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Game On
  • Текст добавлен: 31 октября 2016, 01:46

Текст книги "Game On"

Автор книги: Katie McCoy

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Текущая страница: 16 (всего у книги 17 страниц)


I was working in my office when I heard Nathan come home from practice. Closing my laptop, I sprinted to the entryway, eager as always to see him. He barely had a chance to put down his bag before I launched myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and greeting him with my recently patented “welcome home” kiss.

When we broke apart, we were both breathless.

“I love coming home to you,” Nathan groaned, his expression dazed, but happy. I could feel exactly how much he loved it, as I shifted against him. He growled, and dug his fingers into my hips.

“I missed you,” I whispered in his ear, giving him a gentle nip on his neck as I rocked against him.

His head fell back and I trailed kisses along the glorious line of his throat, pressing my body against his, soft against hard. So good.

Without another word, he tangled his hand in my hair and brought his lips against mine, kissing me the way only he could. Then he carried me to the bedroom and showed me exactly how much he loved me. He lay me on the bed, stripping me naked, one piece at a time, his mouth replacing each article of clothing. Then he made love to me with his hands, then with his mouth, and finally, when I was begging for more, he slid his cock inside me, making me scream my pleasure across all of Houston. I came before he did, shuddering and groaning as he collapsed on top of me.

God, I loved this man.

Afterwards, we lay in bed, our damp bodies wrapped comfortably around each other.

Nathan had bought a gorgeous penthouse apartment in downtown Houston that reminded me of the suite in the hotel in Austin—tinted windows all around and an amazing view of the city. We spent most nights wrapped up in each other with the city sparkling below us. It had only been six months, but I had never been happier.

I sat up on my elbow and smiled down at him.

“So how was practice?” I asked.

He gently pushed back the hair that had fallen into my face. “Good. Hard, but good.”

“Kind of like you,” I teased, darting my fingers across his six-pack. He slapped them away playfully.

“How was work?” he wanted to know once he had captured those wandering fingers between his chest and his hand.

I shrugged. I was still working at the Register, but ever since everything that had happened in Austin, I had felt a strange pull to do something more. It just wasn’t satisfying in the way that it had been before. I wanted to be making a difference, not writing more puff pieces on the latest fashion trends or celebrity gossip, which seemed to be the articles Mike kept throwing onto my desk. I kept asking for more, but he kept telling me that those pieces were going to more senior journalists. Ones with experience. It was hard not to be frustrated, especially since I knew that experience was code for college degree.

“Still not making any progress?” Nathan asked, dropping sweet kisses along my shoulder. I shook my head.

At least Mandy was there. After the shelter article had come out—and as expected, garnered a huge amount of attention—Mike had hired her on. She and Chris had moved to Houston around the same time that Nathan and I had and lived only a few blocks away. She was pretty much the only reason I was sticking around and not looking for another job. Not that I thought I’d be able to get a better one. No degree, no respect, it seemed.

“Well.” Nathan lifted his head and flashed me a smile. “I think I might have something that will cheer you up.”

“Oh yeah?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Wait here,” he ordered and got out of bed, totally stark naked and headed back towards the entryway, giving me a great shot of his spectacular ass.

“You’re right!” I called. “That did cheer me up.”

He returned, unfortunately wearing a pair of boxer shorts, his hands behind his back. Gathering the sheets around me, I sat up as he came to the side of the bed.

“Pick a hand,” he told me.

I pointed to his left hand and he grinned, drawing his hand out from behind his back and handing me an envelope.

Confused, I opened it to find a brochure for Houston Community College.

“What’s this?” I asked, turning it over. The other side was an enrollment form, one that had already been filled out in my name.

“You told me once that you hadn’t been able to afford to go to college.” Nathan sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well, it’s not some big fancy school, but you can take classes there and still keep your job at the Register. Once you have your degree, you can do whatever you want with it.”

A lump formed in my throat.

“You got me a college degree?”

Nathan shook his head. “You’re going to get yourself a college degree. I’m just going to help by paying for it.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I told him, my eyes filling with tears. What had I done to deserve a guy like this? I leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you.”

“Well, before you thank me.” He now looked nervous. “I think you should find out what’s in my other hand.”

I had totally forgotten that he had presented me with two options when he came back into the bedroom. What could possibly top the world’s most incredible gift? But still, I pointed to his right hand.

He withdrew it from his back, his hand in a fist. When he opened it, my heart stuttered to a stop.

“Will you marry me, Sophie Hall?” Nathan asked, a sparkling diamond ring resting in the middle of his palm.

I was pretty sure I had lost the ability to speak.

“I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Skee-ball and Titanic and on-the-record questions and you. So what do you say, Sophie? Marry me and make me the happiest man in baseball?”

