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Dark reckoning
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 18:03

Текст книги "Dark reckoning"

Автор книги: J. E. Taylor





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Текущая страница: 12 (всего у книги 17 страниц)

Finally, she looked up.

“You’re back already?” She removed the earphones.

“You didn’t even look up when I came in. That’s not smart, Jen. You always should be aware of your surroundings.”

“I’m studying.”

“What if it wasn’t me?” He took a seat across from her.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Who else would it be?”

“Sometimes you can be so naïve,” he said. “This is an apartment building. The front doors are open during the day. Anyone can walk in. Anyone.”

“So?” she replied with a shrug.

“Look, I know you think this place is safe, but it isn’t. My first bust was a serial rapist.”

Jennifer raised her eyebrows.

“At Yale.” His eyes bore into her. “A college campus. Now, I understand your apartment isn’t on campus, but the security here is just as lax as most of those dorms were.”

“But the door automatically locks when you shut it.”

Steve hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “That lock is a cinch to pick. The deadbolt is a different story. You should have that engaged whenever you’re here alone and when you leave the apartment.”

Jennifer pursed her lips and mimicked Steve. “I should have the dead-bolt engaged.”

“I’m serious, Jennifer!”

She smirked and nodded. “I know.”

“You’re incorrigible.” He shook his head and crossed to the slider, scanning the view before turning back to her. “Do you ever use the deadbolt?”

Jennifer turned and shook her head.

“Not smart, babe,” he said. “I would hate like hell to see you get hurt like those girls did. They all thought it was safe where they were too.”

“That’s New Haven. This is Brooksfield, New Hampshire,” Jennifer scoffed.

“And the nice man who raped thirty four women was from some little unknown place in Pennsylvania, smaller than Brooksfield, as a matter of fact,” he snapped. “It doesn’t matter where you are. There are psychos everywhere. You could at least flip the deadbolt when you’re alone and lock it when you leave.”

* * * *

I’m more concerned about what may be in this apartment. Jennifer glanced at the hallway leading to the bedrooms and then at the door. The idea of the dead bolt preventing her from getting away from the thing in the closet was more unnerving.

She returned her attention to Steve and nodded.

“Promise?” he asked.

“Promise,” she agreed.

Steve nodded. “I’m going to go take a nap on the balcony.”

Jennifer watched him for a while and then went back to reading the textbook. By the time the clock read three, she had finished most of her work.

Tracy waltzed in from her classes, lugging her backpack and juggling extra textbooks. “Where’s Steve?” she asked, looking around. “I saw his car.”

“Out here,” he called.

“I’m studying, he’s relaxing.” Jennifer rolled her eyes.

“Must be nice,” Tracy replied.

Steve walked into the living room, grabbing a soda from the refrigerator behind the bar. “I’m cooking dinner tonight. Is Bill coming over?” he asked.

“You’re cooking?” Tracy asked.

“Yes. Is Bill coming over?” he asked again.

“Nah, he has prep to do for initiation tomorrow night.” She shrugged. “I’m surprised you’re here with all that going on.”

Steve glanced at Jennifer. “I’d much rather be here with Jen.”

“Ah, if only I could find a love like that,” Tracy said in a mocking tone. “He cooks, he dotes on you and my, my, my, he is just delicious to look at.”

Steve laughed. “So, it’s just the three of us.”

“Ménage a trois?” Tracy asked raising an eyebrow and licking her lips suggestively.

“No thanks,” Steve replied before Jennifer could admonish her friend.

“I thought that was every man’s fantasy.”

“I’ve only got one fantasy and she’s sitting right there.” Steve pointed at Jennifer.

“God Jen, he is just too good to be true.” Tracy plopped herself on the couch and flipped the television on.

“Soap opera?” Steve gawked at the television as Jennifer closed her books and leaned back to watch the program. “Ah,” he grumbled and went back out on the balcony.

Jennifer exchanged a grin with Tracy.

“He isn’t perfect after all.”

