Текст книги "Tiger Prince "
Автор книги: Iris Johansen
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Текущая страница: 18 (всего у книги 28 страниц)
"I have to build a railroad in seven months. That's a solemn matter."
"Li Sung is also too serious." Dilam jumped on to another subject. "You nesting with him?"
"Me?" Jane chuckled. "We're only friends."
"Friends nesting. Sometimes that is very pleasant."
Evidently Cinnidar culture was very different from her own, Jane realized. She tried to clarify. "We're like brother and sister."
"Oh, that is good. Then we will also be friends." Dilam smiled broadly. "You nesting with Samir Ruel?"
Her smile faded. "No, I don't." She stiffened as a sudden thought occurred to her. "Do you?"
Dilam shook her head, looking at her curiously. "Why does it matter to you?"
"It doesn't matter," she said quickly. "I only wondered."
"You lie," Dilam said flatly. "It matters."
Dilam was right, the raw sharpness of the pain that had torn through her at the thought of Dilam and Ruel together had shocked as well as frightened her. She quickly changed the subject. "Ruel said your people didn't get along with the Savitsar rulers."
"They tried to make slaves of us. We had no weapons to fight them, so we had to run." Dilam's lips tightened. "That time must never come again. One of the reasons the High Council decided to work with Samir Ruel was that we knew it was inevitable that others would again intrude."
"And you preferred the intruder be Ruel?"
"He was an intruder at first but no longer."
"You work well with him?"
Dilam nodded. "Samir Ruel is fair, works as hard as any of us, and knows how to laugh at his mistakes."
"But you still won't allow him on your council."
"In time. He belongs to Cinnidar, but we must season him."
The idea of anyone seasoning Ruel brought a smile to Jane's lips. "I'd like to see that."
"You will." Dilam stopped before a small tent. "This is yours. My tent is two down the way. Refresh yourself and I will come for you in fifteen minutes." She changed her mind. "No, thirty minutes. I have something to do."
Jane's smile lingered as she watched Dilam walk away. She liked the woman. Her bluntness might be a little discomforting, but her good humor and vitality were refreshing. She might also be as valuable as Ruel claimed if she was as energetic in work as she obviously was at play.
Her smile turned to a chuckle as she remembered Li Sung's outraged expression before he had stalked away with Ruel. Yes, Dilam's presence was definitely going to make their task more interesting.
Li Sung was sitting on the ground, fastidiously devouring a piece of roasted rabbit when Ruel arrived at the campfire ninety minutes later, but Jane and Dilam were j nowhere to be seen. "Where's Jane?" Ruel asked. "I have not seen her. I do not know where she is."
Since Dilam was also missing, Ruel had a good idea where they both were. The gambling in the belim tent was still going strong, and he had learned Dilam never liked to be disturbed when she was gambling.
A moment later he was elbowing his way through the crowd in the tent. He spotted Dilam almost at once playing parzak, a Cinnidan card game, but Jane was not with her. "I thought you'd be here," Ruel told Dilam as he glanced around the tent. "Where's Jane?"
"Over there." Dilam motioned to the dice corner. "But you must not disturb her. She is winning."
The throng was so thick he couldn't see any of the players at the dice circle. "It's time for supper. Food is more important than gambling."
"You never think so when you are the one who is winning." She threw down her cards and stood up. "I will go with you to the candmar, but we will let her stay here and have her pleasure,"
"Oh, will we?"
Dilam nodded. "She needs to win. She has no joy." She took Ruel's arm and started to pull him from the tent. "We will send Li Sung for her later."
"I doubt if Li Sung will allow himself to be sent anywhere by you."
"I know," Dilam said glumly. "It is his crippled leg, I think. He is going to cause me much trouble."
Laughter. Jane's laughter—excited, full-bodied, and free, ringing through the tent.
He stopped in his tracks, ignoring Dilam's tugging hand as he turned back. He felt a sense of shock as he realized he could not remember ever hearing Jane laugh like that. Certainly not in Kasanpore or Glenclaren.
She has no joy.
"You will have to be the one to tell him," Dilam said.
Jane laughed again. Dammit, he wished the crowd would part so he could see her.
"Li Sung," Dilam said impatiently. "You'll have to he the one to tell him to come back for Jane."
The crowd standing around the dice circle shifted.
Jane knelt with dice in hand, her head thrown back, a soft flush on her cheeks, her face glowing with laughter. She looked young and free and full of joy.
