommended them.

Not at all awkward,

Maya ever after x

Subconsciously, my chest puffed out, and I felt like beating on it like a gorilla while strutting around like a peacock. But I was too tired for that. Instead, I lay with an arm behind my head while typing with the other.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Mmmm…brownie points.


I’m glad we got that sorted.

Now, shall we get down to business?

If it’s all right with you, I’d like to know the extent of your sexual experience, so I can be better prepared for our meeting.

You can ask me anything you like in return. Scout’s honor.



I didn’t know why writing that particular email seemed harder to write than the others. Something about this woman had my stomach turning.

I thought back to the last time I flirted with a woman for my own pleasure. Honestly, I couldn’t remember a time in the last year. My brow bunched. Had this become my life? Women throwing themselves at me for large sums, and me minus my natural libido? Sure, I had a large group of women to deal with, and majority of those women were regulars, but on the odd occasion I had a new client, yet I hadn’t been excited about it. I had been nervous about it, anxious even. With my regulars, I knew what they liked. I rarely had to use new moves. Making them come was a cinch.

My mind wandered. I wasn’t at all nervous to meet Maya. How easily would Maya come? I didn’t know what she liked, but I would explore her body and remedy that as soon as possible. Was she thin or full-figured? Tall or short? Would she taste sweet or spicy? She deserved a good first experience. Having this go as smoothly as possible was best for her. If this went sour, it could ruin her view of sex forever. I didn’t want that resting on me, but was sure I could make it something special for her.

I’d have to relax her somehow before the main event. A few orgasms should do the trick. I smirked to myself. Because that would be such a hardship for me.

There was something about a woman in the throes of orgasm that did something to me. Not only was it sexy as hell, it was validation, all I needed to know that I was in the right profession.

I had come across all types of women during my time as an escort. Some women were large, and others were small, but at the end of the day, they all had something about them I liked. I’d never been turned off by any of my clients. I never needed to take pills to make me stay hard. The truth was that horny women made me horny, and I loved making even the classiest of ladies wet. It was a powerful feeling, one I had yet to become sick of. I didn’t think I ever would.

My phone shook in my hand.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Mmmm…brownie points.


Gah. I guess we had to get to that eventually, didn’t we?

Well, there’s not a lot to that answer. In total, I’ve dated two men. They were both in college and didn’t amount to much. There had been kissing and groping, a bit of fondling. One of those men treated my breasts like a wind-up toy, while the other thought squeezing my nipples really hard would get me going. It didn’t. It hurt like a bitch.

The first guy entered me with his fingers and thought shaking me up like a milkshake machine would make me come; the second tried going down on me.

I fell asleep.

I’ve touched a mangina. Never seen one up close though. I’d always insisted on darkness when doing such sinful things.

That’s about it.

Yikes. Now that I think about it, it’s kind of pitiful. Sorry.

Okay. My questions to you are:

1)     What is your favorite sport to play?

2)     Or, What is your favorite sport to watch?

Pathetically yours,


I winced multiple times through reading her email. The two men she’d been with sounded like a couple lady-killers. Poor girl. No wonder she never tried to lose her virginity. She likely thought sex was nothing special. It didn’t matter though. I’d show her everything she needed to make sure she’d have a healthy sex life.


I snorted a laugh and typed my response.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: RE: Mmmm…brownie points.

My poor Maya,

I pity the fool who had you in his grasp and disappointed you so thoroughly.

I’d like to say that bedroom games come easy to most, but they don’t. Sex is an art, and if you aren’t taught the basics, you have no hope in hell of pleasing anyone. The key to sex is communication. Don’t ever be afraid to tell your partner what you like. If you don’t, they’ll have to guess, and men (or women) can’t read minds…unfortunately. How cool would it be if they could??

You aren’t pathetic. Not even close. Stick with me and we’ll work together to make you a phenomenal lover. That’s a guarantee.

In answer to your question(s), I love to play basketball. My best friend thinks he’s Jordan circa the early nineties, but he’s more Dennis Rodman circa…now. It’s sad. Really.

And you won’t believe it, but the sport I most love to watch is curling. Those damn Canadians sure know how to party, eh?

Now, as you can see, I’ve answered both your questions. How about we do it this way? Parties can either answer one, or both of the questions asked, depending on what they’re comfortable with.

My questions to you are:

1)     What did you study at college?

2)     Where are you most comfortable, a crowded city or alone on the beach?


P.S. Don’t ever call my penis a mangina. Not ever. I feel completely emasculated by that horrible, horrible word. Great. Thanks. How will I ever do my job now?

I had things to do that day, but with every further email, my priorities faded into the background as new ones built themselves.

That should’ve been my first clue to end it.

Chapter Seven


“All I’m saying is that you should be careful. You don’t know anyone in your building, and it sounds like this Bill and Terry might be a little strange¸” explained my brother Harry in an overly haughty tone.

