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Электронная библиотека книг » Emily Lockhart

Об авторе

I am the author of We Were Liars,  Fly on the Wall, Dramarama, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks and the Ruby Oliver quartet: The Boyfriend List, The Boy Book,  The Treasure Map of Boys, and Real Live Boyfriends. How to Be Bad was co-written with Lauren Myracle and Sarah Mlynowski.   Disreputable History was a Printz Award honor book, a finalist for the National Book Award, and recipient of the Cybils Award for best young adult novel. We Were Liars is a New York Times bestseller.   I have a doctorate in English literature from Columbia University and currently teach creative writing at Hamline University’s low-residency MFA program in Writing for Children.   Representation: The Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency. Film & TV: Eddie Gamarra at Gotham Group. School events and speaking engagements: contact Lisa McClatchy: liske at aol.com. Interviews and publicity: Dominique Cimina at Penguin Random House: dcimina at randomhouse.com   For more information, please visit the FAQ page and the blog. Doing a school report? Everything you need (and all the info I ever share with the public) is in the FAQ. Teachers and book clubs, click here.   Twenty-one things you don’t know about me, even if you’ve read through this whole website:   1. I have wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. 2. I wrote two novels in third grade. 3. I was the fastest typist in my 8th-grade typing class. We learned on manual typewriters. 4. Now I write everything on computer, sometimes with my eyes closed. 5. Favorite lipstick: L’Oreal 315. 6. Movie star crush: Daniel Craig. 7. First car: a white 1964 Volvo with a push-button starter. 8. I have read a lot of books about sideshow history. 9. I eat a primarily vegetarian diet and for a number of years ate vegan  (no animal products whatsoever) because I object to the way animals are treated in the meat and dairy industries. I will probably go back to eating vegan again someday, but for now: 10. My favorite ice cream is Häagen Dazs dolce de leche. 11. I swam with sting-rays once. 12. I like wax museums. 13. I used to like roller coasters, but now I’m scared of them. Even so: 14. I love amusement parks. My favorite ride of all time is Pirates of the Caribbean. 15. I used to cry after my fiction writing class in college, because the criticism was so harsh. 16. The teacher of that class was so bored by my work he admitted to me he didn’t even read the final drafts of my stories. 17. I have never kept a journal for more than a couple days. I like to write for an audience, even if it’s only an imaginary one. 18. My advice to aspiring writers: read, read, read. Read the great novelists, especially. Try Great Expectations. Pride and Prejudice. Jane Eyre. 19. More (contradictory!) advice: follow your reading bliss. Gnaw your way through the local library’s sci-fi or romance collection, if that’s what does it for you. 20. I am difficult to recognize. Despite a large and unusual tattoo, people often forget they’ve met me, or tell me I look very different from the last time they saw me. 21. Lockhart was my maternal grandmother’s maiden name.

Книги автора Emily Lockhart

  • 10 октября 2016, 01:54
скачать книгу We Were Liars автора Emily Lockhart

Жанр(ы): Роман, Современные любовные романы

A beautiful and distinguished family.A private island.A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.A revolution. An accident....

  • Просмотров: 617

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