“Close to it, though,” Jennifer said, and glanced over her shoulder. “And I am going to marry him someday.”

Tracy grinned. “Will I be the maid of honor?”

“Absolutely. I promise to pick out the most hideous bridesmaid dress just for you.”

Tracy giggled. “Teal…or, better yet, pumpkin-colored, right?”

“Oh don’t make me gag,” Jennifer giggled along with her friend.

Jennifer and Tracy settled in to watch the soap opera and Steve disappeared into the kitchen to begin preparations for dinner.

Delectable scents wafted from the kitchen and Jennifer and Tracy exchanged a look, both hopping to their feet and heading into the kitchen. A red sauce bubbled on the stove and the scent of fresh roasted garlic filled the air along with warm Italian bread.

“Out.” He shooed them away. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.” He closed the door on both of their questioning eyes.

Jennifer stared at the kitchen door, surprised. “How am I supposed to learn to cook?” She turned her arched eyebrows in Tracy’s direction.

“Why would you want to with a man like him?” Tracy grabbed two wine coolers from the bar, handing one to Jennifer and heading onto the balcony. She took a long draw on the drink, draining half of it. “Seriously, Jen. He is really wonderful.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Jennifer said and took a liberal sip of the cooler. “I’m so in love with that man I can’t think straight when he’s around.”

“Is he as good in bed as he is with everything else?”

Jennifer blushed. “Tracy…”


Jennifer tried not to smile. “Come on,” she let out a little laugh.

“Is he?”

“Yes, amazing, now stop.”

“You have to give me details,” Tracy said, finishing her drink.

“That’s just crude.”

“I want to live vicariously through you at this moment, so give me details.”

“No. Besides, you have Billy.”

Tracy let out a sarcastic humph.

“You do have Billy, right?”

“I don’t know, Jen. He’s been acting downright weird lately. First, he doesn’t seem interested, then he’s all over me and back again. I’m getting sick of his hot and cold behavior. Nothing is going to ever come out of the relationship anyway. We never talked about marriage, ever. I’m just an easy lay for him,” Tracy said, getting up and disappearing. Seconds later, she returned with two more wine coolers. “And he’s just a substitute for a vibrator for me at this point. And a bad one at that.” She opened the cooler.

“I’m sorry,” Jennifer said, cracking her second drink open.

“Don’t be. At least I realized he was a shmuck now.” She looked at Jennifer. “So tell me about him.” She pointed her thumb toward the kitchen.

“He can make me hot just with a look,” Jennifer admitted. “And when he touches me, oh my God Tracy, it’s like my skin’s on fire.”

“His smile could make any woman hot.”

“Yeah, well, getting that caught up isn’t always a good thing. We both have forgotten protection more than once.”


“Haven’t you ever been that swept away?”

She shook her head. “Never.”

“It’s kind of scary,” Jennifer said glancing over at the kitchen entry. “I’d sell my soul to be in his arms for the rest of my life.”

Tracy shivered and shot a glance at the lake. “You don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do.” Jennifer finished the rest of the first cooler and started the second one. “Will you be our children’s godmother?” Jennifer asked, looking out at the lake.

Tracy didn’t respond at first. “I would be honored,” she said.

They sat in comfortable silence and drained their drinks.

Steve stepped onto the balcony a little while later and gave Jennifer a kiss. “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” he said. He glanced at Tracy. “Where’s the wine?”

Tracy got up and went into the kitchen with Steve, leaving Jennifer on the balcony to dissect the conversation. Tracy and Bill were having issues, which could explain his sudden intense interest. She huffed at the thought. It was much more than that and she knew it.

She couldn’t wait to be out of this town this weekend, but she’d never admit that to Steve. Just like him, she thought there was a connection and time was ticking.

Tracy stepped back onto the deck. “How come you always get the good ones?” she mumbled and sat next to Jennifer.

“You’ll meet Mr. Right someday.”

“I hope so,” Tracy said, finishing her drink.

Steve poked his head out. “Dinner is served.” He bowed graciously and led them into the kitchen, helping them with their chairs before taking the seat at the head of the table.

