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Текст книги "Riposte"

Автор книги: Michael A. Stackpole

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Текущая страница: 13 (всего у книги 24 страниц)


ComStar First Circuit Compound

Hilton Head Island, North America, Terra

17 August 3028

Captain Daniel Lord Allard nodded his head at the plump, blond Baroness de Gambier, but the frozen smile on his face felt as though it would never come unstuck. Blake's Blood! How did Felicity get invited here ?While she was making her way toward him through the crowd gathered in the spacious ballroom antechamber, Dan wordlessly communicated his panic to Colonel Morgan Kell.

"Before we left for the wedding, I meant to ask you, Captain how you envisioned the rechanneling of fusion power within a 'Mech engine to maximize cooling . . ." Morgan's voice carried loudly enough to deflect the Baroness from her course toward Dan into a more solicitous grouping. Morgan laughed with a little shake of the head. "She'll be back, you know."

Dan rolled his eyes. "Our grandfathers served in the same 'Mech unit ages ago. Her brother Jacques and I were good friends at NAMA. During our off time from some cadre training operation on Gambier, he took me to visit his family." Dan tugged at his dress uniform's stiff collar. "Gambier is only four jumps from Kestrel, so whenever I went to Kestrel to see my grandparents, I found Felicity already ensconced in the house 'by coincidence.' "

"I've seen the look in her eyes before, Dan. In the way that woman with Morgan Hasek-Davion looks at him, for instance. It doesn't bode well for your continued freedom."

Dan grimaced. "Maybe our next contract will take us beyond the Periphery."

Something flashed in Morgan's eyes, as though Dan had touched him in a dark and painful place, but it vanished just as quickly. "Perhaps, Dan. Perhaps." Morgan's smile broadened at the sight of the heavy-set black-haired man approaching them now. Thrusting out a hand, Morgan greeted the newcomer heartily. "Scott Bradley! It's been far too long."

Bradley returned the smile, but a nervous tremor in his lower lip betrayed his unease. "That it has, Morgan. I'm glad to see you looking fit." Bradley freed his hand from Morgan's and offered it to Dan. "Captain Allard, glad to see you again."

So, even the prodigals return.Dan met Bradley's firm grip with one of his own, pumping the man's arm strongly. "How have you been, Scott?" Dan's gaze brushed over the rank insignia on Bradley's dark green uniform. "You're a Major now . . ."

Bradley nodded somewhat sheepishly. "Yeah, I've got my own battalion." The man looked at Morgan, and Dan could read the anguish on Bradley's face. "I waited, Morgan, just as you asked me to. I gathered a whole group of Mech Warriors around me—really good people." Bradley winced. "They kept after me to leave McGee's Cutthroats and to form our own mercenary group. After so many years of waiting, Morgan, I didn't know what to think."

Morgan smiled and rested both hands on Bradley's shoulders. "Scott, you did what you had to do. You accepted responsibility for a vast number of people and that's something to be proud of."

Bradley nodded. "I amproud of the battalion."

Morgan gave the other man's shoulders a shake before releasing him. "And I'm proud of you for taking the action you did. You've proved yourself to be even more of a natural leader than before. To have a group of mercenaries urge you to form your own unit indicates a special level of trust in your abilities that few leaders ever inspire in their people."

Relief flooded Bradley's face and body. The nervous quivering of his lip had ceased and new confidence seeped into his voice. "I've got a one-year contract with the Federated Suns. We've pulled garrison duty on Northwind, to begin right after the wedding, while some of the regular troops are involved in Galahad '28. After that, I was hoping that you might take Bradley's Bravos on as a battalion in the Kell Hounds . . ."

"The Kell Hounds would be pleased to have you, Scott." Glancing at Dan with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he added, "In fact, if you wish, you may designate Bradley's Bravos the Kell Hound Third 'Mech Battalion. We'll formalize things when your contract is up with the Federated Suns."

Bradley stepped back, saluted, then enfolded Morgan's right hand in his own fist. "I took a straw poll among the battalion's MechWarriors and they favored joining up with the Hounds. With your permission, I'll toss the Kell Hound crest on our standard and add it to our 'Mechs."

"Done, Major Bradley." Morgan shook Scott's hand firmly. "You were sorely missed."

Before anything further could pass between the two men, a wave of applause began near the doorway, then proceeded to grow as the rest of the crowd joined in. The three MechWarriors added their own applause to the swelling sound as Melissa Arthur Steiner, radiant in a sleeveless, shimmering golden gown that matched her hair, entered the room flanked by Katrina Steiner and Hanse Davion. The Archon-Designate gracefully bowed her head in acknowledgement of the ovation, then allowed her fiance to lead her down the stairs. Behind them, the Archon followed proudly.

