Текст книги "Unlawful Justice"
Автор книги: K. Langston
Соавторы: K. C. Lynn
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Текущая страница: 14 (всего у книги 19 страниц)
The following week, sitting in the courtroom, my stomach twists into tight, unforgiving knots. My heart is heavy, burdened by the hatred and chaos coming from the protestors outside. It’s far worse than last time. There are even more people gathered than before, choosing sides and spewing hate and anger onto the streets of our sacred town. The National Guard is posted up outside as well, trying to keep the peace, but their presence only adds to their fury.
Unfortunately, things aren’t much better in here.
Not when I have to sit here and watch the man I love relive the most horrific moment of our lives. Witnessing the haunted look in his eyes, as he recounts what happened that day all over again, has been gut-wrenching. But I’ve kept myself together, not wanting to make it harder on him.
Carol is on one side of me and Pap on the other, offering their strength and comfort. Tania was supposed to be here too, but I haven’t heard from her. I have no idea where she could be, and the thought concerns me.
“Deputy Taylor, can you please tell us what you saw when you arrived at the Wheeler property on April seventeenth?”
Grayson keeps his eyes on Mr. Henderson, his gaze never straying once to me. “Olivia Bradshaw was there as the caller had stated she would be,” he replies.
“And can you describe her condition when you found her?”
“She was tied to a tree, nude, beaten, and unconscious.” Pain washes over Grayson’s face, his voice cold and hard. The sound of it chilling me to the bone.
Tears burn the back of my eyes, my heart breaking as I cling to every dreadful word. I can only imagine how awful it must have been for him to see me the way he did, but watching and listening to him recount it all is almost too much to bear.
It has clearly affected him far more than he let on.
Mr. Henderson turns to the jury. “She’d been tied to a tree, raped, beaten, and left for dead.”
“Objection, Your Honor.” Mr. Jones stands. “Mr. Henderson is making assumptions and putting words into the witness’s mouth. He never said anything about rape, or even being left for dead.”
“Your Honor, the charges against Mr. West are rape and attempted murder. The medical reports have already shown that she was raped. I’m not putting words into anyone’s mouth. This is what happened to Miss Bradshaw. These are facts.”
“Overruled, but move on now, Mr. Henderson. As you said, we know what happened to Miss Bradshaw.”
Mr. Henderson nods. “Just one more question, Deputy. Evidence was found at the scene of the crime, could you tell us what that was?”
Grayson nods. “A gold chain was recovered along with the remainder of Miss Bradshaw’s dress. It had her blood on it and the DNA of the defendant, Reginald West.”
“Thank you. No further questions, Your Honor.” Mr. Henderson takes his seat, looking pleased. By the jury’s pained expressions it’s clear he achieved what he set out to do. I can see it staring back at me on every single face.
It all makes me sick to my stomach, even though I do understand why he needed to do it.
“Your witness, Mr. Jones,” Judge Carter states.
My heart sinks as Mr. Jones stands, taking his time to button his suit jacket before approaching Grayson. I’m careful not to look past him, knowing I won’t be able to stomach the sight of the man who has caused me so much pain and sadness.
Not today.
Not when I’m already a ball of nerves and worried sick about Grayson.
“Deputy Taylor, you have a personal relationship with the alleged victim, is that correct?”
“Objection, Your Honor.” Mr. Henderson stands. “Miss Bradshaw is not an alleged victim. She is a victim. It is disrespectful for Mr. Jones to say otherwise.”
The judge agrees. “Sustained.”
Mr. Jones nods. “I apologize. Let me rephrase the question. You have a personal relationship with the victim, is that correct?”
“Yes, I do.”
“A romantic relationship?”
“Were you romantically involved with her during the arrest of my client?”
Mr. Henderson stands once again. “Objection, Your Honor. This is completely irrelevant to the case,” he bites out, his frustration mounting.
“I promise, Your Honor, I’m going somewhere with this.”
The judge considers it for a long moment before finally allowing him to resume. “You better have something relevant here, Mr. Jones.”
“I do.”
Mr. Henderson takes his seat, clearly unhappy with the decision. He leans over to whisper something to Clint, and my anxiety skyrockets, wondering where exactly Mr. Jones is going with this.
“Go ahead and answer, Deputy. Taylor,” the judge pushes.
“Not at the time, no. We were just friends.”
Grayson’s eyes narrow. “Yes. Really.”
Mr. Jones paces back and forth in front of Grayson before finally taking a relaxed stance near the jury. “I’m surprised you were allowed to even be on the scene for the arrest when you were so personally involved.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? It was my case.”
