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Shadows of Alletria. Child of Mountains
  • Текст добавлен: 30 января 2022, 20:04

Текст книги "Shadows of Alletria. Child of Mountains"

Автор книги: Иван Жолудь

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Текущая страница: 2 (всего у книги 2 страниц)

Leta and Valn watched from afar. No one was going to come any closer, knowing that only Huona could help Trion calm down. Most resolute of all was Zarri, who gradually approached her sister and her lover. The girl was genuinely surprised and moved by Trion's emotionality. The elf mourned the slain dragon as if it were a comrade or a close friend, which made those present wonder who the monster really was – a lizard that killed against its will, or its abuser, who brought the beast heavy torment.

–What happened to the cloistered monks?"Zarri asked as she approached the sun elf.

– They are waiting for their punishment.Trion said, taking Huona's hand and turning to Zarri, " The elder must pass judgment on the traitors.

– Are you sure they didn't run away?"Leta asked, putting her hand on the boy's shoulders as a sign of regret for his loss.

– Chained in a casemate, they can't escape anywhere. And those who were punished before their accomplices can no longer go anywhere.

– How many of the monks have already suffered retribution at your hands?Valn asked, trying to find out as much as possible about what had happened.

" Three. A traitor, a conspirator, and a coward. They were in league with the Templars. I could hear the guards whispering in dark corners at night, discussing their plot.Trion spoke in a prophetic manner, closing his eyes as he spoke.– To them, I am a deity who must be rescued from here, sacrificed to Eira in my glory, to raise the new Dragon of the Sun to greatness.

– It can't be… " said Valn, tossing and scratching his head.– The Dragon Cult couldn't get in here, we did everything we could to keep you safe here.

– But they didn't take into account that cult members can hide everywhere, " Trion said confidently and reproachfully.

– If this is the case, then you need to do something about it.Valn was lost in thought, but was interrupted by the sun elf.

– Just move on with your life. The cult's affairs are my own, and I will not allow them to harm anyone close to me. Not Huon, not Lethe, not Zarri.

Zarri glanced at Trion, surprised by the words. She hadn't expected the elf to consider them close, but then she smiled broadly, realizing that she was now also a friend to the Dragon's Son.

– Huona is my family, which means that her life and the lives of her loved ones are more precious than mine. Ad sumptus de vita sua tueri, " Tryon quoted from the Order's tablets.

– Don't devalue yourself.Huona said, snuggling up to her lover.– You're just as precious to me, and you don't have to risk your life for us.

" Risk is in my blood.The elf answered with a smile, and kissed Huon on the cheek, to the delight of the others present.

– Good. I don't doubt your abilities, and I'll leave it to you. There's no point in keeping you in a dungeon anymore, so you can leave the monastery safely. Just be careful.Valn said as he left."Huona, I forgot something –" the Elder began, pausing.– Your abilities have already reached the right point, so I'm excusing you from your classes. In the future, you will learn everything you need yourself. Leta, come with me, we need to figure out what to do with this mess and how to clean it up before Aire Day.

" Yes, My Lord. Zarri, " the elf said to her youngest daughter.– You'll have to be home alone.

– Mom, don't worry about her. She is no longer a little girl – she has stood up for Huon's sister.– She can come with us if she listens to Trion."

" Hmm, that's even better," Leta smiled.– Trion, come to us tomorrow morning, we will be happy to meet you at our house.

– I will gladly accept the invitation of the Lady Lethe, " Tryon said, bowing, and leading Huona by the hand, he walked out of the temple courtyard.

– So where do we go?Huona asked, stopping the elf.– You have some thoughts."

– We need to find the old wyvern's nest and find out what happened there. But I don't have any thoughts yet.Trion said thoughtfully.

– We met them near the Wards.Zarri prompted the elf, who remembered her first encounter with the lizards.

– That's something!The sun elf replied happily."There are chamber caves under the plateau, and that's where you should start.

" Back to the Wards, then.Huona said with a sigh.– The ascent will be difficult…

– Don't worry.Running a hand through her hair, Trion assured her.– We will solve this problem. But first, let's get to the ruins of the bridge.


– Trion.Zarri began as they neared the bridge.– You were talking about the monks you punished.

" Yes, three of the traitors have already received their punishment.– turning around and slowing down to wait for the lagging girls, the elf replied.

– Did you kill them?"The girl asked uncertainly, bracing herself for a frightening answer.

– Trion reassured her with a small smile.– They are cowards, of course, but until it is proven that they were really conspirators, no one has the right to take their lives. Especially since they are priests, and I saw what happened when Gael was executed.

– Damn Aire.Huona answered quickly, " a rain of fire was sent down on the city where the execution took place.

" Yes, that's right."Et caeli revolvit, sagittis fireballs ad homicidae 'capitae," Tryon said, words he had read from the books in the Order's Library, where he spent much of his free time.

– Were you present at Gael's execution?" But that was before the Ancients were born.Zarri exclaimed in surprise, waiting to hear another interesting story.

" Yes, long before that. But the Order of Five was founded by the white elves in the early days of Alletria. During my initiation, I saw many terrifying visions and experienced most of the events of the Order's bloody history firsthand, which I would not wish on any living being.fragments of memories surfacing in his head sent goosebumps down Trion's arms.

– I've noticed that you speak the language of the Ancients very well.Zarri said, not having said it before.

– You haven't heard the full potential yet, " Huona said with a slight smile and looked after Trion.

– If I didn't know the language, I wouldn't have survived in the Order, because all the spells and books were written in it. And dragons listen to orders only in the old tongue.– having finished the elf stopped at the crumbling edge of the bridge-Well, here we are.

– I thought we were going to the Wards.""There's another path leading to them.

– I know, but we don't have to go up there on foot.Trion said, looking around."Just wait a few minutes.So saying, the elf took a small horn from his belt and blew it with all his might. When the bugle died down, the thicket was completely silent for a while. It was so quiet that it was easy to hear the splashing of fish in the raging river at a stunning distance from the bridge. Suddenly, somewhere beyond the thicket, the silence was broken by an animal's roar and the sound of flapping wings. Three large silhouettes appeared from behind the trees, turning into small dragons as they approached.

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