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One Immortal
  • Текст добавлен: 8 октября 2016, 09:47

Текст книги "One Immortal"

Автор книги: Tia Louise

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 16 страниц)


Find a Way Melissa

The flowers in Demeter’s garden change colors as the sun begins to set. Last night we didn’t linger to watch the yellows and pinks turn to greys and black. Tonight nothing could keep me away. My entire body is humming with anticipation. I’ve been out here since five waiting for the sun to finally begin its descent.

Stuart arrived last night to say Derek would meet me here, and a mixture of excitement and dread surged through my heart. I’m so anxious to see him, hold him, yet, I’m deadly afraid of what he’ll say. I have to be strong until I’ve seen him. Borrowing trouble won’t help me at all.

When Stuart entered her grandmother’s home, Mariska became strangely quiet. I introduced them, realizing it was the first time they’d met. She murmured something like a hello, and walked to where her grandmother stood, almost like she was a little afraid of him.

For his part, Stuart seemed slightly taken aback by Mariska. Demeter rose at once and prepared him a supper of the leftover jambalaya we’d shared. Both women acted as if he was royalty in their home, and I chalked it up to his being the alpha. They were curious about him the night before with Patrick.

I couldn’t be bothered by any of that. I barely slept last night for tossing and turning. When Stuart said Derek was hiding out in the ruined theme park, I almost couldn’t take it. Those creepy remains are the last things he needs in his mental state.

I recall very well the breakdown that tries to take over after the change, the despair and hopelessness. I’d been convinced my life was over.

Stuart assured me Derek wouldn’t do anything desperate, and at least I had the promise of tonight’s visit.

As I slowly walk down the rows of herbs and flowers, the sky deepens into a mixture of purple, red, and even deep green. I’m pulling a sprig of lavender, taking a deep inhale of its woody, relaxing scent when my eye catches movement in the thicket at the end of the yard.

Instantly my heart beats faster. He’s here. I can barely breathe. Frozen in place, I wait. I’m not sure if he’ll come any closer. I’m not sure how he’ll look to me now. My hands begin to tremble. I don’t know how much more of this I can take when he steps out beside an enormous live oak tree.

Our eyes meet, and everything else disappears. He’s so beautiful to me. He’s even more seductive than when I was the vampire and he was my prey.

He seems larger now, dressed in dark jeans and a black V-neck tee. Heavy, black boots are on his feet, and at first he only stands in the shadow of the tree limbs, studying me.

“Hello,” I say, taking a cautious step toward him.

“Wait.” His deep voice floods my insides. “I’m not sure you should come too close.”

His words don’t stop me. My need for him drives me forward. We’re here, on the edge of night, in a thicket where the city loses its fight with the wilderness.

I don’t stop until we’re a breath apart. I can see his chest moving as rapidly as mine. I can see in his eyes he’s barely hanging on to control.

“You saved me.” My voice is high and soft in contrast to his. “Thank you.”

“Melissa…” It’s a whispered groan as his eyes slide closed. His chin drops, and I can’t take it anymore.

I reach out to place my hand against his cheek. “You’re still warm.”

In a sweep, I’m in his arms, held firmly against his chest. His face is in my hair, and I hear him inhale deeply before kissing my temple, my brow, his lovely beard scuffing my skin.

“I can hear your heart beating so fast,” he murmurs. “I can still taste your blood.”

His words don’t frighten me. I’m on fire. I want to make love to him. I want him to bite me. I want to ascend to that plane with him and fly through galaxies of bliss like we’ve done in the past.

But he stops. His lips still. His entire body turns to stone. “I have to leave. I came to say goodbye.”

“No!” My chest collapses as tears fill my eyes.

Struggling against his hold, I twist until he lets me go. “You can’t leave me. Don’t you see? That’s how he wins. If you leave, it’s Sloan’s ultimate victory. He did this to keep us apart!”

Derek’s beautiful grey eyes look deeply into mine, and I ache seeing his internal torment. “I can’t control this, and I won’t risk hurting you. There’s no other way.” His voice lowers. “I’ve been alone before. I just have to do it again.”

“You would never hurt me.” Stepping forward, I tuck my head under his chin and slide my arms around his waist. “There’s always another way.”

He starts to embrace me, but resists. “You don’t understand. I’ve tasted your blood. Your blood is part of what made me. I want you so badly, I can’t promise what I won’t do.”

A shiver of desire moves through me. “I do understand. I’ve been where you are. Let me help you.”

