Текст книги "Willing Captive "
Автор книги: Belle Aurora
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Nox coughs and laughs at the same time. Rubbing his neck with his palm, he wheezes, “Street rules, bitch. I win.”
While the guys pant and heave on the floor of the workout room, Boo silently motions for me to come with her.
She leads me to the kitchen and when we enter, we look at each other and release the laughter we’ve been holding back from what we just witnessed. Wiping away tears of mirth, we start lunch.
“What do you feel like today?”
Opening the fridge, I search for something I haven’t had in a while. “I don’t know. I want something different today. Like an old favorite.”
Boo’s eyes widen. “Peanut butter and jelly?”
Oh, yum!
I feign disinterest. “Depends. What kind of jelly we got?”
Please say grape! Please say grape!
Spinning on her heel, she turns to the pantry and peers inside. “Hmmm. We have strawberry.”
“And grape.”
“Put me down for two with grape jelly, me thinks.”
She nods in agreement. “Me too.” Looking around the kitchen, she utters, “This’ll only take a minute to get ready. You wanna let the guys know?”
I walk up the stairs and my calves ache and burn with every stiff step I take. A workout with Nox is hell, but I see my body changing. My muscle definition has started to show and I like it. When I reach the final step, I mentally pat myself on the back for not crawling.
Seeing Rock in the hall, I yell out, “PB and J for lunch. Boo says to come down asap.”
At hearing PB and J, he shakes his butt suggestively as if doing a touchdown victory dance, and I chuckle. No one ever accused Rock of being shy.
Shaking my head at his craziness, I walk past him when I hear, “You know, I haven’t seen him this happy in…well, ever.”
Turning, Rock leans on the wall wearing a sweet smile, “And I’ve never seen you glow like you do these days. So I’m gonna say this is a good thing. You won’t get trouble from me, but Boo…she worries. So don’t give her too much shit for trying to be sane, okay?”
Always looking out for his woman. I love that.
Nodding, I tell him, “I know, Rock. And I get why she’s wanting us to be cautious, but honestly, I’ve been cautious my whole life, and right now I just want to be with Nox.”
Seeming to like my answer, his eyes crinkle, then he turns and walks down the stairs.
I make my way into our bedroom and see clothes tossed onto the chair by the bathroom. I call out, “Nox?”
The shower turns on and he calls back, “In here.”
I walk into the open bathroom and freeze. I freeze because Nox is showering. He is showering naked. And I can see his pee-pee.
This is the first time I’ve seen his special ferret , and it’s got my brain frazzled.
Standing under the spray of the water, he runs his hands over his face to wipe the water off, opens his eyes, and sees me standing there. He asks, “You need something, princess?
But all my brain is interested in is staring openly at his junk.
He tries again. “Baby, what’s up?”
This snaps me out of it. Sort of. But not really. Swallowing hard, my eyes drift down past his stomach again and I murmur, “Boo asked me to tell you that lunch will be ready in a few.”
Soaping up and washing himself, he replies, “What’re we having?”
“Penis butter and jelly .”
Holy shit!
Slapping a hand to my forehead, I cringe. “Peanut butter and jelly.”
I see him smirk, but he doesn’t say a thing.
Smart man.
“Sounds good. Gimme a sec,” he says.
And I’m good with waiting. The view is spectacular.
Still eyeing his long, thick semi-erect penis, I ask distractedly, “What do you want to dick?”
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
“What do you want to drink?” I quickly add.
Body shaking with silent laughter, he can’t hide his amusement. “A coke will do.”
Oh dear Lord, his dick is getting bigger! It’s inflating like a balloon.
How on earth does it fit?
My eyes widen at the show I’m getting. I feel like I should be in biology class or something.
I repeat his order. “Sure, babe. One cock. I mean cock. I mean coke!”
Flushing bright red, I exit the bathroom in a rush to the sound of Nox’s laughter.
Gettin’ real tired of your shit, Nox!
You know what’s beautiful?
I watch her get ready for bed, and the sight of her is heart stopping. But my mind wanders.
