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Blue Justice
  • Текст добавлен: 24 сентября 2016, 03:05

Текст книги "Blue Justice"

Автор книги: Anthony Thomas

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The phone was quiet for a few seconds and then she spoke.  “Actually, there is a pizza place that is very good and does deliver up until midnight– Don’s Pizza and Wings.”

The pepperoni and sausage pizza I ordered was there in 30 minutes along with 12 barbecue wings and a 20-oz. Coke.  The young black man who delivered my pizza was neatly dressed in the company’s shirt and cap over khaki pants.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off my badge on the table by the door.  I assumed he might have had some history with the police before but he didn’t act nervous.

“You a cop, sir?” he asked.

“Yes I am, but not from around here.”

“Oh okay, you must be looking into those officer killings that everybody is talking about around here.  I am waiting to graduate high school so I can become a cop myself.”

Now I see that he was fascinated just like another kid—myself—when I was young, about being a police officer.

“Well, I hope that we can catch whoever is doing these things and bring them to justice.”

“Hey– if I can help in anyway, let me know?  Maybe I can do some undercover detective work for you.”

“No I don’t think that would be appropriate at this time.  That kind of work is dangerous and besides, I think you would be better off first getting your education and then helping us on the force after that.  I believe we could use a bright young man like you.”

He beamed at that.

“Thanks, uhm…Detective—”

“Jackson,” I said.

“Cool,” said the young man.  Listen, Detective, I don’t know if you know this or not–but rumor has it that the homeless man who usually hangs out in the park across the street sometimes that may know something about the killings.  Nobody has seen him as much as they used to around here.  His name is J.P.—at least that’s what people call him. He’s an old black guy who always pushes a grocery cart.

I was intrigued with that and that gave me an idea.  “Okay thanks, I’ll make note of that.”

“Yes sir.”

After he left, I sat down at the table and tore into a couple of slices of pizza and a few wings.  It wasn’t bad at all. There was something like a New Orleans creole sauce on those wings.

I thought about what the young man had just said and figured I would try and make contact with JP.  The problem was, if there was a rumor flying around, then why JP wasn’t brought in for questioning? For that matter, why isn’t he a target?

I turned out the lights and looked out my window.  I couldn’t see anything.  It had just started to rain and the windows were fogged.  I took the box with the remnants of pizza slices down the elevator and outside.  I waited near the door to see if I could catch an old codger pushing his grocery cart.

I was in luck.  There was someone pushing a grocery cart down the sidewalk in front of the park and he was looking in the garbage cans as he passed them.  I got excited.  I stepped out into the rain.  A car had turned its headlights on bright.  I quickly got across.

“J.P.!” I called out.  The homeless man turned.  All of a sudden, the car with the bright lights raised its engine and spun its tires and was headed toward J.P.  I dropped the pizza and ran toward the old man and pushed him into the park.  The car came up on the sidewalk and then turned quickly back onto the road.

I pulled out my .45 and tried to read the license plate, but there wasn’t one.  The car was a white Chevy impala box-style from the late 80’s.  It was plain and had no hubcaps.  I only saw a shadowy figure of what I assumed was a man.  I tried running to catch it, but the car sped down the road and disappeared.

I looked back at J.P., who was having a difficult time getting himself off the ground.

“Are you okay?” I asked, panting.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” said the gravel voice.  “Somebody needs to call the police on that guy.”

“I am a cop, J.P.”

He looked at me and I showed him my badge.  “C’mon, J.P., let’s get you out of this rain for a few.  I need to ask you some questions.”

We walked inside to the corridor of the hotel doors.  J.P.’s body odor was all over my clothes, but that didn’t matter right now.  Somebody had just tried to kill him because he knew something, or at least they thought he did, and I wanted to find out as much as I could from him.

I gave J.P. a few dollars for his information.  I could see why maybe officers didn’t take him seriously or didn’t think about talking to him.  But he was scaring somebody.

“White Knight be killing the officers,” he said.  It didn’t make any sense to me.

“Do you think you can recognize him when you see him?”

“Oh yeah, these old eyes are good in my head.”

“Listen J.P., I think you might need some protection.  Would you mind if I called a friend that could get you some protection?”

“You are talking ‘bout police protection—then, no,” he said.

I was about to ask why until he told me.  His words put ice water in my gut.

“I have seen that White Knight before roughing up the local hustlers around town like Joppy and Shank but I never seen his face.  That is all I know.  But I also believe he is a cop, at least he acts like one.”

