Текст книги "What Emma Craves"
Автор книги: Amanda Abbott
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“The food here is to die for,” Emma announced to the table. “I never want to leave. When we get back home, it will feel hollow and cold, I know it will.” She popped another delicious shrimp into her mouth. The yacht was anchored fairly close to shore, bobbing on small waves.
The sun was going to set very soon.
“They do everything perfectly right here,” Antonio agreed. “I’ve tried to inquire about becoming a partner, but they shut me out every time. There’s no interest. It’s a family-run business. But they have all this acreage.” He gestured to shore. “They could expand and make a lot more money.”
“Maybe for once it’s not about the money,” Mallory said. “Maybe they just enjoy living here, and that’s enough. I think it’s very American to want more, more, more. We can’t seem to get enough of anything. We want more money, sex, power, fame, you name it. It’s tiring as hell. I envy them for this island and the simple life.”
Charlotte nodded her agreement.
The girls were all dressed casually in sundresses, the guys in linen pants and T-shirts. It felt like a normal night out, and Emma was enjoying it immensely. “I totally agree with Mallory,” Emma commented. “We are a society of we-can’t-possibly-get-enough, and I love that this resort is so small. It feels intimate. If it was any bigger, it would feel like a commercial spot.”
“Maybe so,” Antonio said, “but I can tell you there’s more island this resort can utilize without taking away its integrity. Have you guys explored the beaches around the island?” He addressed Pete and Emma specifically.
“No,” Emma answered sheepishly, “but we plan to. I’ve only been out on a few runs, but I think we’ll ride the bikes tomorrow.”
“If you head toward the opposite end, on the resort side, you’ll come to this beautiful horseshoe beach. They could build a few villas over there for folks who really wanted to be secluded, like us”—he gestured around the table—“who like to vacation together, but would like it to be exclusive.”
Mallory snorted. “I do agree with that. I’d book out a private beach just for me and my crew.”
“See, that’s what I’m talking about.” Antonio nodded. “I’m going to leave them my info again, along with a proposal before we go. Why not? It’s a missed opportunity.”
“When are you guys leaving?” Emma asked Antonio. “Mallory leaves tomorrow. Are you guys staying a full week?”
“No, we’re leaving day after tomorrow. We’re taking the yacht to another island before we fly out,” Antonio answered. “You guys are welcome to join us if you’d like.” He smiled.
“That’s a nice offer,” Pete replied. “But we’re enjoying the villa and the island. Emma and I will likely stay holed up for the rest of our vacation, only venturing out when we have to.”
Emma added, “We love not doing anything or having to be anywhere. The last three days have been heaven. I’ve read an entire book already! It would normally take me weeks to finish because I’m always so busy and worn out after a long workweek. We also have no desire to meet up with the Cheris and Harrys of the resort. You guys are an exception, not the norm.”
“Yes,” Charlotte agreed. “There’s a mixed bag here for sure. But there are some normal couples, as you’ll see tonight. They keep to themselves, or only meet up for small gatherings. The pool party is where the real fun is. People tend to come out of their shells. I mean, why spend all the cashola if you can’t indulge once in a while?”
“Let’s skinny-dip as the sun sets,” Mallory said. “That’s my last night’s request to you guys. Remind me to get your e-mails before the party so I can keep you informed about Fuck Me Island.” She laughed as she stood, stripping off her dress in one motion. She tossed it aside without a care in the world. “Antonio, I’m holding you to your promise that you’re still sending me.” She waltzed down the stairs, beckoning back to the table with a curled finger. “Come on, you guys! Last one in has to make me come hard tonight, no backsies.”
Everyone glanced around.
“Let’s go,” Charlotte said, standing. “That girl is hot enough to make me bi, I’m telling you.”
Emma got up from the table and peeled her dress off, discarding it on the railing as she followed everyone down. Pete was just ahead of her, but his hand reached back to clasp hers.
She smiled.
This was going to be a great night.
* * *
“Damn!” Pete exclaimed as they walked into the pool area. “I don’t even recognize it.”
“I know,” Mallory replied. “I told you they do it up.”
“It looks like a dream,” Emma said.
Not only were more lights strung from the trees, but pieces of fabric were interlaced above them. The entire place had been transformed into an exotic tented harem. Pete could get into this. There was a bar set up at the far end of the pool, the bartenders all bare-chested.
“Let’s get a drink,” Charlotte announced, leading the group that way.
