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Holly's dream lover fantasy
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 16:09

Текст книги "Holly's dream lover fantasy"

Автор книги: Verena Vincent

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 6 страниц)

Chapter Four

"I'm not done," she nearly squeaked, panicking at the thought of touching that great column of flesh pressed into her stomach. She was fascinated by the impressive size and shape of him but her incompetence in this area would be too shamefully obvious if he was serious about choosing his penis as the next touch zone. She needed more time to get used to the idea.

Trying to distract him, she slid her hand up until it was sifting through the silky strands of his hair. She couldn't tell the color, of course, but she imagined that it was dark. There was a bit of a wave to it, and it felt shaggy under her fingers, like he needed a trim, but couldn't be bothered.

Experimentally, she wound her hand around to the back of his neck and pulled gently on the short strands at the base of his skull. He had tugged on her hair earlier, and she had been surprised at how pleasurable the sensation had been. Judging by the long, low groan that escaped him and the way he was flexing his hardness restlessly against her stomach, he was enjoying it just as much as she had.

He pressed his head into her palm, rubbing back against it like a big cat. "That feels so good," he growled and leaned forward. "Don't stop. I want to taste that pink tongue of yours while you do that."

Not waiting for permission, his mouth was suddenly pressed against hers. He had lifted her chin with one large hand and his kiss was not gentle or sweet. It was hard and insistent and incredibly enticing. His tongue licked at her mouth and then delved between her lips, taking what he wanted and devouring the last hint of her resistance.

Against her better judgment, Holly found herself responding to the undeniable sensual energy of his kiss. The playfulness was gone from his demeanor and all that was left was intensity and a deep-seated urgency. His passion was the most powerful aphrodisiac she'd ever encountered. She, who'd never inspired more than a lukewarm reaction from any man, had drove this dream man to this white-hot level of passion without even trying.

She'd never felt so wanted in her life. Without thought, she opened wide to allow him access to her own eager mouth and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to have his silky tongue thrusting deeply between her teeth, showing her how he wanted to take her body with the same rough force.

As he kissed her he slid the hand that been stroking her throat down to cup one pert breast. He molded the soft mound with his palm, learning its shape and contours through the camisole, but avoiding the ripe nipple entirely.

Holly nearly whimpered in frustration as he stopped kissing her just as his talented fingers left her breast. For a moment she was confused. Until she felt his callused palm sliding under the hem of her camisole and tugging the soft material up her body until it pooled at the base of her neck. Her breasts were exposed now and he was completely still. She could feel his eyes on her and had to fight the impulse to cover her chest again, but she kept her free hand firmly anchored in the soft hair at the nape of his broad neck and waited.

"Jesus," he said softly. "You're even prettier than I imagined." And then he was squeezing both breasts together to create a deep valley which he licked in one long sweep. He flicked one tight nipple with his tongue and then the other, switching back and forth between the two as if comparing their taste and finding them equally delicious. Finally he settled on one and sucked the crest deep into his mouth. He tugged at it rhythmically while circling the tip of the opposite breast with the center of his palm causing a delicious friction that seemed to ignite every single nerve in Holly's body.

"Oh. Yes. That's good." She sighed, shifting restlessly beneath him.

"Do you like that?" He whispered against her breast.

"Yes. Oh yes." Rubbing her thighs together, she lifted her hips, searching for something to ease the ache between them.

"How about this?" He gently scraped one nipple with his teeth and then latched onto the tip once again, circling it with his tongue to soothe it. Then he nipped it again, harder this time.

Holly's eyes under the blindfold flew open in shock. He was biting her and it felt incredible. Not enough to break the skin or cause any real pain, but he was definitely using his teeth on her. Was that normal? Should she like it so much? Probably not, but she couldn't seem to help the way her pussy pulsed in response to his rough treatment.

"Yes, I like that." She said, not recognizing her own voice, it was so husky.

"Hmmm… I could do this all night. Your nipples are as sweet as honey. Has anyone ever told you that?" He said, switching his attention to the other breast.

Holly just shook her head from side to side.

