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Death by Request
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 21:41

Текст книги "Death by Request"

Автор книги: Jaden Skye





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Текущая страница: 4 (всего у книги 12 страниц)

“All the blood, fingerprints, and evidence were collected for forensics?” Mattheus asked.

“Absolutely,” said Andy. “There were teams of cops down here for a long time inspecting the inside of the boat, collecting evidence and also looking over the front edge that rammed into her head.”

Cindy shuddered at the thought of it. Standing here she felt safe and secure. Had the accident been just a combination of unexpected circumstances, or something else, she wondered?

“How did the accident even happen?” Cindy asked, turning and looking directly at Andy, who seemed disturbed to be reliving all of this now.

“Accidents happen,” he mumbled. “People come and rent boats that are too powerful for them. There’s no way to know in advance. Things can start out fine and then suddenly the day gets cloudy, the water gets rough. Things change in a second and they can’t handle the situation. In Owen’s case a rough wind blew up from out of nowhere and tossed the wife off the boat. He tried like hell to save her, but couldn’t. His foot must have jammed on the motor trying to get the boat out of the way. The boat swerved right at her hitting her head.”

“Horrible,” breathed Cindy.

“Yeah,” Andy agreed. “Horrible for both of them. Owen lunged into the water and pulled her out, but it was too late. You could hear his shouts from miles around.”

“You heard him shouting?” Mattheus was interested.

“You better believe I did,” said Andy. “When conditions change suddenly sometimes there are accidents. It doesn’t happen often, thank God, but it does happen.”

“Not like this accident, though?” Cindy remarked.

“No two accidents are exactly the same,” Andy replied. “Look, these are the chances you take when you go out on the water. People get killed on land, too. Crossing a street can be dangerous, if you want to look at it that way. This was an accident, that’s all. No one’s questioned that.”

Cindy walked to the edge of the boat looking down at the sharp edge in front of it that had driven into Tara’s head.

“Where are you going? Come back from the edge!” Mattheus called to her.

But Cindy wanted to see for herself. She leaned over and saw a thin streak of blood was still etched into the wood.

“There’s still blood here too,” she called out to Andy, fascinated by the trail it made.

“I know, I know, we’re getting it all cleaned up,” he called back.

“Come back from the edge of the boat,” Mattheus came up close beside her.

Cindy liked it there, though, felt better able to get a sense of what Tara had been feeling.

“You didn’t notice them of them fighting or upset, did you?” Cindy asked, straightening up and still standing there.

“Absolutely not,” said Andy. “In fact, they seemed happy together. I noticed that.”

“There was no one else on the boat with them, ever?” Mattheus double checked.

“No, of course not,” said Andy. “It was their party for the day.”

“Their last party,” Cindy breathed.

“I’m sorry about it,” Andy responded. “If I could turn the clock back and make it come out differently, believe me, I would.”

“We all would,” said Mattheus. “Everyone wishes they could turn back the clock, at least a thousand times in a lifetime. Don’t worry, this is not your fault.”

Andy grimaced. “Of course it isn’t, no one ever said it was.”


After leaving Andy, Cindy and Mattheus were finally seated right at the edge of the water, having fried shrimp for lunch. It felt wonderful eating in the sun, having time to sort it all out.

“Looks like there’s no question about it, it was an accident,” Cindy said, enjoying every bite of the food.

“There’s always a question about everything,” Mattheus commented drinking down a cool lemonade. “I’ll check with forensics to see if Andy’s story holds.”

“Oh, come on,” Cindy objected. “If Owen wanted to kill Tara there would have been easier ways. The wind blew up suddenly, it happens.”

“Right,” said Mattheus, “we can blame the wind or we can ask why the guy rented such a powerful boat when he couldn’t really handle it.”

“He didn’t know the wind would blow up, he didn’t know he couldn’t handle the engine. The weather forecast that morning was for calm waters,” said Cindy, wanting the focus off Owen. “If a storm had been predicted, then we could wonder about it.”

