Текст книги "Take Me"
Автор книги: T. A. Grey
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Her eyes flew up to his. “Huh?”
A small smile was on his lisp. “I lost you for a minute there. Keep working and I’ll see you tonight.”
She knew her eyes were bright with excitement and she didn’t even bother to hide it. She let him see it. Then she leapt onto him, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him.
When he finally left, his eyes were dark with the look. Their wonderful scents lingered around her house and especially filled her bedroom. Unless she washed her sheets, which she totally would not do for a while yet, she’d smell Dominic when she went to bed.
Today was going to be a good day.
Or so she thought.
It was roughly five hours later that shit hit the fan. Felicity had to admit she didn’t see it coming.
Felicity was on the internet doing some furious shopping to find the right color drapery for Dom’s presidential party when a car pulled up outside. She didn’t think anything of the car; she did have neighbors after all.
But she distinctly heard Graham’s voice cut through the air like a knife. “What the hell are you doin’ ‘ere?”
Graham was some kind of Irish or Scottish, Felicity didn’t know which but apparently when he got angry the accent grew heavy and he lost H’s in the battle.
“Get ‘er out of ‘ere!”
Silence followed. Silence that had Felicity wishing she had fancy tinted windows so she could see outside. The boarded up window thing she and many others did worked great for the daytime, but not so great at night when she could actually go outside comfortably.
There was a strange sound. Felicity pressed her ear to the front door and listened carefully. Was that...sobbing? Just as she was finally considering opening the door a brisk knock sounded right at her ear.
Wincing as her ear throbbed, Felicity opened the door.
Then her jaw hit the floor.
Helena Blackmoore stood on Felicity’s porch. She wore a form fitting black satin gown that fell all the way to the ground and was held up over one shoulder. The fabric rolled in waves and it looked truly beautiful. Of course, Helena was a beautiful woman with thick dark red hair, piercing blue eyes, and delicate, feminine features.
Felicity straightened and didn’t have to look at herself to know she wore a pair of old jeans, a ratty t-shirt, and couldn’t look anywhere as lovely as Helena did even if she wore a fancy dress.
“May I come in, Ms. Shaw?”
Felicity blinked, too stunned to speak, and then stepped aside to allow her in. Before she closed the door she saw Graham and one of her were guards, Thomas, having some fierce words with each other.
Felicity leaned on the door as she turned back to Helena. Her eye twitched at seeing such a stunning woman inside her rundown apartment. It’s not like she didn’t keep it clean. In fact, since she had such a small space she had to keep everything ultra-organized else she might go nuts. But she had yet to clean up the pile of wood that had once been a kitchen chair in her kitchen/dining room. It’s not that she’d forgotten about it. On the contrary, every time she looked at it she saw the image of Dominic looking stunned sitting on her kitchen floor and she couldn’t help but giggle.
Helena looked like a goddess standing in a garbage heap. What was she on the way to a freaking ball? Felicity’s defenses rose sharply as Helena’s sweeping gaze took in everything while giving nothing away.
Finally, she turned in a soft swish of fabric. “Dominic was here. You’ve fucked him.”
“Excuse me?” Felicity couldn’t have heard what she thought she just heard.
Helena’s eyes were watchful. “I can smell him. Do you forget that I was his bruid for hundreds of years? I know what his scent smells like and he’s all over his place.”
Felicity crossed her arms. “What do you want?”
Helena smiled and it reminded Felicity of a cat that had just pounced on a mouse. “Seeing as you’re fucking my mate I thought it wise to meet the woman face to face.”
A flicker of unease flew through Felicity. “He’s separated from you. It’s final. You are no longer his bruid.”
Helena shrugged, not denying it. Her sharp gaze fell on the large open box on the floor and Felicity stiffened. It was the centerpieces for what would have been Julianna and Dominic’s table.
“You’re planning their mating ceremony?”
“I was.”
A thin eyebrow rose. “Was? You were fired then?”
Felicity frowned. “No, now what do you want? If you wanted to come here and see me then fine, you’ve done that. I’d like you to leave now.” Felicity opened the door and waited.
Helena slowly walked to the door. As she reached it, she paused. “You see, I guess, I’m just a little confused then. I thought you were planning Dominic’s mating ceremony. It’s only, what, less than a week away now? It’s happening the day after his big election, I believe.”
