Текст книги "Fiend"
Автор книги: Rachael Orman
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The rest of the day was spent with similar clients, most of whom had fairly normal requests when it came to my assistance. It was always about the fear of rejection, the fear of not being accepted for their desire of something “different” or “weird”. All it usually took was a conversation with both parties and they’d normally agree to give it a try. If an idea was flat-out denied, we would try something else more tame and work our way back to the idea at another time.
When I finally returned to the office, I found Mariah waiting with her patented smile and a stack of notes for me. I was still getting used to the idea that calls weren’t being forwarded directly to my cell for me to handle, but to her. It was a nice break not to be constantly interrupted; however, I had always put my phone on silent while with clients so as to not break the scene or moment for them.
Sitting behind my desk, I started going through the slips she’d given me. After a few minutes, she knocked and entered my office. I looked up expectantly.
“I’m going to head out, but wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.” She leaned against the wall.
“No, I think I’ll be fine,” I said before returning to the notes. When I didn’t hear the door shut, I lifted my head again to find her still watching me. “Anything else?”
She strutted closer to me, resting a hip on the corner near my hand.
“Can you read my handwriting on those? I know it’s so sloppy sometimes.” She bent closer like she was peering at the papers. What she was really doing was giving me a glance down her shirt whether she intended to or not. I’d seen it before and wasn’t the least bit interested.
“They’re fine,” I said, briskly.
“Okay, good,” she breathed before pushing off my desk. She walked back to the door before swinging her head around, making her long hair go flying. “You know, I was thinking of going to get a drink at the bar next door. You want to go with?”
“No, I don’t drink. You know that.” I shook my head while keeping my eyes down.
“Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be there for a while,” she said, finally leaving my office.
I waved my hand in front of my face a few times. Her perfume was over-powering when she got too close to me. I’d never noticed it before but the last few days it’d been annoying me. If it kept up I’d have to ask her to tone it down. It couldn’t be only me who was bothered by it.
Throughout the day I’d texted Alix a few short messages between clients, but I missed her more than ever. I’d been spoiled seeing her so much the past few days. Thankfully most of the notes were things I could put off until the next day when I’d be in the office, so I gathered my belongings and locked up. Walking to the hotel, I straightened my tie and ran a hand through my hair before walking into the hotel lobby.
I spotted Alix and smiled as she chatted with Jennifer behind the counter. Locking my eyes on her face, I headed toward her. Unfortunately, I was stopped when I heard my name being called. I turned to find Mariah walking out of the bar area toward me. Frowning, I stepped closer to her.
“Yes?” I asked through gritted teeth. I didn’t like when anyone came between me and Alix and that’s exactly what she was doing by making me wait even longer until I could have my woman wrapped in my arms.
“I just… um…” She trailed off, looking over my shoulder for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “I thought you had changed your mind about a drink.”
“No, you were mistaken.” I started to move away again, but her hand on my forearm stopped me.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your night,” she said, bowing her head. I looked at her demure posture and had a flashback to one of the many times we’d played together. She’d been a perfect sub, always so easy to dominate and eager to please.
“It’s fine.” I nodded once before turning away from her. Instantly, I found Alix’s eyes on me. She’d seen the exchange and was watching me with confusion in her eyes. Closing the distance between us, I smiled at Jennifer before turning my attention back to Alix. “Can I speak to you?”
“Of course,” Alix answered before moving around from behind the counter and holding out her hand in the direction of her office. I followed behind her and closed the door once we were both inside.
“She had asked me to join her for a drink and I declined. When she saw me here, she thought I’d changed my mind. I don’t think she knew you work here,” I explained before she could say anything.
“Okay,” she said.
I stepped close to her and pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead gently.
“There is nothing there,” I spoke softly.
“I know. It’s still hard for me to know you work with your ex,” she said, finally breaking her silence.
“Don’t let it get under your skin. She doesn’t matter to me as anything other than the respite she gives me from constant phone calls and scheduling.” I ran my hand over her hair, breathing her scent in.
She nodded against my shirt, holding me around the waist. After a moment, she pulled back.
