Текст книги "Surge "
Автор книги: Sloan Storm
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“Oh, are you going for a visit while you’re here?”
He nodded. “One of the races on the U.S. tour is in Los Angeles, so I’ll get to see them.”
“What about you?” he said. “How did you wind up becoming a nurse?”
As much as I didn’t want to do it, I really felt as if I had no choice but to lie to him.
“I had to take care of my nephew, provide for him.”
Dyson listened intently. “The nephew with no parents, right?”
I looked at him in silence, swirling the wine in my glass.
“He’s a good kid,” Dyson said, pointing at me. “I guess he has you to thank for that.”
I swallowed and nodded. “Yes, I’ve raised him since…”
Stopping short of telling him the rest, I closed both hands around the top of my wine glass and glanced away.
“Didn’t mean to pry, Ava. Again, it’s not my business.”
I wasn’t even sure why I didn’t just come out and tell him the truth. He turned his attention away from me for second, waving at a group of fans seated in a booth nearby.
“I’ll be right back,” he said, standing from the table and making his way over towards them.
In spite of my uncertainty about him, it was pretty clear his admirers adored him. I studied him as he interacted with the group, shaking hands and signing autographs. A few minutes later he returned to the table and eased into his chair.
“Did you miss me?” he said, turning his mouth upward in what was fast becoming a signature smile.
And then, without thinking, I blurted it out.
“My sister died in a car crash,” I began. “Simon’s dad… No one has seen him since before Simon’s birth.”
The words tumbled from my lips, and before I realized it, I’d told him almost everything.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, raising the glass to my lips and taking a haphazard gulp.
For the first time since I’d met him, Dyson seemed to be at a loss for words. He looked at me for a moment before shrugging.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about. You did what you had to do in that situation. Simon’s a lucky kid. Never apologize for doing the right thing, Ava.”
With my hands still wrapped around the glass, I shook my head. “That’s not what I was apologizing for. I just didn’t mean to dump all that on you.”
“Well, I asked you about it. It’s not a problem.”
I placed the glass back down on the table and sat upright in my chair once again. “Um, well, thank you for understanding. Thank you for listening.”
“Sure thing. Thanks for… trusting me.”
I nodded and reached down to my lap, smoothing my napkin across the tops of my thighs.
“So, why did you stop at being a nurse? Someone like you, Ava, you could easily be a doctor.”
I glanced up at him, smiled and chuckled. “Why do I have the feeling that you’re going to get all of my secrets out of me tonight?”
Deep dimples formed on either side of Dyson’s mouth as he smiled at me. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Picking up my nearly empty wine glass, I tossed back the final remnants. After I did, Dyson lifted the bottle and poured some more. While he filled it, I watched the dark liquid swirl around the bottom of the glass.
“Well, the truth is,” I began. “I was in medical school when my sister died. I had to leave. There was no one else who could take care of him. I mean, there was my mother but… Never mind. That’s a nightmare itself.”
While I spoke, Dyson poured some more wine into his own glass. “So, you want to go back someday? To finish up?”
I shrugged. “I used to, but raising Simon has given me so much joy. I’m not saying I wouldn’t, but if it meant doing it at the expense of having him in my life, then no, I wouldn’t do it.”
Dyson swirled his wine around in the glass and looked at me. “Sorry to hear that. See, to me, that’s exactly why you deserve to do it.”
Jillian was predictably annoying with an endless stream of questions about my dinner with Dyson. As much as she wanted to make it seem otherwise, there really wasn’t much to say.
Yes, Dyson was more pleasant than he’d been before, bordering on charming. I had a good time, even enjoyed myself. But as I explained to her over and over again, none of that mattered, because he was still the same player. And to make matters worse, he was a playboy leaving town as soon as the race finished.
