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My Best Friend's Stepfather 2
  • Текст добавлен: 3 октября 2016, 22:15

Текст книги "My Best Friend's Stepfather 2"

Автор книги: Opal Carew

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 4 страниц)

Ashley smiled, trying to stop her lip from trembling. “That’s a great idea.”

Jess dialed her phone and ordered Ashley’s favorite, with lots of bacon and mushrooms, and extra cheese. Then she stood up. “I’m going to make a pitcher of ’ritas then go out and get that ice cream.”

Ashley grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Thanks, Jess. I really appreciate you being here for me.”

“Aw, of course, hon. You’d do the same for me.”

Ash smiled. “Yeah, but I won’t have to. Because you’ve found the perfect guy.”

Jess had been out on a couple of dates now with Eric and things were definitely heating up between them. And everything Jess told Ash about him showed that he seemed to adore Jess. Ash had a good feeling about the two of them.

It was tough getting up the next morning for work, after a pitcher of margaritas and staying up way later than she should have. Jess had stayed over and they’d talked half the night. Now they were both regretting the lack of sleep.

But it had been fun.

Thank heavens it was Friday already because she’d definitely be dragging by the end of the day.

Jessica had helped her forget about Dare last night, but at the office, thoughts of him plagued her, keeping her distracted and listless. Her heart still ached thinking about what might have been.

Could she really have believed that he might want to carry on a relationship with her? He’d be returning to New York at the end of the month. What did she think, he’d come visit her every weekend? She fly out there and spend time with him?

He might be able to afford to visit her all the time, but her budget wouldn’t allow her to do the same. And she couldn’t really accept him paying for her travel all the time. As much as she’d love spending weekends in fabulous New York City.

No, it had been a flawed plan all along. Not that she’d really planned it. Her heart just sort of decided it would all work out.

Her heart? Was she really falling for the guy, or was it just the lustful stirrings of her need to be dominated by someone so powerful and authoritative, so sexy and muscular?

Ah, the allure of an older man.

She leaned back in her chair and sighed. Her coffee mug caught her eye. Bold black letters proclaimed HAPPINESS IS FINISHING YOUR DAILY WORD COUNT above an image of an adorable kitten, fast asleep, with a quill pen lying between its paws. Adam had bought her that cup when she’d confessed to him that she had a secret yearning to be a novelist. He’d been super supportive and had had this mug custom made for her. Because of its constant reminder on her desk, she wrote a little bit every day, even if it was just a couple of hundred words over her lunch hour. She hadn’t finished her book yet—she constantly seemed to be revising it—but because of Adam and his encouragement, she was making progress.

Well, right now she needed a coffee. She picked up the mug and headed across the office. When she got to the small room with the coffee machine, she saw that the last person had left the pot nearly empty. She sighed and filled up a new filter with coffee grounds, then waited while the coffee dribbled into the pot.

She glanced up as someone else stepped into the room.

Adam stood there with his mug in hand.

*   *   *

As soon as Adam saw Ashley standing waiting for the coffeepot to fill, he’d stopped.

“Oh, sorry, I’ll come back later,” he said.

Damn it, he missed her. Missed their runs in the morning. Their regular night to get together to watch movies and talk. Even in the office—especially in the office—he’d felt it was important to give her space.

He really shouldn’t have come on as strongly as he had that day in his office, but he couldn’t undo what he’d done. Now he just had to wait it out to see if she’d come around. Hopefully to embrace the romantic relationship he so hoped they could forge, but even getting back to what they used to have would be a relief.

He wanted her as part of his life, at whatever level she’d allow.

He turned to walk away.

“Wait, Adam. You don’t have to go.”

He turned back and stepped into the room, taking in the welcome sight of her. But he noticed the dark circles under her eyes. The slight sag of her shoulders. She looked tired. And she seemed to be listless, tapping her fingers against her skirt.

She seemed to be uncomfortable under his gaze.

“So how are you doing?” he asked.

“Fine,” she said, but she didn’t sound fine. She sounded stressed.

The coffee stopped dripping into the full pot and she picked it up to fill her cup. Another drip splashed on the burner, sizzling softly when it hit the hot metal.

She filled her cup then held up the pot, offering to fill his. He held it out and she poured in the hot coffee.

“Thanks,” he said.

She nodded, then turned to grab a milk carton from the fridge. It was unopened and she unfastened the cap and then tugged on the plastic ring of the seal inside. She seemed to be having trouble, then it pulled out and she spilled milk on her skirt.

