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Reflection of the night
  • Текст добавлен: 20 января 2022, 02:02

Текст книги "Reflection of the night"

Автор книги: Albina Sevenkova

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Текущая страница: 1 (всего у книги 5 страниц)

Albina Sevenkova
Reflection of the night


I'll wait. The snow will melt, and the vernal water will take away my sadness.

The fire raged and devoured the huge castle, destroying the darkness of the night around. The young king smiled grimly, looking at the action playing out. His black eyes reflected tongues of flame, and large flakes of snow were falling on her dark, long hair. It seemed, that he did not notice the cold of the winter night, nor the heat of the burning shelter of the fierce enemy. The faces of his two subjects, standing side by side, seemed to reflect the same contempt and indifference.

The soldiers of the royal guard threw a gaunt man at their feet.

– You come from the underworld! Little snake, I wish I'd killed you when you were a brat!

– Everything must be done on time, – said the monarch, with a grim sneer. – All your efforts have been wasted.

The Duke's face was disfigured by a grin. He spat blood on the snow and struggled to his knees.

– Yes, and not just me. If that's what you wanted to know.

– I know their names, – the monarch said coldly and angrily, sheathing his heavy sword. – They're almost all dead now. The traitors will end their days within the walls of the Cold Tower.

The fallen man shuddered, and the king saw it.

– I can just execute you.

The Duke looked into the eyes of his enemy with hope and entreaty.

– Tell me, who is this mage?

The condemned man's gaze faded, and this finally angered the king.

– Who is he? Someone who single-handedly destroyed your entire legion without killing anyone. This is impossible! But I saw it myself. Two hundred seasoned warriors! Magicians! You were there!

The duke's bloody lips twitched and twisted into a crooked grin.

– Do you think if I knew who he was, you'd be on the throne? This someone has bypassed me and all the followers of the Order of the Golden Lion. And the country is once again ruled by Crows under your leadership, puppy. You can't imagine how many times we've tried to get close to you…

King Robin turned away indifferently.

– Hang him? – Arthur the young man with the long red hair, asked, hardly changing the haughty pose he had maintained throughout the conversation.

– To the tower, – the king ordered.

Arthur nodded curtly to the warriors.

– No! – The prisoner captive. – No! You can't do this! Damn you! You're already cursed! You are the last of the line!!!

Robin's handsome face was expressionless as he walked away. His constant companions, the devoted Arthur and Edward, walked a little behind.

– Assemble a squad,– Robin ordered the blond-haired Edward. – We're leaving.

The young man turned around, and suddenly collided with a gray-haired woman who appeared out of nowhere.

– Your Majesty! – her sharp voice cut through the frosty silence.

–You made a mistake, witch,– Edward said coldly, and with a single movement pushed the old woman away from him, who had already wrapped her arms around his knees.

– What do you want? – The monarch asked, looking at her with tired eyes.

– I…– she said, confused. – I… have a prediction.

– What can you predict if you don't even recognize me?

– Don't judge so harshly, young King. I have only a few hours to live.

– Tell me, – Robin sighed heavily.

– Please take my great-granddaughter away from here. She won't have anyone left after I die.

The men noticed a shadow moving nearby.

Arthur stepped forward and pulled a teenage girl in gray rags out from behind a snowdrift.

– Soldiers,– King Robin said to the assembled company. – Who's going to marry her?

Arthur cupped the almost childlike face in his black-gloved hand and turned it to the light.

– I am, Your Majesty, – said a determined voice from the crowd.

The faceless warrior came closer, took off his cloak, wrapped it around the girl, and put her on the horse. Edward, seeing the king's nod, tossed the bag of coins to the warrior.

– Let's go, – said Arthur lazily.

The monarch was the first to mount his black stallion lightly. And the witch, meanwhile, came out of her stupor, ran to him and grabbed the stirrups.

– You didn't listen to me! There is a woman who can give you an heir! She is of the line of the comers! Just her, there are no more of them left!

Robin stared at his strange companion in silence, showing deep indifference,and was already touching the bridle.

– Anna Rein. Her name is Anna Rein!

The horsemen raced into the night behind their monarch, and the witch stared after them thoughtfully for a long time.

The royal castle, built of black stone, weighed on the inhabitants with its gloomy grandeur. In his bedroom, Robin stared thoughtfully at the hearth, where the flames played fiercely. He was lying on a bed covered with polar bear skins, and his fingers were running through the golden hair of his sleeping mistress.

