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  • Текст добавлен: 20 сентября 2016, 17:01

Текст книги "Valiant"

Автор книги: Laurann Dohner

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Текущая страница: 10 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Trisha shook her head. “He usually works and lives in Southern California.”

“Oh.” Tammy nodded.

“He’s working somewhere else right now on assignment. In a few months he’ll be back in Southern California where his home is and so will I. We did talk this morning and he’s reconsidering marriage.”

Tammy did a thumbs-up sign. “Good for you.”

Trisha nodded. “Yes. I want to marry him and I love him more than anything.”

Tammy sighed, her mind refusing to budge from the worry that rose inside. “Valiant is really angry with me.”

“I think he’s hurt because you mean a lot to him. I don’t think you realize how attached he is to you. We have New Species who have engaged in sex with humans but they didn’t stake claims to them. I think for whatever reason, he imprinted you already.”

“What if he meets someone else and changes his mind?”

“A s I said, they are very loyal. They aren’t the kind of men we’re used to. They had hellish lives and they really value something they care about. He obviously cares about you or he wouldn’t have claimed you.”

Tammy nodded. “I’m really confused.”

Trisha nodded too. “I understand. Trust me, I really do.”

“Thank you for telling me everything. Once I start taking the pills how long until they work?”

“A month. I’ll send a large supply of condoms. I can get them to you today.” She hesitated. “You will probably have to show him how to use them since I doubt he’s ever had to. Mercile Industries only permitted them to have sex with females when they were doing breeding experiments. It was the only time they were ever allowed any kind of physical closeness with another of their kind.

I don’t think he’s ever had any physical contact with anyone human except you. You’ll have to ask him. I don’t know much about where he was kept before they opened Reservation but from what I understand, it was in a remote desert location. They tended to assign women, human ones, to guard them since New Species won’t attack females. Who knows if any of them were attracted to him.” She cleared her throat. “I’d bet not. He’s pretty intimidating.”

Tammy couldn’t imagine many woman approaching Valiant without being super brave. “It’s horrible what was done to them.”

“I know. A s I said, they had rough lives.” Trisha made ready to leave. “I’ll bring a picnic lunch in a few days so we can talk again. I make a mean fried chicken.

Talk to Valiant and try not to lose your temper if you get frustrated with him. Sometimes they don’t understand things but they learn quickly and if you explain it clearly, they usually get the gist of what you’re trying to say.

Their feelings do get hurt and they tend to react by appearing angry. It’s one of those his-bark-is-far-worse-than-his-bite kind of sayings that fit.”

“Thank you.”

Trisha left the bedroom and Tammy sighed loudly.

Valiant was probably hurt that she wasn’t jumping for joy at the concept that she might be pregnant. She barely knew the guy and they were just so different. It wasn’t anything bad against him, not a form of rejection, just a smart decision to take things slower.

She glanced at the bed and snorted. She was having hot sex with the guy, often, and nothing about their relationship so far seemed to have any brakes to it. She couldn’t resist him once he started growling and purring at her. His mouth needed to come with a warning label.

She smiled and finally stood. She needed to talk to him and clear the air. The idea of him feeling rejected didn’t sit well with her.

Tammy walked out of the bedroom. A fter a quick search of the other bedroom, bathroom and the living area, she came to the conclusion that Valiant had left.

She hugged her chest and walked toward the suite door.

She hesitated before opening it.

A New Species man stood on the other side. He had black hair and gray eyes. He turned to peer at her black hair and gray eyes. He turned to peer at her curiously. She wasn’t really surprised that someone had been posted. She knew she wasn’t allowed to leave the suite.

“Do you know where Valiant is?”

He shook his head. “He looked really angry when he stormed out and I wasn’t going to ask him anything. I didn’t want him to roar at me.”

“Thank you.” Tammy softly closed the door.

She finally settled on watching television but then remembered what she’d said to Sheriff Cooper. She wondered if she was allowed to make phone calls. She returned to the suite door and opened it. The New Species turned, studying her again.

“A m I allowed to use the phone?”

He hesitated. “No one said you couldn’t. Go ahead.”

“Thank you.” She closed the door and decided to use the phone inside the bedroom. She sat on the bed, got comfortable, and dialed her best friend’s number. Tim answered on the second ring.


“Hi, it’s me.”

“Tam! How are you? A re you home? I’ll grab some pizza and be right over. I’ve been so worried about you.”