"See? Did I not tell you?" Dilam said softly, "She needs this."
And he wanted her to have it. He wanted her to keep on laughing. He wanted her to look like this for the rest of—
She looked up and saw him watching her.
Her laughter vanished; wariness tightened her lips. It was as if she had drawn a somber cloak around her, closing everything childlike and bright inside her and leaving him outside.
He felt cheated, stung, as if she had robbed him of something. He called sharply to her, "It's time to eat."
"I lost track of time," she said quietly. "I'll come at once."
He nodded curtly and left the tent with Dilam at his heels. Christ, for a moment it had been like those days before the train wreck when he had felt a tenderness for Jane he had never felt for any woman. But the moment was over, he assured himself. He had not brought her to Cinnidar to give her the joyous childhood she had never had but to see that she was punished. She was not a child but the woman who had destroyed his brother's life.
"You did not listen to me," Dilam said. "Why did you not let her—"
"Did it ever occur to you that when I don't listen, it's because I don't wish to hear?"
"I still think you—" She stopped as she saw his expression. "I should not speak?"
"You should not speak," he said emphatically.
Li Sung's temper had definitely not improved, Jane thought. All through supper that evening he had either kept silent or spoken in monosyllables. She supposed she had better bring it out in the open and let him loose his surliness. "Dilam?"
The one word was all it took to bring the explosion. "She is an abomination," he said between his teeth as he glared at Dilam across the campfire. "Can we not hire someone else?"
"I doubt it. Evidently the Cinnidans would consider it an insult if we didn't accept her. Besides, I like her." She smiled slyly. "And she obviously likes you."
"She regards me as some kind of tame– Do you know she came to my tent after she showed you to yours?"
"No." So that had been the 'something' Dilam had to do.
"She said she forgave me for my blindness in not seeing what awaited me with her and assured me she* would be patient."
Jane's lips twitched. "How kind of her."
"Kind? She regards males only as inferior drones to slave for the queen bees."
"I'm sure you're misunderstanding her." Jane's glance followed his. Dilam's face was alight with laughter, her hands gesturing, moving, drawing pictures as she spoke to Ruel. "She's not unattractive, is she?"
"Ugly as sin."
"I don't find her so." But Li Sung clearly was not going to be convinced of anything he chose not to believe, and she was too tired now to continue to try. She got to her feet. "I'm going back to my tent. I still have to study that map of the mountain trail and we need to get an early start tomorrow."
Her answer from Li Sung was a nod and a scowl.
She had scarcely left the campfire when Ruel fell into step with her. "You appeared to be enjoying yourself in the belim tent tonight."
The tension that was always present when she was with him caused her to answer tersely, "Yes."
"Did you win much?"
"I don't know. I haven't figured out the Cinnidan currency yet. I don't think so."
"You like the Cinnidans?"
"How could I help it? They're good-natured, intelligent, and I've never seen anyone live with such enjoyment." She looked at him. "You like them yourself. Dilam said you belonged here."
"I do," he said unequivocally.
She was surprised at the admission. "Because of the gold?"
He shook his head. "Cinnidar caught me. I worked the mountain and dealt with the Cinnidans and thought I was slaving only to make myself a rich man. Then one day I stopped working long enough to raise my head and look around and found I'd walked right into the trap."
"Ian would call it 'home.' I'm not so at ease with the word."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Why not?" His tone was mocking. "Isn't it time we became reacquainted?"
"No." She stopped at the entrance of her tent. "I don't want to know anything about you."
"How unkind. I want to know everything about you." He met her gaze. "And I have every intention of doing so."
He was not even touching her and her heart was beating harder, her breath coming more shallowly. Panic spurted through her as she recognized the mindless response.
His gaze centered on the pulse leaping in the hollow of her throat. "You see?" he asked softly. "You do want to know me."
He was speaking of knowledge in the biblical sense, and he was right. Her body did want to know him. Dear God, it was as if they'd never been parted.
She turned on her heel, entered the tent, and hurriedly closed the flap between them.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Ruel called.
"Probably not." Her voice was uneven, and she forced herself to steady it. "I have to start work tomorrow and I'm sure you'll be busy at the mine."
"Oh, but I have to make sure you're doing a good job. After all, it's my railroad you're building." The words trailed off as he walked away.