“Because it’s a conflict of interest. Being just friends with Miss Bradshaw, is that why you brutally beat my client when—”
Mr. Henderson flies out of his chair. “Objection, Your Honor. The witness is not on trial here. He has no charges against him for what Mr. Jones is accusing him of.”
“Your Honor, an investigation is pending on this deputy for assaulting my client. He should have never been on that scene in the first place. This goes to show the unfairness and prejudice my client has had to deal with, and—”
“Sustained,” Judge Carter bellows angrily. “You’re out of line, Mr. Jones. This trial is about the crime against Miss Bradshaw, not your client. Pull that again and you will be held in contempt.”
“No further questions, Your Honor,” Mr. Jones says, sitting down, looking rather proud of himself.
My blood burns with rage.
Mr. Henderson addresses the judge. “If I may, Your Honor, I do have one more question for my witness.”
“Make it quick, Counselor.”
Mr. Henderson steps out from around the table. “Deputy Taylor, the day of the arrest Mr. West made a comment to you about Miss Bradshaw, would you mind repeating what he said to the jury?”
I watch Grayson tense, a dangerous rage taking over his expression just before Mr. Jones stands. “Objection, Your Honor. You just ruled my client’s arrest was irrelevant.”
“Your Honor, I promise you this has everything to do with what happened to Miss Bradshaw. After Mr. Jones’s line of questioning I feel it is imperative for the jury to hear this.”
He nods. “Overruled.”
“Your Honor,” Mr. Jones injects again. “This is all hearsay. It’s not fair for my client.”
“I said overruled, Counselor. Now take your seat.”
Mr. Jones sits, the smug look he wore moments ago is long gone.
“Thank you, Your Honor.” Mr. Henderson looks back at Grayson whose body is tense with fury. “Please, Deputy Taylor, tell the jury what Mr. West said to you that day.”
For the first time since we entered the courtroom, Grayson’s eyes find mine, a silent request weighing heavy in his gaze. Shaking my head, I refuse to leave. I want to be here for him.
For myself.
He turns away, disappointed and angry like I knew he would be. I bite my lip, trying to keep my emotions in check.
“Deputy Taylor?” The judge urges when he remains silent.
Grayson swallows thickly. “When I told him what he was being arrested for, he admitted what he did to Olivia,” he replies vaguely.
“Please repeat exactly what he said to you.”
His jaw locks so tight I’m surprised it doesn’t snap, and it takes him a moment to answer. “He said, ‘I’ve never had a bitch scream for me the way she did. She was so fucking tight; I can still feel her.’”
A ripple of gasps echo throughout the courtroom. My eyes fall closed, his words slicing through me like a serrated knife. Carol chokes back a sob, and Pap bristles next to me. Gathering my composure, I open my eyes and find Grayson glaring forward, furious and completely defeated.
“No further questions, Your Honor,” Mr. Henderson says quietly. He takes his seat and glances over his shoulder at me, regret reflecting deep in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Olivia. I had to.”
I nod in understanding, knowing he didn’t have a choice after what Everett Jones did.
“Thank you, Deputy Taylor, you are dismissed,” the judge says.
Grayson stands, his body wound tight. He doesn’t even look in our direction as he storms out, the doors slamming with resounding finality behind him.
I flinch at his loud departure then get up to follow him, ignoring the many sets of eyes upon me.
Exiting into the hall, I find him pacing like a caged animal, his hand gripping his hair in frustration.
“Grayson.” His name falls on a choked whisper.
His head snaps up. “Why?” he grinds out. “Why didn’t you leave? Why the fuck did you stay?”
I tamp down my emotions and square my shoulders. “Because it’s about me, and I have a right to know.”
“You didn’t need to hear that shit,” he says roughly, making me flinch again. “Can you honestly tell me you feel better knowing that?”
I swallow past the tears threatening to fall, hating how angry and upset he is. “In a way, yes, I do. Leaving what he said to my imagination isn’t good either. Does it hurt to hear? Of course, but it’s not the worst that’s been done to me, and it hurts me more to know he said it to you. That you had to hear that.”
“Jesus, Liv, this isn’t about my feelings, this is about yours.”
“Your feelings always matter to me,” I whisper.
He stops pacing, his body instantly deflating. With a heavy breath he takes a seat on the bench, his head in his hands.
Swiping the few tears that have managed to escape, I walk over and stand in front of him, placing my hand on his tense shoulder. “Grayson, please talk to me.”