“I’m not home but I’m fine. I’m still at New Species Reservation and I’m going to be here for a while.” She paused. “I’m kind of seeing one of them.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Tim yelled. “Do you know what has happened since you were attacked? We have everything from news crews to protesters who hate those New Species people swamping the town. The support groups for those people showed up to counter protest early this morning. It’s a madhouse and on top of it, there are all kinds of rumors flying about how you are dating one of them but I thought it was bullshit. I’m your best friend and you would have told me. I yelled at the reporters who knocked on my door that it was absolute bullshit that you were hooked up with one of them. They showed a video of you and him on the news this morning with footage of him carrying you to a Jeep and sitting with you on his lap.”

Tammy tried not to flinch over how upset Tim seemed to be. She wanted to try to calm him down.

“Great. I was on the news and missed it? Did you happen to tape it for me? How cool.”

“That’s not funny.”

“Did my hair at least look good?” She winced, remembering how dirt and leaves had been stuck in it.

“Damn it, Tam. I’m not kidding. I drove by your place this morning to feed that feral cat you toss scraps to since the sheriff said you were hurt and had been taken out to Reservation to be seen by their doctor. He said you would be out there for a day or so while you recovered. There were protestors picketing in your yard and you should have read the signs they carried, Tam.

That bitchy old woman next door is threatening to put a petition together to force you to sell your grandma’s house. She came outside to scream at me that she wanted you gone because she wasn’t going to live next door to that kind of crap.”

“What did the signs say?” Tammy could feel a headache coming on. She remembered her pain pills but couldn’t reach the bathroom with the corded phone.

“Nothing you’d want to read, let me assure you. It was reported that you were dating the guy and that he was your lover. You can guess. It was brutal.”

“So Mrs. Haller is pissed, huh?”

“She yelled that she was putting a petition together to try to force you to sell. Did you hear that part?”

“Well, she is a bitch and I’m sure she’ll give it her best shot.” Tammy suddenly chuckled. “A re there a lot of protestors? A re they really loud? Do you think they’ll stay out there all night and drive her insane? She complains at me constantly if my TV is even at a normal level. There’s a bright side, right? Maybe she’ll get so upset she keels over. That woman has hated me since I was a kid and moved in with Grandma.”

“Tam, damn it, that’s not funny. I’m going to come out there and get you. You can hole up inside our guestroom to hide out from everyone. My parents are worried sick about you too. They don’t think you are safe out there and neither do I. You don’t know much about those people.”

“Don’t be an ass, Tim. I know more about them than you do. I’m extremely safe.”

“Since when?”

“Since I’ve gotten to know them.”

“That old bitch is really going to get a petition going, Tam. She’s really going to try to make you sell your house. What will you do if she succeeds?”

“Well, remember a few years ago when I went through my heavy-metal stage? She put a petition together then too and asked all the neighbors to sign it by saying I worshipped the devil by trying to call demons into the backyard every time I lit the fire pit. They just laughed at her.”

“This isn’t her hating your taste in music. This is super serious. There are at least twenty protestors on your yard carrying signs that are accusing you of liking to screw anything on a leash with four legs.”

“That bad, huh?” Tammy winced again. “Well, even if I came to your house it wouldn’t make them go away, would it? They would only start picketing at your place if they learned I’d gone there. I’m staying here.”

“You need to come back to town and tell everyone the news had it wrong. You need to denounce that guy until it stops.”

“What do they have wrong? I am seeing one of them.”

Tim remained silent for a long minute. “Why?”

“Why do you think? He’s wonderful, sweet, and I just want to stay with him.”

“You could have told me if you were that lonely. You don’t need to date one of them. Let me take you out.”

“Oh, stop it. Don’t even go there, Tim. I swear, just don’t. You and I are best friends. I get asked out often, if you must know. I’m not desperate for any guy. I really, really am attracted to him.”

“But he’s¯”

“Don’t say anything bad,” Tammy warned, cutting him off.

“Fine. I hope you realize it’s going to ruin your life.

When you stop seeing this…him…no guy in town is going to want to touch you. I have to go. You obviously have your mind made up and I just can’t even talk to you right now.” Tim hung up.

Tammy held the receiver in her hand for long seconds before returning it to the cradle. She wiped at tears that momentarily blinded her. Tim had never hung up on her before. She scooted off the bed, walked into the bathroom and filled a glass with water. On her way back to the bed she stopped in her tracks when her gaze met Valiant’s. He leaned against the wall inside the bedroom right next to the door, his expression grim.