She had thought when they reached the mountain she would see less of Ruel, but she was not going to be free of him yet. The knowledge was as frightening as her body's response to him. Perhaps it would not be as bad as she feared. He would probably come to the site only a few times and then go about his business.
He came every day for the next month. Sometimes he would stay five minutes and sometimes an hour.
He would joke with Li Sung and Dilam and the workers or just sit on his horse and watch her as she went about her business.
She woke up in the morning knowing he would come, dreaded his arrival all day, and was acutely, painfully, conscious of his presence every second of his stay. It was like those days in Kasanpore before they came together in the railway car. No, this was worse, she thought. Now she was always aware he not only wanted her body but to hurt her, perhaps even destroy her. The flame to her moth, she thought bitterly.
And, God help her, she was tempted to fly closer to that flame with every passing day.
She was kneeling, measuring track, when a shadow fell across her body. She didn't even have to look up to know it was Ruel. Her senses were so acutely attuned to him, she felt even his shadow as a disturbing presence.
"Why are you still here?" he asked. "Everyone else has stopped for the day."
She didn't look at him as she finished checking the spacing of the rails. "I just wanted to finish this. I'm sure you'll have no objection if I slave a few extra minutes on your behalf."
"No objection at all. I was just wondering if there was something wrong."
"I got a little behind today." She added quickly, "But I'll make it up tomorrow. This is the last quarter-mile on the mountain trail. We start across the canyon floor at dawn."
"I know. Li Sung told me."
"Then he must have also told you there was nothing wrong."
"But then, you don't tell Li Sung everything, do you?"
"Of course I do."
"Did you tell him what we did in the maharajah's railroad car?"
She felt the blood burn her cheeks, but she ignored the question.
"I didn't think so," Ruel said softly. "He might guess there's something between us, but he isn't sure."
"He didn't need to know." She rose jerkily to her feet and moved a few yards farther along on the track, knelt, and began to measure again. "If that's all you wanted, why don't you go away? You can see I'm busy."
"That's not all I wanted." His shadow fell across her again as he moved to stand over her. "I wanted to see you on your knees. It's a sight that gives me extreme pleasure."
Her gaze shifted to stare warily up at him. He stood with legs slightly astride; not only his shadow was dark today. Black leather boots molded his calves, black serge trousers delineated his powerful thighs, a black shirt hugged his torso. Only Ruel's sunstreaked hair and golden, tanned skin lightened the somber elegance of the picture he presented. He looked as beautiful and wicked as the prince of darkness himself.
"Ah, that's even better." He smiled. "I used to dream about you kneeling and staring up at me with just that expression. But it's not quite right. Your hair should be loose and my fingers should be buried in it." He paused. "And we should both be naked."
The picture he had drawn was both sensual and barbaric. Captor and captive. Slave and master. She could almost feel his fingers tugging her hair back to look into her eyes. She felt suddenly helpless, caught, a prisoner. Yet, incredibly, she became aware that beneath the smothering sense of bondage ran a dark ripple of erotic excitement almost as if she wanted to experience that dominance.
No! Fear washed over her at the thought, sweeping away that hot tide of feeling he had ignited.
She rose to her feet and drew herself to her full height. She gazed defiantly in his eyes and said between set teeth, "You bastard, get the hell away from here and let me do my job."
For an instant she didn't think he'd obey, and then he smiled faintly. "If you insist. The mood's broken anyway." He added softly, "But for a moment you could feel it, couldn't you, Jane?"
She didn't answer.
"Aye, you felt it." He stood looking at her, smiling. "Good. I'm not going to be able to visit you quite so frequently now that you've finished this portion of the line. I wanted to leave you with a memory strong enough to linger when I'm not around."
Relief cascaded through her at his words. He would not be here every day from now on. She would be rid of the torment of his presence. "It's about time you began to attend to your own concerns and left me to mine."
"Oh, but I'll be with you in spirit. You won't forget me."
"You're wrong. The moment you're out of my sight I won't remember you're on the same island."
He shook his head before turning away and strolling toward Nugget.
He was so blasted self-assured, it sent a flare of sheer rage through her.
"Wait!" Her voice shook with emotion. "Just who the hell do you think you are?"
He turned to face her again. "I beg your pardon?"
"What makes you so sure you have the right to do this to me? Have you lived such a perfect life you can afford to cast the first stone?"
