Текст книги "All the Troubles of the World"
Автор книги: Isaac Asimov
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“But there’s no sense to that,” Gulliman said in a pleading voice. He felt small and helpless and he was virtually on his knees, begging this Othman, this man who had spent nearly a lifetime with Multivac, to reassure him.
Othman did not do so. He said, “This is Multivac’s first attempt along this line as far as I know. In some ways, it planned well. It chose the right family. It carefully did not distinguish between father and son to send us off the track. It was still an amateur at the game, though. It could not overcome its own instructions that led it to report the probability of its own destruction as increasing with every step we took down the wrong road. It could not avoid recording the answer it gave the youngster. With further practice, it will probably learn deceit. It will learn to hide certain facts, fail to record certain others. From now on, every instruction it gives may have the seeds in it of its own destruction. We will never know. And however careful we are, eventually Multivac will succeed. I think, Mr. Gulliman, you will be the last Chairman of this organization.”
Gulliman pounded his desk in fury. “But why, why, why? Damn you, why? What is wrong with it? Can’t it be fixed?”
“I don’t think so,” said Othman, in soft despair. “I’ve never thought about this before. I’ve never had the occasion to until this happened, but now that I think of it, it seems to me we have reached the end of the road because Multivac is too good. Multivac has grown so complicated, its reactions are no longer those of a machine, but those of a living thing.”
“You’re mad, but even so?”
“For fifty years and more we have been loading humanity’s troubles on Multivac, on this living thing. We’ve asked it to care for us, all together and each individually. We’ve asked it to take all our secrets into itself; we’ve asked it to absorb our evil and guard us against it. Each of us brings his troubles to it, adding his bit to the burden. Now we are planning to load the burden of human disease on Multivac, too.”
Othman paused a moment, then burst out, “Mr. Gulliman, Multivac bears all the troubles of the world on its shoulders and it is tired.”
“Madness. Midsummer madness,” muttered Gulliman.
“Then let me show you something. Let me put it to the test. May I have permission to use the Multivac circuit Line here in your office?”
“To ask it a question no one has ever asked Multivac before?”
“Will you do it harm?’ asked Gulliman in quick alarm.
“No. But it will tell us what we want to know.”
The Chairman hesitated a trifle. Then he said, “Go ahead.”
Othman used the instrument on Gulliman’s desk. His fingers punched out the question with deft strokes: “Multivac, what do you yourself want more than anything else?”
The moment between question and answer lengthened unbearably, but neither Othman nor Gulliman breathed.
And there was a clicking and a card popped out. It was a small card. On it, in precise letters, was the answer:
“I want to die.”