“You’re back.”

His golden eyes regarded her and a frown marred his full lips. His arms were crossed over his chest and he took a deep breath.

“You are going to lose your house?”

“You were listening.”

He shrugged. “I have good hearing. I took a walk downstairs to get some fresh air and came back when you were talking on the phone. I stood outside the door so you could talk to your friend without interruption. You said he was your best friend.” He shifted his weight, pushing away from the wall. “He made you cry. A nswer me. A re you going to lose your house?”

She shrugged. “It was a shitty one with a leaking roof anyway, but I doubt it. Most of the neighbors have been there forever and have known me for most of my life. My next-door neighbor is the A ntichrist. She’s making waves but she always does that kind of bullshit. I have protestors picketing at my house.”

“You don’t need your house anymore, sexy. You have my home and you have me.”

Tammy stared at him. “But for how long?”

He moved. “You won’t ever get rid of me.” He stalked toward her. “Not even if you try. You belong to me and I belong to you.”

Tammy stared up at Valiant when he stopped inches from her. He reached for the glass and set it down. They stared at each other for a long moment before Valiant suddenly grabbed her, taking her flat to the bed. His hands tore at her clothes as his lips kissed her throat.

Tammy moaned.

Valiant pinned Tammy under him tighter, inhaling her wonderful scent, wanting to get her totally naked to be skin to skin. She’d stood up to her best friend for him, refused to leave him, and he wanted to make sure she didn’t change her mind.

She might lose her home because of her association with Species. Guilt ate at him as his hands caressed her bare breasts. He stared into her passion-filled eyes and swore he’d make her forget everything but him. He’d make sure she knew being with him was worth any sacrifices she made.

He growled at her, working at getting her pants off as he slid off the bed to the carpet, onto his knees. The scent of her growing arousal drove him nearly insane to taste her, to claim her, but she suddenly wiggled up the bed. He snarled at her and gripped the bed, intent on going after her. Her hand lifted, palm out, in a gesture to stop him and he froze.


He wanted to roar. She was his. He knew what the things were but he wanted nothing between them when he took her. He wanted to mark her with his scent, fill her with his seed, and if life took hold—so be it!

“Please? I’m not ready to have a baby.”

He stared into her eyes while he fought his anger and hurt.

“Valiant?” Her gaze softened. “You could totally seduce me, I want you, but I’m just asking for more time before we risk that. Can you please do this for me?


He closed his eyes, snarled, and jerked to his feet.

“Get naked. I’ll be right back.” He stormed out of the bedroom, down the hall, and to the suite door. He jerked it open and glared at Flame. They’d just changed guards.

Flame watched him warily as he backed away.

“What’d I do?”

“I need condoms.” He spat the last word.

Flame did a poor job of hiding his amusement. “Um, all right. No glove, no love, huh?”

Valiant snarled at him.

Flame backed up a few feet more, reaching behind him. Valiant tensed, believing the officer reached for his weapon. Instead he pulled out a wallet, opened it, and removed something that crinkled in a long wrapper.

“Here.” He stepped forward. “The no-glove-no-love thing was mentioned in a class we held at Homeland about human women. It means some of them don’t want sex without a condom.” He braved another step. “We carry these in our wallets at Homeland if we interact with human women just in case we decide to share sex. I’ll make sure more are brought to you but that’s all I’ve got for now.” He held them out. “Do you know how to use them?”

“No.” Valiant hated to admit it. He accepted the weird package that had four round things sealed in weird-looking plastic on one side and shiny stuff on the other.

Flame swallowed. “We really need to hold classes here at Reservation. You carefully open one of the packages containing a round rubber thing. You put it over the tip of your dick and it rolls down to the base of it.” He glanced at Valiant’s hands. “Let her do it. You’ve got the sharp-nail issue. You’ll tear them. Just look cute and helpless while you tell her you need help. Human women dig that.”

“Thank you.” He met Flame’s eyes. “I appreciate the advice.”

Valiant backed up, slammed the door closed and locked it. He clenched his teeth, gripped the condoms, and stormed back toward the bedroom. The things I will do for my Tammy.

Chapter Ten

Tammy knew Valiant was angry when he returned to the bedroom and slammed their door closed. She had stripped, climbed under the covers, and watched him face her. He held up a roll of four condoms.

“I don’t know anything about these.”

She was extremely touched that he’d gotten them somehow. She threw back the bedding and rose to her feet. “It will be fun.”

