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Fall Into Forever
  • Текст добавлен: 26 октября 2016, 21:40

Текст книги "Fall Into Forever"

Автор книги: Beth Hyland

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It’s Cassidy and a girl I don’t recognize. Not Aaron. Relief gushes out of me in one big whoosh.

“There you are,” Cassidy says, marching toward us like a woman on a mission. “I’ve been looking everywhere.” She says everywhere with a few extra syllables for emphasis or dramatic effect (take your pick). She’s holding a red cup and wearing a plastic lei. I’ll have to give her a hard time about it later. Given that she’s from Hawaii, wearing a tacky fake lei is practically against her religion.

“I texted you that I was outside in the back.”

Cassidy’s eyes rake over me. “You look like shit.”

I suddenly remember the mascara streaks and the fact that I’m barefoot. Yeah, I’m sure I look completely pathetic.

“This hasn’t been the best of nights,” I say, trying not to think too much about my bathroom freak-out.

“What happened?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. But thanks to him, I’m doing better.”

And just like that, she looks at Jon. Not that I’ve forgotten him or anything. His warm presence is heating up the whole left side of my body, blocking out the cold ocean breeze.

Her gaze slides over the two of us and then she breaks into a know-it-all grin. The kind that says she knows what’s really going on. “Not the best of nights, huh?”

I know exactly what she’s thinking and that would be a big fat no. I do not look like this because he and I just finished, quote unquote, a screw-fest in the back yard, or because I gave him a blow job.

“How’s it going?” Jon doesn’t seem to notice that my roommate is studying him like he’s a prize horse and she’s a judge at the state fair. Or maybe he does and he likes it.

“You’re Jon Priestly, aren’t you?” She must not have heard those girls behind us during the fight on the porch. Either that, or she’s had too much to drink and just forgot.

He nods. “That would be me.”

The girl with Cassidy gasps. She’s almost as tall as me, with teased blond hair and a super cute body. I’ve always thought that legwarmers, tights, and fingerless gloves look really stupid (you should see the pictures of my mom and her friends in junior high school back in the eighties), but she really pulls it off.

Cassidy introduces herself. When her friend doesn’t jump in right away and continues to stare at Jon, she adds, “And this is Sara.”

Sara’s eyes are as round as dinner plates. “You mean the ‘church is now in session’ guy?”

Jon gives her a panty-dropping smile. At least, it makes my panties want to drop. And by the looks of it, same with Sara. This makes me slightly irritated, for some reason.

“The one and only,” he says.

“Oh my God. I recognize your voice now,” she gushes. “I totally want one of those shirts those girls were wearing tonight. Where can I get one?”

The shirts about church? Was that what his entourage was wearing? I try to remember just what they said. Parish or Parishioner, I think. I don’t get it. I glance over at Cassidy for help, but her attention is focused squarely on Jon.

“Check with the station. They just ordered a bunch.”

“I loooove you—I mean, your show,” Sara says, laughing. I can almost hear her thong sliding past her hips. Seriously. I’ve never seen anyone swoon before, but that’s pretty much what she’s doing.

“I love it, too,” Cassidy chimes in.

Clearly, I’m the only one who’s clueless here. I sure wouldn’t have pegged this guy as belonging to one of the religious groups on campus. If that’s the case, then someone has a lot of sins to confess on Sunday morning. Cassidy goes to Mass sometimes, but she’s not what I’d call very religious.

“What are you guys talking about?” I ask. “What church?”

“Seriously, Ivory,” Sara says impatiently. “Don’t you listen to KREX?”

Ivory? I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Jon makes a coughing slash choking noise as he tries not to laugh, too. I poke his leg with my bare toe.

He gives me a fake hurt look that says, Whaaat?

And I give him a fake mad scowl that says, The only person allowed to laugh is the one whose name gets butchered.

I turn to Sara. “It’s Ivy,” I tell her calmly. “So…what’s KREX?”

“The Sounds of Pacific,” Cassidy says in an announcer’s voice. “It’s PSU’s student-run radio station.”

That explains it. “I don’t listen to my car radio very often. It doesn’t get good reception.”

Sara rolls her eyes, like she’s talking to the most clueless person in the world and can’t take it anymore. “Everybody live-streams it on their computers or through the app.” She holds up her phone and shakes it. “I can’t believe you don’t know that.”

I try to ignore how incredibly rude that is and turn to Jon. “You’re on the radio?”

He nods. “Once a week.” He touches his finger to his palm and quickly lifts it, which I immediately recognize as sign language for once a week. I narrow my eyes at him. He knows ASL?

He grabs his guitar case and slips the strap over his shoulder. “My show’s on Tuesday. I’m filling in for a friend tonight.”