Speaking of the race itself, Dr. Wilcox insisted I accompany him to it the next day. He even asked me to bring Simon if I wanted. But the events of the day before proved to be too much for him, and he’d gotten sick. As much as I didn’t want to go without him, I really had no choice. We’d all been invited to sit in the team owner’s suite, high above the track.
Soon after the race got underway, Dieter Marsh, the team owner, made his appearance. Middle-aged, and speaking with a thick German accent, he introduced himself to us not long after he entered.
The whole experience was surreal.
It wasn’t anything I was used to, and in fact, as much as I tried to make myself at ease, I never really felt comfortable in the extravagant setting. Dr. Wilcox noticed and approached me not long afterward.
“Is everything all right, Ava?”
I nodded. “Mmm hmm. Yes, I’m having a wonderful time.”
“I see,” he began, gesturing towards the far wall. Along the entire length of it was a massive spread of food. “Are you hungry? Don’t you want anything to eat?”
“Oh, I will. I’m just taking it all in.”
Dr. Wilcox smiled and gestured for me to follow him towards the bar. “Come on, I think a drink will settle you down.”
I swallowed and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. “I think I like the sound of that.”
Not long after, I’d taken a few sips of my dirty martini. As the mix of vodka and olives settled in, I began to relax a bit. Around that time, Dieter approached Dr. Wilcox and me.
“Are you enjoying the race?” he asked, glancing between us.
Dr. Wilcox and I took turns nodding.
“Is this your first Formula One race, Ava?”
Dieter lifted his glass to his mouth and drank. “How do you find it?”
If I were being truthful, I’d say it was interesting, but since I wasn’t completely at ease in the situation, I couldn’t enjoy it as much as others looked to be. Of course, I didn’t want to tell him that, so instead I smiled and took the polite route instead.
“It’s really exciting, Dieter. It’s too bad there aren’t more races in the United States.”
Dieter nodded. “Well, we are all hopeful this tour will help us expand the fan base. I suppose time will tell.”
I took another sip of my drink. Dieter turned his attention towards Dr. Wilcox.
“I want to thank you for helping us out on such short notice. I’m not sure what we would have done otherwise.”
Dr. Wilcox waved his hand with a casual motion. “It was our pleasure. Happy to help. Which reminds me, what’s the latest with Dr. Luca’s passport?”
While Dr. Wilcox spoke, Dieter drank more of his cocktail. “It’s funny you should ask.”
I glanced at Dr. Wilcox. A confused look came to his face.
“What do you mean?” he asked. “He did get his passport issues resolved, didn’t he?”
Without speaking, Dieter shook his head. He spent the next few minutes explaining that the earliest Dr. Luca could return to the team would be after the completion of the U.S. tour. In the meantime, the team would be left without a doctor they could trust.
“And so, Dr. Wilcox,” Dieter began, clearing his throat for emphasis. “I’m wondering if it would be possible for you to step in on his behalf until the end of the tour.”
Without wasting any time, Dr. Wilcox answered, “No, Dieter. I’m afraid that’s out of the question. As much as I would like to help out, I’m simply not able to leave my practice for an extended period like that on such short notice. I expressed that sentiment to Dyson when he came to my office. I suppose the message didn’t get passed along.”
Dieter shook his head.
He either wasn’t concerned Dyson hadn’t mentioned it or didn’t care. Dieter remained silent for a moment. I took a sip of my martini and studied him as he considered Dr. Wilcox’s response. Before I even had a chance to swallow, Dr. Wilcox swiveled his head in my direction and pointed at me.
“Ava?” he began. “What about you?”
I snapped my gaze towards him.
“Me?” I muttered. “What are you talking about?”
“Yes,” Dieter interjected. “What do you mean?”
Dr. Wilcox reached towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a gentle squeeze. He proceeded to rattle off my qualifications and assured Dieter even though I wasn’t a doctor, there was no one else he’d be more comfortable filling in for him.
“I have absolutely no doubt Ava can handle the job for you, Dieter.”
Dieter nodded and offered a polite smile.