His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me between his parted legs, forehead resting on my stomach. “I never wanted you to hear those words.” The despair in his voice is heartbreaking.
My fingers thread through his hair as I hold him close. “I know you didn’t, but you can’t protect me from this. The damage has been done, and no matter how hard it is to hear, I’m strong enough. I can handle it. As long as I have you I can handle anything,” I add quietly.
“I know. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just…I want this shit to be over with.”
“Me, too. But as bad as that was to go through I do think it was necessary. I know the trial isn’t over yet, but today was definitely not in his favor.”
He remains quiet, his arms holding me tight as we both seek comfort in one another.
Pap and Carol walk out of the courtroom, breaking up our moment.
“Everything okay out here?” Pap asks.
He’s upset about what just happened, but I can tell he’s trying to hide it for my sake.
Before I can answer, Grayson stands. “Yeah. We’re good.” He slings an arm around my shoulders and presses his lips to my temple. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
Just before we walk out I inhale a deep breath, bracing myself for what I know I’m about to encounter.
Animosity, contempt, and hate.
As we exit out of the building, chaos assaults my ears—loud and grueling. I get the urge to run, but Grayson and Pap come to an abrupt stop.
“Well I’ll be damned.”
Pap’s words pull my attention to him. “What is it?”
I follow his hand as he lifts it to point out over the divided crowd. A gasp escapes me as I look beyond the two angry groups and see a third. They stand silent, yet their presence is just as powerful. Some are holding signs that read:
My heart soars when I scan their faces. Gwen and Jack are standing next to Fletcher. Mr. Jefferson also stands among them, along with so many other familiar faces. Everyone we used to be so close with, but I thought we lost after what happened to Jamal. The one person I notice most though, the one standing in front of the group smiling back at me with profound love and conviction is…Tania.
Pulling free from Grayson, I rush down the steps, my eyes fixed solely on her. I don’t even try to fight the steady stream of tears pouring down my face as pure joy fills my heart.
“Liv, wait,” Grayson yells before catching up, following close behind with one hand on my lower back. “Be careful. Stay close to me.”
Slowing down, I smile up at him and nod. He responds with one of his own then helps me make my way beyond the barriers, police, and National Guard until I’m standing in front of my best friend.
Pride beams from her beautiful face. “Hey. Sorry I didn’t make it inside.” She shrugs. “I was busy roundin’ folks up to support my girl.”
A laugh tumbles from my lips, but it quickly turns into a sob as I throw my arms around her. “I can’t believe you did this.”
She squeezes me tight, bringing her mouth to my ear so I can hear her over the roaring crowd. “This is how it should be, Liv. Peace and love.”
“Thank you. Just…thank you!”
“I always got you, girl.”
“And I always got you.”
“I know.”
Pulling back, I wipe away my tears before moving on to Fletcher, and everyone else, trying to wrap them in a group hug. “Thank you, thank you so much for being here and doing this.”
“Thank you, Olivia,” Gwen says. “You were right at the diner. We all lost track of what’s important. We just want to be there for you. All of us,” she adds, looking over at Fletcher.
“Thank you,” I say again, my chest filling with incredible warmth.
Grayson shakes their hands next, and I look over to see Pap talking with Mr. Jefferson, giving him a friendly handshake and clap on the shoulder. Ignoring everyone else, I gaze at the people before me, amazed at how they all came together.
It’s exactly what we needed. And for the first time since this mess began, I start to think that maybe everything will be okay after all.
A secret POV
I walk out the back doors of the empty school, the last of my teammates driving away along with the coach. Or so I thought. But when I round the corner to the parking lot I see De’Shawn Miller and two other guys from his crew.
I’ve been trying to lay low, keeping my distance from them as much as possible. Which hasn’t been hard since I wasn’t friends with them to begin with. Hell, a few months ago I would’ve never been caught dead associating with these assholes. It wasn’t until Jamal got caught up in their shit that I was dragged into it.
All because I couldn’t tell my best friend no.
He needed me so I was there for him. It turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life and it cost him his.
The last few weeks have been hell. Ever since the day I saw Reggie picking up De’Shawn from school and they told me what they were going to do to Miss Bradshaw, I’ve been consumed with guilt, knowing my call didn’t make it on time. I spent too much time debating whether to make the call or not, and now I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Continuing to keep this secret makes me no better than any of them.
But I don’t know what to do.
If I tell someone, then I’m putting my own life at risk. Reggie may be locked up right now but his orders are still being carried out from beyond those prison walls. His crew is still running drugs. They’ve taken to stealing what they need in surrounding towns in order to lay low, but it’s still business as usual.
