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Reflection of the night
  • Текст добавлен: 20 января 2022, 02:02

Текст книги "Reflection of the night"

Автор книги: Albina Sevenkova

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 5 страниц)

Raven stared at her in silence, and she returned his gaze even more intently.

– Your real feelings, Robin, are just a destructive short-term passion.

– And yours? – The young man asked hoarsely.

– I can show them to you, but know that they are meant for him, not for you.

Robin looked down for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw Anna beside him and felt her touch on his arm, which might have been simple and meaningless, but suddenly a shiver went through his skin. He looked into her eyes and lost touch with reality.

– My love, I've been waiting for you for so long. Unbearably long, – her voice broke on the last sentence.

She took his hand in hers, pressed her cheek against it, and he stopped feeling his body.

– Please give me a son. I've been dreaming about this. To see his eyes, just like yours. I want to look at him and think of you. I want you to always be there for me, always. Anna slowly stroked his hair, causing him to close his eyes. Something unknown gripped him. But the Countess moved away from him and took the feelings she had given him with her.

The silence was broken by the striking of the clock, and the young man awoke.

– I have to go, Robin, – the girl said.

– It is clear that I do not deserve such words, because I can not have children.

– The curse of the royal dynasty, – Raven said bitterly, pushing her onto the bed and kneeling beside her, holding her down with his hands.

– Do you believe in curses? – Anna asked wearily. – Comprehend your life and the life of your ancestors and understand who is to blame for what happened and how to fix it. Look around, more and more people can't have children. Do you think that someone cursed them all?

She tried to get up, but the young man wouldn't let her.

– I didn't let you go, – he said irritably.

Anna glanced at the sword beside the bed, and Raven saw it.

– The royal sword of Adenia. He chooses his own master, he can only be held by the strongest, and the rest of this weapon causes pain.

The monarch's voice had regained its former firmness and authority. He looked at Anna quizzically. And before he knew it, she had turned on her axis and, in the blink of an eye, had placed the cold steel against his throat like a flash of lightning. The leader of the strongest Raven magic clan froze in place. He didn't move, feeling a warm trickle of blood trickle down his neck.

– Yes, – Anna said. – I've handled this sword before. – Should I claim the throne? After all, I personally also have a connection to the dynasty of the kings of Adenia. And I have more right to be at the head of the state than you, my nephew Ratmir, whom you are so afraid of, and even more than the late Leo the Seventh. Once upon a time, my grandfather ceded power to him and paid for it. And you're so calm about leaving this toy anywhere. And for some reason, you call me a fool.

– So you put a blade to my throat for that? – The king asked, squinting at the blade.

– No. For your joke with the fountain, I decided to take revenge, – she smiled.

Raven took a moment to cast a paralyzing spell on her, and immediately felt his entire body go numb as he realized that Anna had repelled his attack. With the swift movement of a skilled warrior, she slashed the blade through the air, sheathed it, and slung it over her back. Then she picked Robin up and laid him on the bed, making him comfortable with the pillows. With a satisfied glance at the motionless youth and a wink, she quickly put on her cloak and left.

Fifteen minutes of motionless solitude seemed like an eternity to Robin. During this time, he tried hundreds of ways to rid himself of the effects of his own charms. Suddenly, the door flew off its hinges from a strong blow, and Arthur stumbled into the room. To say that he looked surprised was to say nothing. For half a minute, Lord Kern was just a statue. Edward followed him through the doorway. Raising his eyebrows, he silently stood next to his friend and stared at Robin. A few more seconds passed before the young men began to shake with laughter. Reclining on the pillows, the king seemed to show no concern about this, except that his black eyes glittered fiercely in his dark face.

– How are you, Robin? – Arthur asked mockingly.

– Can I help you? – The Falcon chimed in.

– How can we help? – The Bear said, puzzled. – Do you have the magic to remove this paralysis?

– I don't have it, it was blocked. And you?

– And I don't have any magic, either.

– Should we call someone? – The young men were clearly enjoying the situation.

– How so? I'm under arrest and there's nothing I can do.

– So am I.

The king could only show by the expression of his eyes what he thought of his subjects. Finally, the leader of the Bears left and brought the guards. The mages quickly freed the Raven, who was able to yell immediately:

– Where is she?

The Falcon and the Bear looked at each other in mock bewilderment. Suddenly, the pale-faced head of the guard rushed into the room and hurriedly bowed.