There was a prearranged knock, and the door swung open. Arthur entered the room and handed him a yellowed scroll. Raven raised himself slightly on the bed, passed his hand over the blonde's head, magically making her sleep deep, and, shaking the paper with one hand, ran his eyes over it.

Meanwhile, Arthur, completely oblivious to the half-naked beauty, swaggered into a leather-covered chair by the fire. He studied his friend's face searchingly. Robin sprang lightly from the couch and stood beside Arthur. In the dim light, his perfect body looked particularly mesmerizing. He threw the scroll into the fire.

– The magic shield artifact has finally been found, – the seated youth said softly. – This place is close. The trip will take half a day.

– Who is entrusted with the key to the cave? – Robin asked, grimacing.

– Anna Rein.

– To whom? – There was an uncharacteristic note of surprise in the King's voice.

– I was surprised that Gray Lisbourne, who has earned a reputation as a misogynist, would trust her with the key.

– It's a name, – Robin drawled.

– Yes, that mad soothsayer was talking about her, – the nobleman said.

– Did you send to her for the key?

– No, I ordered her to come to court.

– Why? – The king was even more surprised.

– Magic addiction. Only she can open the door to the cave.

– Something's definitely wrong here. What did you find out about her?

– The Countess of the Rhine. The owner of a province in the middle of nowhere. It has barren lands, almost deserts. She hasn't left her land in the last fifteen years. The woman raised her nephew, he is already an adult.

– Who's the nephew?

– There's a dukedom next door. Heir to the lands of Orden.

After these words, it seemed to Robin that the fire in the hearth flared up with an unusual force. He interrupted Arthur.

– The heir of Orden?! I was looking for him, and he was growing up in the desert?! Who is this Anna Rein?!!

– You were looking for him? – This time it was Arthur's turn to be surprised. – Why?

– Who is Anna Rein?

– I've already told you everything I know. There is almost no data in the archive about it. Although…

– What? – In his impatience, the young man even leaned forward and grabbed the handrails of the chair.

– Your betrothed! – Arthur burst out laughing. – She's old enough to be your mother. Yes, even, probably, terrible as a mortal sin. No wonder no one married, even with the title of count.

Robin condescendingly waited until the homeric laughter of his subject had died away, and then said:

– Now stop being stupid. The heir of Auden, by virtue of his bloodline, has as much right to the throne as I do.

The answer to the monarch was the wide-open eyes of red Arthur and the beads of sweat that stood out on his forehead.

– And if you consider that he may have children, unlike me, then make a conclusion on whose head the crown will look better!

As Robin said this, he crushed the heavy metal goblet of wine with one hand, and his subject, seeing this, hastened to retreat into the hall. As he ran out the door, he ran full tilt into Edward, who was coming towards him.

– What? – The warrior-healer asked, stopping his friend with an iron hand.

The crumpled goblet flew after Arthur with a curse.

– He's been looking for the Auden heir all this time! – The red-haired man rang out. – Yes! I should have known that! I am a third-generation diviner!

Before Edward could answer, the angry king burst out of the bedroom and snarled:

– Are you still here? Pull up all the archives, interrogate everyone, so that tomorrow there will be the necessary information and the pedigree will be on my desk!

– Whose? – The head of the Bear clan couldn't resist asking.

Instead of answering, the long-suffering goblet that had been picked up from the floor flew at them again.

In the morning, Arthur and Edward waited for the king in the winter garden near the fountain. The soft sunlight played in Arthur's red hair.

– All the archives are classified. I've never seen such protection. There is a royal seal.

– The Lion King the Seventh himself?

– Yes. And the witch's prediction came true. We arrived just in time for her funeral. Her young great-granddaughter doesn't know anything. Robin the First strode majestically into the conservatory.

– Good morning.

The dukes exchanged puzzled glances. The King continued:

– How long will it take to break the protection?

– At least a week, – said Arthur.

– When is the Countess coming?

– Well, I gave her three days. You know: aunts, carriages, crinolines… We are now meeting with the Minister of War. He has a lot of interesting things accumulated.

– Yes, – Robin said coldly. I know all this interesting stuff by heart. If Arenia and Piran unite, there will be nothing left of us. And such a turn of events is a matter of time. By the way, send Linea out of the palace.

– Is this your last favorite? – Edward asked.

– The last one? Hold your tongue! – the imperturbable monarch replied.

– Just send it away? – Arthur asked.

