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  • Текст добавлен: 4 октября 2016, 23:12

Текст книги "Quinn"

Автор книги: Iris Johansen

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Текущая страница: 8 (всего у книги 18 страниц)

“I don’t feel as if I’ve missed much. I had everything I wanted or needed here. It would have been nice to take Bonnie to those places when I could afford it, but it wasn’t important to me.” Her face clouded. “But maybe it would have been important to Bonnie. She enjoyed every minute, every new experience.”

He quickly changed the subject. “I’m glad you like the salad. The main course is much more ordinary.” He got to his feet. “Steak and mushrooms. I’ll let you take the dishes into the kitchen while I serve it up. Get to work.”

“Right.” She picked up the salad plates and followed him into the kitchen. She put the dishes in the sink and stood watching him as he served up the steak and mushrooms on a plate. She said quietly, “Thank you, Joe.”

“Wait until you’re sure I’m not going to give you indigestion before you thank me.”

“No, thank you for making these days bearable for me. I would have gone crazy without you,” she added with frustration, “Where is he? I thought that he’d contact me long before this. Not one word after that second news interview came out.”

“He’s biding his time. He’s probably enjoying the hell out of thinking about you on pins and needles, waiting for him to strike.”

“But you don’t think he’s given up and gone away?” she asked anxiously.

“No.” He looked up and met her eyes. “I think that he’s close, waiting for his chance.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good.”

“Do you know how sick that sounds?”

She nodded, then asked immediately, “And that policeman outside hasn’t seen anything?”

He shook his head. “Bramwell says that there’s been no suspicious activity since he took over the duty day before yesterday.” He handed her a plate. “Now go sit down and try my steak. I made it medium well-done. Okay?”

“Fine.” She didn’t move. “I meant it, Joe. You kept me so busy painting that damn room that I had no time to think.”

“Oh, you were thinking. I just tried to keep everything troubling on the edge of your consciousness.” He headed for the dining room. “Now let’s finish dinner, and we’ll have coffee on the front porch. I made Turkish coffee with a few interesting spices.”

“Coffee with spices?” she repeated warily. “I’m not so sure about that. Coffee should be black, strong, and hot, and not subject to all your fancy exotic tinkering.”

“I realize that I’m taking a chance in fooling with your holy of holies.” He smiled as he glanced over his shoulder. “But trust me one more time. Try it, you’ll like it.”

*   *   *

“HERE YOU GO.” HE HANDED Eve the small demitasse cup and sat down in the cane chair next to her. “I guarantee it’s black and strong and a small enough quantity that you won’t have to sample much. I heard the phone ring when I was in the kitchen. I gather it wasn’t Zeus.”

She shook her head. “My mother. She wants to know when she can come home. Evidently, she’s bored. I thought it might be McVey again.”

“He called you this morning, didn’t he?”

She nodded. “He won’t give up. He wants to come here and become part of the action.” She made a face. “When and if there is any action. I told him that he can’t do it.”

“I’m sure he didn’t like that.”

“He’s being very persistent. I said we’d give him an exclusive as soon as the story broke.”

“That’s more than he deserves.”

“You’re still angry with him.”

“He took you to that house on the lake and let you stake yourself out for that nutcase.”

“It was my call.”

“And he grabbed at the chance to help you to do it. No trying to talk you out of it. Just set up a house in an isolated area and let the bad times roll. Anything to get his story.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Yes, I’m still angry.”

“Then I’ll try to keep you away from him. He was scared of you, but he’s so ambitious that he’ll keep pushing.” She took a sip of the coffee. “I don’t want him to—” She gasped. “Good Lord, what are you doing to me? It’s nasty.” She made a face as she thrust the cup and saucer at him. “It’s like cinnamon-flavored tar.”

“Maybe it’s an acquired taste.”

“If you ever give me anything but the real thing when I ask for coffee, I’ll murder you.”

He chuckled. “I knew it was taking a chance.”

“You knew I’d hate it. It’s some kind of sick joke.”

