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Double Time
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 18:58

Текст книги "Double Time"

Автор книги: Olivia Cunning

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Текущая страница: 20 (всего у книги 23 страниц)

“‘Bite,’” Reagan heard Mad Dog announce the next song in her ear. “One. Two. Three.” The band followed his cue to start the abrupt beginning of the song. Logan apparently thought Reagan needed to get closer to the front of the stage. He leaned his back against hers and hopped backward, pushing her forward several steps. He repeated the motion and she almost missed a note.

“Stop it,” she growled at him.

“Relax, Reagan,” he said. “Have some fun.”

When she scowled at him, he shrugged and went to play his bass on the opposite end of the stage.

By the end of third song, Reagan was really feeling the pressure. And her feet were freaking killing her. She glanced over at the side of the stage and caught sight of Trey standing in the shadows. Feeling stronger and somehow relieved, she took a deep breath and trotted up to the front of the stage. The guys in the front row of the audience all surged against the barrier fence as if they wanted to grab her. She glanced at Dare who grinned at her. She lifted the neck of her guitar and gyrated against her instrument slightly. Nothing too extreme. Just a little sexy. One guy launched himself clean over the barrier fence and was promptly escorted to the end of the barrier and forced back into the crowd. Reagan went down on one knee to play the next stanza and her little cluster of fanboys cheered her on. This was kind of fun. She had to be careful not to lose Max’s sound though. She couldn’t get too carried away.

The song ended and Max made a low growling sound in his microphone. “I see Reagan has broken out of her shell for you. Do you like it?”

The crowd cheered and Reagan found herself displayed on all the screens in the stadium again.

Reagan walked over to the nearest microphone and asked, “Would anyone be horribly offended if I took off these fucking boots? They’re killing my feet.”

The crowd started chanting. “Take it off. Take it off.”

She popped her feet out of both boots, tossed them to a stage runner, and stood barefoot on the stage wriggling her toes in delight. “Now I can get my rock on.”

She played a random string of notes that sent the crowd into a frenzy. Okay, so this was a lot of fun. She dug her fingers into her hair, messing it all up and feeling damned good about it. She threw up her devil horns on both fists, shaking her extended pinkies and index fingers at the crowd.

“I’m ready to get dirty,” Reagan said.

Dare chuckled into his microphone. “Oh hell yeah,” he said in a sexy growl.

“I’ll get dirty with you, Reagan,” Logan said.

“Let’s all get dirty,” Max yelled, and the band segued into their gritty ballad, “Stained.”

Reagan made an effort to get involved in the rest of the show. Not too involved. She didn’t want to overstep her bounds and upstage anyone else in the band. She felt she did an excellent job mimicking Max’s guitar work and was rather proud of that, even though she felt a little disconnected from the music the entire time.

When the final lights went down and she stepped off the stage, she looked for Trey, but he’d vanished. He probably didn’t want her to know that he’d been watching when she’d specifically told him not to. Ethan was there though and he gave her an encouraging pat on the back.

“You were awesome!”

“Thanks,” she said.

“Good show,” multiple people said to her as she was ushered through the crowd back to her dressing room. She was expected at the after-party, which was being held at the hotel across the parking lot. She wanted to find some shoes that didn’t cripple her toes before she headed over.

“Nice work,” Dare said to her just outside her dressing room door. “We’ll rehearse again before tomorrow night’s show in San Francisco. See if we can’t figure out what’s causing your disconnect.”

So he’d noticed that, huh? She bit her lip and nodded.

“I’ll see you at the after-party,” he said and left her standing there feeling unsure of herself.

“What disconnect?” Ethan asked her.

“I’m not really feeling the music.”

“I couldn’t tell. You were fabulous up there. Everyone loved you.”

She smiled. “I thought it went well. After I got rid of those fucking boots.”

