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Storms Over Secrets
  • Текст добавлен: 9 октября 2016, 01:23

Текст книги "Storms Over Secrets"

Автор книги: J. A. DeRouen

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Текущая страница: 19 (всего у книги 20 страниц)

“Speakers” by Sam Hunt

Present Day

I DON’T CARE how long she’s wrapped in my arms, and sealed to my lips, it will never be enough. The hunger for her is overwhelming. The languid slide of her tongue, the gentle brush of her fingertips, the erratic beating of her heart—they all intoxicate me.

“Wait, Cain,” she whispers between bruising kisses, a smile playing on her lips I’m so softly biting. She places both her hands on my chest and pulls away. “How did we get here?”

“I drove us here, woman. Now where were we?” I snake an arm around her waist and pull her closer. Her dress slides up her legs, and my cock gets just enough friction to make me groan in frustration.

She grinds into me and sighs. “That’s not what I mean. Lucas mentioned some lawyer? And he said you and Audrey make a good team. What have you two been up to? How did all of this happen?”

I guess we’re doing this now, then.

I push away from her and she whimpers, reaching for me. I shake my head and chuckle.

“Oh, no you don’t, Tink. You want to have this talk? I’m gonna need a little space to think clearly.” I grab my neck and take a moment to collect my thoughts. There’s so much I need to say. “This all started when Audrey came to my apartment the night of Alex and West’s going away party. I’ve got to say, she shocked the shit out of me. She apologized for interfering in our lives and promised to do everything she could to fix it.”

“I’m surprised you listened to a word she had to say. I know you two haven’t been the best of friends these last few months.”

“Oh, believe me, I made the girl work for it. But it took a lot of guts for her to come to me. She swallowed her pride and did what she had to do to help you and her brother. People make mistakes, but good people do what they can to fix them. Audrey did that, so she’s forgiven as far as I’m concerned.” I move closer to Celia, placing my hands on her knees. I look straight into her deep blue eyes, still swimming with unshed tears. “She told me you loved me … that she’d never seen you act this way before … not even with Lucas.”

“Yes,” she says simply, her expression telling me everything I need to know.

Just one word. How can three simple letters mean so fucking much?

“Then she told me about the about the last six years. You, your grandmother, Lucas—all of it.”

I wait for her to respond, but she stays painfully quiet. Her eyes roam my face for some clue of how I’m feeling. So I tell her.

“I was so hurt that you kept all this from me—that you thought you couldn’t tell me. It took all of my restraint not to drive straight to your house and lay into your pretty little ass. This entire time, I thought you were mourning a dead man.”

Her lower lip trembles as tears well in her eyes. “In a lot of ways I was. Schizophrenia took my Lucas away a long time ago.” She looks off into the distance and shakes her head. “I’m so sorry, Cain. I never meant to lie. I may not have been completely honest with you, but that doesn’t change what happened between us. I fell in love with you, no matter the unsaid details,” she explains with a frown. “I kept Lucas a secret for years, and thinking back, it’s hard to explain or even understand why I did it. That one decision caused so much pain. The only thing I can come up with is that I honored the Landrys’ wishes out of some misplaced respect for them. God knows those two don’t deserve any respect from me.”

“I get that now, I really do. I’m not upset anymore, but damn, it was a lot to digest.” She gives me a tiny nod and lowers her gaze to the ground. “Then Audrey took me to meet Lucas. Fuck, I wanted to hate him. But I changed my mind within minutes of meeting him, and all I could think about was how to help him … how to help you.”

Her fingers run over my knuckles and the side of her mouth twitches. “So you hired a lawyer to put the smack down on the Landrys?”

I chuckle and tip her chin to meet my eyes. “Oh, I didn’t have to hire anyone. You see, Tink, there is someone who loves you almost as much as I do. And the old geezer took exception to anyone messing with his girlie—his words, not mine.”