Music was playing. It was an old rock ballad. Pete spotted the DJ on the other side of the pool. He was also naked from the waist up. The staff who worked the pool party must be accepting of the lifestyle. No one seemed to be the least bit bothered.
Several couples were in the pool and some on the double loungers. Pete couldn’t see the two smaller pools past the waterfall because of their angle.
He followed everyone to the bar. When it was his turn to order, he said, “I’ll take a beer, whatever you have is fine. Thanks.”
After everyone had been served their drinks, Mallory motioned. “Come over here. There are some cabanas open.” On the far side of the pool, Pete spotted a few tent structures set up. Inside, there were several couches with a long table in the middle. It was meant to be cozy, and it worked.
“This seems like a lot of work for just one party,” Pete commented as they sat. “Do they really do this once a month?”
“They have this place down to a science, so I don’t think it takes them that much time,” Antonio answered. “They do this party monthly, but they also cater special events and throw parties and theme gatherings during the year. I’d actually love to spend New Year’s here, but it’s booked out several years already.”
Emma sat down next to him. Pete was oddly anticipatory about how the night was going to turn out. It could go a number of ways, but he’d been serious when he told Emma that he wanted it to be about them. Thinking that she might change her mind and want to be with someone else made his chest feel tight again. He hated that feeling, but at least now he understood what it meant.
He couldn’t believe it had taken so many years for him to feel anything like it, but he couldn’t fault Emma for being the perfect companion. She had spoiled him in a way he could now be thankful for and appreciate.
She was the only girl he’d ever loved.
Emma stroked his thigh. “So are people going to be fucking all over like they do at an orgy?” she asked the group.
“Pretty much,” Mallory answered. “The pool is the main draw. Next are the loungers where I found you two the first night. I say we meander to the pool after we finish these drinks.” She held her cocktail aloft. “I don’t know about you guys, but I plan to come a few times tonight. Who knows when I’ll be on the receiving end of human touch once I get home? If I don’t come by my own hand, there’s not a lot of coming to be had for me in New York. It’s a sad state of affairs. I think feeling sorry for me is in order.”
“That’s why the dating island Antonio is sending you to will be perfect,” Emma said. “I’m sure you’re going to find someone there! I’m excited for you.”
“Don’t hold your breath. You’re much too lovely to perish in such a way,” Mallory said. “I’m not at all optimistic, but that’s okay. I plan to enjoy myself to the fullest, stock up on orgasms, and drink like a fish. That will tide me over until the next time I come here. Antonio,” she called, “so when are you sending me on this adventure anyway?”
“Oh, so now you want the details?” He chuckled.
“Nope, not details. Just merely interested in the roundabout timetables.”
“If all goes well, we’ll be ready for clients at the beginning of next month. I have your e-mail, and if you haven’t changed your address, we’re good. That’s how my secretary will get a hold of you. She’ll be setting it up.”
“Sure,” Mallory said, “when we’re here, we’re all friends and exchange sexual favors. But when we’re home, it’s all secretaries and official business.”
Antonio arched a look at her. “I’m assuming my secretary will be going through your publicist, correct?”
Mallory shrugged. “Well, yeah, okay, but so? It’s all so impersonal! I remember the days when people talked on the phone and were real friends, not fake ones.”
“Chickie,” Charlotte said. “You’re barely twenty-three. I’m pretty sure most people had cell phones and were connected to the Internet before you were six. You probably grew up only texting.”
“Stop harshing my mellow,” Mallory complained. “I’m just sad to be leaving all you guys tomorrow. If you must know, my real life totally sucks. There’s no one who’s real in it. Here, I feel like I used to when I was younger. Relaxed and happy.” She glanced at Emma. “If you guys decide to come down here again, I’ll hop on a plane and meet you if there’s an opening.” She glanced around the group. “In fact, we should all do this again over the same week. This was one of my best trips here.”
Charlotte shook her head sadly. “I likely won’t be back any time soon, but I’m hoping your private island trip works out, because when Antonio dumps me for a different flavor, I’m making him send me. Maybe while I’m there, I can find another guy who can afford to bring me back here, because on my salary, it’s not happening.”
Antonio cleared his throat. “You need to stop talking like that,” he told her. “We’re doing great together. I like what we have. Let’s not spoil it.”
“I like it, too,” Charlotte said, smiling sweetly as she took a sip of her drink. “But let’s face it, we’ve known each other for years. I know who you are. And I want you to make a promise right now in front of everyone that, to soften the blow of breaking my heart, you will be sending me to Fuck Me Island when you’re done with me.”