“You have to go. I have a client I’m expecting any moment. That’s actually why I was up there with Jennifer. Waiting where I’d be easier to find since I’ve never met them before.” She pushed closer to seal her lips against mine for a chaste kiss. “I’ll call you when I get off.”
“Please do,” I sighed, not wanting to let go of her. I kissed her once more then exited her office. By going straight to the elevator, I avoided another run-in with Mariah.
I had a few hours of being on call for the online counseling so I’d be stuck in my home office for the rest of the night anyway.
Chapter 11
After getting off work, I drove home and called John. We talked on the phone for over an hour before I admitted to exhaustion. He invited me over to his place for dinner the next night and I was excited to finally see where he lived. In fact, thoughts of him kept me up long after our call was over. Not all of them good, either. Although he swore there was nothing between him and his secretary, it was hard to miss the fact that he smelled of her perfume. Not to mention the little scene in the hotel lobby.
She’d touched him and acted the part of a submissive when he’d reprimanded her about whatever it had been that they’d been talking about. Knowing how long they’d been together, I tried to brush it off as habit, but it still bothered me.
Eventually, I fell asleep as I focused on my upcoming date with John. I focused on all the other times I’d been with him had been, not the confusion and questions that surrounded his ex.
The next day I was surprised to be woken by a delivery man bearing a large bouquet of flowers from John. The card was a simple note:
Can’t wait for tonight.
It brought a smile to my face to know he’d been thinking about me so early in the morning, or perhaps he’d ordered them after we’d talked the night before; either way they were a sweet start to the day.
Thankfully I had to work so I couldn’t sit on my couch all day and focus on what John may or may not have had planned for our time together. There was an event, too, so I’d be busier than normal getting it set up.
Knowing I was going to be seeing John that evening, I put on a sheer thong to go with my garter belt and thigh highs along with a matching black bra. I put a dress I planned to change into in a bag, then put on a dress suit, my normal work clothes. Not wanting to deal with an extra pair of shoes, I put on the most comfortable pair of four-inch heels I owned and headed out.
The event went off without a hitch and I stood in the back of the room in case I was needed for anything, which was a good thing when one of the servers let me know they were running low on the champagne being served.
I went to the back where the extra stock was kept and managed to find another box of it and had one of the men help me wheel it back to the party. When I returned to my place, I spotted a familiar blonde I hadn’t noticed before. It was Mariah. I wasn’t sure what she was doing at my event, but since she seemed to know other people there, I wasn’t going to interrupt.
“So, how are you, dear?” one of the guests was asking Mariah.
“Oh, just great. I have this really amazing boyfriend who makes me feel like a million bucks. We’re keeping it on the down-low right now, though.” She glanced from one side to the other and then lowered her head toward the other woman, but not her voice. “You know, he’s dealing with his last girlfriend. He doesn’t know how to tell her it’s over since I’ve come into his life. She’s super-clingy, always texting him when he’s at work, aggravating him, bothering him when he’s so busy already.”
“Doesn’t it bother you? Knowing your man is with another woman?” the other woman asked, surprised.
“No. I mean, I get to be with him every day and some nights. He only sees her some nights when he can’t keep her at bay anymore. Trust me, when he’s with me, he makes it more than clear he’s just waiting for the right time to break it off with her.” She let out a loud sigh. “She has to know about me. I mean, he leaves smelling like me.”
“You would think…” The other woman trailed off, obviously not sure how to respond.
“Well, one day soon. He started talking about marriage, but I told him I’m not willing to even go there until he breaks it off with her,” Mariah said, shaking her head.
“Good for you. Hopefully that’ll make him move his feet a little faster,” the other woman said, nodding.
“Well, you’d think after being together for two years before he’d know how good we are together and that’d help motivate him.” She ran her hands through her hair as she shifted and lifted her eyes right to where I was. Her face flushed and she actually looked embarrassed. “Oh, Alix, how nice to see you. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“I planned the event, so of course I’m here,” I answered, even though I felt like fleeing from the room. I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. It only confirmed the thoughts that had kept me up the night before.
“Well, you’ll have to excuse me, I have to get back to work. I just wanted to stop in and say hi to a few old friends.” Mariah smiled at the woman next to her before winking at me and leaving.