Dan felt Morgan's hand on his shoulder. "Shall we head over to the receiving line?"

Dan shook his head. "No, Colonel, you and Scott go ahead." He glanced at other people passing through the doorway. "My parents have just arrived and I should speak with them. Besides," Dan said as he saw the Baroness de Gambier waiting to ambush him where the line was forming, "I hate standing in line."

While picking his way through the crowd toward his parents, Dan was amused to note several gatherings of retired MechWarriors holding court as well as more than one clutch of matchmaking dowager noblewomen. Though half-tempted to join a Kurita officer's discussion about the superiority of regular troops over mercenaries, Dan continued on through clouds of noxious cigar smoke and competing perfumes until he reached the elder Allards.

Quintus Allard took his son's hand, then drew him into a firm, back-slapping hug. "Dammit, Dan, you look good."

Dan laughed. "So do you, father." Stepping back, he appraised his father's double-breasted gray suit with approval. "New suit?"

Quintus nodded, smiling broadly. "Got it for the wedding."

"Looks very good, very chic. Mother must have picked it out for you," Dan said teasingly, as he turned to gather up his mother in a hug. "Good to see you, mother." He released her with a smile and found just as much to admire in his mother's appearance. Though fifty years old, her trim figure and bright green eyes be lied her age, as did her thick, straw-blond hair. The green, sleeveless gown she wore was anything but matronly, but the matching short jacket added just the right touch of respectability.

Tamara Kearny Allard smoothed out the black wolf’s-head design on Dan's jacket, letting her fingers linger on the Dragon-slayers ribbon at his left shoulder. Then she snatched back her hand and covered her mouth. "I'm sorry, Dan, your shoulder..."

The MechWarrior shook his head. "No blood, no report." He winked at his mother, summoning the smile back to her face. "I'm fine, mother. Really. It healed ages ago." He had turned now to his sister. "Hello, Riva. How's my baby sister?"

Riva wrinkled her pert nose and hugged her brother. "You're baby sister just got accepted into the NAIS Ph.D. program."

Dan laughed and hugged her even tighter. "That's great, Rat."

Riva pulled back and thrust a finger at Dan. "You promised never to call me that again, Daniel." The anger flashing in her cerulean eyes glinted like the lights off her blue silk gown. Dan stepped back slightly and forced himself to see the woman his sister had become. Though she still wore her black hair in a short gamin cut and her eyes had never lost their combative fire, her tomboy days were surely gone forever.

He bowed his head with great dignity. "I apologize, Riva." Her face brightened again, and the two smiled at one another with much affection. "So, what will you study for your doctorate?"

Riva hesitated, flicking a worried glance at her father, then looked down. "Neural-cybernetic interfaces with an emphasis on cybernetically aided regeneration."

Dan forced a smile. For Justin. Right, Riva?He nodded and tried to put more life into his smile. "I'm sure such work will help many people."

Quintus looked at his son. "We were pleased to get the communication from the Macthat you were aboard and would be attending the wedding, but the Prince thought Colonel Kell would have Major Ward with him."

Dan nodded. "Salome caught a virus a couple of days before we left, and used it as an excuse to stay on Arc-Royal. I had the feeling she didn't want to attend the wedding because she's working hard to get the First 'Mech battalion into shape. She and Conn O'Bannon have a fierce competition going between them. It won't really matter which battalion—First or Second—is best because they'll both be hell on wheels."

Scattered applause turned Dan once more toward the door. It was for Duke Michael Hasek-Davion and his wife Marie, a most unlikely looking pair. Michael stood straight and slender, yet so full of energy that he seemed taller and his deep green eyes even more penetrating. A silver circlet held his long black hair away from his face, and he looked impressive in his decoration-festooned dress uniform.

Beside her husband was Marie, whose petiteness added to the illusion of Michael's height. Her gown was a shade darker than the one worn by Countess Allard, and she wore her blond hair swept back from the left side of her face with a malachite and silver clasp. She looked lovingly at the Duke, then let him guide her down the stairs into the antechamber.

Dan turned back toward his parents just in time to see the hooded expression on his father's face. What is it, I wonder? I know there is no love lost between Duke Michael and my father, but my father has never been one to bear a grudge.The MechWarrior smiled. "Michael and his wife look as though they survived their trip insystem well. The Mac's Captain said they came in at 1.75 Gs. Must have taken its toll on the Duchess."

Riva shot cautious glances to either side, then spoke in a low voice. "The Duchess traveled to Terra aboard the Prince's ship."

Dan pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Interesting."