She entered her dressing room and reached for a bottle of water. She chugged half of it before she noticed the bouquet of flowers sitting on her dressing table. How thoughtful. Who had sent her flowers? Trey? Obviously not Ethan, because he looked as surprised to see them as Reagan did. Maybe one of her friends. Someone from the record company. Or dare she hope they were from her daddy?

She practically skipped across the room and pulled the card from the bright assortment of gerbera daisies.

Her name was printed neatly on the outer envelope. She tugged the card free and read it. Her smile faded.

You took what was mine, bitch. Don’t think you’ll keep it for much longer.

Ethan snatched the card out of her hand. “Fucking son of a bitch,” he growled. He lifted the vase and looked at the bottom, examined the card more closely, and then the envelope. Looking for clues. A habit left over from his past police work.

“You go to the party and have fun. Just don’t allow yourself to be caught alone,” Ethan said, giving her an encouraging squeeze and rubbing her arm briskly. “I’ll find out who sent this to you and fuck him up.”

Chapter 30

The ballroom of the hotel was packed wall-to-wall with people. Reagan searched the crowd until she caught sight of Trey surrounded by his usual posse of admirers. She hurried to his side, ignoring curious stares and the few people who called out to her as she passed. She needed to decompress and she wanted to spend some time alone with Trey. To thank him for being there when she hadn’t known she’d needed him to be. And to pretend she wasn’t afraid of whoever kept sending her threatening messages.

She caught the tail end of Trey’s conversation when she stopped beside him. “… he never did find his pants.”

No fewer than ten people laughed at whatever Trey happened to be talking about. She touched his arm and he glanced at her. A huge smile spread across his face. “Hey, Reagan. I was wondering when you’d make it. Somebody get the newest member of Exodus End a beer.”

Three beers were thrust in her direction. “No thanks,” she said.

“Would you like something else? Open bar tonight.” He lifted his beer and his enamored audience cheered.

She shook her head and leaned close to whisper in his ear. “I want to go up to my room for a little while. Will you come with me?”

“Are rhinos always horny?”

She hesitated, her brain even more exhausted than her body was. “Um. Yes?”

He chuckled. “Right answer.” He took a swig of his half-finished beer, handed the remainder to the nearest person, and took Reagan’s hand. “Have a great night,” he said to his entourage.

“Are you leaving?” asked a gorgeous redhead in a figure-hugging, purple evening dress.

Reagan’s hand tightened on his. While she never got jealous of Ethan, Reagan couldn’t claim she was unaffected when sophisticated, beautiful women tried to get their claws in Trey.

“Yes, he’s leaving with me,” Reagan said hotly.

“Easy, tiger,” Trey whispered in her ear. “She writes freelance for a couple of major music magazines.”

That didn’t mean the woman didn’t want in Trey’s pants. “Then she can write about the serious relationship between Trey Mills and Reagan Elliot.”

Reagan hurried through the crowd, tugging Trey behind her. She was so focused on getting to the door that she didn’t realize Dare was in pursuit until Trey came to a sudden halt behind her.

“Jeez, where’s the fire?” Dare said, his hand fisted in the back of Trey’s T-shirt. “I have some people I want to introduce you to,” he said to Reagan.

“She needs to crash,” Trey said.

Both brothers offered her a look of concern.

“Of course,” Dare said. “I’ll cover for her.”

“Thanks, Dare.” She gave him a hug. “I might come back down later. I just need a few moments of peace.” And to get away from the flowers in her dressing room. And that note.

“Good luck with that,” Dare said.

She wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but she grabbed Trey by the wrist and tugged him out in the corridor. A bunch of camera flashes went off and reporters yelled questions, but Reagan couldn’t make any sense out of the chaos.

A pair of Exodus End’s security guards escorted Reagan and Trey to the elevators. “Is it always this crazy?” she asked Trey.

“Exodus End only throws a party this big on their opening tour date. It will settle down. A little.” Trey wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “Overwhelmed?”