“Oh, damn.” She grabbed a paper towel and started to wipe it up.

“You okay?” Adam asked.

She seemed upset and definitely off her game.

“I’m fine.” She poured milk into her coffee then sealed it and put it back in the fridge. “I’m just a bit off today.”

He wanted to ask if it was because of him. Did being around him make her this nervous? Or was it something else? If something had happened … he wished she felt comfortable talking to him. They’d always shared things before and this distance between them was killing him.

“You know that if you need anything … or you just need to talk … I’m here for you.”

*   *   *

Ashley’s heart thumped in her chest. Adam was always there for her. She knew that. But she couldn’t talk to him about this. Cry on his shoulder because another man had dumped her. Not when he’d professed his feelings for her.

And if she did tell him, would he jump on the chance to convince her to be with him? And if he did, how hard would it be for him to convince her? When she felt so rejected and fragile? So needy of a man believing she was special?

She knew she could step into his arms and he’d hold her. Tell her everything would be all right. He would tell her how important she was. How much he cared for her. How he always had.

And she would love it. She would give in and succumb to her attraction for him.

But would that be fair to him? Sure, she’d been attracted to Adam for a long time, but she didn’t know where it would go. Or if it would last. What if it ended and their friendship along with it?

But mostly it wouldn’t be fair to him because she still had feelings for Dare. And that was no way to start a relationship with Adam.

She stared down at the steam rising from her cup in a slow coiling cloud and nodded.

“I know. Thanks, but I’m fine.”

*   *   *

But Ashley was far from fine. She pushed open the door to her apartment and walked inside, dropping her briefcase on the floor beside her. She walked to the couch and slumped down, then pulled off her shoes and tossed them across the room toward the entrance, not caring that they landed several feet short, forming a misshapen mess.

She was tired, and lonely. And she missed Dare.

And Adam.

God, when he’d come into the coffee room and offered to be there for her if she wanted to talk … She had so much wanted to take him up on it.

She so much wanted to step into his arms and be held.

She scraped her hair back from her face and rested her head back on the couch. Damn, she had to get a grip.

The phone rang. Thank God.

She snatched up the handset. “Hello?”

“Hi,” Jessica said. “I thought I’d check in on you. How are you doing?”

“Oh, God. Adam talked to me today. Said I could talk to him if I needed to.”

“You told him Dare broke up with you?”

“No, he just knew something was wrong.”

“He’s a really great guy.”

“Yes, he is. But I’m not calling him.” She knew that’s what Jessica was trying to get her to do.

“So text him.”


“Look, whatever you want to do, but you know I’ve always thought the two of you would be great together.”

“So what are you doing tonight?” Ashley asked, determined to change the subject.

“I’m going out with Eric. But if you want me to come over, I can postpone.”

Although she was tempted, she didn’t want to ruin Jessica’s plans.

“Of course not. I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“Go out with your guy,” Ashley insisted. “Then call and tell me all about it tomorrow.”

Jessica giggled. “Well, I don’t know if I’ll tell you all about it. But I will call you. Have a good night.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Ashley hung up and slumped on the couch again.

She walked to the kitchen and retrieved a half bottle of wine from the fridge and a glass, then settled back on the couch and poured herself some. She took a sip, enjoying the warm sensation in her throat, then the coil of heat in her stomach. She took another sip.

It was going to be a long evening.

*   *   *

Adam grabbed his phone from his suit jacket to check the text message he’d just received. Even though it was after eight, he was still at the office, opting to work late instead of going home and stewing about Ashley.

He glanced at the display then froze when he saw the text was from Ashley.

Want to come over tonight?

He took a deep breath then typed, Sure. Are you okay?

Yeah. A bit lonely. You said we could talk.

His heart soared. She was letting him in again.

Of course, he responded. I’ll be there in half an hour.

He didn’t know why she wasn’t with Dare tonight. It was Friday and they only had another few weekends together. But then Dare liked to be in control—Adam knew that only too well—and he liked to keep his partner guessing and a little off balance.

Didn’t matter. He was just glad Ashley was free and had asked him to come over.

He cleaned up his desk and locked his office then headed out of the building, his heart pounding, anticipating being with Ashley again. She was alone and lonely and she’d called on him. He would do everything he could to leverage this in his favor. To win her heart and her body.