– Marry her off, – the king snapped.

– She's already married, – the Bear persisted.

– Then give her some presents and send her back to her husband, – Robin said again.

– Yes, that's right, Robin, – Edward said suddenly, his green eyes shining mysteriously. – You have a betrothed now. You have no time for mistresses.

There was a roar of laughter, and Robin winced. While the friends were enjoying themselves, the butler appeared at the door and addressed the king:

– Your Majesty, the Countess Anna Rhein requests an audience.

– What? Did she get here overnight?! – The representatives of the higher aristocracy shouted in unison.

– Let her pass, – Robin said, exchanging glances with his friends.

The three of them stared curiously at the doors.

– Countess Anna Raine, – the butler announced, and thumped his staff three times on the floor.

The vision that soon appeared took the breath out of all three of them. She was beautiful and young. However, female beauty at court is not uncommon. Brown eyes, dark unusually thick hair, a thin figure, perfect features and a delicate blush attracted the eyes. There was also an extraordinary warmth coming from this lady. The king lost his sense of reality for a moment. It seemed that as long as she was around, nothing bad would happen to him.

Meanwhile, the girl, timidly looking back and looking at him questioningly, came closer and curtsied.

– How do you do, Your Majesty, my lords?

Edward and Arthur bowed in return.

– I brought the key by order of Your Majesty, – she broke off, reaching into the folds of her modest cloak, from under which an equally modest traveling dress peeked out.

– Madame, are you out of your mind? – The king's icy voice suddenly pierced the silence.

The lady looked at the monarch, startled and puzzled.

– Excuse me, Your Majesty?

– To appear at the reception of the head of state in a fake magical guise? What were you thinking?! And how did you get through the arch that knows everyone? I'll have to help you wash away the sorcery.

Robin grabbed the beautiful woman by the arm and spun her around sharply, sending her into the fountain. The butler, who was standing nearby, gasped in surprise, and Arthur and Edward coughed, but Anna, who was in the water, did not make a sound. The impact was so strong that she lost her balance and sat down in the bowl. The shimmering silver spray soaked her through. With a funny sniff, the Countess brushed the wet strands from her face and asked:

– Can I go out now? Or will Your Majesty order me to sit here a little longer?

As the king studied her intently, not a muscle moved in his face, except for a strange gleam in his black eyes.

– Come out, – he said.

Anna stood up, wringing out the wet hem, oblivious to the eager glances of the young men directed at her.

– The Duke of Lanber is the Minister of War, – the butler's booming voice said, making everyone forget about the fountain.

The Minister of War – a stern man with graying temples, was often compared to a block of ice, and it seemed to many that he was not capable of showing emotions at all. The man entered the conservatory, looking as trim and unruffled as ever – the iceberg man, the uncomplaining screw of the state machine, who, with the same expression on his face, reports to the king and gives orders to the soldier. He strode past the wet lady, not even glancing in her direction or showing any surprise.

– I am pleased to welcome you, Your Majesty, My Lords. These are the latest reports on the state of our army to date, – the Duke said, handing an impressive pile of papers to Arthur as he approached. – Here are my suggestions for improving the situation with the defense of the state.

The minister looked expectantly at his monarch, and automatically followed his gaze to Lady Raine. The youths froze, seeing the emotion on the duke's face for the first time.

– Anna! – Lanbergsky shouted hoarsely and, in an uncontrollable rush, rushed to the female figure standing by the fountain.

– What's the matter with you? – With one magical click, he dried her clothes and kissed her hand. – How did you get here?

– I'm so glad to see you, Grog, – the Countess smiled.

– And you've become even more beautiful and younger, – the Duke continued thoughtfully, giving her a long look.

– Thank you, – Anna said, looking him straight in the eye.

– I haven't seen you in years, how are you?

– I was lucky, the last years I lived in peace and quiet.

– I will consider your proposals, Duke, and in the meantime you may be dismissed, – the king's voice came in a flat, impassive voice.

The ecstatic expression on the War Minister's face slowly faded, giving way to the old lifeless mask.

– Yes, Your Majesty, – said the Duke of Lanber, and, kissing the lady's hand once more, he went out.

– So, my lady, you have brought the key, – the king said again.

– Yes, Your Majesty, here it is, – Anna said, holding out a small, inconspicuous gray bag.

Taking the metal object, Robin tried to touch her fingers, trying to prolong the touch, but the Countess deliberately quickly withdrew her hand. He suddenly smelled the faint scent of mountain flowers coming from her. With a wry smile, the crowned beauty took out a key that glinted in the daylight.

