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Only Tonight
  • Текст добавлен: 4 октября 2016, 04:42

Текст книги "Only Tonight"

Автор книги: Elizabeth Miller

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Текущая страница: 3 (всего у книги 9 страниц)

Chapter Four


The soft slide of her skin lingers on my hand the entire time she’s on stage. I’m hooked, unable to look away. She’s my Dolly and I’m her Kenny. There’s definitely something going on between us, something unexplained, something I never knew I sought until the moment I realized it was missing. Her eyes never leave mine, the song rolling off of her tongue. Mick and Faith have done this before, but I’d bet last month’s paycheck this is the first time she’s done it with a blush deepening the soft pink of her cheeks.

As soon as it’s over, she flies past me to the bar. She’s two steps behind me, so I’m on her in an instant. Leaning my nose into her hair, I breathe fresh air and jasmine, taken even further under her spell. My arms hold her prisoner on either side as I ease my body against hers. There’s no hiding my reaction to her when we’re this close, and I’m not ashamed of it.

“I messed up,” she says.

Shit, is she changing her mind? Ah, that’s a no. Her ass backing up and grinding into my dick confirms it. Game on.

“Mmmm, I didn’t hear anything but an angel singing,” I whisper, digging in to find the earlobe I tasted earlier.

Turning her head so our lips brush together, she says, “For some reason, I was distracted. I couldn’t concentrate.”

Her breath floats into my mouth when she talks, and I take in everything. Fuuuck, I’m so done—lost to her in every way. She sighs and rotates in my arms until we’re pressed chest to chest, hip to hip. I move even closer, eliminating the slightest notion of separation. There’s not much more to ask for in life after her arms reach up and close around my neck. A herd of goddamn dinosaurs could stampede through here and I wouldn’t know it. My only thought is getting her in bed, or against the wall, or anywhere I have the chance to get in her.

She’s staring at my mouth with heavy lids. When her tongue makes an appearance, tracing along the line of her bottom lip, I lose all sense of time and ready myself to dive into her. Christ.

“I don’t remember trying to distract you, but I can think of a few ways I know how,” I say, rolling my hard dick into her stomach. God, she feels good. But I'm not much on exhibitionism, so it's time to go. “Take me to heaven, Angel.”

She throws her head back and laughs. “Who in their right mind ever taught you that pick-up line?”

My fingers sink into her hair, gripping to hold her in place as I scrape my teeth up her neck. “Is it working?”

While her hands rip down my back in a promise of what's to come, someone else grabs my shoulder, prying us apart. What in the fuck?

“Get off. The lady needs some space.”

Out of my peripheral vision, I watch a lanky guy tug at my elbow, but I have yet to move. No way in hell I’m letting anyone pull me away from having Faith.

“I didn’t hear her complaining,” I say, while keeping her eyes on mine. They’re wide and cool. Great. Just fucking great.

“I’m fine, Derrick. More than fine. I’m exactly where I want to be. I don’t need your help.”

Damn straight she’s more than fine with my dick pressed into her. He pays no attention, looking at me with a good level of disdain. Closing my eyes for just a second I let my head rest against hers while I take a deep breath, searching for some inner peace so I don’t pummel him into the ground. I guess I can’t blame him. I’d do the same if I thought she needed saving. But his next move sets me off. Yanking my shoulder, he tries to move me.

I’m not going anywhere.

Fuck-nut leans into my face, really in my face, close enough that I can smell his stale breath and now I’m mad. Erasing the sweet scent of Faith with this swank has me come undone. Spinning on my heel, I put her behind me and tilt my head down to look at him over my nose.

“Last time I checked you weren’t invited to this party for two. I’ll ask one time nicely. Leave.” My request is clear and I know he gets it. His eyes glaze over as they flick to my clenched fists. But he just won’t go.

“Who do you think you are? You can’t show up here and mess around with her.”