“You malign me. Would I do that to you?”

“I’m beginning to think that you have a wicked sense of humor. You just haven’t let me see it before.”

“I had to wait to show that side of my personality. You weren’t ready for it.” He got to his feet. “I’ll take your cup inside.” He stood from a moment, looking out into the darkness of the quiet street, the well-kept yards, the lamplight streaming out of the windows. “So peaceful. It’s a nice neighborhood. Bramwell said that it was a hell of a lot easier watching your house than the usual neighborhoods he’s been accustomed to monitoring.” He moved toward the door. “Stay here. I’ll get you a real cup of coffee.”

“Don’t bother.” She got to her feet. “All that painting has worn me out. I think I’ll shower, then go to bed.” She moved toward the door. “I’ll do better without coffee.”

“You’re sure?” He held the door open for her. “My duty is to please.”

“Tell that to McVey.”

“There’s always an exception to prove a rule.” He turned on the light in the living room and watched her walk up the steps. She did look tired, but it had been a fair day. He had worked her at painting, making sure the physical exertion would be enough to block out the mental torment that was always with her. He checked his watch. It was near ten in the evening. He’d check in with Slindak and go to bed himself.

He hoped he could sleep. Eve wasn’t the only one who was on edge from all this waiting.

Where are you, bastard?

*   *   *

THE PHONE RANG IN THE middle of the night.

He reached over to the pick up the receiver of the phone on the end table beside the couch on which he was sleeping.

Eve was already on the line.

And so was Zeus.

“You have such a pretty house there, bitch. Does it make you feel safe to be with the FBI man? Are you sleeping with him?”

“No. And, yes, I do feel safe. All your threats, and you weren’t able to touch me. You’re a coward. I was right in all things I told the world about you.”

Oh, shit, Joe thought. That’s right, wave the red flag at the bull.

But Zeus didn’t seem angry. When he spoke again, his voice was calm and honey-smooth. “You’re trying to make me mad. Are you trying to trace the call again? You’ll be disappointed. I have only one thing to say to you and then I’m gone … for a little while.”


“You didn’t say ‘thank you’ when I complimented you on your house. That was rude, but I’ll forgive you. Do you know what I like about your house? It’s that lovely porch, with the hanging basket of flowers. I like plants and flowers far better than I like people. They have no ugliness about them unless I choose to make them ugly. Flowers make a statement, don’t they? You should pay attention to that statement.” He hung up.

He heard Eve’s exclamation before he crashed down the phone.

He threw on his clothes and ran out to the hall to see Eve at the top of the stairs.

“The porch,” she said as she ran down the stairs. She flipped on the light in the foyer. “He was talking about the porch. Why would he—”

“Don’t go out there.” He passed her and drew his gun as he carefully opened the front door. “Let me take a look. I just hope Bramwell doesn’t mistake me for Zeus and decide to take a shot at me.”

“Be careful, dammit.”

“Always.” His gaze was darting over the porch, street, and neighboring houses. It was still and dark except for the streetlight on the corner. “I don’t see anything.”

“That doesn’t mean he’s not there.” Eve pushed closer to him, following his gaze. “And where’s Bramwell? Shouldn’t he have come running when the lights went on?”

“Yes, he must be in back doing his hourly tour.” His gaze again wandered over the same area. “I don’t see anything. Maybe it was a bluff.” He took a step out onto the porch. “He might have wanted to keep you—” He broke off, stiffening.

She was right behind him. “What is it?”

“Go back inside.”

“The hell I will. What’s—” She inhaled sharply as she saw where he was looking.

A group of dark liquid drops was spattered on the floor of the porch.

As he watched, another drop fell from the hanging basket to the floor.

“Blood?” she whispered.

“Go back inside,” he repeated. He was remembering the details of Janey Bristol’s crime scene. He took a step closer and took out his flashlight. “You may not want to see this.” He shined the beam up to the bottom of the basket.

The earth at the bottom of the basket was soaked with blood that dripped steadily downward.