“You have no idea.”

The security guards stepped onto the elevator with them and pressed the button to the eighth floor.

“Are you going to follow us all the way to our room?” Reagan asked one of the guards.

“The band has rented out the entire eighth floor. There’s already security on that floor. We’re just here to make sure no one tries to get on the elevator with you.”

Reagan stared at the carpet inside the elevator as the car lifted to their floor without incident. Trey rubbed her back but didn’t say anything. He seemed to realize she craved quiet and calm. She knew she had signed up for this, and she didn’t regret it, but it was going to take some getting used to. She’d never imagined she’d need security to ride a freakin’ hotel elevator. And she’d never thought she’d crave their protection.

When they exited the elevator, they found several additional security guards. They didn’t escort her to her room, but they watched her closely until she and Trey were safely inside.

* * *

The instant Trey had Reagan alone in the hotel room, he tumbled her onto the king-sized bed. “Everyone said you were phenomenal tonight. How did it feel to be up on stage in front of all of those fans?”

“I was nervous until I saw you standing in the shadows at the side of the stage.”

“You saw me?”

She nodded.

“Shit. Sorry. I know you said you didn’t want me there, but I couldn’t resist. Do you know how sexy you are when you play?” He rolled on top of her and captured her hands in his.

“It’s the corset, isn’t it? It makes me look like I actually have boobs.”

Her tits did look fantastic in her corset, but that wasn’t what had drawn him to watch even though she’d forbidden it. “It’s that face you make when you let the music take you. It’s even hotter than the face you make when you come.”

“I don’t make a face.”

He grinned. “Yeah, you do. I hope I didn’t make you self-conscious about it. It would ruin my life if you stopped making it.”

She laughed. “I highly doubt that.” She scowled. “I’m not sure the fans like me taking over for Max.”

“They loved you. Trust me. They were a little upset by the change at first, but you won them over. Once you kicked off your shoes and got a little dirty for them.”

“It’s easier to be yourself when you’re not pretending to be something you’re not.”

“Where’s Ethan?” Trey asked.

“He had some errands to run.” She changed the subject. “I’m just glad we could sneak away from the after-party. I’m too tired to pretend I’m social.”

“Are you too tired to make love? Because I haven’t been able to think of anything but you all night.”

“Me and the past lovers who’ve been following you around all day.”

“I told them to get lost. I really am committed to you. I’m sorry I spread so much love around before I met you.” He was sorry now. At the time, he’d thought it was fan-fucking-tastic, heavy on the fan fucking. He now knew quality was better than quantity. Two lovers were plenty for him.

Reagan lifted her head to kiss him. “I shouldn’t bitch at you about it. You’re so generous with your love. With everyone.”

“I think most women would be put off by that.”

“You just have so much to give. Enough for me and Ethan.” She gave him a hard stare. “That doesn’t mean you can go spreading it all over fandom.”

“No worries there. I have everything I want right here.” Trey hesitated. “Where’s Ethan?” he asked again.

“I think he’s helping direct traffic or breaking up fights.”

“That means I get you all to myself.” He stroked her hair from her face and kissed her lips gently.

She closed her eyes tightly and didn’t kiss him back. Perplexed, he stared down at her. Maybe she really was just tired. It couldn’t possibly be that she’d lost interest.

“Trey?” she whispered.


“I need to tell you something.”

“I’m listening.”

“I think you’re going to be mad at me.”

“I don’t get mad.”

“I had sex with Ethan backstage tonight,” she blurted. “He just sort of grabbed me and we started kissing. We got carried away and ended up having a quickie up against the wall.” She opened her eyes cautiously.

Trey grinned. “Was it exciting?”

“We shouldn’t have done it without you there.”

Trey stared down into her eyes. He could tell that guilt was eating her alive. “Why not?”


“I don’t have to be there every time you have sex with Ethan. Just like he doesn’t have to be there every time I have sex with you.”