– Your Majesty, the Countess of the Rhine has left the castle on her horse.

– Catch up and bring her back! – Raven snapped.

In his excitement, the subject began to stutter.

– W-w-which one?

– What?!

– The six horsewomen rode off in different directions. We couldn't determine where the mirages were, it all happened too fast.

– Catch up with all the horsewomen!

– Yes, Your Majesty.

The guards withdrew. Robin quickly pulled on his shirt and doublet, moving back and forth uncontrollably. The sound of the siren made everyone in the room tense up.

– Someone broke into the vault!" – Arthur shouted.

The young men ran.

The palace treasury was protected by the most powerful magic spells imaginable. Therefore, it was deserted in front of the entrance. When the siren announced that all the locks were broken, a large squad of the palace's best guards quickly appeared in the hall. Spread out in battle readiness, they looked around for the enemy. The captain was the first to spot the black knight at the top of the stairs. In the hands of the silent stranger, two blades flashed and cut through the air like lightning. After performing this trick, he paused for a moment, waiting for the attack, and it immediately took place. Streams of destructive energy flew at him like a wall. The warrior swung his swords again and, in some incomprehensible way, some of the magic reflected back, scattering the squad, and another part created a wall behind them. Which is what Arthur, Edward, and Robin saw when they arrived on the scene. The squad immediately grouped together and split into two halves. The first half of the warriors rushed into battle, climbing the stairs with their weapons drawn. The Bear and the Falcon were touching the invisible wall, trying to figure out what spell would destroy it, and the Raven suddenly disconnected from reality. A memory flashed clearly in his mind. He's only seven years old. He lives alone in the Greenlands. The servants who had cared for him and the Auden heir had fled. He hears the baby cry and sees the last of the knights defending them fall, slain by the swords of the warriors of the Order of the Golden Lion. He is small, but he understands that no one will spare them. The Black Knight appears unexpectedly and pats him on the head. He pulls out two blades that reflect the blinding light of the sun, and goes forward alone against two hundred experienced soldiers. The boy barely has time to watch him, like a black tornado that inflicts wounds on its opponents, and they can do nothing in return.

– It's him, – Robin said dully.

– The Phoenix spell, Raven, recite it, and the wall will collapse in fifteen minutes, – Arthur says hurriedly.

At this time, the knight in black entered the battle. In his hands, a weapon glittered, smashing at his opponents. It took him five minutes to leave ten people injured on the stairs. The best warriors, the Falcon and the Raven, stood speechless. Meanwhile, the stranger in dark clothes, after taking a short break, jumped down the stairs, spinning like a top. Another five minutes, and the rest of the squad suffered the same fate. Leaving the soldiers groaning from their wounds, the masked man hurried to the vault door and opened it with a single blow of his blade.

– The King's sword, – the Falcon breathed, and looked back at Robin. – He has the sword of Adenia.

– Yes, she's not acting alone. She managed to get it to him, – Raven said softly.

After a few minutes, the wall disappeared, and the young men rushed forward.

– Bring the healers here, quickly! – The Falcon shouted to the maid as she entered.

As they ran into the vault, they saw the gleam of a teleport opening. Robin struck with magic, which was immediately deflected and reinforced with a shield borrowed by the burglar from the royal treasury. Placing the shield in front of the king so that he could hold it, the knight turned to face Arthur and Edward.

– And you are a great swordsman, sir, – said the Falcon contemptuously, drawing his sword and charging at his opponent.

Their blades crossed, and the duke felt the confident strength of the enemy. A moment later, the knight performed an unfamiliar maneuver, the sword that slipped out of the young man's hands, plunged into the wall, and he himself was hit in the jaw and fell to the floor almost in a semi-conscious state.

– Well, it's understandable that you can fight with swords, – said Arthur. – Maybe we can try it with our fists?

Silent as a ghost, the intruder calmly put down his blades and dodged the Bear's sharp lunge. The masked man was jokingly dodging Arthur's well-aimed punches. He was waving his arms, and his expression was becoming more and more confused. The young man fell from one imperceptible movement of the opponent, which even a swing could hardly be called. Leaving his opponents defeated, the dark knight walked over to the transfiguration statue and took off his gauntlet, placing his hand on its base.

– The teleport won't open for a male warrior, – the impassive voice said.

Very little time left for Robin to free himself from the captivity of the magic shield. The Bear and the Falcon also began to recover, slowly rising from the floor.