He refused my assistance and I feared for his safety but there was nothing I could do to persuade him.  He was up now, and on his way out of my sight.  Somewhere out there was possibly a cop killing cops but I wasn’t sure about that either.  I decided to hold all that information from everybody even Detective Coffy until I understood it myself.

J.P. turned a corner and disappeared into the rainy night with his grocery cart.

I went back up the elevator.  I had to take a shower anyway, but after my close encounter with JP it was absolutely necessary.

It was good to wash that funk off me. The hot shower gave me time to think about everything—should I share my information with other cops, especially Detective Coffy.  The truth is I didn’t know any of them.  I hadn’t been in New Orleans two hours and already had a break in the case.

I got to thinking that maybe I couldn’t trust any of them.  I decided I would just go to the muster and play dumb and see how much they knew.

I dried myself off and went and sat on the bed.  I glanced down at my phone.  I had two text message alerts from both Chief Davis and Charlotte.  Both were urgent so I checked Charlottes first.  It said to call home ASAP.  The chief’s message said the exact same thing.  I was hoping everything was okay.  My mind was racing with questions.   I frantically scrolled through the numbers to find Charlotte’s.

She picked up on the first ring.

“Charlotte!”  I yelled into the phone.  “Is everything alright?”

“I’m fine, Baby,” she said.  “But there is something you should know.  Chief Davis is here and he needs to talk with you.”

My mind started racing again, but not as bad.

“Jared?” he said.

“Yeah chief, what’s up?”


The name sent a rage of fury in me so strong my hand shook holding the phone.

“What about him?” I asked trying to remain calm.  I knew it had to be something serious for him to be calling me.  I was hoping he would say, the idiot was killed in prison, but I doubt that would be what this was for.

“He escaped out of prison,” said the Chief.

I gathered my thoughts.  “How?” I asked.

“During the night, they had him on a clean-up detail in the cafeteria.  One of the guards let his guard down and Burncutt overpowered him and switched clothes.   Afterwards he hid the guard’s body in the cooler and proceeded out the back door of the kitchen where some cars were parked.  He must have taken the guard’s keys and tried the cars until he was successful in stealing one.  He stole a black Ford Crown Victoria.”

“How long ago was this?” I asked.

“He has been out now maybe a couple of hours.  We have a statewide manhunt for him, don’t worry.  Margaret and I are staying over here with Charlotte and her parents.  Plus I have a couple of units outside watching the house.”

I breathed a sigh of relief again.  “Thanks, Chief.”

“No problem.  So, how is New Orleans so far?”

“It’s okay; my mind is not focused on it right now with what you just told me.  But there is a muster in the morning in which I will be briefed about everything and maybe learn what they know.”  Even though I trusted Chief Davis, considering what we have been through on my case with the Reaper; still I didn’t want him to accidently pass on to his friend the New Orleans Police Commissioner that I had anything.  I needed to keep everything to myself until I knew more about what I was getting into.

“Jared, I know you will do fine.  They asked me for my best man and that is you.  We got everything under control here.  Just be safe and catch whoever it is that has it out for the men in blue.”

“Thanks, Chief. Put Charlotte back on please.”

The phone was silent for a few seconds and then I heard Charlotte’s sweet sensual voice.

“Baby, I…” I must have sounded scared or something.  She cut in.

“We are okay, Honey.  Concentrate on the case and be safe, okay?”

Part of me wanted to say the hell with New Orleans and take my ass back home.  I probably would have if Charlotte didn’t support me the way she does.

“Okay, I’ll try,” I said.  “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she replied and hung up.

Chapter 5

I tried to get some sleep but it was difficult.  The thought of that bastard Burncutt on the loose made me boil that I wasn’t there by Charlotte.  And also the fact that somebody tried to kill a possible witness last night in my presence because he thinks the person might know something or know them. I needed some coffee.

I could have made it in my room but I felt the walls closing in and so I got dressed and took the elevator to the front lobby. It was 6:00. Early risers were still eating in the restaurant.  The coffee smelled great.  I went to the courtesy bar and made me a cup. It was very black, bitter stuff, but delicious in its way. Enough cream and sugar and I could see why café au lait in New Orleans was the way to start the day.

I looked around the lobby.  The sun was starting to break through the dim morning sky.  The front desk clerks were doing a shift change and the housekeepers were coming in to work as well.  The French Quarter was coming to life before my very eyes.