“Have you two had sex without me knowing about it?” she asked.

He thought back to all of his encounters with Ethan. Even that first time, Reagan had known. “Well no, but…”

“Why not?”

“Because we like to include you. You feel like you cheated on me, don’t you?”

She rubbed her forehead. “This relationship is just so complicated. I get mixed up sometimes. I don’t feel like I’m cheating when you’re there, but when we went at it behind your back and didn’t tell you, it felt wrong.”

“So just come right out and tell me when you two go at it.”

“You won’t be jealous?”

“Will you be jealous when I have sex with Ethan?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Do you want to know about it when it happens?”

“Yes, don’t hide it from me. No secrets.”

He kissed her gently. “There. You found your own solution. You just needed to talk it out.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled her face against his chest. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

“I like you like this, Trey. I’m so glad we brought Ethan into our relationship. I was worried at first that I’d feel neglected or you’d love me less, but now I find that when you’re happy, you love me even more. I could tell there was something wrong between us when we were touring with Sinners. You were trying too hard to want only me, and now you’re just you.”

“How do you feel about Ethan?” Trey asked.

She stiffened. “What do you mean?”

“Do you love him?”

“He’s my best friend. Well, you are too. You’re both my best friends.”

“We’re also your lovers.”

“If I tell you I love him, will you break up with me?”

Trey chuckled softly. “Sweetheart, you’re the one who is trying too hard. You can love him. It’s not like you can help it, and he’s a wonderful man. He treats you well. He’d do anything for you. You’ve been through a lot together.”

“Do you love him?” Reagan asked.

“I like him.”

“That’s not the same thing.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“Do you think you could love a man?”

Trey needed to tell her his deepest remaining secret. He trusted her with it. He wasn’t sure if she’d accept it or understand, but if he expected her to be open and honest about everything then he had to treat her with the same respect. “I do love a man.”

“Do? Or did?”

“Do. I’ll never stop loving him, but he’s out of reach.”

“What’s his name?”

His stomach clenched with apprehension. For a moment, he considered making up some random name. “Brian.”

“Brian?” Reagan’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean Brian Sinclair?”


Reagan stared up at him in stunned disbelief and then burst out laughing. “Good one, Trey. You had me going there for a minute.”

He spilled his guts to her and she thought he was joking? Nice. He rolled off of her and lay beside her on the bed on his back. He pressed against his eyelids with a thumb and middle finger to force all of the hurt and hopelessness back down where it belonged.

Reagan straddled his hips and pulled his hand from his face. “You’re serious.”

He swallowed, knowing better than to speak, not that he could have around the huge knot in his throat.

“He’s married, Trey.”

Trey rolled his eyes and grasped at sarcasm. It made it easier to continue. “I know. I was at the wedding.”

“Does he know how you feel about him?”


“You never told him?”

Trey shook his head.

“How long have you felt this way about him?”

Forever. Trey had always felt like they’d known each other before they’d been born. At least spiritually. “For over ten years.”

“You have to tell him, Trey.”

“What, like he’s going to give up Myrna for me?”

She stroked his hair from his forehead. “Is that what you want?”

He bit his lip and shook his head. “No. I want him to be happy. I want to get over him.”

“And to do that, you have to tell him. Talk to him about it. See how he reacts.”

“I don’t want it to ruin our friendship.”

Reagan drew her thumb under his eye and collected a tear he didn’t realize was there. He wasn’t sure how she would respond to her devil-may-care boyfriend getting all emotional and stupid over her favorite guitar hero.

“Brian isn’t like that, Trey. You know that.”

“He doesn’t have time for me anymore, anyway. What does it matter?” He rolled onto his side and unseated her so she tumbled onto the bed beside him.

She rose to sit next to him Indian-style on the bed. “Thanks for the invite.”


“To your pity party.”