Mattheus had to grudgingly agree. “I’m not entirely easy about Owen, though,” Mattheus finally commented.

“Why?” asked Cindy. “Because I’m so sure he’s innocent?”

“Because you were so sure so quickly,” Mattheus replied.

Cindy suddenly wondered if it was Mattheus’s old jealousy, rearing its head. Owen was handsome and dashing for sure. The two of them had taken a liking to one another. Was Mattheus simply reacting to that? Was it clouding his judgment?

“We’ll learn more when we check the hospital records and talk to the nurses,” Cindy went on. She wanted to focus off Owen, it was a distraction and a waste of time. “We have to find out exactly who visited Tara and all the medical personnel involved with her case.”

“Right,” Mattheus agreed. “And, we’ll get a good start tonight at the hospital party I told you about.”

The police had arranged for Cindy and Mattheus to attend a cocktail party at an expensive club in town. The hospital administrator and board of directors would be present and Cindy and Mattheus would get a chance to meet them all. The police must have figured that any questions Cindy and Mattheus had would be quickly put to rest that way.

“I’m looking forward to the party,” said Cindy.

“So am I,” said Mattheus as his phone suddenly rang. “Yes?” he picked it up abruptly and then grew silent. His face grew stiff as he listened to the person on the other end spoke. “Yes, I hear what you’re saying,” he replied.

“Who is it?” Cindy asked, perturbed by his reaction.

Mattheus held up his hand, not wanting to be distracted. “I’m sorry you feel that way,” he finally went on.

Cindy grew uneasy as the conversation continued. Obviously, Mattheus was disturbed by whatever was being said. Who was it? Was he going to be pulled into the grip of something that tore them apart again?

“I understand how you feel,” Mattheus suddenly said then, his eyes clouding over, “but I am not returning to Anguilla.”

Cindy felt her stomach clench. It had to be either his daughter or the mother, Petra, calling Mattheus back to them.

“Is there more trouble?” Cindy breathed loudly.

Mattheus shook his head no slowly and sadly, both to Cindy and the speaker on the phone.

“Listen,” he said finally to the caller, “my home is with Cindy, wherever we are. Yes, I’m positive, there’s no question about it.”

Cindy’s heart started beating intensely. Mattheus was positive he belonged with her, was making a clear declaration.

“Let me repeat it,” he replied clearly again on the phone, “Cindy is my family now. I am not going back to you and your mother. I care for you, I want the best for you, but Cindy and I are together.”

Mattheus hung up the phone looking wiped out.

“Was that your daughter?” asked Cindy.

Mattheus nodded yes, slowly. “She wants me to live with her and her mother forever. She said I went away once and can’t go again.”

A wave of sorrow and bitterness engulfed Cindy. “I’m so sorry, Mattheus,” she said.

“It’s hard, it’s sad,” said Mattheus, “but I’ve made my decision.” He reached out for Cindy and took her hands. “I’ll certainly visit her from time to time, but you’re the one I love. It’s you I am building my life with now.”

Chapter 7

Cindy slipped on a short, black, sleeveless cocktail dress. Then she piled her hair up on her head and put on long, silver earrings and high heeled, strappy sandals for the party at the club tonight. It felt good changing into something different, shaking up her usual look.

When she walked out into the main room to go, Mattheus stared at her in amazement.

“Excuse me, who is this?” he asked, grinning, unable to tear his eyes away. “You’re breathtaking if you don’t mind my saying so. You look like a model who stepped off the cover of a top fashion magazine.”

Cindy didn’t mind his saying so at all, In fact she enjoyed Mattheus’s reaction, loved having him see the many different aspects of her. “Just dressing for the occasion tonight,” she quipped lightly.

“Well, we have to have many more occasions like this. I feel like I’m going out with a brand new person.”

“It’s still me,” Cindy laughed softly.

“Not that who you were wasn’t wonderful also,” Mattheus quickly filled in.