"No, I've done more wicked things in my life than you can even imagine." His expression hardened. "But I've never hurt the innocent without paying the piper. That's against the rules. We all have to pay for that sin, Jane."
"And I'm supposed to pay you for my transgressions?" she asked scornfully.
"You're damn right you are. When I was a boy I learned I couldn't count on anyone dealing out justice on my behalf. If I wanted justice, I had to be the one to reach out and grab it." His voice turned fierce. "It's not a fair world. I can't count on fate or God to punish you. They might turn their backs and walk away. It has to be me."
She watched him mount Nugget and ride away.
She was trembling. She drew a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She mustn't let him do this to her. She fell to her knees and again began to measure the tracks. She was rid of him and now she must forget him. She must not let him linger in her thoughts as he intended.
She blindly reached out and grasped the rail in front of her. Strong steel, warmed by the sunlight.
Soothing comfort flowed into her. She was not weak. She had the same strength within her as these rails. If she had the will, spirit, and mind to build a railroad, one man could not bend or break her.
The Prince of Darkness!
Jane woke with her heart pounding, her breath coming in gasps.
It was only a dream, she told herself desperately.
The same dream that had come every night since that last afternoon Ruel had visited her. The same dream and the same shameful lingering physical evidence when she awoke. Her nipples were hard and acutely sensitive as they touched the sheet, and there was an aching emptiness between her thighs.
No, it was not quite the same.
She was bathed in sweat.
Strange, it had been cool in the tent when she went to sleep, but she was burning up now.
She got up from her cot, went to the washstand, and splashed cold water on her face. She was still hot, her skin dry and burning to the touch. She had gone through this before, and the symptoms were clear to her.
The fever was back.
The knowledge came almost as a relief. She was ill. She had an excuse for those erotic dreams that had been plaguing her.
It wasn't Ruel, it was the fever.
Chapter 14
“ A railroad?" Abdar's nails dug into the satin– padded arms of his chair. "How far along?"
"Medford's branch is near completion, but the line from the mountain was started only seven weeks ago and is in the initial stages. The girl has laid the track from the mining camp down the mountain and into the jungle, but it will—"
"How long?" Abdar snapped.
"My man in Medford's camp says it will be at least four months before the tracks are joined."
"Four months! And in the meantime the Scot is storing gold ore and will be ready to ship as soon as the line is completed. My gold." He stood up and moved toward the wall where his latest mask shimmered in the candlelight, powerful, intense, a testimony to his greatness. "I need that gold."
"There is other news." Pachtal paused. "News that will please you. Kartauk is on Cinnidar."
"What?" Abdar whirled to face him. "You are sure? He is not dead?"
"I saw him myself. He is not even in hiding. He lives in the palace and moves freely about the island."
"Because he feels himself safe. He thinks I cannot take him on that cursed island." Abdar scowled. "And he is right. I can do nothing until I am maharajah."
"And when will that be? Has your father's condition worsened since I left on my journey?"
He shook his head. "He may linger on until summer."
"The Scot will be in a much better position to defend himself by that time. The island can be conquered only by an assault on the harbor, and if he has the means to fortify it, we may not—"
"I know. I know," Abdar said impatiently. "Do you think me a dullard? He must not be allowed that time." He turned and moved toward the statue of Kali. "How much love do you have for me?" He could sense Pachtal's sudden tension, and his tone became wheedling. "Will you not help me in this small matter?"
"What do you wish me to do?" Pachtal asked warily.
"He is old and sick. He is going to die anyway."
"He is the maharajah," Pachtal said hoarsely. "You know what the punishment would be if anyone learns I did such a thing. They will burn me alive on his funeral pyre."
"No one would suspect anything if he died a little sooner than expected. Who would have reason to kill a dying man?"
"It is too dangerous."
"I'm not suggesting a dagger. There are other, less obvious methods. Perhaps poison administered over the period of a week or two." He turned to smile at Pachtal. "You have such a talent for poison. Why else were you given such a gift if not to use it?"
"I don't know if I—"
"I need that gold to serve Kali. If you have love for me, you will do me this service." His index finger caressed the golden dagger of the statue. "You will do Kali this service."
"I will . . . think about it."
"You have never failed me before." He added with soft emphasis, "I have faith you will never do so."
Abdar heard the pad of Pachtal's departing footsteps as he hurriedly left the chamber.