Trey grimaced. He did this every once in a while. Fell into despair. The problem was instead of dealing with things, he had the tendency to bury his problems and pretend they didn’t affect him.

“Are you going to talk to Brian about your feelings?”

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

“Well, I’m in the party mood now. Let’s go have some fun.”

“I thought you were tired.”

“I’ve just caught my second wind.”

She climbed to her feet and found the combat boots she’d been forbidden to wear onstage. They didn’t complement her outfit, but they were totally Reagan and brought a smile to Trey’s face and his heart.

“Come on, mopey,” she said, tugging on his hand until he relented and climbed out of bed. “Let’s go party like rock stars.”

Chapter 31

Reagan held Trey’s hand as they entered the hotel’s reception hall. She didn’t really want to party like a rock star, but Trey was a social creature and he looked like he needed some adulation and excitement. Also, she felt bad for laughing about his love for Brian. It was obviously something that weighed heavily on him. She wasn’t sure how to handle that part of Trey. He always seemed to know how to get exactly what he wanted out of life. It must be hard for him to be so close to Brian, yet so far away.

She spotted Dare near the entrance, looking bored, though he was surrounded by enthusiastic admirers. He had this way of answering people in a minimum number of words, yet making them feel like he was imparting the secrets of the universe. Reagan knew Trey depended on his brother for support more than any other person on the planet, unfortunately herself included, so she headed in Dare’s direction, hoping that he could bring Trey comfort. Or tell her how to comfort him.

Dare smiled when he noticed them heading in his direction. “Excuse me.” Two words and his crowd dispersed as if Dare had erected an impenetrable bubble around himself.

“Back so soon?” He took a sip of his beverage and looked from Reagan to Trey and back to Reagan.

“She wanted to party like a rock star,” Trey said. He waved at someone across the room who was waving both arms wildly over her head to get his attention.

“Then you should go get her a drink,” Dare said to Trey.

“What do you want?” Trey asked her.

“Something stiff.”

“I would have given you something stiff upstairs, but you wanted to come back down to the party.”

“If you would have gone down while we were upstairs, I would have come,” she countered.

Trey laughed and kissed her on the cheek before hurrying toward the bar. A wave of people followed in his wake. Unlike his brother, he didn’t have the skill set to keep them at bay. Or maybe he didn’t want to. He seemed to relish the attention of the horde surrounding him.

“Something wrong?” Dare asked. Someone approached them and he lifted one finger from his glass. The man paused in midstride and turned in the opposite direction.

“Trey’s a little down. I figured he could use a party.”

“So you’re here for his sake?”

“Completely. I don’t really mingle well.”

Dare chuckled. “Me neither. Everyone thinks I’m mysterious and deep. I’m just antisocial.”

Reagan grinned up at him. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

Dare shrugged. “Why is Trey down?” His gaze shifted toward the bar and Reagan followed his line of sight to see Trey talking and laughing with some A-list actor as if they were old friends.

Reagan wondered if Dare knew about Brian. It seemed like he knew everything about Trey, but maybe it was something that Trey hadn’t confided to him. She didn’t want to toss any bones out of Trey’s closet of skeletons without his permission.

“Let me guess,” Dare said, lifting his finger at another approaching person to head them off before they got too close. “Brian.”

“You know how he feels about Brian?”

“I’m surprised he told you. He thinks it’s this huge secret, but anyone with eyes knows how he feels about the guy.”

“I didn’t know. I always thought there was something different about their relationship, but had no idea Trey’s feelings were so strong.”

“He must be getting better at hiding it then.”

They watched Trey get a bro-slap hug from a professional football player before the guy started acting out passes and touchdowns at Trey’s enthusiastic insistence. Trey still hadn’t made it to the bar.

“I told him that he should talk to Brian about it,” Reagan said. “He didn’t seem to think that was a good idea.”

“He’s made a lot of progress since he met you, Reagan. He’s been struggling with this for a long time. Before all he could think about was ways to get Brian to fall for him. Now he’s trying to figure out how to let him go. Be patient with him.”

