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Электронная библиотека книг » Anthony Marra » книга "A Constellation of Vital Phenomena"
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena - Anthony Marra
  • Книга добавлена: 24 сентября 2016, 05:28
обложка книги A Constellation of Vital Phenomena - Anthony Marra

Название книги: A Constellation of Vital Phenomena

Автор книги:

8-9Часов на чтение
116 тыс.Всего слов

Язык книги: русский
Издательство: Hogarth
Год издания: 2013
Размер: 251 Кб
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Описание книги

A story of the transcendent power of love in wartime, A Constellation of Vital Phenomena is a work of sweeping breadth, profound compassion, and lasting significance.

Two doctors risk everything to save the life of a hunted child in this majestic debut about love, loss, and the unexpected ties that bind us together. “On the morning after the Feds burned down her house and took her father, Havaa woke from dreams of sea anemones.” Havaa, eight years old, hides in the woods and watches the blaze until her neighbor, Akhmed, discovers her sitting in the snow. Akhmed knows getting involved means risking his life, and there is no safe place to hide a child in a village where informers will do anything for a loaf of bread, but for reasons of his own, he sneaks her through the forest to the one place he thinks she might be safe: an abandoned hospital where the sole remaining doctor, Sonja Rabina, treats the wounded.

Though Sonja protests that her hospital is not an orphanage, Akhmed convinces her to keep Havaa for a trial, and over the course of five extraordinary days, Sonja’s world will shift on its axis and reveal the intricate pattern of connections that weaves together the pasts of these three unlikely companions and unexpectedly decides their fate.

  • Просмотров: 329 |

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