“What do you do?” I ask.

Before he can answer, Sara barks out an unflattering laugh. She thinks I’m an idiot to ask such a stupid question. I quickly review the conversation in my head, wondering what I missed. I do have a tendency to miss stuff when I’m stressed out.

“Hello? Aren’t you listening? He’s got a radio show.”

Scratch what I said about her outfit. You can’t think someone looks cute when you’re really starting to dislike her.

I was willing to let the other stuff slide, but I’ve just changed my mind. “He could have a sports show. A talk radio show. A religion show. A politics discussion show. Or maybe a pop psychology show where people call in for advice on how to deal with jerks.”

Sara looks me up and down and seems to notice my sorry condition for the first time. “So what were you guys doing back here, anyway?”

“True, Ivy,” Jon says, ignoring Sara’s question. “And the station has shows like that. Mine happens to be on indie music, where I spotlight various local bands. I’m filling in for Alice, who hosts a jazz show tonight, so we’ll see how her listeners react to my playlist. Could be interesting.” Given his thorough answer, he doesn’t seem to think my question was ridiculous. “I do a few interviews, but I mainly just play music. I don’t do much talking.”

He gives me a pointed look as if to emphasize that there’s another meaning behind his words. It takes me a moment to figure it out. My roof situation is a private matter that will stay between the two of us. He’s not telling. If I want to answer Sara’s question, that’s my business, not his. Warmth pools low in my stomach as I think about keeping secrets with him.

I flash him a grateful smile. “Cool. I’ll have to tune in.” Then, without thinking, I sign, Thank you.

His gaze drops to my hands and he smiles, confirming my guess that he knows ASL. Did he take it in high school like I did? “I hope you do.”

I may be able to dodge Sara’s questions, but once we get back to the dorm, I fully expect to be drilled by Cassidy. I’ll need to lie to her, but unfortunately, I’ve never been very good at faking it.

Suddenly, Chase is in my head again.

I can tell you’re not into this, Ivy. You’re going to have to try harder than that. There. That’s a girl. Much better.

I blanch at the flash of memory. The same voice that spoke at our high school graduation and got a roaring ovation from adoring students, faculty, and parents.

“Speaking of which—” Jon touches my arm, jerking me back to the present. “—I really do need to go.” His thumb brushes over the sensitive skin on the inside of my wrist, making all the little hairs on my arms stand on end.

I try not to let the thrill of his touch visibly show. It’s been a long time since I’ve had this reaction to a guy, particularly someone so unlike the all-American football types I’ve gone out with in the past. But then it’s not like I have the best judgment when it comes to relationships, anyway. There was that time when I made out with a girl at a party down in LA, but that wasn’t for me either. I didn’t feel as if I’d found what I’d been looking for. The girl had been sweet about it, but no, it wasn’t me.

“You’re sure you’re okay now?” he says softly, turning his back to the others.

His concern touches me. I nod, knowing that the newly formed lump in my throat will make it difficult to say anything coherent. His eyes seem to be reaching inside me, noticing all my knots and tangles. If he pulled on an end, I wonder, would it be the right one? Could he untangle me and make me whole?

Oh geez, there I go again. Having let myself get too dependent on a guy in the past has really screwed me up. Believe me, I know now how unhealthy it is to rely on someone else for your self-worth, but it’s easy to slip back into old habits. I can fix myself. I don’t need anyone to do it for me.

“Yeah, I’m good. But…thanks.”

Cassidy, in her infinite subtlety, is slightly behind him, making a bunch of wild hand gestures I don’t understand. No, she doesn’t know ASL. I flash her a WTF look.

“His number,” she mouths, her hand up to her ear like a phone. “Did you get it?”

Since I’m unsure how to convey to her that he has my number but I don’t have his, all I can do is ignore her. She’s been trying to get me to hook up with someone all year, probably because she’s been with a few different guys since fall quarter and feels slutty. (Her words, not mine.) But I’ve sowed those wild oats already and don’t plan to do that at PSU. My grades are my first and only priority.

Besides, how would it sound to Jon if I said, “Hey, I know I look like a crazy bitch crawling around on the White House roof and you’re kind of a celebrity on campus, but can I get your number so we can hook up sometime?”

That would be a big fat no. Besides, he’s seen me at my worst, and I’m not looking to go out with anyone. Plus, if that was him upstairs, he’s already got a girlfriend. The only thing I need to do is get out of here before Aaron comes around that corner with a bunch of his friends and sees me. Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl.