“How do you think Brian would react if he knew?”

“I’m sure Brian already knows. He’s just too nice to tell my brother to get his head out of his ass.” Dare finished his drink and set his empty glass on a nearby table that held a guitar-shaped ice sculpture. “Brian’s not stupid, just sort of… non-confrontational. Especially when it comes to those he loves.”

“He loves Trey too?”

“Not romantically. Did Trey tell you how they hooked up?”

Reagan’s eyes widened. “They hooked up?”

“I guess he didn’t tell you. If you want to know, ask him about it.” Dare laughed. “Look, he made it to the bar.”

Reagan turned her attention back to Trey, who was having beers stuffed into the waistband of his jeans by several women. And men. Squirming, he tried to avoid having additional beverages shoved in his pants, while he placed his order with the bartender. She could tell he was having a great time already.

“What an attention whore,” Dare said. He grinned at his brother’s antics while shaking his head in disgrace.

“You’re not fooling me, Dare Mills. Your kid brother means more to you than any other person on the planet.”

“Can’t deny it. If it weren’t for him, I would have died before my sixth birthday.”

Reagan’s head whipped up to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“I had acute myeloid leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. Trey was a match, so he was my donor.”

“He never told me that.”

“He knows about it but doesn’t remember it. He was only two, but he is still terrified of hospitals, so it had to have some lasting effect on him. Have you seen the size of the needles they use to remove bone marrow? I have.” He shuddered.

Reagan wrapped both arms around Dare and gave him a hard squeeze.

He patted her back and asked, “What was that for?”

“For living.”

He chuckled. “You should hug Trey, not me. He’s the hero.”

“Oh, trust me, Trey is going to get a lot of hugs. Do leg hugs count?”

“I’m sure he’d think so.”

She gazed across the room to the bar where Trey was trapped between some guy who had a three-foot-tall, lime green mohawk and a Hollywood socialite with a yapping Chihuahua in her purse. Both hands full with stiff drinks, Trey smiled, nodded, and chatted as he inched his way back in their direction. “If he ever escapes his fan club.”

“Is this the line for Reagan hugs?” a deep voice said from behind her. She turned and grabbed Steve in a bear hug. He returned her hug enthusiastically. She couldn’t help but notice how great those strong drummer arms felt wrapped around her body. Even though the concert had ended two hours before, he still wasn’t wearing a shirt with his low-cut leather pants. “Are you two having a guitarist meeting over here?” Steve asked. “I noticed Dare has erected his invisible barrier of cool to ward off the ass-kissers. I hope you don’t mind me crashing your private party.”

“We’re just talking,” Reagan said.

“About the show?” Steve asked, giving Reagan one last squeeze before releasing her. “I figured we’d fuck up a lot more than we did. The first show of a new tour is usually the worst. It went well, don’t you think?”

She nodded. “Even though I was scared to death.”

Steve rubbed her back. “You did great, sweetie. Even Max said so.”

“I think he liked being just a front man,” Dare said. “He got even more involved with the crowd than usual. He might want to keep this arrangement after his wrist heals.” Dare winked at Reagan and she had to remind herself that she was a rock star now and should not be shrieking with enthusiasm.

“He’s been trolling the Internet for reviews all night,” Steve said. “He won’t admit this to anyone, but he really does care what people say about us.”

Dare chuckled. “Max? No way. He’s too cool to care.”

“Sure,” Steve said.

“I go off to get the lady a drink and as soon as I turn my back, she starts feeling up her band members,” Trey said with an exaggerated scowl.

“Trey, I did not feel up any of my band’s members,” Reagan said and accepted her drink. “At least not in public.”

Steve burst out laughing. “You kill me, Reagan. Really.” He pulled a bottle of beer out of the waistband of Trey’s pants. “Thanks. I could use a cold one.” He twisted off the bottle cap and took a long swallow before flicking the bottle cap at Trey. “What’s up, Dare’s lil’ bro?”