“I didn’t ask for permission, dick,” I draw it out just to be an ass. “Now if you’ll excuse us, I’m taking her home.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

I’ll give him credit for persistence. I laugh, but it’s because he thinks he could stop me. “If she wants to come with me, she will. Her decision, not yours.”

His eyes flair. I smile and move closer so only he can hear my next statement. “She’ll be screaming my name before midnight. In fact, I give her”—I pull back to look at my watch—“an hour before her first cry for more.”

Rage enters his eyes, like Daffy Duck, and he starts sputtering like him too.

Pinching my side, Faith whispers in my ear, “Don’t antagonize him.” In a louder voice she says, “We’re leaving Derrick.”

Taking my hand she moves, tugging for me to follow.

“Harper, you don’t want to do this,” he says, grabbing for her. My fist itches to make contact with his face.

“You don’t know what I want. Just leave me alone.”

I like that even better. “Sounds like a great plan.” Using my shoulder, I push around him.

A solid grip on my arm has me rounding on him quickly. I won’t instigate, but I won’t back down either.

Nose to nose, I back him up a good foot. I’m not immune to half the bar watching this go down, so I make it short and sweet. “Listen, this is easy. She’s not into you, and from the looks of it I can see why.” This guy is a douche. “Keep your hands off, and your eyes too.”

“Or, what? You’re just passing through. When you’re gone I'll be here to pick up the pieces. Odds are in my favor.”

A low growl spreads clear and loud from my chest, I bend down, ready to bite and chew his ass out. Faith doesn’t give me time to answer.


“That’s enough, Cowboy. Let’s call it a night,” I say into Kyle’s ear, my hands wrapped in his T-shirt to hold him back. Glaring at Derrick, I pull Kyle from the bar, walking backward until we hit the door. He may or may not have growled at Derrick, which makes me laugh. When he finally turns, his devilish smirk softens his features but not his eyes. They’re still dark and dangerous.

“You didn’t tell me I’d have to fight off your ex-boyfriends.”

I shake my head. “Not an ex; I have better sense than that. Derrick’s a dick. He’s been trying to get in my pants for two years. The moment I showed up on the island he tried to stake a claim, and I’ve fought him ever since.” Kyle lunges toward him again, and I realize my explanation is the opposite of calming. I yank him back. My hands tense in his shirt until we’re well outside of the door, not allowing him to return and kick Derrick’s ass. No matter how fun it would be to watch.

When I landed my job at the Tiki Hut, Derrick was my first customer and my first proposition. He was beyond creepy. After every no he'd send me flowers or pop in for his version of sweet-talk. Just the thought of it has my stomach lurch. He's revolting, and he won't take no for an answer.

“What do you mean, stake a claim? Has he tried anything, Faith? So help me I will . . .”

“Calm down,” I say, running my hands over his chest. It’s hard. Tight muscles ripple under my fingers. Through the T-shirt his nipples harden, and my pulse quickens from his reaction to my touch. His willingness to defend my honor just lays on the sexy. He knows his way to a girl’s heart, or, into her pants. I have to suppress my groan turned giggle at the thought.

It’s so true. Kyle’s fun, easy to be with, and beyond gorgeous. Sex with him is sure to be insanely good.

“Don’t worry about Derrick, he’s annoying but harmless. No need for you to use your toy guns to punish him.”

“Toy guns. Give me some credit. One minute with him and my fist and he'll never try anything again. Just give me the word.”

He means it, too—his hard tone a confirmation of that. I won’t ruin what’s left of our time reminiscing over someone so creepy, so I try for distraction. “Want to swim with me?”

His eyes change from hot anger to warm wanting in a heartbeat, and it makes me laugh. “You’re so easily distracted.”

“You in a bikini—what else could a man want?” He smirks until his eyes deepen even more. “Well, that’s unless we’re talking skinny-dipping. Faith naked is my best wet dream.”

I swat his arm. “There’s a private beach not too far from my apartment. We can swim there. Come on, Cowboy.”