– I am not a man, – the knight replied, removing his mask.

The three young men saw Augustus, pale and coughing, run up to Anna Rein, holding a branch of juniper in his thin hands. Halfway there, he stumbled and fell. It was obvious that in order to get up, the boy gathered all his will.

– Anna, I brought you what you asked for, – he said, handing her a green juniper.

– Thank you, – she said, taking the twig from him and tossing it into the blue fire blazing at the foot of the stern statue.

– The teleport opens, – the lifeless voice said again.

– Do you want to come with me? – Anna asked the boy.

– Yes, – he said, looking at her with huge blue eyes.

She reached out and picked him up. Robin did not have time to detain the Countess, who disappeared into the depths of the port in half a second. As he ran after her, he was thrown back and stunned. There was silence in the treasury.

Raven walked slowly out of the room, exhausted. Healers were bustling around, putting the warriors in order, fortunately there were no mortally wounded or killed among them. The mages who had arrived as reinforcements were rebuilding their defenses.

– Just think, – Arthur muttered. – Some woman killed my best soldiers in ten minutes.

– It's anyone but a woman, – the Falcon growled at him. – To do such a thing!!! Yes, here you need to think for ten people!

– She said it takes a lot of effort not to kill anyone, – Robin said suddenly, so softly that his companions could barely hear him. – To what place will the teleport extend?

– To the town of Selborna, – said Arthur.

– We need to go there, – Robin said more confidently.

– I suggest we find out who we're dealing with first, – Edward said irritably. – Otherwise, it will soon be revealed that she is the goddess Artemis, who came down from heaven to play with us. – I'm quite serious, – the young man coined the words. – I suggest you go to the archive. I think all the locks have already been broken.

No one argued with him this time.

A strong blizzard blew against the walls of the black castle relentlessly. As if testing the ancient structure for strength, the wind searched for cracks and tried to break the glass. Bystanders, hunched over, tried to get home faster, hardly breathing, because the sharp gusts took away their air. The Palace library was in semi-darkness. A moth was flying around the ceiling lamp, which gave off a dim light.

"How is he here?» – Edward thought.

– Get ready to listen and ask questions, – Arthur said, concentrating on pressing the lever.

Robin stood against the wall, arms crossed.

– Anna Raine, – Lord Kern said to the ghost, pronouncing each letter clearly.

– Anna Rein is a descendant of the line of the comers and a direct descendant of the line of Areerev-the royal dynasty of Adenia.

The words made Raven flinch.

– The direct heir to the throne was her grandfather, who ceded power to the Seventh Lion of the Raven clan.

Has the magic of the morning star, which is not available to anyone in the three kingdoms. The best archer, a perfect master of the sword and all known weapons. Dangerous. The nickname is the Piranha Rose. She was sentenced to death and released after proving her innocence. Single-handedly defeated a squad of warriors of the Order of the Golden Lion. This time the Bear and the Falcon started and looked at Robin. The voice trailed off.

– Personal connections? – Arthur asked.

– The whole family died during the Civil War and the war with Arenia. Her friend is the Countess Rogneda of the Rhone. Possesses magic of the highest destructive power, nickname – Black lightning. Nephew Ratmir – abilities unknown. Not related by blood.

– How?! – The king shouted.

– Is the son of a cousin's widow from a second marriage.

– They're not even related, – Raven said angrily.

– More information, – the Falcon demanded impatiently.

– The almost lifeless desert under her leadership has turned into a rich land in ten years. She has her own army.

– What?! – All three of them shouted at once.

– Details, – the head of the Bear clan gasped.

– Fifteen years ago, the Duchy of Auden, the people banished to the desert, and the tiny county of Roden were in danger. To resist the nobles of Adenia, the peoples united. The army has a powerful defense capability and a legion of dragons. This time, the friends couldn't even say anything.

In the dim light, the already wide pupils of the bear's gray eyes grew even wider.

– That's impossible, the dragons died out fifty years ago.

– Anna Rein and Rogneda Ronskaya managed to find a pair and create conditions for their reproduction. This business was successfully continued by Ratmir of Oden, the nephew of Lady Raine.

– How many are there now?

– Unknown, – the ghost continued.

– Army size, soldier skills, combat ability, – Raven breathed.

– In three provinces, they start holding weapons earlier than walking. Everyone is familiar with the art of war, and women are not inferior to men in this matter. Even all animals are able to protect them.