*   *   *

Dare walked along the stone path toward the front door of his house. God, he missed Ashley. He wished she was coming over tonight and he could hold her in his arms. Kiss her smooth, sweet skin. Feel her soft hands on him.

He unlocked the door then stepped inside. Helen sat in the living room and stood up when he entered.

After their unfortunate event the other night, she’d slipped out the next day and stayed away. He didn’t know if she’d decided to return home to Cambria or if she was staying with friends, but she’d left her big suitcase behind and a lot of her clothes, so he was pretty sure she was still in town. Though you never knew with Helen.

“Dare, I’m sorry about the other night. About getting drunk and…” She bit her lip. “For what I did.”

This was a good sign. She wasn’t calling him Daddy, and she actually seemed contrite about what had happened.

“Do you forgive me?” she asked.

“If you really mean it. And if you’ll really try to stop drinking again.”

“Yes, of course. I really will.”

She stepped toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a hug. He relented and wrapped his arms around her, too.

Then she gazed up at him, her head resting on his shoulder.

“You know I love you,” she said.

“I love you, too, Helen. And I’ll always be there for you.”

“I’m glad. But I don’t mean like a stepdaughter. I knew Mom wasn’t right for you. And she didn’t deserve you. But I would be so good for you. I’d do anything you want. I’d be the best possible wife, and—”

“Wife?” He stepped back, disentangling himself from her arms. “Helen, listen to yourself. You are my ex-stepdaughter, and that’s all our relationship is. I care about you, but I have no romantic feelings here. I know you have a need for stability, and to have a strong father image in your life permanently. But this isn’t the way.”

“No, I want you. It has nothing to do with any of that other stuff.”

“Don’t keep pushing this, Helen. It’s never going to happen and if you persist, it will destroy the relationship we do have.”

She frowned, her eyes glittering in anger. “And yet you’ll fuck that tramp Ashley. Who is exactly the same age as me.” Her eyes flared with rage.

“That’s not the same.”

“Really? I don’t see the difference.” She planted her hands on her hips. “So will she wind up being my new stepmother?”

“The relationship between Ashley and me is none of your business.”

Helen huffed out a loud sigh. “So you don’t really care about me. And you never have.”

“That’s not true.”

But he was talking to her back as she stormed across the room and then down the hall. He heard her door slam behind her.

He clenched his fists. Damn it. He was tempted to just throw his exasperating ex-stepdaughter out the door and lock it behind her. He’d faced a lot of challenges in his life, but trying to help Helen seemed to be a losing battle and he wondered if it was worth continuing the fight.

He raked his hand through his hair. He’d given up Ashley because of Helen’s intrusion into his life again, and his desire to help her.

Had he been a fucking idiot?

*   *   *

Adam was hungry and he had no idea if Ashley had eaten yet, so he decided to grab some Chinese food to take over with him. He arrived at the entrance to her apartment building and went into the atrium, then buzzed her apartment.

Moments later, he was riding the elevator up to her ninth-floor apartment. He walked down the hall then tapped on the door. He heard her call to come in and he opened it. She was rushing across the living room toward him, wearing a colorful fleece robe.

When she reached him, her arms went around his waist and her body crushed against him. He dropped the bag with the Chinese food and wrapped his arms around her, too. At the feel of her soft breasts pressed against him, he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, which caused his body to tighten, but beneath the fabric he could feel a strap around her torso.

Then her lips found his and his heart raced. Her soft mouth moved on his, her tongue stroking the seam of his lips. He opened, welcoming her in. Her tongue dipped into his mouth, her delicate exploration making his cock swell.

She tasted of wine and his gaze swept to where she’d been sitting in the living room. There was a nearly empty bottle of wine and a single glass.

He drew back. Shit. Her warm welcome had made him think that tonight might be the start of something new and special between them. Romantic. Sexual. Fulfilling.

But if she’d been drinking …

“I’m so glad you came over,” she said, her head pressed against his chest. He stroked her hair from her face.

“Of course. Is everything all right?”

She gazed up at him, her soulful eyes gleaming with sadness. “It’s over between Dare and me.”

She took his hand and tugged him forward. He grabbed the bag then let her lead him to the living room.

“I’m sorry, Ash.” He placed the bag on the coffee table as she turned around.

“No you aren’t, but that’s okay. I know it’s because you care about me.” She slid into his arms again and he couldn’t help but hold her close and enjoy the play of her lips on his again.