“Well, that’s a good thing to hear,” Cindy murmured as she reached for her little silver evening bag. “It’s good to shake things up a bit and see what comes of it. We’ll get more information out of the people we meet tonight that way, too.”

Mattheus walked over and put his arm around Cindy. “Information or no information,” he said, “I’m thrilled to be your date for the night.”

“Is that all you are, my date for the night?” Cindy played coy.

“I’m your date for tonight and every night, forever more, from here on in,” Mattheus grew emotional.

Cindy was thrilled to hear it, but didn’t want to go into it further then. Despite the dazzling club they were going to, they had to remember what they were going there for.


The Scopus Club, one of the most elegant clubs in Jamaica was situated behind bright lights, overlooking the city. A trendy, expensive, well known night spot, it attracted tourists from all over the world. Along with Reggae music, dancing and dinner there were rooms upstairs for private parties as well.

As soon as they arrived Cindy and Mattheus were greeted by a valet at the door and immediately ushered upstairs to the Flamingo room on the second floor. The yearly party for the Ranges Hospital was being held there.

The Flamingo room which was full by now was decorated to the hilt with huge bouquets of flowers, buffet tables of food and live music playing. A well dressed, elegant crowd milled around, talking to one another, congratulating each other and generally enjoying the evening. As soon as Cindy and Mattheus entered, a tall, attractive, well dressed Jamaican man in his mid-forties walked over. He appeared to be on the lookout for them.

“Cindy and Mattheus?” the Jamaican man said, glancing approvingly at Cindy. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Konrad Dalskin, hospital administrator.”

“Thank you for having us here with you,” Mattheus replied.

“Of course,” Konrad said pleasantly. “You chose a perfect time to come to town. This is our yearly party, a time to thank and honor those who’ve contributed to making the Ranges Hospital the wonderful, well known medical facility it is.”

“I’m pleased to hear that,” said Mattheus as Cindy looked Konrad overly closely. He was definitely an impressive figure, both his voice and demeanor commanded attention.

“The Board of Directors are seated at the table over near the window,” Konrad continued, “I’ll see to it that you are introduced to them all. We’ll also be having speeches tonight and good press coverage. It’s an important occasion.”

“Thanks for including us,” Mattheus seemed impressed.

Cindy wasn’t impressed though. The party was clearly a PR event, a way to garner public opinion and raise funds. She didn’t guess that this wouldn’t be the time or place to speak to any of the guests about Tara’s death.

“Will some of the nurses be present?” Cindy asked, just to make certain.

“No, of course not,” Konrad smiled, a bit condescendingly. “Why do you ask?”

“I wanted to speak to them as well,” she said.

Konrad’s face wrinkled. “You can speak to them at the hospital, if you care to. They’re always available, we’re not hiding anything.”

“Thank you,” said Mattheus.

Cindy wondered why Konrad would even have that idea. She’d never said anything about their hiding anything.

Konrad turned to Mattheus then. “When the boating accident took place it was on the front pages of the news for days. It was a relief when people finally began to forget about the unfortunate patient laying in a coma in our hospital, waiting to die. This isn’t exactly the kind of news tourists want to read about when they’re down in Jamaica on vacation.”

“No, of course it isn’t,” said Mattheus, siding with Konrad and currying favor.

“Finally, she passed. We thought it was over and now this!” Konrad seemed exasperated. “As soon as Owen was arrested for euthanasia the story flared full force again and the reporters are now on it double time. We don’t need this kind of publicity. It doesn’t sit well with anyone, the public or the private donors that keep our hospital going.”

“I can certainly understand that,” said Mattheus.

“So many questions erupting now about the way Tara died,” Konrad muttered.

“Difficult,” murmured Mattheus, trying to egg him on.

“The sooner the case is closed, the better for us,” Konrad insisted. “What else do you need to finish it up?”

Clearly, Konrad thought that Cindy and Mattheus were working with the police and would be able to get hold of some evidence the police didn’t have.

