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Cry Wolf
  • Текст добавлен: 17 октября 2016, 01:10

Текст книги "Cry Wolf"

Автор книги: Wilbur Smith

Соавторы: Wilbur Smith
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Текущая страница: 28 (всего у книги 28 страниц)

tears. "Oh Jake-" He was struggling to close the cabin door,

running beside the fuselage as the aircraft gathered speed for the

take-off, but one of Gregorius's feet was holding it open. Jake

stopped to free the foot, and rifle-fire snapped past his head, and

twanged into the canvas fabric of the fuselage.

He looked up in time to see the next shot star the side window of the

cockpit and then go on to strike the young pilot in the temple,

killing him instantly, and knocking his body sideways so that it hung

drunkenly out of the seat, held only by the shoulder straps.

The aircraft slewed sideways at the loss of control, and Jake saw

Vicky reach over the pilot's body and close the throttle, but he was

turning away and running back towards Priscilla the Pig.

More rifle-fire kicked up spurts of dust around them as they ran.

"Where are they? "he shouted at Gareth.

"On the left." Jake twisted his head and glimpsed the Italians in the

scrub and grass two hundred yards away on the edge of the field.

Beyond them was parked the transport that had carried them ahead of the

lumbering tank formation.

Priscilla's engine was still running, and he headed her in . k turn

for the riflemen in the grass. Above him, a qUIC Gareth fired the

Vickers and the Italians jumped up and ran like rabbits.

One quick pass scattered them and a burst of Vickers fire exploded the

transport in a dragon's breath of flame, and then Jake swung the car

back to where the little blue aircraft stood forlornly on the edge of

the field. He parked the tall steel hull close beside her to screen

her from Italian snipers.

Sara and Vicky between them had dragged the pilot's body out of the

cockpit. He was a big man, heavy in the shoulder and belly, and the

blood oozed from the bullet hole in his temple into the thick mop of

his hair as he lay on his back in the short grass under the wing.

Vicky turned away from him and scrambled up into the cockpit settling

herself behind the controls.

"Jesus!" said Jake, relief shining on his face. "She said she could

fly." A . rifle bullet spranged against Priscilla's hull and went

wailing away over their heads.

Gareth glanced down at the pilot's body. "He was a big one, poor


"There's room for one more now," Vicky shouted from the cockpit; "with

both of you we'd never make it over the mountains," and they saw what

torture the words caused her.

Another bullet clanged against steel. "We can take only one more."

"Spin you for it." Gareth had the silver Maria Theresa on his thumb

and he grinned at Jake.

"Heads," said Jake and it spun silver in the sunlight and Gareth caught

it in the palm of his good hand and glanced at Jake..

"It had to come your turn at last." Gareth's grin lifted the corners

of his mouth. "Well done, old son. off you go." But Jake caught the

wrist, and twisted it. He glanced at the coin.

"Tails," he snapped. "I always knew you were a cheat, you bastard,"

and he turned away towards Vicky. "I'll cover the take-off,

Vicky, I'll keep Priscilla between you and the Eyeties as long as I

can." Behind him, Gareth stooped and picked up a stone the size of a

gull's egg out of the grass.

"Sorry, old son," he drawled. "But I owe you two already," and

tenderly he tapped Jake above the right ear with the stone held in the

cup of his hand, and then dropped the stone and caught him under the

armpits as his legs sagged and he began to collapse.

He put his knee under Jake's backside and with a heave boosted him

headfirst and unconscious through the cabin door. Then he put his foot

on Jake's protruding posterior and thrust him farther into the cramped

cabin until he could slam and lock the door.

Rifle-fire pounded and crashed against the screening hull of

Priscilla. Gareth reached into his inside pocket and pulled out the

pigskin wallet. He dropped it through the side window into Vicky's lap

as she sat at the controls.

"Tell Jake if I'm not there on the first to cash the Lijs cheque and

buy You a bottle of Charlie from me, and when you drink it,

remember I really did love you,-" Before she could reply he had turned

and darted back to the armoured car and scrambled up into the driver's


Like a team in harness, the car and the little blue aircraft ran side

by side down the open field and the Italian fire drummed against the

steel hull of the car.

Then slowly the heavily laden aircraft drew ahead of the speeding car,

but by then they were beyond effective rifle range, and as Vicky felt

the Puss Moth come alive and the wheels bumped clear of the rough turf,

she glanced quickly backwards.

Gareth stood in the driver's hatch, and she saw his lips Move as he

shouted after her, and he lifted his bandaged arm in a gesture of


She did not hear the words, but she read them upon his lips.

"Noli il legitimi carborundum," and saw the flash of that devilish

buccaneer smile, before the aircraft lifted away from the earth and she

must turn all her attention back to it.

are th halted Priscilla at the edge of the field and he stood in the

hatch, shielding his eyes with his good 3hand, and watched the little

blue aircraft climb laboriously into the thin mountain air.

Again it caught the sun and flashed as it turned unsteadily towards the

gap in the mountains where the pass led up into the highlands.

His whole attention was fixed on the dwindling speck of blue, so that

he did not see the three CV.3 tanks crawl out of the main street of the

village five hundred yards away.

He was still staring upwards as the tanks stopped, rocking gently on

their suspensions, and the turrets with the long Spandaus traversed

around towards him.

He did not hear the crash of cannon for the shell struck long before

the sound carried to him. There was only the earth stopping impact and

the burst of shell that hurled him from the hatch.

He lay on the earth beside the shattered hull, and he felt downwards

with his good hand, for there was something wrong with his stomach. He

groped down, and there was nothing where his stomach should have been,

just a gaping hole into which his hand sunk, as though into the soft

warm flesh of a rotten fruit.

He tried to withdraw his hand, but it would not move.

There was no longer muscular control, and it grew darker.

He tried to open his eyes and then realized that they were wide open,

staring up at the bright sky. The darkness was in his head, and the

cold was in his whole body.

In the darkness and the icy cold, he heard a voice say in Italian,

"E marta he is dead." And he thought with mild surprise, "Yes, I am.

This time, I am," and he tried to grin, but his lips would not move and

he went on staring up at the sky with pale blue eyes.

He is dead," repeated Gino.

"Are you certain?" Count Aldo Belli demanded from the turret of the


"Si, I am certain." Warily the Count climbed down the hull.

"You are right," he agreed, studying the man. "He is truly dead. "Then

he straightened up and puffed out his chest.

"Gino," he commanded. "Get a picture of me with the cadaver of the

English bandit." And Gino backed away, staring into the viewfinder of

the big black camera.

"Chin up a little, my Colonel," he instructed.

Vicky Camberwell brought the Puss Moth out over the final crest of the

pass, with a mere two hundred feet to spare, for the small overladen

aircraft was fast approaching its ceiling.

Ahead of her, the highlands stretched away to Addis Ababa in the south.

Below her passed the thin raw muddy bisecting lines of the

Dessie road. She saw the road was deserted. The army of Ethiopia had

passed. The fish had slipped through the net but the thought gave her

no pleasure.

She turned in her seat and looked back, down the long gloomy corridor

of the Sardi Gorge. From the cliffs on each side of the gorge, the

rain waters still fell in silver white waterfalls and muddy cataracts

so that it seemed that even the mountains wept.

She straightened up in her seat, and lifting her hand to her face she

found without surprise that her own cheek was wet and slick with


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