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Saved By Her
  • Текст добавлен: 19 сентября 2016, 14:29

Текст книги "Saved By Her"

Автор книги: Michelle Horst

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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 14 страниц)

His chest rises and falls with the hard breaths he’s sucking in through clenched teeth. His eyes burn on mine, and I see the challenge. He thinks he’s defying me. He thinks I’ll punish him.

“You’re free, Jack,” I whisper softly. “You’re no longer a slave. You can stay here until you’re better and then leave, or you can stay and work here. You have a choice.”

He pushes me away and I see the pain on his face as he stumbles out of bed. He uses the wall to keep himself upright.

“Jack, you shouldn’t be out of bed.” He’s naked and he doesn’t seem to care.

He ignores me as he stumbles out of the room and down the passage. I can see his muscles straining to keep him upright. Tears well in my eyes. I just want to hold him and make it all better, but I know there is nothing I can do. Jack has to heal on his own.

Sophia limps past me and she grabs hold of Jack’s arm. He swings back and for a moment I fear that he might strike at her. His eyes roam over her and then finally it looks like he actually sees her.

“Come rest, Jack. Eat something, get clothes and then you can leave.” She shakes her head at him. “Not like this. You won’t make it like this.”

She takes his hand and pulls his arm around her shoulders. I get out of the way, letting her help him back to the room. Once he’s back in bed she takes her bowl of soup, or what’s left of it and goes to sit by Jack. I watch as she feeds him.

  I’m glad I placed them in the same room. They can help each other heal.

“We will go get you some clothes today.” I look at Adam as I say this so he’ll know to get their sizes.

Exhausted from the past two days, I leave them to eat with Adam watching over them.

I walk out back and slowly make my way to the sandy beach that’s on the east side of the property. I love the surroundings here. Everything is so peaceful and green. The trees are old and huge, housing many different species of birds.

The manor was built in 1934 and it has settled in well with the nature around it. It has eight hundred and twenty acres of farmland, mature forests, restored wetlands and sandy beaches that stretch out around the lake.

The manor is huge with eight bedrooms and six bathrooms, big enough to house eighteen people if we place three in a room. Only Miss Ella and myself stay in the manor with the slaves that have been saved. Adam, Tristan and the other men all share the four guest cottages out back. Each cottage has two rooms.

It’s heaven here. Everything about The Sanctuary gives me an inner peace and I hope it will do the same for Jack and Sophia.


Chapter Seven


Every part of my body throbs with an aching pain. It hurts so much that I can’t sleep. I don’t dare put on any of the clothes Master and Mistress Ryland brought earlier in the evening, it will hurt my raw skin too much.

Sophia managed to put on a light dress. She’s currently sitting on the side of the bed, staring at me. She tilts her head, thinking hard on something.

Growing up with Sophia, I know everything about her. I know she’s lost much more of herself over the years than I have, and that’s saying a lot, seeing as there’s nothing left of me.

I wait, knowing she’s about to speak her mind.

She brings her feet up onto the mattress and folds her arms around her shins, resting her chin on her knees. She keeps her eyes on something outside the window, when she says, “It feels different here. Master and Mistress Ryland seem nice.” She looks at me and smiles. I don’t know how she manages to smile. I just want to die! “I think we’ll be happy here.”

I turn my back to her and grumble, “In order to be happy I actually have to care about life.” I’m done caring. I cared about David and those feeling were used to control me. Caring for someone only makes you vulnerable. I’ll never place myself in such a position again.

I hear someone come into the room and I don’t even bother to see who it is. Something is placed on the table between the two beds and then a soft voice says, “What’s this I hear of you wasting my soup, Son.”

I glance over my shoulder, but the movement only causes me pain. I watch as an elderly lady pulls a chair closer to the bed I’m on.

“My mama always said; waste not, want not,” she goes on talking. Her eyes are a vibrant blue and her hair grey with a purple tinge to it. “Now I’ve brought you another bowl of soup and you’ll eat every last drop. I’ve also brought you some pills for the pain.”

The painkillers get my attention. I struggle into a sitting position, my eyes never leaving the woman. Trust no one and expect anything.