Mechanically undressing, I walk into the bathroom and splash ice-cold water onto my face. I shouldn’t do it. Really, I shouldn’t. But something pushes me.
I don’t like secrets.
I watch her closely. My mind tries to capture her. An image that I can take with me when this is all over.
Looking at Lily is like looking into a flame. There’s a glow surrounding her, and it burns so bright that it hurts to look at her for a long while.
But that while?
It’s worth the hurt.
Dressed in a black tank and panties, she smiles up at me and try as I fucking might, I can’t return it. I can’t return it because I’ve got to do something really shitty right now. Something that will change her, yet again.
Climbing into bed, I sit facing her. Her face searches mine before I see worry seep into her eyes.
I have to tell her.
It’s time.
“Lily, there’s something I have to tell you…”
Chapter Sixteen
The calm before the storm
Nox telling me that Jamie Harrison organized the hit was a breaking point for me.
The brother of my heart. My friend and comrade in stupidity.
Once the tears start, I can’t stop them. I cry for a long time. Such a long time that Nox has to get up, bring me some water, and change our bed sheets, which are covered in tears.
They just won’t stop.
That’s what I feel. Complete and utter betrayal.
Through my tears, I ask, “Is there any chance you got it wrong?”
Nox shakes his head, wiping away my tears. “I’m sorry, baby. No. His apartment had everything we needed to rule out anyone else. We found the laptop the emails were sent from. In the search history, we found internet searches for websites linked to kidnapping and extortion.” His jaw steels. “There was a wall in his bedroom that was filled with pictures of you, Lily. Hundreds of pictures. And what’s worse is that one of those pictures was taken the day I came to get you.”
My stomach lurches. I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it.
It has to be a mistake. Jamie wouldn’t do this to me. He and Jett are my friends! We lived in the same house for almost a year, for Christ’s sake. He taught me how to swear in Gaeilge (Irish Gaelic) and even went as far as to take me places that my dad wouldn’t let me by playing the ‘she’ll be fine with me’ card.
My tears come harder knowing his friendship was all an act.
Betrayed and deceived, I don’t know how I’ll ever get past this.
Knowing I shouldn’t ask, but having to, I beg, “Tell me what happened the first time I was taken.”
Nox shakes his head. “Lily-”
I cut him off with, “Please. I need to know. Maybe then I’ll understand all this. Please help me understand.”
Nox rubs a hand over his face and sighs, “Okay, baby. I don’t know all the details, but I’ll tell you what I know.” Clearing his throat, he starts, “Your dad mentioned it when we first spoke over the phone, and when I couldn’t find a link with the information he’d given me, I thought he was just being paranoid.”
Sounds like my dad.
“He said that you were thirteen and you were at the warehouse on a Saturday. You climbed a tree because, apparently, that was your thing back then.” Smiling at me, he pushed my now-damp hair away from my face. “And you fell. Only you didn’t.”
I remember that! I broke my arm and passed out.
I’m confused.
Nox explained, “You were pushed, Lily. When you fell, you fell hard, and passed out. Your dad said he never let you go far and always said for you to-”
We both said, “Stay close.”
My dad said that to me daily.
He nods. “He saw the whole thing, baby. And I heard it in his voice. The fear. It’s likely something he’ll never get over. Watching your kid be drugged and stuffed into the back of a van; I can’t even imagine what that would be like.”
My voice shudders, “No. No, that’s not what happened. I fell. I broke my arm and passed out. I woke up in the hospital.”
Nox takes my hand as he gently utters, “Baby. Yeah, you woke up in hospital. A week later.”
My stomach dips and my mouth parts, expelling a quick breath with a whoosh.
Feeling the color drain out of me, I ask, “Who was it?”
Nox shrugs. “Not anyone known to your father. An employee and his wife. Your dad got a lead early on from another employee who’d overheard something shady, and you were found the next morning in a cabin not far out. The wife was hysterical because you wouldn’t wake. She all but threw you to the medics that arrived, begging for them to help. A bit ironic that the person putting you in harm’s way didn’t want you harmed at all.”