The presentation of the meal was restaurant quality. A chicken parmesan cutlet sat in the center of each plate, surrounded by angel hair pasta drizzled in sauce. In the center of each cutlet was a small sprig of parsley. Even the salad was fancy with sliced tomatoes, shredded carrots and fancy cut cucumber in the shape of a rose in the center of the bed of mixed greens. The loaf of toasted Italian bread graced the center of the table, surrounded with roasted garlic halves strategically placed around the slices.

“I’m impressed.” Tracy looked at the spread before her. “Very impressed.”

He filled each of their glasses with the wine, graciously accepting the praise. “Thanks,” he said placing the bottle on the table.

Jennifer took a bite. “This is delicious!”

Tracy swallowed her first bite. “Oh my God, this is heaven.”

Steve smiled. “Glad you like it.”

“If you don’t marry him, I will,” Tracy said to Jennifer.

Steve laughed and dug into his food.

“You’re a law major, right?” Tracy asked as she washed down her food with the wine.

Steve nodded, glancing at Jennifer. “Yes.”

“What’s your concentration?”

“Criminal law.”

“Defense attorney?” she asked curiously.

Steve shook his head. “No, I want to put criminals away.” Dimples appeared in his left cheek as a partial smile surfaced.

Tracy glanced at him. “Really?”

“Yes,” Steve said, shooting a quick smile Tracy’s way.

“Have you ever broken the law?” Tracy asked.

Jennifer laughed and both pairs of eyes swung in her direction.

“As a matter of fact, I did when I was younger, quite a few times,” he replied, keeping eye contact with Jennifer.

“What’d you do?” Jennifer asked surprised that he had had any trouble with the law.

He grinned and leaned back with his wine. “I never said I got caught.”

Tracy laughed. “Oooo, and he has a dark side to,” she said to Jennifer.

“What did you do that was against the law?” Jennifer asked.

“I wasn’t a saint in high school.”

“What’d you do?” Tracy asked.

Steve shrugged but kept quiet.

“Come on, you can tell us,” Tracy pried.

Steve narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. “Aren’t you on the school paper?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I’m not telling a reporter about my indiscretions.” He grinned. “I can just see the headline now.”

Tracy laughed. “Off the record then.”

Steve shook his head. “All you have on me is that I admitted to breaking the law a time or two. Hell, pouring that wine for you is against the law. You’re underage.”

Tracy raised her glass, swirled the wine around, and downed it. “More please?” She smiled sweetly.

Steve slid the bottle in her direction, but made no attempt to pour her another glass. His dimples deepened with his barely suppressed grin making both Tracy and Jennifer laugh.

“You really are a piece of work,” Tracy said, grabbing the bottle and filling her glass.

“I try.” He winked at Jennifer.

“So, have you spoken to any firms about an internship?” Tracy asked, continuing the line of questions.

“I never said I was going to be a lawyer,” Steve said, finishing his dinner and refilling his glass.

“But your concentration is criminal law?”

Steve nodded and sipped his wine.

“What else is there?” she asked.

“Law enforcement,” he said putting his glass down. “That interests me more than show boating in a courtroom.”

“But there’s no glamour in law enforcement.”

“I’m not interested in glamour or fame. I’m interested in justice.”

Tracy tilted her head, studying Steve. “You really are a white knight,” she said.

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“Ever shoot a gun?” Tracy asked, causing both Jennifer and Steve to blink in her direction.

“Yeah. My grandfather was a cop. He taught me to use a gun,” he replied. “You?” he asked Tracy.

“A hunting rifle,” she replied. “My dad took me on a hunting trip once. Holding a weapon that could kill in an instant was scary and thrilling at the same time.” She shrugged. “But I couldn’t shoot Bambi.”

Steve seemed to be sizing her up in that moment. “You don’t scare easily, do you?”

“Not particularly,” Tracy replied. “I like watching scary movies when I’m alone.”

“So, what scares you?” Steve turned the tables, digging.