“You’re lying and I want you to go now.” Felicity’s hand squeezed the door handle. Please be lying. He said he chose me.
Graham’s spoke, his voice back under control now. “Come on, Helena.”
Helena gave him a small smile. “I would just like to leave this with you then, Ms. Shaw.” She reached into the small purse she carried beneath her arm and took out a colorful piece of paper. It looked like a page torn out of a magazine.
“I don’t want it,” Felicity said. She heard the tension in her own voice. She knew, just knew, that whatever was on the piece of paper would ruin her. Would ruin everything.
Helena shrugged and let the paper fall to the floor. She swept out of the house and Graham muttered an apology before closing the door behind her.
Felicity stared down at the slip of paper for several minutes. A woman like Helena would not come out here if she didn’t have something she really wanted Felicity to see.
The paper was folded into a square the size of a business card. The corner facing Felicity showed what looked like a woman’s hand wearing a diamond bracelet.
A burning pain grew in Felicity’s chest making it hard to breathe. Slowly, she sank to her knees.
Maybe it was nothing and in a few minute’s she’d be laughing about this. Maybe Helena just wanted to get a rise out of Felicity as a bad joke.
Or maybe what was on the paper was enough to ruin everything between her and Dom.
Felicity grabbed the paper and unfolded it in quick movements. The picture on the front sent a wave of pain straight through her heart. She gasped and let the paper drop as if it singed her hand, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it.
Her vision blurred, and then anger boiled inside her. Anger the likes of which she’d never felt before and it was all for the bastard Dominic Blackmoore.
Chapter 16
Dominic stared at his brother Vas and couldn’t keep the furious expression off his face. He was always so good at controlling himself, but not now.
“I’m losing?” he repeated.
Vas nodded and pointed to the piece of paper he’d slipped across Dom’s desk. “The numbers are in from both sides, weres and vampires. They’re favoring Zeke.”
Dom stared at the chart. It had a bar graph with two bars. One for Zeke and one for Dominic. Zeke’s margin was greater by fifteen percent. Fifteen percent of nearly anything else was not a great number, but in terms of votes, Dominic was screwed. He would lose if these numbers didn’t change. He’d already spoken out that he’d reform the mating laws. What else did the bloody people want? This campaign should be simple. Everyone knew he was ready to take over his father’s position and rule as he had—steadfast and sure.
“Did my motion for reforming the mating laws not change this at all?”
Vas grimaced as he leaned back in his seat. He pulled out a silver flask covered with a leather handle and drank deeply. “Those numbers were polled after you came out about that, brother. It doesn’t look good.”
“Zeke is mad and everyone knows it. I don’t see how anyone with a logical mind could vote for him. Especially the weres. They’ll be the devastated ones. All those woman in danger.”
He’d lose. He’d lose to a fucking...mad man. The thought sent such anger through him that he couldn’t escape it. He slammed his fist onto the desk again and again.
“Hey, I didn’t say I agree with it but it’s true. Rumors are flying that people are afraid you’ll be too much like your father. Looks like people want some change around here.”
Dom’s dark eyes landed on his brother. Vasilius hated his name and thus preferred the shorter, more to the point nickname Vas. His brother had a face many found hard to look at, or if they did look then it was with morbid curiosity. It had even taken Dom a few months to get used to what his brother looked like now. He hadn’t always looked like this, but a bad past with a crazy woman had ruined him in many ways. Vas never spoke about what actually had happened to him.
Eight years ago, he looked fine. He was dating a nice vampire named Claire then a few days later, he’s covered in ragged scars that distorted his face, and the woman was no longer talked about. At all. His family pushed and pushed him, but he’d never talk about it. Dom had even privately enlisted Grayson to investigate the matter but Claire was nowhere to be found and no one seemed to know what had happened.
Vas was the most closed-mouthed about the subject. He would leave if anyone so much as mentioned her name. Now he worked with Grayson and was a tech guru. He helped with some of the bodyguard jobs to blow off steam, get paid, and get out of the house. He lived the life of a recluse and damn well never left his computer for long.
Dom’s whole family was fucked, including himself, and he still loved them more than anything.
“They voted father in consecutively and they know I’m running on his same campaign. Why do they want change now?”
“Because of Zeke. The man’s different. They want reforms and change, brother. They know they’ll get it with him, but with you.” He shrugged to let his words hang in the air.