“Yes,” I somehow managed. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

Tears spilled down my cheek as he slid the ring onto my finger. Then he took my face in his hands and kissed me until I thought I might explode with happiness.

Homerun, Hall, I thought, smiling against his lips. Home-fucking-run.

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Do you like romantic, fun books? Keep reading for sneak peeks of hot new releases by Lila Monroe and Stella London!

Hunter Knox comes straight up – with a side of trouble! Meet the bourbon heir making life complicated for ad girl Ally in BILLIONAIRE WITH A TWIST – Available now!


So a girl walked into a bar.

It wasn’t a joke, it was my life.

Which, actually, now that I think about it, sometimes feels like the same thing. No comments, please.

Besides, tonight was the beginning of my new life. It was the first step in a direction I’d wanted to go for a long damn time. So where was I? Ah, yes. I walked into a bar.

It was a nice bar, at least. In fact, it was really a lot nicer than any bar at a mid-range hotel—the only one my supervisors were willing to spring for—in a mid-range part of Charleston had any right to be.

The lighting was soft, but not so much so that I couldn’t read the print on the bottles, glowing yellow and orange lamps bringing out the warmth of the polished walnut bar and booths, as well as the striking red brick of the walls and the paintings that adorned them. Some kind of mournful violin music was piping over the sound system, just loud enough to make itself felt and give the chatting patrons a bit of privacy.

A profile caught my eye, a man silhouetted by the soft golden light, facing away from me. I admired the strong lines of his shoulders and the way that his auburn hair caught slivers of light even in the semi-darkness, throwing out glints of gold like sparks in a low-burning fire. Perhaps feeling my eyes on him, he turned. Before I could look away, our eyes met, and a shock of electricity pierced through the distance between us.

Those eyes…deep and knowing, traveling across my face before wandering down my body and back up again, slow and leisurely as if he could feel every inch of me through his gaze alone. I felt my body heat up under his stare, my blood singing in anticipation at the offer his eyes were making. A smile began to stretch across his face, as if he could read the eager acceptance in mine.

I looked away quickly. Research, Ally! I reminded myself. Not banging hot guys. Research is why you’re here tonight.

I hurried away to the other side of the bar before I could give into temptation.

The bartender—a wizened old guy with kind brown eyes and a face that looked like it had been there to meet Mark Twain—didn’t bat an eye when I told him what I was after, and after a brief chat with the waitress he got me a corner booth, tucked away behind a stuffed cougar that looked like it had time-traveled directly from the print ads for a 1950s Boy’s Adventure magazine.

Camouflage was definitely necessary; I’d overheard the Douchebros—and I promise I’ll go into more later as to why I even have a group of people in my life worthy of that title—bragging about how tanked they were going to get, and my plans for the night did not include fending off drunken advances, trying to tune out comments about the size of my ass respective to my brain, and counting how many times they could fit the word ‘bro’ into a single sentence.

(So far, the record was seven.)

My plans for the night, however, did include the next thing the waitress brought me: six different shots of bourbon, and a glass of water.

And no, I’m not an alcoholic. This was research.

Fun, delicious research, but research.

Maybe I should back up a little bit. My name? It’s Ally. Allison Bartlett. I’m five foot four, have grey eyes, tolerate the straight brown hair that slides out of every ponytail I put it into, and frequently wear an anxious smile that I’m working hard to make not broadcast my ambition, desperation, and general worrywart nature. It’s an uphill battle.

Anyway, I’m twenty-four, and I’ve been working at Geisel & Son Advertising in Washington, D.C. for two years now. I was an intern my senior year, and I lucked into an entry-level position opening up a month after I graduated. It’s full-time, benefits, the whole package. So I should be thanking my lucky stars, right?

I sure would, if anyone at Geisel & Son ever managed to remember that I wasn’t the intern anymore.

Time and again over the last two years, I’d heard my ideas shot down, only to turn around and see them accepted as brilliant when suggested by whichever man did the least possible amount of rephrasing. I’d been talked over in meetings, told to fetch coffee, and confused with the receptionist. And I think I might have been able to handle all that, if it had been coming solely from the old guard within the establishment. But no, more than half of it was coming from people barely older than me, who seemed to have watched too many episodes of Mad Men and taken all the worst bits to heart.

So this was it. My possibly last big job, where I was going to try my hardest, stand up for myself and fight for my ideas, and give this advertising job one last chance before it ground me down into dust and I packed my bags and waved the sad white flag of surrender on my career dreams.

In case you’re wondering how all of this has anything to do with my solo bourbon sampler party, our latest client was Knox bourbon.