“Things I can’t control,” she replied without hesitation.

“Doesn’t seem like there are a hell of a lot of things that would fall under that category? Be more specific,” he said, stroking her ego and questioning her at the same time.

“You know…things…,” Tracy said, shifting uncomfortably.

Steve glanced over his wine. “No I don’t know. Enlighten me.” He took a sip without breaking eye contact.

Tracy smiled. “Things that go bump in the night.”

Steve laughed and glanced at Jennifer. She sent him the evil eye, willing him to stop hoping the warning was clear. He took the cue and backed off. “I’ll have to remember that if I get up in the middle of the night.”

Tracy laughed. She took the last bite of the meal and stood, clearing the plates. “I’ll clean up.” She smiled over her shoulder. “You two go relax.”

“You sure?” Jennifer asked, bringing her plate to the sink.

“Yes. Go relax,” Tracy said.

Steve put his plate in the sink. “Thanks, Tracy.” He pulled Jennifer into the living room and onto the balcony, wrapping his arms around her. “What was the warning glance all about?” he whispered in her ear before sucking her ear lobe.

“You were interrogating her.”

“So? She was interviewing me.”

“She isn’t a suspect. Don’t treat her like one.” Jennifer kissed him before he could argue.

“All right,” Steve said after their kiss broke. He glanced at the panoramic view and sighed. “Isn’t Thursday party night here?”

“Yes. We usually go dancing.”

Steve raised his eyebrows. “Then I think we should.”

Jennifer laughed.

“You don’t think I can dance?”

Jennifer shook her head, still laughing.

“I got moves, baby,” he said and twirled her around.

“I know that, but can you dance?”

Tracy appeared, wiping her hands on a cloth. “What’s so funny?”

“Steve wants to go dancing.” Jennifer laughed.

“I’m in,” Tracy said. “Assuming I’m invited,” she added as an afterthought.

“It’s Thursday night and I figured some of the fraternity brothers would be out before the big night,” Steve said with a shrug. “And Jennifer here thinks the idea of me dancing is the funniest thing she’s heard today.”

Tracy looked him over. “Oh yeah, I bet you smoke on the dance floor.”

“Tell her that.” He pointed to Jennifer, who was in hysterics at this point.

“It’s not nice to laugh at your boyfriend,” Tracy said. “Especially when he’s in the room with us.”

“I’m sorry, I just can’t see it,” Jennifer said, winding down.

“Are you ready to go, or do I have to wait until you two get all decked out?”

“Five minutes,” they said at the same time and ran down the hall.

Jennifer threw opened her closet and stepped in, flipping on the light. She grabbed a Maya blue dress with a flare skirt and fitted top. When she leaned down to grab the matching shoes, she saw a flash of red at the back of the closet. She jumped out of the closet with both the dress and shoes in her hands, slamming the door as quickly as she had opened it. Staring at the door, she tentatively reached out, her fingers grazing the icy doorknob.

“You almost ready?” Tracy called from the bathroom.

Jennifer turned away from the closet, peeling off her clothing. She threw the dress on and hustled into the changing room.

Tracy was touching up her makeup and glanced at Jennifer. “Nice choice.”

Jennifer put on a little make up and lipstick, ignoring the sensation of being watched. She sat on the stool and ran a brush through her hair while slipping her shoes on with one hand. Standing, she glanced in Tracy’s direction. “Ready?”

“Yep,” she said pressing her lips together to blot the lipstick.

They walked out of the bathroom, grabbing their IDs from their bedrooms, and met in the hall, walking out to meet Steve.

Steve turned when he heard them coming and his jaw dropped. A slow wicked smile crossed his lips. “I’m going to be the envy of every man in that place,” he said and put his elbows out.

* * * *

The atmosphere pulsed with a hip-hop beat. Even though it was early in the evening, the dance floor was already crowded.

“You ready for this?” Steve grinned at the two of them and waved at the tequila shots he brought to the table.

Tracy took the shot and sniffed. She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. “This smells better than Jose Cuervo.”

