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Текст книги "Push"

Автор книги: Olivia R. Keane

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Текущая страница: 5 (всего у книги 15 страниц)

With a shiver, she did as Declan asked. Her pussy lips swelled with arousal as her fingers spread them open, and they glistened with her wetness.

Growling softly, Declan said, “Because this is a new arrangement between us, it will come with specific requirements. Do you understand, my dear Charlotte?”

He looked into her eyes and watched as she swallowed before answering, “Yes, Mr. Pearse. I will do anything you require of me. I will be yours, completely.”

Fuck, she already knows my weakness. Declan’s cock throbbed, and he closed his eyes, savoring her promises. After a moment, he looked at Charlotte again and said, “Good girl. Do you want me to fuck you now?”

Her submissiveness came so naturally; her answer almost surprised him. “No, Mr. Pearse. Fuck isn’t an adequate enough verb. Devour. I want you to consume me, devour me. I want you to make me yours, your submissive, your slave, your pet, anything you want me to be. I want to be yours in every way, and I desire to please you in every way you require.”

It was too much for Declan to handle. With a savage growl, he grabbed Charlotte’s legs and spread them even farther apart. Stepping between them, he guided his shaft to her pussy and shoved it in as deep as she could take him, making her scream in ecstasy, her body filled to bursting. Declan’s hand rose to her neck and gripped it, pushing her back until she was flat on the desk, and he was fucking her ferociously. He could feel her becoming wetter as he pounded into her.

Fighting to keep himself from shouting, Declan leaned down and growled into Charlotte’s ear, “You will not come without permission … Do you understand?” Each word bounced like a staccato note between his powerful thrusts. Charlotte nodded. He reached down and pushed the pad of his thumb over her clit and immediately she went stiff, her head tilting back, her back arching. But Charlotte didn’t come. She obeyed, barely. It did not prevent her from begging to come though.

“Oh, Mr. Pearse, please!” she moaned loudly. “Please let me come. Don’t you want to feel me come around your cock? Please, I need to so badly!”

The sound of her voice, that sweet, sexy voice, calling out his name for him washed over him, and he looked down to see Charlotte in all her pleasure. As he recognized the lust, and the total obedience in her eyes, Declan’s own climax erupted, and he groaned, “Now,” as he pumped stream after stream of come into her. Charlotte screamed and kept screaming as she came. He felt a flow of hot, sticky come, hers mixing with his, gush past his cock and against his balls and thighs. She was coming and coming like she’d never stop, writhing around on the desk, her hands clutching it for dear life.

Chapter Six

Morning light bled through the sliver between the bedroom curtains. It was golden and cheery. Charlie stretched and wasn’t surprised to find the space in the bed next to her empty. She danced between getting up or lazing awhile longer, but she was itching to see what the weather was doing. She slipped out of bed, naked, and padded across the room, one arm wrapped around her boobs. Indeed, it was glorious out, all crisp golden sun on magical, sparkling overnight snow.

“Beautiful,” Declan spoke as he came back into the bedroom, carrying two cups on saucers. Tea, how does he think of everything?

“It is beautiful outside. It snowed,” Charlie commented, shifting to find a way to hide, suddenly feeling naked.

“Come back to bed, Charlotte. I made us some tea.”

Charlie climbed back onto the bed and settled into the sheets, pulling the navy down comforter about her torso, and tucking it under her arms.

Declan sat on the side of the bed, looking at her adoringly, and handed her a cup. It smelled like Earl Grey, and there was an amazingly thin lemon slice waltzing in the center.

“I didn’t think to ask before, but are you involved with someone?” His question seemed so absurd to Charlie she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

“No, of course not.”

“That’s welcome news, Charlotte. I am not really in the mood to deal with a jealous suitor.”

“Are you ever in the mood for that?”

Declan grinned. “Not even on my best day.”

“How about you? Am I about to get my eyes clawed out by some politician’s daughter?”

Declan’s eyes grew wide, and then he smiled. “No. Spoiled brats are not my style. Too demanding. So, let me ask you something, Charlotte. You seemed to understand my demands quite well last night. Have you been a submissive before?”

Charlie nodded and cast her gaze down to her lap.

“Is it too personal for you to talk about?”

“No. Just a little painful. I was in college. I was being trained, but I ended it.”

