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In a Bad Way
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 22:40

Текст книги "In a Bad Way"

Автор книги: Karin Tabke

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Текущая страница: 20 (всего у книги 23 страниц)

Chapter Thirty-five

In that dreamy space between sleep and consciousness, Izzy idly ran her fingers through Flynn’s thick hair.  His cheek was pressed to her heart, his warm breath teasing her nipple.  From the heaviness of his body and deep even breaths, she knew he was asleep.  She should be too, but she kept mentally pinching herself, afraid this was all a dream. A grand illusion her subconscious had concocted.

She was living a fairy tale.  Whisked away to the handsome prince’s castle, where he made crazy beautiful love to her, all whilst protecting her from the big bad Russian ogre.

Izzy had never felt as safe as she did in Flynn’s bed.  She could stay here forever.  Wanted to.

Sighing heavily, she traced her fingers along his muscular arm and smiled when she realized where his hand was.  Even in the unconscious depths of sleep, he possessively cupped the juncture between her thighs.

An emotional tremor passed through her. Her walls had simply crumbled when he pushed against them.  She’d never had a chance.  Not that she’d wanted one.  Life with a man like Flynn wouldn’t ever be easy.  He was headstrong, possessive, protective, and a controller.

The battles that lay ahead would be epic, and, she smiled, so would the making up.

Her thoughts abruptly shifted direction when she thought of her mother and how much she would have liked Flynn.  Then she thought of Alex and her mood darkened.

Izzy refused, despite the danger she might be in, to abandon her sister now.

Did Justin’s team have any information on her whereabouts yet?  How could Alex have simply vanished into thin air?

As much as she didn’t want to, was terrified to, how could Izzy not go back to the club?  It was the only link to Alex.

On the other hand, Andre would be furious if she returned, and would most assuredly demonstrate that via his fists. Damn if she’d be his punching bag. Worry snaked through her.  “Where are you, Alex?” she whispered.  “Give me something to work with.”

The key, she realized, was getting that drive into Boris’s hands.  Then she’d have to patiently wait for him to contact Flynn and make him an offer Flynn couldn’t refuse.  Extortion and blackmail were serious crimes, and even with a slick attorney, Boris would have difficulty slipping out of some prison time. With that being the case, knowing he was going away, Justin could pressure him for information on Alex. But without the warrant, there would be no way to—wait, why not just hand over a drive without the listening device?  Would it matter, so long as the end result was that Boris blackmailed Flynn?

Knowing Flynn would never agree to her returning to the club for any reason, even surrounded by an army of agents, Izzy made the decision not to discuss it with him. She would call Maddox and push him to that end on her own.  Because despite the wonder that was her relationship with Flynn, her quest to find Alex had not been abandoned. If anything, she was more committed.  Her gut told her that every minute Alex was gone, was a minute she might be closer to death.

Gingerly she slid from beneath Flynn’s heavy body and hurried into the bathroom.  A few minutes later, having attended the usual morning tasks, she headed down to the kitchen wearing one of Flynn’s T-shirts.

Her bag was where Flynn had left it by the hall table.  Digging her phone out, she scowled when she pressed the power button. It was dead. Instead of digging through her duffel for the charger, she strode into the kitchen and used Flynn’s on the counter. After she plugged the phone in, she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, opened it, and took a long draught.  The cold wet felt good going down.  Her stomach growled.  She was hungry.  Again.  The way she and Flynn went at it, she wouldn’t have to watch what she ate.  Hell, she could eat like a horse and not gain an ounce.

Taking a banana from the fruit bowl, she started to peel it as she walked to the table, but stopped when she saw Flynn’s iPhone still positioned on the edge of the table, facing the chair they’d had so much fun in. Heat shimmered through her.  Would she ever tire of Flynn’s touch?  She loved how he just put it all out there.  He was a shameless sexual adventurer.  Because he was, she let go.