“That’s ‘cause it is. I upgraded to Tequilame.”

Jennifer tentatively picked up her shot, looking at the two of them.

Steve started the tequila procession by licking the skin between his forefinger and thumb, pouring a small mound of salt onto the wet skin. He licked the salt, downed the shot and pressed a lemon slice between his lips sucking away the bitter taste in his mouth and replacing it with the tartness of the lemon. He dropped the lemon back on the tray and smacked his lips together with a shudder. “Your turn,” he said, and the two of them followed suit.

Tracy threw back her head and let out a whoop as she set the shot glass upside down on the tray.

The slow heat of the shot relaxed the tense muscles in his shoulders and he stood, putting his hand out to Jennifer. “You ready to own that dance floor?”

Jennifer took his hand.

“You coming?” Steve asked Tracy.

Tracy looked up at him, raising her eyebrows.

“I can handle you both. Besides, I’m not leaving you stranded out here alone.” He glanced around the bar, scanning the crowd and cataloguing each face, each possible threat before glancing back at Tracy.

Tracy stood and took his other hand.

He led them out onto the dance floor and let loose, smiling at the stunned expression on Jennifer’s face. She really hadn’t believed he could dance, but the years of karate training gave him grace of motion that most of the other guys lacked. When the fast beat turned slow, he put his hands around Jennifer’s waist and pulled her to him and her breath caught in her chest.

He glanced over at Tracy and she nodded, slipping through the crowd back to their table.

“You certainly do have the moves,” Jennifer said, breathless from more than dancing.

Steve scanned the room again then gazed at her. “I haven’t done this in years,” he admitted. Leaning over, he gently grazed her lips. “It feels good.”

* * * *

“It suits you,” Jennifer said, looking up at him. He looked radiant, his face flushed from both the heat and alcohol and the edges of his hair wet with perspiration. He smelled like a spiced summer breeze mixed with an undertone of sweat, which made her heart flutter.

Steve laughed. “No, you suit me. I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you,” he said in her ear. As the song ended, he twirled her around, dipping her low. He led her back to the table. “Another round?” he asked. They nodded. He disappeared through the gathering crowd at the bar, retrieving another round of tequila shots.

Tracy watched him walk away. “Is it wrong to envy you?” she asked, scanning the bar.

“Not at all,” Jennifer said and reached out, squeezing Tracy’s hand. “Thank you for setting us up.”

Tracy smiled and nodded.

The rest of the evening was a blur of drinking and dancing and they stumbled into the apartment a little after midnight. Steve twirled them both down the hall toward the bedrooms and bowed to Tracy before escorting Jennifer into her room.

“Night Trac,” he said and closed the bedroom door.

“You.” He turned toward Jennifer and twirled her around again and then tugged her tightly to him and licked her neck. “You taste salty.” He fumbled with the back of her dress. “You know, I almost started to undress you in the taxi,” he said, nibbling on her ear. “It took way too long to get home.”

“Probably wouldn’t have gone over well with either Tracy or the driver,” Jennifer said and tilted her head back, spreading her arms wide as he swung her around again. “You are so sexy,” she uttered while he licked her neck again, ending with a kiss on her jaw line. “Hot.” She lost her balance.

Steve grabbed her close and they stumbled onto the bed, laughing. “I am going to be so hung over tomorrow morning,” he chuckled. “Murph is going to blow a gasket.”

Jennifer giggled, yanking his shirt off. “I can sleep in tomorrow.”

“That’s so not fair.” He kissed her harder than he intended, knocking their teeth together. “Ouch.” He touched his lips and checked his fingertip for blood. It was clear and he offered her a drunken smile. “Sorry.”

“You’re the rocket scientist that chose tequila,” she said.

“Yeah, but seeing you suck a lemon was so worth it.” He grinned down at her.

“Ah, you had ulterior motives.”

Steve nodded and felt in the pockets of his shorts. His smile disappeared. “I don’t have anything with me tonight.” He kissed her gently and rolled onto his back, quashing his desires.

