Текст книги "Sweet Temptation"
Автор книги: Maya Banks
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Oh God. Oh God. What had he done?
He’d abused her, taken her. He’d come inside her, for God’s sake. No condom. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He’d raped her.
His hands shaking uncontrollably, he grasped her hips and carefully pulled out, wincing at the warm rush of semen that seeped from her swollen pussy.
“Oh God. Angel,” he whispered. “Angel girl. Baby girl, I’m sorry. Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”
He yanked at the ropes binding her hands and then gently picked her up from the couch so he could unwind the rest of the rope.
He couldn‘t—wouldn’t—meet her eyes. He was too afraid of what he’d see. He’d used her. He’d hurt her. He wanted to die.
When the last of the rope fell away, he hastily arranged his pants and then pulled her into his arms. Her heart beat against his body like a little baby bird trying to fly for the first time. Erratic. A little frantic.
He smoothed a hand over her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m so sorry, Angel girl. I never meant to hurt you. I’m so damn sorry. Are you all right? Did I ...” He swallowed hard. “Did I do any damage? Jesus, I didn’t even use a condom. Maybe I should take you to the hospital.”
No words had ever hurt him more, but he owed it to her not to shy away from what he’d done. He deserved to have his ass kicked and thrown in jail.
Angelina stirred in his arms and pulled away so she could look up at him. What he saw shattered him. Trust. Still shining in her soft eyes. His gut twisted into a huge knot that threatened to suffocate him.
“You didn’t hurt me,” she said gently. “I’ve never orgasmed so hard in my life.”
She’d come? It shamed him to admit that he hadn’t given a moment’s thought to her pleasure or care. He’d been a mindless fucking machine only intent on gaining relief from his torment.
She reached up to touch his face, her fingers trailing over his cheekbone until finally she cupped his jaw.
“You only did what I asked you to do, Micah. How is that wrong?”
“You’re too sweet, too generous and too damned naive,” he growled. “Where are your clothes?”
She pointed to a chair a few feet away where her jeans, underwear, shirt and shoes were. He stalked over and then returned with everything.
As gently and as patiently as he knew how, he dressed her, taking care not to abrade the bruised parts of her body. Every time he saw a fingerprint, or the red area where the ropes had dug into her skin, he felt sick.
Finally he handed her the shoes, and she slipped them on.
“Let’s go home, Angel. You need someone to take care of you tonight.”
She smiled faintly. “I love the way that sounds coming from you.”
Angelina barely had time to park her car before Micah opened her door and urged her out. To her utter shock, he swept her up into his arms and started carrying her toward the door to his apartment.
“Micah, I can walk,” she said with a laugh.
He ignored her and kept walking. Not really wanting to argue the point, because she was in his arms after all, she sighed and snuggled into his chest.
Exhaustion beat at her temples, and her limbs felt heavy and laden. She wanted to sleep for about twelve hours, preferably in Micah’s arms, but she wasn’t fooling herself over that possibility.
He was horrified over what happened. The guilt in his eyes made her gut clench. For a guy who prided himself on his iron control, what had happened wasn’t just a presumed betrayal of her but also of himself.
She couldn’t feel bad, though. She’d never reach him as long as that control was in place. And she still shivered over the raw power he exhibited when he’d taken her.
Taken her. It seemed so tame a term to describe it. He’d owned her. Possessed her. She’d been completely and utterly his, his possession to do what he wanted with.
Desire and lust simmered and burned low in her abdomen despite her thinking she couldn’t possibly be aroused again.
She’d loved his touch. His power. The way he hadn’t asked. He’d simply taken what he deemed his.
She shivered again as he elbowed his way into the apartment.
“Are you cold?” he asked in concern.
She shook her head. “No, just remembering.”
He stiffened, and the tortured look returned to his face. She started to correct his assumption that it was a bad remembrance for her, but he set her down on the couch and immediately went about removing her shoes.
“I’m going to go start a hot shower for you,” he said in a low voice. “It’ll make you feel better. Take your time. Are you hungry? Do you want me to fix you something to eat?”
She smiled. “The shower sounds heavenly, and no, I’m not hungry.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
She watched him stride away, his face creased into lines of worry. With a sigh, she sank against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. Always, always she’d known that sex with Micah would be nothing short of amazing.
She craved that darker edge, the thin line between right and wrong. He was all she wanted, and she wanted him as he was—dark, brooding, unapologetic—not as he thought he should be. She wanted to be his.