Trust was a powerful aphrodisiac. So too would be watching the video.  Izzy quickly removed the dishes from the table and set them in the sink.  Then she came back to the table and picked up Flynn’s phone.  Anticipation ratcheted up her heart rate. She was dying to watch Syrupcapade.

But the phone was locked.

“Damn it,” she whispered. She really wanted to see the video.  Sitting back in the chair, Izzy set the phone down.  She ate the banana, never taking her eyes off the phone.

After finishing her snack, Izzy washed her hands.  Coming back to the table, she picked up the phone, held it up to the overhead table light at an angle, and studied the prominent touch marks on the screen. Hmm, same numbers as her birthday. She hoped Flynn wouldn’t mind if she watched without him.  Especially since she was going to take his phone to the bedroom and wake him up with her lips on his spectacular cock.

 She unlocked the phone on the first try.

Sitting down, she smiled as she looked for the video.  His notification light flashed, and she could see he had several text messages.  Work, no doubt.

Yawning, Izzy looked toward the kitchen window and the grey light of dawn that had begun to infuse the room.  She smiled when she noticed the daisy stem from the planter she had angrily thrown in the trashcan sitting in a shot glass full of water on the windowsill.  Her heart lurched painfully against her chest.  Even when Flynn thought all was lost, he’d tried to save the pink daisy. Yeah, they had it bad for each other.

The sun was coming up and if she didn’t get some sleep soon, she’d be useless later. She needed to contact Maddox, and the kitchen was a mess from the pancake adventure. And she really wanted to see the video and then wake Flynn up and show it to him.  Just the thought of it had her squirming in her chair.

Finding the videos, she warmed when she saw the one she had made the first night they met. Resisting the urge to watch that one, she scrolled past it to the syrup encounter. As she tapped on the icon, the phone chirped with a notification.

A text from Maddox, and—Izzy caught her breath—the viewable first line read: Are you going to handle her—

Izzy couldn’t read the rest of the text without tapping on it and she felt that if she did she was crossing the trust line.  The phone chirped again. Another text from Maddox.

She’s the only way—

Izzy knew who she was.  Maddox was right; Izzy was the only way to get deep enough, even after what happened last night, to get the goods on Boris.

Swallowing hard, Izzy tapped the icon and read the thread that began the previous morning.  Right after Maddox texted Flynn notifying him she was safe at the hotel.

He’d watched her go, knowing all along Maddox would check in with him?

As she continued to read, her heart stuttered to a stop and her jaw dropped.

Oh, dear God!  Alex was alive? She was alive! Izzy’s heart swelled with such happiness she couldn’t take a breath.

“Thank you, Lord,” she whispered.  “Thank you.”

As the news settled within her, Izzy’s smile slowly receded.

And Flynn knew?

How could he keep this amazing news from her?


“Did you find what you were looking for?” Flynn’s deep voice asked from the doorway.

Izzy jumped, his voice startling her. For an instant she couldn’t speak, because if she did the words that would come out would forge a wedge so deep between them there would be no coming back. She couldn’t not say them. Not if her self-respect meant anything to her.

Angry tears stung her eyes.  “I trusted you,” she whispered.

“I haven’t betrayed that trust, Isa,” he said, stepping closer to her.

“You did!”


“You knew they found my sister, and you didn’t tell me!  Why? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Wordlessly, Flynn reached for her.  Izzy shook her head vehemently, backing away.

“She’s my sister! I know how you feel. You don’t approve. But that gives you no right to cut me out of her life or her out of mine! You’re not in charge of my life, Flynn!  How could you?” She was hysterical, losing it.  He’d lied to her.  The man of her dreams had lied to her!

“Isa,” he warned.  “Settle down.”

“No, I won’t settle down!” she shrieked.  “I can’t stay here with you. I won’t stay here with you.” She turned to run.

“Do not run, Isa.” Flynn commanded.

He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around to face him.  “You promised me you wouldn’t run when shit got hard.”