"As much as I'd love to make you come just by sucking on your nipples, my dick is feeling pretty left out. So, you ready to relinquish your hold on my hair? I mean, your hand feels good back there, but I'm gonna be bald if you keep that up."

Holly finally noticed that her hand had been clutching at his nape, so tightly that her fingers were actually cramping from the way she'd wrapped the strands around her knuckles. "Oh. I'm so sorry," she said, yanking her hand out of his hair.

He grabbed her fingers and brought them back up to his lips. "Honey, don't apologize. It makes me feel like a god when you lose track of what you're doing like that. If making you feel that good costs me a few strands of hair then I am so willing to make that sacrifice. I've got lots to spare. Maybe not in twenty year, but right now, yank away."

Holly felt herself smiling. "Well, I'll try not to yank anything else quite that hard again."

He groaned and began sliding her hand down his neck. "Remind me not to kiss your nipples while your sweet little hand is on me, okay? I don't want to end up in the hospital tonight if I can help it."

This time she actually laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Now, you're turn. Are you sure you trust me down there?" She asked, allowing him to smooth her hand over his collarbone. She couldn't see the path her hand was taking, but she could imagine from the smoothness of his skin that his chest was mostly hairless and very muscular, like he worked hard to keep it big and tight.

"I don't, but my dick is pretty enthused about the idea." He circled one of his flat, round nipples with just the tip of her index finger and groaned when they contracted in response.

Holly felt her own answering groan well up, but she bit her lip to prevent it from escaping. The texture of his warm flesh under her palm was like rough velvet over granite. He gently forced her hand down his rippled stomach, slowly tracing the ridges of his defined abdominal muscles with her fingers until her journey stopped when she touched the waistband of his pants.

She hesitated, unsure how to proceed. She wanted to touch that massive erection he'd been teasing her with for what seemed like hours, but still couldn't quite make herself do it voluntarily. She was fairly certain he would be both amused and aroused at her lack of expertise rather than repulsed by it, but still, she didn't want to break this sensual spell between them, so she waited, and continued to let him take the lead.

With infinite gentleness, he moved her hand past his belt loops and down the front of his body until her palm was pressed against the solid evidence of his arousal. He flexed his hips and spread her fingers so she could feel exactly how big and firm he was under his zipper.

"Do you feel that? How hard I am for you?" He asked hoarsely, rubbing her hand in a circular motion that matched the slight rolling motion of his hips.

"Yes. Yes. I feel it. That can't be comfortable."

He gave out a bark of choked laughter. "Well, you're right about that. And I would give just about anything right now to have you slip you hand inside, wrap it around my cock so nice and tight, and maybe give my balls a little tickle while you're down there, but I'm not going to make you. If you want to touch me then you're going to have to do it on your own. Cause I've pretty much reached my limit with this whole dubious consent thing."

"What do you mean?" She tried to yank her hand away but he held it tightly against his thick arousal.

"You heard me. I want you to touch me because you want to or better yet because you just can't help yourself. Not because I'm forcing you. Now, are we done here or are you going to start participating?" He moved his warm hand away from where he'd been holding her fingers against the juncture of his thighs, and waited for her decision.

Holly was appalled. This was not part of her fantasy. She was supposed to lie here quietly and be forced to do things against her will. Why was he doing this? And why did she want so desperately to touch him exactly as he'd described. She needed to feel that big cock of his in her hand and know that she was the one in charge of his pleasure. More than that, she wanted to experience her own release and strongly suspected that she would never get another chance. Especially not with a man like this who made her hot and amused and irritated even under the most uncomfortable circumstances imaginable.

Instead of answering she smoothed the fingers of her one free hand up his zipper and to the single button holding his pants together. She struggled to open the closure but was unable to quite manage it. She was relieved when he assisted her, and hoped that he would take over again, but once the button was released he just slid both his hands up her ribcage to her breasts where he resumed teasing the nipples with his fingers.

"Oh, Thank God," he whispered, when she began tugging on the zipper. "I'm sorry, Honey. I just need you to touch me so bad. But if you don't want to, you don't have to. This is your fantasy, and I shouldn't be high-jacking it like this. I'll go back to bullying you if that's what you want."