Declan nodded. A look of concern crept across his face. Charlie instantly felt remorseful about talking about it and tried to remedy the situation. “It feels like ages ago now. It just wasn’t the best situation.”

“It seems like it changed you. You seem to be unsure of yourself in your work, but you are really very good at what you do.”

Charlie nodded. She couldn’t figure out if his perceptive side was bothersome because what he’d said was true, or because it was more than she wanted to dredge up.

“Forgive me, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Declan reached for her hand and pulled her clenched fist into his warm palm. “I’m not judging you. I just want to know you more, but I won’t push you or make you feel uncomfortable.”

Declan ran his thumb over her knuckles, and Charlie relaxed and loosened her fist. He was smiling at her as his thumb wriggled its way into her half-closed palm.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to pity me.”

“Pity? Is that what you think I am showing you?”

“Well, you’re just being so gentle and kind. I wanted you to know you don’t have to be for my sake. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Kind? Really?” Declan’s voice grew deeper as though he were talking to himself. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but I think you’re the first person to call me that.” Declan sighed, frowning at Charlie, all the while holding her hand. “, we aren’t doing this because I pity you. Nor am I bedding you out of the kindness of my heart.”

“Why then? Why me? I’m not exactly your type.”

“Because I want to. I never do anything I don’t want to do.” He took Charlie’s tea from her and set it on the nightstand next to the bed. “You’re not my type? So what exactly is my type? Tell me, because I am dying to know.”

“I … I don’t know. Some drop-dead gorgeous girl with a killer body, I’m sure.”

“And you don’t think you are any of those things?”

She shrugged and looked around the room. She wanted to escape his questioning.

Declan leaned closer. “Where is this coming from?”

“What?” Charlie’s voice was approaching that defensive octave her voice went to when she felt cornered.

“This gross misconception you have of yourself. Did your previous boyfriend do this to you?”

“No. How could he? He’s long gone.” Even as Charlie spoke, she felt sickened by the words that left her mouth. They were lies. Declan was so close to drawing out the most personal thing she could imagine about herself. She held on to it like some sort of twisted security blanket. If she said it aloud, Declan would see her for what she truly was. The spell would be broken. He’d see things the way she did, and she couldn’t stand the thought of that. She wanted desperately to hold on to this fantasy for a while longer.

Declan sighed and spoke gently. “I think people can have a long-lasting impact on us if we give them that power. It’s especially true if we love them and they hurt us in some way. Is that what happened?”

Holy Mother of God! He is so right it is starting to scare me. Charlie trembled, nodding her agreement, but it felt more as if she was waving a white flag.

“Well, you were the one to end it. I am sure part of him still cares for you. I’m certain he’d rather be sitting here with you if he could.”

Of course I ended it. He wounded me terribly. I didn’t get out of bed for weeks. Charlie knew she needed to set Declan straight. The last thing she needed was Declan thinking she was certifiably nuts.

Realization crept slowly across Declan’s face. Immediately followed by its sad friend, pity. Charlie wanted to crawl into a little ball, or better still, disappear. She tugged her hand free from his grasp, and then looked into his eyes. Pity exited through the door unceremoniously as anger crashed the party. “Charlotte, don’t you dare.” His tone was laced with warning. She knew instantly what he meant.

He knows I want to run as if I am training for a marathon.

“I just can’t take you looking at me as though I am some wounded bird, okay. So, just stop.”

“Charlotte, I’m not. I know that’s not you.”

Charlie scoffed and turned away. Declan grabbed a hold of her hand again. “Charlotte, stop that this instant. You will look at me when I am speaking with you.” He spoke in a controlled voice. “Listen to me, Charlotte. I can’t help it if that horse’s ass made the wrong choices. I am not him, Charlotte. Do you understand me? I would never treat you with such disrespect.” Declan drew a deep breath and continued. “This shouldn’t be difficult. Your past is just that. In the past. I am quite fond of you, and I want us to forge a good relationship. I find you to be a brilliant, sensitive, beautiful woman, even if you are a bit stubborn and feisty.”

“But, you can’t possibly know that from one evening together.”

“Why? Because I don’t know every detail of your life? Charlotte, I know I want you. I know you want me, and I know that I bring out your submissive nature, even though you try to run from who you really are. You could keep trying to run and push me away, or you could just allow me to take control and spend more time with me. Do you think that’s possible? Because if you do, please for the love of all things good, stop pushing me away and making me feel like I need to slap the restraints on you to keep you here.”