“I’m Miss Ella and that’s what you’ll call me. Don’t even try to call me Miss E, I’m nobody’s missy. My mama gave me the name Ella and I expect you to use it.” She scoops a bit of soup up and then blows on the broth before she brings it to my lips. The action reminds me of Momma. She used to do that too, so I wouldn’t burn my mouth.

I take a few bites before Miss Ella asks, “What’s your name, Son?”

I don’t answer her. I don’t want to be here and I don’t want to get friendly with anyone.

Sophia clears her throat, “His name is Jack.”

Miss Ella smiles at Sophia. “Thank you, dear, and you are?”

“I’m Sophia.”

Miss Ella feeds me until the bowl is empty and my stomach full. I want to cry with relief when she places the painkillers in my mouth. I quickly swallow them down with some water.

“My room is the one right by the stairs. If the pain gets to be too much come wake me.” She gathers the dishes and then gives me and Sophia each a pointed look. “You need to eat all your food so your bodies can heal. There’s a lot of work to be done. Everyone works here to earn their keep.” An icy ripple spreads down my spine. Miss Ella looks at Sophia. “As soon as you’re up to it you can help me in the kitchen.” And then she looks at me. “River says you’ve been born with a green thumb. That’s a good thing because no one around here likes to garden, and I’m too old to be playing with flowers. We can do with some color around here, so as soon as you’re better you can fix the gardens up nicely.”

She looks pleased with herself. “Now get a good night’s rest and I’ll see you in the morning.”

I can go on gardening here? Miss Ella said nothing about sex. Come to think of it neither did Mistress and Master Ryland. That doesn’t mean anything! As soon as we’re better they’ll put us to work. After all, Miss Ella said we have to earn our keep.

I wake up in the dead of the night, my body and sheets soaked with sweat. The pain is like a fire, devouring every inch of me. The pain eats at me and I can’t keep the whimper in, “Sophia.” She doesn’t stir and I call a little louder, “Sophia.”

The light flashes on and I blink so my eyes can adjust to the sudden light. Mistress Ryland comes to the bed, a look of concern clouding her face. She’s still dressed in the shorts and shirt from earlier, her clothes now creased. I’ve never seen a Mistress who cared so little about her appearance. She’s not even wearing make up!

A flash of hot pain tears through my legs, bringing hopeless tears to my eyes.

“Do you need something, Jack?” she whispers. Her cool hand rests on my forehead for a few seconds.

“Painkillers,” I groan so softly I can hardly hear myself.

She pours some water into a glass and takes two pills out of a box. She places the pills in my mouth and then holds the glass to my lips so I can drink. I take a few sips. The pain is making me hot and thirsty.

Mistress Ryland rinses a cloth in a bucket and then presses it to my forehead, and then my cheeks and neck. I notice that she works gently as she wipes my body down. The cloth is nice and cool, and together with the painkillers it eases the relentless pain until I drift off to sleep.


Chapter Eight


It’s been five days since Jack and Sophia were brought here. Sophia started helping in the kitchen yesterday. She’s healing nicely. She seems to have taken a liking to Miss Ella and I’m grateful for that.

A lot of the people we rescue cling to Miss Ella. They see her as a mother figure. She plays a big part in their recovery.

Jack should be up and about soon. He’s eating on his own and last night he slept right through, without having to wake for painkillers.

I walk to the kitchen and find Sophia busy peeling potatoes. “If you’re not careful Miss Ella will have you only peeling potatoes. She hates to do that.”

Sophia smiles her brilliant smile. Even with all the welts and wounds she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. “I don’t mind,” she says softly.

“Hush, child,” Miss Ella says. “You know my old hands don’t want to peel and grate anything anymore.”

I laugh, always trying to get a rise out of Miss Ella. She’s so easy to tease.

“Actually,” I say, walking over to Sophia, “I wanted to steal Sophia for an hour. I think it’s time she meets everyone.”

“You can have her for an hour, but bring her back so she can finish helping me.”

I take Sophia’s hand and pull her behind me. “Thanks, Miss Ella.”