I decided to start and end with said bourbon, in order to better compare it to the others. I leaned over the first glass, parting my lips as I inhaled, both smelling and tasting the aroma of burnt caramel, old wood, and cinnamon. A promising start…I took a sip of the amber liquid, letting it roll slowly across my tongue as I memorized and savored the taste. It had a bold, spicy flavor thanks to the high rye content, with a hint of charred oak and honey, and a strong bite.

I breathed out through my nose and mouth at the same time, and the flavor intensified until I swallowed. I smacked my lips in satisfaction as I set the glass back down. I generally drank a wheated bourbon rather than a rye, and I did miss that slight hint of sweet vanilla, but this wasn’t bad at all.

Glass number two was a rye after my own heart, vanilla like the first lick of ice cream on a hot summer day, cool and refreshing, with a bit of biting heat like a miniature sun right after it washed down my throat. I took another sip of that one, in the interest of more fully appreciating that fine flavor. Maybe I was playing favorites a little, but who was going to tell?

And here came number three. That distinctive flavor that said Kentucky, Bourbon County, that long tradition of Scots-Irish immigration. All the old ways carefully preserved and kept going: a hint of cedar, a touch of honey. A little rough around the edges, but in a way that soothed with its familiarity. I sighed, letting my eyes fall shut, the taste of the bourbon becoming my entire universe.

“Ah, a lady who knows how to savor the good things in life.”

I started, blushing, my eyes popping open and my hand nearly dropping the glass in dismay. Dammit, I’d wanted to be discreet! I hadn’t wanted anyone seeing me geek out like this, and now—

I looked up, and my annoyance at being interrupted died on my lips as I let my bourbon take a rest, and drank in the sight of the interloper instead. It was the same man who’d caught my eye just minutes earlier. Of course. And here I was sighing and drooling shamelessly over an entire smorgasbord of booze. Damn but he was even tastier up close.

Had he said something about the good things in life? Well, he would know, since he was definitely one of them. Golden-brown eyes like the sun shining through a tumbler of bourbon, freckles sun-kissing the bridge of his nose, and a chiseled jaw you could cut diamonds on. His auburn-gold hair was swept back from his forehead and his navy polo shirt clung to all the right places of his shoulders and chest. I bit my lip and resisted asking him to do a spin so I could check and see if those khaki pants clung in all the right places, too.

Barely resisted.

And that accent he spoke in, oh, it made me regret all the work I’d done to lose my own. A warm honey-slow drawl that drew attention to his lips and the way they quirked up at the corner.

“I didn’t think it was good enough to stun you into silence,” he teased.

I blushed and shot back, “I’m just trying to figure out what criteria led you to hone in on the girl with the highest alcohol content in the room. Your self-esteem that low?”

I regretted the sarcastic remark the second it left my mouth. In high-stress situations, I tended to blurt out exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time; it was an adrenaline-fueled, involuntary, and very unfortunate defense mechanism of mine. One that got me into trouble more often than not.

He only grinned, and sauntered closer. “As a matter of fact, I have extremely robust…self-esteem. Show you mine if you’ll show me yours?”

“The hell kind of pick-up line is that?” I said, flummoxed by both his nonchalant demeanor and the sweet scent of masculinity radiating off his delicious body. Stop it Ally, I mentally scolded myself. You’re indignant. Be indignant!

“I’ve got all kinds,” he promised. “Want something more traditional? I’ll give it a go: let me buy you a drink?”

I gestured at the drinks already in front of me.

“I think I’m covered,” I said wryly.

“Then do you mind if I buy myself one and drink it here with you?” he asked.

I considered. I was doing research here. Important research. Research that could change the very trajectory of my career and make all those dreams come true. I didn’t need any distractions.

On the other hand, those shoulders. And those lips, mm-hmm. And truth be told, for all my defensive posturing, there wasn’t a damn thing about him that didn’t scream ‘charming’ and ‘good company’ and, most importantly, ‘eye candy.’

My old science teacher did always say that it was important to have a research partner.

“Well, it certainly would improve the view,” I said, relieved to have finally given myself permission to cozy up to this intriguing stranger.

He grinned wider then, sliding into the booth opposite me, our legs bumping together slightly. Butterflies danced in my stomach. Damn, what was this, sixty seconds and I already had it this bad? Guys this hot should come with a warning label. Not that I’d stop to read it.

Hottie McHotterson—also, damn, how had I not asked his name yet, was I really that far gone into the Lust Canyon?—flagged down the waitress, and ordered a Knox whiskey.

I made a face.

“Not a fan?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of the whiskey? Sure,” I said. “It tastes great and gets the job done.”

“What is it, then?” he asked. He seemed genuinely curious, and that made me open up. “What’s missing?”