Charlie’s eyes widened at the thought. And then she laughed.

Declan laughed with her. “Or maybe I should.”


They slept tangled in sheets as the night overshadowed the day. After their talk, Charlie and Declan had spent all of Saturday in the hotel suite. Up briefly for room service, they quickly fell back into the bed after Declan had smeared the blackberry jam across Charlie’s collarbone and down her breasts and devoured her. They napped, read the paper, laughed, made love again, showered, ate a light dinner, and then fell back into bed. Their Master and Submissive side to their fledging relationship seemed to have a healthy balance with their regular selves. They instinctively flowed in and out of both sets of personas naturally as they grew more familiar with each other. Charlie’s body was sore, but she wasn’t done with Declan’s yet. Charlie smiled, looking at him. She sighed. The sliver of moonlight bathed his face, making him look softer, more boyish. Charlie rose, pulled the curtains shut, and crawled carefully back into bed.

Declan was curled up with the duvet pulled close to his face, the smooth line of his strong back exposed. She wriggled under the covers to be directly behind him, her breasts smashed into his back, and the line of her body following his, except for her feet. Her feet were about a foot higher up on the bed than Declan’s.

She took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of him. God, he smells amazing. Something about sleep smells incredible; sweet, sexy, and strong. Moving slowly, careful not to stir her sleeping giant, Charlie let her hand creep over his waist and slide up his chest. She played with his chest hair a bit, and then ran her hand back down to the waistband of his boxer briefs. The reaction to her stealth movements was almost immediate: a soft, not quite conscious moan, at the same time pushing his hips forward.

Charlie summoned her courage and gently tugged on his hip. Declan rolled over to face her, still asleep. Afraid she would wake him, she watched his eyelids for a moment, still shut, so she reached for him. She gasped quietly, finding him already rock hard. Charlie wrapped her hand around his cock, giving it a squeeze and delighting in the jump she received in response.

She smirked. God, half asleep or not, he’s still horny. No slow and steady this time. Charlie rubbed him through his shorts with her whole hand, slow firm strokes that went from the tip to just before his balls. She could tell he had his eyes half-open. His mouth found hers, in a fumbling, ravenous way.

“Hey, sleepy,” she whispered against his lips, at the same time she was dipping her hand into his boxer briefs to cradle his balls, playing with them gently. The feedback he offered was a low, guttural moan. Charlie broke the kiss and pulled away from Declan. Slowly, he focused on her, seeing that she was smiling. He looked crumpled and sleepy but incredibly lustful.

Charlie quickly disappeared down the bed. She eagerly pulled the boxer briefs out of the way enough to get to Declan’s cock. For a few seconds, she stopped and stared. His cock sprung up from its confines. It was proud, hard, and so damned ready. Long and thick, it was more than enough to fill her up, but not sort of the monster cock that scares girls. It’s quite perfect. She pulled the soft skin back, giving it a good long lick, from the base to salty tip with the flat of her tongue. She licked all over the head, swirling her tongue around it. Emboldened, Charlie let her lips enfold it. Her lips slid over it to just under the ridge and back again, sucking ever so slightly. She popped it out of her mouth and let it rest on her lips, glistening. Her hand held the wide base of his cock and squeezed. She smiled as it twitched slightly on her lips. She ran her hand up the length of his shaft in a long, firm stroke. She lapped up the pre-cum beading on the tip and took the broad head back in her mouth. Bit by teasing bit, her lips slipped further and further down Declan’s erection.

Charlie grew weary of the position she was in, but before she dared move, she rested the tip of his cock against her lips again. Declan curled around to look down at her. The comforter surrounded Charlie, and she pressed close to his legs, his hardness resting on her mouth.

She pawed at his hip, and Declan rolled over. She released his cock so she could marvel at the way it stood up and away from his body. Positioning herself between his legs, she pushed his cock down, so it touched the tip of his flat belly, and she lowered her mouth to his balls. She took them into her mouth, one at a time, fondling them with her tongue. She stopped when she felt Declan nudge his hips upward ever so slightly.

