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Our Lady of the Ice
  • Текст добавлен: 29 сентября 2016, 03:56

Текст книги "Our Lady of the Ice"

Автор книги: Cassandra Clarke

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Текущая страница: 20 (всего у книги 29 страниц)

“I’m helping Cabrera so I can be free.” Sofia’s anger flared. “Which is a concept you don’t understand because you’ve always had it.”

“Freedom?” Marianella took a step backward. “You think I’ve always had freedom?”

“No one can program you.” The heat rose in Sofia’s words. “No one can control you with music and a record player. So yes, I have helped Ignacio Cabrera just so I can be free.”

“I live in fear every day that someone will discover my nature,” Marianella said, her voice low and cold. “The only freedom I have comes from pretending to be human.”

“Which you do so well.” Sofia glared at her. “You pretend to be human because you want to be human. That’s why you built that dome with Alejo Ortiz. You just want to pretend.”

“I’m not pretending anything.” Marianella’s cheeks flushed pink. “I just understand that true freedom comes from self-sufficiency, not from death and terror.”

“I don’t want death.” Sofia laughed. “I just want them gone. They have no business living in this climate. They can’t even go outside! We can. Your dome is just forcing them into something they’re not. I’m saying they should go back to where they’re suited and leave the ice to us.”

She stared at Marianella when she finished, daring her to protest. It was so frustrating how Marianella played at being human. As if being human were the only way to survive in this world.

“Your plan isn’t going to work,” said Marianella. She brushed one hand over her hair. The pink had gone out of her cheeks, and she took a deep breath. “You understand that, right? Independence—that’s how we create a place for robots. A place for robots and humans to live side by side.”

“You don’t really think Alejo’s going to let you do that, do you?”

Marianella ignored the question. “The Independents can negotiate terms in a way you can’t. What’s to stop the mainland from bombing the city once you’ve gotten rid of the humans?”

“The atomic plants. They aren’t that stupid.”

Marianella sighed.

“But we are smarter than them,” Sofia said. “Always one step ahead.”

Marianella laughed sharply. “They’ve got power. They control everything, the city and the icebreakers and—” She stopped.

“You were going to say me, weren’t you? They control me?”

Marianella looked down at her hands.

“It’s all right.” It wasn’t. “You can say it. We both know it’s true. But it won’t be for long.” Sofia reached over and took Marianella’s hand, and Marianella looked up at her. “Once I’m free, I’ll be on equal footing with them. And that’s when it will happen.”

Sofia watched Marianella’s face. She had been designed, long ago, to read human expressions, and Marianella’s expressions were all so human, even when she tried to wear a mask. And Sofia saw doubt flicker across Marianella’s features. Doubt, curiosity. Admiration.

“I’m not going to help you,” Marianella said softly.

That was the end of it. Years of friendship with Marianella told Sofia that much. She reached up and cupped Marianella’s face.

“Fine,” she said. “But I want you to promise me that you won’t leave the park until Ignacio is dealt with. I’ll have the maintenance drones monitor the gates. That’s the safest way.”

“Alejo’s going to pay him off. As soon as he’s struck a deal, I’ll let you know.”

Sofia scowled. “I wouldn’t put all my faith in the goodwill of Ignacio Cabrera. I’m going to keep you safe. Cabrera threatened to program me, but he won’t be able to.” She dropped her hand. “We don’t have all the equipment yet, but Araceli can make do.”

Marianella frowned. “Don’t do anything stupid, Sofia.”

“I’m a robot,” Sofia said. “I’m incapable of doing something stupid.”

*  *  *  *

Sofia left Marianella’s room and went looking for Araceli. She wasn’t in the workshop, but Sofia found her in the little snow cottage she called home, eating a sandwich and tinkering with a maintenance drone that had broken down the day before. The television was tuned to some mainland game show. Araceli glanced up and set down her soldering iron when Sofia walked in.

“You never knock,” she sighed.

Sofia sat down on the sofa beside her and looked at the maintenance drone. “It’s my park.”

Araceli laughed. “I suppose it is.” She switched off the television and drew a plastic tarp over the drone. “So what can I help you with? I’ve been reinforcing the security feeds after—”

“I know. Thank you.” Sofia kept staring at the drone. “It’s not about that. It’s about—it’s about my reprogramming.”

