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Memphis Black
  • Текст добавлен: 5 октября 2016, 02:00

Текст книги "Memphis Black"

Автор книги: M. J. Fields

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Текущая страница: 6 (всего у книги 14 страниц)

There is a knock on the door when Madison is in the shower. I hesitate, not wanting to see him. Fearing I will stare at the … love marks all over him.

I hate that I allowed myself to believe for only a short time that he was interested in me. I hate that I wasted a year daydreaming about that stupid night.

There is another knock, and then the door opens. “Tales?”

“Oh, sorry.” I stand up and straighten my shirt. He notices, and his lips curl up, but there is no smile in his eyes.

“What’s that guy’s name? The one with the crazy orange hair on your shirt, the one—”

“Beaker,” I answer.

“Right, meep meep?” He smirks, handing me a box.

“What is it?” I ask as I look down. “Oh, no. No way.”

“Yours was ruined,” he says, pushing the box with the Apple logo on it back toward me.

“This is way too much.”

“Renter’s insurance,” he answers quickly.

“Oh, come on, Memphis. An hour after my phone shows up damaged, the insurance company—”

He nods his head, and I shake mine.

“Fine, but the claim’s been filed, so I’ll get the cash back. Just take the phone, Tales. You need it.”

“Renter’s insurance?”

“Yeah.” His eyes shift, and I am almost certain he’s full of bologna. “Same number, but they couldn’t retrieve the contacts.” He sighs. “Tales, just take the phone.”



“Fine, but how did you do it without my permission? I mean—”

“I can be pretty persuasive.”

“Yeah.” I nod, looking down at the box in my hand. “My old plan was grandfathered in, so I should call them and—”

“No need to call; it’s the same plan.” I give him a questioning look. “Okay, it’s not, but you just give me, like, ten bucks a month and—” I try to hand it back to him. “Nope. It’s yours.”

Madison walks out of the bathroom, toweling her hair off. “Is he pissing you off?”

I shake my head. “He needs to take back the phone.”

“Oh, wow,” she says, looking at the box then at him. “Feeling like a douche? Don’t forget you pretty much ruined my first couple days of this vacation, too. Making my best friend cry and—”

“Madison,” I say quietly, closing my eyes and wishing I was invisible.

“I’ll take it in diamonds and—”

“Mads, I told her I was sorry. Now I’ll say it to you, and then we move the fuck on, got it?”

“Fine,” she huffs.

“I can’t take this phone. It’s too expensive, and I am sure ten dollars a month is not truly what it costs, anyway.”

“It is. Mine’s on his plan, so are our parents. He gets a discount because he is affiliated with Steel Inc., and it’s an added line.” She looks at Memphis. “But I don’t think she owes dick a month.”

“I don’t care about the money,” he huffs.

“Oh, that’s right, Mr. Bigtime,” Madison says in an exaggerated tone as she grabs her clothes and walks in the bathroom. “You’re taking us out to dinner tonight.”

She shuts the door, and I am left looking at the box in my hand and trying not to look at him.

“Where do you wanna go, Tales?”

“I really don’t want to go out.” I shake my head and look up at him.

“I’m really sorry. I crossed a few lines.”

I nod, then shrug. “I have never hit anyone in my life.” I swallow down the guilt and clear my throat.

“I deserved it,” he says, searching my face.

I’m not sure if he’s waiting for a smile, for tears, or for me to tell him he didn’t deserve it. Therefore, I give him a true version of the latter.

“No one deserves to be hit.”

His eyes scrunch together.

“What?” I ask, knowing he wants to say something.

He shakes his head. “Nothing, Tales. Thanks for the apology. Please accept mine.”

With that, he looks at me for a few more excruciatingly silent moments and then walks to the door.

“Phone’s charged. Mads can show you how to use it if you don’t know how.” And then he walks out the door.

I am left with an iPhone Six in my hands, the big one, too. It’s huge, probably too big, definitely too expensive, and he won’t take it back.