He continues, “But I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. See, they had a son who was ill and needed money for an organ donation. They tried to get the money from other sources, but they just couldn’t get enough. They ran church fundraisers, appealed for help on television, even asked your father for money, which I’ll add, that he gave twenty-thousand dollars to. It just wasn’t enough. So, they tried for a ransom.”
Not caring about my story any longer, I ask softly, “What happened to him? The son.”
Nox shakes his head slowly and I’m suddenly overcome with emotion for this family I don’t know. Lowering my face into my hands, my body shakes with silent sobs.
He adds, “The husband and wife got jail time, but the husband took most of the wrap, so the wife got a suspended sentence with the help of your father. Not long after the husband was jailed, the son took a turn for the worst and didn’t make it in time for surgery. The wife killed herself a week later, and a week after that, the husband was also found dead in his cell.”
I can’t listen anymore. I choke out through shuddering breaths, “Stop. No more. I can’t. No more, please.”
That is a tragedy. A goddamn tragedy.
I’m overwhelmed by this information. And suddenly, nothing in my life seems all that bad anymore. Still sobbing, I whisper, “Why wouldn’t anyone help them?”
Nox’s face turns soft. “People tried to help, baby, but sometimes it’s not enough.”
Anger surges through me and I shout, “My dad could’ve helped them! He could’ve given them the money! The whole amount! We’re fucking rich, Nox!”
He looks me in the eye. He doesn’t respond. He can’t argue. He knows what I just said is accurate.
He holds me while I quietly cry myself to sleep.
“Baby, wake up.” This is whispered into my ear. I groan quietly and swat at the face by my ear, clipping his cheek. Nox chuckles, “C’mon, princess. Get up.”
My puffed and gritty eyes open and the room is completely dark.
As in, no sunshine dark. I look to the clock on the nightstand and it reads 5:47 am.
What the effing eff?
Pushing Nox away, I mumble, “Go away. Sleepy.”
His arms come around my waist, and he chuckles huskily, “Good morning, baby.”
I scoff, “This is not morning, Nox! This is the ass-crack of dawn.”
Pulling me close, he says, “Now you’re up, you can kiss me.”
Although that sounds mighty fine, reality reminds me to remind him, “You know, I have cotton mouth so bad, that my morning breath would make you pass out. So, no. And I’m pretty sure I have drool dried around my mouth from crying all night, too.”
Pulling my head into his chest, his body shakes with silent laughter. And I smile, wrapping my arms around him. Still thoroughly amused, he agrees, “Point taken. But once you brush your teeth, I get a kiss. Now get up and get dressed. We don’t have a lot of time.”
At this point, my confusion is such a constant state that people would have to start classifying me as special. “Where are we going?”
Getting out of bed, he states, “It’s a surprise. So get your shit together. And make it quick.”
Rolling out of bed, I put on my best sultry voice, “Oooh, baby. I love when you get mean.”
“Lily.” A firm warning.
We both shower and dress in a jiff. I put on a pair of sweats and a tank, but Nox takes one of his jackets and throws it over my shoulders. He dresses in his usual black cargo pants and a black tee, but adds a jacket and baseball cap. And, sigh, he looks like he just stepped out of a fitness magazine.
Reaching forward, I link our fingers. He whispers on a squeeze of my hand, “Gotta be quiet.”
We creep through the house, and as we reach the front door, I narrow my eyes as Nox picks up a pre-prepared bag left in the hall. Out through the front door, he walks us to a creepy-black stalker van, and my heart skips a beat.
We’re going out. As in, out! I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.
I all but skip to the van and Nox smiles big, shaking his head at me like I’m a dork. I even get to sit in the front seat. Sans blindfold!
Just as I buckle up, Nox pulls something out of his pocket and my face falls. “No!”
Nox gently pulls me to him, kisses my lips softly, and places the blindfold over my eyes.
Shit. And I thought we were past that.
