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On the way to the Hollywood dream
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Текст книги "On the way to the Hollywood dream"

Автор книги: Kirill Khorev

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Kirill Khorev
On the way to the Hollywood dream

The whole story, the character, lived deep within me. Now, he wants to talk about himself and his feeling. Some similarities are coincidental.

Chapter 1

I'm sitting at the kitchen, drinking tea and reading «TIME» magazine at the same time. Bella walks in and says:

‘ Hi, Frankie. ’

I put my mug aside and looked at Bella, she was smiling at me and i squinted my eyes at her. That's what she called me after the production of «One Master and Five Cats». It was the production that Bella came to see. I played a white cat named Frankie, in one little theater. But my name is Jake. I was hesitant whether to play the part and yet i decided to do it.

‘ It was a great role, ’ Bella continued.

‘ Maybe you're right, ’ I say.

‘ So you're famous, ’ Bella said with a slight smile.

‘ Famous, but still not reaching the heights I dream of. ’

Taking a mug of tea I thought again.

I want to tell you a little bit about myself. Ever since I was kid, I've been different from others, like white paint caught in black paint. I am originally from New York City, the fourth child in my family, sometimes with mood swings. And yet there is a sense that I am not where I should be. There are times when I find it hard to communicate with Bella. So she's been talking for over two hours about how to eat right and take care of her skin. But when she gets a text message on her phone, she stops talking.

Bella and I have been friends since the fifth grade, we have common interests, but we are complete opposites in character. She's quiet, smart, dreams of becoming a director, and the kinder person who can make the world a kinder place. And I don't sit still, always try to do something, like talk, and try hard to get into my studies. This is harder for me than immersing myself in a role.

‘ Oh My God, Jake! We need to take pictures! ’ Jenny says. She's standing in the doorway that leads into the kitchen. ‘ And we need to send them to the castings! ’

Jenny is average height, with dark hair, and a beautiful smile. I've known Jenny since she was born, because our moms are best friends and live across the street from each other. Jenny has a great imagination and lots of interesting ideas. But she wants to be a programmer, although she could very well be an incredible screenwriter.

‘ We need to hire a photographer, ’ I say. ‘ The other day I asked an acquaintance to take pictures, but he's busy studyung. ’

‘ You know, my parents gave me a camera for my birthday last year, so I think I can take some pictures, ’ she says.

‘ Wow! Great! Can you give me the camera in five days? ’ Bella asks. ‘ I need to prepare a new project. ’

‘ Do you have a new project? ’ I ask. I try to look surprised to hide my disappointment.

Bella looks at me with a little smile.

‘ Yes, it's a new project, it's not that big, I think I'll finish it quickly. ’

‘ Okay, I got it. ’ I say in a low voice.

Bella winks back.

In fact, I'm sad that I don't support Bella, because she always gives it to me. I'm sure she'll get what she wants, Bella is an incredible person, loves to talk about the meaning of life, but sometimes I just want a break.

‘ Why don't the three of us go out tomorrow and go to a cafe or something? ’ Jenny asks, putting one hand on my shoulder.

‘ That's a good idea! ’ Bella says.

‘ Yeah, I think I need to rest after the audition, ’ I say.

Jenny and Bella looked at each other and then Jenny started asking questions.

‘ Audition? Where? What time? ’

‘ For a role in the movie «The last meeting». It starts at nine in the morning. ’

‘ Wow, that's great, Jake! ’ Bella says with admiration.

Jenny walks over to the refrigerator and peels back the picture that was taped on. She directs it at the same level as me. I know what she wants to do. To compare me to this picture. It shows me a seven-year-old boy who doesn't look like himself. Blond hair, chubby cheeks, and a cute little suit that is now God knows where. Growing up has changed me a lot. There's not a trace of that boy left. I am five feet and eight inches tall. My dark hair is combed back, my face perfectly clean except for a small mole on my cheek.

Fifteen minutes passed, and it was almost midnight. But we didn't notice until Bella turned her attention to the clock that hung above our heads.