Her eyes dance with laughter, and she beams. “Sarge,” she whispers.

I nod my head. “Yep, Sarge. Leonard Benson III is a high-priced ambulance chaser here in Providence. He’s a bit slimy, but he’s known for making a splash in the headlines whenever the mood strikes him. It turns out he owes Sarge a favor. Way back in the day, Lennie lost his toupee to Sarge in a poker game, but Sarge chose not to collect. This earned Sarge big points in Lennie’s book, and he was all too eager to pounce on the Landrys like a rabid panther.”

Celia scrunches up her face. “A toupee?”

“Don’t ask. I know I didn’t.”

We both silently watch each other, and the tiniest smile plays on her lips. She reaches out and curls her fingers around my belt loops.

“So, Lucas broke up with me today.”

She pulls on the loops, inching me closer.

“Damn right, he did. I’d have to kill the little fucker, otherwise,” I grunt, pulling her knees forward, bridging the distance between us even more.

“We haven’t been together in a very long time, but it’s still freeing to get everything out in the open. And the thought of Lucas getting the help he needs, maybe even getting out of that place? I can’t find the words.” She drops her forehead to my chest and breathes deep. “Thank you,” she whispers.

I kiss the top of her head. “While I love being the hero in this scenario, I may have had an ulterior motive. The image of a tiny fairy letting me have my wicked way with her may have been the driving force behind my actions.”

“Oh yeah?”


She tips her head and catches my bottom lip, sucking gently. She pulls away and loops her arms through the straps of her dress, but holds the material to her chest. Flushed skin and mischief on full display, she raises an eyebrow and purses her lips.

“Are you liking this image? Is it wicked enough for you?”

“Don’t play with me, woman. Drop the dress or I go into full-on attack mode,” I growl, only half joking.

“Oh, I’m counting on it,” she says, then drops her dress and crashes her lips to mine.

Frenzied arms grasp and pull. Dueling tongues slide and explore. I can’t get close enough. I wrap her legs around my waist, leaving her dress scrunched up around her waist. I lose my shirt somewhere along the way, and her hands fumble with the button of my jeans.

A fat drop of rain splashes on my cheek, and I lift my head to the sky. Thunder rumbles in the distance, and another raindrop hits my shoulder.

“A storm’s coming,” I say, my voice breathless and ragged.

Her hand dives into my jeans, and her fingers wrap around my dick. My head falls back, and I groan when she massages me, root to tip. The drops continue to fall, the water cooling my heated skin.

“It’s about time.” She pulls me to her and licks the water from my lips before plunging her tongue into my mouth.

Yes, she’s right. It’s past time for the rain … the thunder … every bit of the storm that is Celia.

“I can’t go slow,” I tell her between kisses as I toss my rain-soaked wallet into the truck bed after finding a condom. “It’s been too long … I’ve missed you too much.”

She rips the condom from my hands while I drop my jeans below my hips. She smirks as she rolls it all the way down my shaft.

“Commando, huh?” She smirks and squeezes me. I can’t help myself from pumping into her hand. She pulls me close and gives my ear a playful bite, then a seductive lick. “I want you hard and deep. I’ve missed you, too.”

The words barely leave her lips before I drive into her in a long, swift thrust. The feel of her body pulsating against my cock nearly does me in. The rainfall quickens as our bodies move together, each hungry—fucking starving—for what we’ve missed.

I whisper to her through ragged breaths and powerful thrusts. “If you leave me again, I won’t give you space. I’ll love you harder and deeper than ever before.”

“Never again.” Her body bows to mine, and I feel her gripping me, edging closer to the precipice. She pulls my forehead to hers and burns me with her gaze. “My heart will never allow it.”

Slicked skin and entangled limbs tremble as we watch each other with every roll, every thrust. I see the clouds form in her eyes just as the haze rolls over me as well.

And we fall head first over the cliff … together.