She opened her eyes to see Micah standing over her, concern bright in his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I can still take you to the hospital. Are you hurting anywhere?”
Boy, were they going to have a long talk when she got out of the shower. This guilt complex was quickly fraying her nerves.
She reached out so he could help her up, and he quickly took her hand and gently pulled her to a standing position. Ignoring his question entirely, she went toward the bathroom, her need for gallons and gallons of hot water outweighing her desire to kick Micah’s ass.
The bathroom mirrors were already fogged up, and she let out a blissful sigh as she stripped down and stepped into the shower. For a long moment she stood in the spray, eyes closed as she relieved the sensation of Micah’s hands on her, his cock inside her and the most intense orgasm of her life. She’d lit up like a firecracker the moment he thrust into her. She’d started coming and hadn’t stopped until he’d found his own quick release.
Realizing she’d spent a long time in the shower and Micah was probably wearing a hole in the carpet in the living room, she turned off the water and stepped out to dry off. She’d just gotten the towel wrapped around her when the door opened and Micah stuck his head in.
After a quick glance, presumably to see if she was halfway decent, he shoved into the small bathroom.
“You were taking a long time. I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he said gruffly.
With a sigh she let the towel drop so that she stood nude before him. He took a hasty step backward, and she almost rolled her eyes. It wasn’t as though she was going to jump him.
“I’m fine. See?”
She turned in a circle so he could see her body for himself.
She couldn’t control the quiver when his fingers brushed across a faint bruise on her hip.
“I bruised you,” he said, his voice heavy with regret.
“I bruise very easily, Micah. You didn’t hurt me.”
When she’d turned back around fully, he took her hands and turned her wrists over. His thumb rubbed across the red lines left by the ropes, and his expression grew stormy.
“They tied them too tight. There was no need for them to hurt you. I should have stepped in and put a stop to it all.”
“Why didn’t you?” she asked curiously.
He swallowed and looked away. Then he reached for the towel and carefully wrapped it around her.
“Go get something on. You can borrow my robe if you want. There’s a lot we need to talk about, and it can’t wait.”
She frowned at the urgency in his voice and reached for the robe hanging on the towel rack.
“I’ll be in the living room. Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?”
“Go,” she said, shooing him with her hands.
He backed out of the bathroom, and Angelina dropped the towel to put her robe on, shaking her head the entire time. She gave her hair a thorough rub before she did a quick comb-through to rid it of tangles.
Fingering the strands from her face, she left the bathroom and returned to the living room, where Micah sat on the sofa, his elbows on his knees, his head down.
When he heard her, he looked up then stood.
“Sit down,” he urged.
She plopped onto the couch, careful to keep the robe gathered around her.
“Angel, I think we should take you to the ER.”
“But I’m not hurt!”
“I didn’t use a condom.”
“Yes, I know.”
Micah ran a hand through his hair. “Aren’t there shots they can give you? You know, so you don’t get pregnant? Or at least a pill you can take?”
She leaned forward, wishing he’d at least sit down instead of hulking over her so tense he looked like he’d implode at any moment.
“Micah, come sit down. Please.”
She patted the space beside her, and he hesitated before finally walking around to sit where she motioned.
“I get that you’re feeling guilty. I get that this whole night didn’t go at all like you thought it would or even wanted it to. But you’re making a lot of assumptions and you’re taking credit for sins you didn’t commit.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he muttered.
“I’m on birth control. I’m not an idiot. I wouldn’t take chances like that. I also made damn sure those men I was playing with weren’t going to go too far. With or without a condom.”
“I didn’t give you the choice,” he said painfully.
She gave him a patient look. “I asked for what you gave me. I pushed you. I provoked you and got exactly the response I wanted. Despite what you might think, I’m not too young. I’m responsible, or mostly responsible,” she added with a slight twist of her lips.
“It’s not just about pregnancy. I didn’t protect you. I didn’t protect myself,” he added. “Goddamn it, Angel, I’ve never not worn a condom in my life. Even when I lost my virginity a lifetime ago, I wore protection.”
“I understand why you’re upset. I’m safe. I’ll understand if you don’t want to take my word for it. I can have whatever test you want. I’ve had unprotected sex once. I was a teenager. It was my first time. We both knew better, because God knows David drummed the concept of safe sex through my head often enough.” She smiled sadly. “He was always so much more of a father to me than our real father ever was. Anyway, I told him what happened. He was disappointed, but he immediately took me to the doctor so I could get a prescription for birth control, and he also bought me enough condoms to last a lifetime and told me I no longer had an excuse for not carrying them with me at all times.”