His eyebrows arched and he didn’t appear convinced.

“Will you trust me?” She slowly approached him and took the roll from his open palm.

“I want you to be happy,” he grudgingly admitted.

“But I am not.”

She backed up. “Remove your clothes. I can remedy that.”

“Will it hurt?” His gaze fell to the condoms.


“It’s not natural.” He began to strip though.

This coming from a guy who is part lion. She kept that observation silent. The sight of his bare body always did wonderful things to her. He followed her to the bed and glared down at her, showing his displeasure, but she gave him credit for getting condoms. A n idea struck and she grinned.

“Will you stretch out over the bed on your back for me?”

His gaze narrowed. “Why?”

“Because I asked?” She grinned at him. “Pretty please?”

He blew out a deep breath. “This better not be painful.”

He turned and just threw his big body across the mattress. She held back a laugh as he rolled onto his back, locked his arms behind his head to use his hands for a pillow and glared at her. She climbed on the bed and straddled his thighs. The shock on his features was instantly apparent.

“What are you doing?”

She dropped the condoms on the bed next to his hip.

“Just lie back and I’ll show you that condoms can be fun.”

He softly growled at her. “You’re acting strange.”

“I like seeing you this way.” Her gaze lingered over his taut, muscular belly, his broad chest, before lowering to his partially erect cock. He’d been circumcised. She hadn’t noticed that before since he’d never given her time to really examine that part of him. He also had no pubic hair although he did have a thin trail of hair from his bellybutton down to his lower belly. She leaned forward, kept eye contact with him, and braced her arms as she hovered over him. A smile curved her lips.

“Can you hold real still for me?”

“Why? What are you planning to do?”

“Getting you so turned on that you don’t mind wearing a condom.”

“I always want you.”

“Just hold still, okay? Don’t sit up. Don’t grab me either or roll me onto my back. A m I clear? Freeze just the way you are.”

He seemed to ponder her request. “You’re my Tammy and you may do as you wish to me.”

He wasn’t happy about it but still agreed. It amused her but she refrained from laughing. She leaned up, studied his rib cage, and her mouth lowered to his body.

The muscles tensed along his abdomen when she licked his skin and her hair fell forward to brush against his side. She kissed him, allowed her teeth to lightly nip him and began to explore down over his six-pack abs with her lips.

A growl tore from Valiant. “What are you doing?”

“Relax.” She felt his cock stiffen against her ribs where it lifted and poked against her as he became more aroused. “Enjoy this.” Her mouth returned to his skin.

The muscles of his legs tensed against her thighs as she inched lower until her face hovered above his cock.

He was big, thick and impressive. She glanced up at his face to see his eyes were closed, his sharp teeth dented his bottom lip and he had an edgy expression on his face. She wondered if anyone had ever done any of this to him before. He’d admitted to having limited sexual experience.

She licked her lips to wet them, lifted one hand and wrapped her fingers around his rigid shaft. A snarl tore from Valiant and his eyes opened, his head lifted, and he stared at her with obvious surprise.

“You are putting one on me now?”

“No. Not yet.”

He swallowed and breathed a little faster. “You wish to study me?”

“Nope.” Her gaze lowered and she tilted her head a little as her tongue dipped out to drag over the crown of his cock.

Valiant jerked, a strange sound coming from him, and his ass pressed tighter against the mattress, enough to pull him away from her mouth. She glanced up at him.

“What are you doing?” He gaped at her in absolute shock.

That answers that question. “You’ve never had a woman do this before?”

“Lick me? Not there. Males do it to females to prepare them for sex and to enjoy their taste but I’m ready to take you.”

“Shut up and enjoy this, baby.”

She gave her full attention to his erection and opened her mouth wide. She was afraid he’d protest so she decided to show him how good it would feel instead of teasing him a little first. Her mouth wrapped around his cock as she took a few inches inside and began to lick and suck on him as she tightened the seal.

He didn’t fight, didn’t tear her off, but his body did stiffen. She took more of him, working him deeper inside, to the back of her mouth, and began a slow and steady rhythm of going up and down in steady stokes, her tongue rubbing him.

Loud, raspy purrs came from Valiant and she knew he enjoyed it a lot. A sweet taste began to tease her and she moaned, realizing his pre-cum had to be the source.

Every time she nearly slid him out of her mouth more of it spilled onto her tongue and then a loud noise made her jerk her mouth completely away and lift her head to discover the source.