– Lady Raine, do you know that only you can open the door to the cave?

– Yes, Your Majesty.

– You'll come with us tomorrow morning.

– As you command, Your Majesty, – Anna replied on a single note.

– You'll have to ride, are you ready for that, ma'am? – Arthur cut in, giving her a mocking look with his gray eyes.

– I think I can manage, my lord, since I came here on horseback, too.

Edward chuckled. All three of them were a head taller than the Countess, and they were too close.

– Like I said, it'll take us about four hours to get over the rocks, – Arthur reminded him. – But this road is dangerous. The local stones absorb all the magic. As a result, we will have to rely only on weapons. And, in case of what… I suggest we go around this place.

The young king grimaced:

– We leave in the morning on a straight road.

He looked at the Countess, who was listening intently to Arthur.

– You had something to say, my lady? – The question was mocking.

– If you please, Your Majesty.

The answer was a slight nod and a piercing look from his black eyes.

– I agree with Lord Kern, the trip is very dangerous indeed.

– But you will be under our protection, Countess, or do you doubt that we can keep you out of harm's way? – Edward's tone was sarcastic.

Anna lowered her eyes.

– Not at all.

– That's good, – the king said again. – There is a ball tonight, and you are invited, my lady.

– Thank you, Your Majesty. I don't like social amusements. Can't this be avoided?

– That's not possible, – The young monarch's voice was steely again.

– All right, I'll carry out your order, – Anna touched her throat as if the words hurt her.

– The servants will bring you a ball gown.

– You are very kind to me, Your Majesty, I do not deserve such attention. And please don't worry, I'll find a party dress.

– Well, I won't force you to accept gifts, ma'am. You can go now.

Bowing, Anna quickly left the room.

As soon as the door closed behind her, Robin looked at Edward questioningly.

– No enchantment, – he drawled, – a little gift for healing, that's all. She came in her true form.

– How can that be? – Arthur asked in surprise.

– I don't know, – the blond youth shook his head, looking around at the raging tropical greenery, so similar in color to his eyes. – In all the history of healing I've studied, I've never seen anything like it.

– There's no doubt that it's really her, – Robin said grimly. – Have you seen the War minister's puppy-dog delight?

– Yes, I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought it was an illusion, – Arthur chuckled.

– If she managed to do this to him, what does she do to the others? – Edward asked a rhetorical question.

– We'll check it out, – the Raven King said with a bad smile.

Anna entered the room that had been given to her – a damp, semi-basement room where the winter light was barely visible. The drops of dampness falling on the bed made her smile ironically. She was startled when there was a discreet knock on the door and asked:

– Who?

– Anna, this is Gered. Open it, please.

The girl turned the lever and threw herself into the arms of the gray-haired old man.

– Careful, you'll strangle me, – he said jokingly, wrapping his weak arms around her.

– How are you? – Anna gasped, pushing him into the room and closing the heavy door.

– I've been better, – Gered grunted, looking around. – I see you've been assigned the most luxurious apartment? This was once a prison cell.

–Да, старые друзья не дремлют, – засмеялась графиня и сняла плащ.

– Don't worry, I'll spend the night in the stables. They have an order there. And here you can catch a cold. She looked into his eyes searchingly.

A few hours left, – he said, lowering his gaze. – I'm glad I got to see you.

– I've given my whole life to this crypt. Served-served and did not deserve anything, even the only granddaughter could not protect.

– Your great-grandson was born after she was dishonored? – The Countess's question sounded sad.

– Yes. My bright boy knows neither mother nor father. He is very ill, and I think he will soon follow me.

– I saw a fair-haired page at the gate, suffering from consumption, is that him?

– Yes. The healers tried to cure him, but the effect was only temporary.

– His mother's suffering was not lost on him. I'll take care of him. Don't think about dying. It is not true that your life has been in vain. Thanks to you, an inconspicuous and desperately brave clerk, this state still exists and millions of lives have been saved, including mine. Ged's face brightened, and he was able to straighten up and look triumphantly at Anna.

– Take it, – he said, holding out the scroll. – You know what to do with it. I leave without saying goodbye.