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll send you, but that’s a long way off, so let’s just enjoy the rest of the week on the boat, shall we?”
“We shall.” Charlotte nudged a toe against Mallory’s leg. “I’m giving you my e-mail. Keep me posted. And if Tonio backs out of his offer, you’re my key witness.”
“I’ve got your back, girlie,” Mallory said as she stood up. “Now let’s have some fun. Everyone done with their drinks?” She rattled her empty glass. “I think we need another.”
Before anyone could respond, there was a shriek, followed by a high-pitched squeal. “Here you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you. Now we can start this party!” Cheri stood in front of the cabana totally naked, her huge boobs hard and unmoving, even though she’d been waving her arms around. Frankie, her husband, stood right behind her like a hulking shadow.
Pete heard Emma’s soft groan. He felt the same way. The only thing that could be worse was if Harry showed up—
“Hey there, gang!” Harry exclaimed, waltzing up with his wife, Jennifer, a beer in hand. The guy had on a Speedo, his usual attire, which Pete was pretty sure was a thong in the back. Honestly, Pete and Emma might be better off going back to the villa at this point. “Haven’t seen you two around, but now I know why.” Harry winked at them. “Hanging out with the elite crowd, I see. But you guys have come to the right place. This is the pool party of the century. It can get pretty darn wild here. It’s my favorite day of the month.”
Mallory had already been standing. “I’m just heading to the pool now. Can’t wait. See you all later!” She waved as she made a beeline out of the cabana, presumably to the bar for another drink. Pete wished he could beam himself to the pool just so he wouldn’t have to deal.
“Aw, come on, you guys, don’t leave yet!” Cheri cried as Emma stood up, Pete right behind her. “The party is just getting started.” She jiggled her chest, her boobs moving only a teensy bit.
Emma rocked her empty drink in front of Cheri. “We’re just going to go get a refresh,” she said, grabbing Pete’s hand and tugging him along. “I’m sure we’ll be back in a jiffy.”
Pete had to almost run to catch up with his wife. Emma had her hand over her mouth, stifling giggles. “Back in a jiffy?” Pete said. “When pigs fly.”
“Oh, my,” Emma said, choking back her laughter. “I would’ve said anything to get out of there. If that’s who we have to party with tonight, this is going to be a long night. I can’t manufacture sexiness with just anyone. It has to happen organically.”
“You don’t have to do any manufacturing.” Mallory turned from her spot by the bar with a fresh drink in hand. “There are a lot of great couples. Lucky for us, the Cheris and the Harrys here are few and far between. I’ve actually vacationed with Cheri and her gigantic knockers only one other time. Harry and Jen are pretty harmless. They keep to themselves. But there’s a great couple in the secluded pool, which is called Lovers’ Pool. Antonio told us to head in. Come on, and I’ll introduce you.” Mallory stripped off her dress, draped it over the railing that ran around the makeshift tiki bar, and stepped into the pool.
“We need a drink first!” Emma called to her retreating back. “Then we’ll join you.”
“Sounds good!” Mallory tossed over her shoulder.
The pool was like a dream. Once they were handed their new drinks, Emma disrobed, draping her sundress next to Mallory’s. Instead of being completely naked, Emma had worn the scarlet bikini bottoms Piper had purchased for her.
“Holy fuck!” Pete gasped. “Can you warn me ahead of time when you’re going to wear one of those things? And is that a heart above your ass?”
Emma twisted around to look.
Since she was more flexible than most, she could easily see the small swath of material shaped like a heart right above her thong line. She gave her husband a smoky look. “Yes, it is. These were a gift from Piper. I’d say that woman knows sexy better than anyone.”
“Damn.” Pete scrubbed both hands down his face. Then he shook his head. “How am I supposed to strip naked with a full erection?” He glanced around the pool. “Going in there with a boner is going to make me look like a pervert.”
Emma chuckled. “I think just about every guy here has a boner, and you’re allowed to do whatever you want. But I’m going in just like this, with my bikini bottoms on.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder, knowing her husband was watching her like a lion hunting prey, and she loved it.
Emma took her time sashaying to the edge of the pool.
Her ankle hit the warm water, and there was a soft whistle to her left.
“Jesus, woman, are you trying to kill us again?” Charlotte’s voice carried as she strode around the pool. “That body of yours is killer. I know I’m a broken record, but wowza, I need to get a pair of those bottoms, stat. Even though my ass won’t look half as kickin’ as yours does.”