“Have a good night, ladies.” Jon Priestly gives my arm a little squeeze, releases it, then walks away from me and into the dark.

chapter four

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

~ Oscar Wilde


The ability to lie convincingly is an important skill. When you’re in high school and your parents ask where you were the night before, you can tell them you were watching a movie at your best friend’s house and they’ll assume you’re telling the truth.

Or when you’re in college and you ask if they can put more money in your account, you can explain that your textbooks ended up costing a lot more than you expected. Or that the professor changed the edition number at the last minute and the bookstore won’t buy back the two-hundred-and-fifty-dollar book you just bought.

And when a guy who scares the shit out of you demands to know whether you love him as much as he loves you, you can say yes and he’ll believe you, which will give you more time to figure out how to break things off with him.

Unfortunately, I’ve never been a good liar, but knowing your weaknesses can help you make better choices in the future.

When we get back to our dorm room and ditch Sara, Cassidy unleashes on me just as I expected.

“What the hell happened back there, Ives?”

I open my closet door and grab an empty hanger, wishing tonight had never happened. “What are you talking about?”

She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. “Why were you crying? Why were you barefoot? Why are you wearing fucking Jon Priestly’s coat? What were you guys doing back there?”

“Fucking Jon Priestly’s coat? Gee, is that what I’m doing?” It’s a lot easier to be a smartass than to talk about what she wants me to talk about.

“What happened?”

Choosing to ignore her, I shrug off the jacket and give it one last whiff before hanging it in my closet. I consider a few other ways that sentence can be interpreted. “Let’s see…Jon, who is currently fucking, owns this coat.”

“Ivy, I’m serious.”

“Wait. Here’s my personal favorite. Because it smells so good and really did keep me warm, this coat is really fucking awesome.”

Cassidy huffs out her exasperation. “Okay, Macklemore, stop being such a grammar nerd. And stop trying to change the subject. Even though fucking Jon would be fun.”

For a second—maybe two—I picture him naked. He’s kissing me passionately, his muscular back and shoulders flexing under my hands because he’s—

Enough with that, Ivy. He’s not your type.

My inner voice is right. My world was almost turned upside down tonight, and I’m thinking about doing it with a hot guy I just met who probably has a girlfriend? How messed up is that?

Cassidy snaps her fingers at me. “Earth to Ivy. What. The hell. Happened.”

Okay. Fine. I need to figure out what I’m going to share with her. A partial truth is better than a flat-out lie. “I used to go out with the older brother of a guy I saw inside.”

She stares at me like I’m a trial witness and she’s on the jury. Am I telling the truth? Am I lying?

I ignore her scrutiny in the hope that she’ll just drop it and move on. Opening my closet again, I grab my plastic tote, where I keep my toothbrush and toothpaste. “Coming?”

She doesn’t move. She just stares at me. “And…?”

I pick at the corner of my tote, the part that melted when I stuck my too-hot curling iron against the plastic a few months ago. I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “And I didn’t want to see him.”

She looks confused. “Why?”

“My boyfriend—my old boyfriend,” I say, correcting myself. “His brother…” My voice trails off.

You can’t undo spoken words. They are unerasable. Once I tell her, I can’t change my mind and decide that I don’t want her to know. Do I really want to do this? After all, Cassidy isn’t actually the best keeper of secrets. I recall our conversation yesterday when she told me about Michaela down the hall who had a nose job last summer. “Shhh, don’t tell anyone,” Cassidy said. “I’m not supposed to say anything.”

I clear my throat. “He…uh…died a few years ago, and I didn’t want to dredge up old memories by talking to his brother.”

Her eyes go wide and she clamps a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, Ivy. How horrible.”

I nod, continuing to pick at my melted tote. “I’m trying to put it behind me now, so seeing his brother unexpectedly like that…wasn’t something I was prepared for.” Which literally is the truth.

“Wow. I totally get that.”

“That’s when Jon found me. And then you showed up.” End of story. Please. No more questions.

She quietly grabs her pink Caboodle from the shelf under her raised bed. I start to relax, thinking she’s dropping the subject. And then, “How did it happen?”

I tense up again. “Car accident.”

“Jesus Christ, Ivy.” Then, like she often does when she curses, she takes out her cross pendant and gives it a kiss.

Pressing my lips together in what I’m hoping she’ll assume is a close-mouthed smile of thanks, I change into pajama bottoms and an old concert T-shirt, then head down the hall to the women’s bathroom. She’s quiet the whole time—strangely subdued and very un-Cassidy-like.

The overhead fluorescent lighting hurts my eyes, so I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. Back in our room, I slip under the covers, shielding my eyes from the light with my hand. As soon as Cassidy puts away her Caboodle and climbs into bed, I turn out the light clipped to the windowsill near my head and feel myself relax.