I spent the last part of the party with my head spinning. It felt like the world was falling apart under my feet. When I returned to my desk, I sat down and put my head in my hands, fighting tears.
When my phone rang, I jumped and sniffled before answering, trying to sound as normal as possible.
“Precious? What’s wrong?” It was John.
“Nothing. What are you doing?” I asked, wiping my nose with a tissue. I didn’t know how to bring up the conversation I’d overheard. Who was telling the truth? Was John with Mariah and trying to find a way to break up with me? Had she been talking about another man? Why had she seemed embarrassed to find me there? It had to be John she was talking about, right? It was the only conclusion I could come up with.
“I’m between clients and needed to hear your voice,” he whispered in a husky tone. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
“Is Mariah seeing someone?” I blurted out the question without meaning to.
“What? I don’t know. I haven’t asked and I don’t really care whether she is or isn’t to be honest,” he answered, sounding frustrated. “Now, what does that have to do with anything?”
“I needed to know,” I sighed. I didn’t know why I’d asked. It’s not like he’d come straight out and tell me it was him if they were together behind my back.
“I wish you’d just forget she is around, baby. I’m looking for someone to replace her, okay? As soon as I find someone else, I’ll get rid of her. Now let’s talk about something else. I didn’t call to talk about her,” he groaned. “I have plans for you tonight. I’ll show you how important you are and how much you mean to me.”
“I can’t wait,” I breathed. All my emotions were at war within me. I wanted to believe him, but it was hard to understand what was going on with his ex. It was confusing and I felt like I was being yanked around. While I was shy and kept to myself most of the time, I wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on between the two of them before I called it quits. The fact that I was very likely in love with John made it that much harder to see him as a cheater and a liar, but if he was then I’d have to leave and never look back. My issues were bad enough without adding in more.
“Meet me at my office when you get off?”
“Okay,” I responded and hung up the phone. I had the rest of the afternoon to get myself together.
By the time I got off, I had managed to chalk up Mariah’s conversation to lies and changed into a tight black dress before heading over to John’s office. When I walked in, I was grateful to find the office empty. John’s door was slightly ajar and I knocked twice before pushing it further open. Lifting his head, he smiled as his eyes ran over me.
“Well, that’s the sexiest thing to walk into my office all day. Hello, beautiful.” John pushed back from his desk and patted his knee.
I walked over and sat on his thigh.
“I just have to write one more email and then I’ll be ready to go,” he said, placing one arm on either side of me as he tapped on his keyboard. It only took a moment before he turned the computer off and pulled me closer to him as he leaned back in his chair. I could feel the hard length of him against my ass. “I could bend you over my desk and fuck you right here. You are so hot in that dress.”
“Wait until you see what’s under it.” I looked over my shoulder and wiggled an eyebrow at him.
“Tease. You’re lucky I don’t fuck in the office or I really would do it. If I had you on my desk I’d get hard every time I sat here and that would get really awkward,” he laughed, and nuzzled his face into my neck. “Now what do you say to getting a tour of my place?”
“Let’s go.” I smiled and stood.
Resting a hand on my lower back, he locked up and escorted me to the hotel. It was odd being right back where I’d spent my day; then again, I wasn’t an employee, but a guest this time. As we waited for the elevator, John turned me around so I was looking at my vacant office.
“You know, I used to make extra trips to and from my apartment just so I could catch a glimpse of the beautiful woman behind that desk right there,” he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing against it as he spoke. “Then one day, she looked up and I knew she was doing something naughty while she watched me. Had me so fucking hard I almost came over to give you something so much better.”
“But you didn’t,” I whined, clearly remembering the encounter he was talking about.
“I didn’t. I fucking jacked off thinking about it three times that night, though.” He bit down on my earlobe as he rubbed his erection against my back. “Hell, I still do sometimes.”
“You masturbate?” I gasped in surprise.
“Of course,” he said as the elevator dinged with it’s arrival. He pulled me into the elevator by my hand and pushed the button for the top floor.
“But…” I couldn’t believe he was allowed to when I wasn’t.