‘ My God, it's half past twelve at night! ’ Bella said.

‘ It's time to go home, ’ Jenny said.

Jenny came over and hugged me, Bella wished me good luck on my audition, then they headed for the exit. I went to bed.

The time is eleven in the morning. There is an unpleasant smell coming from the ajar window, which usually happens when a garbage truck passes by with an open garbage can. Once again, I didn't miss a beat. I quickly get out of bed, and see the phone lying on the floor. It was like I was electrocuted. My eyes flew wide open and I say:

‘ Oh my God! I overslept. The phone… I forgot to charge it! ’

My phone was empty. In my haste I put it on the charger and looked at the clock that was hanging in the kitchen, then I knew for sure I was no emotion on my face. I just sat there and waited for the phone to turn on.

Notification sound. Message from Jenny:

‘ So, how did it go? ’

I decided I'd better write to come over to my place tonight with Bella and let her know I overslept my audition.

The time passed unnoticed as the hand on the clock showed six o'clock in the evening. The doorbell rang and it was Jenny and Bella. No sooner had I opened the door than Jenny and Bella pelted me with questions.

‘ So, did they get you? ’ Jenny says.

‘ How many people were there? ’ Bella says.

‘ Don't drag it out, Jake! ’ Jenny says, and rubs a strand of hair.

They sit with a mesmerized look on their faces and wait for me to answer. But my answer was brief.

‘ I overslept my audition, ’ I say with a sad look and lowered my head.

Bella and Jenny's emotions shifted on their faces, and the enthusiastic smiles disappeared abruptly. We sat in silence for about five minutes, and then in a low, steady voice Bella says:

‘ Jake, don't feel bad, it's not your last audition. ’

‘ And I agree with Bella, ’ Jenny says, looking into my eyes with a little smile.

Here somes a text message from a friend of hers. Jenny reaches into her pocket for her phone.

‘ Oh my God! ’ Jenny shouts out in surprise.

‘ What? What is it? ’ Bella says.

‘ Look, look at that! ’

She shows a message with a picture of the book «Love at a Distance». The book was written by one Thomas Phelps. I had previously heard about this book from Jenny, she talked about it night and day. Eventually I got curious, so I googled it on the Internet. The results are impressive: Over two hundred thousand videos on YouTube, hundreds of fan pages on Instagram and countless discussion sites. It's actually a very popular novel that has taken over the world. It's written about a guy and a girl who fall in love after a high school party. Their parents create clothes and are very famous designers who are feuding with each other because of competition. Chad's best friend wants the couple to break up and try to win the girl's heart by any means necessary. Soon Chad moves to another city, where he goes to University but for all that their relationship continues.

‘ It's crazy, there's going to be an audition! ’ Jenny says.

‘ Stop! What audition? ’ Bella asks. ‘ What are you talking about? ’

‘ Well, here it is! ’ Jenny shows Bella the picture on her phone. ‘ For the lead role in the movie. ’

At that moment, something inside me ticked and I looked up and saw Jenny grinning.

‘ Tempting, isn't it? ’

I understand that tens of thousands of people will go to this casting. There are also very talented people in New York, but at the same time I realize that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I told my parents earlier that I wanted to make movies but they didn't take it seriously. They always told me that I needed an education to build my career, not to go to auditioning. And when Jenny showed me that they needed an actor for the lead role, I still decided to try, because if you don't try, you'll never know.

‘ So, where will the audition take place? ’ I ask as if I don't care.

‘ I'll tell you in a minute, ’ Jenny says. Her hands were shaking with overflowing emotion; she's a fan of the novel, and even belongs to a couple of fan accounts on Instagram..

‘ There! Found it.  Auditions will be held at «Webster Hall». ’

‘ Jake, you have to try, ’ Bella says.

‘ Totally agree with Bella, you have as good a chance as anyone, ’ Jenny says.

