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Save Us
  • Текст добавлен: 15 октября 2016, 00:57

Текст книги "Save Us"

Автор книги: Cynthia Dane

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Chapter 16




I am walking through a haze of nothing but work, drinks with businesspeople, and books, movies, and people arguing on the internet. I am bitter. I am annoyed. I am everything I fucking hate in a whiny little insecure man.

Kill me.

It’s been four weeks since Kathryn dumped me. Oh, I know what she called it. Taking a break. Thinking. Contemplating the birds and the bees and the whips and chains. She can call it whatever she wants. I know she’s dumped me. Otherwise, why would she avoid me outside of work? Why won’t she kiss me before she leaves for home?

All right, I can understand wanting to take a break from the kink if it’s really getting to her. I can even understand wanting to avoid sex… I mean, I guess. Wouldn’t make me terribly happy, but it’s better than not being able to be with her at all.

Four weeks of not enjoying her touch, her breaths next to me in bed. Her company in the tub. Her light snores as she dozes on my shoulder or curls up beneath my covers, next to my cat.

And then… two weeks of no Kathryn at all. She went to Europe right away, visiting her mother, or at least that’s what she said. Before she left, she was morose, confused, frayed…

When she returned, she looked and acted like the Kathryn Alison I have seen sporadically over the years.

I first saw her in a café, where I was having lunch with some of the investors for The Grand. Minding my own business, sipping lattes and trying to think about anything but women, and then in waltzed Kathryn with two women I know from the Domme scene.

She was smiling.


Laughing. Carrying on. Making jokes before politely ordering her food with a grin.

I caught her eye in the beginning. Her smile faltered around me. It felt like an arrow to the chest.

Of course, I texted her. I held back my real feelings, asking her how her trip was and letting her know that it was good to see her glowing. Whatever happened in Europe, it must have been good for her.

I wonder if she found another man.

Ugh, not something I want to think about. Yet how can I think of anything else? Kathryn is a beautiful, radiant woman who attracts people to her like an angel. She attracted me, didn’t she? I apparently couldn’t give her what she wanted. Or at least not enough.

You know, if she would tell me…

No, Ian, don’t act like this. It’s not becoming of a gentleman. Nobody wants to be around a whiny ass who is experiencing heartache for the first time in his young life. As my mother told me when I went to her place to moan, “You’re so used to getting what you want. How about you think about what another person wants for once?”

I have the sinking suspicion that my mother has something to do with Kathryn’s disappearance. I wouldn’t put it past her. Especially since she’s been making comments about my lifestyle, if you know what I mean.

I can only imagine what Kathryn has told her.

Four weeks. Now here I am, sitting in The Dark Hour with James and another friend who has only been here a couple of times, as he’s not too much into kink. We’re all stag. Gwen’s off visiting relatives, and as far as anyone here is concerned, I’m single.

I should feel relieved here. Seeing other men with their subs usually makes me feel better about my own future. Let’s also not forget the beautiful women abound. More than one has made eyes at me from across the room. Three months ago, two months ago, I would have been tempted to flirt back.

It feels wrong now.

Kathryn made a comment about me “fucking some other blonde,” but I don’t want to. Every time one of these young subs looks at me, I see her face, her eyes, her hair… even if the woman in question looks completely different from Kathryn. A Domme walked by, and I wanted to ask her if it could really work between someone like us.

Plus, you know… this is the last place we made love.

Sex is not on the table for me tonight. I don’t even feel right watching the show that begins between a man and his nubile sub, a woman whom every man wants because she has “all the right curves” and the meekest voice in the room. Some guys get really turned on by that. Normally, I would at least enjoy the spanking her round ass gets from a paddle.

It feels wrong. I wish we had gone to a normal bar or club tonight. Somewhere far away from the kink.

“Uh oh,” James says after the show ends. “Bunch of bitches on patrol. Three o’clock.”

The crowds part to admit a formidable group of four Dommes, their hair loud, their voices louder, and their boots clapping against the floor with every heavy step. Right in front is Eva Warren, her spiky hair and jewelry enough to make this small group of men here cross their legs and look the other way. I remember her holding one of my own kitchen knives. She was not talking about stabbing me in the heart.

I barely recognize the other women. Some of them aren’t from around here, but there’s a high-end convention going on in town and this is probably a once-a-year gathering of Dommes. Like the worst sorority on campus. Well, worst if you’re a man who prefers his women a bit more… docile.