“And you promised never to lie to me!” She pounded his chest with her free hand.  “You ruined everything!” she screamed. She scratched his bare chest.  “I hate you for ruining everything! I wish I’d never met you!”

Wrapping his arms around her, Flynn let her vent as heartache poured out of her.  She could never forgive him.  He’d lied. “You lied to me,” she sobbed.

“Isa,” he said, quietly.  “I didn’t lie to you.”

“You know where Alex is, and you didn’t tell me!”

“We don’t know where she is, only that she’s presumed alive.”  His arms tightened around her.  “Listen to me, damn it. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want that imagination of yours to go crazy with scenarios. I didn’t tell you because if the intel didn’t pan out, I didn’t want to see you hurt again. I didn’t tell you because I knew if I did, you’d insist on confronting Boris.” Flynn paused for breath, then said, “I didn’t tell you, because damn it, I love you, Isadora Fuentes, and I can’t bear the thought of losing you like you lost your sister.”

Her world stilled.

He loved her?

Alex was only presumed alive?

“Hate me all you want, but I stand by what I didn’t tell you.  I’d do it again. A thousand times. Your safety comes before anything, including your sister’s well-being.”  He notched her chin up.  She could barely see him through the haze of her tears.  “Do you understand that?”

“I understand that you feel you have to protect me, Flynn, but you can’t keep me out of the loop.  You can’t make my decisions for me.”

“I can when your safety is threatened.”

Exhaling, feeling drained, Izzy nodded that she understood, and moved out of his arms.  She needed to process this.  If he was touching her, she’d give in to his physical persuasion.

Straightening, she kept her eyes level with his, realizing he was butt naked.

“Why were you going through my phone?” he asked bluntly.

“I wasn’t snooping, I wanted to look at the syrup video, but Maddox texted you, and—” She should have felt validated because of what she discovered, but she didn’t. “I shouldn’t have.”

“As you figured out, my code is your birthday. I have nothing to hide from you, Isa.”

Shaky, she sat down at the table. “I need time to process all of this.”

He shrugged as if as far as he was concerned there was nothing to process.  That was the problem! He strode to the sink where she had put the dishes and started to rinse and stack them in the dishwasher.

It concerned Izzy that she was actually considering conceding Flynn his points.  What if she was justifying his bad behavior so that she could stay with him?  What would happen the next time he kept important information from her?  Would she justify it away again and so begin the journey on the no-trust road?

“Stop overthinking it, Isa,” Flynn said.  “My reasons were legit.  My only motive was your safety and peace of mind.”  He put the last dish into the dishwasher, dried his hands, and took a bottle of water from the fridge.  “I’m not a liar, I’m not a cheat. I gave you my word I’d help you find Alex. I haven’t backed away from that.  I’m doing all I can, but I swore to myself that the minute you were in physical or emotional danger, I was pulling the plug. So I did.”

Pushing the phone across the table toward him, she said, “You can’t control me through your fear. I want you to call Maddox.”

As if he didn’t hear her, still standing at the counter, Flynn opened the bottle of water in his hand and chugged it.  Once it was empty, he set it down onto the counter.  Then he leaned back and crossed his legs at the ankle.  Raw strength emanated from every pore of him.

Her gaze dipped down his contoured chest to the dark hair that gathered at his navel and traveled south, pointing to his beautiful penis. Though he wasn’t erect, he was swollen and he looked good enough to eat.  Shaking off his come-to-me-now pheromones, Izzy grabbed the phone from the table and walked toward him.  She wasn’t, she decided, overanalyzing this.  He was wrong.  But she understood his motivation.  A man like Flynn didn’t change overnight.  In this regard he might never evolve.  She wasn’t going to give up now though.  Not when she had worked so hard to get here.

Smiling, she said, “So, you love me, huh?”

His eyes darkened.  “A little.”

“Just a little?”

He shrugged, not budging.  He was going to make her come to him, was he?  Well, she’d see about that.

Extending the phone to him, she said, “I think you love me more than a little.”

