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F*ck Buddy
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 21:39

Текст книги "F*ck Buddy"

Автор книги: Scarlet North

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 7 страниц)




Clinking brews, Liam leaned back against the wall, tilting the bar stool up slightly as he took in the bar. He hadn't been to Dwight's in ages. It was one of Rico's haunts, and someplace he rarely came to after a sparring match. But he'd been able to get loose today after several days of tension, and it just felt right to follow everyone back there.

The whole experience was wholesome in a way that his current circles weren't. Most of the people who stopped in there were hard-working people letting off steam after work or snatching a bit of peace before heading home to less than happy domestic situations.

They reminded him of the kind of life he would have lived if his early, home life had been even moderately functional. If he hadn't had something to prove, he wouldn't have had enough ambition in the fuel tank to launch Raw Ink. So being here with people who represented his roots was a reminder he needed of where he'd come from.

Taking a swig of beer, he settled into that warm feeling of home he'd never really had. Funny how he still lacked that feeling, even with tons of money and notoriety.

“Yeah, Mother-fucker? Show me something.”

Craning his ear, Liam leaned forward on his stool, setting it firmly back on the ground. He knew that voice. Shit. He knew exactly who that was. Panning the bar, he grit his jaw when his eyes fell on Corey. Little shit. Still up to the same bullshit. How many times did he have to tell him to get out of this life?

Corey wasn't like him. He didn't have even the slightest control over his taste for violence. There was so much rage pent up in him, he didn't know what to do with it. Liam had found an outlet. Corey just wanted to get it out. Setting his bottle on the bar, Liam rose up from the stool.

“Someone you know?”

Turning to meet Biz's eyes, he gave him a grim nod.

“Who's that Corey?”

Rico turned toward the direction Liam had been looking in and immediately rose up.

“Nah. This is no good. He doesn't want to start shit with the Loko MC.”

“It's alright. I got it.”

“Not by yourself you don't.”

Fire pumping through his veins, Liam hated to admit that Rico had a point. Corey was mouthing off to at least four of the bikers. Who knew how many more would join the conflict? He didn't like involving Rico in anything, though. Rico kept his nose clean, and he was too old for this kind of shit.

“Alright, but don't get too deep in it.”

“I'm coming, too,” Mike Rowdy chimed in.

Biz rose from his stool, as well, without a word.

Well, that outnumbered the fuckers Corey was about a second away from going to blows with. Making their way over to them, Liam steeled himself for the possible worst. The Loko MC were reckless bastards. The types to pull out a knife for no fucking reason. They had a tendency to create trouble where it didn't need to be.

“Everything alright over here?”

Jerking his head in Liam's direction, clearly ready to tell him off before he realized who'd addressed him, Corey's eyes widened, and in that misstep, the bald-headed biker he'd been doing the majority of the mouthing off to caught him square in the jaw.

From there, all hope for peace dissolved in a calamity of trained blows met with reckless, wilder blows. Liam had acted without thinking, knocking the bald-headed due in the jaw. Corey took on the long-haired brunette moving in for Liam, who'd fashioned himself like a Native in a cut-off jean jacket with the Loko MC emblem sewn onto a stretching patch over the back.

It didn't take long for little bro to handle him, but before he had a chance to catch his breath, the rest of the bikers had taken notice and dropped their pool sticks to rush over and break up the mayhem. Surprisingly, they were using their heads. A bar brawl would attract cops, and that wasn't good for a crew that dealt in illegal trading.

“Woah, Woah. Woah,” the Pres called out, yanking back several of his brothers by the shoulders. Little Mike (who as it happened, wasn't so little). Liam knew him from the gym. Before he'd chosen this path, he'd had a hell of a boxing career ahead of him. Locking eyes with Liam, he gave him a nod of recognition.

“You think you can calm your men down?”

"If you can rein in yours."

"I can do that."

It took some doing, but between Liam and Little Mike, they managed to put an end to the flying fists and poised beer bottles. But the good will had long left the air by the time they'd finished. It was time to go.

Liam couldn't hang around here now without feeling the need to watch his back every five seconds. Giving Rico and the others a knowing look, he gave them a final farewell with his other hand gripping the back of Corey's shirt, tight.

“Thanks. Sorry about fucking up the evening.”