Holly thought about taking him up on his offer, but her curiosity, not to mention her slick pussy, prompted her to proceed with this new and empowering version of her fantasy. "No. It's okay. I want to do this. I'm just not very good at it. And being half-shackled isn't really helping with my awkwardness." She said quietly as she finally unfastened his zipper all the way. Tentatively, she reached into the opening, expecting to touch cotton underwear of some sort. Briefs or boxers. Instead a huge, warm column of flesh met her fingers and she found herself touching his bare penis.

Unable to help herself, she wrapped her hand around the impressive girth of it. Surprised, she nearly pulled away when she realized that her fingers didn't meet when they encircled his rock-hard erection. Incredulous, she slid her fingers up, wanting to see if his length was just as impressive. Her hand eventually reached the silky, plum-sized head and she circled it with her thumb, and then resumed her path back downward to the base.

"Jesus," he hissed. "I thought you said you weren't very good at this."

"I'm not; I just can't believe what my hand is telling me. You're big. Too big."

He groaned. "As much as a guy likes hearing that, I'm pretty sure it just seems that way because of the blindfold. Everything seems bigger."

"I've never heard that before." She said suspiciously.

"I swear, my dick is pretty normal."

"Hmmm… normal for a horse maybe."

He laughed again at her appalled tone. "Well, later, when I'm sliding all of it deep between those pretty thighs of yours, you can tell me if you still think I'm too big then, okay?"

"And then what?"

He tweaked both of her nipples and let go of her breasts. "We'll get creative. Let's worry about that later. Now, why don't you slide that hand down a little further, like this." With one of his own hands, he guided her fingers down to the root of his aching cock. "Now, slowly squeeze it all the way up to the tip. Just like that. Nice and firm. Yeah. That's so good. Keep doing that." He let go of her hand and pushed his pants down his slim hips as far as they would go, exposing his body entirely from his powerful thighs upward.

Holly repeated the motion he'd shown her, and felt his penis grow even harder as her hand grasped him, sliding it up and down his length, gradually moving it faster as his hips jerked in response.

"Like this?"

"Oh yeah, just like that. You have no idea how good that feels." His attention returned to her breasts but he was no longer content to just play with them. He began squeezing her soft mounds between his warm hands, pushing them together and holding them in place. Simultaneously, he slid his body upward until he was straddling her rib cage rather than her waist.

Holly stilled her hand. "What are you doing?" She asked as he gently removed her hand from his body and guided it to one of her own tight nipples.

"I'm making your fantasy come true. Even if it kills me." He squeezed her high firm breasts together and then slid the slick head of his cock into the valley created between her soft mounds.

It was odd, and weirdly exciting to feel him there, and the grunt of satisfaction he made as he pushed himself between her breasts caused her pussy to clench in reaction. She had never been so aroused in her entire life. She felt like the slightest touch between her legs would give her everything she needed to reach her previously elusive climax. How was it possible to be so on edge with so little stimulation?

He began thrusting himself between her breasts in earnest now, circling her nipples with his thumbs as he slid forward and then back, his movements careful and firmly in control. "Oh God. I wish you could see how hot this looks. Your breasts were just made for this, did you know that? Now, open your mouth."

"What?" She'd known this was coming. She had requested this act after all, but uncertainty started to seep into her consciousness at the logistics of performing oral sex in this position. How was she supposed to breathe exactly? And what if he climaxed?

"You heard me. Open wide, baby. I'm going to fuck your mouth now."

Tentatively, Holly opened her mouth just a little. He let go of her breasts and shifted forward until his thighs were now on either side of her chest. Gently, he lifted her neck and placed a second pillow under her head until her chin was nearly resting on her chest. Then she felt the fingers of one of his hands against her lips, his thumb tracing their shape and occasionally delving in between.

She couldn't see it, but she knew his heavy erection was just inches away from her lips. Heat and energy seemed to emanate from him in waves and she breathed in his warm clean scent. Then he removed his fingers and slid his big body forward another inch and she felt it there against her mouth. He had taken his big cock in his hand and was now sliding the head around her lips.