When he refused to accept the phone, she leaned into him. Instantly, he swelled.  “I’m sorry for saying I hated you.  I’m also sorry for going through your phone.”

“Go through it, I have nothing to hide from you.”

Izzy exhaled, preparing for the next round of truth or consequences. “Since we’re putting it all out there, were you going to tell me Maddox got the warrant for the drive?”


Argh! “Why not?”

“Because it’s irrelevant.”

Pushing off him, she set the phone on the counter. “It’s very relevant!”

“Not as it pertains to you, it’s not.”

“How so?”

“Because it isn’t.”

Putting her hands on her hips, Izzy was flabbergasted.  Hadn’t they just—Good God, the man was infuriating. “Who decided that?”

“I did.”

“Just because we’re having sex doesn’t give you the right to make my decisions, Flynn.”

He laughed.  “Oh, we’re having more than sex, Isa.  We passed the sex marker that afternoon when I took you from behind on the balcony in Half Moon Bay.”

“I didn’t mean to minimize what’s between us, Flynn, I know what we have goes beyond sex.  It still doesn’t give you the right to make my decisions for me, especially when you don’t even discuss them with me.”

“I explained my reasons why I did what I did, Isa.  None of that has changed. Get it through that pink and blond head of yours: On this particular matter, there is nothing to discuss.  You’re not going to back to the club.  You’re not going to have any contact with anyone associated with it.  End of story.”

“Not end of story! It’s the most important part.  The part that only I can pull off.  I’m the only one who can give the drive to Boris and you know it.”

He grabbed her upper arms.  “Listen to me:  I don’t give a fuck about the damn drive or Boris.  I give a fuck about you.  You’re not one of Justin’s disposable informants. He’s either going to hope he gets something off the device you slipped Bushnik, or find another UC, because you’re retired.”

Izzy stood her ground.  She heard him loud and clear.  He was afraid. Got it.  But she was determined to bring that Russian scumbag and his cronies down.  “Flynn, I understand your fear.  I’m afraid, too.  But I need to do this, for my sister, for all the women who have suffered and who will suffer.  For myself. If I don’t, I know in my gut I’ll never see my sister again.”

“It’s too dangerous.”

Placing her hand on his bare chest, she almost lost focus.  He was warm, and hard.  Their sex scent clung to him and it smelled good.

“I’m not asking you for permission to do this, Flynn.”

His jaw tightened.

“I have to.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I do, and you need to understand that this is nonnegotiable. We’re going to hear Maddox out.  As much as I don’t want contact with Boris, I’ll make it, to give him the flash drive. A simple means to an end.”

Flynn swiped his hand across his chin and stared up at the ceiling.  A muscle twitched along the left side of his jaw. Finally he looked down at her.  “Do you trust me?”


“Then trust me when I tell you, if you go back into that club in any capacity, you’re going to get hurt.  I can’t protect you if I’m not with you, and if you show up with me they won’t buy what you’re selling. See how that works?”

“I think I might have an idea that could work.  Call Maddox and arrange a meeting.”

“I’ll call him on one condition.”

Izzy was about to tell him the only condition was hers, but she let him speak.

“If I don’t like it, and I’m telling you up front that I won’t, then you don’t go in.”

Izzy smiled despite the seriousness of their argument. Understanding Flynn’s possessive nature came a little easier knowing that once he calmed down and thought past his fear, he would, albeit reluctantly, do what had to be done because there were no other options.  He wasn’t being selfish, he was being protective.  It worked both ways, though, because while she would do the same for him, she was also doing what had to be done for her sister.

Standing so close to his hot naked body was distracting.  His anger had his color up and something else was on the rise. “So noted.”

He pulled her against him, his fingers digging into her arms.  “Don’t do this,” he said huskily, his lips brushing across hers.

“Don’t use sex to force me into compliance, Flynn.”

He fisted the hem of the T-shirt, pulling it up and exposing her backside.  He smacked her right cheek.