Yeah, if I rat them out I’m as good as dead, but some days I wonder if it won’t happen anyway. Because God knows if they don’t kill me, the guilt eating away at me will.
The three of them stand huddled together, looking down at something between them, laughing. “Man, she put up a good fight. Who knew she had it in her.”
My stomach recoils at the remark. I have no idea what they’re talking about, and I really don’t want to know either. I quickly move on, hoping to escape without them noticing me.
I should’ve known better.
“Sup, man.” I look over at De’Shawn. An arrogant smirk tilts his mouth, one I want to smash in on a daily basis. “Get over here and take a look at this. I feel bad you got left out of all the fun.”
“Sorry, but I gotta get home.”
He watches me carefully. “It’ll only take a minute.”
I want to tell him to fuck off, but I’m weak. I’m a coward and they all know it.
His grin spreads as I make my way over, obeying the order, but his calculating stare still makes me nervous. I try to relax my pounding heart and keep cool.
“What?” I ask hesitantly, walking over.
De’Shawn looks over at one of the others who holds a phone. “Hit play. Show him.”
A cold chill races down my spine and I get the feeling I’m not going to like this.
I was right.
The sound of her screams hit me first. It takes a minute for everything to come into focus, but there, on video, is Miss Bradshaw being beaten and—nausea rolls in my belly—raped. The shaky images and her begging for them to stop, sends bile to rise in my tight throat.
“You recorded it,” I mumble, barely able to get the words out.
I look just off to the side of it, unable to stomach any more.
“Yeah, man.” De’Shawn laughs.
I have no idea if he’s laughing because he enjoyed what he did to her or the fact that he knows this is making me sick to watch.
Knowing him, probably both.
My fists clench, blood roaring in my ears.
“You think Reggie will get off?” One of them asks.
“Dude…the mothafuckin’ NAACP is backing his ass. Fuck, yeah, he’ll get off. Besides, they ain’t got shit on him but a necklace, and the stupid bitch says she recognized his voice. There were four of us there, how can she be so sure?”
The thought has fear gripping my chest because I know he’s right. Reggie will most likely get off, and when he does I know he’ll finish what he started with Miss Bradshaw.
I can’t let that happen.
If they kill me for it, then so be it. Death will be a hell of a lot better than carrying this burden of guilt.
“Liv, babe, you ready?” Grayson calls from the living room as I finish wrapping up the small gift on the bed.
“Just a minute.” Butterflies dance in my tummy as I finish with the last of the tape, uncertainty making its way inside my head.
What if he thinks it’s dumb? Or too girly?
Usually, I’m confident in my jewelry-making abilities, but I’ve never made something for a guy before. Especially one I love. Well except Pap when I was little, but that’s different. He loved all of my creations no matter what, even when they were heart shaped with pink and purple beads.
Of course I didn’t do that for Grayson.
His is much more…masculine. I’ve never seen him wear anything other than a watch, but it does have meaning so maybe he will wear this.
Just quit stalling and get it over with already.
I take a deep breath and walk out of the room, holding my surprise behind my back. Grayson looks up from his phone, pocketing it as I approach. His eyes roam my body from head to toe, taking in my cream, lace dress and brown cowgirl boots. My body flushes, the heat of his gaze warming me from the inside out.
“Hi,” I say, my voice cracking.
“Damn, you look good.” He stalks toward me with a predatory gait before taking me in his arms. “Real fucking good.” The words come out on a hungry growl before he claims my mouth in a passionate kiss.
I wrap my arms around his neck on a soft whimper when his delicious taste floods my senses.
“Sorry it took me so long.” I breathe.
“Don’t worry about it. It was worth the wait.”
Smiling back at him, I look into his beautiful blue eyes, eyes that undoubtedly hold the key to my soul. “Well, I’m glad you think so, but my outfit isn’t what took me so long.”
“Yeah. I have something for you.”
One brow lifts with curiosity. “For me?”
“Yep.” I tap his shoulder. “Put me down, and I’ll give it to you.”
A scowl takes over his face, not happy at all with that idea. However, he does as I say anyway, but not without brushing his lips over mine one last time, eliciting a stampede of emotions with that heavy dose of nervousness leading the way.
Once he places me back on my feet, I hand him the small, wrapped gift.
“You got me a present?”
I nod.
Confusion bunches his brows. “Why?”
“Because I wanted to.” His expression softens with my admission. “Go ahead. Open it.”