When Madison and I walk out, we can hear the guys on the patio. I go to the sink to grab a glass of water and see River in the pool, floating around with sticks in his hand. Finn is sitting on the edge of the chaise, strumming a bass guitar. Billy is seemingly playing the invisible keyboard on his lap, and Memphis is sitting opposite Finn, strumming an acoustic. I can hear him singing. His voice isn’t the booming onstage rocker voice; it’s softer.

“Might as well shit-can the idea of going out.” Madison looks over my shoulder.


“He’s been in a funk for a while now, and it looks to me like he’s out of it.” She smiles adoringly in his direction.

“A funk?”

“Finn’s written almost all of the lyrics.”

“Since when?”

“Since we went away that spring break, right before going on tour with Burning Souls. He doesn’t say anything to me, of course, but he told our father he thinks the road took something from him, and he’s been looking for it ever since.” She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “Mostly between chicks’ legs, but …” She shrugs, as if to say whatever.

I grab a glass of water and drink it down.

“You wanna go listen?”

“Should we interrupt?” I ask, thinking it’s a bad idea.

“Give him a few minutes.” She starts opening drawers until she finds what she’s looking for and then pulls out a pile of take-out menus. “Let’s order dinner.”

We order Mexican—it’s always been Madison’s favorite—quietly as we listen to Steel Total Destruction play in the background.

I have never seen them live. Even though I was invited plenty of times, I just couldn’t. I didn’t have the time or money. Now I have the time. I have lots and lots of time.

I know I will have to tell Madison soon. I have avoided it so far, just wanting to enjoy my time with her. So far, it’s been a total disaster.

Madison is smiling. “Do you hear him, Tales?” I nod. “He’s amazing.”

“Not sure if it should be called “Bang, Bang” or “Loners Syndrome”,” we hear Memphis say as he strums his guitar. “The chorus, you all join in at bang, bang. One, two, three. Two, two, three,” he says then starts doing what Memphis does best.

Her dress is devil red and skin tight.

She’s made up her mind; she has plans for the night.

Smoke filled room, the music plays.

Her eyes cut through the sweet smelling haze.

I sit. I wait. I drink a few.

I watch her dance, wait for her cue.

No lines, no promise, no future plan,

Just desire and a need of a woman for a man.

Room key in hand, I follow her.

One touch of hands, and she purrs.

That smell, that taste, that wild plum.

Look in her eyes.

Come on, give me some.

Bang, bang. My heart beats like a drum.

Bang, bang. No choice but to succumb.

Bang, bang. Not sent from above.

Bang, bang. Fits like a glove

Bang, bang. I’m driving it home.

Bang, bang. A loner’s syndrome

Bang, bang. I’m a loaded gun.

Bang, bang. Two seconds to run.

Bang, bang. No room for love.

Bang, bang. Not sent from above.

“Yeah, he sure is.” I force a smile then excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

Once the door is shut behind me, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around myself, feeling sick to my stomach. The marks he wore, the words he sung, it all makes me sick. What made me even more ill is the fact that I know deep down I still want him. I would be lying to myself if I said otherwise.

I walk out as Madison is juggling bags in her arms.

“Let me help.” I go over and grab two as she kicks the door shut behind her.

“Nice save. You know you are always there when I need you.”

We set up the food on the table as they change chords and timing then sing the song again. It will no doubt be a hit, but I think that will be one song by STD that I will not be buying.

“What did you think?” I hear Memphis ask as he sets his guitar down and looks in our direction. His eyes train on me, and then he looks to Madison.

“Effing love it, of course,” she says, beaming.

“Thanks,” he says and doesn’t look at me. “Wrote two others, too.”

“And you’re holding out?” Madison pushes him in jest.

“One, I’ll let you hear after dinner. The other—well, I’m still working on it.”

I look at him out of the corner of my eye and see he is looking at me out of the corner of his eye with his head down.

“What did you think?” he asks.

I give him a forced smile and nod. I say nothing, because if I do, I will say the wrong thing.

After dinner, I help clean up. Mads hands me a glass of wine, and I drink it down. I see the guys all heading back outside, but I don’t think I can take another “tell all” by Memphis Black right now.

I need a break from the intensity that comes with him. The feelings he evokes are like a storm, a disease, an STD, I think, shaking my head and trying to rid the picture I have in it.