“I want a team sent after Zeke. I want him dead.”
Vas nodded. “I’ll arrange it, but he’ll be hard to kill.”
“I have five days until the election. Get it done now.”
A soft knocked sounded at the door then Julianna stepped inside looking fresh and impeccable as always in a fitted white dress that demurely fell at the knee. Her eyes found Dom’s then darted to Vas and what could only be described as pure fury swam in her eyes.
Vas stiffened then gave a mocking smile as he dipped his chin to her. “My lady,” he said, his voice filled with sarcasm.
She jerked her gaze back to Dom’s and in a flash the fury left her gaze. “I’m headed out for some errands. Do you need me for anything tonight?”
“No, not until tomorrow. We have a campaign ball to attend at the Kensington’s.”
She inclined her head then turned to leave.
“Goodbye to you too, my lady.”
Her head swung around so fast at Vas’s taunting words it was a wonder her neck didn’t snap.
“You—” her words shook.
Vas cocked a challenging brow. “I...what?”
Her mouth moved but no words came. Then she closed the door softly behind her as she left.
“What was that about?” asked Dom.
Vas shrugged. “We didn’t get along. She didn’t much like being fetched when she tried to get away from you. Why is that anyway?”
Dom glared back down at the numbers of failure taunting him. “Why’s what?”
“Have you fucked her?”
Dom shook his head. “Always crude, Vas, and no. I haven’t.”
“She’s your bruid, isn’t she? Seems to me like you’ve been spending more time with this Felicity everyone’s been talking about.”
Dom stiffened but refused to let Vas rile him. “Just because I have to mate with Julianna doesn’t mean I want to spend my time with her.”
Vas laughed low and slow. “She that bad?”
Dom shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any interest in her.”
Vas stood and took another swig from his flask. “Two women wanting you and you only choose one. You could have both of them, at the same time.” He groaned in pretend ecstasy. “Just think of it, brother; tied up, bound, at your mercy.”
Dom’s gut clenched at the thought of Felicity and Julianna together with him. “I don’t think so.”
Vas’s phone beeped and he checked it with a frown. “I gotta go. I’ll get a team on Zeke, but I can’t make any promises.”
Dom stared at the gap in his chart. He was going to lose the race.
“Do whatever is necessary. I want him dead.”
Nodding, Vas left Dom to his thoughts.
Striding to the warming oven, Dom pulled out a glass of heated blood and drank it down in three gulps. He waited for the blood to take effect, for his body to relax, but it didn’t happen. He was too amped up from the stress.
He was facing the biggest election of his life against a lunatic alpha. He had to mate with a woman he didn’t know or care to know. He was in–
His thoughts cut short.
Was he? Could he be?
His heart pounded. A thick knot formed in his throat making it painful to swallow.
He looked over the railing to the fireplace below where he’d first seen Felicity Shaw walk into his study. She’d walked in here strong, but nervous and beautiful. She’d taken his breath away and filled him with a ravenous need he’d never felt before. In under an hour, he’d kissed her and had been ready to take her on the floor.
He’d thought she was his bruid. A heavy weight sat on his chest that steadily got heavier and heavier. She should be his bruid.
He realized the truth with stunning clarity.
He loved Felicity Shaw.
She was strong, beautiful, smart, funny, and imperfect. She made him want to be better. She made him want to step down from his lofty position and change. He wanted to take care of her, for her to rely on him to protect her. He wanted that distinct honor on his hands. He wanted her smiling at him, waking up next to him with her soft smile. He wanted all that gorgeous arousal she had for him and he wanted to taste it, touch it, every single day until he knew her inside and out.
He had to speak to her. He had to tell her. And he had to do it now.
Dom strode to his desk, picked up his phone, and dialed her number. The phone rang on and on. He hung up and called her cell phone again. He’d paid her bill for the next twelve months so her phone couldn’t be shut off. There was no reason she shouldn’t be at home and answering her damn phone right now.
Slamming the phone down he disconnected the call and dialed Graham.
The guard answered immediately. “Aye?”
“Put Felicity on the phone.”
A heavy pause. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Dom.”
Dom’s breathing grew heavy as anger filled him. Something was wrong. Something bad. He knew it deep in his soul as surely as he knew he loved her.