I just finished telling him about the cute gay couple in their thirties who lived across the hall. I had come home from my run a sweaty mess, and walking up the stairs, I spotted Terry leaving a basket in front of my door. He heard me approach and looked up. He beamed at me. “You must be our new neighbor on account of I don’t know you.” Standing tall, he held out a muscled arm and took my sweaty hand, kissing it. “You are just adorable.” Calling over his shoulder, he yelled out, “Bill, honey, get out here and meet the little dish who is our neighbor! She’s adorable!”

Still in a daze, I looked over at the opening apartment door to find Bill, an equally tall, muscled, and attractive man coming at me. Where Terry had messy blond hair and green eyes, Bill had dark hair chopped into a crew cut and eyes so dark they could be classified as black. But then Bill smiled, and he wasn’t so scary anymore.

It was funny what a smile could do to a face.

Taking my free hand, Bill brought my knuckles to his mouth and kissed. “Hello there, sweetness. Welcome to the hood.”

Oh, God. Bill was English. As in, Jude Law, Hugh Grant, Jason Statham, take-me-right-now English. I always loved that accent. It was classy as fuck and hotter than hell.

There I was, caught between two of the hottest men I’d ever had the opportunity to speak to, so I did what any woman would do. I groaned…loudly. “Just my luck. You’re so totally gay. Damn. That’s so unfair.”

For a moment, I’d been worried I might’ve offended them, but when I lifted my eyes to face them, they were both grinning. Hooking an arm through mine, Terry dragged me toward their apartment, leaving Bill in the hall. As soon as we crossed the threshold, Terry called back to Bill, “Shit, we are keeping this one. I love her already.”

Before I knew it, I was on my second glass of wine and laughing at one of the many escapades of Bill and Terry. Snorting, we all laughed harder. I covered my mouth and admitted, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m normally so uneasy around men.”

Bill’s lip quirked. “I’m guessing it’s partly because of the booze, and partly because we’re queer, darling.” He tilted his head as he studied me. “Sort of like a safety blanket for you, I’d think. No risk, you know. Easy peasy.”

Just then, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and read the email from Quinn. Smiling like a loon, and partly drunk, I confessed to my new friends, “Sorry. There’s this guy I kind of like, and we’ve been flirting a lot over the past day or so.”

Terry clapped and squeaked, “Tell me all about it. I love gossip.”

Bill sipped his wine way too gently for a gigantic man. “He does, darling. Go on. Spoil him.”

I choked then. I couldn’t tell them what I was doing. They’d think I was a freak. I played it off a little too casually. With a shrug, I leaned back in my chair and muttered a bored, “He’s just a guy.”

Terry and Bill locked eyes. And I began to sweat. They were onto me.

Terry muttered, “This is serious.”

Bill responded just as quietly, “I don’t know what just happened.”

I fumbled and squawked, “No. No serious. No anything. It’s nothing.”

Terry, acting like a friend of many years, rather than a friend of a single afternoon, gave me a stern ‘dad’ face. “Who is he?”

I tried to reply, but nothing came out. My mouth opened and closed, like that of a fish out of water, before my shoulders slumped and I caved. “My brother’s best friend.”

While Terry groaned, Bill winced, and my stomach churned. No more wine. Bill started with, “That’s fire there, sweetness. You sure you want to get burned?”

Terry added sympathetically with a nod, “That might be something you want to avoid, honey.”

I was sure they were right, but I still had to ask, albeit pathetically, “But why?”

Terry picked up my hand and kissed it. “Because he’s forbidden fruit. That’s probably why you want him.”

Picking up my phone, I opened the full-length shot of Matt Quinn in only a towel with dew all over his body, the one I had downloaded from the DFT website. Holding my phone up to both of them, I watched their eyes widen and their jaws drop.

Bill barked out a laugh. “Well, fuck me. That might just be worth destroying your brother’s best friendship for.”

Terry, who had begun fanning himself, rolled his eyes in ecstasy. “Oh, Lord, he is divine. I approve, a hundred times over. Sheesh, I need to ice my balls.” Then he dug, “So, he’s like a model or something?”

I pursed my lips, lifted my head in thought, and then nodded. “Or something.”

I spent another hour with Bill and Terry just shooting the breeze then went home, showered, and fell asleep without responding to Quinn’s email.

As soon as I woke the next morning, I responded to Quinn. In a sleepy haze, I typed.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Running + wine = sleep

Most forgiving Quinn,

I wish I had a great excuse for not responding to you last night. And I kind of do.

I met my new neighbors. They shoved wine down my throat and killed me with kindness. Then I showered and passed out.

In response to your questions, I studied event management with a minor in journalism, and I would choose being alone on the beach than in a crowded city any day of the week.

I would ask you questions, but I can’t think because I’m still in bed, so I’ll just ask something basic.

What is your favorite color?