Valiant’s hands were digging into the bedspread near his head and she saw where the material had torn. His head was thrown back, his mouth open to allow those deep purrs to come from his throat. His head lifted until their gazes locked. He had a wild look in his sexy eyes, which were so filled with desire she was amazed he’d kept so still.

“I’m going to come if you do that again. Is that how it feels when I lick your pussy to enjoy your cream? It’s wonderful. It’s so good.” His voice came out sounding inhuman, more of a growl than an actual tone.

Her gaze darted to the poor bedspread, happy it had felt the bite of his nails instead of her skin. “I think you’re ready for a condom.”

He nodded. “A nything.”

She leaned up, still straddling his thighs, and reached for them. She made sure he could see what she did as she tore one free from the roll, used her teeth to rip open the top edge of the packet, and showed him the round disk. She was happy to note the brand was designed for bigger men. She doubted she could have gotten a regular size on him. Valiant definitely wasn’t a one-size-fits-all type of guy.


She placed it over the crown of his cock and slowly rolled it down to the base of his shaft. He groaned and more of the bedding took the brunt of his fingernails. He didn’t look away though as she demonstrated how the condom worked. Her body ached too and she wanted him inside her. A s tempted as she was to finish him with her mouth, she felt selfish at that moment, hurting to fuck him.

She released his sheathed cock and crawled up him until her thighs gripped his hips. One hand reached back to wrap around his incredibly hard shaft and she guided him to her pussy as she wiggled her hips until they aligned perfectly.

Her gaze locked with his. He appeared stunned as she sank down on him, her wet and welcoming body already prepared for him. She moaned as her vaginal walls were parted by Valiant’s thick cock.

Valiant snarled and she gasped when he suddenly grabbed her and rolled them over. She ended up under him, pinned, his cock buried deep inside her pussy. He grabbed her wrists, jerked them above her head, and used his upper arms to brace his weight. Their gazes locked.

“Wrap around me.” It wasn’t a request but more of a snarled demand.

The wild look in his eyes had grown downright feral.

She didn’t feel fear though as she spread her thighs more, bent them higher, and wrapped them around his waist until her calves squeezed over his firm ass.

He spread his knees, dug them into the mattress to find traction and withdrew a little, only to slam back into her deep. She cried out from the pleasure. He snarled, his mouth lowered and he nipped her shoulder, nudging her head out of the way.

The sharp bite of his teeth did amazing things to her.

It didn’t hurt so much as send a jolt of desire through her. Valiant’s strength turned her on more as he paused, completely in control, and then started to rock his hips to fuck her slowly.

“I’m fighting my instincts,” he groaned against her skin.

“Don’t fight,” she moaned, locking her legs tighter around him.

His head lifted and he stared into her eyes. “I just hurt you.”

“That didn’t hurt. It felt good.”

“Tell me if I cause you pain. I’m always afraid I’ll be too rough.” He stared into her eyes while his hips started to move, the muscles of his ass tensing against her calves, and he began to drive into her in deep, steady thrusts.

Tammy threw her head back, her eyes closed, and could feel each powerful plow of his cock as he rode her frantically, creating a delicious tight friction between their joined bodies that quickly turned into a powerful climax.

Valiant roared as her vaginal muscles clenched around him and she cried out his name.

They panted and Tammy smiled. Valiant smiled back.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it? I told you condoms wouldn’t hurt.”

“I prefer not to use them but it didn’t hurt.” He hesitated. “Do I just leave it on? I want to flip you over, put you on your knees, and mount you from behind.”

“Give me a minute to catch my breath first and um, no. That one has to be tossed into the trash and I’ll put a new one on you.”

His lips curved. “I understand.” He slowly withdrew his cock and rolled off her body to stretch out on his back. “Go ahead. I enjoy your mouth.”

Tammy turned on her side and grinned. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

His smile slipped. “What does that mean?”

She laughed in response. “Nothing. I was teasing.”

She sat up and glanced around for a trash can. If teasing him with her mouth got him to wear condoms, she could totally get on board with that plan. He tasted good.

* * * * *

Tammy smiled when Trisha sat on the couch. “I’m so glad you came. Valiant left about two hours ago and I’ve been bored. He wanted to get some of his own clothes from his house and he needed to feed a few of his friends.” She paused. “I was too afraid to ask what that meant.”

Trisha grinned. “He likes the squirrels around his house. He’s forbidden anyone from killing them. He puts nuts and berries out for them to lure them closer to his house. He’s trying to teach them that he won’t eat them or something like that.”