“Ow!” she cried out, more surprised than from pain.

His palm soothed the warm flesh.  Damn if she wasn’t getting wet.

“I would never use sex to force you into anything, Isa.”

He spanked her left cheek, immediately smoothing his big palm over it. A deep tremor quaked through her body in anticipation of where this shameless sexual adventurer was going to take her this time.

“But I will use it to make you scream my name.”

Chapter Thirty-six

Flynn nipped at her bottom lip and spanked her again. “And I’ll use it to make you come.” She moaned against his lips. “Multiple times.”

His words stirred the whirlpool of heat churning in her belly.

“I don’t like to be told no, Isa,” he said roughly.

“Me either.”

A low growl rumbled from his chest.  “I want to turn you over my knee and spank your pretty little ass, pink.”

“Go ahead,” she said, challenging him.

He yanked her into his arms and strode with her to the formal living room down the hall. Sitting down on a studded gray leather ottoman, with her on his lap, he grasped the back of her neck and repositioned her so that she was belly-down across his lap.

“Grab the legs and don’t let go,” he commanded.

Izzy grabbed the wide wooden legs and held her breath.  Her T-shirt had bunched up past her breasts and her exposed bottom was still warm and sensitive from his slaps.  She knew she was soaking wet and—he spanked her right cheek, his hand instantly caressing the sensitive skin, soothing the sting and stirring her desire. Izzy gasped in pleasured surprise.

Running a wide fingertip along her wet seam, Flynn said, “You never cease to amaze me, Isa.”

She made an embarrassingly needy mewling sound as he dipped his finger into her.

Her muscles clenched possessively around him.  “Such a greedy little pussy,” he whispered as he bent over her and pressed his lips to the sensitive place he had just spanked.

Izzy had never felt more exposed or more carnal than she did at the moment.  One minute they were fighting over her sister, and the next, Flynn was making her forget everything except him.

“I don’t want to fight, Isa.” Flynn said, his voice low.  “I need to feel you like this.  Alive and safe.”

His words stirred her more deeply than his touch.  How would she feel knowing he was going into a dangerous situation?  Terrified.  She’d hold on so tight he would suffocate. She got it. They would always battle when it came to the other’s safety.  But they would always work it out, too.

“Flynn,” she whispered, “I don’t want to fight either.  But—you can’t control me or use sex to change the subject.”

 Flynn’s finger slid tortuously slowly, in and out of her. Good God, he was fiendish! He understood the sexual power he wielded over her.  How right now, she’d capitulate to anything just to have him to spank her again.

When he brushed his thumb along the rosebud of her anus, Izzy squeezed her eyes shut.  Was there any boundary he wouldn’t push? She prayed not.

“I would never use sex to change the subject,” Flynn said.  “But I would never hesitate to use it as a reminder how good it is between us.”

He spanked her again. Thrashing her head back, Izzy hissed, digging her pubis into his lap. “That’s for leaving the bed.”  He brushed his palm along the sensitive flesh.  He dipped a second finger into her burning pussy.

“Ahhh,” she exhaled.  That felt so good.  Using her wetness as lubricant, he rubbed his thumb along her anus again.

Another slap.  “That’s for driving me crazy.” His palm soothed the sting.  She got wetter.

He spanked her other cheek.  “That’s because each time I spank you, you cream.”

Izzy bit her bottom lip to keep from sobbing. What he did to her was brazen, audacious and utterly shameless, and she loved every part of it.

When he slid his hand beneath her waist and hiked her bottom up, he spread her thighs.  “Your pussy is soaking wet, Isa,” he said roughly.  “So pink and tight.”  He withdrew his fingers and then slowly spread her nether lips.  “I want to taste you.”

A squeak slipped out of her mouth.  When his lips caught her there and the bottom part of her clit and slowly sucked her into his mouth like a raw oyster, the tension she’d managed to hold in up to that point released in a long throaty moan.