“I don’t do it obsessively. It’s like the difference between a casual drinker and a drunk. I do it maybe twice a day while you did it a hell of a lot more than that, didn’t you?”
I frowned and lowered my head. I didn’t like the way the conversation was going. While it was arousing as hell to imagine him touching himself, I hated feeling like the odd man out once again because of the addiction that plagued me.
“No, don’t.” He lifted my chin with a finger. I refused to meet his eyes though. “Look at me. Now.”
It was his Dom voice and I instantly looked up.
“You are perfect the way you are. There is nothing wrong with you. Think of it this way, you can drink alcohol while I can not. Everyone has something that is their weakness.”
I could tell from the flash in his eyes that there was more behind what he was saying.
“You can’t or won’t drink?” I had always thought it was simply a choice he made.
“Won’t. I refuse to.” It was his turn to feel uncomfortable.
“Why?” I pressed.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
“It’s not a conversation I want to have in an elevator. It’s not a pleasant story. I will share it with you another night. I simply want to enjoy your company tonight, not deal with such deep issues as the ones we’re getting into with our pasts,” he finally said as the elevator arrived at his floor.
I was curious and wanted to know more. We would have to talk about it at some point if things were to ever get further than they were between us.
“Another night, okay? Promise.” He lifted my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles before leading me to his door. Pushing it open, he let me enter first.
My mouth dropped open. I had no idea there was a place in the entire building so extravagant as his apartment.
John took the time to show me all the rooms. It wasn’t huge, but everything looked expensive and fragile, not exactly the way I imagined the place he lived. By the time we returned to the living room, I didn’t know what to say about the place.
“It’s, uh, wow…” I trailed off with a shrug.
“I know, it’s a bit over the top. It’s not me, but I don’t normally spend much time here. I had a designer come in and fix it up about a week ago when I realized how boring it was. I didn’t want you to think I lived in a crappy shack or something,” he said, smiling embarrassedly.
“It’s lovely, but I don’t care about all that. I care about you,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.
“Mmm, I care about you too.” He kissed my lips before stepping out of my embrace and pulling me by the hand toward the kitchen. “Come, I had some food put in the oven to keep it warm for us.”
“Oh?” I was surprised. Apparently he had staff of some sort to help him. I knew how busy his life could get so I didn’t say anything about it. He acted almost like the fact he had such a nice place to live in, with help, wasn’t something he was particularly proud of.
He pulled out two plates from the oven and set them on the already prepared table before holding a handout showing me where he wanted me to sit. Walking over to the table, I sat down as he helped tuck the chair under me. He sat next to me and a wicked smiled played over his features.
“I can’t wait to have you here for a party with some, er, like-minded individuals. There is something I’ve been planning for you and you’ll enjoy it. Another night, though.”
It seemed he had many plans for the future and it made my heart skip a beat to know he had no intention of letting me go any time soon. I didn’t want to let go of him anytime soon.
After the hint of something incredibly naughty in the works, the rest of the conversation turned to mundane topics as we got to know each other more over dinner. It turned out he didn’t have many people over to his place, so the fact that he wanted to have a party sounded a bit odd, but I’d do anything he asked. Anything for him. Always.
Once we’d both eaten our meals, he pushed away his plate before holding a hand down for me. Slipping my hand into his, I let him lead me down the hall toward his bedroom. My heart raced and my breathing accelerated as we drew closer. I never knew what he had planned for me and it kept me on the edge between scared and aroused.
Closing the door, he slid his hands into his pockets and spread his feet shoulder-width apart. I knew the look immediately. It was his Dom stance.
“Take off your dress, Precious.”
I peeled my dress off, revealing my sheer bra and panties. A groan rumbled from him and I slowly turned in a circle for him. When I turned to face him again, I slowly dropped to my knees, spreading my legs so he could see all that I was offering to him, resting my hands on my thighs.
He stepped away and I heard an odd sound, but shortly that after a new smell came over me. It was incense of some type, and it smelled exactly like John.