I walked outside with my cup in my hand.   The aroma of food filled the air.  The air in New Orleans is always fragrant with coffee and spices.  I figured I would go back in and sit down to a quick breakfast off the hot bar before going Detective Coffy arrived.

I walked inside the restaurant.  A waitress escorted me to a table.  The breakfast bar was very attractive—with French bread, doughnuts, and fruit.  I was going to eat light though because that pizza was very filling last night.  I sat down and ordered a glass of orange juice and some water.  The waitress then directed me to the plates at the hot bar and then walked off to get my beverages.

The bacon looked crisp, the sausages smelled spicy, and the eggs were fluffy.  The biscuits looked like they could float and the grits were drowning in melted butter.  I was going to hate myself later but I only had the stomach for a couple of pieces of bacon and a small portion of eggs.

I walked back to my table and sat down to eat.  The waitress had returned with my water and juice.  Just as I was about to dig in, I looked up and noticed that Detective Coffy had walked in to get her a table.  I watched her for a minute to see if she had noticed me.  She didn’t.  Perhaps she was hungry too and wanted to get something before the meeting.  I waved at her and got her attention.  She smiled and walked my way.

“Well, good morning, Detective Jackson.”

“Good Morning to you also,” I said biting a piece of bacon.

She told the waitress to bring her a glass of water.  “I’ll be right back,” she said.

She walked over to the cold bar and picked up a grapefruit and came back to the table.”

“That doesn’t look like a good breakfast,” I said breaking the ice.

“Well, I’m trying to watch my diet.”  I nodded.  I usually am very careful with loaded comments like that from a woman.  I learned long ago to just be silent and change the subject.

“New Orleans is not bad,” I said placing a fork full of eggs in my mouth.

“No it’s not.  It’s a lot of history here—rich history.  Perhaps after the meeting I could show you around some.  The French Quarter is a high tourist area.”

“I would like that,” I said, watching her peel the grapefruit.

“So how did you sleep?” she asked.

“Well, everything was new to me so I didn’t sleep much.  I just watched TV until at some point it started watching me.”

She looked at her watch.  “Oh, shoot! It’s 6:45, we better get going.”

I wiped my mouth with a napkin.  I noticed that she only ate a couple of sections of the grapefruit.  I signaled the waitress and told her to charge it to my room and we left her a tip and walked out.  Her car was parked along the curb in front of a wall covered with what I believed to be gang graffiti.  The traffic was light and we reached the station in 15 minutes.  During that the drive she pointed out a few historic landmarks and tourist attractions.  I liked the way she told the back story to everything.  She had a talent for placing you in the history of her unique city.

It clouded up quickly, and looked like a real downpour was about to begin when we reached the rear entrance of the precinct. We had just beaten the rain.

The muster room was full of uniformed and plain clothes officers.  The odor of the  old building lingered in the air even though a collision of different perfumes, colognes, and soaps tried to mask it.

I felt all eyes were on me.  Coffy introduced me to a couple of officers.  One being a tall chiseled jawed Detective named Bernard Santiago and the other a silver– hair uniformed Sergeant who stood with a military bearing named Paul Drexler who looked like he had been on the force for some years.

The commissioner was a balding man with piercing blue eyes.  What little hair he had was grey.  He stood next to a medium size black woman with a stylish wavy hair cut, wearing a business suit.  I assumed she was the chief of police.

The black woman walked to the front of the room and centered herself on the audience of officers.

“Good morning, everyone…”

She went through the whole spiel about how much she appreciated the hard work the department was putting forth in finding the murderers of the two officers and then she introduced the commissioner to speak next.

He didn’t speak very long either.  He touched on some of the things chief spoke about and then finally looked in the back and saw me.

“Ladies and gentlemen and fellow police officers, I want to introduce an Alabama officer who was sent as an advisor to help us along with solving this case.  Most of you have probably heard or read about the recent Reaper murders in Alabama.  Detective Jared Jackson there”—he pointed at me– “was very instrumental in capturing the killer and solving the case.”

The commissioner looked at all the puzzled faces in the room and anticipated their question.

“I requested his help here.  I think that it is good to have a set of outside eyes that might detect something we may have missed.  Again–this is nothing against any of you.  I admire all of you, but we are a little too close to the recent murders and victims here.  This way, most of us won’t be caught up so much in emotion as we investigate.  Detective Jackson will be here with us until Friday and will be working close with uhm…”  He looked at the chief.