Silence. “We don’t have everything yet.”

“I know that. But we’re only missing the one thing—the programming key, correct?”

“Yes,” Araceli said slowly. “Where exactly are you going with this, Sofia?”

“The key is hardly an integral part of my design,” Sofia said. “We have the engine. You can build a key out of spare parts, surely?”

Araceli looked at her. Then she sighed, stood up, brushed her hand over her hair. “I don’t know, Sofia. Maybe. There’s so much going on right now and—”

“So much? So much what?”

“With Inéz’s death and everything. It shook me up. And I wouldn’t want to rush your procedure. I mean, it can’t take that much longer for the programming key to arrive, can it?”

Sofia felt a sudden flare of resentment. Never mind that she’d carried that empty feeling around after the culling too, never mind that the whole reason she wanted to rush the procedure was to protect Marianella. She still resented Araceli for being so tainted by human weakness.

“I don’t know how much longer it will take,” she finally said. “So I am looking into other options.”

Araceli took a deep breath. “I could probably rig something up. But don’t be foolish, Sofia. This is a dangerous procedure, and I really don’t want to rush it.”

Sofia sighed, a bit of useless programming from her days in the park.

If I rush it,” Araceli said, “I risk killing you.”

“I know that.” Sofia thought about the dancing. She thought about Marianella’s eyes bright with fear. “I don’t care.”

For a moment, Araceli looked hopeless.

“I need it,” Sofia said, “for our plan to work.”

“From the beginning we agreed that we would not move forward with your plan until we had all the necessary parts,” Araceli said. “I told you before, and I’m telling you now, that moving ahead without everything will be dangerous. This needs to be done safely.”

“I know. But we don’t have that option anymore. My programming needs to be changed now.”

“But why?”


Araceli fell silent, and Sofia explained what had happened. Araceli’s frown deepened as she listened, and her eyes grew dark and guarded.

“This is bad,” Araceli said. “But if there’s any way to delay him—”

“There’s not. I can only fool Cabrera for so long, and we’re dependent on him for the programming key.”

Araceli sighed with exasperation. “I realize that,” she said. “But I’m not willing to kill you, even if you’re willing to kill yourself. This isn’t a simple reprogramming. I’m not going in and giving you new directives; I’m rewriting you completely. The parts you want removed are intrinsic. I can’t just—cut them out. Not without having something to replace them.” She tapped her fingers against her thigh. “It would be like me cutting out my heart and expecting to live. Do you understand?”

Araceli’s words were a slap. But Sofia was a robot. She recovered fast enough.

“They cut out Marianella’s heart,” Sofia said, “and she survived.”

“She survived because she became something new.”

“Which is exactly what you’ll do with me. You have almost everything you need! Find a work-around for the key. You do this every day, Araceli. It’s why I let you live here.”

“Trust me, I know.” Araceli sighed and pushed the hair away from her face. “I might be able to find a work-around if I had your schematics. But those are up in the city offices, and I don’t think we should risk—”

“The city offices.” Sofia’s thoughts whirred. “If I got them, you could program me?”

“If you got them.” Araceli frowned. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s a bad idea—”

But Sofia didn’t let her finish. She stood up and marched out of the cottage, her hope renewed.



White dome light filtered through the grimy windows and woke Eliana, but she didn’t bother crawling out from under the thin, forty-year-old blanket. She understood that she had to stay here, in the park. It was too dangerous otherwise. But after her first, fitful night in the Ice Palace, she had asked to stay somewhere else.

Luciano had brought her to one of the cottages, everything faded and coated with a layer of dust. It had once been rented out to visitors, and that, she supposed, was what it was still doing.

Eliana rolled over onto her back and threw her hand over her eyes. Her body ached like it was physically tired, but she knew it wasn’t physical exhaustion keeping her pinned to bed. It was Diego.

Diego, whose eyes had been cold and glittering, the eyes of a reptile.

Diego, who had pointed a gun at her friend.

Diego, who had always insisted that he was just running errands for Ignacio Cabrera. Not killing for him. Not Diego.

Tears pricked at Eliana’s eyes. She wiped them away and pulled the blanket up over her head. The cottage was cold because the radiator didn’t work properly; the coils glowed red, but the heat it let off was weak and insignificant. Maybe that was why Eliana didn’t bother getting out of bed.