Antonio was right behind Charlotte, and Emma could see the lusty look in his eyes. His gazed darted down her body. He’d have sex with her in a heartbeat if she wanted to, there was no question. But he nodded politely to her and placed his hand on the small of Charlotte’s back. “We’re getting new drinks,” he called. “We’ll meet you in the small pool.”
The pool water was the perfect temperature. Not too warm or cold. There were dim underwater lights, but they hardly shed much light. Emma didn’t see Mallory, so she must have gone through the waterfall already.
Several couples and one foursome were in the main pool. They each had their own spot a respectable distance away from each other.
Emma made her way down the middle, chest-deep, toward the waterfall. She wasn’t sure how she was going to get her drink through without filling it with water, but if Mallory had found a way, she would, too. She heard splashing behind her and turned as Pete surfaced, his hair slicked back. His arms grasped her around the waist as he stood.
He leaned in, kissing her neck. “I’m going to fuck you hard in here. The lighting is just bright enough to see, but not enough to tell who’s who unless you’re right next to them. The perfect place for me to bury myself inside you.”
Emma’s hand snaked down under the water. “I see you decided to take your suit off after all.” She stroked his cock. “I’m glad.”
“Hey, lovebirds,” Charlotte said, coming up behind them. “You can stay and do it here, but the small pool is much cozier. Follow me if you want to have an even better time. Antonio is coming with our drinks.”
As she passed by, Pete kissed Emma, his mouth hungry. When he broke the kiss, she licked her lips. “Let’s follow her to the smaller pool,” she said. “I’m ready to get this party started.” She looped her arm around his waist, and they walked together.
“This is how you get your drink through,” Charlotte told her. “There’s just enough space for your arm to slide through the gap between the water and the wall, but go quick.”
Emma held her drink to the side as she headed under the falling stream. A little water splashed into it, but it wasn’t bad. Once they all emerged from under the downspout, there were two ways to go. Left was the open pool they’d seen when they’d first arrived. Right was the way to the small Lovers’ Pool, which was covered on all sides by vegetation so casual onlookers couldn’t see in.
They were obviously going right, following their friends.
Emma heard laughter ahead as they rounded the corner to nirvana. “Wow,” she breathed. “This is so lush in here. A secluded oasis.”
Pete was right behind her, his hands on her shoulders. “Yeah, why isn’t everyone back here? Why stay in the main pool when this little gem is right behind the waterfall?”
The lighting was lower back here. The pool had one main light, situated low under the water. The bushes overhead had some twinkling lights, but they didn’t shed much more than a glow.
Antonio chuckled as he came up behind them. “The rest of the guests aren’t back here because I rented this pool out,” he told them as he walked by, continuing on to a ledge where he sat. “This pool comes with its own bartender as well, so when we need refills, we don’t have to get out.”
“You rented the entire pool?” Emma asked.
“Only this part.” He motioned in a circle with his hand to indicate Lovers’ Pool.
Another couple was already there. The guy was nice-looking, and the woman was perched on his lap in the water. For the first time, Emma noticed the ledges above the pool, running along the sides, were covered in long white cushions.
This pool was designed for group fucking.
“It was very nice of you to include us,” Emma told him. “Thank you.”
Antonio smiled. “Of course. I usually rent it out, so it’s not an issue. I actually invite quite a few people back here to make it a party.”
“Did you include Cheri and Frankie?” Emma joked. But in case he had, she wanted to be well warned.
“No, and just for the record, Cheri invited herself to the bonfire,” Antonio answered. “She saw me earlier in the day and asked what we were doing, so I told her. But I have to admit, she does amuse the teenager in me who watched a lot of adult TV when he was younger. She has that perfect porn quality to her. When she asked if they could stop by, I said okay. I’m not a horrible person, just choosy when I want to be.”
The sound of splashing to Emma’s right drew her attention as she set her drink down. She glanced over to see the new couple climb out of the pool onto the ledge. The woman was totally naked and had beautiful tattoos all over her back. The man lay on one of the cushions, but instead of straddling him like Emma thought the woman would, she positioned her head over his cock, taking it into her mouth while lowering her pussy onto his waiting tongue. A perfect sixty-nine.
The moment she took him deep, Emma’s nipples tightened.
* * *
Watching the new couple go at it with gusto made everyone in the pool exceedingly horny, including Pete. When Mallory joined them, it went past hot and on to explosive. Some splashing preceded another couple who swam into the area.
“Hey, Johnsons!” Antonio called. “Glad you could make it.” He held his glass up.
“We wouldn’t have missed it,” the guy answered. “Once we knew it was you, we were all-in.”