Micah smiled. “That’s David. Mr. Prepared.”
“I miss him.”
“Yeah, so do I.”
“Yes, Angel girl.”
“About tonight.”
Micah reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorrier for tonight than you’ll ever know. I’d cut off my right arm before I’d ever hurt you. We need to come to an understanding. I want you here. I want to help you. I don’t want you out there alone. But I need to know you’re safe, and I’d rather you not go back to places like The House.”
She blew out her breath, her cheeks puffing in frustration. There was so much in his statement she wanted to deny, to refuse, but now wasn’t the time. She didn’t want him to be sorry, and she damn sure wanted to make certain what happened tonight happened again. And again.
All she wanted was to curl into his arms and rest. Just for a little while she wanted to feel his strength and the tenderness she knew he was capable of. Yes, she wanted his power, his control, his dominance, but she wanted it all, his complete care. His regard. His love.
“Hold me,” she whispered as she leaned toward him. “Please?”
He hesitated as if wavering on the brink of indecision. She didn’t give him a chance to deny her. She moved into his space, cuddled against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. She rested her cheek against his collarbone and nestled her head just below his chin.
Nothing was going to ruin this moment for her. She would savor every sweet second.
Gingerly his arms curled around her, and he leaned back, taking her with him as he reclined against the back of the sofa. They sat in silence as he absently rubbed his palm up and down her back. The heat of his touch scorched her even through the thick material of the robe.
“I don’t want you to be sorry, Micah,” she said softly. “I’m not. Don’t you understand? I know you. I can give you what you need.”
His entire body went stiff. For a long moment he sat there, his hand still against her back. And when he finally spoke, the absolute certainty in his voice made her heart sink.
“But I can’t give you what you need, Angel girl.”
Angelina trudged into the kitchen in a pair of pajama shorts and a muscle shirt, yawning broadly as she rubbed her eyes.
“Want something to eat?” Micah asked. “I’m doing toast and juice.”
She stood by the counter and looked around like she was having a hard time getting her bearings. Guilt crushed him. She looked tired and vulnerable, and he still wasn’t convinced he hadn’t hurt her. She was a small woman, and he was not a small man.
His entire gut clenched as he remembered the way her pussy had gripped him. So tight that he’d had to force his way in, pushing against her body’s natural resistance.
Jesus, he had to stop thinking about her. This was insane. She was David’s little sister. She trusted him, and he’d used her in an unforgivable manner to slake his lust when any of the other women in that room would have been more than willing to take whatever he wanted to dish out.
But no one had fired his senses like sweet, innocent-looking Angelina, a woman who knew everything he’d tried so hard to forget.
His head jerked up when the doorbell rang. What the hell? It was six in the morning.
“I’ll get it,” Angelina said as she started forward.
“I don’t think—”
But she’d already disappeared into the hallway.
Angelina opened the door and peered out at the two men standing just a few feet away. They were both tall. One was solidly muscled and looked intimidating with his bald head and goatee. A small gold hoop hung from his left ear. He wasn’t someone she’d want to meet on a dark street.
The other man was leaner but no less muscled, and he wore his muddy blond hair in a short military style. Both had on faded jeans and casual T-shirts, and both looked at her with open curiosity.
“You must be David’s sister,” the guy with the muddy blond hair said.
“Uh, yeah,” she said cautiously.
“What are you two boneheads doing here at this hour?” Micah growled from behind her.
She jerked around just as Micah pulled her back and stepped toward the two men.
“Not going to introduce us?” she murmured.
Micah scowled. “Guys this is Angelina Moyano. Angel this is Connor Malone and Nathan Tucker.”
“And which is which?” she asked in amusement.
The bald guy grinned, transforming his badass looks into boyish charm. “I’m Nathan.” He jerked his thumb to the side. “This is Connor. We work with Micah.”
“That doesn’t explain what the hell you’re doing here,” Micah said darkly.
“Ah, well, you’re usually gone by now, so we were just checking to see if you were coming in,” Connor said.
Micah shot them both murderous glances that suggested he didn’t believe a word they said. Angelina cleared her throat to disguise her laugh. “Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I really need to get dressed and ready for work.”