I always lacked something. In my family, my dad is a doctor and my mom is a math teacher, and acting is not a job for them. I don't know why they went into it, because they had other dreams. My dad always wanted to sing, he's a great singer, he even put together his own band in high school called «Guys From Brooklyn». But I can't condemn him, because it's his choice.

And Mom… God, she had such delightful poems, she had such a delicate sense of everything, these poems could have been quite readable and Mom could have written a great collection of her poems. She still keeps them in her notebook.

What about me? I want billboards with my name on them. Here's what I want: I want millions of people to know about me many years from now.

Bella takes my hand and says:

‘ I believe in you and I know you can do the role. ’

‘ With the role of Chad, ’ Jenny says.

‘ Yes, exactly! ’ Bella says.

A second of silence is interrupted by Jenny.

‘ Do you have any plans for tomorrow? ’ she asks.

I'm starting to remember that tomorrow is my work day, and I just can't not go.

‘ I have work, ’ I say immediately.

Every summer, since ninth grade, I work at the «Green Hill Bar» about six people come there a day, it's not much, but you don't have to choose. It's not really hard work, some new faces come in. It's also not bad pay.

‘ Well, then Bella and I are going to pick up a mountain of food and put on some TV shows.  Are you in? ’ Jenny asks Bella.

‘ Of course, ’ Bella says with a sly smile.

‘ I think you'll have a good time, ’ I say.

I say goodbye to Jenny and Bella, then they leave. After closing the door, I sat at home for ten minutes, thinking about the audition for «Love at a Distance». I still realize that it's a long shot, with tens of thousands of people coming. But every time I go to an audition I believe that one day I will be noticed and then everything will change.

Chapter 2

The last client left like an hour ago. Suddenly I got a message from Jenny. I stopped wiping the dust that had accumulated on the fan, put the rag on the bar table, and picked up my phone to read the message.

‘ Jake, there will be an audition tonight for the movie «Night Ride». I'll send you the address now. ’

The message said that the audition was from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. I worked my hours, handed my keys to my boss, Frances, and drove to the audition. I drove up to the designated location and walked into the building where the audition announcement was hanging. There were only two people that came my way, but they looked like they were working people, not actors. I walked a little further and saw a girl standing by the stairs.

She looked ridiculous. She wore glasses, a multicolored sweater, her hair half-brushed, and a huge pile of papers that barely fell out of her hands.

I went closer to her.

‘ Excuse me, where is the casting for the movie «Night Ride»? ’

Placing this pile on the chair next to the door, she began to gesticulate and speak at the same time:

‘ You go up to the fourth floor, turn right, go to the end of the corridor, and there's a door at the dead end. A lot of auditions for short films take place there. ’

I told her, «Thank you» when I was already in the middle of the stairs, from where I met her. I ran up to the second and third floors, doors all around, and no one was there; the corridors were empty. I quickly ran up to the fourth floor, turned right, ran to the end of the hallway, and saw the very door. When I was as close to the door as possible, I saw the announcement that the casting call was over. I knocked on the door and started pushing the knob down, when suddenly a man opened the door. He was shorter than me; he had gray hairs in his stubble, and his cap was pulled back with a visor.

‘ Can't you see what's written? ’ he asks in a gruff voice.

‘ I do, but it's still casting time, ’ I say.

‘ We've already found the actor! ’ said the man and closed the door.

I wasn't going back as fast as I was going up. I was frustrated, going through the floors and the closed doors. Thoughts like: «Your place is a theater», «Stop, cinema is not your thing» and things like that. When I got down to the first floor, that girl was still standing by the stairs, reading something in her papers.

I walked a little further and she raised her head and shouted at my back:

‘ You didn't get the role? ’

‘ No, ’ I answer, turning to face her. ‘ They found an actor. ’

‘ A lot of people left there today in a bad mood, ’ said the girl.

‘ And I'm one of them, ’ I say.

I got out of the building and called a cab. While the cab was on its way, I typed Jenny a message:

‘ They've already found an actor. Going home. ’  And put the phone out.