Everywhere he touched her had the same effect. The obsessive need for more overtook her.  He gave her more. Holding her up with one arm, his free hand teased her clit as his tongue tunneled deep inside her.

Despite the odd angle of her body across his, the angle of his mouth was perfect and dear God, she bit her bottom lip as an orgasm flashed, then ripped through her.  Just as she was coming down from it, he spanked her hard. Another orgasm tore out of her along with a scream.

A wet writhing mass of flesh, she shook in his arms, the orgasm continuing into another one.  Flynn pulled her up and with her back to him, he set her down on his waiting cock.

“Oh, God, Flynn, that’s so deep.”

“Don’t move,” he rasped against her ear.  The swell of him pulsing inside her sensitive flesh went beyond sublime.

Breathing so heavily, she couldn’t help her body’s inherent movement, Flynn’s body tightened steel hard.

He was so close. On the edge.  She felt it in his heartbeat, in his hot breath against her neck and in the rigid throb of him inside her. Instinctually, her body clamped and unclamped around him, milking him with a will of its own.  “Ah, damn,” he cursed. Grasping her hips, he held her still as he thrust up into her, his orgasm like lightning striking them both.

Izzy’s body jerked and shuddered as it was racked with one intense surge after another.  Her nails dug into Flynn’s thighs as she thrashed, impaled in his lap.

Had he not held her so tightly against his chest, she would have launched herself right off him. He bit the tender flesh of her neck, his hips grinding madly into her from beneath.  His one arm was banded so tightly beneath her breasts, Izzy could scarce breathe, the other low on her belly, his fingers pressed firmly against her arousal.

Held a virtual prisoner to his thrust, Izzy cried out, unable to control the wild wanton shock waves crashing through her body.

It was too much and God help her, her ravaged body wanted more even before it had calmed from the lightning strikes still pulsing through her.

Hanging like a rag doll in his lap, Izzy was sweaty, sticky, breathless, and hyperaware of every inch of Flynn’s body in and around her.

“I think,” she said breathlessly, “that I like make-up sex.”

Nuzzling his nose against her neck where he had bitten her, Flynn asked, “Did I hurt you?”

“Mmm, no.”

“You sure?”


“I told you at the beach that I wanted to push the envelope with you.”

“I never knew a spanking could be so sexy.”

“If I push too far, Isa, you have to tell me.”

“I will.”

“With you, things have gone to a whole different level.”

“You’ve never spanked a woman before?”

“None have pushed my buttons like you have.”

She was insanely happy to be that woman in Flynn’s life. “So you did it to punish me?”

“No, punishment hurts.  I think it was a control thing, and maybe I wanted to see if you got off on it.”  His hand slid down her belly to her slickness.  “You really did.”

“I know. I—” She hesitated, feeling a little embarrassed by the truth.  Was what they just did normal?

“You what?”

“It was sexy, bad, and you did it just right. I liked it a lot, does that make me a sex freak?”

He hugged her slick body to him and said, “As long as it feels good and we’re both good with it, it makes you hotter than hell in my book.”

Izzy smiled.  “Good, because you are the devil.”

“You’ve worn me out, baby.  The sun’s up and I haven’t slept more than a few hours in the last forty-eight.  Let’s take a shower and get some sleep.  I have a feeling you’re going to earn a few more spankings before the end of the day.”  He kissed her neck.  “I need to be prepared.”

Izzy giggled, but then was suddenly sober.  “I need to go back to the club tonight, Flynn.  I’m scheduled to work.  I think I should just show up like nothing happened and go from there.”

“And have the giant take another shot at you? I don’t think so.”

“Andre won’t touch me once he knows I have the drive.”

Flynn didn’t immediately respond.  Izzy could see the wheels turning in his head as he processed what she’d just said and the probability of its accuracy. “We’ll see,” he said, then gently slid her off his lap before picking her up, and lovingly, as if she were a newborn baby, carried her up to his bed.