A woman completely unlike the one bringing up the rear.


She’s scurrying to catch up, holding a coat check in her hand and explaining to Eva that she was held up in the checkroom. They laugh, Eva offering to buy my Katie a drink before they sit down on the other side of the room. Five women. Five Dommes.

Kathryn is very… Domme tonight.

It’s not only her black pantsuit hugging every part of her body. It’s her metallic jewelry hanging down her neck, dangling from her fingers, and mingling with the smoky makeup she’s put on for this night. It’s her gait as she walks, her posture as she sits and drinks, and her manner of speaking to the other women – and men – around her. Commanding. Dominating. Masculine, but with a touch of feminine.

It’s her hair, resting atop her head in a crisp twist decorated with large crystals.

It’s that entrancing look. That demeanor. Countenance. Visage. I don’t fucking care what it is. It’s the way she glances at me before going back to whatever raunchy conversation the other Dommes are having, as if I’m not here at all.

Perhaps it’s for the best.

“Mathers,” James says, clapping me on the shoulder. “Look alive. We’ve got company.”



Subs, to be exact.

Two of them. They look like best friends, or at least the kind of girls who come to these things together so they don’t have to be alone. This place is safe, as far as them not having to worry about being attacked or stalked, but I imagine it’s still scary for a sub to work up the courage to come to this sort of place by herself, looking for a Dom for tonight, for eternity.

Under normal circumstances, I would consider this my lucky night. You see, this is my last night I’ll have to burn for a while. The opening ball at The Grand is next weekend, and then I’ll be ass-deep in running the place until the family is confident enough to fully turn it over to the actual manager.

These aren’t normal circumstances, however. I’m looking at these girls, dressed in matching lingerie and sporting pretty collars, and wishing they would leave. Don’t tempt me. I might actually take up one of you for an evening of frustrated domination. I’d take you roughly, bitterly, wishing you were a woman named Kathryn instead of the stand-in you are. So, you see, it’s a good idea I not interact tonight.

I look over at the group of Dommes. Kathryn is blocked by Eva, but sometimes she leans far enough back that I see the white of her throat. If she were with me right now, I’d suck it until there was no more skin to leave my mark on.

“I’m sorry, ladies,” James says in his smooth voice. “I’m taken. My girlfriend is currently not here. This gentleman here…” he points to me. “Ian Mathers. Maybe you’ve heard of him.”

They shake their heads, smiling in apology.

“Ah, well, he’s a real killer. He’s not saying much tonight, though.” He kicks my shin, enough to make me react.

“I’m afraid I’m not available either. Sorry.”

Both girls are crestfallen. Our other friend is definitely not in the mood, even if he’s single. The kind of sex these girls want isn’t the kind our friend can deliver.

So this guy is incapable of Doming, and James isn’t the cheating asshole type. That leaves me, the man everyone thinks is unattached and game to fuck anything that moves and will say, “Yes, sir.”

You know, if I played my cards right, I could probably have both of them tonight.

The thought is so unappealing that I almost blanch at the thought.

“Since when are you unavailable?” James asks. “Last I checked, the closest you got to a relationship was with that actress. Isn’t she screwin’ your dad now? Or is that guy in the tabloids somebody else?”

I don’t answer.

“Fine, man. Be that way.”

After politely smiling and nodding my head to the ladies, I get up and excuse myself to the restroom.

I don’t go to the restroom.

I wander around the room, avoiding the group of Dommes and the woman I’m convinced I love. There’s no way she’s going to talk to me in…


This place is so dark in some corners that I barely see Kathryn when I pass her. She’s leaning against the wall near the women’s restroom. Probably escorted one of her friends here and is now waiting to go back to their table.

“Kati… Kathryn.” I keep my voice level, although I can’t stop from fidgeting with the buttons on my dinner jacket. “Good to see you. Will I see you back at work soon? We’ve been sorely missing you.” That’s an understatement. Valerie’s told me that Anita’s broken down crying from all the work more than once. Kathryn better be paying her double.

“Monday. Hope I didn’t cause too much trouble. Would’ve been back this week, but my father called me away to help him with some personal matters.”

“I see.”

“You look…” Her eyes dart up and down, taking in what I’m wearing, how I’m standing… probably how I smell. “Good. Saw your new friends over there.” She nods toward the girls accepting complimentary drinks from James. He’s leaning in, telling them about the best Doms to try next, since I’m apparently out. “They’re pretty. Should be fun.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Oh?” She almost looks amused. Had I said that too quickly?