“Spill it,” Mads says as she pours me another drink.

“No, it’s nothing.” I laugh uncomfortably, and without thinking, I drink down the glass of wine she just poured.

It’s bitter and doesn’t really feel all that great on my belly, but it makes me kind of numb. I like it.

“Shit.” Madison laughs. “Thirsty much?”

“Yeah. Another please.”

She pours the glass of dry white.

Note to self: if I ever decide to become a lush, dry white is not something I will ever purchase.

Purchase. I laugh at the thought. An indulgence. I can’t afford just getting by; how the hell would I even consider something I might indulge upon?

I look up to find Madison laughing.

“Damn, girl.” She fills the glass again, and I suddenly feel hot. I also feel like I just don’t care anymore. I like that feeling.

“Come on, I have the bottle,” she teases as she holds it in front of me like I’m a dog being lured by a treat. “Let’s go listen to the boys.”

Everyone is sitting around the outdoor fireplace. River is tapping his sticks on the tiled table, Memphis and Finn have their guitars, and Billy is doing something with his laptop.

I sit next to Billy, who smiles, and I lean in to see what he’s doing, feeling the weight of someone’s very blue eyes, but I ignore it.

Madison is on the other side of Billy, doing the same.

Three glasses of wine later, I’m hot and tired. They have played two songs, both ones Finn has been working on, and I am glad not to hear “Bang, Bang” again.

They end the song, and I expect them to discuss it like they did the last, but Memphis speaks.

“You do remember you’re still underage, right, Madison?”

“Are you serious right now?” she snorts.

“Just don’t want you getting all fucked up and throwing up all over the place.”

I look up and see him blatantly staring at me.

“I think he just doesn’t want to see the two of you going inside with Billy boy and banging the fuck out of him,” River begins, and Memphis draws back his fist.

“I will knock your goddamned teeth—”

“Oh, please.” Finn rolls his eyes. “If it wasn’t your sister or the girl who—”

“Watch it, man,” he warns.

“—grew up next door, you’d be the first inside with the both of them.”

“Respect, man. Show some.” Memphis stands up, sets his guitar down, and then storms into the house.

I look around to see everyone is laughing. It’s funny if you know it isn’t you who caused his grim mood.

I finish my drink and stand. “I’m gonna go to bed.”

“I’m not ready yet,” Madison says as she fills her glass and takes a sip. “But I’ll come with if you want me to.”

“To do what? Watch me sleep?” I smile. “Stay, have fun.”

“You feeling okay?” Billy asks as I take a step and nearly trip. “Apparently not. I’ll walk you in.”

“Not necessary,” I say, but he is immediately next to me, holding my elbow.

“It’s not a problem. I need to use the bathroom, anyway.”

We walk in, and I quickly scan the area. No Memphis.

“Thanks, Billy, but I’m okay.”

“Have a glass of water and a Motrin,” he says as he grabs the bottle off the counter, then a glass from the cupboard. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”


He walks out of the room as I swallow down the Motrin with the water. I clean the glass and then head to bed.

When I round the corner, Memphis is standing against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes are angry as he stares directly at me.

“You scared me,” I whisper.

“Not my intention,” he says, looking up at the ceiling. “Look, Tales, I don’t know if I’m losing my fucking mind or if this shit I feel when I’m around you is—”

“Memphis, I am clearly making this vacation miserable for you. I—”

“I have been a fucking wreck for a year. Over a year. I finally figured out why.”

I shake my head and swallow hard, waiting for him to tell me how I jinxed him, how I messed up his music mojo.

“I’m sorry,” is all that comes out.

“Don’t be sorry. Help me fix it.”

“By letting you do all those things you say you want to do, Memphis? The things that I’m not sure if you’re joking about or if it’s just you and your … testosterone levels amped up like a damn electric guitar?”

He sucks in his lips and tries not to laugh.

“It’s not funny, Memphis.”

He is suddenly serious. “I wanna do all sorts of shit to you.”

“Well, you wrote two songs, or was it three? So, I think you are all straight now, you and your”—I point to his upper body—“torn up torso.”

“Wasn’t the ass I had, Tales. It was the ass I’ve wanted since that night.”


