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Текст книги "Consequences"

Автор книги: Aleatha Romig

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Текущая страница: 35 (всего у книги 36 страниц)

  Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions,

itisgovernedbyourmentalattitude. —Dale Carnegie

 Chapter 51

Claire had been incarcerated for over three months and had come to terms with the knowledge that it would not end soon. The claustrophobic cell and virtual isolation were her new norm. Surprisingly, she was adapting. It was difficult at first, but with time, she developed strength and resolve.

On April 18, 2012, the courtroom sat empty except for the judge, defendant, and legal teams. Each word resonated throughout the cavernous room. Claire Nichols stood in front of the federal court judge and with the help of her legal team pleaded no contest to the charge of attempted murder. As the judge explained the consequences of Claire’s plea, she listened, felt the smooth finish of the chair she used for support, watched the judge’s lips, and wept silently.

This plea saved her the indignity of a jury trial. She didn’t admit guilt, but would not, could not challenge the charges. Therefore, she would take a lesser sentence but couldn’t later decide to appeal. She would avoid Mr. Evergreen and his questions. She would escape the dark penetrating eyes of Anthony Rawlings as she testified. She wouldn’t need to explain to the entire world how she was forced to do things and how things were so different from how they appeared. She could just go away quietly.

The court of public opinion had not gone well either. The people of Iowa City, of Iowa, and of the United States all found her guilty. They tried her as a gold digger. Of course, most of the information hadn’t come out. Even that shared with the members of both legal teams remained private. Anthony Rawlings made sure of it.

The federal judge sentenced her to seven years in prison, minus time served, to be served in a moderate security federal penitentiary. The severity of her crime required a moderate security facility. Apparently, even her ex-husband testified to the judge, asking for a minimum-security facility, more evidence of his forgiving, kind character.

Counsel on behalf of Anthony Rawlings filed the necessary paperwork to dissolve the marriage between him and Claire Nichols. Of course, there was no contest. With a few connections, the court papers were expedited. The divorce was finalized on March 20, 2012. Since there wasn’t a prenuptial agreement, Claire received no financial compensation for her fifteen-month marriage. After all, she was charged with his attempted murder. Why would she get any financial compensation?

According to the smut television shows that played in the common area of the prison, Mr. Rawlings was having no problem finding women to take her place. The world rallied around him and his unfortunate situation. Even Rawlings Industries stock soared.

The small window in the door of Claire’s cell allowed a minimal amount of florescent light to penetrate, making the walls drab and colorless. Turning on her desk lamp filled the room with a feeling of warmth. Her cell at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women was small and would be her home for at least another four years. She was sentenced to seven, but eligible for parole in four. Claire was good at following rules.

She had a twin-sized bed, dresser, an open hanging area, a few shelves, and a desk with a chair. It wasn’t much but she felt content. She’d experienced more and that hadn’t worked well for her. Existing in a comforting sameness day to day helped Claire survive. There were no surprises, everything was predictable. Day after day, the same routine: wake, dress, and breakfast, then back to her cell, alone, until lunch. Lunch and then a one-hour block of free time, either in a large gymnasium, the prison library, or an outside court. Claire loved the outside. She went there whenever the weather permitted. Then back to her cell until dinner. After dinner there was optional common time, if you earned that privilege, for another hour. Claire earned it, but opted for her cell. Companionship required trust in the other person. Claire’s trust didn’t extend beyond herself any longer. She stayed in her cell until her buzzer rang. The buzzer indicated that it was time to shower; following the shower, back to her cell, lights out at 11:00. Simple and predicable, Claire had suffered enough unpredictability.

She spent her free time reading. Emily tried to send her books as often as possible. Having a sister and husband in jail was hard on Emily. She was asked to leave her teaching job in Troy. The private school system needed to maintain its reputation, and apparently some donors were concerned about her influence on young children. She went back to Indiana to familiar surroundings and taught for a public school system near Indianapolis. The money wasn’t good, but at least she could survive.

It was a two-hour drive from Iowa City to Mitchellville. Brent Simmons should have utilized a driver. It was four hours he could have worked, but he chose to drive. He wanted to be alone and come to terms with the assignment ahead of him. Claire Nichols needed to be informed of a possible pending civil lawsuit. Brent knew as the head legal counsel for Rawlings Industries he could have sent someone else. He wanted to send someone else. Mr. Rawlings made it clear that wasn’t an option.