Chuckling, his fingers grasp mine tighter as he follows. The moon is out, shining bright in a cloudless sky, yet when we arrive the wind rolling in from the water has picked up. The air cools, and my nipples point north like a damn barometer. Kyle’s arm is around my shoulder a second later, pulling me into his side to cover as much of my bare skin as possible. It’s . . . nice. I close my eyes on a deep inhale. I’m not used to nice or warm or male. I know a lot about alone and contemplative, thinking about the past and what should have been. A shiver runs down my spine, but it’s not from the chilled air. Forget about it, Faith. This is not the time.

I turn, melting into his perfect fit. “Lay with me?” I ask, nodding toward the white sand.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” He smirks and stretches out first, reaching to settle me into the crook of his shoulder. Protected. It’s something I haven’t felt in a long time, and I’m thankful for it. Thankful he came into my life, if only for tonight. I like the constant flush vibrating under my skin, the humming energy that amplifies my pulse. It’s the feeling right before your favorite band hops on stage when you’re in the front row—excited to be so close and on the verge of something special. It’s one night no one can take away from you, and the memories live on for a lifetime.

The sky is a deep navy blue, with hints of purple gracing the horizon line where the sun fell. Stars are plentiful and bright, layering the atmosphere with a sense of timelessness. For a while we look for and find the constellations, with him telling tales of Cassiopeia and her King, Cepheus.

“How do you know so much about the stars?”

He shrugs. “My granddad. We’d spend hours looking at the night sky and he’d tell me all about them. He said everyone’s life was written in the stars—you just had to find your path and take it. Your dreams, whatever they are, whatever you’ve searched for, would meet you at the end.”

After a minute I ask, “Kyle?” His crooked smile fades when we connect. “Have you found what you’re looking for?”

He brushes his lips against mine, a light touch resonating throughout my entire body. “I’ve spent the first thirty-two years of my life focused on my career. Nothing mattered other than getting where I wanted to go. Now, I’m there. I didn’t realize how lonely it was until I saw you standing behind the bar, shaking your ass to the music and the blender. It hit me out of nowhere. I don’t want to walk through this life alone.”

Swallowing, I wait, unsure what to say. More than a little bit of fear creeps in. Fear of more than surface contact. Don’t change the stakes, Kyle.

“Was that too cheesy?”

“Nacho cheese,” I say as I pop up to straddle his waist. This is headed in the wrong direction, and I’m about to steer it back to basics. “Let me put it this way. I spent a long time running around what I thought would be the rest of my life. That didn’t work out as planned.” I drag my hands along the coiled muscles beneath me. “Love is fickle. You can have it one minute, and it’s gone forever in the next.”

He sits up. Grabbing my hands, they’re pinned behind my back and we’re left mouth to mouth. “You can only run for so long. Are you tired of running, Faith?”

We just stare and breathe and drink in the moment, until I have to ask again, “How do you know my name?”

His breath washes over me like a drug. I want him in me and I’m not sure what I’ll do when he’s gone.

The smirk is back, and something inside my chest tightens because I could get addicted to it. “Would you believe it was written in the stars? From wherever I was in the world, I’d look at the midnight sky and your name would call to me.”

When I shake my head, our lips touch.

“Is that so?” I ask, and gasp when he shifts under me so his dick rubs along the seam of my shorts, sending my clit into a hard throb. Talk about a pulse point. I rock on him so it happens again, and I groan.

“I’m done talking about Faith,” I say, because I am. I don’t want to think about the past or the future; my focus is on tonight. He loosens his hold on my hands and they land in his hair. “What is it you want from me?”

“I want to make you scream my name,” he says, and I feel him grow beneath me. That’s not going to be a problem.

I grind down and the throb takes on a life of its own. It’s been so long since a man has touched me; I’m not ashamed to ask for what I want. And I want it all. Soft and hard, slow and fast. “Make me come, Kyle.”