Janos Marik, Captain-General of the Free Worlds League, was next to appear in the doorway to polite applause. Though he had once been a tall man, age had stooped his shoulders somewhat and had entirely leeched his shoulder-length hair of color. Deep wrinkles gathered the flesh at the corners of his eyes and lined his brow. Everything about him, including the House Marik crest tattooed on his forehead in black and purple, seemed tired. His uniform bore the medals and campaign ribbons befitting the long career of the eldest Successor State ruler, yet the man seemed weighed down by the responsibilities they represented.

His consort, a strikingly beautiful woman with long chestnut hair and almost hypnotic eyes, seemed filled with enough energy to power them both. As she laced her long fingers with Marik's, ihe older man seemed rejuvenated. He smiled at her, and she returned it with a look that seemed to operate on a legion of different levels. Seeing how her red gown clung to her shapely body and the way she continually brushed close to the Captain-General, Dan found himself envying the older man.

Riva leaned toward her brother. "Janos Marik looks so old."

Dan nodded. "The Civil War against his brother Anton really took it out of him, though they say he's gotten better since he look Brownwen Rafsani as his mistress." The Kell Hound nodded at the other members of the Marik family trailing Janos into the room. "Unless someone gets an upper hand soon, it would appear there will be another civil war when he goes." He smiled to himself. Half Janos's heirs will be fighting for the Captain-General's baton, and the other half will be fighting over her.

The appearance of the Lords of the Draconis Combine cut off any of Dan's further speculation concerning the Free Worlds

League. Standing with head held high, Takashi Kurita paused before entering the room. A handsome, wiry man, he exuded strength. Though his closely-cropped hair had gone to white along the sides and forelock, the rest of it was as black as in the days of his youth.

Dressed in a suit of antiquarian cut, with a jacket short in front and with long tails in back and a gray striped cravat, Takashi claimed dignity from some older tradition. He bowed his head slightly to the crowd, then proceeded down the steps.

Following behind him was his wife, Jasmine Kurita, her eyes cast down respectfully. Small and delicate, she wore her black hair gathered at the nape of her neck in traditional Japanese style. Hand painted jasmine blossoms decorated her green silken gown.

Riva groaned enviously. "She walks so gracefully."

Her brother nodded. "Like something so delicate, it might easily break."

Dan stiffened as the next two Draconian guests entered the room. What is he doing here ?he thought. Turning to his father, Dan said, "That one, the older man, that's Yorinaga Kurita." The breasts and sleeves of Yorinaga's hakamawere decorated with the Genyoshatidal wave. "You see, father, there's the crest you couldn't identify."

Quintus Allard nodded slowly, his thick, white brows nearly touching at the center of his forehead. "Who do you suppose that is?" he said, gesturing with his chin toward the tall, blond man descending the steps with Yorinaga.

Dan shook his head. "Don't know, but I'll bet he's from Rasalhague. He's wearing the same crest, so he must be in Yorinaga's unit."

"Hmmm ... I wonder." Quintus scratched at the back of his neck. "I recall that Yorinaga had a son before he was disgraced."

Dan raised an eyebrow. "What happened to him?"

"Don't know, really. Yorinaga's wife killed herself. We've assumed the son did the same, but perhaps not." Quintus's gaze turned to follow the progress of Coordinator Takashi Kurita and his wife. "No Theodore Kurita, though. How interesting."

Riva turned toward her father. "How so?"

Quintus's face froze in an expression that Dan recognized immediately. It was the I can't talk about itlook, which puzzled Dan, because the answer to Riva's question was hardly classified information. He turned to his sister. "Everyone else here is parading their heirs. With Theodore stuck off somewhere with his 'Mech unit, well, it raises questions of relations between father and son."

Quintus nodded to confirm Dan's analysis, then turned his head quickly as Maximilian Liao became the next figure framed in the doorway. Dressed in formal black robes embroidered completely with Liao crests in shiny black silk thread, the tall, slender Capellan Chancellor showed something less than a festive air. A thin smile tightened the corners of his mouth as his dark eyes swept the crowd. With his left hand, he smoothed the long tails of his mustache.

In contrast to the Draconian Coordinator, Maximilian Liao turned and extended his hand to his wife. Almost as tall as her husband and strikingly beautiful, Elizabeth Jordan Liao gracefully accepted his arm. Her waist-length black hair tumbled over her right shoulder, half-obscuring her white silk robe. Dragons and tigers embroidered in black thread cavorted throughout the design, but the aggressive images could not rob Elizabeth Jordan Liao of her femininity or charm.

Emerging behind her father and her stepmother, Romano Liao assumed center stage with the air of a warrior conquering a planet. Blue silk trimmed her golden robe, yet her obvious uneasiness in wearing it seemed to dim its beauty. Beside her, dressed in a blue robe trimmed with gold silk, Tsen Shang escorted Romano with a smile of pleasure. The Maskirovka analyst led her down the steps, though the look on her face made it clear that she was not yet ready to relinquish the spotlight.