"Now, do you want this?" He asked hoarsely.

She nodded, parted her lips and reached out with her tongue to give the head of his penis a small lick.

That was all the encouragement he needed. He thrust his hips forward and slid his thick shaft into her waiting mouth. Holding still for several long seconds, he allowed her to adjust to the unfamiliar sensation of all that hard flesh between her lips, but then he began to move, slowly and shallowly, in and out, his passion carefully restrained in an effort not to make her gag or choke.

Holly had never experienced anything so erotic or overwhelming ever, not even in the dream. Her dream man had made her do this exact act and she had loved the way he had taken control. But now, with this very real man, it was different. There she had been a receptacle for her figment's lust, not a part of it. Tonight, she felt almost like the man she was currently pleasuring was more interested in what she wanted than his own needs. Which she supposed was normal considering she had paid for this scenario. Yet it felt like more than an act. It felt real. Even blind-folded she could tell how careful he was being, how gentle and controlled all his movements were. She was pretty sure even the most skilled professional could not be that considerate in the midst of receiving oral sex, especially in this position. It was ridiculous, but it almost felt like he cared for her.

Above her, she heard her headboard creak as he grasped it tightly with both hands to steady himself. His movements were becoming less rhythmic and she could taste his salty pre-cum against her tongue. Incredibly sexy grunts accompanied each forward thrust of his hips and she thought how much she loved the sounds he was making. How much it turned her on to make him react to her body with such animalistic joy. It made her feel powerful and sexy like never before. Just like in the dream, but so much better.

Wanting to encourage him, show him somehow that it was okay for him to climax in her mouth, she removed her hand from where she'd been squeezing her own breast in cadence with his movements, and grasped the base of his penis. She began moving her hand up and down his shaft, matching his speed and rhythm.

Just as she thought he was about to explode, he stopped moving his lower body entirely. Then she heard a click as her handcuff was unlocked. Suddenly, she was free. Holly sighed in relief when her chafed wrist fell onto the pillow, but then she noticed that he was gently disentangling his penis from her mouth and moving away from her.

"Damn it," he whispered as he collapsed on top of her with his warm face buried in her breasts. His breath was hot as it tickled across her skin and she could feel his still rock-hard erection pressed against one of her thighs. Unsure what was happening, she grasped his head tightly to her and plunged both hands into his silky hair, holding him to her, relieved that he wasn't leaving her quite yet.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked after several long moments of listening to him pant against her.

He lifted his head from her chest. "No. Of course not. You're incredible. But this doesn't feel right. I mean, what we were just doing felt amazing, for me, but it was like you were a doll or something. Not really present. The handcuffs and blindfold, I don't know. I usually get off on that stuff but not with you." He sighed and lowered his head again. "I'm just not cut out for this whole wanna-be rapist thing. I thought I could do it, but I can't. Not even as part of a fantasy. I'm sorry. I really wish I could give you what you want. “He began to lift his large frame off her entirely but she held him tight.

"Wait," she said, shifting restlessly beneath him. "Don't go."

"Holly. I'm really not the right guy for this particular scenario. I'll see that you're compensated though, okay?" He pressed a light kiss between her breasts and then reached back to remove her hands from his hair.

"I don't care about the money," she said fiercely. "Are you sure you didn't stop because of me? I know I'm terrible at this. I've never really got the hang of it." Her voice broke and she let her hands drop to her side.

"Holly, listen to me." He stopped pulling away and shifted on top of her until his face was even with hers. She could feel his pleasantly minty breath on her forehead. "You are not terrible at this. And I'm stopping because I feel like I'm using you, not because I'm not incredibly turned on." He rubbed his raging hard-on against her hip. "Feel that. It's like an iron bar and has been since I walked through your door. There's not a drop of blood above my waist because of you. Your skin and your scent and those little sounds you're making are all making me feel like I'm gonna internally combust if I don't get inside you. Do you get it?"

She reached up and found the silky skin at the back of his neck again. "Then don't go. Forget about the fantasy. Just be with me. Make me forget about everything and just be with me." Pulling downward on his neck, she was able to find his lips with hers. She kissed him gently and sweetly, gliding her tongue over his full bottom lip and then nibbling on it just once before pulling away.