He gives in, and for a few golden moments he holds me.

“My humanity kept you safe from me.” My voice is consoling, soothing. “I knew I couldn’t live without you, even in that state.”

“That’s the point.” He pulls back. Large hands cup my cheeks, and he forces me to look at him. “No humanity is left in me. Melissa, I would steal your life with no remorse. I would be the most selfish monster you’ve ever encountered.”

“Sloan was the most selfish monster I’ve ever encountered,” I argue. “I would give you everything. You only have to ask.”

He’s completely apart from me now, taking several steps into the woods. His head drops, and his hands go into his long, wavy locks. Pushing them back, he straightens, his broad shoulders, his beautiful back to me.

“Stuart wants to see if…” He exhales deeply. “If I can’t find a way to handle this, to control it, I’m ending it.”

“NO!” Ice floods my veins, and I rush forward, clutching his arms, my cheek against his back. “Come back to me. I’ll wait for you.”

“I won’t take your life.”

They’re his final words before he steps out of my grasp and disappears into the darkness.

I try to follow him, but he’s too fast, moving at vampire speed. The woods are empty, and I’m alone. Still I push forward, needing to feel him, dying at the thought he might end his life. Doesn’t he understand? By doing so, he would end mine as well.

“Derek!” My voice breaks, a desperate cry. I’m too weak, too blind now to chase him into the dark swamp. It wouldn’t matter anyway. He’s gone.

Everything in me collapses. I’m on my knees when Elaine appears at my side. Wordless, as we don’t need words, she lifts me by the shoulders.

“Come inside now.” She’s holding me, keeping me close. “I’ve got you.”

Otherwise, she knows I’d run after him into the night, to my death.


The depth of my desire for Melissa is overwhelming. Her blood hums in her veins, making my heart race at the sight of her. I want to change her. I want her to be mine for immortality. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want her.

Walking away from her tonight was excruciating. It was like ripping my insides out and leaving them on the ground at her feet. Nothing in my human life compared to the pain of leaving her there.

I wanted more—one last night, but I knew as I held her, smelled her, allowed her gorgeous essence to flood my senses, I’d never make it through a night with her. I’ve tasted her blood. I’ve risen to the heights of ecstasy with her. She would be a vampire before dawn.

Worse, she wouldn’t fight me. She wanted the thunder of our lovemaking as much as I did. Oh, god. How can I live without my soul?

Running is the only thing that saves us both. I won’t rob her of her life. I can’t hold myself back from the thing I crave above all. There’s always another way. Her words echo in my head. If only they can be true. I have to find a way to make them true.

Back in my suite in the Royal Sonesta, I can barely tolerate the scent of shifter blood in my tub. No amount of bleach can cover it. I don’t know how I’m going to stand working with my brothers. Yet they’re still sworn to help me find a way through this madness.

Melissa’s scent in my pillows tempers it. Her hybrid scent intoxicates me. I hold the sheets to my nose and inhale deeply, wishing with everything in me I didn’t have to leave her. Just as I’m heading out, I remember one decadent pleasure and step back to my nightstand. A scrap of black lace is quickly slipped in my coat pocket.

I’m in Princeton by morning. The red-eye doesn’t bother me now—it’s actually preferable. I make my way through baggage claim and into my Acura as the sun cracks the tips of the horizon. I’ll sleep the day away and see what I can get accomplished tonight.

Sloan mentioned Lilith, a woman who met him at the fountains and seduced him. A woman with red hair, for whom glamour wouldn’t have been necessary. It sets me wondering who she could be. None of our records mention her, which leads me to believe she’s might somehow be a key.

Night falls around me. Hunger burns in my throat. Sitting behind my desk, my collar is unbuttoned, and my hair falls around my eyes in damp waves. The pain is so strong, I have to find some way to feed or something bad will happen. Our office manager Nikki cut her hand on a broken light bulb before leaving just now, and I had to close the door so I wouldn’t attack her. I’m glad she and I have never had a close relationship. Still, she can tell something is off with me now.

Standing, I pace to my wall of windows and look out on the courtyard. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have time to research criminals in the area. A hunger pain hits me with twisting force. I lean my head against the glass and release a low groan as I wait for it to pass.

Blinking up, the night is plain as day. Just at the highway, where the thin forest begins, a large doe stands frozen. A light flickers in my mind, and I see a possible way to fend off my hunger. My jaw drops open as I look at her dumb cow-eyes. I don’t even register slipping the coat off my shoulders. I turn, heading for the door without thought.