“I Choose You” by Sara Bareilles

Present Day

“WELL, BOY WONDER decided to wake the hell up. It’s about time, don’t ya think?” Sarge bellows as we climb the front porch steps, fingers laced and lovesick smiles in place.

“Who me? You better take a look at your tiny friend right here,” I say with a chuckle as I kiss the top of Celia’s head. “I’ve been wide awake for a long time, old man.”

Sarge grunts and points at me. He shakes his head and turns to Celia. “Is that any way to talk to your grandfather? No manners, that one. No respect.”

“Christ,” I mutter under my breath, and Celia giggles.

“Come sit with me, girlie. You and I have a date with the past.” Sarge pats the rocking chair next to him in invitation.

“It’s so good to see you, Sarge.”

Celia leans in for a long hug, and Sarge holds on tight the entire time. I faintly hear her whispers of gratitude, and he pats her back gently in response. She curls up in the rocking chair next to him and kicks off her shoes. I sit down, too, half expecting Sarge to send me away. I get the feeling he’s territorial about his time with Celia.

Sarge grabs a notebook off the side table and hands it to Celia, along with a pen. “What memories should we visit today?”

“Hmmm,” she says softly as she looks between Sarge and me with a mischievous smile. “Why don’t we talk about your memories of Cain? Since he’s here, he can help fill in the blanks.”

“Well, I’ve been there since the day the doctor slapped his lily white ass and hollered, ‘It’s a boy!’ and there were days I wanted to wring his damn neck … and there were some I never thought I could be so proud.” Sarge beams at me, making my jaw go slack.

As much shit as the old geezer gives me, it floors me to see pride in his face. The old Sarge, before Alzheimer’s? Absolutely. But now, it’s hard to believe. Most days, he wouldn’t show me the flow if I were a gutter. He rides my ass all day long.

“Let’s talk about a time you wanted to wring his neck,” Celia says primly, pen perched in her fingers ready to write one of my finest moments.

“Thanks, Tink. Much appreciated,” I mutter, crossing my arms across my chest and rolling my eyes.

She levels me with pleading eyes, silently begging me to be patient. Fine, I’ll keep my opinion to myself, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy.

“Ha! Boy wonder here has given me so much to choose from over the years.” Sarge lets out a raspy chuckle and grins. “But if I have to choose just one, a certain Halloween comes to mind.”


Sarge lowers his chin and looks in my direction. I slump down into the chair and pull the brim of my hat low. Man, he picked a doozy.

After Sarge finishes recounting one more of my more embarrassing moments, he leans back in his chair and steeples his hands. “There’s plenty I’m proud of though, too. You know what else I’m proud of?”

“What’s that?” Celia asks.

“The two of you,” he answers, eyeing us both through squinted lids. “It’s been a rough road to get where you are today, but you made it. And believe me, there will be hard times ahead. That’s life. But I see the fire in you that still blazes in Rose and me. Nothing can dampen that kind of love.”

I reach out and lace my fingers with Celia’s and see the misty look in her eyes. My sweet, soft-hearted fairy—my life goal will be to give her more laughter than tears. She’s as sappy as they come, so I know I’ve got my work cut out for me.

“That’s solid gold in the palm of your hand right now, boy. Don’t screw it up.” Sarge’s voice cuts through the nostalgia like a hot knife through butter. The old man has a way with words.

Little does he know, his warning isn’t needed. I’m well aware of the treasure next to me, and I’m never letting her go. Little does she know, Operation Fairy Lockdown is well under way.

“Cain!” Her voice pierces my ears, and I smash the pillow over my head in an attempt to drown her out. I just need a few more minutes of rest. “Cain, why are my plates and bowls all packed up? And what’s with the boxes and newspaper strewn all over the living room?”

Shit. I guess my dream of a nap before battle is dead. This conversation is happening a little sooner than I’d like, but I’m ready. Bring it on.

I stretch my arms over my head and let out a monstrous yawn. “Back here, Cece. We need to have a little talk.”