“Shit,” Jennifer said.

“My sentiments exactly.” He glanced at her. “I guess I just get to hold you tonight.”

Jennifer giggled. “The one time you get me drunk, you don’t take advantage of that?”

He raised his eyebrow, considering the possibility as his eyes scanned her. “Naughty girl,” he whispered. The dress came off seconds later and he kissed her body, moving his way down between her legs. He made her moan and writhe on the bed, calling his name over and over and over, making love to her with his mouth and hands. He ached to be inside her, but refrained. When she took him in her mouth, he wasn’t able to contain himself any longer, arching into the explosion.

Shifting on the bed, Steve wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, spooning her.

“I love you, Jenny.”

“I love you too, Steve.”

Sleep was immediate and dreamless for both of them. Neither Steve nor Jennifer stirred when the closet door unlatched and glaring red eyes peered out at them from within the darkness.

Chapter 32

Jennifer’s alarm clock went off at seven and they both moaned at the noise. Steve reached over and hit the snooze button, falling back on her.

The alarm went off ten minutes later. This time, Steve turned it off and sat up. “Oh Jesus,” he whispered. The imaginary vice tightened on his temples, sending bolts of pain through his cranium and into his eye sockets. He held his head for a moment, thinking that would keep his brain from exploding through his skull. “Do you have any painkillers?”

Jennifer rolled toward the sound of his voice. “Bathroom medicine cabinet. Bring me some on your way back.”

Steve got out of the bed on unsteady legs and let out a laugh. His underwear was backwards. He shifted his undergarments the right way, slid on his shorts and headed in search of painkillers and bladder relief. He grabbed the toothbrush he’d used the other day and proceeded to wipe out the horrible taste in his mouth. The medicine cabinet indeed had painkillers, a choice between acetaminophen, ibuprophin, and some prescription medication under Tracy’s name. He chose the acetaminophen and filled a cup with water, downed three and put three more in his hand, refilling the cup for Jennifer.

Tracy walked out of the shower as he crossed the dressing room. “Morning,” she said, seemingly unaffected by their night of partying.

Steve grunted at her and ducked into Jennifer’s room. He handed her the cup and the pills and grabbed his shirt off the floor, sliding it on while she downed the medicine.

“I’ll be right back.” Jennifer turned a little green as she headed to the bathroom.

Steve closed the closet door and stood when she returned to the bedroom.

“You don’t look so good,” she said.

“I forgot what a killer hangover tequila gives me.” He closed his eyes.

Jennifer gave him a kiss. “I’m going back to bed,” she said, and crawled under the covers.

“Bitch,” he whispered.

When he let a slight curve grace his lips, she offered him a smile in return. “Bite me,” she whispered back.

“Later,” he said. “Don’t forget noon today at the pub.”

“I won’t. I love you,” she replied and closed her eyes.

Steve looked at her for a moment and then leaned over, kissing her cheek. “See you later, babe.”


Steve left her bedroom, closing the door behind him. The smell of coffee drifted from the kitchen and he followed it. Two cups were set on the island counter. Tracy was in the process of bringing sugar and creamer to the island. “I figured you could use some.”

“How come you’re so chipper this morning?” Steve asked. Even his eyes hurt.

“I took aspirin before I went to bed last night.”

“Smart girl.” Steve picked up the coffee and drank it black.

“You really do love her,” Tracy said, studying him.

“Yes,” he said, glancing in her direction. “I always have. I just didn’t know how much until I saw her again.”

“I’m glad. She deserves the best.” She sipped her coffee. “And you definitely fit the bill.”

“I appreciate that Tracy,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I’ll see you later. I have to clean up before class.”

“Be careful,” Tracy said, causing Steve’s eyes to clear a fraction. He tilted his head and furled his brow. “Driving home,” she said. “You still look a little under the influence.”

“Ah.” The confusion cleared from his face and Steve smiled, shrugging. “Just hung over.” He set the cup down in the sink and took off.

“Still, be careful.”