“I’m quite certain that’s the case, good doctor.” Dieter looked at me. “No disrespect to you Ava, but Dr. Wilcox was Dr. Luca’s hand-picked substitute.”
And then, behaving in a way I wasn’t used to seeing from him, Dr. Wilcox straightened his spine, making himself taller and appearing aggressive.
For him, that is.
“Sir, if you have any doubt in my ability to make a recommendation like this, I suggest you contact Dr. Luca yourself and ask him. I can assure you that Ava is more than qualified for this job.”
Dieter looked at him and nodded his head. For a moment or two, I suspected he might phone Dr. Luca and take Dr. Wilcox up on his challenge. Rather, he turned his attention towards me.
“I don’t suppose I can argue with passion like that. Does this interest you, Ava? This position?”
Speechless, I stood there looking at the two men with my mouth open. “I, um…”
“Oh, I should mention the compensation,” Dieter said, straightening his index finger. “The position will pay fifteen thousand dollars per race.”
Holy shit!
Before I could say a word, Dr. Wilcox smiled and looked at me.
“By the way Ava, you don’t need to worry. Once you’re finished with the team, you’re more than welcome to come back to the office.”
Dieter placed his empty rocks glass down on a nearby table and clapped his hands together. “Wonderful! It’s settled then.”
Simon, Simon, Simon!
“No wait,” I said, interrupting his celebratory mood. “I’ve got a young child to care for at home. I’m not able to just leave for weeks on end. As much as I appreciate your incredibly generous offer, I’m afraid I just can’t do it.”
Dieter looked at me. After a few seconds his features softened into a kind face.
“Ava, I understand this dilemma. I have seven children of my own, and as I built my business over the years, leaving them was always the most difficult decision I faced.”
I smiled in appreciation. “Thank you for understanding.”
He raised his finger once more. “Don’t say ‘no’ right away. Take until tomorrow evening to decide. If, after that, you still think you won’t be able to do it, no hard feelings. I completely understand.”
Part of me wanted to tell him I wouldn’t be changing my mind, but as I listened to him speak, I realized what this could mean for Simon’s education. This might be the only chance I had to keep him in private school.
After a couple of races, I’d have enough to pay for a full year outright.
However, I’d need Jillian’s help to make it happen. I didn’t think she’d refuse, but until I could talk to her face-to-face, it would be wrong of me to take the offer.
“Okay, Dieter,” I began, after taking one final sip of my cocktail. “I promise you’ll hear from me one way or the other. Thank you. Thank you very much.”
As it happened, Dyson finished in second place, just behind his main rival, Gunter Kass.
Not long after my conversation with Dieter and Dr. Wilcox ended, everyone in the luxury suite made their way down to the pits. In the immediate aftermath of the race, the entire area filled with people. Soon however, the celebration shifted towards the winner’s circle, and we met up with the team in the garage.
“Ava,” Dr. Wilcox began, leaning in towards me while we walked together. “I think this is a tremendous opportunity for you, and I believe you can do it.”
I turned and looked at him. “Thank you for recommending me and believing in me.”
Dr. Wilcox smiled and opened his arms. I leaned in towards him and we embraced.
“Ava,” he said, hugging me tight. “Why wouldn’t I believe in you?”
I smiled. How could I not enjoy receiving praise from someone I respected so much? We remained that way for another moment or so until a familiar voice interrupted my train of thought.
“Hey, can I get some of that?”
Separating my head from Dr. Wilcox’s chest, I glanced in the direction of the sound to see Dyson approaching.
Before I could say a word, Dr. Wilcox spoke, “Great race! You almost had him this time.”
Dyson nodded, waving him off. “Don’t get me started.”
Dr. Wilcox glanced at me, unsure of what to make of Dyson’s comment. Within seconds, Dyson stood near us. He winked at Dr. Wilcox. “Forget about that piece of shit, Kass, Doc. He’ll get what he’s got coming to him sooner or later.”