She peeks around the door, and I pat the mattress next to me and smile. She walks into her bedroom, hands clasped behind her back, eyeing me suspiciously the entire time. Her yellow sundress swishes with every stride, showing just enough of her gorgeous legs to get my attention.

“Start talking,” she orders, her cheeks pink with annoyance.

“Tink, I’m afraid I have to evict you.” I exhale a deep breath and shrug.

“Excuse me? What did you say?” Her voice is eerily calm. I shrink away just a bit. The first rule of battle—never underestimate your opponent. Celia may be small, but she’s a feisty little thing.

“I said I’m evicting you. You see, it’s stipulated in your lease I may sever our agreement at any time for a fee. I’m exercising that right. I’ll even be so kind as to help you pack. That’s where the boxes and newspaper come in.”

I smile and put my hands in my lap, inconspicuously protecting my cratchel. If the look on her face is any indication, the crown jewels are in serious risk of being pummeled.

“You wanna know what right I’m about to exercise if you don’t change your mind?”

I shake my head. “Nope. No, I don’t think I do. Besides, I couldn’t change my mind even if I wanted to.” I scoot a little farther away, just in case.

“Oh yeah?” she challenges. “Why’s that?”

“I may have already rented the place out,” I mumble, looking away.

The room goes silent, the calm before the storm. A flurry of flinging hands, violent swears, and pelting glitter assaults me. I alternate between protecting my head and protecting my crotch while I duck for cover.

“Wait, Tink, just wait! Let me explain,” I say as I hug her tight in an effort to stop the onslaught.

She growls and pounds my back. Her tiny fists feel more like a massage than a beating, and I chuckle at the thought. Yeah, that only pisses her off more.

“Celia, I might be kicking you out, but I’ve got a much better place for you to live,” I holler.

Her fists stop beating me and her growls downgrade to frustrated pants. I loosen my hold slightly, and she leans back to meet my eyes. Pink cheeks, wild and wispy hair, and an endless ocean of blue—fuck, I love this girl.

“Where?” The word comes out as a frustrated huff, and she’s poised to resume her attack.

I tip her chin and run my thumb over her bottom lip. I can’t resist, so I press my lips to hers, savoring the taste of her sweet, honeyed gloss. My lips quirk up into a half smile, both excited and fucking terrified of what happens next.

“With me, Tink,” I say softly with a shrug. “I want you to live with me.”

Her eyes widen at my admission, but she hasn’t bolted from the room yet. I’m checking that off in the “win” column for now. I don’t want to spend another day without her, so she needs to see things my way.

“Remember what I told you, Tink. No more space. One mile down the road is too far away as far as I’m concerned. I need you close, and by that, I mean in my bed. Every night. I know this thing between us is new, but my love for you isn’t. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” The beginnings of a smile play on her face, so I keep going. “Besides, Adam and I think this house is a perfect fit for Abbie and Violet. They’ve got a built-in babysitting job with the twins next door, and Adam can work on the Volkswagen any time it gives Abbie trouble—”

She covers my mouth with her fingers and shakes her head. She bites her bottom lip, and a magical giggle escapes. She threads her fingers through my hair and runs the tip of her nose along the bridge of mine. My heart gallops in my chest waiting for her answer.

“I don’t want space … I only want you.”


She nods her head furiously and shrieks when I toss her onto the bed and devour her neck, her cleavage, and finally her mouth. I pull away as quickly as I descended and dash for the door.

“Wait!” she yells, and I stop at the doorway. She laughs as I struggle to keep still and listen. “Where are you going?”

“Reinforcements, Tink! With Adam’s help, I can get you moved out twice as fast.”

She throws her head back in laughter, and I race in for one more kiss. She wraps her hands around my neck, keeping me close.