“Tonight we are going to play with your senses. We have already mastered the blindfold, so I will leave that off as long as you behave, Precious.” He stepped in front of me again so I could see he’d removed his shoes, but his slacks ended perfectly on top of his feet so I knew he hadn’t completely stripped. “You will be able to see; however, that is all you will be able to do besides feel. I have headphones you will wear and I am going to restrain you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” I murmured, feeling my body heat rise simply from his words. I’d never had my hearing restricted before so I wasn’t sure how much of a difference it would make. I trusted him, though.
“Climb on the bed,” he instructed, stepping back.
I pushed to my feet and without looking in his direction, I went to the bed. Centering myself, I lay on my back.
I rolled onto my stomach, turning my head so I could breathe. Then I felt the bed shift as he knelt next to me. I could see from the corner of my eye that he had already removed his shirt and was dressed only in his pants. His abdominal muscles flexed and shifted as he moved both my wrists behind my back, clasping them together with a leather binding. Moving down the bed, he bent my legs and bound my ankles together as well.
His palms pressed my inner thighs apart so they were spread, revealing the most intimate parts of my body before I felt the bindings on my wrist attached to the ones on my ankles. I was efficiently restrained and at his mercy.
“Is that uncomfortable in any way?” he asked, moving back to kneel next to my chest.
“No, sir.”
“Good.” I felt him reach off the bed for something before his hands pulled my hair from underneath me. “Lift your head, I am going to put the headphones on now. I am also going to place a small ball in your hand – if you feel like you need to stop at any time, drop it or use your voice, but I want you to have another method since you will be quite… overwhelmed.”
“Understood, sir.” I didn’t really, but I knew I would shortly. He pressed a ball that was about the size of a walnut into my right palm and closed my hand around it. It was small enough I could hold it but not so small I’d forget it was there, which I assumed was the point.
He slid heavy headphones over my ears before helping me rest my head back against the pillow. It was a bit awkward with the thick circle over my ear as it pressed into the soft pillow, but I found the pillow adjusted around it to still comfortably support my head.
The song playing was one with a heavy beat and futuristic sounds. It was easy to get lost in and after a moment I had nearly forgotten where I was except for the fact that my arms and legs were immobile.
Closing my eyes, I realized I may as well have been blindfolded because I had no desire to keep my eyes open. All I could see was directly next to the bed and from the shift of the mattress, John was more toward the foot. Something slowly wrapped around one leg, then the other before wrapping around each arm.
John’s hand slid up my back until he could grasp my hair, and thus lift my head. My eyes opened immediately as I gasped. His face was in my view and he had a strand of pearls in his hand. It was then I knew exactly what was wrapped around me. It was pearls. He’d surrounded me with the precious stones.
Releasing my hair, he carefully threaded the strand he’d held under me to wrap it around my neck in addition to the one I already wore. Except he didn’t leave it like a necklace; no, instead he trailed the two long ends down my back before I felt them being pressed between my crack.
His palm came down on one side of my ass and I clenched my cheeks together. A soft pat on the sore cheek let me know that was exactly what he’d wanted. It was getting hard to focus on what he was doing or anticipate what would be next since the music was pulsing through my ears, my blood pounding in time to it. The pearls added to the feeling of restraint from the bindings on my wrists and ankles. Then there were the pearls around my neck, just tight enough that if I clenched my cheeks hard enough, they dug into my throat.
A sharp, pricking sensation ran down the bottom of one foot from the tip of my big toe to my heel. I squirmed from it. It hurt, but not so much I couldn’t handle it. When it disappeared, I expected it on the opposite foot, but the spines of the Wartenburg wheel wandered over the inside of my thigh. When I jumped again, John’s hand landed on my ass sharply. I cried out. He didn’t want me to move and I knew it, but couldn’t help it when I had no idea where he’d move to next.
Reaching the apex of my thighs, the pricks disappeared. He wasn’t pressing hard enough to pierce the skin, which I knew he could, but hard enough I knew I’d have little impressions left behind for a while.
Long moments passed without a touch of any kind and I relaxed, calming my breathing. The spines returned to my other foot and I bit down on my lip so I didn’t squirm. Each time a point pushed against my skin, I felt a pulse within my pussy answering with its own cry of need. The pain moved to my unused thigh and the higher it climbed the closer I drew to a building orgasm. I couldn’t get off from it, but I could get damn close. The sharp spikes of pain made me want to writhe, made me want to beg, but I did neither.