“Mind telling me why?”
A long sigh then, “She said she doesn’t want to speak to you. She said you might try calling one of us.”
The muscle beneath Dom’s right eye twitched. “What?”
Surely he hadn’t heard any of that correctly.
“She’s been acting strange ever since Helena came by. I tried not to let her in by the stupid guard on duty let her pass.”
The floor was taken out from under him. He collapsed back into his char. Helena. At Felicity’s. He knew without being told. He knew exactly what she’d done and why.
“Strange how, Graham?”
“She’s been really quiet in the house and she’s getting dressed up. I think she’s going out.”
“I want you to drive her straight here.”
“I can’t do that, Dom.”
“Excuse me? I couldn’t have heard you correctly,” Dom said slowly. Churning, hot anger built inside his cold bones.
“Your brother pays me, not you, Dom. I’m sorry, man.”
“Never mind. I’ll be right there.”
Another heavy pause. “Not sure that’s a good idea.”
“I don’t care what you think.”
Dom slammed the phone down and was out of the house in the next second. His heart raced in a way it never had before, in dread.
He drove too fast to be safe but arrived at her house just as her front door opened and she stepped out. Her eyes flew to his and he had a moment to see sorrow there before her expression grew blank.
What the hell is going on here?
She knows about the lie, you ass.
He wanted to roar and take off heads, and most of all, he wanted to tear that blank expression off her face until she was smiling up at him again. He jammed the car into park then hopped out of his seat.
“What’s going on here?”
Graham stepped in front of him blocking him from Felicity. His body tensed as he locked eyes with the bodyguard. A deadly cold came over him, readying him to fight.
“Step aside, Graham.”
“I can’t do that, Dom.”
Dom took a step forward ready to let his fist get acquainted with the stupid bodyguard.
Then she spoke. “It’s okay, let him up.”
Dom glared at Graham as he slowly stepped to the side, then Dom mounted the steps to her front door. He kept waiting for her to smile and tell him with was a game or a joke, but she didn’t.
Instead, she stood in her doorway, blocking it. She looked incredible. She wore a flowing black skirt that fell to her knees, a pair of high heels that did incredible things to her calf muscles and showed off trim ankles, and a soft pink blouse that fit her breasts perfectly while showing off her slender neck. A lovely neck that he wanted to curl his hands around so he could feel her pulse pound as she rode him; a neck he wanted to lick every inch of until he finally, slowly, sank his fangs into her and tasted her.
“Going out?” he said.
“Yes, I am.”
One hand curled into a fist. He looked away to reign in his temper then looked back down at her. “You mind explaining how I left here this morning after nearly fucking you and now you’re giving me the cold shoulder?”
A blink was the only sign she gave that she heard him. “Stay here.”
She walked into the house, grabbed something off the kitchen table, then held it out to him. His gut clenched. It was bad. Whatever was on the paper was the cause of all of this change.
Dom grabbed the paper and felt his blood run cold.
It was a picture of him and Julianna at a campaign ball. She was smiling demurely up at him and he had his hand tucked around her waist. The picture was taken at one of the balls he’d taken Julianna to after he told Felicity that he’d broken it off with Julianna. The headline above the magazine article read: V-Society’s most glamorous new couple!
“I can explain.”
Could he? He had lied, after all. He would have done anything, would still do anything, to keep her close.
“I’d love to hear that, but if you’ll excuse me I have somewhere to be.”
She squeezed past him and locked the front door.
“Where are you going?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Bullshit it isn’t.”
Still she didn’t scream at him, she didn’t hit him, she wouldn’t even look at him. The pain in his chest was crushing.
“Felicity, please—”
“Don’t,” she said, and then strode down the steps. Toward Graham
He followed her, panic and anger mixing into something desperate and ugly. “I can explain this.”
“I really don’t care.” To Graham she smiled softly. “I’m ready now.”
The bodyguards filled the SUV as they prepared to take her wherever she was going. She looked ready for a night on the town.
Dom considered his options. He could stand there like an idiot and watch his woman drive away with her guards or he could do something about it.
He decided. In a flash, he had Felicity over his shoulder and shoved into the passenger seat of his car. Graham rounded on him and Dom let loose a punch that broke teeth before the guard had a chance to move. The other guards hesitated. After all, Grayson might have hired them but Gray was Dom’s brother. He could see the apprehension of attacking their boss’s brother glinting in their eyes.