At that Micah seemed to forget all about his two friends.
“You found a job already?” he demanded. “Where? Doing what?”
“A little café two blocks from here.”
“Waitressing? Why the hell are you waitressing? I know damn well David would be spinning in his grave. He made sure you were able to go to college. You did graduate, didn’t you?”
“You’d know if you’d bothered to be there,” she said lightly to disguise the quick flash of hurt. “You couldn’t leave fast enough after David and Hannah died.”
Immediately Micah’s face became a stone wall. “That’s enough.”
She glanced between him and his friends’ confused expressions. “They don’t know about Hannah?”
“I’ll see you two at work,” Micah said to Connor and Nathan right before he slammed the door in their faces.
She stared at Micah. “They don’t, do they?”
“I don’t talk about Hannah,” he said in a tight voice. “I never talked about David either until you arrived and I had to explain who you were.”
She turned away and walked down the hallway toward her bedroom.
“Angel,” he called.
But she ignored him and shut the door to sever the connection.
She sank onto the bed then flopped back to stare at the ceiling. Maybe he hadn’t let go of Hannah after all. Was he still deeply in love with her? Is that why he was convinced he couldn’t give Angelina what she needed? Was he still mourning his dead wife?
When he’d come to Miami that last time, just before Angelina left to come here to Houston, she’d been convinced he’d let go. She’d watched from a distance as he’d visited David’s and Hannah’s graves and wondered why she wasn’t important enough for him to even check in on. There had been such a finality to his actions, and she’d known then he wouldn’t be back again. It was what prompted her to finally act on her long-held feelings for him. Three years was a long time to mourn a lost love.
“Oh, Micah,” she whispered. “Have you been running from your past all this time? Have you tried to forget us? Is that why you left me too? Was I are minder of everything you lost?”
She’d been so certain that Micah was ready to love again, but now ... Now she wasn’t so sure.
Emotion knotted her stomach. And fear. Fear of being alone again. Because she knew without a doubt that she couldn’t stay here. She couldn’t pretend to have a platonic relationship with Micah. She wouldn’t hide her feelings, not that she could. Not after hiding them for so long.
She’d thought the best approach was a direct one, but now she realized she’d pushed him too hard, too fast. She’d seen the haunted, pained look come over his face when she’d said Hannah’s name. No man looked like that over a mere mention of someone’s name if he’d moved past his grief.
And she couldn’t stay if she had no chance of winning his heart.
Micah hadn’t planned to go in to work that morning at all. How could he and leave Angelina after what he’d done? He had already called Pop before Nathan and Connor barged in all curious about Angelina and wanting a glimpse. Nosy bastards.
He’d fully intended to spend the morning with Angelina, if for no other reason than to establish some ground rules regarding their relationship.
Relationship. Jesus. He wasn’t sure what they had, but him leaving her to fend for herself after David died was hardly the foundation of a relationship.
Before he could make Nathan and Connor leave, or tell them he wasn’t coming into work, Angelina had dropped all that crap about her job, then Hannah had been brought up and Angelina had high-tailed it to her room.
He’d left only because the idea of staying in his apartment was enough to drive him insane. And so here he was, out driving. No clear destination. A brand-new pack of smokes lying on the seat beside him—already half gone.
So much for his resolve to quit.
His lungs would feel like shit later, but for now each inhale was about all that was keeping what little sanity he had intact.
He slowed when he arrived at Damon’s huge-ass house, and for a long moment he sat in his truck, staring up the driveway. He hadn’t intended to end up here, but maybe he’d known that he needed to clear the air with Damon. He wanted for Damon to hear about it from him, not get it secondhand from someone who’d seen everything at The House.
After tossing the cigarette butt out his window, he pulled into the driveway and drove up to the house. Damon might not even be home, although he did spend a lot of time working from the house now that he and Serena were married. She’d moved her own offices into his house and had continued running her business, Fantasy Incorporated, after encouragement from Damon.
Micah liked Serena. He’d had his doubts in the beginning that she could be the kind of woman who would make Damon happy. A submissive woman. Not just in bed, but in all aspects. But the two were happy, and though Serena herself had doubts at the onset of their relationship, she hadn’t given up, and for that she had Micah’s utmost respect and affection.