– This is nonsense, – the king whispered, rubbing his forehead.

– So Anna saved your life in the Greenlands, – Arthur said suddenly. – You really paid her back.

– Shut up! – Robin snarled, glaring at him.

– By the way, Raven, you're wearing a love spell, – Edward said indifferently.

– Not yet in force. Clear it?

The monarch looked at him carefully.

– Don't look so hopeful, Rob, it's not Anna, – the Falcon said acidly.

– And who? – the Bear was interested.

– Ex-lover, third from the end.

– I see, – said the Duke of Kern, with some satisfaction. – The stupidest of them all.

– Who are you to judge me? There's a bunch of saints here, I see, – Robin said, striking a pose.

– However, we did not engage in violence, – the Bear did not look away.

– I didn't mean to rape anyone, you idiots, – the young king said dully.

For some reason, he remembered Anna, who had appeared before him on the first day: confused, shy, looking questioningly into his eyes.

– What kind of plant is a piranha rose?

The Falcon stared thoughtfully at the bookshelves.

– There are such flowers in Piran. Unearthly beauty. They are so rare that many people regard them as a legend. Those who wanted to tear them down were killed on the spot. The thorns are poisonous.

– A rare abomination, – Robin said matter-of-factly. – So she's in Selborne now. We need to hurry over there.

– Yes, but why? What are you going to do, Raven? – Arthur stood with his legs spread wide and his arms crossed over his chest.

– I'm going to marry her, – Robin said, rising gently from his chair. – Or do you have any objections?

– I'm afraid she'll have them, – said the Falcon. – What do you think, Rob, that a lady with such looks, abilities, and, above all, power and rich lands, did not attract anyone before you? Of course, of course. She was waiting for you to grow up.

– Yes, – said Arthur, – she was waiting for you to make her your mistress.

– Her hand was claimed by two kings of neighboring powers. I know that for a fact.

Robin's lips curled in disdain.

– So what?

– Because, – said Edward, – none of them got a positive answer. And don't think she'll fall into your arms as soon as she hears the marriage proposal. As far as I was able to learn her nature, she didn't give a damn about high-profile titles and the treasury. Almost single-handedly confront the entire nobility and not look for a patron… I don't even know what drove her.

– And if names aren't important to her, then we also have a chance to win the beauty's love. Let her choose, – the Bear interjected again.

Robin smiled wryly again, lowering his lashes.

– What if the chosen one isn't one of us? – he asked. – Have you thought of that?

– And who? For example?

– At least Ratmir.

The falcon choked.

– It's just jealousy that's blurring your eyes. You're crazy!

– I only agree that Anna can choose for herself, but God forbid you to make any attempts in her direction. In Selborne, we only count on magic. No careless movements, so as not to harm her. You answer with your head.

The three youths stood facing each other, glaring at each other. The dim light fell on their hair, and the moth continued to fly around the lantern.

Chapter II

There is an inevitability in the sunrise. Love will overtake me.

Selborne, a large city located on the coast of the harsh North Sea, was inhospitable to the head of state and his entourage. Dressed in the costumes of commoners, they shivered in the sharp, scorching wind.

– She hasn't left the city yet, – the Falcon said, peering into a flask of clear liquid that glowed purple. – We need to move to the southeast.

– It's along the embankment, – said Arthur.

Splashes of water spilled out onto the stone street, shimmering in the moonlight. The young men had been on the road for about half an hour, and during that time they met almost no one. The alley they entered was dark and gloomy. Edward's alert ears picked up a suspicious rustle. He stopped and motioned for the others to do the same. Several men appeared out of the darkness, and the youths realized that they were surrounded.

– They don't seem to have a penny, – a deep, gruff voice said.

– Nothing, they'll do, they'll be worth a lot in the slave market.

– Thirty men, – said Arthur, almost inaudibly, to Robin.

– We're in a hurry, guys, and we don't want to waste any time on you, – Raven said. – Therefore, I suggest that you disperse in a good way.

After that, it seemed to the travelers that the whole alley burst into laughter, and in the light of the lantern flashed the blade of a knife. After a moment, magic lit up the space and the faces of the robbers, who finally understood what was happening. Arthur waved his hand and all the attackers were left lying on the pavement, writhing in pain.

– Spare me, – the leader croaked to Robin.

He snapped his fingers, and they felt better. Now there were only moans from everywhere.