“We were brought down to Jamaica by Owen,” Mattheus told Konrad frankly. Mattheus never let half-truths or mistaken impressions linger. Cindy never failed to be proud of Mattheus’s honesty.

Konrad looked taken aback. “Oh, I didn’t know that,” he murmured. “I thought the police brought you in to nail the case shut.”

“No, we were hired by Owen,” Mattheus repeated.

“So, the two of you are working for the devil?” A little smile playing around the edges of Konrad’s mouth.

“What do you mean by that, exactly?” Mattheus bristled. “How is Owen the devil?”

“The guy’s super rich, super slick, super hungry, super, super everything,” Konrad grumbled. “I know a type when I see it.”

“You know Owen personally?” Cindy intervened. Konrad had a way about him that put her off.

“I just know him from the time he and his wife have been here in the hospital,” Konrad said, “he never left her room for a minute.”

“That sounds like a good thing to me,” said Cindy.

“Sounds like it, doesn’t it?” Konrad echoed back, “but the police don’t think so. They arrested him anyway.”

Cindy felt protective of Owen. “There’s no direct evidence linking him to the lethal substance though, is there?” she asked.

“Whoah there, wait a minute,” Konrad became flustered. “Don’t go throwing words like that around. Yes, they found toxic substances in the patient’s system, but who says it came from a lethal substance in her IV? There’s no direct proof of that either.”

“That’s right,” Mattheus chimed in. Mattheus obviously didn’t want to break the bond he was forming with Konrad.

“But there’s no direct proof that Owen did it either,” Cindy took another tack.

“Not yet, but I’d hoped there would be,” Konrad took a step back, examining Cindy adversaraily. “Actually, I thought that’s why you guys came down.”

“We came down to find out who killed Tara,” Cindy remarked in a clipped tone.

“That’s easy enough, isn’t it?” said Konrad. “The boat accident did it. The hospital just kept her alive.”

Cindy wouldn’t let him slide out of it so easily, though. “The patient’s life did not end naturally, there were lethal substances found in her system.”

“It was only a matter of time anyway,” Konrad murmured to Cindy, taking a step closer to her.

“And someone took time into their own hands,” Mattheus intervened. “According to the law -.”

Konrad interrupted him swiftly. “I know all about the law,” he proclaimed, “in fact I’m in charge of running this hospital and observing all of them.” Then he spotted someone at the Board of Directors Table and waved to him. “Please excuse me, I have to speak to everyone here tonight.” Konrad walked away then abruptly, leaving Cindy and Mattheus alone in the middle of the room.

“What was that?” asked Cindy, feeling as though a whirlwind had blown around her.

“It’s a guy doing what a hospital administrator does,” said Mattheus, “protecting his hospital’s reputation.”

“Could it be there’s a cover up at the hospital?” Cindy remarked tartly.

“Could be a million things,” said Mattheus. “but I don’t think we’ll find out much tonight. From the looks of the schedule, we’re in for a long, boring night.”

Cindy smiled. “We could slip away, go downstairs and get lost dancing with the crowd below.”

Mattheus grinned for a moment. “Love to do that,” he said, “but it’s going to be useful to sit through some of these speeches and hear more about the hospital’s operation.”

“We’re just going to hear people patting each other on the back,” said Cindy. “We won’t hear a word about what happened to Tara at the end of her life.”

Mattheus looked at Cindy oddly. “Of course we won’t. Why would anyone talk about euthanasia on a beautiful night like this?”


Cindy and Mattheus sat at a small table together in the center of the room right in front of the podium. One speaker after another, stepped up to speak of the wonderful advances the

Ranges Hospital had made and the unique service it offered to the island. Wealthy, beautifully dressed investors, seated on tables around the room, drank champagne and smiled at one another. An elderly man and his wife at the table with Cindy and Mattheus nodded and applauded at whatever was said.

“Lovely hospital,” Mattheus said to them.