“Yes, I do and that’s why I need to back off right now.”

Her eyes widened as she gazed up at him. “But why?” Her hand flattened on his chest and stroked downward. Very slowly. Sending heat wafting through his body as she neared his growing cock.

He planted his hand on top of hers, stopping its travels.

“Ash … sweetheart … it looks like you’ve had a lot to drink.” He eased away from her soft body. “There’s no way I’d take advantage of the situation.”

He gestured to the nearly empty wine bottle on the coffee table.

She glanced around then turned back to him. “I’ve had two glasses, that’s all. That’s the bottle left over from the last time you were here for dinner.”

He remembered they hadn’t finished the wine that night and … yes, two glasses would be about right.

His gaze fell to her wide eyes. Damn, this was really happening.

Excitement surged through him and he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. His mouth captured hers and he drove his tongue into her mouth, reveling in the velvety softness. She melted against him, her heart pounding just as fast as his.

His mouth lifted from hers. Now he understood why she’d looked so stressed in the coffee room today.

“When did it happen?” he asked.

“A couple of days ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I knew you’d want to move forward with a relationship and…”

“You aren’t ready?”

“I didn’t want to approach you on the rebound. That didn’t seem fair to you.” She stroked his chest, her delicate touch stoking his desire.

He didn’t have to ask her why she had called him tonight. The hunger in her eyes said it all.

He laughed, then tightened his arms around her. “I don’t care how I get you. Rebound or not.” He stroked her soft cheek gently with his thumb. “I believe this has always been inevitable.”

She tipped up her head and brushed her lips against his in a long, lingering kiss, so sweet it almost brought tears to his eyes. His greatest fantasy was about to come true. He was finally going to be with this wonderful woman.

“I’m glad,” she murmured softly against his lips. “Because the thought of you dominating me like you promised in your office has me so hot I can barely stop from going up in flames.”

He gazed down at her, seeing the impish glint in her eyes.

He grinned broadly. “Really?”

She stepped back and stood in the center of the room. “You do want to dominate me?” She smiled seductively. “Don’t you?”

Before he could answer, she opened her robe and dropped it to the ground, revealing an erotic, barely-there leather getup. Her body seemed to be covered with black, leather straps wound around her torso, but nothing seemed to be covered. His gaze fell on her full, round breasts, totally exposed to his view. He hardened at the sight of her. Her pussy was covered by a small triangle of leather, but when she turned around in front of him, he could see that her round, firm ass was totally exposed.

God, her body was glorious. His gaze traveled from her very full breasts with tightly peaked nipples, to her long, slender torso, over the curve of her hips, then down her long, shapely legs. She was barefoot, but her toes were polished a shiny, rich crimson.

She turned and leaned over, giving him a delightful view of her round, firm ass. She pulled some shoes out from a drawer in her coffee table, then stood up. As soon as she stepped into the stilettos, her legs appeared even longer and her ass higher and firmer.

“Do you want me submissive, or willful?” she asked.

His cock lurched at the idea of having to subdue her. Of pushing her up against the wall and forcing her hands above her head, then pinning her against the hard surface with his body. His cock twitched at the thought of him pressing his groin hard against her, his shaft cushioned against her soft body.

But they had time. He could play out that scenario another time. Maybe in his office.

His cock twitched.

Right now he wanted her focused on his pleasure. On their pleasure. Just as he’d be focused on hers.

“Submissive,” he said.

She smiled, then dropped her gaze to the floor and knelt in front of him. “Whatever you command, sir.”

He didn’t quite know how to start. All he knew was, with her kneeling on the floor in front of him, practically naked, he had to free his throbbing, aching cock from the too-tight confines of his jeans.

He unzipped his pants, then released his hard shaft from the fabric.

“Look at me, Ash.”

*   *   *

Ash raised her gaze to see Adam standing before her, his cock a long, hard spike protruding from his jeans.

“Look at what you’ve done to me.”

His cock was thick and hard, the head large and deep red. It seemed to pulse with life as veins rippled along the length of the shaft. She licked her lips, longing to run her tongue over his hot, hard flesh.

Seeing the invitation in her eyes, he stepped closer.

He rested his hand on the top of her head, then glided down the back. He drew her forward until her lips touched the tip of his cock. She opened. He didn’t push forward, so she licked his tip, tasting the salty drop of precum already oozing from him.