“Detective Coffy,” said the chief.

“Thank you, and so I want all of us to be cooperative in this investigation,” the commissioner went on.  “The goal here is to find and capture this guy before he kills again.  Detective Jackson, this is Estelle Adelaide, chief of police here.  You two will report directly to her and me on any and every issue and also whether there is progress being made in the case.”

“Yes sir,” said Coffy.  I nodded.

He ended his briefing with a moment of silence for the fallen officers and a small vigil prayer.

“Be safe out there everybody; I don’t want to attend any more officer funerals for a while.” He said somberly and walked out the door wiping the tears from his eyes.

Chapter 6

“So where do we start?” I asked Coffy.  I wanted to see what else she could tell me about the case.

“Well for starters, I could take you back over to both scenes and look over the areas.” She responded.

“I like that, and since you only ate two slices of grapefruit, lunch will be on me.  Besides, I can’t wait to try some real Louisiana gumbo.”

“Well, that’s a deal! I even know the best place to eat.”

The first murder scene was out in the edge of town near a place called Metairie.  It was obvious to me that it might have been a traffic stop gone badly for Officer Clements.

We talked during the drive to the second murder scene, which was in an empty lot a few blocks from the first scene.  There wasn’t much to see.  All the evidence was gone by now, washed away by rain or carried away by humans.  Maybe even Officer Jones tried to leave a clue but now it was gone too.  Still I looked around.  The place was sort of secluded.  A good place to meet somebody in secret I suppose.

Coffy stood back as I walked around getting a feel for the area.  I turned to her.

“A perfect secluded place for a murder don’t you think,” I said.

“Perhaps.  Is that what you have come up with, because I saw that the first day.”

She was smiling but she was being sarcastic.  I thought about it for a second, but then smiled too.  “Okay, let’s go check out the other site,” I said.

I didn’t talk much on the drive to the next scene.  She had picked up on my change in demeanor and tried to get me to talking to see if she had gone too far with her sarcasm.  I had her where I wanted her.  Yes, she pissed me off, but now I had the advantage.  She was trying everything she could to get back in friendly mode with me, but I kept her at bay.  This helped me keep the information I had gathered last night to myself.

I got out of the car and closed the door gently to show that I was not upset.  I walked around the area of Elysian Fields Avenue where the third officer, Officer Davies, was discovered.  It was the same thing. No physical evidence.

“About what time was this officer discovered?” I asked.

“A little after 10:00pm I believe.”

“Okay thanks,” I replied.  I walked back to the car with a bounce in my step.  Both Officers Davies and Jones were meeting somebody in secret and I had other information also that she didn’t.  Now I needed to get back to the hotel and make a phone call.  But I did promise her lunch so I didn’t want to be rude.

“Ok, where do you want to go for lunch?”

She looked puzzled as if she knew I knew something that I wasn’t sharing.  She probably was afraid to ask because she had spoiled those chances with her sarcasm back at the other scene.

“Well, we can go to my mom’s house.  She is making gumbo today and I figured you would probably want the real thing instead of the commercial gumbo you find in restaurants.”

“Sounds good, let’s go,” I said.  I kept my high going and I knew it was killing her.  She wanted so bad to know why I was elated.  I didn’t say a word; instead I hummed to the tunes on the radio.  However, I have to admit, I wasn’t ready for the curve ball she threw at me about eating at her mom’s house—but, oh well, I was down for it.

Coffy’s mom had a white country setting home with black shutters and wood railing going around the large porch.  Inside it looked like an art museum.  There were paintings, small statuettes, and flowers placed throughout the house that blended softly with the furniture, and giving it a warm and cozy atmosphere.

“You have a wonderful home, Mrs. Coffy, and that gumbo was off the chain—that is I mean, great.”

“I know what you mean,” she replied.  “Just because I’m older doesn’t mean I don’t understand some slang.”  She smiled showing her white dentures with one solid gold tooth and one open-face crown tooth.  I see where Coffy got her beauty from.  Her mother did not look 65 at all.  If I had to guess without ever meeting her, I would have to say she looked to be in her early 50’s.

“Jas tells me you are from Tuscaloosa.”

“Jas?” I didn’t know that Coffy’s nickname was Jas.  “Yes ma’am, I am from Tuscaloosa.”