The parade of people coming and going from every direction left me feeling a bit disoriented. I’d never been in a situation like this before.
“Is it always like this?” I asked, looking at Dyson while gesturing to the sea of bodies around me.
Dyson smiled. “Only on race day.”
He slid his hands into the pockets of his fire suit and looked at Dr. Wilcox. “Can I steal her for a second, Doc?”
Dr. Wilcox nodded. “She’s all yours.”
With that, Dr. Wilcox headed in the direction of the team garage. Dyson turned towards me.
“Second place?” I said, crossing my arms at my chest. “I could’ve watched you finish second sitting at home. I didn’t have to come all the way down here.”
Dyson chuckled at my protest. “It’s always better in person. And don’t worry, second place is only temporary.”
“I should hope so.”
He nodded at me, flicking his chin in my direction. “Let’s take a walk.”
I won’t pretend it was easy. The throng of people literally crushed us as we tried to get out of the post-race melee.
However, early on, Dyson insisted I hold his hand.
The entire way, the mass of bodies spread apart with ease as he moved through them like an icebreaker. Well-wishers patted him on the back the entire way, encouraging him to keep driving, stay aggressive, and do what it takes.
As we walked, I kept my eyes down, clinging to him as we moved. After what seemed like forever, but was probably no more than five minutes, we emerged from the crowd into an area of relative peace and quiet.
“So, what did you think?” Dyson said, turning and stopping to face me. “Your very first Formula One race? Maybe your boyfriend will win next time.”
I shifted my jaw, glaring at his smart ass comment. “Who’s to say my boyfriend didn’t win this time?”
Dyson leaned back, roaring with laughter and clapping his hands together. “You had fun though, right?”
I smiled, amused at his amusement. “Yes.”
“And you’re going to take the position aren’t you?”
Suddenly, everything slowed. I stopped, looking at him. As soon as he asked me the question, his smile faded. In its place, a look of focus and concern.
“You are taking it, right?”
I wasn’t exactly sure what to say in that moment.
I studied him.
Between the time we’d come down from the owner’s suite to the pits and now, there hadn’t been enough time for Dieter to tell Dyson about the offer he’d made to me. A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind.
How did Dyson know about the offer? Was he behind it the entire time? Was Dieter’s entire line of questioning all for show?
All of the positive feelings I’d been building towards Dyson melted away as I stared at him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, frowning as he looked at me. “Are you going to take the job or not?”
For a split second, I considered telling Dyson exactly what he could do with the position and where he could stick it. I had little doubt he was involved somehow. Repulsed though I was at the meaning of it, I couldn’t help but think of Simon.
No matter what kind of games went on with the team, my nephew was innocent. I had a responsibility to follow through on the commitment I’d made to him years ago, and one oversexed race car driver wasn’t about to stand in my way.
I swallowed hard, flexing my jaw in defiance.
“I haven’t decided whether or not I’m taking it.”
Dyson blinked several times. I resisted the urge to stick my finger in his chest and tell him to go to hell.
“Oh, okay,” he replied, nodding. Still holding his crash helmet in his hand, he continued, “Well, I know we’re all hoping you can.”
It took everything I had not to curse him out and put the whole thing at risk. Yet somehow, I managed to hold my tongue.
“I’m going to head back to the pits,” I began. “I’ve got to get home.”
Dyson stepped towards me, raising his hand towards my upper arm. “I’ll walk you back.”
I shook my head and backed away from him. “That won’t be necessary. I know the way.”
He stared at me without a word for a second or two before he nodded his head. “Okay, Ava. No problem. So I guess I’ll see you if I see you, right?”
Before I turned to walk away, I looked at him. “I guess. Good luck, Dyson.”
“Yeah, you too.”