We slip out the back door and walk in the direction of the farmland. “We farm our own vegetables and fruits here,” I start to explain to Sophia. “We have some cattle and fowl, as well, but that falls under Tristan and Miss Ella.”

We approach a group of girls and they all smile when they spot us. Diane is still careful around us all. She was the last slave we saved. She’s only eighteen and her life has already been so hard. I don’t blame her for being careful. The other girls, Lizzie, Varsha, Jane and Kgomotso have all settled in. They work the piece of land we grow our vegetables on.

“Girls,” I greet them with a smile, “this is Sophia. Please make her feel at home.”

Varsha has a bubbly personality and she’s the first to step forward. She’s gentle as she hugs Sophia. “You’re going to be so happy here!” Varsha has been with us for seven years. She was taken as a child. We think she’s from the middle east. Most of the people come here with only their names, no past and no family.

Kgomotso is next. She’s an African beauty. She also hugs Sophia. “Welcome.” She’s not one to talk much, but when she does have something to say she doesn’t hold back.

Lizzy and Diane just smile at Sophia. For some reason Diane has taken to Lizzy. I think it’s because Lizzie is only seventeen. With their age being so close, and their dark hair and grey eyes, they could have been sisters in another life.

“The girls tend to the vegetables. We have potatoes, carrots, peas, pumpkin, tomatoes,” I take a breath and laugh, “we have it all here. You can get to know them better over dinner. Let me go show you the others.”

We find the other girls picking apples. This group is really tight. The two groups are polite to each other but it’s seldom that they socialize.

Jamie is another young one. She just turned twenty, but she’s been with us four years. She’s one of the cases that broke my heart. It’s her friend, Lolla who died. She took the blow really hard.

Savannah, Beverly and Julie are glued to each other. They were freed from the same asshole. I suppose they’re a little family. Jack and Sophia might be the same. Usually if people are freed together they cling to each other and the bond they’ve already formed.

April is our oldest girl, or woman. At thirty three, she’s a year older than me. We got her just in time. They were going to kill her because she was too old for the sex trade.

When everybody has had a chance to meet Sophia, we walk in the direction of the cattle. Kevin, Joe and Theo help Tristan with the cattle. Then there’s Maddie. She stays away from the girls. The person who took her sold her to a bitch of a woman, who took great pleasure in hurting Maddie. She’s got a fear for women since then. We leave her with the men. They make her feel safe, especially Christopher. He guards this side and he keeps a close eye on her.

I take Sophia back to the kitchen and notice that she’s very quiet. “Do you have any questions?”

She drops her eyes to my feet, a puzzled look on her face. “They’re all your slaves?”

I shake my head quickly. “No, Lovely. No one here is a slave. They’ve all been a slave at one point but just like you and Jack they are now free. Any of you can leave at any time. You are no longer someone’s property and you can make eye contact with all of us. You never have to submit again.”

Sophia frowns and I can see something is worrying her. I take her hand and hold her back. “You are not a slave. No one will use you for sex or beat on you again. You’re safe here. You can now live your own life.”

Tears well in her eyes and she whispers, “I don’t know how to live my own life. I’ve only been a slave, my entire life. It’s all I know.”

“I understand, Lovely. With time you will adjust to this new life. There’s no rush. Take it one day at a time.”

When I start to walk again she says, “Mistress…”

I swing back, shaking my head hard. “Your first lesson is that no one is the boss of you. I’m not a mistress. No one is. There is no such thing as a mistress or master. I’m River Sinclair.” I cup her cheek with my hand. “Say my name.”

I see her swallow and then she whispers, “River Sinclair.”

“You’re going to be just fine. If you need anything just ask myself, Adam or Miss Ella.”

She nods, looking a little calmer. There’s a hard road ahead of Sophia and Jack.


Just before dinner I run into Adam. I’ve been meaning to talk with him. “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure,” He says and I follow him out on the patio where we both take a seat on the comfy chairs.

“I’ve been thinking of getting some supplies for Jack. You know, for when he’s better, then he can start with the garden.”

“I’ll send one of the men to town to get a few things.” Adam gets up, “Is that all?”