I look around, making sure the coast is clear. Or at least that no other Domme is gonna walk by the moment I lean in to say something private to my… girlfriend. Wow, she really does not feel like my girlfriend. Let me tell you, though, I would give anything, from a fortune to my right leg, to kiss her.

“Can we talk?”

Her expression remains unchanged. This feisty Domme is going to be end of me. Because I can’t even imagine her getting down on her knees, sucking my cock, and asking me to come inside her. This is not the type of woman who would do this. Kathryn Alison would never .Only Katie would, and she’s nowhere around this club tonight.

I can still remember what it’s like to enter her. To hear her moans. To feel her climax on my cock, clutching it inside her and massaging it until I can’t hold in my seed any longer.

Kathryn glances at my crotch. Great.

“I don’t have time. The shit I have to say to you would take an eternity to get through.”

I have no idea if that’s good or bad. Maybe neither. Maybe both.

“All I’ll say is that… well, I’m not angry with you, Ian. I’ve missed you.”

Nope. Not daring to answer, even though I would really love to get on my knees and start groveling. “Shit, shit, I’ve missed you too! Let’s go back to my place and tell each other how much we’ve been missed!” The fact that her sudden departure from the country is the reason we’ve missed each other escapes my mind for a moment.

“Even though I’ve missed you, now is not the time to sort our shit out.”

Our shit?

“Take care, Ian.” By some stroke of luck, she puts her hand on my shoulder before she walks away. “I’ll see you at the hotel on Monday.”

She kicks herself off the wall, arms still crossed but eyes not pointing to the floor. She’s confidant, regardless of her feelings for me. Shit, it’s that confidence that originally attracted me to her. Maybe I didn’t know it at the time, but it’s a definite truth. My love for Katie grew from a germ as small as an ounce of her confidence.

Not just because she’s a Domme, either, but because she’s the type of woman to go out and get what she wants… and I admire that. Am attracted to that.

“I’ve missed you too…” I say loud enough for her to hear, or at least I hope. “My darling.”

Kathryn looks at me with a depraved grin and joins a woman coming out of the bathroom.

I go back to James. The subs are gone. So are we, as soon as our drinks are finished.





Chapter 17




Let me tell you about this past month.

The moment I walked out on Ian in that restaurant, frustrated, confused, and definitely heartbroken because he’s as dense as the ocean, I made the decision to sort out what it is I wanted before talking to him outside of work. The only way I could do that was by removing myself physically from the situation.

Could not remove myself emotionally, as I quickly found out the moment I stepped off the plane in Berlin and saw an airport attendant who looked a lot like Ian. Spoke German, but you know, doppelgangers aren’t going to be 100% the same.

I went into the nearest bathroom and fucking cried.

Wish I could tell you that I spent the whole fortnight visiting my mother. Telling her what’s going on. Getting hugs and jokes and some cookies from the local bakery. To be fair, there was a stellar shop on the corner of the street my mom’s townhouse is on. But I only got to visit it twice, because I stayed with her for four days. I was going to spend the whole trip there, but she largely ignored me and the neuroses of her housekeeper sent me screaming into the German streets.

So, I took my chances doing a bit of traveling. Berlin. Stockholm. London. I avoided Paris like the plague, even though I’ve usually enjoyed trips there, because of the baggage associated with the City of Romance. While on one hand I didn’t get to talk to people much outside of hotel hospitality, I did get a clean, shiny new environment to think about what it is I want from my life.

Being thousands of miles away from the man you love has all sorts of fucked up consequences on you. For one, well, you’re away from the man you love. You swear that you can feel his heart beating in bed with you… an ocean away. You think you hear his voice calling you from the bedroom when you’re in the shower. And you want to strangle every man calling a woman Catherine, Cat, or heaven forbid, Katie.

On the other, having that distance allows you to stand back and take a hard look at your life choices.

They say you can’t help who you fall in love with. No matter your preferences, who you actively go looking for, or the kind of people you surround yourself with, you’re probably falling in love with the last person you expected.

Until a few months ago, I always assumed I would either marry a “normal” man, or a bedroom-sub. I don’t want a lifestyle Dom/sub relationship, on either end. I had fun during my stint with Ian wearing the collar almost 24/7, but that’s not for me in the long run. I can’t give up that kind of control for so long.