His beam traveled upward.

“Hair!” Eve’s eyes were focused on the patches of blood-soaked hair clinging to the head that had been shoved into the basket. “Oh, my God.”


“Who is it? Another child?”

“I can’t tell. It could be Bramwell. I’ll have to move around to the other side to see the face.” He said through his teeth, “Have you had enough? Or do you want to see that, too?”

“No, but I’m not going to leave you out here to do it alone.” She braced herself, and said unevenly, “And it could be Bonnie. He told me he killed her right after he took her.”

“There wouldn’t be all this blood.” He moved around to get another view of the skull. “This is a fresh kill.”

“You said it might be Bramwell?”

“Maybe.” He was now shining the beam directly into the face. “No, it’s not Bramwell.”

She was suddenly beside him. “Then who is—” Her back arched as if struck. “McVey!”

Sandy hair soaked in blood, blue eyes staring at them, lips open in a silent scream.

“Dear God…” Eve ran to the rail of the porch, bent over, and threw up. “Brian…”

“I told you to go inside.” Joe was beside her, his hands on her shoulders. “Will you do it now? Lock the door. I need you to call Slindak and get him out here. I have to find Bramwell.”

“Yes…” She staggered toward the door, then, clinging to the jam, she turned to face him. “No. You can’t go without me. What if it’s some kind of trap? What if he kills you like he did Brian? I can’t—”

“What’s going on?” Bramwell was running up the porch steps. “Why are the lights—” He stopped short as he saw the bloody head. “What the hell?”

“That’s what I want to know,” Joe said grimly. “I have a lot of questions to ask you, Bramwell.” He turned back to Eve. “I evidently don’t have to go hunting him down. Now will you call Slindak?”

She nodded jerkily and disappeared into the house.

“Who is it?” Bramwell was looking up at the basket. “Pretty gory, huh?”

“Brian McVey.”

“The reporter? He doesn’t look much like the photo that runs with his byline.” He grimaced. “That was stupid. Of course he doesn’t. Poor guy.”

“How did he get here without you seeing it?”

“It wasn’t here before I made my rounds thirty minutes ago.”

“And why did it take you thirty minutes to make those rounds?”

“I saw something funny. The flowers in the border were all crushed, and the back gate was open. I was looking around to see if I could find the reason.”

A red herring, Joe thought, to give Zeus enough time to deposit McVey’s head in the hanging basket, get away, and make his phone call to Eve.

“And you saw nothing suspicious before you started your rounds. A car? A pedestrian?”

“The Simmonses, that young couple who live in that duplex down the street, drove in and went into their house, but that’s all. I was on the job and watching close, Agent Quinn.” He looked again at McVey’s head. “But evidently not close enough. Slindak is going to kick my ass.”

“Probably. I may help him.” He turned and went down the porch stairs. “Stay here and guard Eve Duncan. If you screw up, I’ll put your head in that basket with McVey’s.”

Five minutes later, Joe was looking down at the broken lock on the trunk of the Simmonses’ Saturn. It would have had to be held shut from inside so that it wouldn’t fly open as the car was driven. He carefully lifted the lid of the trunk.

Drops of dark blood on the black plastic interior.

He tensed as the smell wafted up to him.

And something else …



“SLINDAK SHOULD BE HERE ANYTIME,” Eve said, when Joe walked into the house. “He said to tell you that he can’t wait until you go back to Washington, so that he can sleep through the night.” Her lips were trembling, as she added, “Of course, he had a few words for me as well. He holds me to blame for all of this.”

“Did he say that?”

“No, don’t go on the attack. He didn’t have to say it. It couldn’t be clearer, could it?”

“He’s lucky to have your help. At least, we have a chance of bringing Zeus down now. They were running around in circles a few weeks ago. He can stuff his damn blame where the sun doesn’t shine.”

“Lucky?” Her lips tightened. “And was McVey lucky to have my help, too?” She shuddered. “I must go out on the porch and tell him how lucky he is.”