The huge ballroom, lit by torches and candles made of white wax, was full of bright dresses of the ladies. Everyone was talking in low voices, but even that made the room hum unbearably. Dressed in a black suit with silver embroidery, the young king stood at the large window, looking out at the cold drifts. The background of white snow behind the glass accentuated his graceful silhouette and dark skin. Red-haired Arthur, who was as handsome as his king, came to the window. The music began to play pleasantly, and the couples swirled around the room.

– The celebration is in full swing, and our guest is not here. She dared to disobey orders? – Robin asked.

His friend snorted contemptuously and suddenly stared at the front door.

The king followed his gaze and saw a female figure in a low-key green dress, not very frank, but emphasizing all the advantages of the figure. And there really was something to admire. Anna looked completely different from when they first met. Her head was held high, her figure erect, and her cold expression riveted the eyes of those present. Edward, who had left his dancing partner, dressed in a green suit, also saw her and heard her murmur of admiration.

– Who is this young beauty?

All the sounds merged into an unintelligible noise, when suddenly, almost nearby, a startled cry flew by:

– The Piranha rose!

The head of the Falcon clan looked around, trying to find the speaker, but couldn't.

Meanwhile, Anna stood in a dark corner, trying not to draw attention to herself. Edward walked toward her, listening to the conversation.

– What kind of jewelry are these?

– Black pine.

– A tree? – someone chuckled.

– It is several times more expensive than precious stones.

Lady Rain ignored the whispers and acted as if she were far away.

– Countess, – Edward suddenly appeared in front of her.

– My Lord, – the girl curtsied deeply.

– You don't like the holiday?

– I've already told you that I don't like such social events. This is no different from the others.

The Lord chuckled.

– And you won't even dance with me?

– I can definitely refuse you that, – Anna smiled. – Even though you're wearing green, too.

Edward couldn't hide his surprise.

– In that case, I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am.

Lady Rain responded with a slight bow.

Robin and Arthur were still standing at the window, watching the Falcon approach.

–Why didn't you ask the Countess of the Rhine to dance? – The Duke of Kern asked ironically.

– She said «no».

– What?! You?!

– It looks like she's not going to dance at all, – the Falcon said, watching the other man walk away from Anna.

– This is something interesting, – Robin said thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, the Duke of Lanber came up to Anne.

– The Minister? – Arthur asked. – Who's that brat next to him?"

– That's his son, – Edward said, eyeing the slender, blue-eyed blond man.

– Look, she went to dance with him, – the Bear continued.

The king looked around and saw the pair formed, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Anna smiled at her partner warmly and sincerely, which for some reason infuriated him. The two of them seemed to fly around the hall to fast music.

The Countess of the Rhine said goodbye to the Duke and his son, who was looking at her with rapt eyes, and was just turning to leave when she suddenly bumped into a man in a dark suit. Looking up, she met the king's gaze.

– Are you in a hurry to leave, my lady? – The king asked.

– Yes, – the girl said shortly.

– Then dance with me one last time.

– Is that an order, Your Majesty?

– Have you ever been told, madame, that the impertinence of my subjects can have unpleasant consequences for them?

– I've been told that many times, – Anna didn't look away, not at all afraid.

He yanked her toward him, not caring what he might do to her.

– Tell me, Mrs. Rain, what principles do you use to choose your dancing partners? You so easily rejected the top officials of the state, who have wealth and good looks.

Anna raised her eyebrows in surprise, which made her face take on that childlike spontaneity that the king had seen the day before.

– I don't even know what to say to you, it never occurred to me to select cavaliers by such criteria.

– Yes? And why did you dance with the younger Lanbergsky, his father leaves him nothing, because he is as poor as a church mouse. Was he your lover?

Robin watched with pleasure as a shadow crossed Anna's face.

– He gave him an honest name, which is quite a lot. This young man has a pure soul. I am sure that he will be as happy in love as his father. Thank you for the invitation, Your Majesty.

The music had not yet ended when Anna broke off the dance, smiled, bowed to the king, and left the hall.

She confidently walked through the labyrinths of the castle and was already not far from her bedroom, when suddenly Duke Edward Ereman, the head of the powerful magical Falcon clan, appeared on her path.

– Is there anything I can do for you, my lord? – Anna asked, unable to get past him.

– Let's not be too polite, – the young man said sharply, and smiled wryly. – I suggest, madame, that you spend the night in my comfortable bedchamber.

Anna put her hand to her throat again, as if it hurt, and stepped back a little.

– I do not think your bedchamber is more comfortable than mine, my Lord, – the Countess Raine replied, her voice firm and somewhat distant.