And that brings me here, standing in my apartment on Sunday night after returning to America. I saw Ian tonight. At the Dark Hour, when I went there with some of my old friends, all Dommes. It was fun being around my usual brethren again. I was reminded of the thrills, the fun, the passion we could instill in one another, especially when some male subs stopped by and entertained us with their witty tongues and promises of pleasure. Eva and I were the only ones who didn’t go home with one of them. Not Eva’s cup of tea, and I’m not sure if I’m still seeing Ian. It felt like cheating.

After seeing him? After hearing him call me his darling? I now wonder if it was wrong to ignore all the texts he sent me when I first left that restaurant.

I’m sure he’s thought of me as much as I’ve thought of him. I think of him as I pour myself an Old Fashioned, the drink I had when we made that bet. I think of him as I feed Sinéad, petting her soft fur and thanking God she’s over her kitten-diarrhea phase. I even think of Ian as I wash off my heavy makeup and let down my hair.

There were two things I walked away from Europe with. The first is that I absolutely, in at least some life-altering capacity, love Ian Mathers. I love our banter, how he challenges me, how he makes me laugh at the most unexpected times. His taste in movies is suspect, but it’s not about watching the movie itself. It’s about curling up in his hold, kissing his five-o-clock shadow, and reveling in his smart aftershave.

Thinking about those little things tells me again, as I get into the tub, that I love the bastard. I want more moments like those. I want to make love to him. I even want to… dare I say it… submit to him at times.

Ian has transformed me into the switch I never knew I could be. That much is true.

You know what else I want? Of course you know what I want. You’ve probably been yelling, no, screaming at me for weeks now. “Kathryn!” you’re yelling right now, getting ready to reach through whatever you’re reading this on. “Don’t you see? The only way you could be happy with any man, and not just a man like Ian, is if you get to show him who’s boss sometimes!”

That’s right. It’s not enough to spank a woman here and there for his titillation. I can’t live off him knowing I’m a Domme, let alone one who is exclusive to him and can’t take out her controlling frustrations on someone else. Listening to my Domme friends, watching them interact with subs, reminded me of how much I used to enjoy that.

My mind keeps going back to Ian. While he was training me, I was content to indulge in only my forbidden fantasies. Well, now I want to indulge in the really public ones. Push that man down. Tie his hands behind his back so he can’t get grabby. Take his cock to the edge and back. Ride his fucking face, feeling his stubble all over my pussy as I inform that asshole that I am the woman who commands his heart and loins.

That is the source of my frustration. My heartache.

Ian Mathers will never submit to me. I know it like I know I love him.

And now I’ve gotta go back to work. I have to look him in the eye, overcome my feelings for him, and tell him why we would never work.

I’m probably going to have to move after the ball next weekend. Fuck the museum. My dad can do it. I… won’t last another day around Ian. Even though I have to. For now.

Life, right?


I check myself in the bathroom mirror one last time before going out into the ballroom.

Blue dress I bought at The Crimson Dove? Check. Diamond clasps in my hair? Check. Minimum makeup with a smack of pink lipstick? Check.

Oh, don’t forget your clutch on the bathroom sink, Kathryn!

I’m not the only woman in here. The women’s restroom in the main hall of the renovated Grand is stuffed with well-to-do women checking their hair and makeup, looking for panty lines beneath their dresses, and gabbing about their dates. While I see a lot of women from my social circles here, I also see some new faces. Rube-type girls trying to blend in with their lower-class dresses and heels that break with too much ease. Their language isn’t that great either.

I assume most of them are escorts, paid for by men who were in need of a date for the evening. The way they gather around one end of the sink and mutter about Johns… ahahaha.

There is one woman who pops up beside me, however, who is neither escort nor high society. She’s both.

“I was hoping I would see you here.” Judith, dressed in a sexy black number, black pumps, and with hair as big as her tall body, appears with a smile in the mirror. “I had heard you jetted out of the country.”

My lipstick almost falls into the sink. “You…”

“Am both working and having fun.” She winks. “My patron brought me as a date. Sorry. I’m unavailable tonight.”

She’s joking, but I can sense she’s intrigued by me. I should hope so. She only got half the usual effort in the Kathryn Special when I rubbed her clit and spanked her ass at the Château. Not a bad first run with a woman, if I do say so myself.

Something I pretty much did for Ian. I sigh.

“Was hoping to see you up in the mountains again. You and your charming boyfriend.”