I yawned and stretched under the covers. I wasn’t ready to vacate the soft fluffiness that was my bed. Not just yet anyway. I still had a week before I started work at Addison Ltd, a highly sought after events management company booked a year in advance. What made Addison Ltd so great was that we—the event planners—travelled, which meant we not only had to have an extensive knowledge of the landmarks in our home cities, but also in other cities. We could book an event in any other city as easily as we could in our own. That was what made Addison Ltd.

I couldn’t believe they hired me.

Well…okay, I could.

I hadn’t spent four years working my ass off, studying in the solitude of my stuffy dorm room for nothing. There was a reason I was top of my class, every class.

Just as I started to fall asleep again, the loud chirp of my cell’s notifications rang in my ear. “Shit!”

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Running + wine = sleep.

Maya, Maya, Maya,

All will be forgiven if you can answer me one question…

What are you wearing?

Suffering from an attack of morning wood,

Quinn x

I looked down at myself before responding.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: RE: Running + wine = sleep


A black silken teddy with lace and frill.

Sexy and I know it,


I smirked at my response, knowing Quinn would know I was lying. So when my phone chirped again and I read the reply, I laughed. Loudly.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: RE: RE: Running + wine = sleep.

Maya is a lie-a,

Give it to me straight.

What am I working with, doll?

Help me out here,

Quinn is a pervert x

I grinned, and with another quick glance at my attire, I found myself being honest.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Running + wine = sleep

Sir Quinn,

You got me. Honesty this time.

I’m wearing an old, baggy white threadbare t-shirt that I have slept in for years. It’s tattered and ugly, and absolutely perfect.

Lady Maya

I smiled until I got a response.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Interesting.

I like it.

Is that the real you, Maya?

Loving the less than lovable things in the world?



Whoa. Too deep. Especially for…

I checked the time on my cell.

…Especially for 8:29 a.m. And so I lied.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: On the run.

Sorry, I’m on the way to work.

Talk later?

Maya x

His response made my stomach flip around.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: On the run.

Talking to you over the past few days has been a treat. You don’t need an invitation, Maya.

If you get bored with your day, text me at 732-757-2922.

Always got time,


It was a bad idea. I knew I shouldn’t, but I was too far-gone in all that was Matt Quinn. Switching from email to text, I wrote:

Me: Now you have my number too. Maya x

Not a second passed before I got a response.

Quinn: Good. Now get to work, woman.

Obviously, I didn’t get to work. Instead, I called DFT, and when reception answered, I made my request.

“Hi, I’m wondering if you can tell me what Quinn’s schedule is looking like for next week sometime?”

The receptionist sounded very motherly when she responded, “I’m sorry, dear, but he’s booked out up until next month. He’s quite popular. Perhaps there’s another one of our boys who will suit you? Sorry, dear, what did you say your name was?”

Well, damn. I’d known he would be popular, just not that popular. Crestfallen, I mumbled, “Mia—” I forced a coughing fit before smacking my head and giving my false name. “Uh…Maya. My name is Maya.”

The receptionist took on a cheery tone. “Well, as a matter of fact, Maya, he’s just had a cancellation this very moment. How does Sunday night at six pm sound?”

Oh, God, what luck! I jumped on the opportunity. “Yes! Absolutely, book me in please.”

The receptionist chuckled. “I thought you’d say that.” Another moment and she added, “Great. You’re booked in. If you’ll provide an email address, I’ll send through all the details, along with a questionnaire of your preferences. I’ll also require a credit card with a limit of two thousand dollars or more that is not within three months of expiry. And, for safety reasons, I will need you to scan and email through a valid form of identification.”


I blanched. No. I suddenly couldn’t do this. If Quinn saw my ID, he’d know who I was and would never take me on as a client. Swallowing hard, I stuttered, “I-i-identification?”

I heard the smile in the receptionist’s voice when she responded, “Yes, ma’am.” I was just about to cancel, when she said, “Honey, we don’t expect you to book under your real name. A lot of women don’t for a number of reasons. But before you withdraw, I’ll let you know that no one will see your identification. No one but me. The boys don’t have access to my email, and once I receive the picture, I print it and add it to the others, put it under lock and key, and then the email is deleted. At DFT, we pride ourselves on our discretion. We’ve never had a breach of security. Not once.”

I hesitated. “I don’t know—”

But I was cut off by, “You wouldn’t believe our client list. Not even if I told you. Government officials, celebrities, pop stars…and you’ll never find out who.”

Well, that did it. “Okay. Right. Okay. Here’s my email.”

I prattled off my email and credit card details, sent off a scanned picture of my identification, and waited. I didn’t wait long before I received an email from Candace at DFT confirming my reservation with Quinn.

I stared at that email a long while, my stomach turning and my heart racing, then I ran to my bedroom window, opened it, and let the cool morning air calm my anxious stomach.

This was really happening.

Matt Quinn was going to have sex with me. I was both scared stupid and excited beyond belief.

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