“Couldn’t be better,” the elderly gentleman replied. “We adore having it here waiting when we visit. Worth every penny we donate to it.”

Mattheus smiled back graciously, as a short, slender Jamaican man slipped over to their table and stood behind him.

“Hi,” the slender man whispered to Mattheus, “my name is Todd.”

Mattheus turned around and looked at him. “Hi, Todd, grab a chair and join us, if you like.”

“No, no,” Todd seemed nervous.

“What can I do for you?” Mattheus asked.

“I’d like to sit down, but I can’t,” said Todd.

Mattheus and Cindy rose to speak to him.

“I’m Konrad’s assistant,” Todd said in a hushed tone. “I know who you are. Konrad told me he was expecting you.”

“C and M Investigations,” Cindy murmured.

“I’d like to meet the two of you later on,” Todd smiled feebly. He had lovely eyes which darted back and forth as he spoke.

“Of course,” said Cindy, taking her card from her evening bag. “Here’s our card, get in touch with us as soon as you can.”

Todd grabbed her card and stuffed it in his pocket. “Definitely, definitely,” he said under his breath and scuttled away.


After giving Todd her card, Cindy wanted to leave. The speeches blurred into one another as did the people who were making them.

“I think all in all, we came to meet Todd,” she finally said to Mattheus. “He’s got something to tell us. The rest of it is a formality only, a waste of time.”

“We’ll see,” said Mattheus, “you never know. An important piece of information can pop up anywhere.”

“Come on, let’s go,” Cindy was feeling restless.

“We’ll go in a few minutes,” Mattheus agreed. “We can’t just walk out in the middle. It will look odd.”

“We’re not here to make an impression, we’re here to solve a crime,” Cindy felt irritated. “I want to get back so I can get up early, get to the hospital and talk to the nurses. That’s where our answers will lay.”

“You can talk to the nurses in the morning,” said Mattheus, “I’m going to spend time checking into how the hospital’s run, find out about its funding and get to know Konrad.”

“You won’t get anything from Konrad, ever,” said Cindy. She felt bitter about him, didn’t like him. “If anything, he’ll only lead us astray.”

“That’s a strange thing to say,” said Mattheus. “You’re making lots of snap judgments these days.”

Cindy realized that Mattheus was right. But snap judgment or not, she had a strong feeling that Konrad had no intention of helping them, was nothing like what he seemed.


Cindy felt strangely restless when they returned to the hotel. Even though it was quite late she couldn’t fall asleep. All kinds of thoughts and images rose in her mind and then drifted away. Everything at that hospital party was so slick and formal, Cindy was sure that if they knew it, the truth about what happened To Tara had been carefully buried away. Cindy was also struck with the fact that Konrad never once mentioned that he felt badly about what had happened to Tara. That simple fact might have been irrelevant, but Cindy was bothered by it.

Cindy got up of bed then and started pacing, trying to figure out what was upsetting her so.

“Stop,” Mattheus urged, as she got up. “Slow down, take it easy, tomorrow’s another day.”

Cindy walked out onto the balcony and let the dark night surround her. Something didn’t fit, and she wasn’t sure what it was. She mulled about it and realized that she didn’t know much about Tara yet, or Owen either, for that matter. Had Tara and Owen had a sudden fight that pushed her over the edge? How could Cindy be sure that Tara didn’t jump off the boat and swim into the front of it herself? Was she sick of life? Could it have been suicide? Did Tara want to die?”

Mattheus came out and stood at the edge of the balcony. “Come back to bed,” he said quietly.

“We don’t know much of anything about Tara yet, or Owen either,” Cindy replied.

“We have time to find out more about them later,” he said.

“Who knows how much time we really have?” Cindy responded. “Time is crazy, you think you have tons of it, and suddenly it disappears, no time left at all.”

“Cindy,” Mattheus walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “This isn’t about Tara, you’re reacting to your sister’s death now.”