“It’s a lock, Flynn,” Maddox insisted.  “We’ve got the go-ahead to use the drive, and we’ve got Bushnik confirming his meet with Sorlov at the club tonight.  The key players under one roof. The only piece missing is Isadora.  Only she can give Sorlov the drive.”

“Do you think after last night, the giant is going to trust her?” Flynn asked, not liking where this conversation was headed.

“He will if I tell him we got into a huge fight because of what you did and that I kicked you to the curb,” Pink said, coming into the kitchen where Flynn sat with Maddox and Justin.  All three men stood as she entered the room.  Flynn’s jaw tightened.  She was wearing one of his black ribbed workout T-shirts and a pair of his running shorts.  Both garments were too big for her tiny body, but damn if she didn’t look fuckable just the same.

Her hair was mussed, her hooded eyes still sleepy and—his gaze raked her from head to toe—she looked like a sexy little kitten looking for some loving. Sheepishly she smiled, running her fingers through her hair, and said in that breathless voice of hers that never failed to shoot straight to his groin, “Hi guys.”

“Hi,” Maddox said, his lips quirking.

“How are you, Miss Fuentes?” Justin asked.

“Hungry, anxious, wishing this was all behind me.”

“It will be soon.  I promise,” Justin assured her.

“And then will you tell me where my sister is?”

Justin looked down at his shoes, then back to Pink.  “I don’t know where she is.”

“But she’s alive?”


“How can you presume she’s alive when you don’t know what happened to her or where she is?”

“I—“ Justin looked to Flynn for some help, but Flynn stood with his arms crossed over his chest and shook his head.

“In cases like this, a variety of information is culled from numerous sources,” Justin explained, “once we start matching the info we start to get a picture.  Right now the info would strongly suggest she’s alive, likely still in the US, but we don’t know where.”

“Or, as Flynn once told me, if you told me you’d have to shoot me?”

Justin smiled.  “I would never shoot you, but for your own protection and to maintain the integrity of the case, I can’t divulge any information.”

“Then I won’t help you tonight.”

Flynn choked back a laugh.  She had moxie.

“You have to,” Maddox said, looking at Flynn for help, receiving as much as Justin had.  “Without you to hand over the drive, we’ll never get the leverage we need on Sorlov.”

“Tell me how you know my sister’s alive and I’ll do it.”

Maddox shook his head and stepped back, handing this complication over to his boss.

“Miss Fuentes,” Justin started.  “I need for you to try and consider the gravity of this case. It goes beyond Sorlov and Bushnik.  They’re just the tip of the iceberg. When we get them, and we will with your cooperation, we gain access to their labyrinth of criminal activity that runs through the state and over its borders. I cannot by law divulge classified information to someone who doesn’t have the clearance, and even if you did, I wouldn’t.  You’re emotionally involved and inexperienced. Your ignorance is bliss, trust me on that.”  Justin looked at Flynn and Maddox to back him up.

“I don’t care about your iceberg, I care about my sister!”

Justin shook his head. “Unfortunately, in this case, one leads to the other.”

Grudgingly, Flynn unlocked his arms, reached out for Pink and pulled her into the protective circle of his arms.  He didn’t give a damn that Justin and Maddox’s eyebrows shot to their hairlines.  If it wasn’t obvious that she was dressed in his clothes and that they were a couple, then both men needed to go back to the academy.

Looking down into her trusting eyes, Flynn’s heart lurched.  With his fingertips, he smoothed her bangs away from her face and said, “You know my position on going back to the club.  That being said, Justin’s reasoning is solid. There isn’t much to know, Isa, except that there is a high probability she’s alive.  Only by wringing Sorlov and Bushnik dry will we get the info we need.”

She nodded, and turning in his arms, she said,  “What exactly can you tell me about tonight?”

“Pink,” Flynn said.  “Why don’t I take your bag up to the bedroom so you can change.  You’re too damn distracting dressed the way you are.  I’ll fix you some breakfast and while you’re eating, we can discuss strategy.”

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