– Let's go, – Raven ordered.

– Well, well! – Someone shouted down the ill-fated alley again. – The band of crooks is going to the Chanten prison!

The criminals, who had not yet come to their senses, began to look around hungrily.

– Police patrol, – the Falcon said, grimacing.

– Who are these people here? – the voice continued from the darkness.

At the same time, the mages blinked at the bright light.

– Who are you? – Another law enforcement officer asked unfriendly.

– We're just passers – by, – Robin said confidently.

– Oh, so you passed by, – The policeman came close to him and looked at him from below, because he was very small. – You will remain in the cage until the circumstances are clarified.

– Captain, – said Arthur. – Do you even understand…

– All right, – Raven interrupted. – It's not our fault.

The police station was a cramped room with a cage of iron bars against the wall, in which the three friends were placed.

– How long do you want me to stay here? – the Bear made a claim.

– How's the trail? – Raven asked Edward, ignoring Arthur.

The falcon stared at the jar and was surprised.

– Very close.

There was a noise outside the door.

– Let me hold your kid, – the captain said.

– Thank you, – a familiar female voice said.

The three prisoners tensed. The door opened, and they saw the captain with the sleeping Augustus in his arms, and Anna herself, dressed in the clothes of a commoner. The policeman was circling the Countess like a snake.

– Well, look, maybe you've met these suspicious types before.

Robin waited impatiently for Anna to turn back to the cage.

– Yes, yes, now, you just put the boy here on the bench.

After making sure that the child was comfortable, she turned her attention to the man.

– Come here and see.

Anna turned around and immediately met the burning gaze of the Raven King.

– Can I take a closer look? – she asked the policeman casually.

– Yes, of course.

The Countess walked steadily to the iron bars and looked at the three young men in turn, as if she had poor eyesight.

– This is the first time I've seen them, – she finally said, turning around.

– Well, I thought so, – said the captain, with a quick glance at the three prisoners, who blinked innocently.

– You haven't changed your mind about crossing to the mainland? The path is not close. It is also unknown how your relatives will meet you. And there are suitors for you here. If you want, I'll introduce you to the miller, he's a well-to-do guy. And it will feed you and your brother.

– Is he cute? – The girl smiled coquettishly.

– Well, not the Raven King, of course, or his dukes, but still.

– Ah, – said the Countess.

– Come on, silly girl, do you dream of a king too?

– Oh, really, Captain, – Anna said indignantly. – I can't even dream of it. And they say that he is not so handsome.

– That's right, – said Arthur. I saw him once, – she said, noticing the Raven's scowl, – from a distance. – Pretty girl, how do you like me? – He winked at Anna.

– She needs just such a rogue, – The captain said angrily, shaking his fist at the young man and slamming the door.

Anna calmly sat down on a stool and looked at the prisoners.

Anna, – Robin's voice was frighteningly gentle. – You're coming with us now, and everything will be fine.

Anna looked at the boys and felt the call coming from all three of them, which for a moment made her uneasy.

– I'm sorry, but that's not possible, Your Majesty.

– You think you can stand up to us, Countess, – Arthur said hoarsely.

– You and the boy will not be harmed, – the Falcon promised, his fathomless green eyes flashing.

– Why should I oppose you, Lord Kern? – the girl asked. – You're in a cage, aren't you?

All three of them smiled.

– I like it when you play the fool, you can continue this activity at your leisure, and now there is no time, – Raven said, forming a ball of energy between his palms and grabbing the bars to bend them.

Anna was smiling at his surprised face when the attempt failed.

– There is no need to strain yourself so much, Your Majesty, – she said without mockery. – The thing is, the bars in this cage are cast from the ancient bell of Selbornus, the metal of which holds back all magic. It's all the fault of the ignorance and mismanagement of officials. A stroke of the pen and here – in a worn-out police station there was such a treasure.

– Even this metal can't hold us for long.

– That is true, – said the Countess. – He can only hold such powerful mages for three hours. That's just enough time for me to leave.

– Anna, don't make me be cruel, – Robin said, gripping the bars with his hands and glaring at her.

He sensed that the Falcon and the Bear were already testing the cage for strength and using all means to break it quickly. Now you just need to distract the girl.

– I have never provoked anyone to do this, Your Majesty, – the Countess replied.

– My woman leaves the palace without permission, breaks into the vault, and injures three dozen warriors. Isn't that a provocation?