The stairs are behind me at vampire speed, and I’m pushing through the door. The beast runs, but I’m faster than she can move. Her large body is in my arms, my fangs sunk deep into her neck before she even slows her sprint. We continue for several paces, her blood pulsing fast and strong into me. I’m sated before I’ve had a chance to process what exactly I’m doing.

Unlatching, I fall to the ground on my feet. The doe goes on a bit further before she drops, as if muscle memory drove her on. I know what it feels like to pierce Melissa. What happened just then is not the same, but my hunger is gone. I’m strong. The meaning of this swirls in my brain as I make my way through the woods.

Stuart is waiting when I get back to my office. It’s only then I notice my bare feet.

“Finding alternatives so soon?” He grins at me. He’s on the other side of my desk holding an open manila folder. “You have more control over this than you give yourself credit for.”

“Nothing in my studies suggested vampires could live successfully on livestock.”

“It makes sense if you consider your chiropteran relatives.”

“Bats.” Shaking my head, I drop into a black leather chair. “Yes, the vampire bat lives off the blood of cows and livestock.”

“Fish gotta swim.” He’s a bit too merry about this development. It solves nothing as far as I’m concerned. “It also helps with the smell. Not that I’m sure you care.”

That statement does catch my attention. “You’re right.” Lifting my head, taking a deep breath, I nod. “Tolerable.”

“Another piece in the puzzle.”

“What were you able to learn about this woman?”

“Not a damn thing. Whoever she is, she’s deep undercover.”

Sitting back in the chair, I focus on my last conversation with Sloan. “She had a reason to come out. When she seduced him at the reflecting pool, it was for a purpose.”

“But what?”

No vampire fitting her description appears in any of my journals or notes. No allusions to her, no references. Why would she come out specifically for Sloan?

“She wanted something. Seducing Sloan makes her significant.”

“Then we’ll keep digging.”


Moving On Melissa

The beaches of home are as warm and soothing as they’ve always been. I lucked up finding a beachfront condo in Wilmington I could afford. It’s part of an abandoned development consisting of little beach cottages scattered across the hills leading down to the surf. A community-style development that folded after the housing market collapsed.

My realtor was so excited, you’d think we’d found hidden treasure. In a way, I suppose we have. Only it isn’t the lost treasure I long to possess.

Elaine’s older brother Marcus helped me move in, teasing the entire time how I’d achieved the dream. He’s especially dear to me. He was my date to every high school dance. He gave me my first kiss. For a long time everyone assumed we’d marry, but those days are so long ago. He lives far from here in Chicago now, and my heart is miles away in Princeton.

Tonight, as I sit on my screened-in side porch, my fingers go to the delicate gold heart floating at the base of my throat. The beautiful necklace Derek gave me.

Our feelings were so new then. We were both stealing little pieces from each other. I guess in my case, the pieces were slightly more significant. Either way, this little treasure never leaves my neck. It’s the only thing I have holding him to me, my one everlasting shred of hope we’ll be together again. His heart.

The breakers crash just a little ways from here, over the hill of sea oats. My laptop is balanced on my knees, and I’m reviewing a rollout for one of my favorite clients, a little baker who lives in Baltimore. She was my first client in that city. An established downtown business, her shop started losing money when the newer office buildings came in.

A few well-placed ads, a few well-timed cupcake samplings, and we managed to detour the foot traffic a few blocks south to her door. As a result, her business is booming. Aunt Bea, as everyone affectionately calls her, is happy as a clam, and I’m rewarded with free cupcake samples any time she tries out new recipes.

Actually, her special “care packages” now that I’m back in Wilmington have given me the idea for taking her business online. I’ve spent the day updating her website, drawing up a business model, and preparing a very basic, user-friendly outline that won’t overwhelm her.

Now, as the sun has set, and the noise of the ocean promises to lull me to sleep, I can’t resist what has become my regular nightly indulgence. Three clicks, and I’m at the cached Alexander-Knight LLC website.

Scooting down further on the small sofa, I pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders as I click on the “About us” tab. The page changes, and a thumbnail image of him appears on the screen. Warmth radiates through my chest, flushing my cheeks with heat.

It’s a professional photo from when he was a private investigator who only secretly delved into the paranormal. His dark, wavy hair is combed back from his face, and his blue eyes glow from beneath his dark brow. That delicious scruff lightly covers his cheeks, and of course he’s in a suit and tie—charcoal grey suit, scarlet tie. So gorgeous.