She returned her undivided attention to his hardness. Once again, Charlotte made it about halfway down the length, her head bobbing up and down. This time, instead of stopping, she took more of it in. She swallowed it down hungrily, opening her mouth wide as it forced her tongue down. There was about an inch left. She inhaled deeply, as did Declan, anticipating what she would do, and she eased all of him into her mouth. She couldn’t breathe, and the way he filled her throat made her gag slightly, squeezing him. Declan sighed contently. Charlie slowly came up to breathe. She took a few deep breaths like she was going to dive into a swimming pool and swallow all of him. He stretched her throat. Encouraged by his moaning, Charlie knew she could do this a few more times. She could tell he was fully awake now. She knew Declan was breathing faster and more shallow than normal. Charlie continued her assault on his senses until he shuddered a bit. She knew it was time to change tactics.

Reluctantly, she let him go. Declan’s eyes opened, and he looked disappointed. Charlie smiled though, knowing he would like what was going to come next even more. She crawled up his body and sat on his cock, trapping it against the moist lips of her pussy. She gently touched her mouth to Declan’s, a smile spreading across her face as he began to rub himself along her folds.

“Hold on a second, please.” Charlie laughed. She got up briefly to find where they had left the lube last night. “I want to do something different tonight,” she said, holding up the bottle for Declan to see. “May I, Mr. Pearse?”

Declan smiled, and then laughed that wicked laugh of his. “Yes, Charlotte.”

She squeezed a little bit into her palms and rubbed them together to get it warm. She didn’t want to put something cold on Declan. She thoroughly covered his hard cock with it, enjoying the little gasps that went with the liquid touch. Once she had him all lubed, Charlie started something that resembled a massage. She glided her hands down his shaft, holding it firmly, but stopping short of the tip. Not too much just yet.

She gave Declan a few moments to adjust, continually stroking downward, keeping a slow and steady pace. Suddenly, she noticed he had become red in the face. Charlie linked her fingers and thumbs together, gripping the spongy head between her palms. She smothered it in her hands, covering him in flesh. She rotated them and nudged them up and down again, gingerly. God, the way he feels is making me so wet.

She returned to the stroking downward motion, smiling as she watched Declan bite down on his lip. He began to pump upward into her hands, looking for more. She obliged and changed to stroking him up and down, hard and fast. Her hands slid all over him so easily, feeling the smooth hot head, the ridge below that muscle at the base. Charlie spotted Declan’s hands gripping the edge of the mattress, his knuckles pale. His breathing shuddered.

“Will you please come on me, Mr. Pearse?” she whispered.

Declan did not reply—he scrambled quickly into position above Charlie. Once again, she found herself tempted to toy with him. His cock hung beneath him, pointing to his chest. His balls were tight, and as she took a hold of him, she could feel him throbbing.

Declan moved his knees wider and pumped into her hand. She found herself mesmerized by the motion, by the way he spread his legs apart and made low thrusts. It was almost animal like. She squeezed his cock a bit, gazing as it popped in and out of the circle of her fingers. Declan wrapped his hands around the back of Charlie’s head, holding her to him. She moved her spare hand so that every time Declan thrust, the sensitive head rubbed against her hand. Declan’s breathing became hard, and his fingers tangled in Charlie’s hair, tugging on it. He moved faster and faster, closer and closer, focused on absolutely nothing but what he was feeling.

As he came, Declan held Charlie tighter, spraying her with the warm liquid. It hit most of her, streams of it over her breasts nearly to her shoulders, down on her stomach, and some over her mound. Eventually, Declan’s movements slowed to a stop. He was breathing rapidly and his eyes shut tight. She wriggled down and squeezed his cock. She lapped the remaining drops off the end of it. She loved how he tasted. Okay, so maybe I’m being slightly slutty, but I don’t care.

“Snuggle time?” Charlie spoke sweetly, still playing with him.

“You naughty, incredibly wonderful girl,” Declan said quietly, falling sideways back onto the bed. He watched as she rubbed his cum around with her fingers, placing some on her nipples and watching them stiffen. Charlie licked some from her fingers. She noticed Declan watching her, so she repeated her actions, slow and with deliberate movements.

“Come here, Charlotte.” Declan laid there, covers thrown back, chest rising and falling fast. He was still pink in the face. Charlie quickly grabbed something to clean herself up and made a bit of show of it. She climbed onto the bed next to him. He looked over at her, the moonlight bathing them. It was going to be an intoxicating, endless night.