“Yes, thanks for the invite,” the woman said. “I think it’s been at least a year since we’ve seen you last.”
“It has,” Antonio said. “I missed you last time.”
Pete leaned over Emma’s shoulder. He was sitting on an underwater bench, and she was on his lap. “Antonio gets around.”
“I think once people who like each other meet,” Emma said under her breath, “they make a conscious effort to come back at the same time.”
“That makes sense,” Pete said. “This resort has limited clientele, so people must always have to choose the same weeks because they’re the ones free. If we come back, we’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“Yes,” Emma answered, “and we’re so coming back. For sure with Mallory, and I hope her new beau. That would be exciting. But even if we don’t meet up with anyone, we have to come back. I adore it here.”
The newcomers didn’t waste any time getting romantic.
The woman had huge breasts, and the guy lifted her out of the water and immediately spread her legs, dipping his tongue in between while fondling her nipples.
“This is on its way to a full-on orgy,” Pete said.
“I think you’re right,” Emma replied.
“How do you want to play it?” he asked.
“I’m not sure. How do you want to?”
“Can you feel this?” He slid his wife over his erection. She still had her sexy bikini bottoms on, and just thinking about parting them to the side made him ache.
“I’ve felt that since I sat down.” She laughed. “But are we doing this alone or separate?”
“I just want you,” he said. “But I don’t mind watching the show.”
“Me either. It’s sexy.”
The new couple sat about ten feet away from the other couple who were still engrossed in their sixty-nine.
Emma let out a sharp breath, and Pete turned to see Antonio and Charlotte joining the sixty-nine couple, while Mallory migrated over to the new couple. Antonio positioned himself behind the woman, who was still getting eaten out by her partner, and rubbed his hard cock along her ass. Charlotte positioned herself down by the guy, lying on her stomach to help his wife give some attention to his hard-on.
Antonio had the decency this time not to look at Pete’s wife, even though Pete knew he was probably dying to.
“Oh, my,” Emma gasped. “I think he’s going to fuck—”
Antonio poured some pool water over his dick and teased her back end with the head of his cock. The woman stopped sucking her partner and lifted her head, bucking her ass toward Antonio. “Yes,” she crooned. “You know I love it there.”
Antonio groaned as he slid in.
He gripped the sides of her ass and pushed himself deep. Then he immediately began pumping, taking nice, long strokes.
Pete had grabbed on to Emma’s hips and had been rubbing her along his erection in the water without even realizing it. He stopped, bringing his hands up to cup her breasts. She faced away from him, reverse cowgirl. “Are you ready?” he murmured into her ear. “I want to join the party.”
“Yes, so ready,” she answered. “I don’t know who to watch, it’s all so stimulating.”
The new couple had shifted from him giving his partner his tongue at the edge of the pool to both of them pleasuring Mallory, who was now fully horizontal. The woman sucked Malloy’s breasts, and the guy was about to bury himself deep, Mallory’s long legs up in the air.
Everyone was lost to the passion.
“I don’t want to take these bottoms off,” Pete whispered to Emma. “They’re way too sexy. I want to see your scarlet heart-shaped ass while my cock is inside you.”
“That sounds good to me,” Emma said.
Pete was already in the process of pulling her bikini bottoms to the side. He wanted her in this position first, then they’d figure out how to finish. She eased up to allow him access, and he plunged a finger into her, moving it in a slow circle.
“Ah,” Emma cried, coming down on his hand, undulating her hips. “Keep your hand there while you enter me.”
He withdrew his finger and fisted his cock. Emma arched up, and he positioned himself at her core, making sure a finger stayed on her clit. She slid down, her head back, her wet hair cascading down over his shoulders. Once he was in, she began to move, and Pete rubbed her in slow circles in time with her movements.
In front of them, Mallory turned, moving onto all fours. The man took her from behind, pumping hard. The woman lay under Mallory, sucking her nipples. It seemed the supermodel had finally found a couple willing to give her ultimate pleasure on her last night here. Bravo for her.
Beside them, Antonio had pulled out, and he was stroking his cock quickly, obviously ready to explode.
“Watch him come, Emma,” Pete murmured in her ear. “He’s going to spray it all over her ass.”
Emma took in a sharp breath.
They both watched as Antonio pumped his come all over the woman’s backside as he arched back, not a care in the world. His pleasure was written all over his face.
“She didn’t get off,” Emma said breathlessly. “The woman hasn’t come yet. You’d think he’d wait for her to climax first.”