“Oh nah, man. This was fun. We don't get a lot of action outside of the ring,” Mike Rowdy assured him.

Liam didn't hang around after that. He'd been trying to get his hands on Corey for a minute, and now that he had him, he was going to lay into him, verbally, but forcefully. This shit had to stop. He refused to watch his brother throw his life away.

The cycle had to end somewhere.

Passing through the exit, his stole a glance at the bikers, giving Little Mike a nod while taking note of the cold glances the others were giving them. He didn't get the best feeling from that. They'd probably be looking for some sort of reprisal. And that wasn't the sort of shit Liam needed in his life right now.

Turning his eyes ahead of him, he started at who he saw waiting outside of the door to get in: Jackie and a Japanese chic with electric blue hair trailing down to her elbows. What in the hell was she doing coming to Dwight's?

They held one another's gaze a long moment before he gave her a half-nod and kept it moving. His whole purpose for coming out was to get her off of his mind, even if the universe had other plans. He had a different set of problems to contend with right now.


“You trying to get yourself killed or something?”

Liam was nearing the end of his rant, but he was flipping pissed at the arrogant expression pasted on his brother's face. Tossing a towel his way, he took a seat across from him. If he had to lecture him for the next three hours, he was fully prepared to do that. Shit, he'd failed to do it enough before, apparently. And it wasn't like their father was even trying to get him on a better road. He doubted Corey even knew their father was getting married.

Corey represented the sort of element that would be bad for press.

Their father was a fucking jerk. Plain and simple.

“Look, man. I heard you, alright?”

“You heard me, huh? Little man, you haven't heard jack. You're going to get your shit together, or you'll have a lot worse than the Loko MC to worry about. I don't care if I have to give you a fucking job mopping the floors here until you apprentice up and earn your ink. The street phase of your existence is fucking done. You hear me, kid? Done.”

He could tell Corey wanted to roll his eyes in the worst way, and it was a damned good sign that he didn't. It satisfied Liam enough to lean back in his chair and give him the steel-eye before telling him to get his ass in the shower.

“There's a change of clothes in the bottom drawer. Use them. You're not getting blood on my furniture.”

Quietly storming off with no response, Corey let the bathroom door close behind him with a click, and Liam rose up from the chair with a sigh. Seriously, this better be the last time his brother got himself into unnecessary bullshit. As it was, those fuckers were probably going to be looking for him. Maybe both of them. They'd do it under their Pres's nose, but Liam doubted they'd give it up anytime soon. Corey needed to lay low. And he definitely needed to keep Liam as far away from that nonsense as possible.

Checking his face in the mirror, relief flooded him. A couple nicks from the rings of the big dude he'd gotten into an impromptu sparring match with when the bald guy had hit the floor, but no lasting damage.

Thank God.

Things could have gone a lot farther south than they had tonight. He needed to get his head back in the game. No more distracting bullshit. As soon as he got the call, he'd be on the set of “National Ink” for 3 months. It was the promo spot of a lifetime, and he was determined to follow through with it.


Jackie smiled at Roxy's quietly snoring body on the sleeper. It was good to have her back. She hated when Roxy picked up and left with no explanation. She worried about her, even though she knew she could handle herself. Stretching and tying her hair up in a bun, she tucked into the blanket on the opposite couch, still slightly buzzed but more concerned than anything.

They'd arrived at the tail end of a bar brawl, and had almost been turned away for the night, being dainty ladies no one wanted to see hurt if the madness started up again. But Carole had noticed them standing outside and told the bouncer to let them through. Then she told them all about the brawl, which had apparently started with Liam's brother and devolved in Liam jumping in with his friends.

She'd been shocked as hell to even see him there, but of course, there was a great deal she didn't know about him. She was at least warmed to the idea that he had no problems hanging around people that weren't on his hob-nob level. It said something about his character, and she couldn't deceive herself about how curious it made her to know more.

Merge that with Roxy's unexpected approval, even knowing that Liam was about to be Jackie's stepbrother. She was still wrapping her mind around that. It was the exact opposite of what she'd been expecting to hear from her dearest friend in the whole wide world, and it was chipping away at the part of her that had been fending Liam off.

The fact that Liam had barely even glanced at her tonight might have added in some intrigue, as well. The window of opportunity to change her mind was probably on the fast track to closing, and it bothered her more than she liked.