“Home of the Alabama Crimson Tide.” She raised her voice.  “I hate y'all.  LSU baby, all the way,” she cheered.

I had to smile.  Mom was hip in a big way to everything today, even sports.  I looked at my watch.  I needed to get back to the hotel and make that phone call.

“I’m sorry to eat and run, but I need to get back to the hotel.  It has been a pleasure Mrs. Coffy. Jas, could you please drop me off back at my hotel?”

Her eyes pierced me for calling her Jas, but she smiled anyway.  I didn’t care.  I also needed to get back and call Charlotte and check on things back home.  On the ride back to the hotel, I still kept her in suspense.  My adrenalin was pumping and I need to make that phone call and get me some more answers tonight.

“Ok, look, I’m sorry about the sarcasm,” she said.

I played along.  “Oh, what sarcasm?”

“C’mon, did you find anything?”

“What do you mean?”

She looked over at me.  “You know what I mean, did you see something at the scene?  Because I think you did and you are not sharing with me.”

“Oh that, well, that was nothing, I just noticed that the second scene was a secluded area also,” I said.

She was fuming, but trying to hide it.  I didn’t care.  I liked having her on edge.

When we pulled in front of the hotel, I jumped out and turned.  “I will see you in the morning for breakfast here in the restaurant.”

“You are really not going to tell me, are you?”

“Tell you what?”

She faced forward and put the car in drive and hit the accelerator hard.

I watched her speed off.

When I got to my room, I pulled out the phone directory from the night stand drawer and found the number for Don’s Pizza and Wings.  I ordered some wings, even though I really didn’t want any—well, maybe for later, but I needed to see that young man again.  I complimented the wings and requested the young man to deliver them for me.  I told her I couldn’t remember his name.

“Yes sir, his name is Jason, and your food will be out shortly.”

“Thank you I said and hung up.”

I looked at my watch.  It was close to 5:30pm.

I checked my cell phone.  There were no messages.  I tapped home on the scroll to dial home.  Charlotte picked up.

She told me that everything was all right and that Chief Davis and his wife had just left to go back home and check on things there.  But before he left he requested two more units to stay present at the  house until he returned.  I felt good about it all and told Charlotte I believed I was getting a breakthrough on the case, but not to mention anything to Chief Davis just yet.

“Why?” she asked.

There is something going on here and I believe it involves someone on the inside and to keep the chief from maybe accidently spilling the beans on what I’m doing...”

“I got you.”

“Ok, talk to you later,” I said and hung up.

I felt good.  Now all I had to do was wait for my food to come.

I kicked off my shoes and stretched out on the bed for a few minutes looking at the ceiling.  I was tired and sleepy.  The knock on the door woke me.  I must have dozed off for a few minutes and didn’t realize it.  I jumped out of bed and peeped through the peephole.  It was Jason delivering my wings.

“Hey– what’s up, Jason?”

“I got your wings, Detective.”  He passed me the box of wings.

I gave him a $20 bill and told him to keep the change.  His face lit up like he appreciated it.

“So– did that information work out for you?” he asked.

“Yes, it did, but listen– I need some more information.”

“Okay, sure, what do you need?”

We talked for about another 15 minutes and I gave him a $50 bill for the information.  Jason knew the streets well and he told me that Joppy and Shank were running dope throughout the city for some people.  He didn’t know who they worked for but he told me that every time they got busted, they were never arrested and that the same cops always busted them with the dope.  He also told me where I could find both of them.  Joppy would be at his house soon and Shank always hung around the rail yards at night when everybody was gone.  My guess was that he meets his runners there to collect his money after every sell.  He also told me that Joppy had a photo of all of them taken secretly for his own insurance.  I thought that was smart of him.  J.P.’s story was becoming more believable to me every second.

I told him that everything he told me must be kept confidential between us.  He agreed and went on his way $60 richer.

It was dark a few hours later.  I waited until around 9:00pm to walk out the hotel with my leather jacket on and boots.  I placed my badge inside the breast pocket of my coat and secured my .45 on my hip.  I hope I wouldn’t have to use it tonight but you can never tell about criminals.  I walked the six blocks to the address that Jason had given me.  It was an old shotgun house that had a kitchen chair on the porch and paint peeling around the door.  I knocked on the door.  The door was ajar.  The place was dark.  Fortunately, I learned since the last time– when I discovered Judge Middlebrooks’ wife dead in the dark– to buy a light for my muzzle.  I shined light on every part of the room.  I walked in a few more feet and went toward the kitchen.