“I knew this was coming.” He pulled her to her feet. “We’re going into the kitchen. I’ll make you a cup of coffee, and we’ll talk.” He pushed her down at the kitchen table. “Sit there and block out everything.” He turned to the cabinet and got down the coffeepot. “That shouldn’t be hard. You have plenty of practice.”

“I do, don’t I?” Her smile was bitter. “Only I think that the blocks are beginning to crumble. What do I do when the flood rushes in and overwhelms me?”

“No problem. I’ll be there to pull you out.” He heard the sirens. “You’ll have to finish making this. I have to go out and report in to Slindak. It’s probably better for you to be busy anyway.”

“Yes.” She got to her feet and reached for the tin of coffee. “Go on. I don’t need you to coddle me.”

The coffee was ready, and Eve was sitting at the table with a cup cradled in her hands when he came into the kitchen thirty minutes later. “Is he … gone?”

He knew she didn’t mean Slindak. “Yes, they took him a few minutes ago.” He poured a cup of coffee. “But forensics is still working on the porch and the backyard and the Simmonses’ car.”

“The car?”

He nodded. “Zeus hid in the trunk of the car of the young couple down the block. He couldn’t just walk down the street carrying a bloody head under his arm. He was watching and knew that you were guarded. He waited in the trunk until he saw Bramwell go toward the backyard, then got out and placed the head in the basket. He’d already gone around back and arranged a suspicious scenario for Bramwell to investigate to keep him from coming back too soon.”

“And then he made the call to me.” She shook her head. “Zeus had it all planned.” Her lips twisted. “I thought he’d go after me. But I should have known that I wouldn’t be enough. He couldn’t get to me easily, so he went after Brian.” She shook her head. “And I called him stupid.”

“He’s cunning.” Joe sat down across from her. “But he took a big chance. It’s clear he’s still as arrogant as he ever was. McVey was no fool. He wouldn’t have been an easy mark.”

“But Brian wasn’t expecting to be targeted. Maybe if I hadn’t set myself up in the aggressive role, he might have suspected. But we both thought that the setup would lead Zeus straight to me.”

“It did.”

“And I dragged Brian along with me.”

“Bullshit. He wouldn’t have had it any other way.” He held up his hand as she opened her lips. “Yes, I know that you think that I’m biased. You’re right. I wouldn’t have wanted McVey killed, but I did blame him for letting you set up that scenario at the lake house. I can’t deny it. But I’m not letting you think that anyone but Zeus is to blame for McVey’s head being in that basket.”

Eve was silent. “He was only twenty-six, Joe. He told me he was going to have a Pulitzer by the time he was thirty.”

“He told me the same thing. Too bad. He was smart and had enough drive to make it. But you have to remember, he was nagging you to let him come here and make another try at Zeus as late as yesterday morning. If you want to blame something besides Zeus for McVey’s death, then hang it on McVey’s ambition.”

“It was horrible.” She closed her eyes. “Brian’s eyes … I’ll never forget his face.”

“Then you’ll be giving Zeus exactly what he wants. Don’t do it, Eve.”

“I’ll do my best.” Her lids opened to reveal eyes shining with tears. “Because you’re right. You’re pretty damn smart, Joe. How did you get that way?”

“I’m a natural. Me and Solomon and a few other gifted guys out there. We could run the world if you gave us a chance.”

“I believe Solomon tried.” Her voice was steady, but her hand was shaking as she lifted her cup to her lips. “Okay, I’ll stop blaming myself because of McVey and see if I can help find that bastard who murdered him. Zeus must be feeling very triumphant right now.”

“Yes, smug and self-satisfied as a Cheshire cat. But he may have tripped up.”

She went still, her eyes locking with his. “What are you talking about?”

“Ego. He’s always been careless because he thought no one could touch him. I thought I’d seen signs that he was changing but maybe not. Maybe that arrogance is just too ingrained to overcome.”

“And why do you think he may have tripped up? How was he careless?”