He’s always like this after we return with people. It hits him hard to see all those slaves and to leave them behind. It grates away at me too.

Another week or so and he’ll be back to his old self.

Dinner is a weird affair at the manor. Some will have their food out on the patio, where others sit at the table with Miss Ella. As long as everyone eats, I don’t care where they eat.

I grab two plates of food and go to Jack’s room. We’ve moved Sophia in with Diane and Lizzie. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have Sophia and Jack sharing a room. I have nothing against any of them dating, but when they’re raw like this, I try to keep them away from anything sex related.

I nudge the door open with my elbow and walk in. My eyes go huge when I see Jack standing in front of the window. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt. I’m so angry with those animals for beating Jack. It’s like Cameron wanted to leave his mark on Jack and Sophia. Sadistic asshole! I place the plates on the table between the beds and take a seat on the bed Sophia slept on. “I brought you dinner.”

Jack turns his head slightly, giving me a view of his profile. He doesn’t talk much. There are times I’m scared that Cameron broke this beautiful man.

“Please come eat with me, Jack.” I pick up a fork and scoop up some mashed potatoes. I start to eat, hoping Jack will eat with me.

It takes a few minutes of eating in silence before Jack goes to sit on his bed. His movements are stilted with pain. I wish there was more I could do for him. He starts to eat and that’s all we do until our plates are empty. I’m glad he’s eating all his food, that’s one relief, at least.

Jack wipes the corner of his mouth, and with his eyes on his plate, he says, “Thank you, Mistress.”

Tears well in my eyes and I quickly correct him, “I’m not a mistress, Jack. My name is River Sinclair. Use my name and the same goes for Adam, Miss Ella and the rest of the people living here. I meant it when I said you’re free. You’re not a slave anymore. There are others here who were slaves, just like you and Sophia, but they have made a life for themselves. I hope you’ll be able to do that too.”

Jack looks up, meeting my eyes and I take it as a victory over Cameron. “So no more sex?”

I smile brightly. “Not against your will. You’ll never be raped again. The only sex you’ll be having from here on out is the kind you really want.”

He shakes his head and his eyes turn sad. “I think I’ll rather do the same as you.”

I’m not following him, so I ask, “How do you mean?”

A fire lights in his eyes, the same spark I saw shining from him before Cameron tried to break him. “I’ll be … I think you called it celibate? I hate sex.”

A sad smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. “I understand, Jack. It’s your choice and I want you to do what makes you happy.” I smile brighter, moving off the subject of sex. “On a happier note, one of the men will go get you some supplies tomorrow morning, then you can start with the garden as soon as you feel better.”

His features soften a bid. “You’ll let me work with plants?”

“If you don’t want to you don’t have to, Jack. I just thought it was something you loved to do.”

“It is.” He says nothing else.

I gather the dishes and get up. “Well then, it’s settled. As soon as you’re up to it you can start with the gardens. I’d like to introduce you to everyone,” I see his face tighten again and quickly add, “just so you know their names. You don’t have to make friends here. You can keep to yourself, Jack.”

I walk to the door and turn to wish him a good night. His green eyes have followed me and they look mystified.

“Why would you allow me to stay here but not expect sex from me?”

Poor Jack! He’s so used to people only wanting him for sex. It makes my heart cringe that he doesn’t think of himself as worth more than just being some sadists fuck.

“Because, Jack, I’m paying for the sins of my father. The Sanctuary is a place where lost souls can find themselves. It is the one place on Earth you can be safe. No one will dare to hurt you as long as you stay with us. I want you to remember that you’re free to go but once you choose to stay here there is no leaving.”

Jack’s gaze burns on mine, as if he’s dissecting every one of my words to see how much truth lies in them.

“Good night,” he whispers, looking away from me.

At least he doesn’t call me mistress. I take it as another victory. Jack’s not lost to us. He’ll find his way back and it will be a beautiful sight to see the whole of him.


Chapter Nine


My hands are itching for the feel of ground. It’s still early in the morning when I watch a truck pull up to house. Two men get out and I watch them off load plants, flowers, bags, pots and a hose.