Chapter Seven

Declan liked to be in the office early, sit at his desk and have his first coffee of the morning uninterrupted by all the fuss and muss Ms. Ward liked to make of the daily schedule. The coffee machine whirred, and the aroma of freshly ground beans wafted through the office as he checked his schedule. Declan knew he wasn’t due for any meetings with Acquisitions today. It looked like mostly conference calls and that meeting to interview the potential new adult lead researcher. As he poured over the applicant’s qualifications, he peered out his open door to discover the office across from his was still empty. The lights off, the door shut tightly. The office belonged to Ms. Flynn.

He thought back to the weekend. It had been incredible. Sunday night he had watched her sleep and had already made all sorts of plans for them. In truth, he had been a little apprehensive in working so closely with someone who displayed the subtle cues of a submissive personality, especially someone whom he was so physically attracted to. However, he knew of relationships where the office had played a role and hadn’t presented a problem. He wondered if Charlotte and he could balance work and play.

He checked his watch. It was 8:42 a.m. Still time enough for her to arrive before the start of the workday, but so unlike her. Charlotte was always at the office early. She explained she liked to come in early because she too liked the quiet of the office, and it gave her a chance to settle in before the chaos of the workday commenced. HmmWhere could she be? Declan checked his cell. No messages. No texts. Nothing.

Declan took a call from the Toronto office, and Ms. Ward distracted him with her nonsensical filing methods. By the time Declan broke free from her, it was almost quarter past nine. Still no word from Charlotte. He stepped out of his office to get another cup of coffee when he noticed the normal drone coming from the cubicle area hushed to a quiet murmur. For a brief moment, he thought perhaps an important author had turned up. That blessed Ms. Ward and her cockamamie scheduling. I have a meeting, and I don’t even know it! Declan reflexively straightened his tie and walked nearer to the reception desk so he could greet whoever had arrived. As he turned the corner, the sight that greeted him was not what he expected at all. Instead of finding a New York Times bestselling author, he found Charlotte strolling in wearing a wine red dress that hugged her in all the best possible places, and some strappy-heeled shoes. Her hair fell in glorious waves that left Declan breathless. It seemed to be leaving everyone else breathless too. Nathan stood nearby, and it was clear from his dropped jaw that he had noticed Charlotte’s transformation. All the female staffers on the creative team were huddled sharing whispers. Declan leaned against the doorframe of his office and took in the view. He watched as Charlotte exchanged pleasantries with both Nathan and Ms. Ward. As she looked toward Declan, she glanced downward compliantly. I’m so pleased she remembers her place.


He returned to his office, contemplating how long he would make Charlotte wait before calling her in and telling her what he had in store for her that evening. He worked with the office door open this morning, so he could keep an eye on her office. He was certain Nathan would make a move, and naturally so. Charlotte was an amazing beauty. Declan imagined Nathan had probably already been to the gents’ room for a wank once this morning after copping an eyeful of Ms. Flynn in full bloom. And that’s what she was, opening like a stunning flower. Declan frowned. He was quite fine with the staff suspecting that the boss was fooling around with his researcher, but anything more than that probably wasn’t good for business, or for Nathan’s personal well-being either, come to think of it. He knew he would have to speak to her about this. He returned his thoughts to work. He had to push through this applicant’s qualifications before the afternoon meeting, but he had to admit, knowing that she was across the hall looking so stunning made it difficult for him to concentrate.

At eleven thirty, he received an email from Ms. Flynn.

Mr. Pearse. I am in the middle of researching “Controlled Burn,” and I have come across a stumbling block. In chapter six, there is mention of the signing of a contract between the Master and his submissive. I am having a hard time believing that someone would actually sign a contract as such without discussing it in detail. Could you please provide me with some direction in this regard?

Thank you,


PS. I hope you are having a pleasant day. Please let me know if you need me to do anything.

Declan’s mind raced with images of things he would take great delight in commanding her to do right now. He thought about not letting her come the last time Sunday night when they were together. She was being pouty and ridiculous, so he decided to withhold pleasure. It was Tuesday now, so almost forty-eight hours of not climaxing for her. Maybe her beautiful appearance in the office today was an attempt to curry some favor with her Master and earn herself some pleasure. Declan smiled as he entertained that thought, and it pushed his libido over the edge.