He shook his head. “I’m not discussing it with you yet. I have to check on some things, then think about it. I know you, Eve. You’ll grab hold and try to run with it. I’m not ready to do that.”

“Tell me.”

He shook his head. “When I’m sure.” He finished his coffee and stood up. “Now get to bed and try to sleep. I’m going out on the porch and see what I can help wrap up. And I want to make sure that they clean it, so that it’s not going to hurt you every time you go out there.”

She was glaring at him. “You’re not being fair.”

“No, but I’m making it easier on myself. It won’t hurt you to wait. I’m not having you disappointed if my theory doesn’t pan out.” He headed for the door. “And thinking about how angry you are at me will keep you from dwelling on what happened tonight.”

“Your decision, your opinion. Tell me, dammit.”

He paused at the door to look back at her. Her eyes were glittering, and her cheeks flushed with color. Much better than when he’d walked into the house earlier. Good.

He turned and went out onto the porch. “When I’m ready.”

*   *   *

THE LAB TECH HANDED JOE the report the next morning. “Here it is. No wonder you didn’t send it up to the Bureau for analysis. A first-year intern could have done this one.”

“Thanks.” Joe scanned the report before turning away. It was what he’d expected, but he still felt a flare of excitement at the confirmation. “I appreciate your making it a priority.”

The tech shrugged. “No problem. Literally.”

Joe moved quickly down the hall toward the elevator.

One down.

A moment later, he was at Slindak’s desk in the squad room. “Did you check out that shoe factory in Toronto?”

“Yes, we haven’t got the report yet.”

“Give me the name and phone number. I’ll follow up.”

“Sure.” Slindak studied Joe’s face as he searched the papers on his desk for the information. “You’re wired. What’s happening?”

“Nothing yet.” He took the report Slindak handed him. “But maybe soon.” He turned and went to his desk across the room.

A moment later, he was dialing the number in Toronto.

Fifteen minutes later, he leaned back in his chair and looked down at his scrawled notes. It was all coming together.

But there were still a few pieces to fit into the puzzle. Get to work and make it happen.

He reached for the telephone again.

*   *   *

EVE MET HIM AT THE FRONT DOOR when he came back to the house that afternoon. “Well?”

“You’re barring the door. Does that mean you’re not going to let me in the house unless I divulge everything I know?”

“You’ve got it.” She grimaced and stepped aside. “I’d do it if I thought I could get away with it. I’m frustrated as hell, Joe. I didn’t think you’d—” She stopped, staring at his expression. “You look … Joe?”

“How do I look?” He passed her and went into the living room. “Slindak said ‘wired.’ Yeah, that’s what I feel.” More than that, he thought, as he turned to face her. He had the bastard in his sights and was aching to pull the trigger. “I think I’ve got him.”

She inhaled sharply. “What?”

“Or at least I know how to get him.”

She dropped down on the couch. “Talk to me. Who is he?”

“Zeus could be either Donald Novak or Ralph Fraser.”

“You don’t know which one?”

“I will by the end of the day.” He paused. “I’m going to go pay him a visit.”

“You know where he is?”

He nodded. “It was easy to trace him. He’s not trying to hide. He doesn’t think it’s necessary.”

She shook her head. “My mind is spinning. Start at the beginning.”

“The beginning.” He pulled her up and toward the back door. “We’ll start here.” He threw open the door. “What do you see?”

She looked at him in confusion. “Fence, flowers, lawn.”

“A nice lawn. Pretty flowers. Did you put in the landscaping after you moved in?”

“No, I wouldn’t have been able to afford it. It was already established. I just took over the care of it.”

“But you were offered a maintenance contract by the landscape company who does most of the rest of the neighborhood.”

She nodded. “The price wasn’t too bad, but I’m a student and work two jobs. I can cut my own lawn.” She frowned. “Where is this leading?”

“It’s leading to the fact that there was a landscape-maintenance crew in your neighborhood several times a month. Including five of the homes on this block. That’s why all the lawns and gardens look so well kept.”