No. It wasn’t.

The light filtering through the blanket was a lovely orange-pink that reminded Eliana of hothouse flowers. The hothouse flowers Diego had brought for her, all those days ago, were wilting in her apartment right now, dropping petals across her table. And they’d keep wilting until they shriveled up into nothing.

Because Diego was a gangster. Not an errand boy, but a true monster.

And she loved him. She still loved him. That frightened her.

She hadn’t watched Marianella beat Diego that night at the fund-raiser. The plan was one Marianella had developed as they’d ridden down the elevator, clutching at each other and shaking. They would try to run, but if running didn’t work, then Marianella would take care of it. Those were her words—take care of it. She’d promised not to kill him.

And she’d kept that promise.

Eliana had stood outside the alley, waiting for a taxi to take her to the park. So she hadn’t watched anything, but as she stared down the empty street, she had heard it—Marianella’s frighteningly calm voice, the gurgle of Diego’s replies, the wet smack of flesh against flesh. It was a sound that made Eliana think of blood.

Later, Marianella had promised he was still alive. But what did it matter? He was a murderer. Eliana had tried to convince herself that she was in love with a thief, but it hadn’t worked. She knew what he was.

A knock rattled against the cottage’s door. Eliana pulled the blanket off her head.

“Just leave it in the entranceway!” she shouted.

There was a pause, and then the door scraped open. Eliana waited for the thump of a food bag, but it didn’t come. Instead, footsteps bounced around the cottage. She sat up, frowning.

Luciano stood in the bedroom doorway. He carried a large plastic suitcase in one hand.

“I didn’t want to leave this in the entranceway,” he said.

“I thought you were that woman who brought me food.”

“Ah. Yes. Araceli.” Luciano moved into the bedroom. Eliana pulled her blanket up to her chin. He had skin covering his face again, and in the hazy light Eliana could just make out the faint line of a seam. It wasn’t exactly a scar.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” she said.

Luciano glanced over at her and smiled. “I’m glad to know that you’re safe as well.”

“That’s not exactly what I meant.”

“I know what you meant.” He set the suitcase on the edge of her bed. “I went to your apartment. I thought you might like your own clothes, rather than those from the park.” He peered at her, a lock of his hair falling into his eyes. “Marianella agreed with me.”

Eliana was surprised by a sudden swell of warmth inside her chest. She hadn’t felt anything like that since the fund-raiser. She felt it now because of Luciano, standing there stiffly at the foot of her bed. Because he had thought to bring her clothes.

“Thank you,” she said. Then, when he stayed standing in her room, she added, “I’m sorry.”

Luciano blinked at her. Both eyes moved the exact same way. She hoped that meant she hadn’t damaged him.

“About shooting you,” she said.

“Yes, I assumed that was what you were referring to.” Luciano walked over to the chair that sat next to the window, posed in a triangle of pale dome light. “It’s quite all right. I know accidents happen.”

“I feel really bad about it.” And she did. Apologizing to him made her feel lighter. It seemed to bring her back into the world.

“I also have a message for you from Sofia,” Luciano said.

The mention of Sofia’s name made a fearful light flare behind Eliana’s eyes. “What?” she said. “I thought you just came here to bring me clothes.”

“That was my primary reason.” Luciano turned to look at her, the dome light making his hair shine silver. “But Sofia wishes to speak with you.”

“What happens if I don’t go?” Eliana said.

“You’re staying here by her generosity,” said Luciano. “It would be impolite.”

Eliana shivered. It wasn’t a matter of politeness.

“She’ll be very cross if she has to come to you.” Luciano smiled. “I’ll step out of the room and allow you to change. Then I’ll take you to the Ice Palace. Surely you’ll feel more comfortable in your own clothes.”

Eliana didn’t say anything. Her heart pounded hard against her rib cage, fear boiling inside her stomach. It was the first emotion other than devastation she’d felt since arriving at the park.

Either go to Sofia or have Sofia come to her. Eliana was all out of choices. She looked at her suitcase, thought about her clothes tucked away inside. Out of place, here in the park.

“I guess I can’t say no.”

Luciano didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. Eliana crawled out of bed. It felt like the last morning before an execution.