My craving to be outside becomes overwhelming and before I can over think it, I’m out the room and finding my way to the nearest door. As I make my way through the kitchen, Miss Ella comes in with a basket filled with eggs.

“Morning, Jack!” she greets me with excitement. “It’s good to see you’re up and about. I noticed Colby and Ian drove up with a truckload of plants for you. I hope that means you’ll be adding some color around here now?”

I can only nod, and then I move as quickly as I can by her and out the door.

The men are still off loading, so I decide to keep my distance. One of the men spots me as he’s placing a bag with pebbles on the ground. He smiles but doesn’t come any closer. “It’s all yours, have fun!” he calls out, and then both men walk away.

I wait until they’re gone before I walk to the truck. There’s so much! A Wheelbarrow, shovel, rake and three hoses. Rose bushes! Ferns and shrubs, so many bags of pebbles. For the first time in a long while, excitement wells in my chest and I feel my eyes mist over with emotion. I quickly look around me, not sure where to start.

I look back at the feast in front of me and kneel down so I can touch the flowers. I to the kitchen and decide these flowers would look best there. I grab the shovel and start to work the ground against the wall, on both sides of the door. When I’m done I realize that there’s no fertilizer. I can’t stop now! I need to do this.

I wipe my hands on the back of my jeans and pop my head into the kitchen. Miss Ella is busy mixing something so I clear my throat. When she looks at me I quickly drop my eyes to the floor. “I … I was wondering where I could get some fertilizer,” I mumble, hoping I won’t get in trouble.

I hear her move closer and then her soft hand presses against my chin. “Look up, Jack. I want to see those eyes of yours. Don’t go hiding them from me.” I look up and she smiles softly. “Ahh … there they are. The angels knew what they were doing when they gave you green eyes, it’s like you’re carrying a tiny bit of nature around in you.”

My mouth drops open. No one has ever said something like that to me. Usually, I’ll only be told that I’m a good fuck, or have a huge cock, or great body – but never something like this! My throat closes up and I quickly pull away. I take a few steps away from the old woman, not sure what she’s playing at with her nice words.

“Will cow manure do? There’s plenty of that. Those cows just eat and crap the whole day long. Let me go show you where.” She walks by me and then calls back, “Bring your shovel and wheelbarrow!”

I quickly grab the shovel, place it in the wheelbarrow and then follow her. We walk quite a distance and I can feel it’s going to be a hot day. My body is itching from all the scabs.

When I see all the cows, sheep and pigs, my eyes grow huge. I’ve never seen animals up close. My feet slow down until all I can do is stare.

“Over here, Jack,” Miss Ella calls out, and I rush over to where she’s standing. There is large heaps of manure. Wow, I’ve never seen so much manure!

I start to shovel some into the wheelbarrow. I notice that Miss Ella is waiting for me so I pick up the pace even though my body is protesting.

“Morning, Miss E,” a man calls out. I quickly hold the shovel in front of me, ready to fight. I was told no more sex but I’m not sure I can believe a word any of these people say.

“I told you before and I’m telling you for the last time, my mama named me Ella not E!” Her voice sounds harsh but there’s a smile on her face as she looks at the man. “Theo, this is Jack. He’s new here so be kind and not your usual crazy self.”

Theo keeps his distance, which is a good thing as he’s much smaller than me. He smiles at me. “Welcome, Jack.”

“Now run along and go work.” He listens and with a quick wave he runs off in the direction of a huge building. It’s made of sturdy wood, and it’s huge!

As soon as Theo is gone I get back to shoveling the manure into the wheelbarrow. When I’m sure the wheelbarrow can’t take anymore, I stick the shovel into the manure and take hold of the wheelbarrow. Without a word Miss Ella starts walking back and I follow behind her.

When we get back to the house, she goes straight into the kitchen.

I bring the wheelbarrow close to the piece of ground I’m working with, and start to work the manure into the ground. It takes me a long while to get all of the manure nicely worked into the dry ground. I need water.

I hook the hose to the tap next to the steps by the backdoor. For now I just need one hose, but I’m sure with time I’ll use all three.

I set the nozzle to a fine spray and take my time wetting the ground. When I’m happy with the ground, I grab the first tray of flowers and start to plant them.