The July sun shone bright on the pavement ahead of him. Momentarily, he was distracted by the illusion of shimmering liquid in the distance. He didn’t want to face Claire, to see her in the correctional institution. He knew she didn’t belong there, and he hadn’t helped her. She probably felt abandoned. She was. Brent’s mind went back to January, to that terrible phone call telling him and Courtney that someone tried to kill Tony. They were planning to return from Fiji in three days, of course they flew home immediately.

When they found Tony he was still hospitalized. He looked and sounded healthy but his disposition wasn’t pleasant as he informed them that all evidence pointed to Claire. Courtney was devastated, she argued with Tony. After she left the room Tony informed Brent that they were not allowed to visit or help Claire after what she did. That didn’t go well with Courtney. She went anyway. Somehow Tony found out and Brent had hell to pay.

Brent wasn’t directly involved in the criminal suit. Actually, the State Of Iowa accused Claire Rawlings of attempted murder, not Tony. But Brent was involved in an expedited divorce. Marcus Evergreen, chief prosecutor for Johnson County, had information Brent needed for his petition. It was mid-February when Marcus’ secretary utilized a courier to deliver a flash drive to Brent. It contained the documents he needed. He planned to leave it at the office, but at the last minute decided to take it home to take a look at it.

Courtney was out to dinner with friends when Brent pulled up the drive on his home computer. There was only one folder: “Rawlings, Claire.” He opened it. It contained multiple files. The one he needed was “Rawlings vs. Rawlings.” It should have been the only one on the drive. It wasn’t. The one titled “State of Iowa vs. Rawlings: Preliminary Brief-Task” sat right in front of him. It was unethical and probably illegal, but he opened it. Young attorneys get wordy. Paul Task’s preliminary brief was 147 pages! Brent grimaced and shook his head at the inexperience of Claire’s attorney. He started to close the file when he focused on the words, suddenly transfixed.

Two hours and three Blue Label’s straight up later, the entire brief was read. The descriptions and details of Claire’s life while with Tony were nauseating. It was stated more than once that this was only a sample of the treatment she endured, there was more. How could this be going on and they not know? He panicked, thinking he shouldn’t have read it and should delete it.

However, instead of deleting he made an electronic copy on a personal flash drive and printed a copy. Then he deleted it from the original drive. If questioned, he would deny that it’d ever been present. He wanted to punch Tony, but Brent knew he could never let Tony know he read the brief.

Planning to keep it to himself, he decided to hide the paper copy in his safe and put the pin drive in a special box in the drawer of his desk. Before he had the chance to follow through on those plans, Courtney came home. She knew immediately that something was amiss and assumed Tony was responsible. Maybe it was the whiskey combined with helplessness for Claire, but Brent handed Courtney the paper copy. In hindsight, it was a mistake that almost cost him his twenty-eight-year marriage. When she finished reading he asked two simple questions, “Do you believe it? Do you think she is telling the truth?”

Courtney erupted! She believed every word and wanted Tony’s head on a platter. She also wanted Brent to quit his job, move far away from Iowa City, and most importantly help Claire. Downtrodden, Brent explained none of that was possible. “We can’t.”

“Why not? She told me at the jail she didn’t do it! I knew something was wrong. I kept asking. Why didn’t I push more? God, it said he hurt her in California. We were with them! Brent, think about Claire, her age. What if those things you read happened to our daughter?”

“I would kill the bastard! But they didn’t. And not only is he my boss, he is now Caleb’s boss. Don’t you think in light of this new information it is coincidental that he recently offered Caleb such a great job? Now not only does he own us, but also our son and future daughter-in-law.”

“This is America, just quit!”

“Courtney, I can’t. You don’t walk away from Tony. Ask John Vandersol.” Brent hadn’t meant to divulge that information, it just slipped out. Courtney sat dazed. She poured herself another glass of cabernet and reread the brief. The next day, while Brent was at work, Courtney left. He came home to a note: “If anyone asks, I am taking care of my sick mother. Do not attempt to call or communicate, I will not be available.” Brent tried numerous times. Over a week later she returned. Brent remembered worrying what she would say. He fully expected, “You are weak and I am done, I want a divorce.”