Dan's breath caught in his throat as Candace Liao and her escort stepped through the door. My God! It's Justin!Riva shot Dan a hard glance, and Tamara reached out for her husband's hand.

Unlike Maximilian or Romano, Candace had chosen to wear a clinging black gown decorated with sparkling black sequins instead of traditional Capellan garb. In a concession to current fashion, the right side of the gown was sleeveless, but a full sleeve covered her left arm, from the back of her band up beyond her scarred shoulder all the way to her throat. Starting at the shoulder, the sequin design swirled down the sleeve like ivy, while slender sequined tendrils spiraled from the same spot down across the rest of the dress.

His face a proud mask, Justin stood a half-step behind Candace, with all his attention focused on her. He wore a black waist-length coat and sharply creased black trousers that accentuated his lean build. No design or insignia decorated his jacket. As though to mirror the way Candace's sleeve half-concealed her left hand, Justin wore a black leather glove over his.

Turning her head toward Justin, Candace lifted her left hand. Justin reached for her with his right, then guided her down the stairs. Though Colonel Pavel Ridzik, the tall, red-haired Strategic Military Director for the whole of the Capellan Confederation, was next to stride through the door—discreetly followed by a uniformed Alexi Malenkov—no one in the room noticed.

Dan turned to his father, whose face was ashen. "I have to talk to Justin," he said.

"No, Dan. Don't do it. Please."

"How can you tell me that? He's my brother, dammit, and I've not seen him in years." Dan glanced down, remembering a holovid he'd seen of Justin's battles on Solaris. "At least, not in person."

Quintus's eyes hardened. "He's changed, Dan. He's no longer the Justin we knew."

Dan's head came up with a snap, and his voice had a similar sharp edge. "I'll see that for myself." He turned to his sister. "Coming, Riva?"

Riva frowned. "Thanks, but I'm here to have fun."

Shaking his head in disbelief, Dan said, "You're wrong about him."

Tamara reached out and squeezed Dan's arm. "We're not wrong, Daniel." She swallowed hard to choke back tears. "We still love him, and that's what hurts so much."

Dan turned abruptly and began to move through the crowd. No one could change that much. I know the trial was hard on him, and I know the holovid companies played up Justin's hatred for the Federated Suns fighters. But a man is what he is and nothing could have changed Justin that much.He remembered Jeana and what she had said to him back on Tharkad. The Justin he had grown up with was still there somewhere.

"Justin! Justin, wait!" His brother stopped, and Dan grinned in anticipation of their reunion. The smile died on his face when Justin slowly turned toward him.

His brother's voice was as cold and lifeless as the expression on his face. "Good evening, Captain."

Bile burned as it rose to Dan's throat. "Captain? Justin, I'm your brother. . ."

Justin stiffened, but Candace Liao's intervention prevented any reply. Smiling cordially, she bowed her head toward Dan, then turned to Justin. "Citizen Xiang, you have not introduced me to this handsome gentleman."

"Forgive me, Duchess," he said, with the merest hint of a smile. "Captain Daniel Allard, this is Candace Liao, Duchess of St. Ives." Turning to Candace, he added, "And, Duchess, this is the son of the man who was my father."

Dan was stunned by the coldness and hatred in Justin's voice, but he took Candace's right hand politely and pressed it to his lips. "Meeting you is a great pleasure, Duchess." Dan indicated Justin with a nod of his head. "At one time, he would have introduced me as his brother."

Justin's head came up sharply. "Half-brother, but not even that anymore. Hanse Davion said Quintus Allard no longer had a son. By imperial decree, he wiped away everything I had ever been. I lost a father, a brother, a family, a whole life."

Dan stiffened at the venom in his brother's voice. "Justin, wait." Dan fought to control his breathing while his heart raced out of control. "What happened between you and Hanse Davion doesn't change things between us. We're still brothers."

Justin shook his head slowly. "That's impossible. Our relationship belongs to a system and a society now closed to me. This isn't a game, Captain. No one is going to yell, 'Ollie, Ollie outs in free' to end it. All the confidences we shared, the secret clubs we formed, and the cyphers we created are no more. It's all gone. All of it." He stepped closer to Dan, and looked him squarely in the eyes. "Justin Allard died a year and a half ago!"

Dan stared blankly at Justin for seconds that seemed to last for hours. When he finally gained control of his anger, he raised himself to full height and glared down at the man who had been his brother. "I don't believe you, Citizen Xiang. I don't believe Justin Allard is dead. Instead, I choose to believe that, like King Arthur or General Kerensky, Justin Allard is a hero just waiting for his chance to return. When he does, Citizen, tell him that his brother waits to stand gladly beside him."

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