No sooner had he finished speaking than I spun away from him and headed in the direction of the pits once again. Unlike before, I didn’t allow the throng of bodies to deter me from my path. I elbowed my way through, shoving and grunting as I moved among them. This was all about survival for me now. It was clear that being out on the Formula One tour meant I’d have to fend for myself. With backstabbing and double dealing at every turn, I couldn’t afford to lose focus for even a second.
Before long, I reached the pits and approached Dr. Wilcox. He stood there, chatting with Dieter as I walked up to them.
“Dr. Wilcox,” I began, looking up at him. “I need to get going. I’ve got to get home and talk to my nephew.”
Dr. Wilcox looked at me, concern framing his expression. “Something the matter, Ava? You seem upset.”
I shook my head. “No sir, just focused. I know what I’ve got to do now. Can you take me home? If you can’t, I’ll find another way.”
He reached towards me, placing his hand on my upper back. “Of course, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll take you home right away.”
After we arrived back at my apartment, I thanked Dr. Wilcox for everything he’d done for me. I held out the tiniest bit of hope that he was the only one behind the whole idea. If nothing else, I certainly didn’t think he had anything to do with Dyson’s involvement, if Dyson was involved.
Really, I had no idea, but my intuition nagged at me.
Not long after Dr. Wilcox dropped me off, I headed towards my apartment. While I did, I realized I’d have to lie to Simon about why I was leaving in the first place. If he had any inkling I’d taken the position so he wouldn’t have to go back to public school, I worried it would upset him and stress him out.
Clutching the hard brass of my house key, I slid it into the lock and clicked it open. I needed to come up with a believable story—the sooner the better.
As luck would have it, he and Jillian were sitting at the kitchen table eating an early dinner. I pushed the door closed and smiled at them as I walked inside. Crossing the room, I reached towards Simon’s head and began to stroke his hair.
“Are you feeling better?” I asked, hugging him close.
“Mmm hmm.”
I leaned over and placed a single kiss on the crown of his head. “Good.”
Turning in place, I headed in the direction of the kitchen. “It smells great. What are you guys eating?”
“Spaghetti and meatballs,” they answered in unison.
Jillian giggled and leaned in towards him. Afterward, she turned her head and glanced at me. “So, how was the big race?”
Reaching in the cabinet for a plate, I cleared my throat. “Good. It was good.”
Without saying a word, she arched an eyebrow at me. Simon didn’t notice but instead kept his head down, eating in blissful ignorance.
“What happened?” Jillian mouthed.
Refusing to answer, I shook my head and pointed towards my nephew. “Later,” I said in silent response.
Not long after, I joined them at the dinner table. Leaving out the part that might have upset Simon, I recounted the rest of the day’s events to both of them as we ate.
Once we’d finished, I looked at Jillian.
“I need to talk to Simon for a few minutes. If you can wait, I’ll help you clean up.”
Jillian waved at me with a dismissive flick. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. You two go ahead.”
I smiled and thanked her, helping Simon up from his chair before heading towards his bedroom. After entering, I closed the door behind me while Simon lay down on his mattress. I spent the next minute or so making small talk with my nephew, gauging his state of mind.
Clamminess crept to the palms of my hands.
What I had to tell him was unlike anything we ever talked about before. For someone so young, Simon was surprisingly levelheaded. It was a shocking trait when I considered his parents. As much as I loved my sister, even-tempered was not the word I would ever have used to describe her. I helped him get underneath the covers, and once he’d snuggled in, I sat down on the bed next to him.
“I’m really sorry you couldn’t go to the race today. Dyson and Marco both asked about you.”
A smile came to his tiny cheeks. “Why didn’t Dyson win?”
I shook my head. “No one wins every race. There’s no shame in finishing second.”
Simon’s lower lip curled into a pout. “Dyson told me second place was the first loser.”
I chuckled. That absolutely sounded like something Dyson would say.
“Well, I guess that makes him first loser today, doesn’t it?”
Simon pulled his sheets high, closing them around his neck and shoulders. After he did, I reached down and rubbed his chest with my palm.