“Is that an issue?” Tammy took a seat next to the doctor and glanced at the cooler the woman had placed on the table. “A nd what’s that?”

“The Wild Zone is a heavily wooded area on Reservation and that’s where Valiant lives. There’s a few dozen New Species who live as his neighbors. They’re not as human as most of the others are. Their facial traits are more animal than human, to be blunt, and some of them are gruff the way Valiant is. They hunt rabbits and deer in the woods but the squirrels are off the menu now. Valiant enjoys watching them for some reason and has deemed them non-food.” She grinned. “I just nod when I hear stuff like that. Some things are, well, I just accept it. I promised you fried chicken. I thought you’d want to talk again today instead of waiting. How are you feeling?”

“A lot better. Thanks.”

“Good.” A ll humor faded. “How goes things with Valiant? Did the condoms arrive?”

“Yes. One of the guards brought them before he left to go home. Thank you.”

“They prefer to be called officers.” She shrugged. “It’s a New Species thing. Have you talked him into using them yet?”

“We worked it out.”

Tammy studied her and smiled. “I take it that he didn’t fight it too hard?”

“I showed him the plus sides.”

The doctor chuckled. “Good. I was worried. That’s why I really came today. I figured you might have more questions or just needed someone to help you talk him into using protection. Is he still feeling rejected?”

“I don’t know. He seems okay with it. I just need more time before we even consider having a baby.” She paused. “A nd to be honest, it’s a lot to take in.”

“Yes, it is. Being with one of them will change your life.”

“One of my friends told me that I’ve got protestors on my yard at home.”

“Damn. I’m sorry.”

Tammy shrugged. “I’m not there. I kind of really hate one of my neighbors so I’m hoping it’s really annoying her.” She smiled. “She’s spent years harassing me. That’s a bright side.”

Trisha grinned. “Good. Keep your sense of humor. It helps.” She stood. “I’m going to grab some plates from your kitchenette. I swear I’m always hungry.” She stepped around the coffee table.

Tammy rose to follow, staring at the corner area.

“These suites are nice.”

“A nd they come fully stocked.” Trisha opened a cupboard, pulled out two plates, and turned.” Her face cupboard, pulled out two plates, and turned.” Her face suddenly paled and she gasped. The dishes nearly slipped from her fingers that seemed to go lax.

Tammy saved them before they hit the floor, set them on the counter, and spun to face the doctor.

“What’s wrong?” She had to grab the other woman when her knees collapsed, to help her sink to the carpet without getting hurt.

Trisha groaned, wrapped her arms around her stomach, and her blue eyes widened. “Get Slade.”

Tammy released her, spun, and sprinted for the door. The New Species posted in the hallway seemed startled when she flung open the door. “Get Slade now.

Trisha is in pain and grabbing her stomach. Call him and get in here. I don’t know what to do or what is wrong with her.”

She left the door open when she bolted back to Trisha. The doctor still held her stomach protectively as she sat on her bent legs. She had begun to pant, and Tammy dropped to her knees next to the woman. She gripped her upper arms to make sure she didn’t fall over.

“What is it? What can I do?”


“But it can’t be. You’re only what? Five months along?” Terror tore through Tammy. “I’ll call an ambulance.”

“No,” Trisha frantically shook her head. “No outsiders. Slade will come and he’ll take me to see Harris.

He’s another doctor who works here.”

The New Species officer from the hallway rushed inside the room with a fearful expression. Tammy jerked her head up. “What is your name?”


“Flame, please very carefully pick her up and lay her on the couch. She’s having contractions but it’s too early.

We need Dr. Harris right now. She doesn’t want me to call an ambulance.”

Flame bent down and carefully touched Trisha’s shoulder. “Slade is coming. Can I lift you? Will I hurt you more? Should you even be moved?”

Trisha’s face scrunched up in pain as another contraction hit. She pointed toward the couch with a shaky finger. Flame hesitated before gently lifting the woman into his arms and carrying her to the couch, where he tenderly placed her on her back. Trisha groaned and kept panting.

Tammy ran for the spare bedroom to yank the blanket off the bed and ran back into the living room, not sure what else to do. She covered Trisha’s legs since her skirt had ridden up her thighs and knelt next to the couch. Flame had moved to the open doorway to speak on his radio. Tammy took Trisha’s hand.

“Help is coming. Flame is calling Dr. Harris and your bodyguard. I’m right here, Trisha.”

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