“Honest? Would you like me not to be? I could lie; would that be better?” His voice raises, and I am suddenly fearful that Madison will hear us.

“Shh,” I tell him, and his eyes narrow.

“No, sweet cheeks. You and I are gonna work this out. I couldn’t give a fuck less who hears me.”

“She doesn’t know about that night. It wasn’t even a big deal, Memphis.”

“That’s not what you said while your ass was pressed up against me in my bed the other night.”

“I was drunk.”

“Then get drunk again. Press in harder this time.”

“You are something else.”

My heart is racing. His lips never looked so good, and I am sure the air conditioner is on way too low because my nipples are straining against my padded, push-up bra.

“I am something you want, and you are something I want.”

“Well, it’ll never happen.” I attempt to step around him, but my wobbly knees betray me, and I stumble.

He grabs me and pushes me against the wall. “Tell me what your doubts are.”


“So I can blow them out of the water.” His hands are on my waist, and his face is inches from mine as his chiseled chest rises and falls quickly underneath his shirt. “Boyfriend?” I shake my head. “So he humped you and dumped you? Fucking idiot. Does he know he’s an idiot?”

I don’t respond. I don’t want him to know he’s right. Then he’ll figure out that I am not worth even one night.

“Madison,” I say.

“She doesn’t find out until we both figure out if this is physical or more.”

Dear God, he said or more.

I close my eyes and try to slow my breathing, but it’s not happening. I feel his thumb on my chin as he pushes my head to the side. He inhales a slow, deep breath, running his nose from my collarbone up to the spot right behind my ear, and I moan. I flippin’ moan, and he does, too, at the same time.

“You’re promiscuous.”

“Ask me not to be.” He moves my head back and pushes my chin up with his thumb. His tongue lightly slides down my throat and stops at the base. Again, I moan, and again, he does, too.

“Your tour.”

“Your school.”

“I’m not ready for a relationship,” I pant out as his lips run across my jawline.

“Give me this week.”

“To be your groupie?” I shake my head.

“To be mine.” He sucks on my earlobe. “All mine.”

“Madison,” I remind him.

“After hours.”

“Fine,” I concede.

“You are not going to regret it.” He steps back and cups my jaw.

“I already do.”


“I’m not a whore.”

“I promise, Tales, whatever the swimsuit or underoos cover is off limits.”

I can’t help smiling as I open my eyes. He looks happy, and I feel giddy.

He pushes his forehead against mine and runs his nose back and forth across mine. “You tell me if it gets to be too much.”

“This is a bad idea.”

“I won’t hurt you. I’ve never made a girl cry yet.” He smirks that sinful grin. “Okay, maybe a few, but they survived.”


“Contrary to what you believe, I think it was you who gave me my inspiration back.”

“Your floozies did.”

He shakes his head. “Nah.”

“I won’t sleep with someone who sleeps with everyone under the spotlight.”

“I’m really not like that, Tales.” I can’t help huffing. “No, you started this. I’ve been like that little, blonde girl, the one with the bears, eating all that porridge, sleeping in all those beds until I found the one I was looking for.”

I look away from his mesmerizing eyes. “Goldilocks.”

“Low and behold, she was right under my nose. I can’t wait to kiss those lips and see if they’re the ones I have been trying to find. You know, like the glass shoe that the prince makes everyone try on ’cause the girl he—”

I spare him the rambling, albeit adorable. “Cinderella.”

“Yeah, Cinderella.”

His lips are centimeters from mine, and I am ready for him to kiss me. I want to know if it’s true. At the very least, I want him to kiss me just once without throwing up on my shoes.

He moves closer, and I close my eyes and lift my chin, giving myself to him. He kisses … my cheek.

Stunned, I open my eyes.

“Sober. Come to me sober so I know I’m not pushing you into something.”

“But you said—”

“Tales, I wanna kiss you so fucking badly right now.” He leans against me with his whole body. “My tongue isn’t the only thing that wants in.” He nudges me with his erection, and I gasp. “But sober, sweet cheeks. I won’t do you like that.”