She pressed her lips to him and swirled her tongue over the tip, then widened her mouth around him.

“Oh, God, Ash.” He drew her forward and she took in his whole cockhead, the thick flesh filling her mouth.

She sucked on him, to his groans. His hand stroked over her hair. She moved further forward, taking his cock deeper into her mouth. It was thick and firm between her lips and she dragged her tongue along the smooth skin as she glided forward. Slowly.

She moved forward and back in short strokes, then lengthened them, taking him deeper, then short again.

“Fuck, Ash.” He groaned, his hand tightening on her head. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

His hand tightened on the crown of her head and he guided her, setting a rhythm. His cock slid in and out of her mouth, sending heat throbbing through her. She could feel the slickness between her thighs, readying her for him.

One of her hands was wrapped tightly around the base of his cock, squeezing as she took him deep into her mouth. She glided the other hand to the button of his jeans and unfastened it, then slid inside. When she cupped his balls in her palm, he groaned.

He was close. She could feel the tension in his body, his cock pulsing in her mouth. His balls hardening in her hand.

She drew her mouth from the tip of his cock. “I want to make you come, sir. In my mouth. I want to swallow everything you give me.”

He groaned and as soon as she took his erection in her mouth again, he pulled her tight to his groin. He rocked his pelvis against her, his whole body trembling, but then he coiled his hand in her hair and slowly dragged her head back.

“Baby, I want to come inside you, but not your mouth. Not this time.”

He pulled on her hair, easing her to her feet.

“And I’m the one in charge. Right?”

“Yes, sir.”

She quivered at the glittering confidence in his eyes.

She reached down and grasped the triangle of leather covering her folds, then tore it away, the snaps giving at her sharp motion. His gaze dropped to her intimate flesh, desire filling his eyes.

Then she turned and leaned over the back of the couch, offering herself to him. His hand rested on her ass and he stroked. Over the curve and around to her hip. Gliding to her inner thigh, grazing the sensitive flesh, only a breath from her aching opening, then away again.

“You are so fucking sexy leaned over like that. Your pussy glistening with need.”

Oh, God, those words coming from Adam, whom she’d wanted for so long, as he gazed at her vulnerable, exposed flesh, sent ripples of need through her.

“Please touch me, sir. Please drive your big cock into me.”

He chuckled. “Oh, I will. There’s no doubt about that. But I’m not going to take you bent over a couch. I want our bodies joined, not just my cock inside you. And I want to see your face.”

His hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled her to a standing position. His lips nuzzled her ear, sending spasms of pleasure quivering through her, as his hands wandered over her body. He cupped her naked breast and her hard, swollen nipple pressed into his palm as he stroked. When his fingertips found her sensitive nub and squeezed, piercing shards of desire lanced through her. She arched against his hand, moaning. She could feel his smile against her neck.

His other hand glided down her belly then …

“Oh, God, yes.” Her voice cracked as his fingers slid over her folds, grazing them lightly, then stroking more thoroughly.

When two fingers slid inside her, she moaned softly. His thumb found her clit as his fingers explored her inner passage. She leaned back against his big body, helpless against the onslaught of pleasure. Afraid her knees would buckle and she’d crumple to the floor.

“Turn around,” he murmured in her ear.

She obeyed, rotating within his arms until she faced him. The heat in his dark brown eyes took her breath away. He slid his hand under her knee and lifted, easing her back until her ass perched on the back of the couch.

When she felt his blunt tip brush her sensitive flesh, she held her breath.

“I’m going to enter you now. My cock is going to slide deep inside you.”

She just stared at him, her eyes wide, and nodded.

“Do you want that?” he asked.

“Oh, yes, please.” The need in her voice shocked her, and brought a smile to his face.


Then the pressure of his cockhead against her opening increased. Her soft flesh resisted at first, then as he pushed forward, it opened, gliding around him, welcoming him inside. The feel of his shaft gliding into her, the thickness opening her wide, sent a thrill through her.

This was Adam. His big body possessing hers. As she’d dreamed of for so long.

She moaned as he pushed deeper, stroking her aching passage with every inch. Driving her need higher.

“Do you like that, Ash?”

“Oh, God, yes. I love you inside me.”

He laughed out loud, the rumbling in his chest vibrating through her. His cock still filling her. She squeezed him and he groaned, then surged the rest of the way in.

He held her tight to him, their bodies joined, and they both sucked in air.