When I got home, I took off my jacket, threw it on the coat rack by the front door, went into the kitchen, took a sip of water, and went into the hall. I sat down on the couch and at that moment I thought again: «Maybe this isn't all for me?» and a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I opened it, and in came Jenny, who was outraged.

‘ How dare they! They didn't even let you show yourself! ’ she exclaimed.

I pressed my lips together and looked at Jenny and shrugged.

‘ They just didn't realize who they lost! ’ Jenny says, and smile sweetly at me.

‘ The audition for the part of Chad is in two days! ’ Jenny continues.

‘ Is it worth going? ’ I say, raising one eyebrow.

‘ It's worth it! ’ Jenny says.

We talked until ten o'clock in the night, and Jenny got ready to go home. She put on her jacket, came over and hugged me, and headed for the exit. I closed the door, put my phone on charge, took a bath, then got a book out of my locker called «Among a Thousand Faces» and started reading.

Chapter 3

I woke up this morning with one thought in mind. The thought of what to get Bella for her birthday today. Typing in a search was useless; first I got a bunch of trinkets, and then a gift set with hairpins and other stuff.

I started scrolling through all of our conversations, and I remembered one moment when Bella was telling me about the time she'd gone to Pennsylvania with her family before her cousin. She told me how she had spent time at their place and how she had played with their dog Jasper. And at the end of our conversation, she told me that she was going to get a dog someday.

I read an ad on a website that a woman was selling a Hawaiian Bichon dog. I contacted her by e-mail, and now I was going to see her. I opened my dresser drawer, and pulled out my paycheck, or rather what was left of it. That money was just enough. I took the money, grabbed my cap, put on my sneakers, and left the house. She lives at 704 President Street. I pressed the doorbell twice, and within seconds the door opened.

In front of me stands a woman about twenty-six years old. Her hair is in a bun; she's wearing black-rimmed glasses and a red blouse with black pants.

‘ What can I do for you? ’ she asked and adjusted her glasses.

‘ I'm from the ad, ’ I said.

A smile blossomed on her face, she looked at me differently, her gaze changed immediately, she grabbed my hand.

‘ Come in, honey, ’ she says.

I stand in the hallway. All the shelves in the hall were filled with books that even some didn't fit, and lay on the reading table. Along the stairs that led upstairs hung pictures and drawings of dogs.

Have loved animals since childhood. My first pet was a Panther Chameleon. His name was Teddy and he lived in a big aquarium that we had in the hall. My second pet was an English bulldog, Tracy, who was the last pet we had.

A woman approached me with a little puppy sitting in her arms. He looked like a toy. It was white in color, but it had dark, wavy hair in places. She hands him to me, and he yawns sweetly. I give her the money for the puppy, walk outside and go home.

I go to my room, open the dresser, and grab the gift ribbon with the bow on it. I still have this ribbon from Christmas, when I was wrapping Christmas presents for my family. I put the puppy on the dresser and tied the ribbon around his neck.

The doorbell rings. I put the dog on the floor and went to answer the door. As it turned out, it was the mailman who had brought me the new issue of «Celebrities of Hollywood» magazine.

I jump up on the bed and open the first page: «Charlie Oliver got kicked out of the club again». This news doesn't surprise me at all. I've seen a couple of movies with Charlie, but over time I haven't watched him in any way, and now the only thing I know about him is this: Charlie is a scandalous actor in Hollywood.

The day flew by and it started to get dark outside, and I grabbed the dog and headed to Bella's birthday party. I'm wearing navy blue pants, a white shirt, and I've got my sweatshirt on top with a lock on it.


The door opens and Bella appears. The dark brown shadows emphasized the expressiveness and depth of her eyes. Her eyebrows and lips were slightly highlighted. She was wearing a beige dress, and her hair was neatly done on her head. I can't take my eyes off of her.

‘ Jake! ’ she says. ‘ You came to! ’

I look at her and I remember that I'm holding a puppy behind me. In a slow motion, I intercept the puppy with my other hand.