Then he walks away, leaving me buzzed, turned on, and wanting more than ever to give everything I have to Memphis Black.

I don’t go back outside, although it’s not like I can when I am as hard as nails and feeling guilty as fuck. Tallia Annabel Priest, the sweetest girl on the entire planet, and my dick can’t keep my mind occupied enough to leave her alone.

I flop down in bed and stare at the ceiling, willing this hard-on away. I know what will do the trick—think about her father and the day he caught me staring at his little girl when I was in church.

“Do you know what happens to sinners, young man?” he asked me.

“Not really, sir,” I answered honestly.

“They burn in hell.” He scowled at me, and what did I do? I fucking chuckled. Hell, he was my minister. The one who preached God’s love was now pegging me at ten years old as a sinner. He didn’t think that shit was funny, but here’s the shit kicker: I wasn’t thinking of banging his daughter until he went on with, “If you have sexual desires for her, you best get down on your knees and pray, young man.”

Sexual fucking desires at ten? Hell, I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell that thing was there for and hating it because the shit hurt when it got all hard. I figured out really quickly after that man’s warning what a sexual desire was, and from that moment on, I spent a lot of time in the damn shower. I mean, why the fuck would he even say that shit?

I spent the next eight years tormenting her because I wasn’t hot for her. She was the opposite of hot—well, maybe not the opposite, but she was … angelic? Sweet, kind, innocent—all the things you want to protect from the little asshole tormentors who picked on her, and she just smiled in their faces.

Well, that day I flipped a switch, and I sure as hell didn’t want to be a sinner, much less want everyone to think I had sexual desires for Tallia Annabelle Priest, the awkward preacher’s kid, so then I became a pain in hers and Madison’s asses.

Forgive me, papa Priest. Now I have some hellacious sexual desires, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Hell, I can’t do shit about it now.

I look down, erection gone. Minister Priest is the opposite of Viagra, and I will use that shit to my advantage.


I wake up and open my eyes. Tally is standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me. She isn’t saying shit, only staring.

I look over at my phone, and it says three in the morning.

“Tales?” I sit up, and she mumbles some incoherent shit then sighs, yawns, and sits down.

“You still fucked up?”

She shakes her head.

“You wanna play around?” I ask, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to me as I sit up.


“Couldn’t sleep?” I have no clue what she is doing, but when she is dead weight, I know she’s asleep. “Tales?”


Da fuck? I think.

I lay her down, go take a piss, wash my hands, brush my teeth—just in case she wants a little something-something—and then lie down and pull her closer.

She mumbles something more, then falls into what must be a comfortable place, and I hear soft, little purrs.

I push my nose against her hair, trying my damnedest to figure out what it is that makes her smell so damn good while she sleeps peacefully in my arms.

I wake when her body jolts as if lightning struck her.

“What? What is going on?”

She’s like a deer in the headlights, and she scared the shit out of me. Hell if I know what’s going on, I just want her back in bed. “It’s five in the morning, girl. Climb back in here and—”

“Oh, wow.” She looks around.

“Wow, what?” I pat the bed, beckoning her back.

She shakes her head and sighs.

“Care to tell me what you’re thinking?”

“Sometimes I take walks at night.” She crosses her arms. “Sorry.”

“You mean sleep walk?” I smirk because of the way she says it.

“No walks.” She yawns.

“Right, well, ‘toh-may-toh,’ ‘toh-mah-toh.’ Come on. I was comfortable.”

“I can’t.”

“Tell me you weren’t too fucked up to remember our talk last night.”

She looks down and slowly shakes her head.

“Good. Now that you’re sober, climb back in here.” She hesitates. “Tales ...”

She looks up at me. “It’s a bad idea.”

“It’s a damn good idea.”

“I don’t know.” She sighs.

“Then come back when you straighten it all out in your head.” When she hesitates again, I pull the covers back and pat the bed one more time. “Just let me spoon you.”

She sighs again, then takes the first step back. She sits on the edge of the bed, and I am quick to pull her down and into my arms.

“I’ll spork you later.”

She gives a silent chuckle. “This is a bad idea.”

“Does it feel bad right now, Tales?” I ask, rubbing her back over her shirt and not her fine, fine ass like I want to.