Apart from David, Damon was the closest Micah had allowed anyone. Oh, the guys at work were his buddies. There was no doubt about that. Great friends. He liked them all. But he’d never confided in them anything of his life before his arrival in Houston. Only Damon knew of his relationship with Hannah and that he and David had ... shared her.
Before he was fully out of the truck, he looked up to see Damon standing in the open doorway of his home. He was leaned against the door frame, watching Micah as he walked toward him.
When he was a foot away, Micah stopped and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. “I need to talk to you, Damon.”
Damon nodded. “Come in. We can go onto the terrace. I hope you won’t mind that Serena will join us in a moment. This is our day together, and I don’t like to be away from her.”
“I don’t want to interrupt,” Micah began.
But Damon ignored him and merely gestured for him to follow. Micah sighed. Damon was a smooth bastard. It surprised Micah that as alike as they were they got along so well. Neither liked to budge, and both were accustomed to doing things their own way.
“Want some coffee to go with all those cigarettes you’ve smoked?” Damon asked as they stepped outside the back.
Micah grimaced. “Smell that bad, huh.”
Damon smiled. “Thought you’d quit? Or was that last week.”
“Fuck you,” Micah grumbled. “I hadn’t had a smoke in three weeks until today, and before that I’d narrowed it down to one or two a day max.”
“So what prompted today’s black lung?”
Damon sat and motioned for Micah to do the same. Micah sank into one of the patio chairs and briefly closed his eyes.
“Have you ever done something that you knew in your bones was unforgivably wrong? Not just a mistake, but something that went against every one of your principles?”
Damon’s expression grew pensive. “I can’t say that I have.”
“It sucks,” Micah said bleakly.
There was a brief hesitation. “What happened?”
Micah struggled with what to say, how to say it. And then he figured there was no pretty way to put it.
“I pretty much raped Angelina at The House last night.”
To Damon’s credit, he didn’t react. He didn’t say anything, nor did his expression change. He just waited.
Micah related the entire episode, from the time he walked in to see the three men with Angelina to the time he tossed her over the end of the couch and fucked her. Without a condom.
“You lost control.”
“I raped her.”
Damon shook his head. “Even Angelina refutes that. You said so yourself. She wanted what happened.”
“I didn’t give her a choice. Goddamn it, Damon. What we do is all about choice. We take, we take a hell of a lot from a woman, but it’s because she chooses to give it. I’m demanding. I like submissive women. Completely and utterly submissive. But never, never have I ever lost control like that. Never have I hurt a woman.”
“Have you spoken to Angelina? Told her all this?” Damon asked.
Micah sighed. “It’s complicated. I get the feeling ... I get that she wants more from me. What I mean is that she wants something I can’t give her. And I won’t use her as some sexual toy. She deserves better than that. I don’t understand my reaction to her. I’ve had women since Hannah. I’ve enjoyed women. But with Angelina there is something that I just can’t explain. It’s not fun and laid back with her. It’s not sexy and casual. I can’t be around her and not want to take her over. I have such dark thoughts. And goddamn it, Damon, she’s David’s sister. Of all the women in the world, she is off-limits.”
Micah stared at him like he’d lost his mind. “What the hell do you mean, ‘why’? It’s self-explanatory. Hell, she lived with me and David and Hannah for a year. She’s ... family.”
“She’s not family, Micah. She’s your best friend’s sister. Big difference.”
“I can’t believe you’re being so calm about this,” Micah muttered. “For God’s sake, Damon, I raped a woman in your damn club.”
“Is that why you came? You want me to punish you? Want me to kick you out and tell you never to come back? I’d say you’re doing a good enough job of beating up yourself. You don’t need my help.”
Micah let out a sound of frustration.
“Go home and talk to Angelina, Micah. I get that this has knocked you for a loop, but what you did wasn’t rape. She was willing. Very willing, I’d say. Are you going to sit there and tell me you’ve never fucked a woman when she was tied up and helpless under your hands?”
“Uh maybe I should come back,” Serena whispered from behind them.
Both men turned to see her standing there, her expression unsure as if she was afraid of intruding. Micah gentled his expression, not wanting to put her off.
She glanced down self-consciously at her silk robe that fell to mid-calf, and Micah knew that was all she had on. Her feet were bare, but Damon always teased her about her love of being bare-footed.
Damon simply held out a hand to her, and she walked over to kneel beside him. She laid her head on his lap and rubbed her cheek lovingly over his thigh.
“Serena mine, what have I told you? Your poor knees.”
He pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms possessively around her waist, letting his hand rest on the curve of her hip.
“Hello, Serena,” Micah said with a smile.
She smiled back. “Am I interrupting? You both sounded so serious.”
Micah felt his chest cave just a little. He did love this woman. He loved all the women his friends had hooked up with.
“Damon was just kicking my ass. You probably saved what little was left of it.”
Serena arched a disbelieving eyebrow. Damon nuzzled her neck, nipping lightly at the curve of her shoulder.
“Micah is having woman trouble,” Damon said by way of explanation.
“Nice, Damon. Real fucking nice. Sorry, Serena.”
She laughed and waved a hand. “Are you really having woman trouble? I never thought to see the day. Don’t women generally throw themselves at you in all directions?”
“It’s complicated, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell the girls. They’d just tell Nathan and Gray, who’d use every opportunity to make my life hell.”
Serena smiled gently. “I won’t tell Julie and Faith. They love you to pieces, you know. They’d help you without any questions if you ever needed it. So if you ever want to talk...”
“Thanks, sweetness,” he said with genuine affection. “I love all of you to pieces too. But this is ... this is something I’m going to have to work out on my own. I’d hoped ... I’d hoped that when I moved here I’d leave my past behind. It was a mistake, one I’m paying for now. I made some bad choices and hurt someone in the process. Now I’ve got to figure out how to make it up to her.”
Serena reached out and touched his hand. “If there’s anything I can do to help ...”
He blew her a soundless kiss. “I appreciate it. Both of you.”
She wrinkled her nose. “I didn’t, however, promise not to tell Faith that you’re smoking again.”
Micah closed his eyes and groaned. “What is it with you people? For the love of God, don’t sic Faith on me. At least Julie will light up with me every once in a while when Nathan isn’t looking. But Faith is like a frickin’ pit bull. Nag, nag, nag. I don’t know how Gray puts up with her.”
“Micah, about your ... woman ... Is there anything I can do? I mean, is she new here? I heard enough of your conversation to get the impression she wasn’t from here and that she was someone you knew in the past. The girls and I could introduce ourselves, maybe go out and have some girly fun.”
Both he and Damon groaned.
“Hell, woman, the last time you all went out for girly fun, you ended up nearly passed out on the floor at Cattleman’s, and Nathan had to call me and Gray to come get you.”
Micah sighed. He wanted to be able to trust Serena, but she was close to Faith and Julie, two women he’d been intimate with. It would be awkward as hell for Angelina to be exposed to them and vice versa.
“What is it?” Serena asked. “You look so ... torn.”
Damon squeezed her hand lovingly. “Don’t pressure him, love.”
“No, it’s okay,” Micah said. “It’s just complicated. I swear I keep saying that, but there’s no better way to explain it.”
He looked at Serena and swallowed. “Angelina is, was, my best friend’s younger sister. I was ... married.” The words nearly strangled him, but at least he hadn’t had to say Hannah’s name.
Serena looked at him in shock. “Married? Why does no one know this? I mean why is it such a secret?”
“Damon knows, and again—complicated. David and I ... we both loved the same woman. David was my partner on the force. We shared everything. Including the woman I married.”
Serena’s mouth formed an O of surprise.
“The thing is, I love Faith and Julie, and you know that I’ve been with them both. I’ve had threesomes with them. Casual. Fun. Meaningless. But the last thing I ever want them to know or suspect is that the entire time I was making love to them I was pretending they were another woman. They don’t deserve that and I’d never hurt them that way.”
Serena’s lips turned down into an unhappy frown. “Oh, Micah. I’m so sorry. What happened?”
Micah shifted uncomfortably at the idea of spilling his guts for only the second time since Hannah died. In for a penny and all that crap. He’d already gone this far, and Damon would probably tell her later anyway.
“David and Hannah died in a car accident.”
Tears filled Serena’s eyes. “How awful for you to lose your best friend and the woman you loved at the same time.”
“Everyone thought they were cheating on me,” Micah said bitterly. “That they were skipping town together. We didn’t advertise our relationship. Hannah married me, but David was an equal in the relationship. I didn’t have my head in the job anymore after they died. Everyone pitied me. Stared and talked behind my back. I made a stupid mistake, got injured. It was easier for me to use that as an excuse and just leave. Only I left Angelina, and, God help me, I never gave her another thought. I’m a selfish bastard and my sins don’t end there.”