– Only I can call myself yours, – Anna's voice was steely.

The king's face twisted in anger.

– And if a man does it?

– Without a woman's consent, that would be nothing, – the Countess chuckled.

Arthur and Edward also shared a faint smile.

– Even if the words are the king's? – Raven asked.

– Even if the words were uttered by the deity of the Piran peasants.

– You have a lot of audacity and stupidity, Lady Raine, – Arthur said harshly. – A woman cannot survive without the protection of a man.

– However, I have been able to prove the opposite many times, – Anna said calmly.

– I am not trying to impose my opinion on you, my lords, but I believe that a woman does not need a man at all.

The movement in the cage froze.

– Yes, just as a man doesn't need a woman. We don't need each other without love.

There was a moment of silence in the room. August stirred on the bench. He woke up and looked at Anna.

– August, are you going to eat?

He nodded his head in the affirmative. The Countess sat down beside him and opened her bag, taking out vegetables, bread, and fruit. Augustus looked much better and ate his food with an enviable appetite. After eating a few good bites, he noticed that he and Anna were not alone. Arthur winked at the boy.

– Anna, – Augustus said, surprised. – And what are the king and my lords doing here in such clothes and behind bars?

Lady Rain yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

– I don't know what their plans are. But if they've changed their clothes, it means they don't want to be recognized.

– They must be hungry. Can I give them something to eat?

– Sure, do whatever you want. Just move carefully, you're still weak.

The child took a large dish and, putting food on top of it, carried it to the cage. Arthur took the food from the boy with a smile and thanked him. Augustus immediately turned around and handed him a pitcher of water. The Falcon and the Bear devoured the food greedily. Robin also took a few slices of bread and vegetables, keeping his eyes on Anna and noting with satisfaction that the magic they had unleashed was beginning to work.

– We'll be back at the palace soon, – he said to Augustus, biting into his bread.

There was fear in the boy's eyes. He turned to Anna.

– We're not going back, – she said. – His Majesty is joking. Here, give it to him, and he'll stop having fun.

With that, the Countess handed the scroll to the boy. Chuckling ironically and taking the unfolded paper from the child's hands, Robin turned pale. Edward and Arthur went over to him and looked at the scroll, too.

– No, there's no hurry, – muttered the Bear. – Where will we find soldiers to face the two armies?

For a moment, the fire in Raven's eyes seemed to go out. He silently handed the paper to Arthur and looked at Anna, who was already packing.

– August, we have to go, – she smiled.

The boy came over and took her hand. As Anna passed the cage, she stopped in front of Robin. Time suddenly froze.

– If only I'd had the strength to stand up to the clans and get you out of their clutches. It would have been different then. And now we're all going to have a hard time. Forgive.

She touched his fingers, which were gripping a metal rod. Raven immediately grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips.

– Don't go away. Stay with me forever.

Anna gave him a long look and slowly withdrew her hand, which the young man did not want to let go.

– It'll be all right, – This time she looked at all three of them as if she wanted to remember every detail of them.

The cold valley of the borderlands was almost completely covered with snow, and the thawing was only visible here and there. In the royal tent, Edward, Robin, and Arthur were arguing over a map.

– I can only see the way out in retreat, – Duke Kern was saying. – Yes, if we put the main force out now, we might win, but at what cost? One battle won will result in the complete ruin of the country for us.

– It's also unavoidable in a retreat, – Robin said.

– Yes, but at least we'll have a chance, – Edward insisted.

– I don't think so, – the king said again, looking grimly ahead.

– I agree with the Duke of Lanberg. It is better to strike a decisive blow now, and then arrange a guerrilla war for the remnants of their troops.

– Wake up, Robin, after such a meat grinder, there will be no one to go to the partisans.

The young king sighed heavily.

– Then so be it. In the battle of the mages, they will try to destroy us at any cost.

– You won't take part in it. It's too much of a risk. If they kill you, there will be no Adenia, – Duke Ereman shook his head.

– There are still worthy pretenders to the throne in Adenia, and I will not hide behind my own subjects. This will not inspire anyone, the soldiers are already discouraged. The forces are unequal.

– We'll fight, and come what may, – said Arthur grimly.

The tent flap opened and a soldier from the King's guard entered.

– Your Majesty, Lord Murd has an important message for you.

– Let him in, – Raven said curtly.

A hunched, shifty-eyed man entered and made a deep bow.

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