In spite of myself, I exhale a little sigh. Everything about him radiates raw sexuality. I can’t imagine how he’s feeling now. If only he would let me be there for him. His final words drift back to me like a dream… I want you so badly, I can’t promise what I won’t do.

Closing my eyes, I allow my thoughts to replay our first night, the first time I saw him. I’d been captivated by him, which doesn’t take much for a young vampire hybrid. The only thing different was how he responded to me. As soon as our eyes met, he was on his feet, heading in my direction.

He took me in the alley. I barely even remember following him the short blocks, around the corner, through the tiny passageways. My back pressed against the damp bricks, his firm, hard body rocking between my thighs. My lip catches between my teeth as my fingers slip beneath my skirt, sliding my panties aside.

The memory of his mouth, pulling and sucking, his hands grasping and moving me up and down his enormous cock. “Oh!” I breathe a little moan as my orgasm builds. So much desire, so much need.

Even now I remember how my gums burned with hunger for him. Skipping ahead, I remember the night I stole a taste, pulling his essence into me. I remember the explosion of pleasure as he filled me.

“Ahh!” my orgasm breaks through my thighs, leaving me shuddering in its wake. I slide down to my side on the couch, lowering my laptop to the floor. My knees are bent, and I’m curled in a little ball savoring the afterglow of my memories.

It’s bittersweet, and a little tear runs down my nose. “Please come back to me, my love.” It’s a broken cry in the night. “I’ll take whatever you can give me.”

I don’t move as I lie curled in my blanket dreaming of him, wishing with everything in me I had his strong arms to hold me. Praying one day I’ll have him again.

The school parking lot is empty when I arrive for my meeting with the principal. Elaine is an eighth grade teacher at one of the top private schools in the state, and she insisted I make an appointment to meet her administrative staff. No amount of arguing they don’t need my help mattered.

“I can’t be best friends with a genius marketing expert and not have her consult with my business!”

I’d only laughed at her exaggeration and agreed to make an appointment. I’ve never worked in school promotions, but I figure how different can it be?

Making my way through the parking lot, digging in my bag like Mary Poppins, I don’t see the solid wall of man before I walk right into it.

“Whoa!” Patrick laughs, catching my arms to prevent my fall. “You should really keep your eyes on the road, there.”

“Patrick!” I gasp. For whatever reason, he’s avoided me since Derek left me in New Orleans. Of course, I knew he and Elaine were still together.

“What are you doing here?” I say.

He’s dressed in loose khakis and a polo (untucked, of course), and his sun-kissed light-brown hair moves with the breeze. He looks like he just stepped off a surfboard—or he’s on his way to step on one.

He squints. “Visiting Elaine?”

“Are you asking or telling me?”

That makes him laugh, and his green-hazel eyes sparkle. “I’m telling you. I just… didn’t want to rub it in your face.”

“You are not rubbing it in my face. I couldn’t be more happy you and Elaine are together.”

“Right.” The hand moves to his front pocket, and he seems uncomfortable.

I can’t help it, I have to know. “H-how is he?” Shaking my head, I look down. “I mean, I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I’m not trying to make you spy or be disloyal—”

“He’s doing okay, I guess.” His voice is thoughtful, serious. “He’s not seeing anyone, naturally.”

I can’t even begin to express how happy that little revelation makes me.


And with one word, he sends it all crashing down. “Still?” My voice is barely a whisper.

“He’s so lonely for you.”

The case I’m carrying drops to the pavement. Instinctively, my arms wrap around my midsection as the ache of longing pulls me so hard. I lean against the car behind me.

“Oh, Patrick.” It’s all I can say. Every heartbeat sends pain through my insides. “I miss him so much.”

I’m instantly pulled into a hug. The sunny warmth of Patrick is actually very comforting, and for a moment, we simply stand there. When the wave of emotion has passed, his arms loosen, and he steps back.

“This is going to work out, you know?” He touches my chin and gives me a little smile. “It has to.”

“Does it?” I’m wiping the tears out of my eyes with my fingertips and realizing I’ll have to reschedule my appointment with the principal. “Sometimes it’s harder to believe.”

“Don’t you give up. If we were able to save you, we’ll be able to save him.”

Blinking back a fresh onslaught of tears, I nod. “Thank you, Patrick.”

Lifting my case, I make my way back to my car.


Revenge Melissa

My mother calls as I’m driving back to my beach cottage. The emotion from my encounter with Patrick is fresh in my voice, and she insists on joining me for dinner at my place. I’ve always found it impossible to tell her no, especially after my dad died.