Her eyes widened. “Yes…”

“And all the houses of the victims’ parents that we visited had the same nice lawns. They all had that in common if nothing else. Such a little thing…”

“The landscape company?” Eve repeated. “Is that what you’re saying? He works for the landscape company?”

“It would be the perfect opportunity for him to observe possible victims playing in the neighborhoods where he was working. He could take his pick of the children.”

“Are you guessing?”

“Yes, but I’m betting I’m right. In the trunk of the car where he was hiding last night, there was blood, but there was also a scraping of something that looked like dirt. It wasn’t dirt; under testing, it proved to be fertilizer. It was a common brand used by most landscapers in the area. I contacted the company in Toronto that manufactured the shoes from which we got that print in the cave. Heavy rubber content. The company said that it sold those shoes almost exclusively to professional gardeners and irrigation specialists.”

“And last night on the phone Zeus said something about liking plants and flowers better than he liked people,” Eve said. “I didn’t think anything about it.” She moistened her lips. “But you did.”

“Only because it was all coming together for me.”

“This landscaping company…” She lifted her hand to her cheek. “I know I’ve seen their truck in the neighborhood, but I can’t even remember the name.”

“Johnston and Son. They service every one of the subdivisions of the kidnapped children. It’s a big company, and they have branches all over the Northeast as well as the South. The operations are extensive in Georgia. It wouldn’t have been a stretch for Zeus to have killed those children who disappeared outside Atlanta.” He paused. “But the company is based in Toronto, Canada. I checked with Johnston and Son personnel in Toronto, and the only workers they have in Georgia who were hired in Canada are Novak and Fraser.”

“What difference does that make? Zeus is Canadian?”

“I couldn’t tell on that first phone call, but on the second he was talking about your house. McVey was right, the pronunciation is different. Novak is Canadian. Fraser is a U.S. citizen, but raised in Toronto.”

Her hands clenched as she looked out at yard. “It makes … sense.”


“And this man could have been working on one of the yards on the block and watching Bonnie. I could have passed him when I went to the bus stop to meet her.”

“It’s possible,” he said gently.

“If he killed her. I can’t be certain. I won’t be certain.”

But it was coming close to the time when the truth would be thrust upon her, Joe thought. “The only thing I have to be certain about right now is catching the son of a bitch.”

“You said you were going to pay him a visit. Where is he?”

“The crew Novak and Fraser are on is working at Nottingham Subdivision in Towne Lake today.” He turned. “I’m on my way there now. I’ve changed cars so that Zeus won’t recognize it. I just wanted to stop and let you know what was happening.”

“You didn’t send the police to pick them up?”

“They’ll be there outside the subdivision. First, I have to make sure I locate him before he gets spooked by the squad cars pulling into the subdivision. The crew doesn’t all work on the same house. He could be anywhere in the area.”

“But you’d recognize him. You saw the sketch I drew of him.” She paused. “And I’d recognize him.”

“Yes, you would,” he said quietly. “But he’d also recognize you. I know where this is going, Eve.”

“Of course he’d recognize me. But that’s no argument. We both know while he was doing surveillance on this house that he saw you. If he spots you, he’ll take off.”

“You want to go with me.”

She met his gaze. “And you want me to go. Why else did you stop here before going after him? You may have told yourself you just wanted to keep me informed, but that’s bullshit. You knew I had to go. You know I deserve to go.”

“I don’t want you hurt,” he said roughly. “I don’t want him to touch you.”

“And that makes it hard to do the right thing. That’s why you’re lying to yourself. You promised we’d do this together.” She threw back her head and stared him in the eye. “Do you want me to make it easier? If you walk out that door without me, I’ll be at Nottingham Subdivision before you get there. If you take me, I’ll stay in the car. But I have to be there. I have to see him captured. I want to see his face when he knows that he’s not Zeus any longer.”

She was right. He had known that it would come down to this when he had come here. They had taken this journey together, and he couldn’t leave her behind now. He just couldn’t admit it to himself because it caused him to break out in a cold sweat at the idea of letting her come that close to Zeus. Yet he had to admit it and drown that fear because he could not cheat her.