“No,” Pete answered, his hands sliding to Emma’s hips to increase their pace. “Are you surprised? When it boils down to it, Antonio is out for Antonio.”
“You’re right,” Emma said. “But I don’t care about them, I care about us. I want it faster.” Emma braced a foot against the pool wall, using it to propel herself up and down at a quicker pace.
It was the best reverse cowgirl they’d had in a long time.
Water splashed around them as they moved faster. “Emma, I want to fuck you out of the pool, too. Let’s switch it up.”
“Okay,” she panted.
He lifted her off his aching cock, and she scrambled onto a cushion. They were close to where Mallory was still going at it with the mystery couple. Mallory spotted them and called, “Emma, face me! I want to watch.”
Emma obliged, going on all fours in front of Mallory, Pete behind her.
“Oh, yeah,” Mallory said. “That’s fantastic! We’re so going to come together.”
Pete didn’t waste any time. He took his dick in hand and parted Emma’s sweet folds, easing in, savoring the feeling of her out of the water, but dripping wet. It was a totally different feeling. He gripped her hips, nailing his cock into her in one motion.
Emma moaned.
“I’m close,” Mallory announced. “Watching you two is like a supersize vibrator right on my clit.”
Pete bent over, reaching around to his wife’s enflamed bud. He circled it, matching the rhythm to his thrusts.
“Yes!” Emma called. She pushed her ass back into him, rocking it up and down.
The woman was talented, and if she wasn’t careful, Pete was going to come first. “Emma, you have to slow down,” he warned her. “That kind of movement is going to make me come too fast.”
“I’ll give that a hearty second,” Mallory said, almost breathless.
Pete kept one finger on her clit, but slid one hand up to her breast. The moment he rolled her nipple between his fingers, Emma came hard, crying out her release.
Mallory came a second later, giving a throaty yell.
As Emma clenched around him, Pete gave in to what he’d been holding back. As he pumped into her, he gasped.
After it was over, they both needed a minute to recover.
Around them, all the couples were finishing up their interludes, most of them crying out in pleasure. He had no idea what their names were and had no intention of learning them. All he wanted to do now was carry his wife back to their villa immediately and take a nice, long bath with her, then curl up and go to sleep.
He was over other people.
He’d never thought he’d feel like this in a million years, but all he wanted was his wife with no interference from anyone else.
“Well, that was a good time had by all,” Mallory said as she eased into the pool. “I’m content. At least for the next ten minutes.”
Antonio sat on the other side. Charlotte had just orgasmed, thanks to the other couple. Everyone seemed happy and cheerful.
Emma glanced at Pete and smiled. “That was nice,” she said, turning to sit on the edge. “What do you want to do now?” Her voice was lowered, so only he could hear.
“Honestly? I just want to go back to our villa. I want to take a bath or shower with you, maybe sit under the stars on the beach, then curl up and go to sleep.”
“Oh, thank God!” she whispered, grasping his forearm. “That’s what I want to do, too!”
“Let’s give our good-byes, then,” he suggested. “I want to get out of this pool as fast as possible. They better have a stellar filtration system here.”
“I know, I was just thinking that. I’m not sure if we can bust out of the vegetation or not. Do you see an opening?” She glanced around.
“Why would you bust out?” Mallory asked, coming over, chest-deep in the pool. “You can get out at the other small pool, but not this one. And don’t be too grossed out. They have like five filtration systems, at least two in this one pool, and more than a dozen fresh-water pumps. It’s totally safe. This pool was designed for lots of fucking.”
“I’m super tired.” Emma gave a nice show of a yawn, and Pete wanted to kiss her for it. “I think we’re going to head out.”
“Bummer!” Mallory said. “The party is just getting started. But I get it. You lovebirds want out. If I had a man here, I’d duck out, too. Come over and give me a hug good-bye first, though. I rarely meet anyone I like and I’m going to miss you.”
Emma eased herself into the water and embraced the supermodel. “It was so nice meeting you,” Emma told her. “I’m going to miss you, too.”
“I will totally e-mail you,” Mallory said, hugging her back. “I know everyone says that shit, but if I say it, I mean it. You’re a supersweet chick, and they don’t make them like you anymore. I don’t meet many genuine people in my line of work, so when I do, I hold on for dear life.” They separated. Mallory glanced up at Pete, who was sitting on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water. “I’m going to skip hugging you,” she told him, wagging her finger, “but only because we’re naked and I’m kind of in love with your wife. Don’t be strangers, you two.”