“Why do you sound so sad, then?” I question, as I inhale the scent that calms and ignites me at the same time.

“I don’t want to hurt Madison.”

“Me, either.”

“She will be up at, like, nine.”

“Just stay another hour, maybe two?”

“Will you make sure I’m awake?”

“Sure will.”

She yawns, and even her breath smells sweet.

What the fuck am I doing?

Minister Priest, I repeat over and over in my head until I fall asleep.


“What the hell?” I hear Madison’s voice, and both Tally and I are instantly all sorts of tangled and trying to jump up. It’s a mess, a complete fucking mess, and there is nothing I can do except laugh.

“Morning, Mads.”

“I … I …”

“Did you?” Madison shrieks, charging at me.

“No,” Tally gasps in a disgusted tone that quite frankly pisses me off, but it stops my crazy-ass sister.

“Madison, get out!” I snap at her and immediately regret it. However, I’m a little pissed.

“Don’t talk to her like that,” Tally scolds, and here I am, the innocent in this.

“She walked in here and decided to take a fucking nap,” I defend. “I didn’t drag her by her hair, so you can—”

“Oh, my God, are you sleep walking again?” Madison gasps.

Tally shrugs. “I guess so.”


I think it’s an odd question, but I know damn well I want the equally as odd answer.

“I don’t know.”

“You’re having bad dreams again?”

Tally shakes her head, glances at me, and then quickly looks away.

“You only do this when you do.”

“Everything’s fine.”

“Not really.” I stand up and look at both of them. “What the hell would have happened if you had walked out in the street or, worse yet, into River’s room?”

“River’s room is worse than the street?” Madison laughs sarcastically.

“Depends on how fucked up he was, yeah.”

“Well, she’s managed to stay alive all these years and—”

“What if it happens at school? What if she ends up in some guy’s room, and he—” I stop when I see the look exchanged between the two of them.  Fuck it has already happened! “Spill it.”

“It’s really none of your concern, brother dear.”

“Da fuck it’s not.” I am livid. “Did you get—?”

“No, Memphis, no. Okay, geesh, sorry I wandered in,” Tally says like it’s no big deal.

“Why didn’t you wake her up?” Madison asks, her brows shooting up and her hands on her hips.

“’Cause I like the way—”

“Madison,” Tally interrupts, “I’m not easy to wake up. Think about it.”

“Fine.” Madison seems to give up. “But next time, you come get me.”

“Why? Do you think you—?”

Madison narrows her eyes. “I’ll cut you.”

“You’ll fucking what?” I gasp.

“She’s joking.”

“Maybe I’m not.”

“I’m your fucking brother. Shit, Mads, what would be the big deal if I was into Tally?”

She covers her ears and starts “la-la-la-ing” like she did when she was a kid.

Tally gives me a look as if to say, please don’t, and I want to kick my sister right in the ass, just once. The little queen deserves it.

“Conference call. X-man is on,” Finn yells into my room.

“What?” I ask

“Billy sent him the songs.”

“What? When? I’m not even done.”

“Come on, man. He looks happy as hell.”

I walk past Madison and Tally, scooping up my shorts. They stop whispering, and Mads rolls her eyes and walks out. Her being pissed at me is nothing new.

“Probably got dome this morning,” River says, rubbing his hands over his messy ass hair as he walks out of his suite.

I want to laugh, but Tally is looking at me all nervously and shit.

I stop and step into my shorts, waiting for everyone to get out of earshot. I look up to see she is staring at my chest, so I pop my pecs, but she doesn’t look impressed when her eyes meet mine.

“I can’t do this,” she whispers.

“She won’t find out,” I whisper back.

“It’s not her; it’s—” She stops, and her eyes are on my chest again. I recognize the look immediately.

“They’ll be gone in a couple days.”

“Just like the many you’ve shared a bed with.”

“Tales, stop coming up with excuses. You want me or you don’t.” I’m getting really sick of this conversation. “You want me.” I walk past her, unwilling to hear whatever comes out next. Her excuses are bullshit, and my patience is wearing thin, but there is fuck-not that I can do about it now.