‘ Happy Birthday! ’ I say, and hold the puppy in front of me.

She covers her nose and mouth with her folded palms, and inhales as she takes her hands away from her face, her eyes glistening like she got a backstage pass to a Harry Styles concert.

‘ God, Jake! ’ she said. ‘ I've wanted a dog for a long time. ’

‘ And here it is, ’ I said.

‘ Thank you! ’ Bella says. She takes the puppy in her hands and kisses me on the cheek.

That kiss was very tender like the first snow that fell in early December, barely taking it in my hand… it melts…

In the doorway I notice Jenny who was flickering from one room, to another. She was running around like a turret, taking pictures with her phone of everything in sight. She caught me under her lens.

‘ Hey, guys, this is Jake Evans! ’ she says. ‘ A future celebrity. ’

I looked at the camera incredulously. It was like being asked to wish happy birthday to someone you hardly know, and holding the phone very close to your face.

‘ God, Jenny, put the phone away, ’ Bella quips.

‘ No, I have to get a picture of the day, ’

‘ Hey, Barbara, it's your turn! ’ Jenny shouts and rushes out into the hall like a hurricane.

We laugh.

I see all the people in the hall that I saw at Bella's last birthday party. All of her near and dear friends are here. Barbara, Shawn, Cassandra, Teresa, Jenny, and even her friend from North Carolina, Fred, who came to congratulate Bella. Bella's mother, Melissa Falls, comes out of the kitchen. She clasps me in a hug, then takes my hand and places it beside Bella's. We were standing so close that not even air would have leaked through our distance. Mrs. Falls takes a couple of pictures with the family camera.

‘ As a memento, ’ she says.

‘ Gosh, who do we have here? ’ she says and turns her gaze to the puppy.

‘ It's a gift from Jake, ’ Bella says.

‘ That's great! ’ Mrs. Falls says. ‘ I think they've been waiting for you. ’

Joining the others, Bella's friend Teresa suggested we play a game. This game is very simple; you ask a group of people a question and they have to answer it, then we check to see who was right.

‘ Who's first? ’ Jenny asks.

‘ What is Cassandra's favorite color? ’ Shawn asks the question.

‘ Red, ’ Fred replies. ‘ White, ’ Jenny shouts out. ‘ Blue, ’ Teresa said. ‘ Green, ’ Bella says.

‘ The correct answer is green. ’ Cassandra says.

Bella claps her hands together and takes a list of questions.

‘ When was my first kiss? ’ Bella asks the question and bites her lower lip.

‘ At 12? ’ Barbara asks uncertainly. ‘ At 14, ’ Shawn says. ‘ At 11, ’ Cassandra replies. ‘ At 13, ’ I say. ‘ At 15, ’ Jenny shouts. ‘ I know he was at the school prom. ’

Bella closes with flyers and smiles embarrassedly.

‘ The correct answer is 15. ’ Bella says.

‘ And I knew, I knew! ’ Jenny repeated cheerfully. ‘ That kiss was with a guy before Jake. ’

I see Bella's embarrassment and, to get the subject across, I suggest we take a photo together. Jenny puts the question sheets on the couch, picks up her phone, and turns on the front-facing camera. We get as close to each other as we can so we can get in front of the lens. And we take crazy pictures, we get about ten of them, and only one of them is where we all look good.

Fred went to change after Jenny spilled wine on him. When he returned, I noticed one inscription on his T-shirt: «Smile as often as Ellen Shaw's guests».

‘ That's… ’ I interrupt halfway through.

Fred noticed my gaze, which was directed at his T-shirt.

‘ Oh, it's on NBC. ’ He began to explain. ‘ It's a comedy show. ’

‘ The Ellen DeGeneres Show! ’

His eyes lit up.

This is a funny show where the famous TV host Ellen DeGeneres invites famous personalities – actors, singers, athletes – into her studio and embarrasses them. The show is full of jokes, pranks, and various tasks that the stars must perform.

‘ I love this show! ’ I say.