Pouting with my arms crossed over my chest, Nox says, “You can pout all you want now, but as soon as we get out the car, you better lay one on me.” He adds, “You have no idea what I’m risking by sneaking you out.”
And it’s then I realize how much of a turd I’m being. Putting my arm out to my side, I feel for Nox. Finding his arm, I follow the trail down until I reach his hand and link our fingers. I apologize quietly, “I’m sorry, babe. I know I’m not being fair. It’s so easy for me to forget that I’m still being protected. Sometimes, I just want to be me again, you know? Without the dramatics and over the top security.”
Lifting my hand to his mouth, he kisses my palm, and silently drives us on.
We drive for around half an hour. I know this because Nox won’t let me turn on the radio due to the fact that I’ll easily figure out where we are, so I spend the time mentally counting the seconds.
I count twenty-seven minutes and three seconds, total, before the van comes to a stop and Nox gets out. He opens my door and I lift my hands to remove the blindfold, but he stops me with, “Signs, babe. I’ll tell you when you can take it off.”
As soon as I step out of the van, I hear it. The swirling. The crashing. The soft buzz in the air.
Breathing deeply, I smell it too. A huge smile breaks out on my face and I bounce excitedly. Nox says in mock sternness, “Uh oh. You’re ruining my surprise.”
Holding his hand with both of mine, I beg quickly, “Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”
He bends down to remove my shoes and socks; we walk forward a little while, and my feet come into contact with cool, smooth sand. I mentally squeal but laugh out loud.
Nox stops suddenly and firmly says, “Do not remove the blindfold, Lily. I’m warning you.”
Placing my index and middle fingers at my forehead, I give him a salute and wait patiently. After a minute, he guides me with a hand on the small of my back. I hear him sit, and gently, he pulls me down to sit on the blanket, between his legs.
He pulls up the blindfold and I gasp softly.
The ocean.
I love the ocean.
Smiling like an idiot, I push back into his body. He wraps his arms tightly around my middle and presses his lips to my cheek. His breath warms me. “’Kay, babe?”
I answer quietly, “This is the best thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
He responds just as quietly on a body squeeze, “You’re welcome, princess.”
We sit and watch the ocean, allowing the sights and sounds to wash over us and take us away from reality.
Right now, we’re just Nox and Lily.
Not protector and protected.
The beach is deserted. And this is our happy place.
Our bubble. Us against the world.
A thought suddenly comes to mind. “What’s your name?”
He stills behind me and I wonder if I’ve somehow screwed up by asking. I think it’s a fair question.
Nox grumbles, “It doesn’t matter. I’m not him anymore.”
Leaning my head to the side, I kiss his chin and admit gently, “It does matter. It’s important to me. I want to know you.”
A long silence follows.
Then finally, “Adam Christian Taylor. Born March eighteenth, nineteen eighty four in White Deer, Texas to a single mother, Clare.” The southern twang I’ve heard escape his voice so many times comes out to play.
Oh wow!
Turning, I kneel in the space between his legs and reach up to cup his cheeks. He watches me cautiously, but I smile, then flip off his ball cap. Leaning forward, I peck softly at his lips and say between kisses, “Hi, Adam. I’m Lily.”
His hands span my hips and he presses his lips deeper into mine. Against them, he smiles and simply says, “Hey.”
We kiss softly, unrushed, for a long time, and it’s out of this world. But something’s bothering me. Pulling back a little, I ask, “Is it bad that I still want to call you Nox?”
He shakes his head and replies, “Is it bad that I still want you to call me Nox?” I shrug and he utters, “Adam’s all but gone, princess. He’s just a memory to me. I’ve been Nox for a long time. I am Nox.”
Nodding, I say honestly, “I don’t care what you call yourself.” Placing my palm over his heart, I add, “You’re still the same man in here.”
Rolling his eyes, he whines loudly, “Lily!” It’s so out of character for him that I still.