Chapter Five


“Tell me what you want.”

To my surprise she says, “Kiss me slow.”

And that’s it, the only thing I need to hear. Rolling so she’s beneath me, I grind my cock into her pussy and swallow my groan. She feels more than amazing. I get the idea she likes it, too, when her eyes flare and then narrow as lust blurs black into brown. The pulse in her neck fascinates me as it pounds with the fast rise and fall of her chest. She touches my cheek, feathering her fingers over my mouth. “I want this all over me.”

Our lips part in unison when I roll against her again. Like there’s too much to say, and not enough time to fit all of it in. So I start with, “Life’s full of stops and starts. We're about to start something between us—you with me?”

Drawing her bottom lip into her mouth, she sucks on it. Fuck, I need this girl. At this moment, I don’t care that I’m leaving in ten hours, or that I’ll probably never see her again, and if I did, I’d more than likely fuck up whatever was between us and she’d end up hating me. None of it matters because right now, with her under me, a flush crawling up her chest, I want her as I’ve never wanted any other woman before.

Finally nodding, her lip pops free and I’m on it. I want to devour, but I take small bites instead, slow and steady, alternating between her top and bottom, nip, suck, and pull. Moving into a slow glide of my mouth against hers, she opens for me in an invitation and I accept. This kiss is me challenging her to let me in, let me be with you and make you feel more in one night than you have in the last two years. When I pull back, her lips are swollen and her eyes are soft. My gut clenches and I kiss her again, long and hard.

We’re tangled up, tongues, hands, arms and legs. It’s almost too much; the urge to rip away the barriers and pound into her tight, willing body is crushing. I want to hear her scream my name, but I promised slow, and I don’t break my promises.

Everything about her, about this, is overwhelming. The low moans that I take in and reciprocate with my own, the sweet taste of her mouth, warm honeyed vanilla, and her body pressed into mine.

Concentrating on her hands, I follow them along my back, pulling up and then raking under my T-shirt. She digs into my obliques and holds on. Sweet Jesus, she hasn’t a clue what she does to me. Or maybe she does, and it’s a game—she’s toying with me until I break.

Game on. Deeper, my tongue slides into her mouth with the intent to devastate, crush and pummel her senses until she can only think of me. My mouth, my body, my everything, and anything she wants. I’ll give it to her.

I don’t let up, licking her lips and then diving deeper, moving to shallow rubs and light nips and back again. Her heart rate is high and it matches mine. I can feel it, her breath coming in panting waves, and the vibration of her moan. God, I’m harder than I’ve ever been. I want my cock inside of her more than life itself, but I keep going. This is for Faith. I want my name in her heart, living and breathing there with every breath she takes.

Her hips begin tiny fragmented movement to find friction. Fuck, if I can’t not touch her. I have too.

“Kyle,” she moans into my mouth, a sound so sweet it could only come from her.

“Faith?” I ask, wanting, no, needing to hear her beg for it.

It’s her turn to stare. Her glazed eyes roam every inch of my face and neck only to slide back up to my hair, which she grabs to hold me still. “Touch me,” she whispers, moving her hips into mine. “Please.”


“Here.” She moves her hips again and I smile before taking her mouth, slowly at first, then faster and deeper as my hand strokes over her chest. There’ll be time to play with her tits later; right now I’ve been given a directive, and I aim to please.

I watch her as my hand grazes against the outside of her thigh, following the ridge of her shorts to stroke the smooth skin below her pussy. It’s impossible to remain calm—it’s her fault, all her fucking fault. If she weren’t so amazing I could slow down, but I need to feel her wet and tight around me. Gripping her hip, I pull, grinding my dick into the tight press of her thighs and she groans. Music to my ears.

“Let me hear you.” I roll into her again and again until she’s panting and I’m afraid I’ll explode like a virgin on a first date.

“I want you to touch me,” she whispers, guiding my hand to exactly where she wants it and it’s my turn to groan. I love that she’s open and willing to ask for what she needs.