I love the dark, the absence of light. It washes over everything, rounding out sharp edges and blending objects together.

“Thank God you weren’t with him,” Cassidy whispers from her bed a few feet away.

I don’t tell her that I was.

The ache at the base of my skull that I’ve been trying to ignore spreads outward, like a drop of red food coloring on a wet piece of paper. Cassidy says something else, but her voice sounds like it’s coming from inside a tin can.

The walls in my hospital room were a sickly, sterile white when I woke up. That I do remember. Something was in my mouth, going down my throat, choking me. Like the monster in Alien. It was on my face, a ridged tentacle reaching into me, and I was going to become its host. I needed to get it out. I tried to move my hands but couldn’t. I wanted to scream but there was no sound.

My head is really throbbing now. I try not to make any sudden movements as I get up and shuffle carefully across the floor to my desk and open the drawer. One pill rattles around inside the prescription bottle.

My vision is narrowing, which means I don’t have much time. Even in the dark room, I can see an inky blackness around the edges. Cassidy is talking to me, but all I hear is the sound of my pencil cup hitting the floor. She grabs my upper arm and a pill is thrust into my hand. I take it and with a hand on my shoulder, she ushers me back to my bed, tucking the covers around my shoulders like my mom used to do.

“Thanks, C,” I say weakly.

“Are you going to be okay? Do you need anything else? Should I, like, call someone?” I can hear the concern in her voice.

“I’ll be fine in the morning.” At least I hope so. “I always get this way when I think about what happened.”

“Well, then,” she says with finality, fluffing a pillow behind my head. “That’s an easy fix. We just won’t talk about it anymore. You’re here at PSU and it’s time to put your past behind you.”

I couldn’t agree with her more.

* * *


“Okay, here’s the last one.” I set the cardboard box on Stella’s dining room table, grab another cookie from the plate—still warm from the oven—and shove it in my mouth. The chewy gingersnaps are so damn good, I could eat a million of them. “Do you want any help going through this stuff?” I peer into the box. It’s filled with stacks of old pictures and books. No wonder it’s so heavy. She’d never have been able to carry it down the narrow attic stairs on her own.

Stella wipes her arthritic hands on her apron. “No, son, you’ve done enough. This is wonderful. Thank you.”

Although I’m not her son, I like it when she calls me that. Maybe it’s standard grandparent lingo, but since I don’t have any, I wouldn’t know.

I follow her into the kitchen, where she takes another batch of cookies out of the oven. The whole house smells like molasses and spices.

I pull out a chair from the small table near the window, turn it around, and straddle the seat. “Have you talked with Henry yet?” I leave off the part about him being a total deadbeat.

“I’ve left him a few messages, yes.”

“But he hasn’t called you back?”

“Not yet.”

What kind of son gambles with his mom’s money, anyway? An elderly lady on a fixed income. Now she’s having a garage sale to try to make enough to pay a few bills. I thought selling a little of her weed would help, but Chris fucked that up. I made a partial payment at the power company myself, but if Stella finds out I did it, she’ll be upset and insist on paying me back. It’s the least I can do for her, though. I’d have paid the whole thing if I had the money. If it hadn’t been for Stella sticking her neck out for me a few years ago, I’d most likely be in jail right now. Or worse.

“How are your plants doing? I can try to sell some more bud, even though this last time didn’t work out so well.”

She frowns. “I don’t want you doing that anymore. I’m sure your friend will pay me. You need to be focused on school and work.”

What she kindly fails to mention but that both of us know is that I’ve already gotten into trouble selling weed. Back in high school. And it wasn’t from the three plants she grows for medicinal use.

“Well, he should’ve gotten you the money already. He promised me.”

“I’m sure he’ll have it soon.”

She always sees the good in people. Her loser son. My loser friend. Me. It’s her fatal flaw.

The plastic bag I brought with me sits within my reach near the back door. I grab it and I pull out Ivy’s coat. “Do you think you could get the bloodstains out of this?”

Stella wipes her hands on her apron and takes it from me. “Why?” she asks, a hint of a smile on her coral-red lips. “Did you kill someone and need to hide the evidence?”

Very funny. “I...uh...got into a fight with someone and the blood sprayed all over this girl’s coat. I promised I’d try to have it cleaned.”

Shaking her head, she clucks her tongue at me. “A fight? Oh, Jonny.” My shoulders feel as though they suddenly weigh two hundred pounds. She only calls me that when she’s disappointed in me. But then, I’m good at doing that. I guess you could say I’m an expert. “Don’t stoop to their level. You’re better than they are. I know it’s hard, but…”

I don’t tell her that it was because of the weed.

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