I have no idea what I’ve done wrong, so I shrink back and he catches it. He points a finger at me, “Don’t. Don’t do that.” Then he sighs, “Fuck me.” Placing my hair behind my ear, he murmurs an awestruck, “So much sweet tucked behind the fierce. I don’t know what to do with you, girl. You’re killin’ me.”
I blink. My response drips sarcasm. “Would you like for me to spit on you to even it out?”
Then he smiles. Bright and all teeth. And I want to drown in that smile. From now ‘til the end of time.
I whisper, “It would be totally stupid for me to fall in love with you.”
His smile fades, but only a little. He nods in agreement. “It would be totally stupid.” He pecks my lips once, twice, three times. Pulling back, I look into his deep-blue eyes and see nothing but sincerity. He adds gently, “Can’t help who you fall in love with, princess.”
Oh shit.
The bridge of my nose tingles. My eyes mist and I bite my lip, trying to hold it together. I sniffle. “Best day ever.”
Nox looks at my face, wide eyed. “Clearly, what with all the crying and shit.”
A bark of laughter escapes me. I smack him. “Ass.” Then I add, “Wanna be someone else for today? Just today?”
His eyes crinkle and he says in his most southern accent, “Sure thing, darlin’. I’ll be Hank and you can be Maude.”
The laughter bursts out of me. I laugh so hard, I double over, resting my forehead on his shaking shoulder.
He turns me around and sits me back between his legs. His arms cinch around my waist and he buries his face into my neck. He says a muffled, “Don’t wanna let you go.”
My heart swells. I whisper back, “Then don’t.”
Running into Boo’s room, I slam the door shut behind me.
She turns to me, looking stunned. Panting, I whisper hiss, “How do I do sex?”
The shocked look on her face fades. She motions to the bed and smiles big, “Take a seat. We have much to discuss.”
Already in bed waiting for Nox, I smooth down the sheets, wanting everything to be perfect.
Tonight is the night I hand in my V-card. So it’s a pretty special day. I probably should’ve done something to mark the occasion.
Like bake a cake.
Or blown up balloons.
Streamers would’ve been nice.
Boo was damn excited about it. And, my goodness, the things she told me! I read erotica a lot, but when you have nothing to compare these things to, they become confusing. So give a girl a break!
Shaved legs?
Underarms okay?
I sniff myself.
Meh. It’ll do.
Brushed teeth?
Check and check.
And just as I reach down to adjust my underwear, Nox walks in. So I snap my hand up and out of the covers. But it’s too late.
Nox’s eyes widen and he says, “Oh, please don’t let me stop you, baby. Keep going.”
Yep. It looked like I was touching myself.
My face flames and I bite out, “I wasn’t doing that.”
He creeps over to the bed, places a knee on the mattress, and leans over to me, murmuring, “It’s been a long fucking day and I need that mouth.”
Reaching up as he leans down, our mouths connect. He tangles a hand in my hair and kisses me deeper, groaning. Just as the kiss gets intense, he pulls away and says, “No. I don’t wanna get carried away. I need to shower, and if we keep this up I’ll be too lazy to do it later.”
He smiles down at me, “Is it okay if we pick this up in ten?”
My voice hoarse, I reply, “Ten minutes. Any longer and I’ll come in after you.”
Climbing off the bed, his eyes darken and become hooded. “Just try keeping me away.” He walks over to the bathroom and I land back on the bed with a plop.
This seduction thing is harder than I thought.
Chapter Seventeen
All systems go
As soon as Nox steps out of the bathroom in only a pair of white boxers, he comes straight for me.
Biting my lip, I’m suddenly nervous. The energy in the room just went from still to sizzling-hot in a mere second. And I’m turned on. Just from the sight of him.
As he strides over to the bed, I take him in. His dark, usually buzzed hair is a little longer now. Just enough to run your fingers through. Big, muscly arms, thick and strong legs, defined abs, broad chest and shoulders is enough to make me lick my lips in anticipation.
Never in my life would I have thought I could get a man that looks like this…but, here we are.
Funny how things work.
The bed dips and he lies down next to me. Looking completely indifferent, he avoids my eyes when he asks in an overly bored tone, “Wanna make out?”