He was frightened, Abdar realized. He had never known Pachtal to rebel against his will, but it might take further efforts to persuade him to do this deed. However, he had no doubt Pachtal eventually would comply with his demand.
Kali always prevailed, and had he not been appointed Kali's guardian on this earthly plane?
"Ruel is here." Li Sung nodded at the tent several hundred yards from the track. "He's come to check on our progress."
"Again?" Jane wiped her perspiring brow on her sleeve. "He'd do better to tend to his own concerns and leave us to get on with ours."
"It's only the fifth time he's come since we left the mountain and started through the jungle," Li Sung pointed out mildly. "It is to his interest to make sure his investment is flourishing."
"Or not flourishing. Well, he'll be disappointed. We're ahead of schedule."
"Why should he be disappointed that we are doing so well?"
She hadn't meant to blurt out that thought, blast it. Her nerves were so raw, Ruel had only to appear to make her tense and defensive. Li Sung knew her too well not to pick up on any careless word, and he was already suspicious. "He loses a good deal of money if we reach Elephant Crossing on time."
"I don't think money is that important to Ruel."
She suddenly exploded. "Are you mad? If you think that, then you don't know him. Why do you think he wanted to own his own kingdom? Of course money is– what are you doing?"
His hand was on her forehead. "Hot. You have the fever again. I thought you looked unwell."
She stepped back. "Not much."
"Enough," he said grimly. "How long?"
She avoided the question. "It doesn't come every day."
"And at night?"
She didn't answer.
"Every night?"
"I take the quinghao and it goes away."
"And for how long do you think you can keep it at bay with you working yourself into exhaustion?"
"Until the damned railroad's finished."
He shook his head doubtfully. "Ruel is a fair man. He would allow you more time if you went to him and told him you were not well."
"No!" Good God, all she needed was to have Ruel know she was ill. He was waiting for a weakness in her defenses. "I'll be fine. You're not to tell him. You're not to tell anyone." She started for the tent. "Ask Dilam to check that last quarter-mile track I started to measure."
"No need, I will do it."
She should have known Li Sung would insist on taking over the task and he had already used his leg too much today. "This shouldn't take long. I may be able to do it myself."
His jaw set. "I will do it."
After almost two months of working day and night, she was too bone-weary to argue with him. "Suit yourself."
Ruel glanced up from the survey map he was studying as she came into the tent. "You're making very good time." His finger tapped a circled area on the map on the table. "Four miles from Elephant Crossing."
"We should reach it by day after tomorrow. We're averaging over two miles a day. We'd be doing even better than that if we didn't have to do some additional clearing on each side of the road."
"But you've chosen to angle around the crossing."
"Another three days." She moved toward the table and tapped a spot on the map. "Here. We'll have passed the crossing two days before the deadline specified by the contract."
"Perhaps." He smiled. "And perhaps not. Cinnidar has been kind to you so far, but you mustn't count on your good luck lasting."
"It will last."
"No trouble with the elephants?"
"We haven't seen one elephant since we started through the jungle. Dilam doesn't expect any trouble. She says elephants are creatures of habit and by circumventing the crossing we'll avoid a direct confrontation."
"They're closer than they were three months ago when we passed here. I heard them as I rode into camp."
"We always hear them. It doesn't mean anything. According to Dilam, they're constantly talking to each other."
"I was watching Li Sung and Dilam working together as I came into the encampment. They seem to be getting along much better. No problems there?"
"Li Sung has no problems with Dilam as long as she—"
"Doesn't try nesting with him?" Ruel's brow arched inquiringly. "I take it she's given up her aim in that direction?"
She shrugged. "Who knows? She doesn't talk about it, and Li Sung realizes how important this railroad is to both of us. We've all been too busy to worry about anything but getting the work done." She stared directly into his eyes. "Which is what I have to do now."
"Ybu always run away when I come to see you."
"I have work to do. I have no time to talk."
"I also have work to do, but I make time for you." His voice was almost caressing, but the words held a subtle menace. "I'll always make time for you, Jane."
Always. The foreboding word sent a smothering sense of relentless inevitability through her. He would never give up, never leave her until he was satisfied she had suffered enough. God, she was weary of it all. "Are we through here? I have to get back to work."
"Aye, I've found out what I needed to know." He turned away. "I'm going to the refinery in the village and then pay a visit to the palace to see how Ian is faring. I'll be back in five days."