Instead, Courtney apologized. “I wasn’t there for Claire and apparently can’t be there for her now. I can be here for you. You shouldn’t have to face that bastard every day without support. I love you and will support you. But know this: I want out of here and away from him. From this point forward we slowly, inconspicuously move our assets away from Rawlings stock and work to liberate our family. That will start with Caleb, before he gets in too deep. Do you agree?”

Brent did. He wanted out too. The first time Courtney needed to see Tony face to face, Brent worried. She did fine. If he could muster a false smile and Claire could do it, she could too. They were already laying the ground work for Caleb’s move to another place of employment.

As Brent got out of the car and walked into the institution he worried about Claire, what would she look like? Has she been able to survive? How? He hated Tony and damned him with each echoing step down the long, tiled halls.

A guard took him to a small dingy room, illuminated with a florescent glow, which contained a steel table and four chairs. Brent set his briefcase on the table and waited. Looking around, he noticed the conspicuous camera in the corner. It reminded him of the videotaping mentioned in the preliminary brief and of his conversation with Tony.

“You want me to go tell Ms. Nichols (Tony didn’t like to hear her first name) you are considering a civil lawsuit against her, for what?”

“Slander and deformation of character.”

“Why, what did she say?”

“It doesn’t matter. You don’t need to know. You just need to do your job.” Tony’s voice was flat and authoritative.

In actuality Brent was fishing, would Tony share the information Brent already knew? He also wondered if Tony knew he knew, apparently not. “Tony, there are many members of the legal team that haven’t been as involved with Ms. Nichols as I. Perhaps one of them could inform her of the impending suit?”

“No. It will be you.” His tone was firm and his eyes intense. “Have you ever noticed the nice cameras in those visitor rooms? Those tapes are available for a price. I will assume you will not relay information to her that is not related to the suit. As a reminder, this will not be a friendly visit.” Brent said he understood.

Claire was reading in her cell on that July afternoon when her buzzer sounded. The sound meant she needed to go to her door. She would be receiving something, usually a package. This time a guard informed her that she had a visitor and her presence was immediately required in the visitor area.

Claire only received two visitors since her arrest. The first was in Iowa City before she gave her plea and was transferred to the correctional institution. Following a guard, she found her best friend waiting. Courtney was in Fiji during Claire’s arrest and came as soon as they returned. Visibly distraught as Claire was escorted by a guard, Courtney apologized to Claire for not being a better friend. If she had pursued her concerns more, perhaps Claire wouldn’t have felt the need to resort to such drastic measures to get away from Tony. Claire assured her, “I did not try to kill Tony. Please don’t believe everything you hear or see. Remember Tony’s regard for appearances. Many times, things are not as they seem.” Courtney said she understood and would try to help her, but . . . Brent, his job . . . Claire hadn’t heard from her since. Honestly, she understood.

The only other visitor since her incarceration was Emily. Claire knew that the trip to Mitchellville, Iowa was difficult for her. When Emily had time to travel she would visit John in New York.

Now Claire curiously followed the guard down the halls and through multiple gates, each one locking, unlocking, and making the electronic beep sound. Wearing her prison clothes she entered a room to find Brent Simmons. It had been so long she momentarily thought she was seeing a friend visit a friend. Brent’s expression instantaneously changed her mind. Claire sat where the guard indicated. The guard then stepped from the room, leaving Brent and Claire alone.

She knew this was business, but he was her friend. She couldn’t stop herself. “Brent, how are you? How is Courtney? When is Caleb’s wedding?”

Stone faced and sober, Brent replied, “Ms. Nichols, I have been instructed to inform you of an impending civil suit in which you will be named the defendant.”

Creating an equally professional persona Claire responded, “Okay. Thank you for informing me, may I ask the grounds for this suit?”

“My client has reason to believe that you have spoken slander against him. This defamation of his character is being considered a ploy to damage his personal and professional reputation.” Brent said what was needed, with the demeanor necessary, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Claire looked different from what he expected. It wasn’t just her hair and the clothes, she had confidence and strength. These qualities had never been evident before. He recalled seeing her for the first time on Tony’s plane to New York. She looked nervous and insecure, yet tried to appear otherwise. Now after almost six months, three in a federal penitentiary, Claire seemed independent and strong. He knew it wasn’t where she’d been, but where she hadn’t. She hadn’t been under the gaze of the black eyes. Just like actual black holes they sucked strength, confidence, and assurance out of anyone close enough to be pulled into their orbit.