I can’t tell if she’s making small talk or genuinely missing my touch. Is it the same way I miss Ian’s touch right now? I don’t know. Eva would know about lesbian sin better than me.

“He’s not really my boyfriend.” I lower my voice as two women walk by, leaving the bathroom. “We’re on break, anyway.”

“Aw. You’re a hot couple. Can only imagine what it’s like when a Dom and a Domme collide. More than sparks flying, right?”

“You could say that.”

“I am saying that.” Judith turns, leaning against the sink as she watches me pat down errant hairs on my scalp. “If you hadn’t kicked me out of my own room… well, only reason I let you do that is because y’all paid me such a nice tip to fuck on my bed. Was a shame to change those linens the next day. I had to sleep in a guest room.”

I’d feel for her plight, but I highly doubt Ian and I were hardly the only ones to ever do that. “Our relationship is complicated.”

“Totally! You know, it’s not nice to gossip behind someone’s back, but you two were the topic du jour for a few days around the place. Me and another girl got into a heated discussion about whether a Dom and a Domme could really have a functioning relationship. We figured they’d either have to be poly and get their kicks elsewhere, or be switches like the Andrews.”

She looks at me, waiting for me to confirm one or the other.

“I wish it were that simple.”

“Nothing about love and sex ever is, right?” Judith steps away, waving a hand in my direction. “I’ve gotta go. Ol’ man is waiting for me. Says something about wanting a dance while the night is still young. Try to enjoy yourself.”

The bathroom door swings shut, and I’m alone on my end of the sink. Before the silence can get to me, I grab my clutch and vacate.

The Grand has come a long way from the sheet-covered spectacle it was months ago. The Mathers and their subcontractors did an amazing job transforming it so quickly, and without compromising quality. That means they paid a hefty sum for it. I hope they had the funds to cover it.

Haha, who am I kidding? They’re richer than my family!

I’m rather late to the party, so people are already dancing and mingling. People dressed in the uniform the Mathers picked out for the employees make the rounds with trays full of champagne. I grab a glass and look for my father, currently talking to Dominic Mathers.

“What a fantastic display of ingenuity and historical accuracy,” my father says, cheeks flushed from too much champagne already. “I’m impressed you made it this far, and on such short notice.”

Dominic smiles, but there’s something hollow about it. Maybe he’s turning into his son, wherever he is.

Yeah, he’s turning into Ian. Because here comes Stephanie May, sashaying in a pearly-white gown and up-do.

“Kathryn,” she says, lips dripping with venom. “So nice to see you. I heard you went on a trip… I hope it was nice. That would explain why I haven’t made contact with you recently.”

Fuck her. She’s talking about the fact I haven’t paid her off this month. I would have arranged it while I was gone, but Caroline was insistent that she would “take care of it.” So far, nothing seems to have been taken care of.

“It’s nice seeing you too.” I turn to my father, avoiding both Stephanie and Dominic’s gaze. “Daddy, you should try the wine they have around here. I sampled the same brand in Germany, and it was divine.” Finally, I glance at Dominic, a sour smile on my face. “You have good taste, Mr. Mathers.”

“Oh, I didn’t select that. Ian did.”

“Of course he did.”

“If you see that bugger, let him know he needs to dance with someone before I throw Stephanie into his arms.”

“Oh, Dommie, you needn’t be so awkward.”

Everyone except Stephanie is stiffening, and she’s playing up the image of her and Ian in case I missed it.

Yes, honey, I’m jealous.

And annoyed that Dominic is not-so-subtly suggesting I dance with Ian. A man I haven’t touched since we last fucked.

I see him out of the corner of my eye, weaving in and out of people, servers, and reporters. He stops to kiss an elderly woman’s hand and to compliment her husband. He pulls aside a server and informs her that there’s a run in her tights. He steals multiple glances in my direction, probably shitting himself over me talking to Dominic and Stephanie.

Time to make my escape.

My salvation is in the form of Eva, who is here because I begged her to be, and because her family is here, checking out their investments. She’s talking to her brother Henry when I appear, offering her a glass of champagne I stole off a tray and asking if she would like to sample some hors-d'oeuvres.

“I’d like to sample the clams around here, if you know what I mean.” She’s eyeballing a woman in a green dress as we stand next to a wall. The orchestra finishes a piece and begins another, creating a scuffle of people in the middle of the ballroom as they leave, find new partners, or decide to have “just one more.” In a way, it reminds me of the gala I went to twelve years ago, where Ian Mathers and Kathryn Alison first charged into a relationship from hell.