‘ Your favorite episode? ’ he leaned forward, a twinkle in his eye.

‘ Oh, I won't say. Probably the one with the «Hot Questions» segment for Kris Jenner. ’

‘ I love it when Ellen scares the guests. ’ he says.

‘ Yeah, it's funny, ’ I say.

The time flew by so quickly, and when I glanced at the clock, the hand was showing eleven at night. I said goodbye to everyone at the party, and headed for the exit. Bella walked me into the hallway and gave me one last hug. I felt warm inside.

Chapter 4

Today I have a free day, so I decided to go to my parents' house. They live in another part of New York City. So I had to take transportation to get there. A cab was already in front of my house. It takes about thirty minutes to get from me to our house. When I entered the house I heard nothing; only silence, as if no one was home. I slammed the door and saw my brother Dale, running toward me.

‘ Jake, you came! ’ Dale yells.

The nanny follows her brother.

‘ Susan, isn't it? ’ I turn my gaze to her.

‘ Yes, ’ she answers. ‘ And you must be Jake? ’

‘ Yeah, ’ I nod.

My older brother Mike comes out of his room, and pulls his headphones out of his ears.

‘ When did you come in? ’ Mike asks. His eyes were not happy, and he had his arms crossed over his chest.

‘ Just now, ’ I say.

Mike puts on his headphones and goes back to his room. I was about to go upstairs when I heard the front door click. I turned around and saw my mom walk in the house. She was wearing dark pants and a white blouse.

‘ Can I assume that you're back from work, ’ I ask her.

She casts her gaze up the stair.

‘ Yes, just finished the day's work. ’

And asks me a counter question:

‘ When did you get here? Why didn't you call? ’

‘ I arrived about fifteen minutes ago. I wanted to surprise you, ’ I say, wearing a little smile.

Mom is the person who really knows what I want. She is the calmest and most caring person in our family. But her concern for my education makes her go against me going to auditions.

‘ Have you seen your brothers? ’ mom asks.

‘ Yes, they are sitting in their rooms, ’ I say.

Then I turn my head and see the babysitter getting ready to go home. She walked up to my mom and said she was all done. She picked up her purse from the coat rack and walked out.

‘ Susan is a good babysitter! ’ she says, looking at the door, which had closed seconds before her words.

In fact, if my mother had started her career as a writer, she wouldn't be against my going to auditions, but would support me in doing so; she would know that it was also a job, not just a dream.

We pass the kitchen and turn toward the hall; we have family pictures hanging along the wall. I stopped in the middle of this wall and directed my gaze to one photo I treasured, which was taken in Time Square, it was the day I read a sonnet by the Shakespeare in the middle of the square, and gathered a small number of people, among whom was the owner of the theater through the time in which I was performing.

Mom put her hand on my shoulder and said:

‘ I thought that's where you'd go. ’

‘ This picture means a lot to me, ’ I answer.

‘ That's why it hangs here, ’ mom said, looking at the picture.

In the next picture I see our oldest sister, Hailey, who is now twenty-three. After Hailey got married, she and her husband Roger went to live in Venice, and next to her is a picture of another sister, Candice. Candice is a year younger than Hailey. She lives in London and last came to visit us at Christmas.

I looked away at an even less valuable photo.

‘ Look, ’ I said, pointing my finger at the photo.

This picture was taken after our little brother was born. The picture is of our family. Dad is holding his tiny brother in his arms; Mom is hugging Dad with one arm, and Mike and I with the other arm.

‘ Yes, I remember that day very vividly, ’ mom remembers, almost bursting into tears.

‘ Yes, I remember that day, too, ’ I said with a smile.

We simultaneously take our eyes off the wall where our pictures are hanging, and move into the hall. Mom starts looking for the TV remote. And then she says:

‘ God, has Dale been playing with it again? ’ she asks me, like I live in the same house as them.

‘ I don't know, ’ I answer and shrug.

Mom puts her hands to her sides and starts thinking about where he might have put the remote.