With each little plant going into the ground I feel my heart swelling until something inside of me bursts and tears spill over my cheeks. I don’t bother wiping them away.

This is all that mattered, and it’s all that will matter. Plants, trees, flowers – nature – it’s where my soul finds a sliver of peace and happiness.

I don’t know how long I’ve been working, when Miss Ella calls to me from the kitchen door. “Come have something to eat and drink. No use in you dying out in the heat. Who’s going to do the gardening then?”

She disappears back inside and I quickly rinse my hands. I dry them on the back of my pants and then go inside. It’s cool and my eyes immediately fall on the stack of pancakes and orange juice. It looks delicious.

“You can sit here with me, Jack.” Miss Ella moves around the heavy wooden table and takes a seat. She has a plate filled with pancakes, as well. She takes some syrup and pours it over the pancakes.

When she cuts off a piece and pops it in her mouth, I move closer to the table. She takes another bite, and I quickly go to sit down. I don’t bother with the syrup, I’m too hungry.

I scoff the food down, and take huge gulps of orange juice. I want to get back to the garden. Just as I finish Master Ryland walks into the kitchen with Sophia following him.

My heart constricts and I freeze.

“Morning,” he says in a calm manner, then he looks at his watch. “It’s more afternoon than morning. You two enjoying your brunch?”

“You know I love a snack here and there. At my age there’s no such thing as watching my figure. Who knows what kind of foods they have in paradise. I want to get my fill while I still can.”

“Excuses, excuses,” Master Ryland laughs at Miss Ella, and then he says, “Nanna, do you have two more plates?”

I wonder why he calls her Nanna.

Miss Ella quickly prepares two plates and I move to get up when Master Ryland sits down in front of me and says, “Stay a while, Jack.”

I slump back into the chair, disappointment scratching at the scabs on my heart.

I watch as he pours two glasses of orange juice for himself and Sophia. She’s so quiet next to him. I haven’t seen much of her in the past three days.

He fills my glass again and then says, “I’ve noticed you’ve started on the garden. I’m glad you’re feeling better. There’s a chapel close to the river. I’d like to go show you. I think you’ll be able to do something with it.”

“Yes, Master.” I try to keep my voice toneless, but it’s hard and even I can hear the suspicion and doubt lacing my words.

“My name is Adam Stone but you can call me Adam. There are no masters and mistresses here.”

They keep saying that and the question slips from me, “Then why did you call yourselves Master and Mistress Ryland?”

“That was all a show to fool the fuckers who had you, Jack.” I’m surprised by the sudden burst of anger and hatred coming from him. “No one has the right to keep another human being as a slave. It’s wrong!” He shakes his head and gets up so fast that the chair skids over the floor. “Fuckers, the whole lot of them!” He walks to the door, leaving Miss Ella with two plates of pancakes. He looks to Sophia and his voice is tight when he says, “Stay with Miss Ella.” Then he looks to me. “Come, Jack.”

My heart falls to my stomach and it makes the pancakes churn in my stomach. I get up and follow him out the door. The further we walk away from the house the heavier my heart feels.

We cross some sort of bridge, wide and strong enough for a car to drive over. It’s beautiful out here and even my fear can’t keep me from seeing it.

Master Ryland swerves off to the right and I follow him into a small clearing. On the one side are old trees, reaching high into the skies, and on the other side is the river. I lose my breath from all the beauty around me.

“This is the chapel, at least that’s what we call it.” Adam stops and stands a distance from the small structure.

I move closer, looking at the bricks and the two small benches. It’s currently shaded by the trees, but as the day grows old it will receive sun. The bougainvillea they brought this morning would do great here. It can crawl up the back of the brick wall.

“If you need to get some of your supplies here, just let me know and I’ll help you drive it down. It’s too far to walk up and down with everything.”

I’m really confused. I stare at Adam, not sure what to make of his kind gesture. He must read my mind because he looks right at me and says, “You’re safe here, Jack. River and I will make sure nothing happens to you.”

He doesn’t want sex from me? River doesn’t want sex from me? Could they really be that good?


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