I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the wall.  I knew whoever it was, was dead.  I walked closer.  There he was, lying there in a puddle of blood with a hole in the center of his head.  Joppy appeared to have been around his late 20’s.  He was dressed in just a white t-shirt and black jean shirts.  His eyes were looking at the doorway where I was standing.  I heard a noise behind me coming from the living room.  Someone else was in the house with a flash light.  I killed my light and flattened myself against the wall.  It was quiet.  Too quiet, I thought.  I wondered who it could be.

“Detective Jackson,” Coffy yelled.

“Yeah, Coffy, stay where you at okay, I’m turning on a light.”

I turned on the kitchen switch.  I could see her dimly but she saw me very well and put her gun away.  I put mine away and told her to find a switch on the wall behind her.  She found one and flipped it.  She gasped when she saw the body.

“I didn’t do it,” I said.  “I found him like this a minute ago.”

“I know,” she said.  “I followed you.”

She pulled out her phone and called it in.  While she did that, I stooped down to look at the body.  It was hard to tell so far if this was a result of a vengeful gang member or a cop killer tying up loose ends.  I quickly ruled out it being a gang member seeking to score street creds.  But I ruled it to be our cop killer and he was desperate now to kill everyone he thinks may lead us to him.

I looked around the house for clues.  The house had been ransacked.  Every drawer was on the floor and pictures thrown from the walls.  I walked slowly making sure I didn’t disturb anything too much.

“Other units will be here in a few.  You mind now telling me what is going on?” she insisted.

“I will, but I need to find something.  It’s here somewhere.  I know it.” I said, looking at the floor as I walked.

“Well what is it? Maybe I can help?”

“Just look for something out of the ordinary.”

“Oh great, the whole house is out of the ordinary.”

She kept grumbling but searching.  I zoned her out for a few.  I walked into the bathroom.  I checked inside the back of the toilet and all around the floor.  I was just about to give up when I saw what I was looking for.  The roll of tissue had a slight bulge in it.  I unrolled it until the photo dropped in my hand.  I placed it in my pocket before joining Coffy in the living room.

I pretended that what I was looking for was probably not there and decided we would wait for the other units.  I had also told her that I had received a tip while at the hotel, that Joppy might know something and so I followed up on it.

“Well, why didn’t you call me?” she asked.

“Because you are a cop in this town and you are known.  I wouldn’t have been able to talk to him.  Of course that doesn’t matter now,” I said looking at the body.

She was pissed but she knew I was right.

We left the scene after we gave our report to the shift commander.

“So where do we go now,” she asked, looking very interested– as if I was taking her on an adventure.

“Right now, I’m going back to my hotel room.”

“Damn you, Jackson!”

“I can walk,” I said.

“No, I’ll take you, I guess I deserve this for the way I treated you earlier today, Detective, but I said I was sorry.”

“It’s not that, Jas, and by the way, call me Jared.”

“Ok Jared, well what is it then?”

“I honestly can’t tell you right now.  I need to go see someone first, so I can be sure about what’s going on myself.”  I am sure I know who killed those officers though but I have no proof yet.”

Her eyes lit up.

“Oh my God, you know who it is?  Who is it?  Please tell me.” She persisted.

“I can’t.  I have already told you too much.  Just trust me.  Drop me back off at the hotel.  I have to go somewhere else and I can’t be seen with you.  Promise me you will go home and wait by the phone, okay?”

“Okay,” she said.  I could tell she was disappointed, and I understood that, but I had to do this my way.  The last thing I needed was to be in an unmarked police car where I was going.

I waited until she was gone out of sight.  I crossed the street and ran across the park to a Chevron gas station.  I walked inside and asked the clerk if she knew a number to a cab company.

I waited outside until the cab came and jumped in.  I looked at my watch.  It was now after midnight.  I asked the driver to drop me off a block away from where I was going.  I paid him and promised him $100 bill if he come back here in 30 minutes.

I waited until he left and I walked up the block to the abandoned rail yard.  Jason had told me that I could find Shank at the abandoned rail yard at night because nobody suspects him doing drug deals there.  I made sure my .45 was cocked and crept my way in the dark rail yard.  I crossed over three tracks making sure not to trip and fall.  I needed to be very quiet.  It was a matter of life or death.  But not mine unless I made some noise.

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