Hours later, we’re holding large crystal goblets, finishing up glasses of red wine and chatting about the pending holiday season. It’s difficult keeping her ignorant of all that happened in New Orleans. Still, I can’t possibly share those events with her.

“Speaking of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners…” Her dark eyes search my face. “You’re saying there’s absolutely no chance you’ll bring a plus one?”

“Mom,” I laugh, fake disapproval in my tone. “Are you implying I’m not good enough for you on my own?”

“Never in a million years would I imply such a thing.” She winks, taking a sip of Burgundy. “I only fear I’ll never have a grandchild. There’s not a single interesting male in all these cities you visit?”

Biting my lip, I look down, trying to decide how to frame this.

“I did meet someone I… care about.” Her excited face almost makes me roll my eyes. “He’s dealing with some personal problems at the moment, though.”

“Oh, no.” She frowns dramatically. “He’s married?”

I almost choke on my sip of wine. “Lord, no—Mom! I’m not that stupid.”

“Then what in the world do you mean by personal problems?”

Good question. “He’s got some… health issues.” This is not getting better.

“He has cancer?”


“HIV? Oh, Melissa.”

“MOM. It’s nothing like that.” I take a deep inhale to clear my head. “I don’t know why I framed it that way. It’s not health issues. He just has some work-related business that has him… detained elsewhere.”

Mom leans back on the couch arms crossed. “I don’t know why you’re being so cagey with me. You could just tell me what’s going on. I’m not that hard to talk to, am I?”

Oh, good grief, now she’s pissed. “Of course not!” I backtrack. “It’s more that I’m not sure how much he wants to keep private. And truthfully, I only know a little about his work.”

Her mouth twitches as she turns over this information in her mind. “Well, I hope you know what you’re doing. It all sounds suspicious to me. I’d hate for him to turn up with a whole separate identity somewhere.”

She has no idea. “I’m sure he won’t. And once you meet him, I’m pretty sure you’ll like him as much as I do.”

I can only dream of the day when Derek meets my mother. That seems to satisfy her, and we return to holiday planning, gossiping about which family member will cause the biggest scandal this year, and remembering when Dad was with us.

Eventually, she decides it’s time to head home, and as much as I try to persuade her to stay with me, she insists. “I have to work tomorrow. It’s easier if I’m in my own house.”

I walk her through the kitchen, out my back door, watching as she makes her way to her car and waving as she heads off into the night.

For a little while, I lean against the doorjamb allowing the salty night air to wash over me. It’s a cool night, moving into November. If it weren’t so dark, I’d grab my flashlight and walk down to the water’s edge. As it is, I’ll lock up and get some rest. Funny how not so long ago, I’d stopped sleeping through the night.

My brief tenure as an undead creature is on my mind as I switch off the kitchen light, pass through the living room, and make my way to my master suite.

I’m just taking off my jewelry when I hear a strange banging sound from the kitchen, like either a picture has fallen off the wall or a bird flew into a window. Hurrying back to investigate, I mentally note that birds don’t fly at night.

I’m halfway through the living room when I freeze. I’m not alone. Something is in the room with me.

My blood runs cold, and I take a small step backwards. It’s in the shadow of lamplight on the opposite side of the living room. A woman.

I stare at her, and she stares right back at me. Her skin is deadly pale, but she has sparkling emerald-green eyes. Long red hair hangs over her shoulders in ripples, and she’s wearing a fitted green dress.

She would be beautiful if it weren’t for the cruel lines of her face. As she continues gazing at me, her expression melts into something like hatred.

“Who are you?” I say, cringing at how small and nervous I sound.

She’s not much bigger than me. If it came to a fight, I could probably hold my own. The problem is, I’m pretty sure this intruder isn’t human. In fact, I’m pretty positive she’s not.

“My name is of no importance.” Her voice is like the eerie tinkling of wind chimes on a stormy night, and I involuntarily shudder.

“What do you want?”

“My motives will have little value to you.”

For whatever reason, her answers make me angry. Squaring my feet, I put my hands on my hips. “You’re in my house, so either you’re going to state your business or get the hell out!”

My display of authority amuses her greatly. She tosses that auburn head back and laughs. It sounds like silverware being dumped onto a tile floor. I cover my ears with my hands to block out the awful noise.

She starts to move, sidestepping, circling. I do the same, only in the opposite direction. I intend to keep as many objects between us as possible.

“You really are a beautiful thing,” she says with a mocking smile. “No wonder they both loved you.”