Yawning and stretching one last time, she pulled her blanket tighter around her and let her eyes slip closed. Exhausted. She'd... deal with it in the morning when her brain was fully operational. Her mind hadn't stopped running where he was concerned, yet. She was sure she'd be right back to the seesaw of emotions and decision making again, the moment she pried her eyes open.


“Your phone,” Roxy called out from her seat at Jackie's computer desk.

“Who is it?”

“Come answer it and find out.”

Frowning, Jackie spit out the rest of her toothpaste, rinsed the brush quickly and replaced it on the hook before rushing to her room.

“You couldn't have peeked?”

“I'm checking flights.”

“What? Why?”

“Answer the phone. I'll tell you later.”

Sighing, Jackie grabbed her cell from the bed, flipping it over to see her mom's name flashing on the screen. Should she bother? Ugh. Grimacing, she clicked the call on and lifted the phone to her ear.


“Well, I'm glad you're alright. You left so abruptly, I wasn't sure what to think.”

Sighing quietly, Jackie took into a pace.

“Something came up.”

“Must've been important.”

“Yeah. It was. I had to get out of there. Everything alright?”

Her mother paused, seeming to digest her words and tone.

“Yes. I was calling to ask you to run to Claudio's to pick up a dress for the press conference. We're throwing a party after and there'll be pictures.”

Exhaling loudly, Jackie nodded.

“Alright, when?”

“Well, today. At exactly six, so you can be fitted. The tailor's not always there. We had to make an appointment.”

“Of course.”

Throwing her hands up, Jackie shook her head. “Alright. I'll be there.”

“Great. I knew I could count on you, Sweetheart.”

“Yeah. I have to run. Registering for an extra class while there are still slots open.”

“Oh. Well don't let me keep you.”


“Bye, Sweetie.”

Bristling, Jackie clicked off the call. It sucked how much she loathed talking to her mother, well for social calls, anyways. The way she was handling business lately, talking to the step-creep-to-be about things that should never pass her lips without talking to Jackie first made it look like business talks were heading in the dreaded direction, too.

They hadn't been close in a long time, and it didn't look like the old version of her mother, post-breakdown, was ever coming back. Instead, she had this plastic version to endure. Possibly for the rest of her life.

“You should be easier on her,” Roxy offered, clicking her way through a travel site.

“I know.”


The fitter drew up the measuring tape, looking him over fondly.

“You have the look of a young Richard Grieco. Anyone ever told you that? I know just the suit for you.”



“I don't get to pick?”

The tailor gave him a grin.

“Your father wouldn't like anyone else making those sorts of decisions.”

Sighing, Liam nodded his agreement.

“No, I suppose he wouldn't.”

Smile deepening, the older man stepped back.

“You're free to shop for your accessories, though. We'll charge it to his account.”

“No need for that,” Liam told him, bristling, but smiling his way through it. “I brought my card.”

Nodding with a kind of knowing, the tailor placed his measuring tape back in his carrying case.

“We'll keep that between us.”

Liam smirked.

“By all means, tell him.”

Liam wanted his father to understand that he didn't want or need his money. And though that was clear to the tailor, he was pretty sure the message wouldn't be relayed. Shrugging off, he made his way around the store, waiting with a certain tension for Jackie to show up. Donna had called earlier that morning to ask him to watch over her and make sure she was taken care of, and as hard as it was going to be to do that, he'd agreed.

Soon they'd have the whole mess behind them, and she'd be his "sister," whom he'd enjoy on a purely, platonic level because that's how she apparently wanted it. Far be it from him to impose his unwanted interest. He'd had some time to get himself back, and he wasn't keen on pushing for a damn thing. The sooner she arrived, got fitted, and picked out her jewellery, and whatnot, the better.

“Cognac?” A sultry voice asked, shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, sounds great,”

Meeting the serviceable gaze of a honey blonde with eyes the color of pale ale, he immediately averted his attention to her tray. Normally, someone as cute as she was would activate the inner charmer in him, if only for the target practice. But right now he felt nothing. It was strange, because this chic was cute. Even had a little meat on her.

Kudos to Claudio for hiring real women.

“If you'd like to sit, there's a small lounge behind that door.”

“Uh, thanks,” he managed, lifting the glass of expensive liquor and taking a sip.