The fun was just starting and I wanted to keep from begging as long as I possibly could. This was a test to show John I could take everything he wanted to give me. I could be all he needed. I knew it deep in my heart and I wanted to make sure he knew it as well.
John gripped the side of my panties and yanked on them. The elastic stretched, drawing them up into my slit painfully before I felt them tear under the force he exerted on them. I squirmed until I felt his chest press against my thighs and he tugged on the other side, tearing the rest of them from me. Relief. The damp fabric had rubbed abrasively against my tender flesh.
I jumped when I felt something cold press against my heated skin. John’s fingers slid along the outside of my pussy lips, never touching where I needed him. I was glad I’d made time to get waxed earlier in the week so I knew it was as smooth as it could be for him.
His touch disappeared, only to be replaced with something else, something foreign. The item seemed to loosely cup my entire pussy at once and a moment later I knew why. It was a pump. It sucked my clit and pussy lips up into it, sensitizing them further. While I’d never experienced one before, I had done research and knew what to expect – or so I thought.
The pump’s grip on me grew tighter and tighter and I moaned as it became almost too much, then it stopped. I could feel all the blood in my body rushing toward that single point, enlarging it slightly. Just when I thought the pressure was subsiding, it sucked me up again and again, pushing me toward the fine edge of pain, and then – nothing.
John ran kisses down the exposed skin between the strands of pearls on my thighs and when he reached my core, all pressure seized as he released me from the pump. Blood pounded in my clit as my arousal reached an entirely new level I’d never known before.
His lips took my clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it, making me whimper while clenching my hand tighter around the ball in my hand. It was the only part of my body I seemed able to control or do anything about. The only thing left to ground me from the multitude of stimulations bombarding me at once.
The air smelled strongly of the scent that always seemed to accompany John’s presence. The music was dull in my ears as I concentrated on what was going on between my thighs. My eyes were closed tightly, not needing anything to distract my mind from the pleasure being rained upon me.
As quickly as his mouth had latched onto me, it was gone. In its place was the pump. I lost track of how many times he switched between his mouth and the plumping instrument. All I knew was I was incredibly sensitive and being held on the brink of an orgasm the entire time, but he always made sure to stop just short of me falling into bliss. Finally I couldn’t handle any more.
“Please, sir, I can’t.. I can’t take any more. I’m too sensitive,” I gasped, barely able to form the words through the haze in my brain.
I felt the bed shift as he moved next to me and I saw the pump being set on the table in my eyeline. Yes, he wanted me to see what he was using on me, reminding me of it even as he moved on to something else.
When the sharp points of the Wartenburg wheel returned, I screamed. He ran them over my pussy lips gently at first, but I was so tender he might as well have broken skin with them. The longer he ran them up one side then down the other, the harder he pushed on them. It was only when I feared he’d make me bleed that I dropped the ball from my hand.
I was floating and unable to make my lips form any words, except for moans. Instantly the points were gone and a cool cream was being spread over where it’d tormented me. The headphones were removed next and it was a shock to be plunged into the peacefulness of the room after such a long time hearing nothing but my own breathing, heartbeat and the same song on repeat.
“How are you doing, Precious?” John asked, running his fingers over my cheek.
I tried to respond, but I was so far into subspace I couldn’t.
“Mmm, I do love the look on your face while you float,” he murmured kissing my cheek. “One last thing and then you can float off to sleep.”
I heard the words, but they made no sense to my numbed brain. The bed shifted as he moved between my thighs once more. There was a firm, hard pressure before I realized he was entering me.
A moan escaped me as I welcomed him. In one thrust, he was fully in me and I felt a tug on the pearls around my neck.
“Shit, you are so wet,” John groaned, huskily. “I need you to come. I need to have you bathe me in your release, then I’ll fill you with my come so deep you’ll never be free of me.”
His hips pistoned into me. Skin slapped against skin as I was jostled on the bed. My orgasm, which had been fading, ignited and started a fire in every limb of my body as it crawled through me toward the powder keg between my thighs. Closer and closer the flames moved toward the impending explosion.