“I’m gonna be the best roommate you’ve ever had.” I lick her nose, and she laughs. “When I shower? Door open every time for equal opportunity crotch shots. I’ll even drop the soap and bend over if you whistle real pretty for me.”

“Oh yeah? I’ll leave my dirty underwear all over the apartment, just in case you want a sniff.” She waggles her eyebrows and nods her head.

“Don’t tease, girl.” I pop the back of her panties, and she yelps.

“I’m gonna love you so good,” she whispers, squeezing my neck.

“No more space.”

She grins at me as she lowers her lips to mine. “Not.” Kiss. “One.” Kiss. “Inch.”

“Bring it on,” I say, with steely conviction that overwhelms me.

Bring on the love. Bring on this life. Bring on the storms.

“Mean to Me” by Brett Eldredge

The Present

THE SMELL OF smoke and barbeque tickle my nose. The boys hover around the flat screen, yelling plays to Drew Brees and Sean Payton as if they’re actually listening. The girls and I curl up on the outdoor furniture, doing what we do best—relaxing and talking about the boys.

Cain’s rooftop patio is the perfect place for our evening get together for two reasons. First, Cain has it maxed out with the best outdoor kitchen and entertainment system he could find. And secondly, we couldn’t fit our friends inside the apartment with all the stacks of boxes littering the rooms. I may be moved in, but I’m far from unpacked.

“Congrats on the big move, Cece. I must say, the man wastes no time,” Sara says, with a tip of her beer.

I smile as I watch Cain from across the patio. He takes a pull off his beer, and I salivate watching his throat muscles contract, his Adam’s apple bob. Oh yeah, I’m obsessed. But it feels so good to be able to watch him openly. I plan on checking him out plenty and often.

“No, he doesn’t. But when it’s right, it’s right, ya know? I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Audrey squeezes my thigh and gives me an affectionate smile. It’s amazing how quickly she and I fell back into our old relationship, no grudges or anger to speak of. No big explanations or apologies were needed between us. We love each other unconditionally and accept the mistakes between as just that—mistakes.

Cain and I have plans to meet her and Lucas at the pond this week. The improvement in Lucas is staggering. In a relatively short amount of time, he’s shown immeasurable growth and cooperation with his psychiatrist and therapists. There has even been talk about the possibility of a group home while attending the hospital’s day program as the next step in his treatment. I couldn’t be more proud of his progress. He amazes me every day.

“How’s the wedding planning coming, Sara? I have gobs of wedding magazines and planners that I used for our wedding, so I’d be happy to share,” Alex offers.

Sara’s eyes brighten. “Oh, you know what, there is something. Who catered your wedding? Every bite was like a little morsel of heaven.”

“Damn straight. That shit was tight … and so was my dress by the end of the night,” Marlo says with a laugh.

“I don’t remember the name right off hand, but I can get it from my parents. I forgot about this until just now, but it was kind of strange. Marlo, the chef actually asked about you. He knew you somehow, I guess, and must have noticed you at the reception.” Alex stands and brushes off her skirt, watching West from across the patio.

“And you can’t remember the name?” Marlo asks with a clipped tone and a frown.

Alex turns back to Marlo, distracted. “Huh? Oh, no, I’m not sure. I’ll ask my mom, though.”

Alex paces across the patio and stands between West’s bent legs. He runs a soft hand across her flat belly then peppers kisses over his path. She runs her fingers through his hair and smiles down at him lovingly.

It looks like Cain and me aren’t the only two who have an announcement to make. I smile to myself and keep my lips sealed. They’ll share their news in their own time.

“Celia Lemaire, come and sit that gorgeous ass on my lap so I can whisper dirty somethings in your ear,” Cain shouts across the patio with a wink.

“Ugh, all this coupledom is nauseating me. Seriously. Bring on the vodka,” Marlo quips with a hair flip and eye roll.

“Yeah, like that’ll ever happen,” Sara mumbles under her breath and shudders. “Marlo with a buzz is a terrifying thought.”