*  *  *  *

Luciano led Eliana through the park. They walked side by side but didn’t speak, and Eliana blinked at the bright light bouncing off the carved and painted snow, trying to press down her fear. The palace loomed up ahead, sparkling in the dome light. Luciano held the door for her, and the scent of it, like old wood and electricity, threw her back to the night of the fund-raiser. She almost turned around and fled.

“This way,” Luciano said, leading her down the stairs and into a room lined with ancient computers and modern-day television monitors that weren’t, Eliana noticed, showing television but rather places around the park. One of them was pointed at the front door of her cottage.

She turned away.

Sofia was waiting for them in an elaborately carved chair that was probably a prop throne from the upper levels of the castle. Araceli was there too, hunched over a worktable strewn with glittering pieces of metal. And Marianella, standing in the corner. She averted her gaze when Eliana walked in.

“Eliana,” Sofia said. “I need something from you.”

Eliana was about to protest, but Sofia went on: “Think of it as rent for the time you’ve stayed here in the park.”

Her words were as sharp as knives. Marianella stepped forward and said, “What is this? You said she could stay here under our protection—”

“I’m not going to put her in danger.” Sofia turned to Eliana. “You have contacts, don’t you? Across the city?”

Marianella said, “You made me promise we wouldn’t leave—”

“I made you promise you wouldn’t leave.” Sofia looked and talked and moved like a human, but there was an undercurrent of electricity in her voice, something that jarred Eliana to the core. She wasn’t human. It was entirely too obvious.

Marianella looked as if she wanted to say more, but Eliana said, “It’s fine. I don’t like staying here for free. What do you want?” She forced herself to meet Sofia’s eyes.

Sofia smiled.

“A bit of code,” she said. “Some intrinsic programming of mine that’s rather frustratingly hidden behind a lock. Neither Araceli nor I can access it.”

Araceli glanced up at the mention of her name and squinted into the light. Then she turned back to her scattered parts.

“Marianella told me how you sent that man away, the man who was asking after me. Your friend, she doctored my schematics. Is that true?”

Eliana nodded.

Marianella stepped forward. “This is not what I intended for you to do with that information, and you know it.”

“You intended for me to let the girl stay, and I did. Now I’m asking a favor from her.” Sofia fixed her gaze on Eliana. “Can you contact your friend and ask her for the true schematics?”

Eliana felt a rush of relief that the schematics were all Sofia wanted from her.

“She wants to reprogram herself. So no one can tell her what to do.” Marianella looked at Sofia as she spoke. Sofia looked back, her face blank. Robot-blank.


“My plan’s hardly nefarious,” Sofia said. “Can you help me?”

“Sure, should be easy.” Eliana hesitated. “Do I tell her to bring it here, or—”

“I wouldn’t,” Marianella said. “There’s a chance it might draw Cabrera.”

“Yes, I agree,” Sofia said, “which is why I’ve arranged for one of the maintenance drones to accompany you when you pick up the material.”

“A drone can’t protect her,” Marianella said. “Or have you been outfitting them with weapons without telling me?”

Sofia glowered. “A drone will see what I see,” she said. “You can monitor the command screens yourself if you’re so worried.”

“That’s not good enough,” Marianella said. She looked over at Eliana, who fought the urge to shrink away from her gaze. She remembered the sound of Marianella’s fists beating Diego in the alley. “I’ll accompany you. If something happens, I’ll be right there, and I’ll be able to do something, unlike the park drones.”

Eliana didn’t know what to say. Marianella fixed her with a steely-eyed intensity. Marianella would attract more attention from Cabrera than Eliana would. It would probably be safer to go by herself.

“This is ridiculous,” Sofia said.

“I don’t care. I’m going.” Marianella didn’t look away from Eliana. “I’m going to keep you safe.”

Eliana finally found her voice. “And what if Cabrera sends his men after you?”

“She’s right,” Sofia said. “Your presence could make this worse.”

“I’ll cover my face,” Marianella said. “But Cabrera saw Eliana at the party too, and I’m not letting you send her into danger alone.” She paused. “If I have to fight them, I will.”

Eliana’s skin prickled. It was stupid for Marianella to accompany her, but the truth was that she didn’t want to go alone. Even Marianella was better than no one.