Reaching behind me, I grab hold of a pillow and bring it down on his head. His body shakes with silent laughter. Throwing the pillow off, he grabs hold of my wrist and pulls me to him. Sitting up, he sits me on his lap facing him. Eyes smiling, he says, “Hey.”
A small smile graces my lips. “Hi.”
His fingers play at my back, teasing the edge of my tank, stroking the sensitive skin there. I’m already getting antsy and we’ve just started. Remembering my mission, I decide I need to make a gesture for him to get the message.
Crossing my arms across my stomach, I grip the sides of my tank and lift it off, leaving me in nothing but a pair of black panties (thanks to Boo).
Nox blinks at my bare chest a while before his eyes hood, and he lowers his face into the valley between my breasts, nuzzling the flesh there. Sighing, I wrap my arms around his head and whisper, “I want you, Nox.”
His faces stills in my cleavage, his body tight.
Lifting his head, our eyes meet. He searches my face a minute before asking, “Are you sure?” Just as I’m about to answer, he adds, “’Cause it doesn’t matter to me. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You don’t have to do this for me.”
Smiling at the flush that appears on his neck, I take his face in my hands and kiss him sweetly. “I want to do this for me. Because I want it to be you. I always want to think back and know I chose you. It’s mine to give and I want you.”
Gripping my hips tightly, he loosens his hold and slowly runs his hands up and down my sides. Still not convinced, he whispers, “I won’t pressure you. Not ever.”
Rubbing the tip of my nose lightly against his, I whisper back, “You’re not. You’re being super sweet and I love that. But I want this. Really badly.”
His blue eyes flash.
Before he can do anything, I reach down between us and wrap my hand around his boxer-covered erection. He hisses and leans back a little. Taking this as permission, I reach down with my other hand and rub him nice and slow.
His eyes close and he mutters, “Keep doing that and I’m not gonna last, princess.”
I don’t want it to end so soon!
Pulling my hands back, I enquire, “So if it happens, that’s it? You’re done?” I can’t keep the disappointment out of my voice.
Nox chuckles and suddenly I feel stupid. My chin dips. Feeling my embarrassment, his laughter stops. Placing his fingers at my chin, he lifts my face and says through a smile, “No, baby. I could go all night with you. It takes about ten minutes for me to, uh…” He clears his throat, thinking of a word. “…recharge, but then I’m good to go again.”
Reaching down again, I take his length in my hands, stroking and ask quietly, “What’s the problem then?”
His eyes close once more and he mumbles, “I forget.”
Feeling a little like a child telling secrets, I lean closer to his ear and say, “Take off your shorts. I want to see you.”
I’m grateful he doesn’t make me beg. Reaching down, he grips the edges of his shorts and tugs. They come down only so far because of my position, so I take them down the rest of the way.
And stare.
It really is big.
Making a snap decision, I do something I’ve always wanted to try. I bend at the waist and swipe my tongue up the length of his shaft.
His body jerks as if electricity runs through it and he groans, “Baby, fuck!”
I think back to what Boo told me.
“Under the head is very sensitive so be careful with it. Start slow. Use your hand in an up-down motion. And don’t use teeth. Listen to him for encouragement. If he groans and shifts around, you’re doing good.”
Holding his shaft in my hand, I hold it straight up, and place my mouth over the head, just to get a feel of it. When Nox groans again, I lower my mouth further then lift. Making a rhythm, I start bobbing my head slow and shallow on his dick. His hands move to my head and I take that as a sign to keep going. I bob deeper, making sure not to gag myself, and suck a little harder. Nox moans, “Holy-fuck-shit!”
Becoming courageous, I stroke as I suck him, and his body bucks. I do this for a little while longer and he grinds out, “Baby, seriously not gonna last.”
Taking my mouth off him for a second, I utter, “I want to see.”
Panting, his hips start moving and he pushes deeper into my mouth. He thrusts faster and faster, then suddenly, he pulls free of my mouth and strokes his throbbing erection against his marred stomach.