I chew my thumbnail as he unwraps it, digging the toe of my boot into the carpet. When he gets to the small brown box, I have the urge to rip it back out of his hand and say, just kidding!
But instead, my apprehension completely takes over. “I hope you like it, but if not it’s okay…”
He ignores my chatter and opens the box, removing the thick, black leather band bound together by a silver fishing hook. Reaching over, I unhook it and open it up to show him the carving hidden inside.
“You made this for me?” he asks quietly, his gaze fixed on the words as he affectionately brushes his thumb across them. But judging from the indifferent expression on his face, I can’t tell whether he likes it or not.
“Yeah. The fishing hook is for our time together at the cabin. And the words… Well, I know it’s not exactly what your father said to you. I couldn’t fit them all, but I figured this was just as good.” I pause, still trying to gauge his reaction. “It’s my first one. I’ve never carved leather before. After I found the right tools it turned out to be easier than I thought. And the fishing hook was easy, too.” I cut my hand through the air. “Anyway, you don’t have to wear it at all. You can just keep it with you, or at your house, or…wherever.” I clear my throat.
Lord, I sound like a blabbering fool.
“I wanted you to have something of your dad and well, me too, and maybe—”
My useless words are cut off with a gasp as he scoops me up off my feet again and turns me to pin me against the wall next to us. My legs automatically wrap around his waist, as if they were made to fit in that spot alone. He watches me for a moment, his gaze penetrating, harboring an emotion I can’t name. Then, ever so slowly, his mouth descends on mine, and he kisses me in a way that I’ve never been kissed before.
Not even by him.
His soft, wet tongue meets mine in a sensual dance of love and adoration, with a strong degree of deep appreciation.
After he’s kissed me thoroughly, he reluctantly lifts his mouth from mine, allowing me to catch my breath. “Does that mean you like it?” I ask, completely breathless, craving more of that kiss.
He chuckles but it dies quickly on his lips before his expression turns somber. “Yeah, baby. I love it. No one has ever given me anything like this before.”
Warmth invades my chest and I smile. “Really?”
His forehead gently drops to mine, eyes falling closed. “Yeah, really.”
“Good. I’m glad. I noticed you don’t wear anything other than a watch, so it’s okay if you don’t want to wear it. I just—”
He cuts me off with another kiss, this one more demanding.
“I want to wear it.”
Placing me back on my feet, he hands me the wristband, allowing me to put it on him. Once the hook is in place I stare down at it, feeling a surge of pride at how good it looks on him and how much he really likes it.
“It’s pretty badass, huh?” I say, releasing his wrist.
He laughs and swoops in, claiming my lips with yet another fiery kiss. “Major badass.”
I giggle but it turns into a moan when his tongue sweeps in, tangling hungrily with mine.
With a growl he pulls away—much too soon—then takes my hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here before I lift up this sexy dress of yours and fuck you senseless.”
Oh God.
The thought has heat exploding throughout my body, my cheeks flushing at his raw declaration.
Grayson looks over his shoulder, tossing me that sexy grin of his. “Later, baby. I promise.”
We arrive at Tucker’s a half hour later and find it packed. The local watering hole is secluded, located just on the edge of town off I-40, but it stays fairly busy. It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Tania and I had some good times at this place, dancing and drinking the night away. More dancing for me, since I don’t like to drink too much.
Well, there was that time we both had so much to drink that Pap had to come pick us up and drive us home.
That was shortly after I found out about Clint, and Tania took me out to help me forget. She got the job done because I made it to the point where I couldn’t even remember my own name.
Grayson and I walk hand in hand as we weave our way through the crowded bar. A lot of guys he went to school with are here. They clap him on the back before offering me a friendly hello.
My stomach sinks with dread when I spot Mandy Whitmore, Grayson’s ex, at the other end of the bar, glaring at me.
She and I have never cared for each other, but since finding out she was one of the girls Clint slept with behind my back, I really don’t like her.
Grayson pulls me from the depressing thought, pointing toward Tania and Terrell who are sitting at a table on the other side of the room. They’re both laughing and chatting it up with the owner, Tucker Reeves. It brings a smile to my face to see how at ease they are. Ever since that last day at the courthouse, I’ve found a small sense of unity has been restored to our town, and there’s a semblance of peace among the people who live here as well.
Not all, but some.
And well…that’s a start.
“Hey, there they are,” Terrell hollers as we approach the table. “Took you two long enough. What were you doin’ that made you late?” He gives a suggestive grin.