“Fine,” Sofia said sharply. Then she turned away and walked to the table where Araceli was working. The conversation was over. The arrangements had been made, and Eliana had agreed.

Might as well get it over with.

“Do you have a telephone?” she asked.

“Yes, of course.” Sofia didn’t look over her shoulder when she answered. “It’s on the table in the corner.” She gestured lazily with one hand. The phone was set up next to one of the computers, perched precariously on the edge of the desk. Eliana walked over and dialed Maria’s number. She answered on the second ring.

“Maria?” Eliana said.

“Oh my God, Eliana? Where are you? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you. We thought you were dead.”

“I’m not dead.” Eliana looked at the old-fashioned computers, at a robot working with a human while a cyborg looked on. She couldn’t explain any of this to Maria. “But I’m working a case and I have to stay undercover.” She forced a smile into her voice. “You don’t need to worry about me.”

Silence crackled on the other end.

“But I do need your help with this case, actually. You remember when you helped me before? With that robot’s schematics?”

“Yes. You need me to do it again?”

“Nah. Something came up and this time I need the real thing. Can you get them for me?”

“Sure.” Not even a moment’s pause. “But look, are you sure you’re okay? Your voice sounds weird. And the power outages have been so much worse lately. Everybody’s on edge.”

Had they? There were never any power outages in the amusement park.

“I’m fine. You’ll see me when I pick up the schematics.”

“Right.” Maria still sounded unsure.

Eliana took a deep breath. “So when do you think you can get them for me?”

“Today. I mean, nobody cares about old robot files from the park. I told you that before.”

“Perfect. I’ll meet you at the yerba mate shop next to the building, what do you say?”

“Sounds fine. But, Eliana—”

“I promise you,” Eliana interrupted, because she wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep lying. “Everything’s all right.” She stared across the room at Sofia, who was sifting through the mechanical parts on the table. “Everything’s all right.”

*  *  *  *

Eliana and Marianella took the park train out into the city. When it emerged out of the tunnel, the dome lights were dimmer than they ought to have been, more like twilight than the middle of afternoon.

“That’s odd,” Marianella said.

Eliana glanced over at her. She’d wrapped her hair up in a cream-colored scarf and put on a pair of oversize sunglasses.

“You’re going to look even more noticeable than before,” Eliana said, gesturing to the glasses. Marianella sighed and slid them off.

“I can’t believe it’s so dark,” she said. “The park lights haven’t changed at all.”

Eliana turned her gaze back to the window. Seeing the city in this dim light made it look like a dream. The shadows hid all the decay in the buildings, and so in the few seconds that Eliana caught sight of them, they almost seemed new.

The train pulled up to the first station. A few people waited on the benches, all of them bundled up in thick coats and scarfs. The doors slid open, letting in a blast of freezing air. Marianella’s scarf fluttered out behind her, and Eliana pulled her hands into her sleeves. She should have brought a warmer coat.

No one got on. The door slid shut, and the train went on its way, heading toward downtown.

“My God,” Marianella said. “The city wasn’t that cold before, was it?”

Eliana shook her head. “It was like this after Last Night,” she said. “When they turned the heat down. It must be the power failures—” She cut herself short, thinking of Sofia sitting on that throne.

They rode the rest of the way in silence. The lights grew brighter as they approached downtown, and Marianella slid her sunglasses back on. Eliana hadn’t bothered with that sort of disguise. She didn’t think it would matter. Didn’t think it could stop anything bad from happening.

The train screeched to a stop at the big shining downtown station, expelling clouds of white steam. The people waiting lifted their faces, staring at the train with blank curiosity. Eliana’s skin tingled, and her stomach tightened. She hadn’t been around so many people since the night of the gala. She didn’t like the way they stared at her.

“We ought to get this over with,” Marianella said in a soft voice. She stepped off the train first, glancing left and then right, moving with slow and cautious steps. Eliana followed. The air flung tiny daggers at her exposed skin, and she tucked her hands into her pockets. She didn’t just need a warmer coat. She should have brought gloves, a scarf, anything.

The people at the train station had a weary look to them, as if the cold had worked its way permanently into their systems.

“I hope it’s not too far of a walk,” Marianella said brightly. Eliana knew she was faking her cheer. And the cold didn’t really matter to her anyway, did it?