“She’s coming with me. You can follow us or not, that’s up to you.”
He stared them down. Graham wiped the blood from his mouth looking furious and ready for a fight, but he turned and nodded to his team. “We’ll follow behind. Do anything stupid, Dom, and I’ll take you out. You hear me?”
Felicity tried to get out of the car, but he shoved her back inside and slammed the door shut. Racing to the other side, he had the car in drive and peeled out before she could try to jump out.
It took several minutes before he felt calm enough to speak. “I deserve an explanation,” he said.
She snorted. “I don’t think you deserve anything.”
“So you know about...”
She let out a laugh that sounded a lot as if she was trying not to cry. He cast a glance at her to make sure she wasn’t. He couldn’t handle her tears right now. Right now he needed to fix this, he needed to be as close to her as possible. He had to bring them back together. He needed her. He loved her.
“Yes, I know that you lied to me, Dom. I know that you didn’t really break off the engagement with Julianna. I know that you’re still mating with her in a matter of days, and I know that the reason you didn’t want me to stop working on the decorations for the mating ceremony is because there will still be one. And here I thought everything was finally going my way.” She laughed bitterly, the sound cracking a place in his heart.
“I did lie—”
“I know you did,” she snapped.
He continued over her interruption. “I lied because I know I need to mate with Julianna to help secure enough votes for the presidency, and I can’t let you go. You’re mine Felicity. I’d do anything to keep you. I can’t tell you how sorry I am about this.”
She laughed again. “You’re not sorry. You’re smart and you were smart enough to know exactly what you were doing when you did it. You got what you wanted, for a short while anyway. Lady Julianna will still be yours but I guess I didn’t hold up my end of the bargain. You didn’t get to fuck me.”
“I have not fucked either of you,” he growled.
“At least there is that.”
“I care nothing for her.”
Suddenly, she spun in her seat to face him. Her eyes blazed with raw, bright pain. “Then why don’t you leave her and take me instead!”
Her outburst stunned him. Not that he hadn’t thought of the very same thing himself, but at her enthusiasm at the idea. She wanted him as much as he did her. That knowledge made the pressure over his heart ease considerably. If she cared then she wouldn’t really leave him.
“Felicity, it’s not that easy. Our people need a strong vampire as president. You know this.”
“Don’t tell me what you think I know.”
He grinded his teeth as his patience slipped a notch. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to. I’m asking you to forgive me, please.” God, it hurt to say the words. To beg and plead, but for her he’d do it.
“What did you think would happen? Honestly? Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Did you think that come the day of the ceremony I wouldn’t figure out that it wasn’t a presidential party, but a fucking mating ceremony? I’m not stupid, Dom.”
“I don’t think you are,” he said between tight teeth.
“Apparently you do. What does Julianna have to say about this? I’m sure as your bruid she’s none too happy that you were in my bed this morning.”
“She doesn’t know anything about it, and I haven’t touched her.”
She glared at him with bright eyes. “You’ll have to after the ceremony to make it complete. I guess it won’t be so hard for you having been so long without a woman and all.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Did you do all of this just to sleep with me? You had to have known I’d find out soon with the mating ceremony only days away. Did you tell me that you broke it off with her just so you could fuck me?”
His hands gripped the steering so hard the leather creaked. “No,” he bit out.
“Funny, I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not lying.” He’d lied because he couldn’t stand the thought of losing her and he’d do anything to keep her. He wanted so much more from her than a fuck. He wanted her smiles, her conversations, her everything.
Her eyes cut to him, then cut him to the quick. “That’s the thing about lying, it breaks one’s trust. Now I can’t tell your lies from the truth, Dom.” She lifted her chin and stared out the front window. “Drop me off at the nearest corner. I don’t want to be around you.”
His chest had a crushing weight on it. He hissed in a breath at her blow. “I can’t let you go, Felicity. I care too much.”
She didn’t say anything for a long minute and he glanced over at her to find her blinking rapidly trying to fight back tears.
“Fuck!” His fist slammed into the steering wheel with each outburst “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
She didn’t jump at his outburst, but she did stiffen and he hated that too.
“Pull over,” she repeated softly.
“No, I’m taking you to the estate.”
She tensed. “I really don’t want to be there. We might run into your bruid, after all.”