"Are you sure?" He asked hoarsely.

"Yes. Oh yes," she said, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. She kissed him again, this time with all the passion she'd been holding back since he made his ungraceful entrance into her home. He groaned into her mouth as she spread her thighs beneath him and raised her knees slightly, forcing his pelvis right where she wanted it. Now he was kneeling between her thighs and his thick erection was pressed against the damp crotch of her damp panties. She was surprised to find that she wasn't embarrassed at all by the slick evidence of her desire. She was actually grateful for it because she suspected he wouldn't be unable to resist her body's enthusiastic invitation to fuck her senseless.

Tentatively, she began rocking her hips, mimicking that rolling motion he'd made earlier when he'd been trying to subdue her. She slid her silk-clad pussy up and down the length of his shaft as far as she could reach and was rewarded when she felt a small, short burst of pleasure ignite high up between her folds. Wanting more of that sensation, she raised her knees up high on his sides and locked her ankles in the small of his back, bringing his big hard cock tight against her to increase the friction between them.

"God. You are so ready for me, aren't you?" He said, gyrating his hips in a circle he raised himself up on his elbows and gently removed the pillows from beneath her head, exposing her throat. He began kissing his way down her neck as he pressed himself between her thighs as deeply as her panties would allow. Moving from side to side he was able to wedge his shaft between her folds another half inch, just enough to be able to brush against her sensitive clit.

For the first time in her life she knew what everyone was talking about. As the pleasure began to build, her hips took over and she began writhing against him, wildly seeking the stimulating touch that would push her over the edge.

She sobbed in relief when he reached between them, plunged his fingers into her panties and began massaging her hot little button in time with her bucking hips.

"Please, baby. Just come. I want to hear you. Do it." He growled as he bit down on the side of her neck.

His hot words were all Holly needed. She froze as whatever had been holding her back loosened and then spiralled away, leaving just pure hot pleasure to wash over her in a wave of complete unbridled sensation. Her climax rocked through her and she abandoned herself to it, revelling in the joy her body was finally able to experience after so many years of deprivation.

Moments later, when she became aware of her surroundings again, she found that her arms and legs had tightened convulsively around his strong back to keep him close. There was also the unmistakable echo of a scream ringing through the room, a sound she was completely unaware she'd even made.

"Jesus, that was incredible. Every muscle in your body went rigid." He shifted on top of her, kissed her forehead, and removed his large hand from her panties.

"That was my first," Holly whispered.

"You're kidding. You mean, with another person, right?"




He went silent, absorbing that information.

Holly loosened her grip on him but didn't let go of his wondrous body. She smoothed her hands up and down the ridges of his long, muscular back and even reached down with one hand to squeeze his tight, round bottom. As her breathing resumed its natural cadence she became aware of his prominent erection still pressed against her soaked panties.

"Umm, did you want to do something with that?" She asked, wiggling against his hardness.

"Oh, don't worry. We're getting to it. I just thought you might need a minute."

"I'm good," she purred, reaching between them, her fingertips brushed the head of his penis and she began to wrap her fingers around his incredible hardness.

He grabbed her hand before she could get a grip on him and forced her wrist above her head again. "As much as I love your hands on me, I really need to see if all your muscles do go rigid like that when you come. I'm especially curious about the ones deep, deep inside. So, let's get these panties off you, okay?"

Holly nodded eagerly and angled her hips upward as he abruptly slid off her body and bounced off the bed. She smiled as she heard the hurried rustling of fabric that indicated he was removing the rest of his clothing, followed by the unmistakable sound of a condom package being ripped opened. Then she felt the bed shift under her as he kneeled at the foot between her spread feet.

His callused fingertips tickled her sensitive hipbones as he slowly began sliding her very damp panties down her legs. Once that tiny scrap of silk was gone, she felt him lift her foot by the ankle and press his lips playfully against her instep. It was an unexpected touch that made her pussy flare to life once again. When he sucked her big toe into the warm recesses of his mouth and sucked on it, she actually arched off the bed and gasped in heated reaction.