Impatiently he sent Ms. Flynn a quick email.

Ms. Flynn – You presence is required in my office immediately.


She stood on the other side of his desk, almost instantly. Charlotte held her gaze cast downward, a slight pink flush in her cheeks, and her hands clasped together behind her back.

“Yes, Mr. Pearse?”

Declan was pleased that she slipped into her submissive role so easily. “Charlotte, I would like your input on these research candidates we are interviewing today.” He gestured for her to join him on his side of the desk.

Charlotte walked around to get a better look at the curriculum vitae of Mr. Blount on Declan’s computer screen. Declan had positioned himself so that it would require Charlotte to bend forward, her dress creeping upward ever so slightly. His hand stroked her bottom through the material of her dress, and he noticed her smile as she continued to examine the candidate’s qualifications closely. Declan ran his hand down her leg, feeling the sensual silkiness of the stockings over her thighs, down her calves, and pausing at the top of her shoes. His hand made the return journey on the inside of Charlotte’s leg, and as he reached the hem of her dress, he slowly peeled it upward exposing her plum satin panties. Her legs instinctively parted for his hand, and he couldn’t help but notice there was a visible damp spot starting to spread.

He massaged her pussy through the material of her panties with his fingers, focusing on her wetness and pushing slightly against her. The satin under his fingers gave a little and began to enter her body, soaking up more of her wetness. Charlotte gasped quietly at the intrusion, but opened her legs wider to give him easier access. Declan’s fingers slid her panties to one side and he probed more deeply into her, the wetness making his fingers slick. He rubbed his thumb on her clit and he could feel it swell and stiffen from all the attention.

“Charlotte, my pet, you’re very ready for me today.”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded in agreement. A breathy “Yes, Mr. Pearse” escaped her lips. He noticed the lipstick she was wearing was a deep pink and it almost perfectly matched the flush in her cheeks and her pussy as he continued to delve his fingers in and out of her depths and rub her clit quicker.

Several minutes passed between them as Declan continued to finger her in the office, and she tried her level best to concentrate on the task he had set before her on the computer screen. But her hands trembled, and he noticed that her eyes would close for seconds at a time as her body began to build to its orgasm, the climax she had been craving for days.

Declan slowed his fingers to a more leisurely pace, and rested his thumb over the top of her clit, exerting just the slightest pressure, but not rubbing. Her wetness dripped down her thighs and was beginning to moisten the lace tops of her stockings.

“Charlotte, do you know why I’ve asked you to come to the office today?”

Charlotte turned her head to look into Declan’s eyes and innocently muttered something about poor Mr. Blount. Realizing it wasn’t the correct answer, she quickly lowered her gaze and shook her head slowly.

“Charlotte, for starters you were quite tardy today. Not only is it not acceptable to be late as an employee, it’s unacceptable for me to have no contact with you when you stay the night away from me and come in to work on your own. We also have to discuss your manner of dress. While I think it wonderfully sexy for you to wear your hair down, I also think its attracting unwelcome attention.” He stood up out of his chair and moved closer to Charlotte.

He leaned in close behind her. “Ms. Flynn, you wore your hair down intentionally this morning didn’t you? You did it because you knew it would tease me. That was your intention wasn’t it?”

Charlotte tried to protest, but before she could muster the proper enunciation for the “o” from “No Mr. Pearse,” Declan pressed down firmly onto her clit, causing the word to come out as a high pitched and protracted “Nooooo.”

“Charlotte, I will ask again. You wanted me to notice you, you wanted me to get hard looking at you, and you wanted me to bring you into the office and fuck you until you came, didn’t you!”

She nodded slowly, and replied softly, “Yes, Mr. Pearse.”

“Well, Ms. Flynn, while I admire your initiative, I must remind you that I am in charge, and I alone will decide when you come, how you will come, and who will make you come. Do I make myself clear?”

Charlotte responded much more boldly this time. “Yes, Mr. Pearse, you’re in charge.”

Declan hooked his fingers under the waistband of her sopping panties and slid them halfway down her legs. They held up above her knees because she spread her legs just wide enough to allow his fingers access to the warm, tight pussy he had been teasing for the past thirty minutes. He leaned in and spoke softly. “Please step out of your panties, Charlotte. You will not need them for the rest of the day.”

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