“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m finally inside you. You’re so soft and warm around me.”

“And you are so hard and thick.”

He tipped her head up and covered her mouth with his. It was a gentle kiss, but then his tongue pulsed into her mouth and she suckled it, trying to pull it deeper.

His cock twitched inside her and he tore his mouth away.

“Fuck, Ash, you’re going to end this too soon.” He stroked her cheek, his gaze solemn. “I want this to be perfect. For both of us.”

She gazed into his gleaming eyes. “It is perfect.”

He smiled. “No, I’ll show you perfect.”

He drew back, his hard cock stroking her on its journey out, then just as it seemed he would drop from her body, he surged forward again.

She clung to him. “Oh, yes.”

Then he drew back and glided deep again.

Pleasure washed through her, rippling along her nerve endings.

He drew her knee higher and pulsed into her again. She quivered at the feel of his iron-hard flesh filling her.

He filled her again. And again. His strokes became thrusts and she moaned at the building bliss.

He nibbled her neck, his lips playing over her sensitive flesh.

She moaned, feeling the building heat inside her. Knowing an orgasm was only a breath away.

“Are you close, baby?” he murmured against her ear, his soft breath almost enough to drive her over the edge.

“Oh, yes. Make me come.”

“Not yet.” He slowed his strokes, to her whimper. “Don’t come until I tell you.”

His cock slid deep, sending her dangerously close to the precipice.

But she would heed his command.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

As she opened her legs wider, his thick, hard cock burrowed deeper inside her and she groaned. She shuddered in his arms as he carried her across the apartment.

“Don’t come, baby,” he murmured against her ear, but the feel of his thick shaft jostling inside her as he walked made it almost impossible to obey his request.

Almost. But she gritted her teeth and breathed deeply.

Finally, he set her on her bed, then leaned her back.

He smiled, a devilish glint in his brown eyes. “You can barely hold it back,” he said with smug satisfaction in his voice. Then he nuzzled her ear, sending waves of sensation rippling through her. Every nerve ending was on alert, quivering with need.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure it’s worth it.”

Then he drew back and thrust forward. At the feel of his thick cock dragging along her inner passage, then driving deep again, she groaned, her body shuddering with need. Then he did it again.

She clung to him, her head rolling back on the bed, her eyelids closing as she lost herself in the heady sensations.

“Open your eyes, baby. I want to watch you when you come.”

Her eyelids flickered open and she found herself gazing into his intense dark chocolate eyes. Their gazes locked and she felt like they were bonded together. Body. Mind. And soul. She could no more look away than she could stop her heart from beating.

He thrust into her again and she shuddered. Pleasure blossomed inside her, deep in her core, then rippled across every nerve ending. His next thrust released the tightly coiled need inside her, and joy exploded inside her in an earth-shattering, mind-numbing orgasm.

He cupped her head and held her gaze. “Say my name.”

“Adam…” She moaned as the orgasm battered through her in a rush of pleasure. She clung to him, their gazes still locked together. “Oh, God, yes. Adam.”

At the sound of his name on a long moan, he groaned, then drove deep into her, pinning her to the bed with his body … and she felt it. His cock pulsed inside her, then hot liquid filled her, flooding her insides.

She held him tight as the two of them gasped for air.

“Oh, God, that was incredible.”

He chuckled. “And, baby, it’s not over yet.”

He slid down her body then to his knees beside the bed. Then he licked her, oblivious of their shared fluids dripping from her body and she trembled at the exquisite pleasure of his tongue dragging over her sensitive clit. She arched, her body sensitized and quivering at the edge of another orgasm. Then she felt it. A surge of pleasure from deep inside her rising, shuddering through her body, then blasting through her in a heated wave of blissful sensations. She clung to him as she seemed to shatter into a million pieces.

*   *   *

Ashley sipped her coffee as she stared at the Sunday crossword puzzle. Adam had spent all day Saturday with her … and Saturday night. He had taken her fast and hard against the wall, then later made tender, passionate love to her in bed. She smiled at the memory. Then they’d gone for a run this morning and he’d headed home.

She had all day Sunday to get a few chores done, then just relax and forget about everything stressful until she returned to work tomorrow.

Then she’d have to continue working on her article. The one Dare had been helping her with.

Unsettling feelings stirred inside her at thoughts of Dare. She sipped her steaming coffee again. She had started a relationship with Adam now. One she knew she’d be happy in. He was perfect for her.

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