I watch closely as he finds his release.
His face turns pained, his balls tighten and I see the exact moment it happens. Gripping it tightly, his angry looking shaft throbs and creamy white cum spurts onto his stomach, once, twice, three and finally, a fourth time.
Imitating a limp noodle, he falls back onto the bed. He looks exhausted. Panting as if he ran a mile, sweating and droopy. His erection deflates and he peeks at me through one eye. He catches my small smile and asks, “How’d I do? Did I get the job?”
I like Funny Nox. He’s not at all like Moody Bastard Nox.
Leaning back, I take him in. Awestruck, I whisper, “It was perfect.”
Moving to the side, I take some tissue off the nightstand and wipe the come from his scarred stomach. When I’m done he holds out an arm, and I lie down next to him. He tucks me into him, lowers his mouth, and kisses me. Between kisses, he utters, “It was perfect. Thank you, baby.”
Pecking his lips, I say against them, “That was fun.”
His kisses start soft. Running his hands up and down my back, his hands linger lower. His fingers brush the elastic at my waist and his hands slowly venture into the back of my panties, gripping my butt tightly. He kneads the flesh there and I moan into his mouth.
Taking his mouth off mine, he lowers his head to my chest, closing his mouth over one taut nipple. He sucks hard and my eyes roll into the back of my head.
He’s so good at this.
I feel a surge of wetness at my core and press my legs together, trying my hardest to hold it inside. Nox releases one nipple before taking the other one into his mouth, giving it the same treatment. He runs his thumb over the free nipple, and my core contracts with an uncontrollable jerk.
My breathing turns heavy and I sigh low in my throat.
I want more.
I’m unsure of the protocol on men being able to get it up in ten minutes or under after a previous release, but I feel something hard poke my belly. Reaching down, I run a finger from the base of him to the very tip, and groaning, he bites my nipple. Hard.
My already moist core floods as I grip his head tight and gasp.
That. Was. Wicked.
His hand slides from my hip, across my belly, down lower until he cups my panty-covered sex.
I’m suddenly mortified.
His fingers start to slip inside and I grab hold of his hand, gripping it tightly while pressing my legs shut even further. I whisper, “Nox-”
But he cuts me off. Cupping my cheek, he says softly, “No, princess. Don’t. I told you I wouldn’t pressure you. Ever. And it’s totally cool. We don’t have to do a damn thing. As long as I got you sleeping next to me, I’m good.”
Insert dreamy sigh here.
Shutting my eyes, I lean forward, place my lips to his ear and mumble.
Rubbing my back, he says, “I didn’t catch that.”
I whisper hiss, “I think I’m too wet. There’s something wrong with me!”
Feeling his smile on my jaw, his hand slides down my belly, under the waist band of my panties, but he doesn’t go further. His breath warms my cheek as he says hoarsely, “Open for me, baby.”
As if that were the magic password, my legs part like the Red Sea did for Moses.
His hand slides in and his fingers brush the very wet, very aroused magic button of my sex. He stills before burying his face in my neck, muttering, “So wet. So hot. So fucking hot.”
He grinds his hot and hard erection into my hip and I’m beginning to think maybe being this wet is not a bad thing.
Feeling my uncertainty, Nox states, “Nothing wrong with you, baby. You’re beautiful. This is beautiful.” Looking up at me through crystal-clear blue eyes, he asks, “You still want this?”
Nodding immediately, I utter, “More than I want my next breath.” Without another word, his hands come low on my hips, pulling down my panties. I lift my hips and then they’re gone.
I feel so exposed. Almost as if he can see right into me. Into my soul.
My arms come up to cross over my breasts and Nox pushes them away. “Don’t hide from me. I love looking at you. You’re beautiful, baby. Don’t hide.”
Reaching up, I pull his face down to mine and kiss him. He shifts so our bodies mesh together. Me on my back and him lying on top of me. My legs part and he fits between them, our sexes come together and it’s better than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. My core pulses and I moan into his mouth, pulling him deeper into the kiss.