Chapter 33

Jennifer woke to a silent apartment. She stretched, glancing at the clock—it blinked eight minutes after ten. She needed to get moving and she rolled off the bed, stepping into the closet, and flipping the light on to peruse the clothing for something more appropriate to wear to meet Steve’s boss. The door swung closed and she jumped, spinning toward the solid wood and reaching for the handle. The light flickered and went out.

Chilling air surrounded her and the landscape of the closet changed. Crunchy moss scratched the soles of her feet. As she glanced over her shoulder, water glimmered in the distance, but everything else was black. Panic as thick as the darkness surrounding her pressed on her chest, constricting, binding, debilitating. She let out a small noise, reaching, fingertips grazing against the wood grain in front of her.

Hands pushed her against the door, both ice cold and burning hot at the same time, scorching her skin, caressing her. Jennifer wheezed, her gasps creating a fog in the freezing air. Her hands clawed at the door, desperately seeking the doorknob as the thing in the closet pressed against her. The stench of fire and rotting flesh filled the air. The rank breath of the demon from her nightmares tickled her shoulder. It grabbed her wrists, searing the skin and bringing her arms over her head. “I promise you will scream for all eternity.” It hissed and a scream mixing pain with terror shot from Jennifer’s restricted lungs.

Jennifer sat up, shaking and dripping with sweat, the dream hanging on like a frightened child. She glanced over at the closet and shivered at the wide open door. Her foggy, hung-over mind clenched and she blinked a few times, just staring at the door. Wasn’t it closed this morning?

She bit her lip, swearing Steve had closed it before he left.

Didn’t he?

Unsure of which parts of her memory were real and which were dreams, she stared at that opening. “He closed it,” she said to the empty room. Reluctantly, she tore her eyes away from the gaping closet and glanced at the clock. It was almost ten. She swung her legs out of the bed, giving the closet a wide berth. She opened the shades, spilling light into the room.

“Come on,” she said, stubbornly shaking her head. “It was only a dream.” She took a tentative step toward the closet. Like Flash Gordon, she reached in and flipped on the light.

Only clothes and shoes, see?

She scanned the rack from the safety of the bedroom. Her focus zoomed in on an outfit and again she shot in, ripped the outfit off the hanger and hopped out.

Chuckling at her skittishness, she turned the light off, closing the closet door.

In the changing room, she caught a quick glance of herself in the mirror and stopped. Her heart hammered against the walls of her chest and her reflection paled. Burn marks in the shape of fingers wrapped around both her wrists. The clothes dropped to the floor and her lungs started their slow restriction, strangling the breath from her. The world tilted to slow motion and her hand rose to move her hair away from her shoulder, the other picking up the vanity mirror. Jennifer turned, holding the looking glass so she could see the reflection of her back. Forcing her eyes to stay glued to the image, she moved the hair away. Her hand squeezed the handle of the mirror tight and her eyes grew wide. The wheeze coming from her lungs now whistled in quick panting beats.

Red welts. Red welts in the shape of hands. Red welts exactly where it had touched her in the dream.


Shaking, she receded into the shower, locking the door behind her and letting the hot steam clear her lungs. She ran the soap over her skin, the cucumber and melon scent drifting on the air, mingling with her fear, and her eyes never left the locked shower door. When she finished shampooing her hair, she turned the water off and wrapped a towel around herself, tentatively stepping out of the steam and into the cool room.

Jennifer dressed quickly and ran a brush through her hair. All the while, her heart rattled against her rib cage like a fluttering bird caught in an unfamiliar house. She expected the thing to come bursting through the door at any moment and couldn’t get out of the apartment fast enough. Hurrying down the hall, she grabbed her keys and slid the flip-flops by the door on her feet. She ripped open the door and let out a surprised yelp.

Bill stood with his fist inches from the wood, getting ready to knock. “Just the person I was looking for,” he said and stepped into the doorway.

“Billy, I’m going to be late for my lunch date,” she said, trying to scoot past him.

“Yes, you are.” He closed the door behind him, blocking her escape.

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