I have a feeling I know what she’s referencing, but I don’t like her use of the past tense. “What have you done to Derek?”

“Don’t worry, little thing. I haven’t done anything to him yet.” She’s still moving, but so am I, climbing over the ottoman, stepping behind my small couch. “What I’m about to do to you, however, will hurt him like hell.”

“Derek isn’t here. How will you hurt him—” Understanding washes over me, and at the sight of my realization, she lets out another sickening laugh.

Her eyes flame hotter, and panic grips me by the throat. I’ve got to stall for time. I have a wooden bat in my closet. If I can get to it, would that count as a stake?

“So you’re here to kill me?”

“Yesss,” she hisses, moving closer.

I move back. “By killing me you hurt Derek?”

“At least you’re smart. God, how I detest stupid women.” She rolls her evil eyes, and my brain scrambles.

I have to find some way to get out of this room or to get her out of this room. What would stall a vampire? Think, Melissa. Not too long ago, I was one of these creatures. They’re very proud.

“Is this something that can wait?”

My casual tone throws her off. She’s momentarily distracted, but just as fast her expression morphs into irritation.

I hurry on. “I mean, can I just get a glass of wine from the kitchen?”

The random silliness of my question in view of her plan seems to catch her off-guard. She does a little shrug.

“One last drink.” A creepy smile. “It’s been ages since I’ve tasted a good wine.”

In my blood. I’m well aware how that goes.

“Thanks.” Moving fast through the narrow door into my small kitchen. I’m opening and closing cabinets, pretending to get down wine glasses, bottles, when in reality, I’m looking for anything silver, anything that could be a wooden stake.

“I don’t know if I have anything good,” I stall.

“Not surprising.”

Letting that pass. I round the back corner, staring hard into the night. How far could I possibly get if I ran? Idiotic idea. Vampires have super-human speed and night vision. I’d be dead in less than a minute.

I’m backing away from the door when the floor disappears. I’m swept off my feet by something huge and very strong. My stomach plunges as a scream rises in my throat, but a large hand covers my mouth and nose, silencing me.

For a moment, all I can hear is my pulse thundering in my ears. Then I realize I’m being restrained against what feels like a wall of granite by the very arms I’ve dreamt about for weeks.

The torrent of emotions is almost overwhelming, from my irrational fear of the creature in my living room to the ecstatic joy at being back in the arms of the man I love.

I’m not ashamed to say it anymore. I love him. I want to melt into him, but I’m on my feet again.

Derek turns me sharply, his hands gripping my shoulders. Tears of happiness blur my eyes when they meet his for the first time in so long. It doesn’t help that I see my emotions reflected back at me. He hasn’t changed. He hasn’t grown cruel or sinister. If anything, he’s more beautiful.

Holding a finger to his lips, he doesn’t speak. He points to his ear then motions to the living room. He’s listening to her? He motions for me to go back to where that creature is waiting. Nothing in me wants to do what he’s asking. I want to stay right here. Let her come find me. My hunter will finish her.

His brow lowers in a pleading manner. He needs me to go back in there. Why? What is he trying to learn? My next response proves I truly must love this man. I nod. I put my life in his hands. I agree to go back into that living room and try to stall my death, hoping she’ll say whatever Derek needs to hear. I don’t even know where to begin.

He gives me a warm grin, and it’s like a shot of drugs. I smile through my fear and start to move. Maybe whatever he’s hoping she’ll say is the key to us being together. He’s here in my house, after all. That’s a huge step forward. Derek’s a vampire now. If she tries to hurt me, I have to believe he’s fast enough to stop her.

On jelly legs I walk back into the living room, my trust in him my only strength.

When she sees me, her monster-face twists. “I thought you were getting wine.”

“Ahh…” Looking down, I wring my fingers. “No corkscrew.”

She doesn’t believe me. “You were in there a long time to come back empty handed.”

Faster than I can see, she’s across the room, gripping my upper arms and jerking my body to hers. A little yelp of pain escapes me at her sudden attack. Her grip is like the Jaws of Life, and I know with cold certainty she could snap my neck before the scream left my lips.

“That’s right, princess.” Her nose almost touches mine. “Fear me.”

I’m breathing fast, fumbling for anything to help Derek. “What do you want?”

“We already discussed this.” She throws me onto the sofa so hard it scratches across the floor.

She can hear my heart beating wildly, I know. Derek can hear it as well. I only pray she doesn’t do something he can’t anticipate.

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