Giving him a smile and a nod, the server made her way toward the secret room behind the registers where all the goodies they offered their clients were kept. He was pretty sure they even had coke back there for the high-end clientele who snorted it like it was candy.

The privileged world is a different place.

Snapping his head up at the sound of the door, his heart took into a race at the sight of flowing, black hair and the body of a goddess hidden beneath a pea coat. Sighing, he downed the rest of the cognac and set it down at the edge of the men's shoe display. No point in keeping the princess waiting.


Jackie nearly turned around and walked right out of the door when she saw Liam heading toward her, smoldering and gorgeous as ever. Somehow, she managed to grab hold of her wits before she could react poorly.

Which was good.

She'd have to get used to seeing him for family functions. Donna was sure to invite him to everything anyway. Come to think of it, her mother had probably arranged this. No definitely. Her mother had definitely arranged this. Because the obvious had escaped her.

“Fancy running into you here,” she managed, giving him a quirk of a grin before taking in the full layout of the expensive boutique.

Giving her a brisk nod, Liam shoved his hands in his pockets.

“I'll show you to the fitting room.”

So no small talk then... Alright.

He turned and she followed, feeling far more uncomfortable with this change of gears than she'd expected. Actually, she hadn't thought he'd ever become chilly with her. The possibility had never even crossed her mind. Maybe that was arrogant. She felt kind of silly about it. The sure perils of taking things for granted while thinking you know what you want when you don't...

He gestured her into the fitter's alcove when they reached it, and Jackie stole a glance around the rounded half-room.

“He'll probably come in a minute. Can I get you a drink?”

Jackie quirked a brow.

Eh, why not?

“Sure, thanks. That would be nice.”

She smiled as genuinely as she could, but it wound up feeling twitchy and forced. God, things felt so strange between them now. It was incredibly uncomfortable. A total switch from where they'd been several days before. His brows rising, Liam gave her a half-nod and stepped away from the arch leading into the small, half-circle room.

Jackie waited, wringing her hands as her mind turned over the position she'd found herself in. Roxy's advice and the way he'd looked at her at the bar last night... It was confusing the decision she'd already made to keep her distance from him. Maybe it was simpler than she was making it. Could be she just wanted what she couldn't have.

Whatever it was, she hated how things felt between them now, and she wanted to at least find a place of peace between them. She imagined that would be easier said than done with the way she'd handled things. She'd give her the side-eye, too, if she was on the receiving end of being walked out on twice.

Funny, when she'd first embarked on the diva experience, she'd only considered how she'd felt and wanted to feel. She'd never considered she might actually hurt someone in the process.

She'd gone off of the fact that most men, in her eyes, at least, didn't want anything more than new pussy and a quick romp in the sheets. But Liam was different, apparently. And it was clear she'd hurt him, at least a little bit. That didn't give her a good feeling.

“Ah, what a beauty. I consider it an honor to fit you. You're a voluptuous goddess, Jackie. The things you will do to the right dress,” the tailor, Claudio, announced, sweeping in, his Italian accent lilting at the edges of his words. A distinguished and industrious looking man full of life, he reminded her of a well-kept grandfather who still had his pick of the ladies.

“Come closer. Let me take your measurements. We're going to dress you like the princess you so obviously are.”

Jackie flushed. She was in love with this place, already.


Not expecting Liam to wait around while she was fitted, she decided to have a look around the store after Claudio finished, utilizing the smidge of extra time she had on her hands.

There were tons of lavish accessories she could pair with the drop-dead gorgeous dress he fitted her for, and the bad angel was nudging her on to take at least some advantage of her future step-creep's credit line.

Might as well make sure she was looking good for the photo opp. It was going to be connected to VitaGourmet, anyway. She'd be a fool not to milk that sort of marketing opportunity for all it was worth. If she stood out in the press photo, and she was determined to, she could launch a social media brand off of it, and turn the attention toward her and her mother before the press had a chance to decide their line of snacks had anything to do with him.