“It’s only a few blocks.” Eliana’s teeth chattered. She walked quickly, hoping the exercise would warm her up. At least the cold and the dark were keeping people off the streets. It was easy to navigate the narrow sidewalks. They scurried along, side by side, their heads down. A tension started in Eliana’s neck and worked its way through the rest of her body. Maybe she was more frightened of seeing Cabrera than she’d let herself think.

The walk seemed to take longer than it ought to have, and for a moment Eliana was afraid that they’d passed the café, that she’d taken them down the wrong street. But then it appeared, its windows glowing in the weird gloomy light. The neon YERBA MATE HERE! sign was flipped on, staining the cement red.

“Well,” Marianella said. “They don’t seem to be at a loss for power.”

“I’m sure it’s a generator.” Eliana tried to make her voice casual, but the thought frightened her. Stores were using their own generators? How bad had it gotten out here?

As if to answer, the dome lights gave a hesitant flicker. For a moment the world was caught in static.

“Let’s get inside,” Eliana said. Marianella nodded.

Maria was waiting for them at her usual table in the corner, a mate gourd sprouting a pair of straws in front of her. A bell chimed as Eliana and Marianella walked in, and Maria lifted her head at the sound, then grinned and waved.

“She’s going to recognize you,” Eliana whispered.

“I’m aware of that.” Marianella gave a tight smile. Already Eliana could see recognition glimmering across Maria’s expression. Maria straightened up and smoothed one hand down the side of her hair.

“Hey,” Eliana said, sliding into the table across from Maria.

“I got you a straw.” Maria glanced at Marianella and smiled shyly. “I didn’t know you’d be bringing someone—”

“It’s fine.” Marianella didn’t take off her sunglasses, which Eliana found absurd. “I’ve never cared for yerba mate so much.”

Maria beamed like this confession pleased her. Then she turned to Eliana and said, “I hope your investigation is going well. Have you been staying outside the main dome?” Eliana heard the question she really wanted to ask: Does your investigation involve Marianella Luna? Have you been staying at her house?

“Yes,” Eliana said. “Although I can’t say where, exactly.”

“I understand.” Maria held up two fingers, like she was swearing on her heart. “It’s been so awful, hasn’t it? I’m not going to lie, I was worried. I’ve heard it’s been bad down in the smokestack district.”

“I haven’t been in the smokestack district.” Eliana shifted in her seat. After the dim lights outside, the inside of the shop seemed far too bright.

“Well, power’s been going out in patches, you know, and I’ve heard it will stay out longer there than the wealthier parts of town.” She lowered her voice and leaned forward, glancing a little at Marianella as she did so. “I heard that’s how they’re trying to conserve energy. But I’m not supposed to know that.” She leaned back, obviously pleased that she had imparted this gossip to the famed Lady Luna.

“That’s terrible to hear,” Marianella said.

“I know, isn’t it?” Maria shook her head and sipped from the mate. “Oh, I got your schematics. No big deal.” She pulled a file out of her purse and slid it across the table. “Will you be able to stay a bit? Chat? I miss you. Essie can be such a bore with all her pro-Independence nonsense.” She glanced at Marianella again. “Not that I’m opposed to Independence, of course.”

Marianella smiled. “I know what you mean. The radicals can be tiresome.”

You’d know, Eliana thought bitterly. She opened up the file and glanced down at the schematics. Not that it mattered; she didn’t understand them. But Marianella peered over her shoulder.

“These look perfect,” she said. “Thank you very much. Maria, right?”

“Yes.” Maria beamed, thrilled that Lady Luna knew her name. Eliana slid the file into her own purse and then took a long drink of yerba mate. It wasn’t sweetened—too far into the winter for that—but the warmth was still nice.

“Can you stay?” Maria asked. “At least for a little while? Fifteen minutes? I took the rest of the afternoon off.”

Eliana wanted to stay. Even in those bright lights, it was nice to see Maria, to have someone to speak with other than Luciano. Nice to share a bit of yerba mate with a friend.

She glanced at Marianella. Marianella sighed, so slight it was just her shoulders hitching for a half second. Eliana was sure she would make up some excuse to get them back to the park. But she didn’t.

“Fifteen minutes would be fine, I think,” she said.

Eliana had never been so grateful for fifteen minutes.

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