I stop and turn back. Apparently, walking away is a problem for me, too.

“Sleep walking. What’s got you worried?”

She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Everything.”

“Okay, let me help you figure out whatever it is that’s not about me. Talk to me, Tales.”

She looks confused, maybe even sad, and then the emotions are gone. “You have a call. I’m fine. Go.”


“Really, Memphis, go.”

I reluctantly walk out into the living room where X-man is on the smart TV. Technology, I have a love/hate relationship with it.

“Good, you’re all here.” X-man starts. “Finn, Memphis, I am proud as hell of you two. The lyrics are edgy but commercial enough—”

“Commercial?” I scowl as I sit on the arm of the couch.

“But edgy,” he responds. “It’s good. That being said, we need to lay down the tracks and get production rolling because …” He looks behind him.

Taelyn looks over his shoulder. “We have dates, lots of dates. Twenty cities in—”

“Twenty cities?” River grins at her.

“Starting right here, where you left off.” X beams.

“The coolest part, man. Get to it,” Nickie D urges in the background.

“Irish,” X says, looking at his wife. “Your idea, so you tell the band.”

She sits down on his lap and looks into the screen. “The opening acts.”

“No, you’ve got it wrong, Mrs. X. STD is the coolest part.” River winks.

“River, you keep that shit up and you’ll be Def Leppard-ing that drum set. I’ll rip your motherfucking arm off and beat—”

“Enough, Xavier.” Taelyn laughs. “Xavier and I or Nickie will join you all at each city where we’ll hold open auditions for local bands to try out to be opening acts.”

“What’s it pay?” Finn asks.

“Finn.” I nudge him.

“What? I’m gonna do this shit for free? Hell no,” he says, scowling at me.

“Anyone else have reservations?” Xavier asks, and I know he’s trying to keep his cool.

“Will you explain the process a little?” I ask, hoping to chill Finn out a little.

“We’re currently scouring the Internet to find talent that is untouched or—”

“To sign,” Finn interrupts.

“Well, if we all like them, and they’re committed like you four, then yes, of course that’s what we would like to do,” Xavier answers.

“So we become sink or swim. You just throw us on stage and walk the fuck—”

“What the fuck did you just say?” X-man is pissed. “Sink or swim, Finn? Really? Are we not in this together? Forever fucking Steel isn’t just something to lure you in, asshole.”

“All right, Xavier.” Taelyn situates herself in front of her very pissed off husband. “Finn, think about who we are and not what you know of the industry.”

“But?” Finn snaps.

“But nothing, Becket.” Xavier shakes his head. “Are you here for us, too, or is this all about what we can do for you? Because look around. We’ve pushed our asses off because we believe in you four fuck-sticks.”

“Hey, X, he’s a fuck-stick; I am just—”

“Innocent?” X lets out a forced laugh. “STD?”

I can’t help smiling. “Epic name.”

“You guys have four days till you return. I was gonna make you come back early, but my wife reminded me I’m not a dictator, or some shit like that, and I agree. You’ve busted your asses for a year and deserve to have some fun. So think about this, Finn: we aren’t trying to fuck you here. You should know that by now. Okay, STD, keep it wrapped and see you soon.”

“Have fun,” Taelyn says.

“Peace,” Nickie D chimes in. “Out.”

The screen goes blank, and I look at Finn. “Can’t you just trust them?”

“Trust?” he huffs as he stands up. “Wait until you get dicked over just once, and that shit will harden you, too, and not just your cock. Get fucked twice, and you’re stone.”

“You trust us, don’t you?” Billy asks.

“You don’t even want to be here half the time, so I don’t think you’re gonna fuck us unless you leave. River is, well, River, and I know he’s cool.” He looks at me. “You, you are true blue, but the past few days, you’ve been a little—how do I say this?—in your head.”

“You wanna give me what?” I laugh, standing up.

“In your wildest dreams,” he snaps.

“You wouldn’t?” I joke. “If I really needed it?”

“Not if we were the last people on Earth and armless so I couldn’t jerk off.” Finn gets up and walks back to his room.

“Going to shower,” River yawns. I know he’s not, though; he’s going back to bed.

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