“I thought I might ask my girlfriend to dance, but after seeing the company she keeps, I’m not sure I’m famous enough.”

Reagan wrapped both arms around Trey and squeezed. He couldn’t reciprocate; his hands were full. “Dare told me what you did.”

He stiffened slightly. “What did I do?”

“You saved his life.”

“Oh that. I didn’t really have a say in the matter. I couldn’t even string an entire sentence together then. Trey, do you want to donate some bone marrow? Ba-ba da-da yeah-yeah. They assumed that meant yes.”

She snuggled her face into his neck. “I still think it’s heroic.”

“Did he tell you he almost died last year?” Dare asked, helping himself to one of the beers in Trey’s waistband.

Reagan drew away to look up at Trey. “No, he did not. What happened?”

Trey took her hand and directed it to the side of his head. She fingered the narrow scar that arched over his ear.

“Got hit in the head with a ball bat,” he said. “Some bleeding on the brain. A couple of grand mal seizures. No big deal.”

Dare chuckled. “He says that now.”

“I remember when that happened,” Reagan said. “It was all over the news. I didn’t realize it was so serious.” Her throat tightened as she looked up at him. She couldn’t imagine not having him in her life and wished she could have been there to help him through all the tough times in his past. Overcome with unexpected emotion, she hugged him tight. She didn’t even care that one of the drinks in his hand sloshed onto her back. “I’m finished partying like a rock star for tonight. Let’s go find Ethan and go up to the room. I want to be alone with you. Relatively speaking.”

“You just got here,” Steve complained. “Everyone wants to meet you.”

Reagan glanced around the room. All eyes were on her. If her relationship with Trey had been unknown before, it was definitely no secret now.

“One drink,” Trey said, handing her one of the glasses he’d carried from the bar. He handed the spare to his brother and kept one for himself. He turned to stand beside Reagan, wrapping his right arm around her waist as he sipped his drink. “Bring on the admirers.”

“More like spectators,” Reagan murmured.

Before anyone had the chance to approach, Ethan appeared next to Reagan. “There were no deliveries tonight,” he said.

“So how did they get in there?” she whispered harshly.

“Someone had to bring them personally.”

“They were inside my dressing room?”


“What are you two talking about?” Trey asked.

“You didn’t tell him?” Ethan asked.

“I didn’t want him to worry.”

“About what?” Trey asked.

“She got another of those threatening messages. On a card in some flowers. I’ve spent the last hour finding out about any deliveries that were made tonight, but there were no flowers delivered to her dressing room, so whoever it was must have access to the backstage area.”

“Reagan, why didn’t you tell me?” Trey asked.

“I didn’t want you to worry.”

“That’s kind of my job, babe.”

Ethan wrapped a comforting arm around her back and Reagan squirmed away from him. He scowled. “What’s your problem?”

“There are people everywhere,” she said.


“They know I’m with Trey, so I can’t get personal with you here.”

“Why not?”

Trey laughed unexpectedly and poked Reagan in the ribs. She gave him her frostiest look. He threw a pointed look in the direction of one of the swarms of reporters who were looking their way. “Smile and laugh,” he said under his breath. “They can smell drama from a mile away.”

Reagan laughed. “You’re so hilarious, Trey,” she said loudly. “Well, I guess I should call it a night. I’m dead on my feet and I think I’ve had a little too much to drink.” Exactly half of a rum and coke.

“I’ll help you find your way,” Trey said. “Follow us,” he whispered to Ethan. “Like her bodyguard would.”

Dare, Steve, and Logan looked entirely perplexed as Trey wrapped an arm around Reagan’s back and helped her find the exit. A seething Ethan followed two paces behind—looking every inch the tough bodyguard. Once they were safely on the elevator, they dropped their facades.

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