Yeah. She'd need to contact a reporter or two and get the first story out about how they'd come to be. And make sure it was known that Gary Cross came along well after they acquired their clients at the mall. Fingering several, luxurious cocktail dresses, she pulled the one that caught her eye most off of the rack and held it out, whistling at the price tag: 1000.00

Brows rising, she had to fight her way past the pride trying to convince her to put it down. She wouldn't. If she was going to be subjected to press conferences and parties, she was going to look like money doing it. And it wasn't on her dime, so... no worries paying the rent after buying this little number. Sleek and wonderfully trimmed, its emerald green was deep enough to be mistaken for black in dark light.

Exactly her sort of classy. Yeah. If it looked as good on her as it did on the hanger, this one was going in the cart, too. Nipping her lip, she smiled to herself and headed off toward the dressing rooms, taking a glance behind her when she slipped into the door of the first compartment and promptly stripped down to her skivvies to slip it on.

Tilting her head this way and that in the mirror, she gave herself an assessing look. Not bad. She wouldn't know how it really looked until she got someone to button the back for her, though. Turning herself around, she reveled in the feel of the luxuriously, woven cotton. The tailoring was impeccable, down to the eyelet edging.


She'd turn heads in this number.

Nodding to herself, she poked her head out of the door, hoping to find an attendant to button up the back and stopping short when her eyes met Liam's. Averting his gaze immediately away, he turned his back to her, like he might be invading her privacy.

“I'm heading out in a few. Just making sure you're alright. If you need a ride, I can drop you somewhere.”

Somewhere. He hadn't said home. The earlier version of Liam would have wanted to see her home.

“Um, sure. If... it's not too much of a bother, do you think you can button up the back of this dress for me first? I want to see how it falls when its hanging like its meant to.”

Perilous, she knew, but she was being sincere. She wasn't going to buy this number if the top had a strange cut once everything was bound up according to its original design. Clearing his throat, Liam was a moment before answering.

“Uh, yeah.”

“You'd have to, um, turn around to do that.”


Jackie almost giggled at how uncomfortable he looked. It wasn't funny, of course. It was just... a very different version of Liam than she was accustomed to seeing. Waving him over like he was a shy pup, Jackie slipped back into the dressing room, presenting her back to him when he stepped halfway into it.

He didn't say a word, but whatever ice they'd developed between them thawed almost instantly when a familiar zag of electricity ignited her skin feeling his fingertips grazing her back as he fumbled with her buttons.


“Don't be.”

Falling quiet, he buttoned the rest of the trail up her back before stepping away, and Jackie tugged his arm before he could leave entirely.

“Wait. How does it look?”

Her stomach did a flip at the strange expression taking over his face, like he was experiencing some mild form of torture and poorly attempting to veil it. She felt it, too, but she was trying to be friendly and work her way past it. In time everything would balance out and fall into place, right? They'd eventually get past the impossible sexual tension, right? And one day be like brother and sister...

Suppressing a frown, she forced herself to smile pleasantly.

“Well, I like it. Can you unbutton me. I'm gonna take it.”

Clearing his throat, Liam stepped back into the dressing room, his jaw clenching visibly before she turned around and presented the row of buttons that would slowly unveil her tawny skin beneath the dress. He started slowly, still not saying a word, but something had markedly changed in the air, and Jackie's skin prickled feeling it.

When his fingertips brushed her skin again, she tilted her head, her eyes slipping closed as she tried with all of her might to be a good girl. When his fingertips brushed her again, she realized his hands had now slipped over her shoulders, and when he turned her, she lifted her eyes to him slowly, breathless.

“I've gotta go.”

He said it firmly, and by all appearances, it looked like he meant it, but his hands were still on her shoulders, and he didn't seem to be having an easy time disconnecting himself.

Stomach flipping, Jackie's alarms blared in her internal ear when she realized that she was edging closer to him, that her body was taking control well before her mind had even caught up with it.

“Jackie, I don't want to play games with you...”

“Then don't.”

Her voice had apparently taken the lead, too, speaking before her mind had a chance to approve the script.


“Kiss me.”

What was she doing? Heart beating rapidly, “sane Jackie” sat back watching aghast, unsure what to expect of the alter ego taking over her body. The diva. She'd gained autonomy. Jackie was thrilled and horrified in the same turn. There really was no turning back now. Not after this. This... was the green light.

Liam was a moment before answering her, but when he did, his kiss was soft and searching, a kiss that had his heart firmly at its center, radiating their orbit.