Carefully considering Brent’s words, Claire laughed and replied, “Thank you, Mr. Simmons. I am very concerned that your client will want my allegations made public, as would happen in such a suit.”

“Ms. Nichols, damage to my client’s professional reputation could result in a loss of income. A civil suit is meant to subsidize that loss of income.”

Smiling, she said, “And of course I have the necessary capital to subsidize your client’s income.”

“It is my responsibility to inform you that such a suit is under consideration and if filed you could be found liable.” Brent stood to leave.

“Brent, can you please talk with me for a minute?” The defeated look of his eyes said no. Brent was just north of fifty but his face looked much older. There were lines and definite circles under his sad eyes. He continued to gather his belongings. “Mr. Simmons?” They made eye contact. “Your wife told me one time that life is not a daily test. She said perfection is not always necessary. I want you to know that I know. I know better than anyone else, today you just passed a test.” She saw the change in his eyes, they glistened with a minuscule amount of moisture and he ever so slightly nodded his head in agreement. He started toward the door. “Mr. Simmons, two more things.” He stopped, she sounded so confident. “Should the subject come up for discussion, I welcome the suit. It will give me the opportunity to make my allegations again, perhaps to a larger forum.” He nodded with a knowing smile. She was right. Tony would never risk that exposure. “And the other thing, I truly love and miss your wife. If she cares, please tell her I really am fine. More fine than I used to be.”

“Thank you, Ms. Nichols. You have been notified.”

“Yes, Mr. Simmons, I have. Thank you.” He knocked and the guard opened the door. He left. The guard took Claire back to her cell. Walking through the halls, through the various locked gates, Claire couldn’t help feeling sorry for Brent. His prison was more of a hell than hers.

About three weeks later she received a short note in the mail. The return address was a PO box in Chicago, she didn’t recognize the name. But the note filled Claire with love and support. It wasn’t much, but it was something. To Claire, that was a lot!

I care. I’m glad. I’m sorry. I miss you too, and I hope to be able to do more. I love you! Cort

Claire kept the note and read it daily. Over time more notes arrived. Sue and Tim had a healthy baby boy. Caleb and Julia’s wedding will be in June of 2013, little bits of information always signed with love.

  You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best

thatyouhavetogive. —Eleanor Roosevelt

 Chapter 52

When the package arrived in October of 2012, Claire assumed it was from Emily. After all, it had her return address on the label. However, when she opened the box, she knew otherwise. It contained old magazines, newspaper clippings or photocopied clippings, and some photographs. Everything in the box was meticulously organized in chronological order. The first item was a note, not signed but it didn’t need to be.

  Consider this information perhaps the only act of complete honesty I have ever shown you. I didn’t need to do this, but I chose to educate you some more. Hopefully you will understand that you were but a piece of the puzzle. All behaviors, good or bad, have consequences, and even the truth can’t fight appearances.   As I assume you have plenty of time available to you, read it all. You will find it enlightening. In another life, under different circumstances, it may have been different. You taught me much, I believe you learned some lessons too.   PS I told you once that your appropriate responses benefited you. The consequence could not be improved, but you did have a positive effect on the actions, for that we should both be thankful. I am.

Sitting the box in the corner of her cell, she began with the first item. Dated 1975, it was a copy of an old newspaper article that talked at length about Rawls Corporation, a privately owned company specializing in textiles. The owner, Nathaniel Rawls, was interviewed because Rawls Corporation was going public. It opened on the NYSE at fifty cents a share. In the first day, it had risen to eighty-nine cents a share. Claire didn’t understand the significance of this information. But Tony told her to read it all, so she did.

As she viewed the next item, she realized the significance. It was a magazine article from Newsweek, 1979. What caught her attention was the picture of a house, looking very similar to Tony’s. Standing in front of the house was a family. The caption read, “Nathaniel Rawls, wife Sharron, son Samuel, daughter-in-law Amanda, and grandson Anton.” The boy looked twelve to fourteen. Even at that age, she could see his dark eyes. The article expounded on the success of Rawls Corporation. A recent stock split confirmed what everyone was saying, this was an up-and-coming company. Nathaniel’s family enjoyed a lavish lifestyle brought on by his success. The Rawls family lived the American dream—they had it all.