“Well, if I am that’s not a bad thing, is it?” said Cindy, startled by Mattheus’s reply. “Maybe Ann’s death had made me more vigilant.”

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing,” said Mattheus, “but for now, it makes sense to rest. Pacing on the balcony isn’t going to give you more time. You can research Tara tomorrow.”

But Cindy couldn’t rest even if she wanted to. “I need to find out more about her tonight. I feel restless.”

“I see that,” said Mattheus.

“All of a sudden I started to wonder if Tara didn’t take her own life?” Cindy continued.

Mattheus was silent a moment. “Where did that thought come from?” he responded. “There’s no evidence of it.”

“But there’s also no evidence that she didn’t kill herself,” Cindy replied. She felt the pulse in her wrists pounding.

“If Tara committed suicide or even threatened to, Owen would have mentioned it,” Mattheus replied quickly. “It would have been a perfect out for him.”

“Not necessarily,” said Cindy. “Maybe Owen was horrified by it, maybe he was ashamed. He wants everyone to think he had the perfect marriage.”

“Or someone in Tara’s family would have mentioned that she was depressed,” Mattheus continued.

“I wouldn’t count on that,” Cindy retorted. “Did you see how depressed her brother Hank was? He didn’t seem normal.”

“That has nothing to do with Tara’s state of mind,” Mattheus was becoming uneasy.

“It could be that mental illness runs in the family,” said Cindy.

“Cindy, what’s going on? You’re all over the place,” Mattheus exclaimed. “This isn’t like you. You usually stick to the facts, stay on focus.”

“But I’m feeling there’s much more to this than we realize,” Cindy cried out.

Okay,” Mattheus’s voice grew low and soothing. “Sit down here on the balcony. I’ll bring out your computer and you can start researching. It will calm you down.”


Cindy was relieved to be out there alone with the computer, digging into the details of Tara’s life. First she turned to Tara’s Facebook page, which was open to the public. Tara stared out at Cindy from her page, almost as if she were there with her right now. Cindy stared back at her. Tara was a beautiful woman, in her early forties with smooth skin, long sand colored hair and large, hazel eyes. Her page was filled with friends, who seemed to resemble her in many ways. Obviously, she ran in a circle of solid companions. There were also pictures of her and Owen on the page, looking happy and well suited. To Cindy’s surprise, there were no pictures of Tara’s family to be found anywhere. There were some photos of volunteer work Tara did with orphans, though. Seems like she and Owen supported an orphanage and there were pictures of her with the children.

Cindy read the messages that lined her pages. Most were about plans for lunches, dinners, parties and sailing.

Tara, you’re a hidden angel, one of her friends commented on her page. Nobody knows the truly amazing work you do. No one appreciates it either.

No one appreciates it? Cindy took note. What about Owen? What did that message imply? Cindy kept scrolling and scanning. She also checked other sites looking for more information about Tara.

Incredible, silent philanthropist, one article about her online proclaimed. Tara Danden works under the radar to help children and families whose lives have been torn apart. Married to wealthy entrepreneur and investor Owen Danden, Tara sees to it that those less fortunate are cared for. She hosts charity luncheons and dinners regularly to benefit the Grassen Orphanage.

Cindy was suddenly struck with sadness for her. She also realized that no mention had been made anywhere of whether or not Tara had any children of her own. Cindy suddenly wondered if she and Owen had lost a child in the past? Was this why they were so intent on helping other children? Cindy looked further to see if there was any mention of Tara and Owen’s personal family. There wasn’t.

Cindy pushed her chair back from the table she was working at and ran her hands over her face. It was late and she felt exhausted. From what she’d found so far there was no reason to think that Tara had committed suicide. She didn’t seem impulsive, depressed or lonely. Cindy paused, took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. She wondered what had gripped her so fiercely about Tara, why she hadn’t been able to rest. Mattheus was right, it was time to go inside now and sleep. She’d have better perspective in the morning. Tomorrow was another day.