His hand closed on hers. It was a soft, graceful hand belying the strength that lay beneath that fragile surface. His grasp tightened. “You stay in the car,” he said hoarsely as he led her toward the door. “Unless you want to drive me crazy, you stay in the car.”

*   *   *

NOTTINGHAM SUBDIVISION WAS an upper-middle-class neighborhood that had been built within the last ten years and had all the amenities. Including a homeowners’ association that demanded the homeowners pay to keep the verdant lawns and shrubs meticulously maintained.

And Johnston and Son had a truck that was parked close to the clubhouse and swimming pool.

Joe parked across the road from the clubhouse, his gaze raking the surrounding area. “There’s a man in the truck, but I don’t see any workers.” He got out of the car. “I’ll go ask questions. Lock the door.”

“You think the man in the truck is a supervisor?”

“He’s not doing hard labor. That’s a good sign.”

She frowned. “Aren’t you going to call the police waiting outside the gate to assist?”

“As soon as I can point the way to Zeus.” He crossed the road and drew out the photos of the sketches of Zeus as he approached the truck.

“May I help you?” The man in the truck smiled politely at Joe. “Les Cavanaugh. I run this crew. I know we’re a little late coming to do the maintenance this week, but we got behind because of the rain. We’ll get to your yard as soon as we can.”

Joe showed his ID. “FBI. You can help me with an identification. You have an employee working for you who we have an interest in questioning.”

Cavanaugh stiffened warily. “What for? Look, we got rid of that joker who was planting marijuana in some of the flower beds. We don’t stand for anything like that.”

“I’m glad to hear it. But the FBI doesn’t deal with drugs.” He handed him Kim Chen’s sketch. “Do you know him?”

Cavanaugh frowned. “He’s … familiar.”

He handed him Eve’s sketch. “Is this clearer?”

Cavanaugh’s eyes widened. “Hell, yes. Ralph Fraser.” He looked at Joe. “But Fraser is a good guy. Been working for us for years and never caused any trouble.”

“Where is he working now?”

“In the flower bed behind the clubhouse, next to the pool. But he’s not the guy you’re looking for. He’s real quiet, works hard and—”

“Stay in the truck.” Joe started for the clubhouse.

And saw Ralph Fraser come around the corner toward him.


Fraser stopped, then whirled and ran into the clubhouse.

Joe tore after him, but instead of going through the front entrance, he ran around back and entered from the pool area.

A bullet splintered the jamb of the door as he dove down and to the left.

“Put down your weapon. You’re under arrest.”

“The hell I am.” Another bullet, closer.

But Joe had the direction now. Fraser was behind the bar across the room. He aimed and got off a shot. “Give it up, Fraser. Last chance. I’ll kill you. It’s what I want to do anyway. Why waste the taxpayers’ money on shit like you?”

“You’re not going to kill me. All these years, and you assholes haven’t been able to touch me. I’ll get out of here and kill you and that whore, too.” Another shot. “Just like I did that newspaper reporter.”

“But it’s really me you want to kill, isn’t it, Fraser?”

Oh, my God, Eve.

She was standing in the front doorway. But only for an instant, then she dove to the right behind the couch in front of the huge fireplace.

A bullet embedded itself in the soft cushions.

“You missed,” Eve called. “Stupid, Fraser. Incompetent and stupid and—”

Take advantage of Eve’s distracting him.

Another bullet struck the coffee table. “Bitch.” It was a scream of rage. “I’ll blow your—”

The scream was cut off as Joe dove across the bar on top of Fraser, jerking the gun from his hand and tossing it aside.

“No!” Fraser struggled wildly.

God, he was strong. Joe would have to put him out quickly.

But Fraser had rolled over, taking Joe with him. His face was contorted with rage as he looked down at him. There was fierce malice imprinted on every line of his heavy face. “You helped her. You helped the bitch. I’m going to cut your—”

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