She hurried past, but it was not possible, as the young man again blocked her way.

– Tell me, how many lovers have you had? What is it? – he asked, watching as Anna struggled to keep her hands from shaking.

– I don't want to discuss this with you, Lord Ereman.

Edward was advancing on her, still smiling unkindly.

– You're all brainless dolls who can only bat your eyelashes and dress up.

He pinned her against the wall, his arms wrapped around her waist, and then he pulled back quickly.

Anna, disheveled, leaned heavily against the wall, the Falcon's pupils dilated, and his breathing became heavy and ragged. Seeing his reaction, the Countess smiled wearily. The pale young man stared at her speechlessly and breathed heavily.

– Do you know, Edward, I remember your mother, she had the same wonderful emerald eyes.

– Don't talk to me about her, you're a witch, – the young man hissed.

The girl ran her hands over her face, as if trying to take the weariness out of it, and continued:

– This' brainless doll ' sacrificed her reputation and her life to save you and keep you as the head of the clan. Knowing in advance that the son, who was the meaning of life, would hate her…

Tears flickered in the Countess ' eyes, but only for a moment.

– What are you talking about? How do you know her?

He grabbed Anna by the shoulders and began to shake her, but she did not resist, just looked into his eyes from under the stray strands.

– I was put on the waiting list for the scaffold after her.

There was a pause.

We were kept here in the castle. In the cramped basement of the west wing of this building. There's a hiding place under a big rock, and I think it still contains her correspondence.

The Falcon recoiled from the Countess as if from a plague. The blood was pounding in his temples.

Anna seemed to peel away from the wall and stagger away down the gray corridor.

Robin was lying on the bed in his own bedroom, and Arthur was pacing up and down beside him.

– I understand the need for these strategies, so you don't have to spend the night with me tonight, dear, – the king said.

– And you won't be offended? – The head of the Bear clan asked in the same tone.

Robin was bending down to remove his boots when the door opened and Edward burst in. Arthur opened his mouth to make a joke, but when he saw the deathly pallor on his friend's face, he immediately closed it.

– I need the magic passwords for the basements in the west wing.

Robin glanced at it and removed the bracelet from his left wrist.

– Take this, any door will open when you touch it.

The falcon grabbed the thing and flew out into the corridor, not noticing that his friends followed him.

At the door to the basement, a clerk was waiting with a magic caller ID and two warriors, one of whom was the head of the royal guard.

Unable to withstand the touch of the bracelet, the heavy door opened, and stale air escaped from the basement. Edward lit the torches in the room and knocked over a heavy stone slab that lay on the floor. Groping in the cache he found, he pulled out a yellowed stack of papers. Opening the envelopes one by one, the Falcon handed them to the clerk, who checked the sheets and put them in a neat pile.

When the work was finished, the clerk said firmly:

– All submitted letters are authentic and correspond to the claimed authorship.

The gleam in Edward's green eyes became feverish. He nodded to the security chief, who came closer.

– Baron Ellard, Count Lees, and Count Terron are to be arrested immediately and brought to the palace. If they try to escape, execute them on the spot.

– But how is that possible? The nobles won't approve, – protested the head of the guard.

The Falcon, out of control, grabbed the soldier by the breast.

– You didn't understand the order? – King Robin's voice was soft and therefore even more menacing.

– No, I understand, – the warrior replied timidly.

– Do it, – Raven said, nodding toward the door.

He went over to the clerk and took the letters from him, looking through them quickly.

– That's right…

Arthur, who was standing nearby, also saw the contents of the papers.

– Ed, how are you?

– We'll start for the mountains at dawn, – the Falcon said firmly, and walked away.

Half asleep, Anna lay on the fragrant dry hay and looked at the friend who had come to her imagination.

– If you don't return within four days, I will follow you and tear down this stone crypt.

– It's all right, don't worry, Rogneda. I'll be home soon.

– Of course, I feel like you're doing well. Who do you talk to closely there? There are three clans in power, and I know their aspirations and thoughts. I hope they're smart enough to be diligent.

Anna groaned:

– You're home now and you can do whatever you want, and I have to go over the damn rocks tomorrow, so let's go to bed.

Rogda disappeared, and Ratmir appeared.

– Ra, where are you? – Anna whispered.

– Hello, dear, we decided to have a little rest here.

– I have important business to attend to." There's a boy-a great-grandson of a friend of mine-who needs help. Look at him. I want to accept him into our family. What do you think?

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