‘ Okay, Mom, I'm going to my room, ’ I say, and start walking up the stairs.

I went into my room and jumped on my bed. I turned on my phone and started looking at an ad that said casting was open for the lead role of Chad in «Love at a Distance». I watch with overflowing emotion. I think my name could have been on screens and billboards in town. People would recognize me on the streets and know my name. I would be a different Jake Evans. I'm still hoping that things will change.

I get a text message on my phone. – Jenny. I close the listening tab and go to messages.

‘ What are you doing tonight? ’

‘ I'm at my parents' house tonight. And need to read a book. ’ I reply.

Not even a minute goes by. There's a call from Jenny.

‘ Hello ‘ I say.

‘ It makes it easier to communicate, ’ Jenny says.

A few seconds of silence. I say:

‘ Jenny, I'm so worried about the audition. ‘

‘ No, Jake, don't be! You're going to do great. ‘

‘ I hope so. ‘

A knock is heard in the background of the conversation.

‘ Jenny, is someone here to see you? ‘

‘ It's Bella, ‘ she said.

I hear rustling and some talking. Jenny continues:

‘ Bella offers to stop by your place. ‘ After these words I hear some interference. ‘ Ouch, or rather I suggest. ‘

I laugh.

‘ Of course come! I'll be waiting for you. ‘ I finish.

The phone conversation stops. I put the phone on the nightstand by the bed and leave the room to get my mom's laptop.

I walk down the stairs, turn my head to the right and see my mother. She's sitting in the hall, finishing her coffee and watching some show. I start asking loudly so my mom can hear me.

‘ Mom, can I take the laptop? ‘

‘ Yes, it's in the kitchen, ‘ she answers.

Apparently Mom was watching a video on how to cook quickly and deliciously again. Mom continues:

‘ Why do you need a laptop? ‘

‘ I have an article to read, ‘ I say, pressing my lips together for a few seconds.

‘ Okay, ‘ she nodded, and continued to watch the TV.

I turn toward the stairs, and I hear the front door open. Dad came home from work.

‘ Hi, dad. ’

‘ Hi, Jake! Did you decide to come visit us? ’ dad asked.

‘ I missed you, ’ I say, holding my laptop in my hands.

‘ That's nice to hear, ’ dad says, and puts his briefcase on the chair next to the table in the kitchen.

‘ Well, dad, I have to go I have an article to read. ’

‘ I don't dare to keep you, ’ answered my father with a slight smile.

I go up the stairs, go into the room, lock the door, lie down on the bed, and start reading the electronic version of the book, periodically imagining myself in the lead role.

Chapter 5

I woke up and went to work. The day lasted a long time, as if the hand had stopped on the clock. Only three people came to the bar all day and they all came to get a bottle of water. I finished reading a couple more chapters last night. Jenny and Bella were right, this is the best book ever! Now, I too have joined the millions of readers of this novel.

The storyline, makes you say, «What happens next?» This book has a convoluted story. The main characters are Chad and Amanda, who were in love with each other. They are the children of very rich parents who feud with each other over competition. Their parents created the best clothes, which were bought by people from all over the world. But Chad has to move because he went to university, but they keep seeing each other. Chad and Amanda met at a school party, and that's when it all started… That's the smallest part of what's going on there.

I remember these chapters with some special feeling. It is a beautiful love story with many obstacles.

My work day ended late. I hang up my work clothes on the coat rack in the room where all the junk is, close the door behind me, and leave. I open the door and go into my house. A message pops up on my phone. Jenny:

‘ Do you remember there's an audition tomorrow at two o'clock? ’

‘ I do ’ I texted her, locked my phone and went to bed.

* * *

I was woken up by the ringing of my cell phone. Jenny.

I say in a sleepy voice:

‘ Hello ’

‘ Jake, my God, are you asleep? It's eleven in the morning! ’ Jenny exclaims.

‘ Yeah, I must be tired. ’ Bullshit. At work I just sit around doing nothing, just yesterday three people came in and bought water, and that's it.

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