I roll my eyes and Tania slaps him on the shoulder. “Oh, shush it.” Standing, she wraps me in a hug. “Hey, girl.”
I greet her back then turn to give Tucker a hug, too. “Hi, Tucker.”
“Miss Olivia.” He embraces me so tight I have a hard time breathing. “You look like you’re doin’ well, darlin’.”
I smile up at him. “I am, thank you.”
He greets Grayson with a handshake then takes our drink order. I sit in the chair across from Tania and Grayson takes the one across from Terrell. But as soon as I lean forward to speak my chair scrapes across the floor, moving several inches until I’m flush against Grayson’s side. He moves in close, bringing his mouth to my ear. “Better. I don’t like you so far away. I need to be able to feel you…always.”
His words send my heart into a heated frenzy, and his need to feel me so close to him brings a satisfied smile to my lips. His large hand settles between my legs, high on my thigh, distributing additional warmth through my blood. As our drinks are delivered, he turns his attention back to Terrell and starts talking about football. His thumb is brushing small circles on the inside of my leg, completely short-circuiting my brain.
With my cheeks flushed, I look across the table and find Tania shaking her head, stifling a laugh.
“The place is packed tonight, it’s like a damn high school reunion up in here,” she says. “Well for Grayson and T anyway.”
“I noticed.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to bring up Mandy, but I don’t, not wanting her presence here to interfere with our night.
Tania leans in closer. “Check it out. Four o’clock.”
I discreetly glance to the right and see Jay Maxwell leaning against the bar, gazing at Tania, his eyes full of need.
“Girl, he totally wants me, right?”
Amused, I look back at her. “Definitely, he’s been chasing you for months now. Are you finally going to put the man out of his misery?”
Jay went to school with Grayson and Terrell. He’s asked Tania out at least a dozen times but she never gives him a straight answer. I don’t know why because it’s obvious she likes him.
She shrugs. “Maybe someday.”
We both burst out laughing.
“Someday what?” Terrell asks.
“Nothing.” We both reply in unison.
He’s crazy protective over her; no doubt he would go all big brother if we told him his former teammate has been asking his sister out.
Terrell points at the leather band wrapped around Grayson’s wrist. “What the hell is that?”
Grayson takes a pull from his bottle of beer. “What the hell does it look like?” he fires back.
“Since when do you wear stuff like that?”
“Since my girl made it for me.” His hand gives my thigh a gentle squeeze before he removes it to take off the band to show Terrell the inscription.
Terrell looks over at me, impressed. “You made this for him?”
I shift, feeling uncomfortable. “Yeah.”
“It’s badass. Where the hell is mine?”
I chuckle. “You want one?”
“Damn right I do. And I want it to say, ‘Mack Truck’ Johnson kicks ass.”
Grayson grunts while Tania and I burst into another fit of laughter as he reminds us of his nickname from high school.
“All right, you’re next. I’ll get started this weekend.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He sits back with a pleased grin, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
Shaking my head with a smile, I stand. “I’ll be back, I need to use the ladies’ room.”
“I’ll come.”
As Tania jumps from her chair, Grayson encircles my wrist and tugs me down. “Kiss me first,” he demands, setting that flock of butterflies loose in my tummy.
Sometimes I really like it when he’s bossy.
I brush my lips softly across his but his hand curls around my neck, hauling me in for a knee-weakening kiss. By the time he releases me, I’m unsteady on my feet and completely lost in a haze of desire.
“Hurry back,” he says with a smirk, knowing exactly what he just did to me.
I can only manage a nod before I turn to trail behind Tania, still trying to get my bearings.
“Girl, you got it bad.” She laughs, slowing down to throw an arm around my shoulder.
I don’t bother to deny it because it’s true. I have it bad for that man, and I’m not ashamed in the least by it.
Just before we make it to the restroom, Tania is tugged away from me. Turning back I see Jay has a hold of her arm, bringing her in close to him.
“Hey! Don’t be man-handling me like that?” she snaps, but it’s easy to see she’s not bothered by it at all.
I continue to the restroom, knowing she’s more than fine. If anything, Jay is exactly what my best friend needs. A strong-willed man to cut through her defenses.
After I use the facilities I walk out expecting to find Tania, but come face-to-face with Mandy instead. She leans against the sink with her hip cocked, staring daggers into the side of my head.
Ignoring her, I move to the sink furthest away, feeling her eyes on me the entire time I wash my hands.
“What are you doing here with him?”
She doesn’t need to elaborate who he is because we both know she’s talking about Grayson.