“Reading my mind,” I whisper, before kissing her. Holding back nothing, I punish her mouth. The kiss is hard and deep, while my hand works over the button and zipper of her shorts. Pulling away, I gaze into her dazed eyes and over her flushed face to her flat stomach.

We both watch my fingers slip down the front of her shorts and the flash of lace beneath them. Her skin is silk, luxurious, and meant for the richest of men—meant for me. “Fuuuck, Faith.” I drop my head to her hair as my finger slides along the wet sheath of her lips. “God, you’re perfect.”


 I’ve lost my mind. In a good, mind-numbing way. Kyle knows how to kiss until all thought is erased. I’m wild for him, unthinking I ask him to touch me, and I mean it. I would beg if he asked me to. When his hand reaches below my panties, reality suddenly returns. Damn it all, I’m on a beach with his hand in my pants, ready to give him anything he asks for. Tensing beneath him, my eyes round and I push against his shoulder.

“Relax,” he whispers in my ear. “You can let go with me. I’ll always catch you.” There’s a sexy sway to his voice, and then his fingers, two of them, slip into me and I’m lost.

“Fuck, Angel. You’re so wet and tight . . . I want my mouth on you.”

I hum, because I can’t speak. I’d let him do anything he wanted because he feels that good. Letting go to feeling, I take in everything: his body pressed against mine as I rock into his hand. He sinks deeper, cupping me so his palm rubs against my clit. “Oh,” I half-cry, half-moan. “Kyle.”

I search for his mouth, and it’s there just when I need it most. Covering my lips with his, he takes every panted breath and mumbled word into him. More, deeper, faster, harder, please and then repeated until I can’t breathe. My hands seek out his wrist, holding him, showing him the way, pulling him further into me, rubbing and plunging deeper, over and over.

“Yes, oh fuck, Faith. I want to see you come. I want to feel it.”

Our mouths hover together, barely touching as his words wash over me. Kyle, brand new, yet we fit so well, as if we’ve been molded together over time. There’s no shame in my actions—what he’s doing to me, with me. I’ve given myself, and this night to him freely, and I let him take me to a place I’ve never visited before. Not like this; never with this complete wild abandon. In a moment I’ve let go of fear and worry, thoughts of tomorrow fade to nothing. It’s just me and Kyle, and to hell with everything else.

We find the perfect rhythm. His fingers mimic the thrust of his hips, pumping and reaching deep. Curling forward, he finds that place, that beautiful-touch-me-there-again place. And he does. Over and over, hitting it and at the same time he sweeps the pad of this thumb against my clit. I can feel it start, a budding pressure spreading slowly and then with growing force. My orgasm builds, crowning into a breaking wave. Tightening, my legs draw up and lock as I rock back and forth, clenching around him.

“Oh. Oh, my God,” I cry. It’s intense, earth-moving intense, and I lose sight of everything while riding the peak, destroying it and coming back to reality on the broken crest. His hand gentles, massaging the remnants of my climax, and it feels amazing. Tipping my head into his neck, I breathe long drags of his rich, unique maleness—a little bit of sweat, the sun and just, him. Now he’s mixed with me, and sex. It’s erotic, and for only tonight, it’s mine.

Crap. Mine sounds so good, but so scary at the same time. The urge to run hums just under my skin. I'm good at it. It's what I do. Letting go with Kyle, letting him see me in such a needy, vulnerable way has my muscles itching to race for distance. I don't do intimacy because in my old life I latched on to it like a moth to a flame. I craved relationships. The thrill of falling in love, the security, and the connection were my high. But the last one destroyed my life. That's what blind faith will do. I believed in a beautiful perception and when his truth was unveiled, he stole everything. And not just from me.