The 1982 Time magazine article only had a picture of Nathaniel and was entitled, “Continued Success.” It quoted a lot of important investors stating the attributes of Rawls Corporation, which was now expanding its ventures with continued success, run mainly by Nathaniel, but also by his son Samuel. There was a quote from Nathaniel about grooming his grandson to take over one day.

The next was Newsweek 1986. It wasn’t just a story; it was the cover. In large letters, with a picture of a house of cards, it read “The House of Rawls Falls.” The story was short, considering that it had been a cover story. The gist of it explained that Rawls Corporation stock plummeted due to allegations of wrongdoing. The magazine couldn’t say too much due to an ongoing federal investigation. As investors pulled their money, the corporation was folding before their eyes. There was much more information in the following article from Newsweek but dated 1987. There was a picture of Nathaniel Rawls wearing prison garb entitled “Nathaniel Rawls Convicted.” Based on evidence from a two-year undercover FBI investigation and testimony, Mr. Rawls was convicted on multiple counts of insider trading, misappropriation of funds, price fixing, and securities fraud. The family’s assets were being sold at auction to help recoup investor loss. Distraught investors were quoted. “We lost everything, and it is good to see the entire family lose everything.” The Rawlses were living the high life, homes, vacations, and belongings. Now they have nothing.

A short newspaper clip dated 1989 indicated Nathanial Rawls dead at sixty-four. Mr. Rawls died after only twenty-two months in a minimum-security facility. The cause of death was a massive heart attack.

The buzzer rang. Claire didn’t want to stop reading. She thought she should grasp some revelation. But other than that Tony’s name had been Anton Rawls before Anthony Rawlings, she didn’t see it. She had to follow the rules, so she put the articles away and turned off her lights.

Her journey resumed the following morning after breakfast. Copies of court documents from New York State vs. Nathaniel Rawls were the next items in the box. Though lengthy, after time, Claire realized a few key testimonies aided in the conviction of Mr. Rawls: first from his son Samuel who had turned state’s witness, second from an undercover FBI agent embedded in the corporation for two years, and lastly a securities investigator. Accompanying these documents was a report stamped “Top Secret.” It gave the unreleased names of the strategic individuals: securities investigator Jonathon Burkes and FBI Agent Sherman Nichols, Claire’s grandfather.

Though warm in her temperature controlled cell, Claire felt a sudden shiver.

A newspaper article also dated 1989: Samuel and Amanda Rawls found dead in their rented Santa Monica bungalow, bodies discovered by their twenty-three-year-old son. Based on the evidence from the scene, it appeared to be a case of murder/suicide. Claire thought back, Tony had mentioned his parents’ death was an accident. That seems to be an all-encompassing word.

NYUNews, 1990 : Anthony Rawlings with Jonas Smithers starts a corporation. While completing their master’s degrees, they filed the necessary paperwork to start Company Smithers Rawlings, CSR. The article said the CSR wanted part of the Internet pie.

NewYorkTimes article, 1994: Anthony Rawlings buys out his friend and partner Jonas Smithers for 4 million dollars. CSR is now Rawlings Industries. The New York Times predicts it is on its way to being an Internet giant.

Newsweek, 1996: Rawlings Industries begins to diversify. Anthony Rawlings, determined to not have allhiseggsinonebasket, enters the realm of entertainment and transportation.

Time magazine, 2003: One of the men mentioned as a runner-up for Man of the Year, Anthony Rawlings. This designation came mainly because of his dedication to people evidenced by Rawlings Industries’ recognition as one of the top ten philanthropic companies in the USA. Mr. Rawlings is quoted, “I plan to spend my life and fortune looking for opportunities to amend my grandfather’s life. Every person is important.”

IndianapolisStarandNews, 2004: Obituary of Jordan and Shirley Nichols.

Claire felt ill as she read the accompanying article with a different mind-set from when she was a grieving child. It talked about the unfortunate accident that claimed their lives, about her father’s police service and full police honors as tribute, and her mother’s devotion to her family and teaching. The accident was caused by wet roads and newly fallen leaves. Photographs taken at the gravesite were clipped to the obituary with words written on the back of each. One of John embracing Emily, John and Emily written on the back; and another of Claire sitting alone, with Claire written on the back in handwriting she recognized. Words came back to her, “Because I wasn’t able to support you when your parents died . . . you had to go through your parents’ death alone. Emily had John but you didn’t have anyone.” With a sudden sickness she realized he’d been there.