He was in love with her. She realized it in a burst of butterflies that broke free from the cage of her repression and flew freely in her belly. This wasn't the kiss of someone who was simply lusting after her. This was the kiss of someone who wanted to claim her for his own.

Succumbing to the heat of his unspoken claim, Jackie gasped breathily in his ear when he slid the expensive dress down, causing it to pool at her stomach as he lifted her up and turned her around, bending her against the wall.

Nipping her lip when he slid her panties down over her thighs like he was unwrapping an exquisite gift, she shuddered at the feel of his fingers slipping inside of her. Gasping when she felt the warmth of his own thighs pressed against her ass next, her sex answered him with wet.

Without skipping a beat, he eased his fingers from her, and slowly, achingly inched the hard length of him inside of her. The walls of her sex closing around him, she panted as the speed of his strokes accelerated, subduing her moans to throaty mews as his thighs smacked against her ass.

Gentle at first, his inner animal slowly began to take the wheel, his hands holding her hips with a commanding grip. Then he gestured her up, near-crushing her breasts against the foam-green wall of the dressing room as he pressed his chest against her back and pounded her from behind.

Seizing, Jackie strained against the burst of pleasure climbing her limbs, until she couldn't withstand another second, her pleasure point throbbing with release with every thrust. And then the ecstasy of his claim tumbled out of her, raining down over him as she half-whimpered, half moaned, her sex clamping around him with each wave of electricity shaking her against him.

He came then, too, ramming her with fevered thrusts until he burst, painting the inside of her with strings of seed that quickly changed course and glazed her thigh. Sweaty and panting, he fell against her, nipping her skin lustily as he regained himself.

It was a minute before their consciousness returned to the dressing room they'd just marked with their union, and an even longer minute before he spoke.

“There's no turning back now, babe.”


A strange feeling circled Jackie's belly. Not one of regret or even fear, just... something new, maybe a sense of realization that this demi-god of a man, whom she thought she needed to keep at arms length had no intentions of letting her go. There was really no point in running. No point in the inner diva prevailing over her ability to detach.

All that was left was acceptance.


That was... unexpected. So much so, it was all Liam could do to maintain his bearings when he finally drove her home. He'd thought he'd lost her, but apparently that wasn't the case. Maybe there was something to the old saying about letting something go to see if it came back to you. Because he had. Let her go, that is. And in the end, she'd surrendered her butterfly wings to him. Let him mark her with an animal lust he'd never given so heartily to any woman before. Ever.

He hadn't wanted to give in, certain she'd play some sort of game, or that she was only giving in to momentary lust that she'd surely wind up shying away from after the fact. But when he'd walked her to her door, she'd stood up on her tippy toes and given him a meaningful kiss that ensured him something had changed in her. That she'd actually accepted what was really going on between them.

His head was reeling after that, but it soon settled into a warm glow when he took a left on the fairway back towards the studio.

Still no call from his agent, yet, but he wasn't losing hope. He'd get the part. His shop alone would ensure that. Still didn't stop him from sitting at the edge of his seat about the whole thing. He'd never been a particularly patient person. Determined, sure. But waiting for anything had always been painful for him.

Pulling onto the freeway, he cranked up the volume on Soul Cry, singing along with a cracking voice as his fingers kept the beat on the steering wheel.

It was a nice night.

The weather was unseasonably warm, and he got the girl, by all appearances. How they were going to handle it from here was anyone's guess, but she was his now, and that's all that really mattered. He'd never been the type to pander to his father's whims, and it wasn't like his dad really gave a fuck about Donna, either way.

She was an unusually, youthful looking woman in her forties who'd kept herself in shape and had a submissive enough demeanor to suit his tastes, right now.

Liam was even beginning to like her, and that kind of sucked because he didn't relish the thought of having to watch the fall out when his father eventually ditched her for a shinier model.

With any luck, she was wise enough to know what she was getting into and savvy enough to milk it for all it was worth. His father didn't deserve anything better. Any woman in her right mind would make solid use of the credit cards he passed along to them until the day their access card to his fortune was revoked.

Turning off of the fairway, he leaned back, eager to get in the house and take a load off. Not that the fitting was particularly strenuous, but the lovemaking to follow had taken a lot out of him. It was hard not giving her his all. Every time he touched her was like the first time. Even running his fingers over her gave him a thrill that coiled in his gut and roused his inner animal.

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