Forcing myself to breathe and find a minute of peace, I hide the past and shy away from my nook to stare into Kyle’s clear eyes. They're filled with awe and I revel in his Kyle smile. It starts small, a teasing smirk, and it grows, stretching across his face. When his smile's this wide, a small dimple creases his left cheek. My fingers have nowhere to go but to his face, running along his lower lip and then into that completely endearing dip.

“That was some kinda sexy,” he says, swooping down to capture my mouth. It's brief, but devastating at the same time. “I could live on that memory for the rest of my life and remain satisfied.”

He’s yet to remove his hand. I gasp as he slides deeper and I tighten around him. He's at my ear now, nibbling, and whispering, “You feel so good wrapped around me, and it's only going to get better. Are you ready for me?”

Hell yes, I could do this again. After two more thrusts, he glides out only to linger over my clit. I groan and grab his dick as payback. I suspect, by what’s pressed into my thigh, he’s big. It's a thousand percent confirmed when I make contact. My Lord, I need to fan myself and take a breather. I want nothing more than to bare him and take him in my mouth.

“My turn,” I say, as I work the line of his zipper.

Laughter, loud and growing louder, greets us as we roll over and I push him into the sand. We look up together, staring and unable to move. My hand is halfway down his pants, his just out of mine, as a group of teenage boys highjack the beach. Our eyes connect, then swing back and forth between us and our visitors and then we lose it, laughing the funny, awkward, caught-sneaking-into-the-proverbial-cookie-jar laughter. Tears stream down my face at the absurdity of it. I roll off of him into the sand, clutching my stomach when hoots and whistles rise above my own giggles. Somewhere through my haze, I realize Kyle’s watching me, a twinkle in his eyes and a huge, dimple-filled grin confirming his own hilarity.

“It . . . it’s not that funny,” he says, trying to straighten his face.

I can’t respond because of my hitching breath. It’s really not, but for some reason being caught in the act on the beach has set me off. Maybe it’s because I haven’t laughed, really laughed, in a very long time and it feels so good.

After another minute I stand, zipping my shorts with my back to our audience. All the laughter gone, Kyle watches the show with an intensity I've yet to see from him. We're not playing anymore.

I take the same approach and look him up and down. I’ve ruined his shirt. I pulled it into loose twists that can’t fall away due to my fierce grip. First my hands twisted into it to keep him away from Derrick, then I gripped it as I rode his hand as if it were giving me the first orgasm I’d ever had. I haven’t felt that free in years, and I took everything I needed to find that freedom. I’m not sorry about what happened. I’m taking tonight and will deal with the consequences in the morning.

“You’re right. Come on,” I say. I reach out, and Kyle takes my offered assistance and pops to his feet. “I’m taking you home.”

“Breaking one of your rules, are you?”

“Don’t get any ideas, Cowboy. We’re going to my place, but I didn’t say anything about a bed.” His eyes narrow and I smile, moving to grip his shirt. Pulling him closer, I take in his gruff whisper, the one that makes me wet and needy. “I was thinking since you’ve already had me on the sand, we could try the shower and maybe the table or against a wall.”

A slow move and he nestles into my hips. The pressure of his erection digs into me and the throb is back. Looking into the crystal-clear beauty of his eyes, it’s easy to imagine more with Kyle, his sweet smile and carefree nature something I could get used to. But real feelings are dangerous; it’s better to pretend. I’ll live in a fantasy until sunrise when the reality of my life will resume once more.

Kyle grips my chin, forcing my gaze from the curve of his lips to connect with his.

“We’re going to break your rules and make our own. No worries about the future; no fear of the past. It’s just you and me tonight.”

My thoughts are driven back to him when he bends into me again, forehead to forehead. The solid strength of his arms wraps around my waist. For a long moment we just hold still, appreciating the heat passing between us, and the odd attachment that’s formed there as well. “Make me feel good, Kyle. I need this.”

The sharp intake of his breath and the tightening of his arms is his first response. A swift kiss and a pinch to my ass is the second, and it lightens the mood. “Then by all means, Angel, take me home.”

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