“Well, it’s just—” I gestured at the label. “Look at this packaging. Just the name stamped on there in an old-timey font, and the same barrel logo they’ve been using since B.F. Skinner first strolled up to an ad agency with some rats in a box and a lot of fancy promises. It does nothing to catch the eye.”

“The label?” He raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

“That’s hardly it!” I shot back. “Their whole branding approach is the same, stuck in the past! Print ads whose copy never changes, radio jingles with slang from the second World War, TV spots with the same Bob Hope lookalike every year—it doesn’t matter how good it tastes, it looks old-fashioned. Like something my grandpa would drink.”

My mysterious visitor’s drink arrived, and he quirked a brow in amusement and raised his glass in a salute. “To your grandfather—a man of excellent taste.”

I snorted, but raised my own glass to match his. As they clinked together, his fingers brushed against mine, and I felt a spark leap where our skin met. He must have felt it too—he started, looking up at me, and our eyes locked. His eyes were so deep, golden-brown like molasses swirled in honey, and they warmed me up inside with a heat like the sun, spreading out from my heart down to my toes, and up to my head until I was dizzy, my heart pounding. I wanted nothing more than to sink into those eyes. I wanted nothing more than to keep touching his fingers.

I wanted nothing more than to invite him up to my room, then and there.

Focus, Ally! You have a presentation tomorrow! No rando is worth throwing away your entire career for a roll in the hay.

Maybe the whiskey was just getting to me.

I pulled away hastily and downed my drink, all of it this time. This sample had more of a honey flavor, less of a bite. If I were writing copy I’d call it ‘soothing, charming, a genteel liquor.’ Since I wasn’t, though, I didn’t pull any punches. “The truth is, though, my grandfather and his friends aren’t the customers of the future. You see this same trend in advertising for comic books—the company panders to its original base—not even all of the original base but a small, vocal fraction of it—and alienates all of its potential new customers in the process.”

“Tell me more about what you think,” he said intently.

Which would have been catnip for me even if I hadn’t been storing up a host of criticisms that went unheard at work, and even if he hadn’t been so damned hot. I didn’t need telling twice.

“This is your typical Knox buyer.” I launched into an imitation of my grandfather. “‘I jus’ don’ know how much longer they can be ‘spectin’ this centralized government t’ last. Times wuz much simpler when a man jus’ brewed his own whiskey and shot at the revenooers.’”

The man laughed, and waved a hand in acknowledgment of my point before raising a challenging eyebrow. “So what would you do if you had control of the rebrand? Throw in some hashtags and make a Facebook page? Get a celebrity endorsement?”

“As if,” I snorted. “Millennials might be self-absorbed, but we can still see through pandering just fine, thanks.”

“Oh?” His thumb brushing over my knuckles was an invitation, and a challenge, and both made my breath catch in my throat. “A pink label, then?”

I watched his eyes dip to the side and a lazy grin spread across his face, and I knew that he had spotted the pink strap of my bra peeking out from the side of my short-sleeved button-up shirt.

“Strange as it might seem, the color pink doesn’t brainwash women into buying things,” I replied, trying not to let on how breathless he had made me. Trying not to imagine his hands instead of his eyes on that pink bra strap, easing it slowly from my shoulder as he kissed my neck.

I raised the stakes, slipping my foot out of my shoe to stroke his ankle, and then moved it slightly higher. This was really out of character for me, but something about our conversation, the flush of whiskey in my cheeks, the way he was looking at me…I felt emboldened in a way I never did at work or even when I was out with my friends.

I was rewarded with a flush of heat in his gaze, his pupils dilating as his grip tightened slightly on mine. He leaned forward, close enough that I could have kissed him without rising from the seat. His lips were so full, they looked so soft—

He was so close I could feel the heat of his breath as he murmured his next words: “So, tell me, what would you do?” He picked up his glass and drank, the muscles in his throat working as he swallowed it down. I didn’t look away. It was safe to assume my panties were on fire, and there was only one way to put that fire out.

And you know what? I decided I’d been overthinking things at work. Either I had confidence in myself or I didn’t, and doing some last-minute drinking wasn’t going to change a damn thing about my presentation tomorrow.

But some really good sex just might give me an edge.

I lifted my own glass and downed the remaining Knox. My decision was made.

It was go time.

I leaned towards him until our lips were barely a millimeter apart. “Do you really want to know what I’d do with this brand?” I whispered. Before he could answer, I brushed my lips against the corner of his mouth. He tasted like smoke and cinnamon and danger, and I liked it. “Or would you rather know what I’d do with you?”

His eyes gleamed, and I knew his answer even before he spoke.


What happens next? Ally and Hunter’s story continues in BILLIONAIRE WITH A TWIST – Available now!

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