“Simon, honey,” I began, exhaling at the same time. “I need to talk about something very important with you. Okay?”
He looked up at me, his small brown eyes filled with the beginnings of doubt.
“It’s nothing to worry about, I promise,” I said, leaning over and kissing him on the forehead for emphasis. “It’s a good thing.”
Not long after, I leaned away, sitting up straight and began.
“I’m going to be going away for a while, sweetie,” I began. “With Dyson, Marco and the rest of the racing team.”
Simon looked up at me in silence. His expression remained unchanged.
“But it’s only temporary. Okay? Just a few months. And I’ll still have free time to come home and see you.”
Simon’s small hands tightened around the top of his blanket. He tugged it closer to his chin. “But why though?”
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for both of us. They are going to pay me very well and we could really use the money right now. It will mean a better life for both of us. After all, you want to become a doctor someday don’t you?”
He nodded at me. “Just like you, Aunt Ava.”
I smiled at him. “Everything will work out. You trust me, don’t you?”
“Good,” I began, leaning over and kissing him on the forehead before leaning away once again.
“Now I need to go and talk to Aunt Jillian for a few minutes. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Simon nodded. I reached down and touched my fingertips to the side of his cheek.
“Good night, Simon, sweetheart. I love you.”
Simon looked up at me and smiled. “Good night, Aunt Ava. I love you too.”
After getting up and turning off the lights in his bedroom, I exited and made my way towards the kitchen. I came around the corner and noticed Jillian putting away dishes.
She turned her head in my direction. “How’s he feeling?”
I leaned against the kitchen counter, pressing my palm flat on the surface. “He seems to be doing a little better, but he’s still tired.”
Jillian smiled at me before bending over and grabbing a clean plate from the dishwasher. There was no easy way to talk to her about the offer I’d received, so I just decided to do it.
I cleared my throat, pausing for just a moment before I spoke. “I need to talk to you about something.”
Jillian reached up and slid the plate into the cupboard before turning to face me. “Okay, what’s up?”
Removing my hand from the countertop, I crossed my arms and nibbled on my lower lip.
“Uh oh,” she began. “This is serious, isn’t it?”
“Mmm hmm.”
She turned and faced me. “All right, come on. Out with it.”
I spent the next several minutes telling her about the offer I’d received from Dieter to travel with the team, including how much I was going to be paid and how long I’d probably be gone.
A huge smile came to her face. “That’s such great news! You must be thrilled.”
“I am,” I grumbled. “Sort of.”
“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you be excited? With that kind of money, you can take care of Simon and maybe even get yourself back into school, and…”
I nodded, interrupting her. “I know, but I can’t do it alone.”
“What are you saying?” she asked, pausing for just a moment. “Oooh, you mean Simon? You don’t have to worry about that, Ava. I don’t mind taking care of him. Not one bit.”
I felt a lump gather in my throat. While I looked at my best friend, my vision blurred with the beginnings of tears.
“Oh honey,” she began, moving towards me for a hug. “Please don’t do that. You’re going to make me cry also.”
I nodded, wrapping my arms around her and embracing her. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
We hugged for a few more moments before separating.
“You don’t need to thank me for anything, Ava. I love Simon like he was my own family. And of course, you know I love you too.”
Even though I tried my best, several streaks of tears escaped from my eyes. Over the next minute or so, I managed to get myself under control. After I did, Jillian congratulated me once more before returning to finish with the dishes.
“So I suppose you’ll be spending more time with Dyson, won’t you?”
I furrowed my brow at the mention of his name. Taking notice of my silence, Jillian glanced at me. “What’s wrong? Did something happen with Dyson?”
I shook my head. “I’m not sure, but something he said made me feel uneasy.”
“That doesn’t sound good. What happened?”
“Well, after the race ended, we saw each other, and he asked me if I was going to accept the position.”
Jillian shrugged, frowning at the same time “So. What’s wrong with that?”