A dozen years in the making, folks!

“Try to contain yourself. This is a family affair,” I joke, wishing I got more champagne. What this party needs is harder booze.

“Oh, whatever. Like you’re faring much better than me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I see all your favorite people here. In fact…” She tips her drink up, motioning beyond my body. “Here comes your ultimate favorite.”

“Evangeline.” Ian stands a mere few inches behind me, nodding to the both of us, acting like he’s all business. “You look nice.”

She glances down at her suit. “This old thing? Clearance rack at Kohl’s.”


Eva downs the rest of her champagne. “That’s my middle name. Evangeline Cute Warren. Anyway… what the hell do you want?”

“Not you, surely.” Ian turns to me, and I can smell that cologne he was wearing the last time we made love. The time before that. Before that. “I came by to ask Kathryn to dance.”

I pretend that we have no romantic history. It’s the only way I can look him in the eye and channel the old Kathryn who would be tempted to rip his balls off and present them on one of the champagne trays running around.

“Your father was telling me that you need to dance with someone. I guess it’s because you’re young and single.”

Boom. Right in the fucking gut. Yeah, I can play dirty.

Yet his expression only flinches. Not the change I was hoping for. “I heard the same thing from your father. Funny, that.”

Either Ian is lying or my father has some explaining to do.

Regardless, some man landed on my shit-list yet again.

“And why would I dance with you?” I keep my champagne glass to my lips, letting it act as a buffer between us. Get any closer, Ian, and I might touch you.

It’s not like… I don’t want to touch you…

It’s a terrible idea.

“You would dance with me because it’s not something you get to do every day. Meanwhile…” he jerks his thumb in Eva’s direction. “You can talk to her anytime you want.”

“Not true. I’m in grad school.”

“All right, whenever she feels like fucking off from class. Which is every day, I’m guessing.”

“Speaking of fucking off, Mathers, isn’t that what you should be doing?”

God, listen to us. A bunch of high school children standing in front of the lockers and acting like this is the most important moments of our lives. I’d blame these two immature imbeciles, but I’m not helping the situation any. In fact, my indecision is making things worse.

“All right.” I hand Eva my half-empty glass. I’m sure she’ll finish it off for me. “One dance, with enough room for Jesus, as Mrs. Caruthers in high school would have said.”


“Biology,” Ian corrects my friend. “Mrs. Caruthers was an odd choice for a biology teacher, let’s say.”

“You two need Jesus, that’s for sure.” Eva stalks off with two glasses in her hands. “I want the full report of how many times you called God tonight. And five Hail Marys for every time you feel bad about it.”

Once she’s gone, I snort.

“How about it, Ms. Alison?” Ian extends an open hand to me. “Dance? The good news is that the song is probably half over by now. Though it’s hard to tell with orchestras. Ever hear a five-minute cello solo?”

“Yes.” I take his hand. It’s warm. A warm reminder of what he can do to me with that hand. “There was one during that night at the symphony, remember?”

Ian leads me away, my hand still in his. “No. I was distracted by other things.”

Yes, like my mouth on your cock. You know what I remember the most from that night, Ian?

Surrendering myself to you for the first time. The first time without screaming, anyway.

His lips touch my knuckles when we reach the center of the ballroom. Couples are spinning, dipping, and laughing all around us. Under any other circumstance, this could be a whimsical time.

Naturally, he leads. Because he’s a man. Because he’s a Dom, and even as a Domme, I must defer to his lead.

It’s a petty thing to cling to. I’ve been feeling pretty petty lately.

“We haven’t had much chance to talk since you’ve been back.” Ian keeps a respectful distance between us as we turn on the dance floor. Other couples who are dancing closer than we are. “Tell me all about Europe.”

My hand squeezes in his, and I chock it up to the movements of the dance as opposed to him trying to be forward. Or is it me initiating this contact? Sometimes I have no idea what I’m doing.

“Europe was fine. Rainy in London, but when isn’t it?”

“London? I thought you went to Germany to see your mother.”

“I did… for as long as I could bear it.” I briefly tell him about my mother waking up “hating everything” and throwing her bedspread from her second floor balcony and onto the street for “the urchins to pick up.”


“Yes, that was the day I decided to fly to Stockholm.”

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