Marlo thinks on it for a moment then nods. “Yeah, you’re right. I better stick with my DDP.”

“I don’t get it. Why don’t you invite that dude Mike to these dinners? You’ve been seeing him for a while, right?” Cain asks.

“Uh, maybe because you shouldn’t invite one-night stands into your friend circle. It’s bad juju, man.” Marlo shakes her head and mashes her lips together.

“One-night stand? Did you just say one-night stand?” Cain asks incredulously. “Hey, Adam, man, back me up on this one. Have you ever had a one-night stand?”

Adam sighs and slumps his shoulders. “Why yes, Cain, I have. Thank you so much for mentioning it.” Adam turns to Sara and mouths, “I love you” as she purses her lips and gives him evil eyes.

“You’re welcome, my friend. Now, tell me, how long do your one-night stands last?” Cain raises his eyebrows and extends his hand in Adam’s direction.

“One night dude. That’s why it’s called a one-night stand.”

Cain slaps my thigh, and I jump. “Exactly my point! Marlo’s been having the same one-night stand for months. Sorry, Marlo, but if this guy’s been putting up with your ass for that long, he’s earned himself some barbeque.”

“Oh yeah? Well, I think you’ve earned yourself a kick to the balls, big man.” Marlo narrows her eyes, hip popped and fists clenched.

Movement on the stairwell catches my attention, and I watch Caroline step onto the patio, Lily and Gage running in behind her.

I hop off Cain’s lap and give him a quick kiss before meeting Caroline at the entryway. Once I’m gone, Cain covers his crotch with his hand, eyeing Marlo suspiciously. Smart move on his part.

Caroline greets me with a tight embrace. Tears prick the back of my eyes, and she gently rubs my back.

“There, there. Today’s a happy day, my dear,” she whispers in my ear.

“The happiest.”

“Indeed.” She pulls away and gives me a once-over. “Love agrees with you. You are simply radiant today.”

I blush at her compliment, and we both turn to watch our friends in their element. I may have lost my mom and Grams, but these people are my family, regardless of blood.

“If you would have asked me as little as a month ago if I would ever get to this point…”

“Never underestimate the power of determination … the force of relentless adoration. Look at him over there. He can’t keep his eyes off you.” Caroline chuckles as she watches Cain watch me. I can’t tear my eyes away from him either.

“I know the feeling,” I whisper with a smile playing on my lips.

Caroline swats my butt with a sting that makes me yelp. “Go, sweet girl. Go enjoy yourself.”

I reach in for another hug, and nuzzle my head into her neck.

“Thank you.”

“Your happiness is all the gratitude I need.”

She shoves me away too soon, and I take my place back on Cain’s lap. His arms wrap around me, and he kisses my shoulder, my collarbone, my neck, but then he stops. He turns his head to the side, and his eyebrows furrow.

“Tink, where’s your necklace? I’ve never seen you without it.”

I brush my finger across his forehead and down his nose before pressing my smiling lips to his.

“It’s downstairs in my jewelry box,” I say with a shrug. “I don’t think I need to wear it anymore.”

His face lights up with my admission, and he pulls me in even closer.

“Damn straight, Tink. Damn straight.”

An ominous hiss filters up from under the bed, jolting me awake. A defeated yelp follows, and the pounding of Biz’s paws across the bedroom floor causes Cain to stir, too. He snakes an arm around my waist and pumps his morning wood into my panty-covered ass before settling back to sleep. I’m sure it’s ladylike and appropriate to be offended by his caveman ways, but I’m not. I wouldn’t trade my Caveman Casanova for all the catnip in the world.

Now, Eddie’s a different story.

It’s been a few weeks since the big move and everyone is settling into the new arrangement nicely … everyone, that is, except for my sweet kitty, Edna Catherine Lemaire. She’s a bit of a princess, and a rambunctious terrier named Mr. Biscuit is messing with her kingdom. It’s a wonder poor Biz hasn’t bled to death from Eddie’s frequent and brutal paw swipes.