He hissed at the low jab. “Sweets, you really know how to fight, don’t you?”
She shook her head. “This isn’t about knowing how to fight. It’s about being honest. You lied to me. You made me believe you when this whole time you were never going to leave her. You were never going to give me a chance. It was always her,” she said raggedly, softly, her voice tortured.
“Take me home!” she screamed, the sound nearly making his ears bleed.
“I can’t do that.” He looked over at her. Tears glimmered in her eyes, her forehead was creased with stress lines, her mouth pulled into a deep frown, and still she made his heart ache. “Don’t you see? I fucking love you, Felicity. I can’t let you go.”
She started blinking fast. “What did you say?” she whispered.
“I said I fucking love you.” His cheeks burned at baring his soul, but if that’s what it took he’d do it a thousand times a day for the rest of his life.
Suddenly her small fist slammed into his cheek. His head jerked left as throbbing pain burst at his jawline. She had quite the punch.
“What the fuck!”
Her chest heaved, her teeth bared, and eyes glowed red as the vampire in her came out. “I hate you.”
“Well, I love you.”
“If you loved me then you’d make me your bruid!”
He stilled and for a brief moment, considering it. They’d plaster her name everywhere. They’d find every little piece of dirt possible on her from her history to her mother's to her father's. They would leave no stone unturned and they’d do it within a matter of hours. Word would spread fast. With Zeke playing ugly, he’d make certain the rumors spread were nasty. Julianna was safe and had an impeccable past; her family was untouched by scandal. Not even Zeke could find dirt on her, but Felicity... Dom had seen Vas’s file on her. They had enough there to make her family look bad which would in turn make her look bad. It wouldn’t work. Then again, with Julianna on his side he was losing the race.
“I love you but I can’t make you my bruid. I’d never win.”
“I hate you.”
Dom rubbed at the twinge in his ribcage, but nothing he did could make it go away. His body felt ragged down to his bones with pain. He pulled up the long drive of his estate and put the car in park.
“Felicity...listen, damn, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about all of this, but I wouldn’t take it back, not if it meant taking back what we had last night and this morning.”
She shook her head slowly. “This is just about sex, isn’t it? Well, if you’re so pent up for it then you can go see your bruid. I’m leaving.”
She slammed out of the car and he followed her, hot on her heels, anger surging. He caught her elbow and spun her around.
“Is she inside?” she said.
“Julianna? No, she went out.”
“Well, I suggest you go find her, because I’m through with you. You’ll have to get your rocks off with her.” She snapped her arm out of his grasp and stalked away in angry steps, her eyes bright with unshed tears.
That’s it. He’d had enough. He was through her attitude. An intense panic had swelled inside him and was about to burst. She’d leave him and he’d never truly know her. Pure male, animal instincts took over.
Stalking after her, Dom halted in front of her, grabbed her hair in a fist and crushed her body against his.
“You’re not leaving me. And if you leave today it’s because I let you go. Now I’m going to finally do what I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you, sweets.” Her eyes flashed and inside he danced a small victory. “That’s right, baby. I’m going to finally make you mine in the only way a man can really know a woman. Are you ready for that?” He brought her closer so she could feel the rigid line of his arousal.
“You need to stop this right now and let me go,” she said calmly, too calmly for his enraged mind. How could she be calm at a time like this? When the whole world felt like it was spinning out of control?
“Listen to me now,” he said and watched a sliver of panic flare in her eyes. “I’m going to give you two choices. One, you follow me to my bedroom and we do this the nice way, or two...” he dipped his head low so their lips almost kissed. “I’m going to take you here in full view of my front yard where I’ll make you moan and scream so loud, sweets that everyone is going to hear it. Now choose.”
“If you do this, so help me, I’ll never forgive you.” Her voice shook with raw emotion.
Dom lips split into a slow grin. “No, you won’t. You love me just as much as I love you.”
Felicity stood frozen before him, then she moved and the action was so unexpected she took him off guard. Or, at least that’s what he told himself when her knee jerked up and landed between his legs. She sprinted for the house and he happened to have a feeling she wouldn’t be running for his bedroom.
The little minx was probably headed for his mother the only soul who might be able to stop him from taking her.
Dominic hissed out a slow, painful breath and then he took off after his woman ready to claim what was his.