Chapter 8

First thing the next morning after breakfast, Mattheus decided to go down to the police station and research the Ranges Hospital. Cindy, feeling more rested and clear, decided to go straight back to the hospital and talk to the nurses who knew Tara and had cared for her.

“Good plan,” said Mattheus, relieved that Cindy was more like herself. “Take it slow,” he urged as they parted for the day.

Cindy reached out and gave Mattheus a hug before leaving.

“Boy, does that feels good,” he said, smiling. “I love when you’re affectionate like this, means the world to me.”

I love you, Mattheus and always will, Cindy wanted to say, but stayed quiet. It wasn’t time yet, close but not quite there. Cindy felt warm and safe with Mattheus though, as if life had spun on an axis and was bringing them closer with each day.


As soon as Cindy entered the Ranges Hospital she felt strange once again, as if she were going to a rest home hidden away on the hills. The elegant beauty the hospital exuded, being perched on top of a cliff with exquisite views of the ocean and sky made it seem as though illness and suffering could never find a way inside.

Cindy went straight up to the third floor, wanted to go back to Tara’s room. After she got out of the elevator, before she went any further though, she had to stop at the main desk. Cindy introduced herself to the young woman stationed there, told her where she was headed and asked to speak to Alana, the nurse who’d been in charge of Tara’s care.

“Oh, Alana,” the woman at the desk hesitated, “let me call the head nurse and she’ll help you.” The young woman quickly picked up the phone. “Cindy Blaine here to see Alana,” she said, then got quiet and listened. “The head nurse will be here to help you in just a second,” she finally said to Cindy as she put down the phone.

“Not the head nurse, I want to speak to Alana,” said Cindy, “the nurse in charge of Tara Danden’s case.”

But just as soon as Cindy finished speaking, a tall, well groomed, Jamaican woman walked swiftly to the desk.

“How do you do Ms. Blaine,” the woman professionally extended her hand. “I am the head nurse on the unit, Beatrice Flann. All of us here have heard a great deal about C and M Investigations.”

“Thank you,” said Cindy. “I was actually asking to see Alana, the nurse in charge of Tara Danden’s case.”

“We heard that Owen Danden hired you,” Beatrice went on, completing ignoring Cindy’s comment.

“Yes,” said Cindy, wondering what was going on.

“Please come with me,” Beatrice nodded crisply to Cindy, glancing quickly at the young woman at the desk who was openly staring at them, listening to every word.

As Cindy walked with Beatrice down the hall she looked to the side and noticed a beautiful lounge for guests, filled with plants and colorful paintings.

“This is an incredible hospital,” Cindy commented as they moved along.

“Yes, indeed,” Beatrice replied, “the facility is exquisite. But the gossip that goes on can be overwhelming, especially after something like this.”

“After something like Tara’s death?” Cindy asked plainly.

“Yes, of course,” Beatrice glanced at Cindy bitterly. “What else are we talking about? Why else are you visiting?”

“Is euthanasia a rare event at your hospital?” Cindy decided to plunge right in.

Beatrice seemed to take exception to that. “I beg your pardon?” she asked, suddenly standing still, her voice growing brittle. “It depends, of course, what you mean by euthanasia. Some patients leave directives in their wills requesting no further treatment in the event of a coma. That is not considered euthanasia.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” Cindy said softly. “Perhaps I didn’t phrase it correctly.”

“No, you phrased it perfectly,” Beatrice started walking again. “We’ll talk more about it in my private office,” she said as they approached a door that was locked. Beatrice took out a big silver key, turned it hard and let Cindy in.

The office was oddly narrow and dimly lit. Situated between two outdoor boulders, there was a view only of the dark side of a hill. Beatrice sat down behind her desk and motioned to Cindy to a chair opposite her, making sure the meeting had an entirely professional tone.

“We do have to be careful of how we speak in public,” Beatrice repeated. “As I said it’s easy to be overheard and have one’s words distorted. Rumors can fly like poison arrows all over the place.”

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