Slowly he made his way up her body, nibbling on her ankle and then pressing a soft open-mouthed kiss to the sensitive inside of her knee. Reaching up, he smoothed his big hands up her silky thighs and then pressed them apart so he could kneel between them.

He leaned down and licked her, low on her stomach as he brushed his thumb delicately over the dark hair covering her lower lips. He tugged on a few curly chestnut strands and parted her damp folds, baring her to his gaze. "You've probably never looked at yourself before, so I'm going to tell you what you look like." He blew warm air over her aching flesh and leaned down even further so he could give her exposed clit a little flick with just the tip of his tongue.

Holly reached down blindly and found his hair with both hands. "Do that again," she said, her voice guttural and demanding.

He had the nerve to chuckle. "Wow. You're really impatient now. One orgasm has made you very greedy. You need to work on your stamina." He circled her aching bud with his tongue but didn't actually touch it this time. "First, I'm going to tell you how pretty and pink your pussy is when you're all excited like this. It's all creamy for me and I can't wait to taste it." He swirled one finger around the entrance of her body and then proceeded to trace her inner lips with his tongue.

"Oh God. Just do it. Please."

"See? Greedy. But I do like the way you say that. All polite. Now if would just give me more specific directions, maybe I could help you out."

"I don't know." She cried, and rolled her head from side to side against the mattress.

"It's simple really. Just tell me to lick your pussy." He demonstrated by dragging the flat of his tongue from the very bottom of her slit all the way to her lower stomach. "Or you could sweetly ask me to fuck you with my tongue." He plunged deeply between her folds, giving his tongue a little wiggle that sent stars igniting behind her eyes. "Or you could request that I suck on your clit. Now, what would you like?" He asked, waiting for her response.

"I don't care. Please just do something." She said desperately.

"Hmmm…my choice then?" She nodded vigorously. "Well, then I'll just surprise you."

Holly sighed in relief as he proceeded to ease two fingers deep into her body while continuing to torment her clit with his tongue. She felt her body stretching deliciously as he added a third large finger and began sliding all three in and out in a gradually increasing tempo.

"God, you're sweet," he murmured against her and wrapped his lips around that demanding bundle of nerves she'd spent her entire life ignoring. Holly felt her second orgasm of the night explode deep within her as he sucked and nibbled at her convulsing pussy.

This time he didn't give her a grace period to recover. As soon as her body stopped vibrating he was angling his hips forward until the tip of his massive erection was poised at the entrance of her body. Without preamble, he plunged just the head of his cock into her dripping pussy and she heard him grunt in satisfaction as her flesh gripped him tightly.

"Jesus. You feel unbelievable," he groaned, sliding forward another inch and then stopping.

Holly's body suddenly felt very full. It was almost too much. There was a tantalizing pressure deep within her that should have been painful but instead just pulsed along her nerves promising unbelievable pleasure if she could just have just a little bit more of him. She arched her back and lifted her hips but he remained half-embedded, refusing to give her what she so desperately needed.

Determined, she removed her hands from his hair and slid them down and around to his butt. She grasped those twin mounds with the palms of her hand and pushed at him, trying to get him to move.

"Hold on, Honey. I'm giving you time to adjust."

"Because you're too big, right? Just like I said."

He choked out a laugh. "No, because you're so small and tight. I don't want to hurt you."

Holly parted her legs as far as they would go. "You won't hurt me. I want all of you. Please."

He rolled his hips forward and Holly heard him gasp as her flesh engulfed him all the way to the hilt. Suddenly he was very serious as he began thrusting his massive cock slowly in and out of her slippery channel. He rose up on his arms to avoid crushing her and circled his hips from side to side increasing the delicious friction by rubbing the base of his shaft against her clit as he took her from a new angle.

Holly felt little mewling cries escape her throat as he began quickening his thrusts until he was pounding into her so deep and hard that she felt her own body responding to the urgency and energy flowing through his body and into hers. Another orgasm overtook her and she tilted her hips upward, matching his accelerating rhythm until she heard his shout of satisfaction and felt his hips jerking in reaction to his own powerful orgasm.

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