“Let ‘em duke it out, Tink. In this house, our motto is ‘survival of the fittest.’ Biz can fight his own battles,” Cain grumbles into the crook of my neck.

“Last time I checked, your last name was Bennett, not Darwin. Poor Biz needs reinforcements. I’m beginning to think Eddie’s possessed. I foresee World War III in our future. Feline versus Canine: a fight to the death.”

I pull up again, only to be jerked back into bed. Cain rolls me in one swift motion and settles between my legs, my arms pinned on top of my head. I let out a contented sigh, his morning wood placing the perfect amount of pressure exactly where I need it. God, I love waking up to this man. I love falling asleep with him, too. Moving in with him was the best and easiest decision I’ve ever barely been allowed to make.

When it’s right, you just know it.

“I promise, darlin’. They’ll work it out. Give them some time. They’re just like their momma and daddy.”

I burst out laughing and roll my eyes. “Is that right?”

I have to admit hearing Cain refer to us as Momma and Daddy does funny things to my stomach ... my heart, too. I could get used to that.

“Oh yeah,” he says as he trails open-mouthed kisses down my neck. “You see, Biz tries to give Eddie all the attention, and she’s just not having it. Her feisty little ass pushes him away at every turn. Sound familiar?”

I jump when he nips my earlobe, and goose bumps erupt on my skin as his breath tickles my neck. “Vaguely,” I whisper.

“Uh huh. I thought so.” He releases my hands and my fingers thread through his blond curls. He tugs my tank top up to my neck and takes one of my nipples into his mouth. He releases it with a pop and grins at me. “Then she’ll give him an inch … just a tiny inch, though. He’ll feel like he’s the king of the world, but sadly, it’ll be short-lived. Eddie will swipe the rug out from under him, yet again.”

“She’s finicky that way,” I stutter as his fingers curl under the waistband of my panties and pull down … down … down.

“Yes, yes she is.” I’m not sure if he’s talking about Eddie or me, but I forget to care when he slides up my legs and places a luscious lick between my legs. “And that’s when Biz will decide he’s had enough. He doesn’t need Eddie anyway.”

He keeps talking, seemingly unaffected, while I lay here writhing … panting.

“He doesn’t need her?”

“At least that’s what he’s gonna tell himself while ignoring the hell out of her.”

He lines his body up with mine, his shaft sliding effortlessly between my legs. My wetness offers an exquisite amount of friction to his thrusts. He stops mid-slide when a blood-curdling yelp echoes through the apartment.

“I’d say they are definitely still in the pushing away phase,” I say with a giggle that dies away as the tip of his cock pushes at my entrance. “Eddie won’t like being ignored.”

“No, she won’t like it at all. She’ll miss Biz’s masculine prowess and animalistic sex appeal.”

“Uh huh. She’ll miss the hell out of him,” I say. It’s the best answer I can muster as he slowly, deliciously works his tip in and out of my body. The more I push my body forward, the more he backs away. I love it and hate it in equal measures. “Cain, I need you now. Please…”

“That’s what Eddie’s gonna say. Just you watch, Tink.”

He keeps teasing … taunting…



I pull his face down to mine and narrow my clouded eyes at him. “If you don’t take me deep right this very second, I swear I’m joining Eddie’s army for World War III.”

“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?”

In one smooth motion, he drives in to the hilt, ending my sweet torture. His corded muscles remain still, tension rippling through his body. All the energy, adoration, and passion filters through his gorgeous green eyes as he gazes at me. His long lashes flutter as his forehead falls to mine.

“Thank you,” he whispers.

“For what?”

“For choosing to share your life with me.”

Happy tears threaten to fall as I press my lips to his.

“Thank you for making it worth living.”

With full hearts and overwhelming need, we both succumb to the exquisite storm within us.

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