“I hadn’t told him about it yet. It was like he knew about it beforehand.”
Jillian’s head drifted backward. Her mouth opened a fraction. The realization dawned on her. “Ah, I see. What did you say to him?”
“You mean, did I confront him about it?”
“No. I didn’t.”
My friend leaned against the counter, pinching her chin between her thumb and forefinger. “Do you really think he was behind the whole thing?”
“Where Dyson is concerned,” I began, shaking my head. “Anything is possible.”
Jillian looked at me in silence for a moment or so. “Well, I suppose all you can do is keep your guard up. This opportunity is too important for you. You can handle Dyson Vix. You have no choice.”
Staring into her eyes, I nodded my head in agreement.
I hadn’t slept well.
Although I really had no choice but to accept the offer, I still struggled with the notion Dyson was somehow manipulating the situation to his benefit. Even so, I had to find a way to deal with him and not risk losing the money I’d receive from the job.
I moved through my work day that Monday mindlessly. With the deadline for my decision looming, I had to first tell Dr. Wilcox what I’d decided to do.
And so it was later that afternoon I knocked on the door to his office. He sat there behind his oversized oak desk, flanked on either side by stacks of patient paperwork.
Glancing up at me, he smiled.
“Ava, please come in.”
I smiled in return and walked inside his office. “Thank you.”
He watched me while I approached until I took a seat in a chair across from his desk. Dr. Wilcox had been in medicine for more than twenty years by the time I came to work for him. If there was ever someone I wanted to be like, emulate, should I ever actually graduate from medical school, it would be him. The wall and credenza behind him were filled with awards and plaques, all recognizing his exceptional ability. Equally important, if not more so though, he was a genuinely caring person.
I eased into the leather chair, crossing my legs at the knee.
Dr. Wilcox placed his pen down on top of his desk and looked at me. “I assume you’re here to tell me what you decided to do?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
He smiled and interlaced his fingers, placing them flat on the desk in front of him. “Well? Don’t keep me in suspense.”
I swallowed and moistened my lips for a split second. “Okay, um, so if you’re absolutely certain you don’t mind… I think I’m going to do it.”
“Ava, if you’ll recall, I’m the one who recommended you for the position. Why on Earth would I mind?”
I nodded my head. “Right, no, I know, it’s just…”
Dr. Wilcox leaned forward in his chair. The springs in the seat creaked. “Ava, I know how important this opportunity is for you. With the kind of money you’re going to make, I see no reason why you can’t be back in medical school in no time.”
I’d always been a private person around the office. Of course, everyone knew Simon and treated him like he was my son whenever he visited, but I never felt comfortable sharing the private struggles I had with him. And now, as I sat across from Dr. Wilcox, I regretted the decision. I knew that in his heart, Dr. Wilcox wanted me to return to medical school and finish my degree, almost as much as I did. If nothing else, I felt that I owed him the truth about what I intended to do with the money.
“I would love to return to school,” I began, placing my hand on my chest. “But I’ve got an even more important use for the money in mind.”
Dr. Wilcox frowned. “Oh?”
“Yes, it’s for my nephew, Simon.”
“I see,” he began, tilting his head to one side. “Is he all right? Is he having health problems?”
“What?” I shook my head and raised my palms towards him. “Oh no, it’s nothing like that. He’s fine. Well, his health is fine.”
“Um, okay.” he began. “Well I have to say that I’m a bit confused. If he’s not having any health issues, what would you be using the money for? I don’t mean to pry, Ava. Don’t feel as if you have to tell me.”
I shook my head. “I don’t mind. Really, I’d feel much better if you did know.”
Dr. Wilcox nodded and gestured for me to continue. I spent the next several minutes explaining the situation with Simon and his school. I told him about the incessant bullying he’d been subjected to when he was in public school and how the change to private education made all the difference for him. Lastly, I explained how we’d lost the money he needed to stay enrolled there.