"Don't bother. I won't have time to give you a report. In five days we'll be past the crossing and forging toward the canyon wall."
"Oh, it's no bother." He smiled over his shoulder. "Do you know, part of me actually wants you to meet that deadline. You've done a fine job and I admire good work."
She stared at him, too surprised to speak. Why could he not remain hard and mocking all the time? Just when she had her defenses raised against him he would change, soften, remind her of that other Ruel she had known in Kasanpore. She could feel her defiance draining away as she looked at him. Leave, she prayed silently, go away. He was like her sickness, the fever draining her of strength.
"Since I'm clearly dismissed, I'll do as you so kindly suggest." He turned away. "Good-bye, Jane. Five days."
She stared blindly down at the map after he left. Five days. There was no reason to be nervous. She had fought this fever before and won. The work was going extraordinarily well. The Cinnidans labored quickly and cheerfully and they had not encountered any insurmountable obstacles. What could possibly happen to hinder her from reaching her goal on time?
. . .
Ian leaned back on his pillows, his breath coming in little pants, an expression of unutterable pleasure on his face. "Margaret . . ."
She moved off him and nestled close, her fair hair splaying over his naked shoulder. "I'm surprised you can still speak. I must have not performed well."
"Wonderful . . . You're always wonderful." His hand gently stroked her hair. "Did I give you pleasure?"
"Yes." As usual, the lie stuck in her throat, but Kartauk had told her it was important a man be made to feel powerful and dominant after the act. She kissed his shoulder. "You always please me."
"I don't know how. I lie here like a lump while you do—"
"Haven't you noticed? I'm a very willful woman. I enjoy guiding the course." She raised herself on one elbow to smile teasingly down at him. "Who knows? Considering my nature, you might not have been able to give me half this pleasure if I were forced to only submit meekly."
"You meek?" His finger traced her lips. "Never."
"I certainly hope not." She resumed her former place beside him. "Again?"
He laughed in delight. "Do you think me such a stallion?"
"Of course. Why do you think I made you wed me? I suspected the son of the laird would have the same lustful vigor as his father." She nestled her cheek against his arm. "But I suppose I must let you rest awhile." She could already detect the lethargy signaling exhaustion and knew he'd be asleep in a few minutes. "You're much stronger since you came here. Cinnidar has been good for you."
"Has it?" he asked wistfully. "Then perhaps I can go home soon."
"Not yet." He was not really better. His cough was almost gone, but he was still losing weight and she had the panicky feeling he was drifting away from her.
"Soon? Glenclaren needs me."
"I read you the letter from the vicar. Everything is going splendidly."
She felt the sigh that rippled through his body and knew at once she had said the wrong thing. It was so difficult to strike the balance, she thought in frustration.
"You're right, I'm lying to myself. I'm not needed. Not by you and certainly not by Glenclaren."
"Don't talk foolishness," she said. "We both need you. We'll always need you."
He shook his head.
She could feel the tears sting her eyes, but she must not let them fall. He did not need weakness but strength from her. But, dear heaven, she was weary of fighting this battle. "Do you doubt I love you?"
"No, but love is not need. I give you only pain. If I weren't here, you'd find a strong, whole man who could give you joy . . . and children."
Children. It always came back to that. She made her tone light. "Who knows? You may have given me a babe tonight." He didn't answer and she felt a spurt of panic. Always before she had been able to inject a tiny hope, but even that was fading in him. "It could have happened," she said desperately. What difference did another lie make if it kept him with her? "You're stronger now and you've been—"
"Shh . . ." His lips brushed her temple. "My dear love, my bonnie love. I'm so tired. Won't you let me go?"
Her hand tightened on his arm. Did hearts truly break? She had always thought the phrase foolish, but she felt something breaking, rending inside. "I cannot."
"I believe I would be happier. You want me to be happy."
"So much," she whispered. "You know . . ." She couldn't go on.
"Are you weeping, Margaret? You see, I do hurt you even when I don't mean to."
"I'm not weeping."
"Because you won't let yourself. You will not let me see you weep."
"Why should I wail? I have the man I have loved all my life, who brings me pleasure and who—"
"You never give up, do you? Sweet Margaret . . ."
She was not sweet. Sometimes she thought Ian had no idea of her true nature. At the moment she wanted to scream and kick and shake her fist at the fates that had done this to him. "You mustn't give up either. I need you."