ValparaisoUniversityNewsletter, 2005: During the time, Claire was a student. The picture showed Anthony holding a giant check for 5 million dollars. His donation to the university made more scholarships possible.

Again, the buzzer rang. Claire had to wait to continue this journey. She slowly understood that her encounter with Anthony Rawlings in March of 2010 was predestined.

The next items were more actual snapshots, pictures of John and Emily’s wedding. A few even zoomed in on Claire, wearing the ugly sea foam green maid-of-honor dress. Emily and John looked so young and happy, 2005 and Claire written in the familiar handwriting. She wondered, Was he there too?

AlbanyPost, 2006: Appointments to a local law firm. The second name listed was John Vandersol. The article discussed John both professionally and personally. Another 2006 article, “Rawlings Industries Continues to Diversify,” discussed the continued success of any venture Anthony Rawlings put his mind to. Rawlings had now decided to broaden into television with the recent purchase of TTT-TV.

AtlantaDailyJournal, 2009: TTT-TV acquires WKPZ. The acquisition results in multiple layoffs. Anthony Rawlings promised that as the economy improved so will job opportunities. He was dedicated to employment and worried about each individual that was out of work. All of those people who were so nice to her, who helped her with her dream, all lost their jobs because of her.

PeopleMagazine, August 2010: the article which almost killed her. She didn’t need to read it, but she did: “Questions Answered, the Mystery Woman in Anthony Rawlings’s Life Agrees to a One-on-One Interview.” These articles were no longer revelations, mere confirmations. December 19, 2010: Her wedding picture, a smiling her next to a smiling him. She recognized the picture but the unfavorable article was new to her. It talked about how fantastic Anthony was and asked how such a smart businessman could be as gullible as to marry this woman with no prenuptial agreement?

VanityFair, April 2011: Anthony’s and her smiling face on the cover. It hit Claire at that moment. The woman in that picture didn’t even look like her. She was beautiful, blonde, sophisticated, elegant, and way too thin. Not until now had she realized the magnitude of the transformation. She placed a picture of her from Emily’s wedding next to the magazine cover. Did she change or was she changed? And why hadn’t she seen it before?

November 2011: Copy of the printed newsreel Tony brought home. “Tragic Accident Claims the Life of Young Gaming Phenomenon Simon Johnson.”

AlbanyPost, January 2012: column listing arrests: John Vandersol, 32, charged with embezzlement and fraudulent client billing charges. Arraignment is pending.

IowaCityNews, January 2012: Headline, Anthony Rawlings Alive after Attempted Murder by New Wife. No wonder so many reporters had been on the courthouse steps!

IowaCityNews, April 2012: “Claire Nichols (formally Rawlings) avoids trial, pleading no contest to the attempted-murder charge,” accompanied by more unfavorable articles.

IowaCityNews, July 2012: Anthony Rawlings’s Efforts to Save the Iowa Taxpayers Their Money. The picture, black and white, showed a warehouse full of tables lined with merchandise: jewelry, shoes, handbags, clothes, etc. The article explained how Anthony Rawlings, uncomfortable that the taxpayers of Iowa were held responsible for his ex-wife’s pretrial expenses, held an auction of her belongings. It raised enough money to reimburse the state for her counsel and court costs. There was even an additional $176,000 left over, which was donated to the Red Cross of Iowa. Mr. Rawlings explained that this charity remains dear to him because it was Claire’s pet charity. The strip of newspaper that was stapled behind the first had another picture, a close-up of some of the jewelry. The picture was not large, but center frame was a black velvet box containing a white gold necklace with a large pearl centered on a white gold cross.

As Claire was about to close up the box, something caught her eye. Folded in the bottom was a napkin. She pulled it out and unfolded it. On the napkin in scrolling red letters: Red Wing. Under the words on each side were signatures, Claire Nichols and Anthony Rawlings. Above the red letters: Job Contract, and the date, March 15, 2010. She turned the napkin over, no other writing. There was no agreement, no definition of duties and no life-changing event, just a napkin with signatures.

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